IRC log for #devuan on 20180921

01:58.34*** join/#devuan infobot (ibot@
01:58.34*** topic/#devuan is This is the Devuan discussion channel | **You need to auth to nickserv to talk!** | Latest (2018-06-09): ASCII 2.0.0 || Stable (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 LTS release | Devuan Forum: | Chanlogs:
01:58.34*** mode/#devuan [+v infobot] by ChanServ
01:59.10*** join/#devuan kelsoo2 (~kelsoo@dragora/developer/kelsoo)
02:08.02*** join/#devuan hiei (jinzo@gateway/shell/elitebnc/x-ktbcrorvlxzbpgsq)
02:09.14*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
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02:20.49*** join/#devuan Lvl4Sword (~Lvl4Sword@unaffiliated/lvl4sword)
02:21.22Lvl4SwordDoes devuan still use wicd, and what would be the best way to check for a system that uses it?
02:26.19fsmithredlook in the menu?
02:26.33fsmithreddpkg -l | grep wicd
02:26.46Lvl4SwordI don't have devuan, just trying to create a program that supports it.
02:27.00fsmithredprogram that supports what?
02:27.33fsmithredwicd is the default in all the desktops except kde and one other (I think lxqt)
02:27.42fsmithredthey use connman
02:28.39Lvl4Swordfsmithred, can you elaborate on what you mean by 'all the desktops'?
02:29.00Lvl4SwordBecause to my knowledge Manjaro, Debian, Mint, Ubuntu, Arch, and others all use Network Manager.
02:29.07fsmithredxfce, mate, cinnamon,
02:29.42fsmithredyou can install n-m if you want it, but it's not the default
02:30.42fsmithredlxde (I knew I was forgetting one)
02:38.07Lvl4SwordThank you for your assistance. Have a good one!
02:38.20*** part/#devuan Lvl4Sword (~Lvl4Sword@unaffiliated/lvl4sword)
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03:45.13AlexLikeRocka program to  open  a EPUB
04:21.04*** join/#devuan Guest93513 (matthiaskr@unaffiliated/matthiaskrgr)
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06:30.50Digitwonders what would be the optimal way to install gnu icecat on his devuan ceres
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10:09.04enycE: Release file for is expired (invalid since 17h 34min 53s). Updates for this repository will not be applied.
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10:28.24FlibberTGibbetshouldn't it be nowadays enyc?
10:28.47KatolaZit's jessie, so * should be fine
10:28.53FlibberTGibbetah, ok
10:28.57KatolaZit seems like there is a glitch there anyway
10:29.04KatolaZwe are looking into it
10:30.45FlibberTGibbetah, seeing that on a jessie vps too.
10:32.29FlibberTGibbeti might have to migrate a machine from jessie -> ascii soon because of nextcloud 14 requiring php7. is that still a fairly painless operation, as long as i back up first?
10:47.07*** join/#devuan rsx (
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10:59.35*** join/#devuan bluemarlin (~bluemarli@unaffiliated/bluemarlin)
11:02.02bluemarlinHey there everyone. I'm getting InRelease file expire on for ascii since yesterday. What have i missed?
11:04.00KatolaZyes bluemarlin
11:04.02KatolaZlooking into it
11:04.17KatolaZright now
11:05.30bluemarlinKatolaZ: ah, thanks then :)  not sure if this is helpful, but servers with configured don't complain about the expire
11:05.43bluemarlin(typo in the domain)
11:06.02KatolaZbluemarlin: yes we know
11:06.14KatolaZthe problem is with * and with
11:11.52bluemarlinok ok, well sorry for the noise :)
11:13.06KatolaZnot at all bluemarlin
11:13.12KatolaZthanks for reporting, instead
11:32.12*** join/#devuan sunshavi (~user@
11:36.02ymassonHello. I have jessie and ascii installed, and automated with Salt. But I have issue with ascii's LSB. For example osrelease or lsb_distrib_release is sometimes 2 or 9 or ascii, or not exist. Depends on installation date, or Docker image. It is a know bug ?
11:44.13ymassonI use this Docker image :
11:47.22KatolaZymasson: problems with *
11:47.36KatolaZops sorry
11:47.40KatolaZmight not be related at all
11:50.09ymassonmy servers have been installed from ISO, and I use Docker for test my Salt formula.
11:57.24*** join/#devuan mmaglis (
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15:33.09*** join/#devuan EHeM (
15:33.49EHeMI'm still getting 403 Forbidden errors out of during `apt-get update`.
15:34.42EHeMDuring `apt-get upgrade`, was giving 404 Not Found for the most recent update packages.
15:35.14*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock_ (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
15:35.35DocScrutinizer05there's a small time window during mirror sync where such errors might happen, afaik. Please repeat
15:36.29EHeMOkay, caused my system to retrieve the packages from another mirror so my issue was worked around.
15:36.48*** join/#devuan bluemarlin (~bluemarli@unaffiliated/bluemarlin)
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16:49.08etech3anybody having problems devuan jessie sources apt-get update last 24 hours
16:51.33etech3E: Release file for is expired (invalid since 1d 0h 17min 56s). Updates for this repository will not be applied.
16:51.57etech3us and auto sources
16:52.00*** join/#devuan Guest16439 (~Guest1643@
16:54.20g4570netech3:  "IMPORTANT NOTE: auto.mirror is now deprecated and will be decomissioned. Please make sure you have the latest devuan-keyring package with apt-get install devuan-keyring and then point your /etc/apt/sources.list to"
16:55.42etech3OK Thanks doing a test project with a new Jessie install ISO
16:58.37*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
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17:45.04matlocklong time devuan user here, pre-jessie, just wanted to shameless plug an app I made devuan users who work in mixed environments might appreciate, I wrote a custom distro (Debian sans systemd-sound familiar) for Windows Subsystem for Linux, the project is open source and you can support the project by buying a version from the Microsoft Store
17:45.31matlock, again I apologize for the shameless self promotion
18:15.48*** join/#devuan Bernd (
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18:54.33*** join/#devuan hevisko (~hevisko@
18:56.05heviskoWhat is the current linux-image-amd64 for ASCI (2.0) ?
18:56.33heviskosomehow my setup only gives me 3.18 and I can’t seem to find how to get newer amd64 kernel from devuan
18:57.58*** join/#devuan minnesotags (
19:04.50EHeMhevisko: 4.9+80+deb9u6
19:05.49heviskoNow my question: why doesn’t apt-cache search linux-image | grep amd64 only shows me these:±
19:05.51heviskoroot@hvs:/etc/apt# apt-cache search linux-image|grep -i amd64
19:05.52heviskolinux-headers-3.16.0-6-amd64 - Header files for Linux 3.16.0-6-amd64
19:05.53heviskolinux-image-amd64 - Linux for 64-bit PCs (meta-package)
19:05.54heviskolinux-image-3.16.0-6-amd64 - Linux 3.16 for 64-bit PCs
19:06.47*** join/#devuan Viech6 (~Viech@
19:08.16EHeMhevisko: Your /etc/apt/sources.list says "jessie", while the current release is "ascii"?
19:08.59heviskoEHeM: deb ascii main
19:09.20heviskoI’ve already done apt-gt update etc.
19:09.40*** join/#devuan d4nky24 (~d4nky@
19:10.51EHeMhevisko: Everyone is now being pointed at "" for the package host, all others are deprecated.
19:11.22heviskoyeah, was also tested/used
19:11.45golinuxHave you looked in backports?
19:11.46heviskoWith that I got several errors on Release with 403 errors
19:12.28EHeMhevisko: One of the mirrors is apparently broken outside Europe, retry the operation if you see that.
19:13.30heviskohow do I force amd64 in again in sources.list ?
19:13.35EHeM(there is a DNS round-robin, a retry will likely get one of the non-broken mirrors)
19:18.33heviskoOkay, but still, I don’t get any linux=image higher than 3.16-amd64 ;(
19:18.49heviskowhere can I reset force the newer kernels?
19:19.31heviskoI suspect upgrading from Debian 7 -> 8 -> Devuan 1 -> 2.0 might be related somehwere back when ;(
19:22.52gnarfaceyou should see the newer kernels in the repo if your sources.list is right
19:23.12gnarfaceyou don't set/force amd64 in there.  you do that with dpkg
19:24.30*** join/#devuan gde330 (~gde33@2402:800:6143:30d7:1d7e:8480:b184:b766)
19:26.19EHeMhevisko: What does `dpkg --print-architecture` say?
19:26.46heviskoroot@hvs:/etc/apt# dpkg --print-architecture
19:27.00heviskoOkay, how do I chage that?
19:27.05EHeMYou could have run it non-root.
19:27.08hevisko(Initial install was i386 I guess)
19:27.42EHeMhevisko: First, do fresh backups.
19:29.35heviskoWell, if something fails, I’ll be down as it’s my internet gateway :D
19:30.29EHeMI'd really advise going into `aptitude` or another such high-level tool since your system is in a kind of odd state...
19:31.11heviskoOkay, I’ll then do aptitude, but does that set it for me?
19:31.16rustyrHi, I also got the error about Release file being expired (in my case on my server running jessie with auto.mirror).
19:31.41rustyrAfter switching to it seems to be fine again.
19:31.56heviskoEHeM: I just now see why I’ve ignored aptitude for more than 6years…
19:32.30heviskoEHeM: where/how in aptitude do I set the amd64 architecture?
19:33.32EHeMhevisko: Most likely you've got some package which is preventing a newer kernel from being installed.
19:35.34heviskoEHeM: where/how do I see which is that?
19:35.51EHeMhevisko: Have you ever tried `apt-get dist-upgrade`?  Alternatively look in the section listing "obsolete/locally installed" packages and start removing them, if trying to remove one of those marks something as broken then likely something replaced one of those and you need to go hunting.
19:36.13heviskoyes, it’s empty at present
19:36.51EHeMDoes it list any additional versions of linux-image-amd64 being available?
19:37.00rustyrWhat was a bit weird, was that apticron also notified me about updates for more than 50 packages being available while I still was on auto.mirror. I just wonder if installing those could have messed up the system, since those not seemed to fit to what is running on my server (seemed to be unstable packackes - sadly I do not have the mail anymore)
19:38.07heviskoAh!!! the fix is: dpkg —add-architecture amd64
19:38.20heviskoafter apt-get update, the linux-amd64 kernes are there :)
19:38.46EHeMThat almost sounds like support for ia32 is starting to be deprecated...
19:38.55*** join/#devuan evax14 (~evax@
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19:39.17gnarfacesupport for calling it "ia32" is definitely being deprecated anyway
19:40.08gnarfaceit'll probably be around for a long time as i386 though even though it's technically actually i586 in nearly all cases now
19:40.22EHeMYour system is in an interesting situation, most/all of your userspace is ia32 (i386) while you've got an AMD64 machine if you're doing for linux-image-amd64.
19:41.04gnarfacethat was a completely kosher setup before multiarch was created
19:41.41gnarfaceany problems upgrading will likely be to do with conflicts in the temporary stopgap packages they made during the transitional period, like "ia32-libs" or whatever it was called
19:42.20EHeM*Ideally* you would install an amd64 dpkg, at which point it would default to installing amd64 libraries, but this process is complicated and *hazardous* (very easy to break your system).
19:42.29gnarfacethey made 64-bit packages full of big generic bundles of 32-bit libs and called them "ia32-*" or whatever
19:42.35gnarfacethose might be in the way now
19:43.11*** join/#devuan fishfears (~whomstdun@
19:45.14EHeMThe instructions for upgrading to amd64 executeables from i386 executeables weren't all that great (at one point my system had `dpkg` completely uninstalled and it was a Good Thing I know how to handle .deb files without `dpkg`).
19:46.22heviskoIt has been shown by some professors that 32bit code still executes faster than 64bit code, and it is a HP microserver with only 1GB RAM (my gateway machine) so it was an original i386 installation as it ddn’t need now big RAMetc.
19:47.49EHeMI can well believe it, though I'm a bit surprised having relative addressing is such a small benefit.
19:48.45heviskoit’s the size of the instructions and the alignment of the data/etc. that is where the fun starts.. and then clock cycles starts to count
19:49.12*** join/#devuan OmegaPhil (~kvirc@fsf/member/OmegaPhil)
19:49.53EHeMMy server only had 384MB of memory, until SpamAssassin started exhausting the mere 2GB of swap it had...
19:53.01EHeMThen there is the task of building LineageOS from source and it wants a minimum of 12GB in /tmp.
19:57.37*** join/#devuan hevisko_ (~hevisko@
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20:24.28heviskoother than reinstalling, how could I forcefully reinstall all packages to the current stable, even if that means downgrading?
20:25.04gnarfaceuninstall, purge, then reinstall them one by one, or write a script that does it
20:25.49heviskookay, so apt isnt going to allow downgrades then?
20:26.11gnarfaceoh, it will allow them but it's not considered a supported action by most of the packages' maintainers
20:26.39gnarfaceso you may run into weird problems with postinst/preinst scripts not putting everything back where it belongs
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20:27.09gnarfaceyou may still run into that purging them manually, mind you.  but in my experience that reduces the risks.
20:27.28gnarfacecertain packages (like apt itself) might be doomed no matter what you do at this point
20:28.59gnarfacedepending on just how scattered your system is, it may be safer to just leave it in place and wait for future upgrades but you may be waiting a very long time
20:29.53gnarfaceit would be a good time to make a backup if you have spare storage space to do so
20:29.53*** part/#devuan jafcobend (
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20:38.34heviskoah, well, I’ll just continue with testing, now I’ve found my problems, get is crossgraded then I’ll reconsider at a later stage… the machine is in for a redo… just haven’t decided yet if it’s a total new system or not O_o
20:39.29heviskothanks for the directions !
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20:40.26EHeMis pretty sure he hasn't reinstalled his system from scratch for over a decade.
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20:46.02gnarfacegood luck with it, hevisko
20:46.34gnarface(depending on what you're doing with it, it's probably worth mentioning that there are cases where going forward to unstable might be a better choice than remaining on testing or attempting a risky downgrade back to stable)
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20:47.36gnarface(but, if you never do that, and nothing has been upgraded past testing yet, it will just eventually become stable if you wait long enough - no schedule on that but the historically average times i think are around 2.5-3 years)
20:47.44heviskoIt’s not that “production”, but I do use some “fancy” tunnels and iptables, and would like to setup ZFS on this baby
20:48.29heviskoonce done with the amd64 cross grade I’ll change to unstable/stable for long term… I don’t really touch this baby,
20:50.24golinuxIt's not recommended to stay on "testing" in devuan because our cycle is most often out of sync with debian's and _very bad things_ can happen_
20:50.43gnarfacewell... it's not like very bad things don't happen to debian testing, too
20:51.11KatolaZhevisko: you can stay on testing, just not use "testing" in your sources.list
20:51.15KatolaZuse the suite name instead
20:51.23KatolaZi.e., ascii, beowulf, and so on
20:51.50gnarfaceit's true that devuan testing (beowulf) is probably riskier than debian right now
20:52.10gnarfacebut i can't say for sure that it would be riskier than trying to munge a downgrade
20:52.58gnarfacei've had REALLY bad REALLY sneaky package tree corruptions and other sorts of bugs happen when trying to downgrade debian, myself
20:53.23gnarfacethe type of bugs you don't even find out about until 2 years later when you're trying to do what should have been a clean upgrade
20:53.48gnarfaceby then, then you forgot how to retrace your steps, maybe already nuked backups from that long ago, etc.
20:54.56EHeMhevisko: ZFS (including on /) is available in Devuan *stable*.
20:58.40*** join/#devuan WilliamO7 (
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21:00.29EHeMhevisko: and
21:01.02*** join/#devuan Akuli_ (
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21:28.53XenguyIs it OK to paste 4 lines in here?
21:29.02gnarfacei wouldn't risk it
21:29.20gnarfacei think the 4th line triggers kicking
21:29.23XenguyIt's an error message I'm getting when I try to apt-get update
21:29.31XenguyOK, I'll find a pastebin doesn't have ads
21:29.58KatolaZXenguy: are you using
21:30.00banshiXenguy, you can paste 2 line then I write something and you can leave other 2 lines
21:30.05KatolaZor *
21:30.16KatolaZXenguy: ^^^
21:30.21KatolaZ(there might be no need to paste)
21:31.04gnarfaceXenguy: yea purely statistically speaking you probably need to change "auto.mirror." to "deb."
21:32.15gnarfaceyea just go into your sources.list and change all the devuan hostnames to be ""
21:32.29gnarfacethen re-run `apt-get update` and it should work this time
21:32.38KatolaZXenguy: there is currently a problem with
21:32.42KatolaZand *
21:32.45Xenguygnarface: OK I'll try that, thanks.  This is Jessie BTW.
21:32.46KatolaZwe are working to solve it
21:32.58KatolaZXenguy: there is no need to use both pkgmaster and
21:32.58XenguyThanks KatolaZ , good luck
21:33.07KatolaZjust use
21:33.11KatolaZ(or, better,
21:33.20XenguyOK, tx again
21:41.57XenguyI removed the , and then pkgmaster worked again.  Is there any advantage for me or anyone if I change it to: ?
21:42.23Xenguy(As pkgmaster seems to be working fine) will choose a mirror for you, so it reduces load on the main repo and might give you faster downloads
21:43.24Xenguyfsmithred: OK, I'll give it a whirl, thanks
21:43.42*** join/#devuan demarchi3 (
21:47.05XenguyWorks, thanks for the help folks
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23:26.33KatolaZeverything seems to work fine
23:26.51KatolaZjust shout if anything looks odd
23:29.50EHeMThere is that issue of the one mirror which serves Europe-only, yet (as of this morning) was still part of
23:30.45KatolaZEHeM: ?
23:30.54KatolaZwhich issue?
23:31.23EHeM37.220.36.58 gives 403 Forbidden, and I'm not the only person observing it.
23:31.34KatolaZEHeM: when have you tried?
23:31.39KatolaZand, which is the IP?
23:31.48KatolaZoh sorry
23:34.22KatolaZEHeM: I have removed it from the RR, atm
23:34.24EHeMAs of ~9 hours ago.
23:34.35KatolaZmayve it was just a network glitch?
23:34.54KatolaZwill contact the administrator to see if they have any filter in place (seems quite strange though)
23:35.16KatolaZanyway, I have put it out of the RR, for the moment
23:35.23KatolaZEHeM: please try again
23:35.39*** join/#devuan rafalcpp (~racalcppp@
23:37.53KatolaZEHeM: anyway, I can reach it from the US
23:38.06KatolaZso it looks like a network problem maybe...
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23:49.46KatolaZEHeM: are you sure you were using and not
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