IRC log for #devuan on 20180913

00:00.44*** join/#devuan debdog (~debdog@2a02:8070:41a6:3700:7a24:afff:fe8a:d04d)
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00:37.43*** topic/#devuan is This is the Devuan discussion channel | **You need to auth to nickserv to talk!** | Latest (2018-06-09): ASCII 2.0.0 || Stable (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 LTS release | Devuan Forum: | Chanlogs:
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07:02.38drwhitehi folks, I have an issue with the dependancies for the repos.
07:03.16drwhiteI try to install something, and it goes to install it ut something that it installs with it requires what I'm trying to install as a dependancy
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08:39.38ocinhi, there seems to be a problem with eudev and the persistent network interfaces file. is about one part of it (maked as solved but actually it's not officially solved). additionaly after trying this and modiying the network rules file in /etc/udev/rules.d, it seems to be fail on the next boot because it fails to rename the devices because they already exist :( any
08:43.56scraihtrename to other names worked here
08:55.57ocinI remember that it notmally would rename existing interfaces to ethX.rename or something so that it does not conflict, but it does not seem to do this step
08:58.33scraihtit? you mean /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules ?
08:59.42scraihtafter having problems with eth0/eth1 renaming I changed the names to net0 and lan0 and had no more problems
09:00.03scraihtin /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules that is
09:00.15ocinit being udev on boot after reading the 70-persistent-net.rules
09:01.38ocinudev itself fails to rename the devices to the ones I specified in the 70-persistent-net.rules
09:03.00ocinwell I see you use a completely a different naming, this would work
09:03.32ocinthough udev should be smart enough to rename existing interfaces to some temporary name to avoid existing devices
09:03.45ocinat least thats how it works on other distros
09:07.11scraihtwell iirc in my case udev used to do that or at least try
09:08.16scraihtthe kernel named the nics just the other way around
09:09.02scraihtwhen udev tried to rename eth1 (what's now net0) to eth0 (what it used to be) it was already there and then named eth2
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09:15.17ocincan anyone file a bug about the missing udev-finish?
09:16.13ocinI guess I go with custom names for the interfaces lan0 wan0 etc. to workaround all this broken stuff
09:17.15KatolaZocin: please send a bugreport
09:27.42errandir_udev seems to think that renaming a device is atomic when it comes to the kernel, but this is not true. Renaming the device itself is, but all the related stuff (debugfs, sysfs, etc) is not.
09:32.38scraihtocin: you're right. udev wasn't smart enough to rename eth2 to eth0, in my case. just checked old logs
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09:34.07scraihtthat's why I choose interface names which do not collide with names given by the kernel in the first place
09:47.51ocinhmm. the problem I have is that I actually can't rename the interfaces. they should be predictable from the first boot. just tried net.ifnames=1
09:48.34ocinnow they are fixed but, uh, predictable? getting weird names
09:50.40ocin2 port nic in one pci slot: port 1: ens5f0 port 2: ens5f1d1
09:50.44ocinscratches head
09:51.50scraihtthese come from udev, no? what do you want to achieve
09:53.00ocinyea they come from udev, it's probably predicatable but very messy
09:53.13*** join/#devuan Gnhugo (~yaaic@
09:53.27ocinI've read about biosdevname but that does not seem to exist for devuan/debian
09:54.29ocinscraiht: basically I want predictable names that also make sense without having to rename interfaces
09:54.59djphocin: I just use a udev rule that says "this one's always eth0" or some such
09:58.43scraihti think thats not possible. kernel given interface names are not predictable for sure
09:59.48djphscraiht: is too, hang on ...
10:00.12scraihtso you only have the choice to rename them predictably with udev rules. CMIIW
10:00.12ocinI have a custom made devuan image which I need to roll out on 1k+ machines with 4-6 network ports and 2 different hw categories
10:01.10ocinso I need something predictable, best without having to rename stuff through a 70-persistent-net.rules
10:01.59ocinas the same HW is used net.ifnames=1 seems to be working but the nameing kinda sucks (but it would work)
10:03.16scraihtuh. ok. that is a different league..
10:04.06ocindells biosdevname does seem to create more sane interface names but it seems it's not ported to debian
10:04.08scraihtI only know on my machine the kernel does not name  the 2 nics (one PCI, one on board) consistently
10:04.10ocinubuntu seems to use it tho
10:04.41ocinscraiht: I think with the net.ifnames=1 kernel parameter it would
10:05.22scraihtok. havent tried that
10:07.27scraihtI remember to have read that the kernel naming of nics is under race condition... sry no reference
10:10.10ocinwith the default ethX naming scheme yes
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10:28.32ocinI'll roll a deb for biosdevname and see how that works out
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10:32.05errandir_ens5f0 is PCI function 0 in slot 5. Cannot remember the 'd1' thing exactly, I think it should not be there.
10:34.07ocind is the device port, weirdly it's only there when the pci function is 1 and not 0
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12:31.43*** join/#devuan fsmithred (~fsmithred@devuan/developer/fsmithred)
12:43.08ocinyay, biosdevname works like a charm, now it's em1 & em2 for the onboard ports and p4p1, p4p2, p5p1, p5p2 for the two 2-port pcie nics
12:43.43ocinand I don't need to touch the initscript
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12:48.26fsmithredocin, what happens if you just remove 70-persistent-net.rules?
12:48.59fsmithredyou have six nics?
12:49.55ocinit will then use unpredictable names (ethX) and race condition so its a lottery which nic is eth3 for example after every reboot
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12:50.34fsmithredyeah, I can see how that would be a mess
12:51.23ocinthe fix for this is kernel parameter net.ifnames=1 so you get predictable names but I didn't like them because they are too confusing
12:52.18ocinnow I made a deb for biosdevicename, set kernel parameter biosdevicename=1 and it's predictable and the names make more sense
12:52.51ocinall without any 70-persistent-net.rules
12:53.22fsmithredpredictable != memorable
12:53.48fsmithredcool. Any idea why it's not in debian repos?
12:54.15ocinand I don't need to care about the 2 bugs in devuans eudev it not writing the rules at all and it being unable to rename them if the rules exist and you just change the ethX numbers)
12:54.48ocinnot sure, it seems biodsevname is the default for ubuntu too
12:55.52ocinp5p2 is way more logical then ens5f1d1
12:59.23errandir_will you try to get the deb for biosdevicename into devuan, so wel all can benefit from this?
12:59.51fsmithredyeah, if someone wants to maintain it, it could get into devuan
13:00.38*** join/#devuan ferdy- (~ferdy@funtoo/contrib/ferdy-)
13:00.46fsmithredI especially like the names given to usb wireless dongles - wlx<mac-address>
13:03.34fsmithredpackaging info for devuan:
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13:22.40ocinwell at some point maybe
13:22.55ocinI've put it here for now:
13:23.10fsmithredgreat, thanks!
13:23.17ocinif you want to test just use biosdevname_0.7.2-1_amd64.deb
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13:24.39fsmithreddid you have to create your own debian dir, or did you get it from ubuntu or somewhere else?
13:24.57ocinpretty much took most from ubuntu
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13:27.37fsmithredsomeone here argues for a postrm script to run update-initramfs -
13:28.10ocinif you wanna test: install deb, remove persistent net rules if you use those and add the biosdevname=1 kernel parameter
13:30.05*** join/#devuan edbarx (~edbarx@
13:34.33sxpertI have an issue with uwsgi
13:34.52sxpertmy setup starts when I launch from the command line, but not from the init script
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13:54.52fsmithredocin, it's not working for me. Do I need to make a udev rule?
13:59.21ocinit installs the 71-* rule under /lib/udev/rules.d
14:00.18ocinyou can test if it works in general by using biosdevname <some interface>
14:00.34ocinit then should return it's new name
14:02.35fsmithredreturns nothing
14:04.07fsmithredmaybe because I'm doing this inside virtualbox?
14:04.23ocinthats very possible
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14:05.23ocinit takes the infos from the bios (see readme of biosdevname itself), not sure how that works out with a virtualized environment/bios
14:05.46fsmithredyeah, that's what I was thinking. It's not a real bios.
14:06.14ocinI can also image it returning nothing due to (para)virtualized network drivers
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15:05.46ocinfsmithred: I've added the postrm thing
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16:08.02fsmithredocin, the postrm script works. But I'm not seeing a change with or without biosdevname=1 in the boot command. Running the command 'biosdevname -i wlan0' does return p1p1, but ip and ifconfig still show wlan0.
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17:03.03nemoevery time I try to install vlc on my SO's upgraded-to-ascii laptop, it says I have dependency problems
17:03.44nemolooks like there's an "ascii-security" version
17:04.16nemoif I force-version to stable it succeeds
17:04.23nemoanyone happen to know what's going on here?
17:04.43nemo(that is, the 3.0.2 stable one is fine, the 3.0.3 ascii-security one conflicts with basically all the other vlc packages)
17:05.52KatolaZnemo: which repos are you using?
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17:06.07KatolaZ(I guess it's *
17:07.17nemo and stretch - although the vbox one should not be involved here
17:07.59KatolaZnemo: have you ever read the ascii release notes?
17:08.04KatolaZyou should use
17:08.19KatolaZstarting with ascii, * and are deprecated
17:08.21nemoKatolaZ: TBH I don't even remember upgrading this one to ascii
17:08.24KatolaZthey are still there only for jessie
17:08.31KatolaZand will be decommissioned
17:08.54nemoI do remember discussing it here beforehand, maybe I tentatively just tried renaming all the jessie's to asciis 'cause folks that that would be fine ☺
17:10.23nemosince I'm here... is there a non-ESR firefox in the repo?
17:10.51nemoguess I'll check synaptic once the updates are complete
17:11.01KatolaZnemo: ^^^
17:11.02nemohm. that reminds me. gotta check to see if wifi and touchpad work in ascii now
17:11.29nemolooks like "no"
17:13.48nemowifi seems to be fixed
17:17.52nemohm  supposedly fixes the touchpad
17:17.57nemowish I knew if it was safe to install
17:18.26KatolaZnemo: just look at the code
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17:20.40nemonothing obvious
17:20.45nemoalthough this *is* a lot to review
17:21.57nemobut I guess someone being tricksy wouldn't put in anything greppable ☺
17:22.08nemoat least someone trusted them enough to assign them bugs...
17:30.38*** join/#devuan bkeys (
17:31.13bkeysCan someone tell me how I am supposed to resize the partitions on a devuan ARM image?
17:31.14bkeysvega respect octopus
17:31.27bkeysI'm using the image listed here
17:31.41bkeysEverytime I try to do it through gparted it just borks the install
17:38.50FatPhilthere were some instructions on the Raspian installation docs that did just that
17:40.05MrrtRaspian has its own util for that, raspi-config
17:44.08MrrtI used this setting up ubuntu server on an ordoid xu4
17:46.36*** join/#devuan catprints (~realperso@
17:48.21KatolaZMrrt: you should be careful at deleting the right partition there
17:48.45KatolaZIIRC some ARM images have only one partition, while some other have two partitions
17:48.50KatolaZparazyd: ^^^
17:49.18parazydDepends of whether it's GPT or DOS partitioned. Most of them are DOS, with the exception of Chromebooks IIRC.
17:49.21KatolaZit's actually much easier to follow the steps of that script manually
17:49.52KatolaZbasically, delete the partition you want to resize
17:50.07KatolaZrecreate it at the same staring point, only larger
17:50.10KatolaZsave the changes
17:50.20KatolaZand then resize2fs after reboot
17:51.21parazydKatolaZ: You don't have to reboot for ext4.
17:51.29parazydIt can even resize a partition in use.
17:53.32KatolaZyeah I know
17:53.39KatolaZjust didn't know they were all ext4
17:56.02nemotouchpad still fails. oh well. looks like 4.13 kernel might solve
17:56.22KatolaZnemo: 4.17 is in ascii-backports atm
17:56.29nemooh? cool!
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17:57.03KatolaZnemo: :)
17:57.43nemowell... I kinda thought with ascii-backports enabled I'd be recommended the latest kernel
17:59.00nemohm. guess I'll remove that other thingy I tried
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18:01.46KatolaZnemo: ascii-backports has a lower priority than ascii
18:02.13KatolaZand will never automatically override something coming  from ascii
18:02.43KatolaZotherwise you'll easily fuck your system up with automatic upgrades
18:03.44nemointeresting.  I kinda assumed backports had that exact "fuck up" risk as implicit
18:03.47nemobut good to know
18:04.03nemocould explain why so many debian players complain about never finding anyone on the hedgewars server
18:04.16nemoguess they never get the 0.9.24 (current hedgewars release) update
18:04.27nemoI thought backports enabled would be sufficient
18:05.17KatolaZsufficient for what?
18:05.41nemofor them to automatically get the game updates
18:07.35KatolaZnemo: no automagic is a good substitute for a human brain :)
18:09.07nemoyeaaah but most of the players are kids
18:09.12nemoalso wish debian had a bit more nuance
18:09.15nemokernel makes total sense
18:09.17nemogames... eh
18:09.42nemobasically any version of hedgewars that isn't the latest, you aren't going to have much fun since it's deterministic lockstep and protocol almost inevitably gets bumped
18:09.45nemosometimes several times
18:10.48KatolaZkids should use toys, not tools
18:11.17nemoheh. WAG they were not the ones who put debian on their machine
18:11.22nemobut we have same issue w/ ubuntu
18:11.33nemowhich probably is closer to toy category - or at least is intended to be
18:12.02bkeysparazyd: So can I do the resize from within the devuan installation?
18:12.52KatolaZbkeys: sure you can
18:13.21bkeysHow do I do that?
18:13.27bkeysPretty sure parted will fuck me
18:14.48KatolaZbkeys: ever used fdisk?
18:16.16KatolaZfdisk DEVICE
18:16.20KatolaZ(as root)
18:18.01KatolaZbkeys: get the list of partitions (p)
18:22.20bkeysKatolaZ: What next?
18:23.14KatolaZhow many partitions do you have? <- bkeys
18:23.42KatolaZ(how many do you see after giving 'p'?)
18:24.03KatolaZwhich one you would like to resize?
18:24.09bkeysThe second one
18:25.02KatolaZbkeys: you must check that the second one is indeed physically placed after the first one
18:25.09KatolaZ(start-end block)
18:25.40bkeysIt is physically after the first one
18:26.05KatolaZ(I assume you have more space on the SD-card)
18:26.14KatolaZthen delete it
18:26.38KatolaZ(and after that you should see only the first one)
18:26.47bkeysYep I only see the first one
18:27.07KatolaZthen re-create the second partition
18:27.33KatolaZbe careful to use exactly the same starting block as the old one
18:27.38KatolaZ(it should be the default one)
18:27.41bkeysDoes -1 count as the endling block?
18:28.08KatolaZit should propose you the maximum size as default
18:28.39bkeysIt proposed like 1.7 gigs
18:28.44bkeysIt should be more like 60
18:30.04bkeysIt seems like it's limiting itself to the size of the current live partition, instead of the actual size of the disk
18:30.07KatolaZbut is it a GPT or a DOS partition table?
18:30.20KatolaZok then you must quit now
18:30.23KatolaZwithout saving
18:30.34KatolaZotherwise you will fuck everything up
18:31.14KatolaZand use gdisk instead
18:33.06KatolaZsame commands under gdisk
18:33.16KatolaZbut it should be able to see the full device
18:34.07nemodamn. still doesn't work w/ 4.17 kernel - and this package uses older kernel setup so clearly wasn't intended for it. bleh.  what the heck is going on
18:34.40bkeysKatolaZ: Same thing, delete old partition and make new one?
18:35.33KatolaZbkeys: you should have seen the total size of the device printed by gdisk when you launched it
18:36.12bkeysIt doesn't print the size, but it has the same issue as fdisk
18:36.33bkeysI wonder if it would stop doing this if I just turned it off and put it in another device that it wasn't live
18:37.14KatolaZbkeys: just try to specify a large number
18:37.16KatolaZlike 20GB
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18:39.12KatolaZbkeys: you can definitely do the same by plugging the device on another system
18:39.18KatolaZit shouldn't make any difference though
18:39.30bkeysYeah I did plug it in, and it made no difference
18:42.08gnarfaceascii should still be fine with kernel 4.1 if i'm running headless, right?
18:42.46nemo  whooo boy. this is going to be a bit of work
18:42.48KatolaZbkeys: then you must consider the possibility that the sd-card is not as large as advertised
18:42.50nemoguess I'll leave it alone for no
18:42.59bkeysKatolaZ: I know for a fact that it is
18:43.41KatolaZbkeys: if you are willing to risk to fuck the system up again, you can try to redefine the shape
18:43.54KatolaZin gdisk expert mode
18:44.05KatolaZ(sorry, I meant redefine the geometry)
18:44.23bkeysWell the weird thing is gdisk is telling me it's the right size
18:44.33bkeysDisk /dev/mmcblk1: 125829120 sectors, 60.0 GiB
18:45.44KatolaZso it sees it all
18:45.59KatolaZare you sure that there is no other partition after the second one?
18:46.50KatolaZhave you tried putting a large number as the new partition size?
18:46.53KatolaZlike 20G
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18:47.18bkeysIt just ignores it and spits out another prompt
18:47.30bkeysLast sector (40960-3543006, default = 3543006) or {+-}size{KMGTP}: 20G
18:47.30bkeysLast sector (40960-3543006, default = 3543006) or {+-}size{KMGTP}:
18:48.08KatolaZput the default
18:48.08nemough acpidump doesn't show "ELAN" anything - so... this laptop isn't even displaying it?
18:48.30bkeysThe default will come out as 1.7 gigs
18:49.04KatolaZcan you please post the screen you see after inserting "p"?
18:50.02bkeysNumber  Start (sector)    End (sector)  Size       Code  Name
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18:51.00KatolaZbkeys: which image are you using?
18:51.20bkeysThis one
18:51.31KatolaZhold on
18:52.04nemo  perfect!
18:52.34nemohm odd. "
18:52.35nemoThis issue is resolved on my laptop as of kernel 4.14-rc7."
18:52.55KatolaZbkeys: downloading it now
18:53.50nemo'[    0.922912] i8042: PNP: PS/2 appears to have AUX port disabled, if this is incorrect please boot with i8042.nopnp'  - I get same message. neat. let's try that option
18:57.58bkeysKatolaZ: This might be relevant
18:59.05nemo# CONFIG_PINCTRL_AMD is not set
18:59.08nemo☹ ☹
18:59.13nemowelllllp I'm boned
18:59.17nemounless I build a custom kernel
18:59.39nemoand. gotta say, that's a lot more fun to do on gentoo than debian ☺
19:00.40nemo hah
19:01.22nemoguess I'll add my voice to the bug
19:01.40KatolaZparazyd: it seems that the protective MBR is sized at 1.7GB
19:03.46*** join/#devuan level7 (~quassel@
19:05.04KatolaZbkeys: I have it
19:05.09KatolaZbkeys: are you still here?
19:05.50KatolaZin gdisk
19:06.05KatolaZgdisk /dev/WHATEVER
19:06.11bkeysI'm there
19:06.13*** join/#devuan GoatAvenger (~GoatAveng@unaffiliated/goatavenger)
19:06.19KatolaZ(expert mode)
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19:07.02KatolaZ(relocate backup data structures to the end of the disk)
19:07.32KatolaZ(return to main menu)
19:08.37KatolaZnow 'p' should tell you that the last usable sector is much larger than before
19:09.10bkeysThat fixed it
19:09.46KatolaZwhen you are done, just 'w'
19:09.58*** join/#devuan level7 (~quassel@
19:09.59KatolaZand then you need resize2fs
19:10.13KatolaZand you should be set
19:10.33bkeysjust resize2fs <DEVICE>
19:11.03bkeysresize2fs <DEVICE>p2
19:13.14bkeysSurprisingly enough it boots and I didn't fuck it up
19:14.37nemoso. just wondering. I sent a replay to that debian bug - but do you guys, by any chance, do your own kernel builds?
19:14.49nemoif so, could I request that CONFIG_PINCTRL_AMD=y be enabled?
19:15.02nemofor that ascii-backports kernel?
19:15.15*** join/#devuan scraiht (
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19:29.16jellyso a user in #debian wants to migrate from devuan jessie back to debian, does that sound feasible?
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19:33.51golinuxjelly: Inquiring minds would like to know why?
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19:59.27DocScrutinizer05>>[2018-09-12 02:49:37] <g4570n><< to me that seems like a panic mode reaction to GDPR, based on a lack of insight into the real requirements that result from it
20:02.17*** join/#devuan Menelkir (~terramex@unaffiliated/menelkir)
20:02.59DocScrutinizer05chanlogs are announced in /topic (this always been mandatory in best sense of what GDPR tried to implement now on a wider basis). There's no further issue with chanlogs, no requirements to allow individual users to opt out or whatever. No reason to shut down botbot
20:04.27KatolaZbkeys: did it work?
20:04.35bkeysYes, thank you
20:04.35*** join/#devuan raoulzecat (~raoulzeca@2a02:a03f:5259:e700:4921:e68d:6d96:90c8)
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20:14.08DocScrutinizer05worst: this panic-driven approach is contagious
20:19.15*** join/#devuan AntoFox (~Thunderbi@
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21:39.51*** join/#devuan silverwillow (~silverwil@
21:40.59silverwillowhey all - what's the devuan way for building a more recent linux kernel than 4.9 in ASCII? can i just get a kernel tarball and do a menuconfig?
21:41.47AirstrikeGooglesilverwillow: gzcat /proc/config.gz > /usr/src/linux/.config; make oldconfig
21:42.01*** join/#devuan alexandros_c (~alexandro@unaffiliated/alexandros-c/x-1684531)
21:42.16Menelkiror using a repo that you can trust
21:42.46Menelkirreally trust, lol
21:45.25DocScrutinizer05default answer: same like debian
21:45.42AirstrikeGoogleDocScrutinizer05: good point
21:46.01Menelkiryeah probably there's no issues about kernel, even funtoo use debian-sources by default and works
21:47.58silverwillowok will RTFM wrt. how it's done in debian - thanks.
21:52.10KatolaZsilverwillow: you have 4.17 in ascii-backports, if you don't want to build your own
21:53.44silverwillowoh - excellent - that will do :)
21:59.59*** join/#devuan MuadDib (~terramex@unaffiliated/menelkir)
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