IRC log for #devuan on 20180915

00:02.28*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
00:20.52*** join/#devuan nimbius (~nimbius@2604:180:1:4e6::3)
00:20.59nimbiusdoes devuan not have an EFI installer?
00:21.33nimbiusI only see a BIOS partition on my installation.
00:28.18nimbiusdebvian squeeze seems to be able to install to /boot/EFI
00:31.59LeanderI think it depends on how you booted on the installation media
00:32.50Leandermore explicitely: how your BIOS was told to boot, in UEFI or legacy mode
00:37.09nimbiusLeander: installation media is not detected when disabling legacy USB and legacy USB 3.0 (AHCI) class devices.
00:37.31Leanderlegacy USB is something else
00:37.33nimbiusalso getting real sick and tired of DDG replacing devuan with debian :c
00:38.09Leanderwhen you boot your computer, you can probably hit a key like F12 to choose on which medium to boot
00:38.13nimbiuscould it be the image i used?  i did netinst...instead of minimal-live
00:38.38*** join/#devuan Schallaven (
00:38.47nimbiusLeander: without proper EFI partitioning, the USB device isnt readable as anything but a legacy device.
00:39.40Leanderhmm... I don't know about that part
00:39.44fsmithrednimbius, the netinstall should boot on uefi
00:39.55fsmithredthe minimal live will not
00:40.13nimbiusdevuan_ascii_2.0.0_amd64_netinst.iso is whaet I have
00:40.23fsmithredyou used dd to image a usb?
00:40.27fsmithredor cat
00:40.30nimbiuswill dd create the necessary EFI partition on the USB?
00:40.37nimbiusdd if=source of=/dev/sde
00:40.49nimbiustries again
00:40.58LeanderI'm trying the netinst as a DVD in a VM with EFI enabled, and the first screen shows "devuan GNU/Linux UEFI Installer Menu"
00:41.50fsmithredI have to go away for about 15 min
00:41.53fsmithredwill be back
00:44.42nimbiusim showing the data partition is partition 1 on the device.
00:44.56nimbiusand the EFI partition partition 2.  is that even permissible under the definition of efi?
00:47.19*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
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00:50.34nimbiusparted says the USB is a mac partition table?
00:50.49nimbiusfdisk says its an empty partition followed by an EFI partition
00:50.52*** join/#devuan bpmedley (
00:50.56nimbiuswhere do i go to submit a bug.
00:51.09*** join/#devuan hmw (
00:52.32*** part/#devuan nimbius (~nimbius@2604:180:1:4e6::3)
00:53.13*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
00:53.52fsmithrednimbus, what's the bug?
00:54.23fsmithredwhat happens when you try to boot?
01:01.04*** join/#devuan telst4r (
01:03.23*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
01:05.55MinceRhe's gone
01:32.43*** join/#devuan Daffy (~will_have@
01:35.55*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
01:51.31*** join/#devuan tallship (~tallship@2600:1010:b165:b2bd:8da2:2e6d:840a:d450)
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02:13.41*** join/#devuan kelsoo (~kelsoo@dragora/developer/kelsoo)
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04:26.32*** join/#devuan tallship_ (~tallship@2600:1010:b15b:c74:b08e:e824:5ff1:2f3d)
05:24.17*** join/#devuan engidea (
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05:48.50*** part/#devuan Eaglet0 (
05:55.23*** join/#devuan Eaglet0 (
05:56.46*** part/#devuan Eaglet0 (
05:57.07*** join/#devuan aqu4bot (~aqu4bot@unaffiliated/subsen/bot/aqu4)
06:49.43*** join/#devuan TitanOfOld16 (~TitanOfOl@
07:00.34*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
07:40.29*** join/#devuan inhetep (~inhetep@gateway/tor-sasl/inhetep)
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07:55.36*** join/#devuan MadJack (5a37dc90@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:56.49*** join/#devuan aqu4bot (~aqu4bot@unaffiliated/subsen/bot/aqu4)
08:08.55*** join/#devuan abcabc__ (~ruse@unaffiliated/ccbbaa)
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08:11.27*** join/#devuan _abc_ (~usre@unaffiliated/ccbbaa)
08:12.50_abc_Hi. I have a problem with ascii/jessie: opening a new terminal from the desktop menu button opens two terminals if and only if the load is high (long delay on window popup). Only one is opened if load is low. The command in the gui widget is: exo-open --launch TerminalEmulator
08:12.54_abc_Suggest a fix?
08:13.55_abc_I assume one of the commands in the startup executes twice or checks early for self-exists lock and that fails with negative due to the delay in despite of the command already running?
08:17.18_abc_Desktop -> Applications Menu -> Settings -> Preferred Applications is quite sparse; no mention of TerminalEmulator in it
08:18.37*** join/#devuan aqu4bot (~aqu4bot@unaffiliated/subsen/bot/aqu4)
08:18.52_abc_Does anyone know where the preferred applications file is stored in xfce4? This page is all I get for my system and is quite sparse. Are we copying windows and ishiny? Hiding "dangerous" options?
08:19.03*** join/#devuan rustyr (
08:19.33_abc_man exo-open shows no FILES section at all. The settings must therefore be assumed to be "known" by divine intervention.
08:22.34_abc_strace exo-open --launch TerminalEmulator shows that exo-launch does not, itself, consult 7 read() any config file relevant to xfce.
08:23.41_abc_strace -fF exo-open --launch TerminalEmulator shows that child processes of exo-launch do read relevant config files.
08:25.27_abc_And reading that output shows what a disaster all gui programs are now on linux. Seriously, walking a crazy hierarchy of configs and config locations to open a terminal?!
08:26.14_abc_The correct settings file to determine the TerminalEmulator is /etc/xdg/xfce4/helpers.rc
08:27.09_abc_Therein, TerminalEmulator=debian-x-terminal-emulator; debian-x-terminal-emulator is not a symlink or other type of resource one can look up on a running system, it has no manpage
08:32.08_abc_The circlef* which debian's infinite circular redirection linkage system is for obvious things to be hidden as non obvious poorly documented things, continues. Relevant thread:
08:32.41_abc_Cutting to the chase, other than drilling down forever with strace, suggest a way to locate the script snippet which launches 2 terminals instead of one when load is high.
08:34.09_abc_Okay, found '/usr/share/xfce4/helpers/debian-x-terminal-emulator.desktop' which is opened, by strace. This file is not in the locate database for reasons I will find out and weed out soon.
08:34.48_abc_Now I am stumped. Previous call to locate debian-x-terminal-emulator
08:35.18_abc_did not find it, now it finds it. I changed no settings, and did not run updatedb in between. The drive is local and visible to the user I am running as.
08:35.27_abc_*the volume and directory tree are visible
08:41.59_abc_Continuing the clusterf* circle trace:
08:43.18_abc_TerminalEmulator=debian-x-terminal-emulator -> /usr/share/xfce4/helpers/debian-x-terminal-emulator.desktop -> X-XFCE-Binaries=x-terminal-emulator -> /etc/alternatives/x-terminal-emulator -> symlink /usr/bin/xfce4-terminal.wrapper -> ->file /usr/bin/xfce4-terminal.wrapper: Perl script text executable ; Perl scrip
08:45.11_abc_I feel great. Back in 1996 when I 1st installed linux as a desktop and was happy as a clam (alternative was Windows WfWG3.11 or W95 eww eww), I learned how to use the source Luke. I can see that 20 years later, the correct answer to most questions can be obtained using the same tools as in 1996. strace, less, file, stat etc. Excellent progress. Except in 1996 an xterm would open quite faster than now upon
08:45.17_abc_clicking on a fvwm (iirc) menu button.
08:45.21_abc_</rant end><perl script decoding start>
08:46.30_abc_Instrumenting perl script to write a log file, to count how many times it is called...
08:49.20ErRandirBisect the problem: Cut the indirections in half and see if it reproduces: /etc/alternatives/x-terminal-emulator -> /usr/bin/sakura
08:59.05*** join/#devuan s0lucien (~s0lucien@
09:00.45*** join/#devuan Fervi (~fervi@2a02:a317:e144:d900:a2f3:c1ff:fe2d:aad4)
09:13.55_abc_temporary-fix: editing the file /usr/bin/xfce4-terminal.wrapper with content as follows FIXES the problem even under high load. Trying with if ( 0 ) { now
09:14.46_abc_"Fix" works even like this. I assume some crazy lock/retry thing in the xfce launcher.
09:15.00_abc_Perl <code> to add to wrapper to "fix":
09:15.02_abc_if ( 1 ) {
09:15.30_abc_sorry about the noise. Moving on.
09:15.35_abc_<note>I am completely stumped why this happens</note>
09:16.52_abc_<conclusion>devuan should TRY to be more arch-like in docs, imo. I am willing to contribute snippets as needed when needed (when I need them)
09:18.54_abc_This has plagued me for a while now, the double open. I just spent a nice hour fixing it. Where the "fix" is likely a hack! I suspected also the mouse, it can double click when single clicking, due to failing switch. To mend this there *should* be a holdoff period in the code, of the launcher, to avoid re-launching the app. Half a second should be enough. I am an embedded mcu coder, I deal with thee kind of
09:19.00_abc_problems all the time, should be easy to implement, but definitely a recompile and not my job.
09:19.52_abc_Has anyone else seen such a problem? Double app open on single click in icon bar of gui? Under any conditions?
09:20.00_abc_eyes his mouse with more suspicion.
09:23.46_abc_I can confirm that double clicking any icon in the icon bar launches 2 instances, unless the app itself mitigates this. For example I coded this specially for ff to open one instance only, with a wrapper script, some time ago.
09:24.21_abc_<feature request>add double click protection / holdoff 0.5sec or so, in the launcher in xfce4 ?
09:24.41_abc_</done for now, moving on>
09:46.43*** join/#devuan inhetep (~inhetep@gateway/tor-sasl/inhetep)
10:44.39*** join/#devuan reetspetit (
10:49.21nailykhi all! Oh is going the project on an €€€ point please?
10:55.38fsmithrednailyk, what are you asking?
10:56.18nailykoh much for monthly based donate
10:57.09fsmithredyou mean how much do we get, or how much can you give?
10:58.42nailykhow much do you need. Then I will se if that match what I can do ;)
10:59.41fsmithredI don't handle any of the finances, so I don't know the answer.
10:59.45*** join/#devuan reetp_x5 (~john@
11:02.01nailyknu rush. Gonna set some small amount until we adjust it. Thanks !
11:02.14fsmithredthank you
11:02.22*** join/#devuan jback (
11:03.07*** join/#devuan rafael_p (~rafael_p@
11:05.28*** join/#devuan reetp_x5 (
11:09.23nailykThanks to you! Devuan is almost the only distrib I use. Without your project I'd probably stop using computers!
11:14.49*** join/#devuan reetspetit (
11:19.35*** join/#devuan gnarface (
11:28.19*** join/#devuan will_haven (~will_have@
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11:49.05*** join/#devuan kmey13 (~kmey@
11:53.26*** join/#devuan AntoFox (~Thunderbi@
12:07.29*** join/#devuan AntoFox (~Thunderbi@
12:08.30*** join/#devuan _abc_ (~usre@unaffiliated/ccbbaa)
12:20.30*** join/#devuan kelsoo1 (~kelsoo@dragora/developer/kelsoo)
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12:58.04*** join/#devuan jonnj (
12:58.36Gupis flashplugin-nonfree not available in ascii?
13:01.54*** join/#devuan amarsh04 (
13:03.34fsmithredGup, I see no flashplugin-nonfree in ascii. There's one in jessie and one in sid/ceres, but I doubt that either of them works. I haven't been able to install flash for about a year.
13:05.14Guppersonally I;d say good ;) but just upgraded dad from jessie to ascii and he's missing his games :/
13:05.50Gupcan install manually but it was good keeping it up to date with the other updates
13:06.14fsmithredlink to Adobe Flash Player not found on at line 58
13:06.41fsmithredadobe dropped support for linux (again)
13:09.32Guphmm, the semi-auto scrip from here just worked:
13:09.54Gupwell, it says it did, havent tested yet as working remotely
13:33.45*** join/#devuan stqn (
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13:52.27*** join/#devuan Daffy (~will_have@
14:09.46*** join/#devuan will_haven-netsp (~will_have@
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15:22.11nailykSo after install grub, on *first* bootup you need to press enter on grub menu. Realy not remote server compliant... :p
15:22.39fsmithredyou should not need to do that
15:23.10fsmithreddid you change something in /etc/default/grub?
15:29.10nailykexcept removing the header after some reboot attempt no
15:31.23*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
15:34.22KatolaZGup: flash-plugin has been discontinued by upstream (Adobe)
15:34.43nailykat least it works now
15:45.32*** join/#devuan saptech (~saptech@unaffiliated/saptech)
15:46.03*** part/#devuan saptech (~saptech@unaffiliated/saptech)
15:49.06stqnmaybe use syslinux instead like any sane person would do
15:51.25*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
15:54.29*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@unaffiliated/xenguy)
16:02.02*** join/#devuan minnesotags (
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16:31.44DonkeyHoteistqn: syslinux does not work with uefi
16:33.53stqnworks for me
16:34.44stqncan’t say I undertand anything about uefi though.
16:35.44*** join/#devuan detha (~detha@2001:19f0:7400:85c3::dad9)
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16:39.21nailykmaybe yes
16:42.40*** join/#devuan DeFender1031 (
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17:26.12ocinit works but my understanding is that the kernel and initrd must be on the esp partition
17:28.08*** join/#devuan Acacia (~stuttgart@unaffiliated/acacia)
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18:13.59*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
18:49.19Gupfsmithred, KatolaZ, apparently flash is working and firefox isn't complaining its out of date anymore, so not sure what version that script pulled :/ but all is cool again, for now ;)
18:57.14*** join/#devuan sunshavi (~user@
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19:53.19*** part/#devuan stqn (
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23:06.12*** join/#devuan ebisu (~ebisu@2600:8807:8000:1430:230:f1ff:fe1c:693f)
23:06.47ebisuYo, is it possible for me to "upgrade" a debian stable to Devuan
23:07.13ebisuI'm renting a DigitalOcean box and the only option I have that isn't systemd is FreeBSD and I don't wanna recompile all my crap
23:07.19ebisuAnd SystemD blows
23:08.16gnarfacei think it'll work
23:08.37gnarfacegetting systemd out might be a pain
23:08.43n4diri also think that you can install binary packages in FreeBSD (i  am rather sure)
23:08.45gnarfacebut it might also just work
23:09.00DonkeyHoteiis FreeDOS an option? just reinstall over that
23:09.00ebisuIm using some specialized stuff
23:09.12gnarfaceebisu: i think it's been addressed on the forum?
23:09.35*** join/#devuan will_haven-netsp (~will_have@
23:10.11*** join/#devuan hanez (~hanez@
23:12.41ebisuI dunno man, I use Slackware so I'm not accustomed to all this newage trash
23:12.59ebisuDevuan, Void, Crux and some smaller distros are the only usable distros past that
23:13.16ebisuWhen doing actual server stuff SystemD makes like hell like it wouldnt for a normal end user
23:14.22gnarfaceyes, i don't blame you for wanting to ditch it
23:16.49ebisuhow hard is it to install bsd init on a devuan install
23:16.55ebisubecause that would be ideal for me
23:20.39MinceRafaik bsd init doesn't really work with linux
23:20.48MinceReven slackware uses sysvinit with their bsd-style rc, iirc
23:21.11ebisuyeah I know but I mean that kind of setup in particular
23:21.38ebisuI might just install freebsd and get it all over with
23:21.44n4dirthere are quite some init systems in the debian repo though (hence in the devuan repo too).
23:21.56ebisugod DigitalOcean needs more choices
23:22.29ebisuSytemD is satan incarnate but not as cool and doesn't encourage you to smoke weed and listen to Iron Maiden records backwards
23:22.50ebisuEnd user won't care but it sucks for actual productivity
23:22.55ebisuon a server
23:23.32*** join/#devuan hanez (~hanez@
23:23.56MinceRit sucks even on the desktop
23:24.14MinceRlike when it freezes when it was supposed to shut down
23:24.32MinceRand when it forgets to start a service or two
23:24.43MinceRor just crashes on boot
23:35.46hollaebisu: what's wrong with: openrc - dependency based init system (runlevel change mechanism)
23:35.57ebisunothing im just not used to it
23:36.06ebisuAnythings preferable to how assbackwards systemd is
23:38.48hollauh, i just found: openbsd-inetd - OpenBSDs Internet-Superserver
23:38.51*** join/#devuan Tmanyo-m (~Tmanyo-m@
23:43.16MinceRinetd != init
23:43.45*** join/#devuan will_haven (~will_have@
23:47.01*** join/#devuan hanez (~hanez@
23:50.24*** part/#devuan n4dir (

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