IRC log for #devuan on 20180905

00:02.47*** join/#devuan jeremy31 (~jeremy31@ubuntu/member/jeremy31)
00:04.39djphDocScrutinizer05: exactly, the manual is where you tell people to put the design file in their package ... thing
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00:23.40*** topic/#devuan is This is the Devuan discussion channel | **You need to auth to nickserv to talk!** | Latest (2018-06-09): ASCII 2.0.0 || Stable (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 LTS release | Devuan Forum: | Chanlogs:
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19:33.04rahdoes anyone know of an apt-cacher-ng mirrors file for Devuan mirrors?
19:33.36rahthe source here doesn't seem to add one:
19:33.38*** join/#devuan djph (
19:35.28gnarfacei figured it would just use the system sources.list.  i didn't think they'd have hardwired in the debian mirror urls....
19:36.14*** join/#devuan Hestben (~robert@
19:40.54golinuxrah: Use not packages, and your problem should be solved.  If you are still on jessie, make sure to update the key first
19:41.12golinuxSorry for the typos
19:42.22rahgolinux: it looks like my problem is not the problem you think I have
19:42.59rahgolinux: what problem do you think I have?
19:43.22golinuxYou can't find long descriptions for packages
19:43.54rahgolinux: why do you think that's the problem?
19:44.15golinuxSeems I misremembered something.
19:44.52golinuxIn any case is deprecated so please change it in you sources list.
19:45.28rahgolinux: what makes you think I have in my sources list?
19:46.13gnarfacerah: i think we both inferred it from the link you pasted.  maybe we both also incorrectly inferred that you were asking because apt-cacher-ng isn't working for you.
19:46.27golinux<rah> the source here doesn't seem to add one:
19:46.34rahI see
19:46.42rahI don't have Devuan installed
19:46.43golinuxYou are looking in the wrong place
19:46.54rahI'm about to install it
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19:47.15rahI have a working, configured apt-cacher-ng installation on a server
19:47.18golinuxto see if it's in there
19:47.48rahI want to configure that apt-cacher-ng installation so that it can be used as a cache for Devuan repositories
19:49.06rahgolinux: provides no links to source packages
19:50.01rahgolinux: devuan_mirror_walkthrough.txt contains no information relevant to configuring apt-cacher-ng
19:52.31gnarfacerah: i haven't actually tried apt-cacher-ng on devuan yet.  but my understanding of how it works didn't include changing the source code to point to a different repository
19:53.42golinuxI know that has been discussed here, on the forum or dng.  Since our repos are built with amprolla, debian packages are pulled directly from the Debuian repos.
19:54.41gnarfacei should really set up an instance here to make sure it's working but i've been lazy
19:55.21golinuxSo I don't know that apt-cacher-ng can do that.  It requires amprolla3 to get all the redirects to the debian repos.
19:56.28gnarfaceyea i had a concern myself it might not work in devuan due to the repo changes, but it's a pretty simple creature.  i wouldn't be surprised if it did work fine out of the box.
19:56.32golinuxAnyway, I have never done this and never will so maybe I'm just adding noise.  I'll bow out.
19:56.57rahdoes anyone know of an apt-cacher-ng mirrors file for Devuan mirrors?
19:57.15gnarfacerah: do you actually have a mirrors file on hand for debian?
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19:58.02gnarfacerah: if you can actually pastebin one i can probably edit it to what it should be.  again though, i really thought this worked by using the system's apt configuration
19:58.50rahgnarface: I'm quite capable of creating one myself
19:59.10rahgnarface: I'm not asking for help creating one, I'm asking whether one already exists
19:59.32gnarfacerah: are you capable of showing me the debian equivalent?
20:00.07rahgnarface: you'll find a number of apt-cacher-ng mirror files here:
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20:01.10gnarfaceah oik
20:01.35gnarfacerah: you should only need one entry for "" as that is the mirror fanout hostname
20:02.08gnarfacerah: there are ALSO mirrors listed here, but i don't know if this list is exhaustive:
20:02.47gnarfacei can't tell you if anyone has checked a file for this in for apt-cacher-ng specifically.  i have no idea.  i'm not the one doing the work.
20:03.14rah20:58 < rah> gnarface: I'm quite capable of creating one myself
20:03.14rah20:59 < rah> gnarface: I'm not asking for help creating one, I'm asking whether one already exists
20:03.40gnarfaceyea, and i'm telling you i don't know if one exists already.  i can guess by the very small amount of data it would include that it may not.
20:03.41golinuxThe mirrors nee the amprolla3 script to work properly
20:04.05rahgnarface: why are you telling me you can't help me?
20:04.40gnarfacerah: because it seemed like a more polite way to admit that i didn't understand your initial problem than to just tell you to go fuck yourself
20:05.34gnarfacei don't speak as an official maintainer of this project.  i was just trying to help.  you've been rude and evasive the whole time.
20:07.11rahgnarface: when I don't know how to help someone, rather than telling them to go fuck themselves, I just say nothing
20:08.52gnarfacerah: but here's the important key you seem to be glossing over; i thought i COULD at first, and it is largely your fault i was wrong about that.  you bear some responsibility there.
20:09.05gnarfacerah: part of getting help successfully is learning to accept it.
20:09.56rahgnarface: nobody here owes you anything
20:10.09gnarfacerah: wrong.  YOU owe me an apology.
20:10.17rahgnarface: I disagree
20:10.28gnarfacegood luck with that
20:14.46DonkeyHoteirah: which one are you?
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20:23.07rahDonkeyHotei: I avoid taking on roles in drama
20:23.50rah"the triangle maps a type of destructive interaction that can occur between people in conflict"
20:23.56gnarfacethat actually made me laugh
20:24.07gnarfaceyou're fucking funny Bob Ham
20:24.23gnarfacenow stop wasting everyone's time
20:24.27DonkeyHoteirah: i see no conflict
20:24.35rah21:10 < gnarface> rah: wrong.  YOU owe me an apology.
20:24.35rah21:10 < rah> gnarface: I disagree
20:24.45rahDonkeyHotei: ^ conflict
20:25.26DonkeyHotei[Wed 2018-09-05 01:04:01 PM PDT] <rah> gnarface: why are you telling me you can't help me? <----- the start of the drama, in victim mode
20:25.55DonkeyHoteiper your own link
20:26.08rahDonkeyHotei: I would disagree; actually, that's more a tendency towards rescuing
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20:27.22rah(on my part)
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20:32.14DonkeyHoteiyou can disagree all you want, but that's what i took away from that article, hence my initial response to it
20:32.19rahDonkeyHotei: I see that my sentence could be misread; what I meant was: "why is the concept you are conveying to me the concept of not having the ability to help?" rather than "why are you harming me by denying me the help I need?"
20:33.09DonkeyHoteiif you see that, then you must see the consequences of that
20:33.53golinuxThis board has a PM function.  Maybe take it there . . .
20:33.54rahDonkeyHotei: sorry, too many "that"s in your sentence; I don't understand what you mean
20:34.12golinuxPlease . . .
20:36.31rahDonkeyHotei: the rescuing on my part was highlighting to golinux that part of his behaviour is to tell other people that he can't help them; he's not obligated to help anyone here so volunteering that admission highlights Rescuer behaviour on his part
20:37.24DonkeyHoteii'm done
20:37.47raherr.. s/golinux/gnarface/
20:37.55gnarfacethere you go
20:38.12golinux(rah is now 0 for 3)
20:38.57fsmithredmy "yes" was in the wrong window
20:39.13rahgolinux: oh noes!  I lost!
20:39.25rahwhat will I do?
20:39.31golinuxrah: You are irrelevant
20:39.42rahgolinux: you wound me
20:39.59golinuxNo one cares about you widdle feewings
20:40.05DonkeyHoteii stand by everything i said
20:40.39rahDonkeyHotei: I didn't understand some of what you said
20:40.46golinuxPlease take this to #debianfork or a pm.  (Not with me.  I'm done)
20:40.52DonkeyHoteithat's not my fault
20:41.26rahI tend to believe that the onus is on the writer to convey information clearly enough for the reader to understand
20:41.55DonkeyHoteiand you failed to do that, causing conflict, which must now end
20:42.04golinuxDocScrutinizer05: Some folks here need a time out.  Can you please do the honors.
20:42.45golinuxbuZz: Maybe you can jump in with some quieting?
20:43.06*** mode/#devuan [+o DocScrutinizer05] by ChanServ
20:44.05DocScrutinizer05behave, everybody!
20:44.23rahbehave in what way?
20:44.56golinuxTime to go stand in the corner rah
20:45.01DocScrutinizer05you either know already or you'll learn it today
20:45.10rahthat sounds like a threat
20:45.18DocScrutinizer05golinux: please stop it
20:45.22DocScrutinizer05it's over
20:45.35rah"The Persecutor: (a.k.a. Villain) The Persecutor insists, "It's all your fault." The Persecutor is controlling, blaming, critical, oppressive, angry, authoritative, rigid, and superior."
20:46.18rahI'm going :-)
20:46.31rahI'll leave you in peace :-)
20:46.34*** mode/#devuan [+q rah!*@*] by DocScrutinizer05
20:49.39DonkeyHoteiapologies for feeding the troll. mea culpa.
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21:05.30DocScrutinizer05np. Thanks for stopping the feed
21:07.01DocScrutinizer05Mr Ham has a special skill in this regard, I fell for the same troll feeding several times - like 10 years ago already
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