IRC log for #devuan on 20180822

00:15.03*** join/#devuan Jasjar (~Jasjar@
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00:19.41*** topic/#devuan is This is the Devuan discussion channel | **You need to auth to nickserv to talk!** | Latest (2018-06-09): ASCII 2.0.0 || Stable (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 LTS release | Devuan Forum: | Chanlogs:
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00:20.21*** join/#devuan gnarface (
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08:57.06*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~twistedfa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
08:58.05TwistedFateis it possible to disable wait for the eth0 to lock on to a network/ip before boot?
08:59.00*** join/#devuan Smilex (
08:59.31SmilexHey. On boot, my system halts a long time while it tries to get a lock on eth0. How can I disable that?
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09:02.50sixwheeledbeast^I wouldn't think that it would, what if eth0 is down for example. Maybe expand on why you think that and which init you have. Someone may be able to point you in the right direction then.
09:03.30SmilexI think that it would, because I just installed devuan, which involved a couple of restarts, and everytime it did
09:03.41Smilexeven if my ethernet cable was connected
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09:18.54TwistedFatesixwheeledbeast^: it also happened to me
09:19.04TwistedFatewhen i switched to static ip and disabled dhcp, it was gone
09:24.41sixwheeledbeast^Obviously errors or issues are possible, as I say maybe try checking the boot logs and expanding on your system configuration.
09:26.19sixwheeledbeast^I am imagining minutes of delay but you didn't mention how long either, for example
09:36.49xkr47hi, regarding donations, have you considered Patreon and similar monthly payment things?
09:40.03KatolaZxkr47: not yet
09:40.10KatolaZthere have been not many people asking for that
09:40.46xkr47I constantly benefit from devuan so monthly payment feels more right
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10:28.34Smilexsixwheeledbeast^: sorry for late reply. It halts for about a minute, and I just installed devuan
10:30.50Smilexin dmesg, it just says that link is not ready. But during startup, when it halts, it is "ifup" that's waiting
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11:08.21UsLHello vuans! I bought a ssd to replace my old hdd in my laptop and I have a adapter that can read and write to and from disks via usb. What I want is to make a 1:1 copy of the old disk to the new one so that I can just swap the disks. What is the best approach to accomplish this? is dd sufficient enough and what parameters should I have
11:09.19UsLthe clone procedure is done on a second laptopn with devuan installed on it.
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11:16.05sixwheeledbeastSmilex: ifup: waiting for lock?
11:16.27Smilexsixwheeledbeast: yes
11:20.03sixwheeledbeastSlimex: So init is bringing up eth0 instead of a daemon.
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11:21.01sixwheeledbeastSmilex: this maybe of use, bottom of the thread.
11:21.03Smilexsixwheeledbeast: I used the net installer, but my net died during install, so I started from the very minimal setup. Might be that I haven't installed something
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11:27.50Smilexsixwheeledbeast: but I want to run ifup eth0 after startup. Removing this will disable DHCP on eth0, right?
11:33.19KatolaZSmilex: how is eth0 speficied in your /etc/network/interfaces?
11:33.31KatolaZit should be "allow-hotplug"
11:33.54KatolaZlike "allow-hotplug eth0"
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11:46.38xkr47Smilex, "ifup" will trigger dhcp if eth0 is configured to use dhcp, or static ip if so configured.
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12:47.09xkr47*** WARNING: if you are replacing sysv-rc by OpenRC, then you must ***
12:48.04xkr47... the command listed after this warning could perhaps be stored in a script?
12:48.14xkr47it could be removed during next reboot
12:53.13*** join/#devuan Freechicks (~Freechick@
13:02.01xkr47first boot after installing openrc and rebooting according to afforementioned procedure, machine did not start and could not connect over ssh. "acpi power off" did not shut down the machine. hard poweroff + startup -> machine works fine. will investigate logs.
13:04.00*** join/#devuan engidea (
13:07.27xkr47could not find anything in the logs
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13:43.56nemohm interesting
13:44.02nemoI have a .deb I was installing that I need for work
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13:44.04nemoit's an awful one
13:44.07nemovmware-view 4
13:44.16nemoanyway. it's blowing up and sucking up all my CPU
13:44.20nemoand I looked into why
13:44.49nemoso the "-r" there is just stupid
13:44.53nemowhat I'm curious about is
13:44.56nemowhy did this not crash before
13:45.15nemoit appears to be new grep behaviour - wondering if it's a devuan grep specific thing or a general grep change
13:45.52nemothat is,  cat foo | grep -r   instead of just grepping stdin, does a recursive on current folder.
13:46.03nemoused to be grep -r foo  would expect stdin. but not anymore
13:46.08nemoI wonder if devuan does some alias
13:46.30nemono... /bin/grep -r foo  does same thing
13:46.47nemorepackages the .deb
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13:47.44nemogrep's fault
13:49.31KatolaZnemo: devuan has not touched grep, AFAICT
13:50.25*** join/#devuan AnRkey (~anrkey@
13:51.29nemoKatolaZ: yeah. this is just gnu grep changing
13:51.35nemoand a badly written .deb postinst
13:51.58nemounfortunately vmware sucks at linux packaging and I'm not sure any newer .deb exists ☹
13:52.56KatolaZnemo: I think vmware is not packaged by Debian, is it?
13:53.21nemoKatolaZ: naw. this one was created by VMWare
13:53.33nemoKatolaZ: in our workplace archive it is in legacy, but there's nothing else out ther
13:53.41nemoYou can't even find newer than 3.5 on the VMWare site
13:53.50nemoat one point they had a packaging partnership with ubuntu but that's gone
13:54.12nemoso I just hang onto the .debs and dpkg -i the required libpng12 and openssl0.9.8 even though they are probably not safe ☹
13:54.20nemoreally sucks for something like this. ah well.
13:54.25nemoI try to use it as little as possible
13:56.25*** join/#devuan Freechicks (~Freechick@
14:01.29*** join/#devuan Freechicks (~Freechick@
14:09.26nemoaw hell. this !@#$ postinst
14:09.52nemoit wants a usbfs mount
14:10.05nemoit's only for USB redirection though.
14:10.09nemowhich I don't actually need right now
14:10.30nemoso I'm just going to disable that
14:10.34*** join/#devuan inhetep (~inhetep@gateway/tor-sasl/inhetep)
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15:35.01nemoaaaagh whatever happened to ia32-libs in debian land?
15:35.11nemolooks like vmware-view was built 32 bit only
15:36.07gnarfacegoogle multiarch
15:36.26nemognarface: did
15:36.34gnarfacedid you find this one?
15:37.21nemoalready enabled the arch - what was less-than-clear was what libs that used to be in ia32-libs now had to be installed
15:37.55nemognarface: also nothing changed after update/upgrade
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15:39.26gnarfacenemo: apt-get install vmware-view:i386
15:39.52gnarface"ia32-libs" was just a stopgap fix and not a good one
15:40.08nemognarface: that package doesn't actually exist
15:40.09gnarfaceit was a bundle of the most commonly required 32-bit dependencies
15:40.16nemoI'm running:
15:40.17gnarfaceyea, it's deprecated now.  with multiarch
15:40.18nemodpkg -i 64_vmware-view-client_4.0.1-235010_i386_nousb.deb
15:40.30gnarfacewith multiarch, you just install [packagename]:i386
15:40.41nemoand for a .deb like that?
15:40.53gnarfacethe point of multiarch is that the *:amd64 and *:i386 packages should play nice now (mostly they do)
15:41.00nemoby "that package" I mean vmware-view:i386 does not exist
15:41.06gnarfaceoh i see
15:41.09nemowhat I need is to install this i386 .deb
15:41.12nemoand be able to actually run it
15:41.19nemoonce upon a time ia32-libs was the trivial way to do so
15:41.26nemoI have no idea even what command to replace that with now
15:41.39nemoand the multiarch wiki page does not explain what it used to offer
15:41.48nemoor what I would install to get approximately same behaviour
15:42.07gnarfacewhen you ran "dpkg -i 64_vmware-view-client_4.0.1-235010_i386_nousb.deb" after enabling multi-arch, it should have either worked, or told you what you're missing
15:42.43nemoremoves it and reinstalls
15:43.09nemognarface: it did not
15:43.32nemocan't even ldd it since ldd does not recognise it
15:43.50gnarfacebummer.  well, if it wasn't actually packaged right (no dependencies listed) you'll have to actually look them up from their website.  just remember that you append ":i386" now to the package name if you want the 32-bit one
15:44.07nemognarface: their website will not have this info either
15:44.14gnarfacereally?  why not?
15:44.16gnarfacehang on...
15:44.20nemolet's see if I can find what ia32-libs actually packaged
15:44.27nemognarface: because this package is not even lsited on their website
15:44.37gnarfacewell it's unlikely that you actually need ALL those libs
15:44.39nemoexplained prior I think
15:44.50nemognarface: maybe not, but it's easier to just get past this at this point
15:44.58nemohave burnt like all morning trying to connect to my work vm
15:45.03gnarfacewait a minute
15:45.12gnarfaceit installed no complaint?
15:45.20gnarfacewhat happens when you run it?
15:45.26nemo"no such file or directory"
15:45.30nemousual 32 bit lib issue
15:45.47nemo$ file /usr/bin/vmware-view
15:45.47nemo/usr/bin/vmware-view: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, for GNU/Linux 2.2.5, stripped
15:46.15gnarfacethat's a pretty basic one
15:47.30gnarfacethat would be covered by literally any other proper 32-bit package
15:47.39nemoI'm sure
15:47.41nemoin fact
15:47.48nemoI poked around in synaptic for a trivial one to try
15:47.54nemospecifically hoping it would satisfy the deps
15:49.31gnarfacelibxi6 libxrandr2 zlib1g
15:49.43nemoone of those in your list... libssl0.9.8  - is it even possible to install that on ascii without using a .deb?
15:50.20gnarfacethe list i'm pulling from is old.  i assume the current libssl[whatever] will work
15:50.24nemolibstdc++6 is already installed as I imagine a lot of those are. I thought marking for reinstall would pick up 32 bit but seems not
15:50.34*** join/#devuan raoulzecat (
15:50.37nemognarface: no. I just perked up 'cause this particular package requires 0.9.8
15:50.40nemoand wanted to avoid a .deb
15:51.12gnarfacesince you're on a amd64 install, it won't install the 32-bit ones too unless something asks.  since this vmware-view package appears to be braindead in that regard, you have to ask yourself, explicitly.
15:52.02nemoalrighty will just try apt-get install libstdc++6:i386   then
15:52.31gnarfaceafter you do that, run "dpkg -l |grep libstdc" and you should see both libstdc++6:amd64 and libstdc++6:i386 installed
15:54.16gnarfaceit won't be just those
15:54.28gnarfacethere will be several, no doubt.
15:54.38gnarfacehaving Steam installed i've got dozens of them...
15:54.48nemoit's funny that a package that claims to be 64 bit is actually 32 bit
15:54.53nemomaybe it's a weird hybrid
15:55.28nemovmware-view: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
15:55.31nemonow we're getting somewhere
16:00.52*** join/#devuan engidea (
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16:14.46gnarfacenemo: yea, they definitely did this wrong.  it would have been nice of them to at the very least have a loosely-versioned list of dependencies near the download link.  i assume you can chase them all down by these runtime errors though....  let me know if it works
16:15.49nemofun thing is frontend gui seems to spawn backend processes which are failing
16:15.57nemobut there's al og
16:17.12nemooh hmmmm
16:17.22nemoI wonder if my browsing of their site was just fail before
16:17.25nemoafter all this work
16:17.36nemofar more up to date
16:17.48nemooh well I'll probably need the i386 libs eventually. but let's see
16:18.02nemoremoves some stuff and tries this one
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16:21.06nemoyay, new installer, no more .deb - looks like they are managing it all themselves
16:21.10nemonow just the usual fun with ABIs
16:21.11nemo/usr/lib/vmware/view/bin/vmware-view: /usr/lib/vmware/mediaprovider/gcc/ version `CXXABI_1.3.8' not found (required by /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
16:21.20nemoI've run into this one before with minecraft...
16:21.31nemothere's a debian package to deal with this..
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16:24.44nemooh wait no. crap
16:24.51nemoI was confusing it with the ubuntu ppa fix. doh
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16:26.35nemoactually that's a bit odd unless I'm misreading
16:26.36gnarfacethat's just a version bump though, no?
16:26.44nemowhy is libicu18n requiring an incompatible ABI
16:26.49nemosurely that's a standard ascii lib
16:26.58gnarfacemaybe it's just too old.  check backports for a new one
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16:29.44nemooh I see
16:29.49nemothey package a ton of the libs they need
16:30.03nemoand that tree is not complete
16:30.12nemoso their /usr/lib/vmware/mediaprovider/gcc/ is reaching out into my space
16:30.16nemolemme see if I can swap it out 😃
16:31.09nemothat worked
16:31.12gnarfacei almost wonder if it can be made to behave if you just like make a wrapper script that sets LD_LIBRARY_PATH to look in their own install directory first?
16:31.17nemo/usr/lib/vmware/mediaprovider/gcc# mv
16:31.38nemognarface: that's the problem
16:31.42nemotheir wrapper script does exactly that
16:31.49nemobut *their* was incomplete
16:32.06nemogiven their incompetence in the older .deb postinst it's no shock to me the new one has fail too
16:32.10gnarfaceah i see.  steam has the same problem though with libstdc++ now that i think of it, and that's the prescribed fix... to delete the bundled one
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17:19.10systemdlete2where does devuan's cron keep its logs?  I don't see anything in /var/log.  Thanks if you know.
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17:21.19systemdlete2btw, this is ascii and cron is 3.0pl1-128+deb9u1
17:22.51gnarfaceshould be /var/log/daemon.log
17:23.01systemdlete2ok, thanks
17:23.13gnarfacehmm, or maybe it's /var/log/syslog
17:24.05systemdlete2grep cron /var/log/* --> only auth.log and pm-powersave.log
17:24.31systemdlete2my other systems have a crond.log or the like
17:25.10UsLhi, I am about to clone/backup my ascii from a hdd to a new ssd. I want to preserve all my stuff. I thought dd was the goto method but rsync with excluded dirs like /dev and /lost+found seem like a better option. I realize I need to edit fstab with new disks uuid to make it boot as system disk. What do you guys think?
17:25.11gnarfaceis cron actually running?
17:25.14gnarfacesystemdlete2: ^
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17:25.42systemdlete2ps and service show it running
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17:26.34systemdlete2man page for crontab says nothing about logging...
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17:27.09gnarfaceUsL: try this: zgrep -ni 'cron' /var/log/*
17:27.15dethaman cron says " cron  logs its action to the syslog facility 'cron', and logging may be
17:27.23gnarfaceoh yea
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17:27.28systemdlete2man cron says by default cron logs start of all jobs
17:27.31gnarfaceUsL: make sure you have syslog-ng or rsyslogd running too
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17:27.41dethaNote that default loglevel is probably 0, so only failures are mailed
17:28.01systemdlete2rsyslogd is running
17:28.21gnarfacesorry UsL that was for systemdlete2
17:29.08gnarfacesystemdlete2: did you get anything else from this? `zgrep -ni 'cron' /var/log/*`
17:29.16gnarfacemaybe it just hasn't logged anything yet *today*
17:29.39gnarfaceif your logs had just been rotated it may not show up yet
17:30.08gnarfaceUsL: yea, rsync or even tar would work too, but dd would preserve your partitions
17:30.21systemdlete2good catch gnarface.  That's prob it.  I just installed logwatch and a directory size monitoring tool this morning
17:31.02systemdlete2I'm gonna restart cron to see if that "kicks" it
17:31.16dethadefault setup it logs in /var/log/syslog
17:31.20gnarfacesystemdlete2: i get these repeating in my syslog periodically, but this system has been upgraded so many times, who knows if my logging thresholds match yours: CRON[20491]: (root) CMD (   cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)
17:31.42detha(but one has to enable logging, see EXTRA_OPTS in /etc/default/cron) and restart cron
17:31.45systemdlete2no, that is normal I think, gnarface
17:32.25UsLI think I'll try rsync. Should I do it with a live cd or directly. Will it make any difference?
17:32.34gnarfacegosh i think i did have problems with upgrades to jessie in a VM failing to make cron start right, and i had to reinstall cron to make some postinst package script wire it up right.... but i've never had any other problems with it
17:32.38systemdlete2detha:  THanks, but I think we have solved it for now.  Looks like I'm just a bit impatient
17:33.12gnarfaceUsL: it might not make a difference but it would be safer from a livecd, just to be sure nothing you're backing up changes while doing it
17:34.38UsLokay, yeah. And then edit fstab with new uuid and I should be good to go..
17:34.56gnarfacein theory
17:35.01UsL: )
17:35.02gnarfacemake sure you back up everything you need though
17:35.05*** join/#devuan systemdlete (
17:35.35systemdlete2on the importance of backups:  Yesterday I blew away my home directory.  Bad news.
17:35.40systemdlete2good news is I have backups.
17:36.03systemdlete2bad news is that I did not set up the backups for the new VM (ascii) -- so more bad news
17:36.19systemdlete2luckily, I still had backups from my jessie VM   so good news
17:36.22gnarfacethe debian release notes helpfully list a few directories and some command outputs they recommend you back up just in case here:
17:36.27UsLindeed.. Well, as long as rsync wont modify anything on the source disk I guess it's fine
17:36.43UsLah, thanks
17:36.49systemdlete2bad news is I had been running ascii for about 3 days already, so might have lost some important work in my home directory.
17:36.53gnarfaceUsL: it won't mess anything up if you get the syntax right....
17:37.08systemdlete2good news is that it turns out I hadn't, so
17:37.16gnarfaceUsL: (make sure you know which direction you're pointing it before you pull the trigger)
17:37.22systemdlete2anyway.  Always make sure your backups actually work!!!
17:37.36gnarfacethat is a good tip too
17:38.19UsLyeah, I'll try to not eff this up. Thanks for input
17:38.37UsLhere I go
17:39.17gnarfacethe debian release notes say to back up /etc, /var/lib/dpkg, /var/lib/apt/extended_states, and `dpkg --get-selections "*"` and loosely suggest maybe /home too, but i would add to that /opt, /usr/local, and `debconf-get-selections`
17:39.52gnarface(and i would heavily recommend /home not just lazily suggest "maybe")
17:40.04systemdleteI'm backing up those and some other stuff as I need.  And yes, always /home!
17:40.17gnarfacei maybe would even suggest /var/log too, if it's a server
17:40.27systemdleteI mean, if you use your system for anything besides playing admin (like me, on most of my systems)
17:41.54systemdletegood point, I have not been backing up /var/log
17:42.08systemdleteI wonder how much of  a space hit that would be for my backup cloud
17:42.35systemdleteare you talking about ALL logs or just /var/log/*.log for instance?
17:42.41gnarfacedepends on a lot, like how long you have logrotate keeping logs for, and how much traffic you get
17:42.55gnarfaceif it's just a web server mabye you only care about /var/log/apache2
17:43.14gnarfacelogs don't typically take up much space though
17:43.22systemdleteI'd need to ruminate over this a bit...  I'm not doing anything quite THAT important really
17:43.23gnarfacea couple gigs at most unless you're doing something really werid
17:43.33koollmanlocal logs aren't as important in general. If they matter, setup a log server somewhere else
17:43.46koollman(on the other hand, they usually compress really really well)
17:43.46systemdletegood idea koollman
17:44.15systemdleteI'd have to look at each of my systems individually because they run different loggers and have different things logged
17:44.22systemdlete(different distros)
17:44.48koollmanit's pretty nice to be able to read the few last messages of a server that went missing ... helps finding out what may be wrong :)
17:45.05koollman(same idea for performance metrics)
17:46.37systemdlete+1 on perf logs
17:47.31systemdleteI tend to think the historical (logrotated) logs won't be much help if I lose a system.  If it is a public server of some kind, yeah, knowing the history of a problem can be helpful
17:48.04koollmanso then you can do something like "well I had mysql errors, the i/o wait and the number of process went way up, so I should look at that first after it comes back up"
17:48.11systemdleteusually it is the last messages before a crash, or in the hours before a crash that matters
17:48.39systemdleteright.  I will keep in mind the perf data (if I have any) when I re-configure my backups
17:51.17systemdleteThis is bringing up other related matters for me.  Like, I have never backed up any fw/router appliances like endian or ipfire
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17:52.09systemdleteMy thinking about those is that they can be re-installed from scratch and reconfigured in minutes which would probably be faster than rebuilding and restore.  But maybe I need to rethink that notion.
17:53.13koollmanyou can probably get the basic config back easily. But then ... finding out the tiny part of important config that you did 2 years ago to solve some specific problem ... much harder :)
17:53.34systemdleteoh how true that is!  Thank you.
17:54.05koollmanand it can start some cascading failure. "oh. since I restored my firewall, I did not notice my backups cannot work anymore because they are dropped" (and you notice of course, when you need to restore)
17:54.17systemdleteRealistially, I could set them up to backup the system area (/etc and /var mainly). I can re-use the same fileset as for the other systems...
17:54.58systemdleteyes, that moment when the hairs on your neck stand up, you feel flushed, and ready to have a heart attack.  That moment?
17:55.31koollmanI know it well enough to think with some realistic pessimism about what could go wrong on my systems ;)
17:56.03systemdleteI'm lucky because most of what I do with my "systems" is just for learning stuff and a few actual, real-world projects
17:57.12systemdleteI report bugs on occasion, so I guess that is useful
17:58.16gnarfaceif you're running webservers though, the historical apache logs are like a record of your money
17:58.30gnarfacesometimes you need that to provide to the business
17:58.54gnarfacesometimes just to compare it with google's data, sometimes for other research purposes
17:59.17systemdleteYes, there is a whole wealth of great info in THOSE logs.  About 20 years ago, I wrote a tool to cull user connection info from the logs
18:00.16systemdleteWe wanted to get some idea of how many people were connecting, and for how long -- these stats were only estimates, heuristics really.  There is no deterministic means to generate that data.
18:00.49systemdleteI still have that script... It might be fun to try it on one of my systems here...  lol
18:01.35koollmandepending on your country's laws, you also are required to keep access logs for a while. And also depending on the laws, you're required to not keep them for too long
18:02.13systemdletePATRIOT act
18:02.42systemdletebut that's only for publicly-facing servers, I think.  Some companies probably do it for internal security purposes.
18:02.44koollmanfor example, yes. or gdpr on the limiting side
18:03.22systemdleteI love this new GDPR law... heh.  The EU passes a sensible law (from what I can gather) and the US and everyone else is pretty much forced to follow suit.
18:03.48systemdletea kick in the teeth to US full spectrum command and control
18:04.01gnarfacemy only complaint is that it precipitated the early death of Miiverse
18:04.11gnarfaceit needed to happen though, better late than never
18:04.25systemdletea game?
18:04.54gnarfaceuh... Miiverse was the "social" feature of Nintendo's previous console
18:05.28gnarfacedue to GDPR they had to scrap it entirely, and on an earlier timeframe than they were planning on merging it with the new system
18:05.40systemdleteSo that kids could bully and harrass each other over the Internet while playing their favorite game
18:06.05gnarfacewell, in a sense, yes, but it was actually fully curated and moderated with a 3-strikes-you're-out rule
18:06.10gnarfaceno name calling
18:06.12gnarfaceno profanity
18:06.13gnarfaceno being rude
18:06.13systemdlete(I mean, in addition to its INTENDED usage)
18:06.30gnarfacethey served me a warning for calling one of the video game bosses a bad name
18:06.32systemdletekind of like IRC
18:06.58gnarfaceyea, kind of like IRC but the rules were a lot better enforced there than around here...
18:07.12systemdleteyeah, that's exactly what I was alluding to...
18:07.48systemdleteI've noticed that in the last 2 years or so, the behavior on IRC has improved dramatically.  Seems a lot of hotheads have either cooled down or moved on
18:08.02systemdleteI read that IRC's popularity has decreased a good bit recently
18:08.03gnarfacei think they moved on to facebook and twitter
18:08.05gnarfaceand discord
18:08.07nemosystemdlete: I think the FOSS community as a whole is aging
18:08.10nemoand esp the IRC one
18:08.17nemosystemdlete: fewer kids, fewer hormones ☺
18:08.32nemosystemdlete: a lot of us got into code at a time when you pretty much had to dive into guts of your computer
18:08.39nemojust like your car
18:08.44systemdletenemo, gnarface:  Nice to hear.
18:08.47systemdleteI know
18:08.49nemoaaaand just like your car both are a lot harder to dig into nowdays
18:08.57systemdleteI remember adb...
18:09.02nemocopyprotected, locked down, sealed off.
18:09.03systemdleteb 97
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18:09.24nemoand the incentives are gone too. so not too surprising that there's a smaller influx
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18:09.41nemo(nowdays computers don't have to be banged at to get them to do anything interesting)
18:10.07systemdleteI think, overall, the security has improved, esp on *nix systems, which would deter such annoyances
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18:10.35systemdletethey seem to like to continue targeting windows because it always has a fresh supply of potential exploits.
18:10.50systemdlete(overall, overall... not absolutely)
18:11.19nemosystemdlete: I was thinking more about why freenode seems to have become calmer
18:11.24nemosetting aside the current spam attack
18:11.37systemdletethere's ALWAYS somebody, nemo.
18:12.03nemosystemdlete: yeah. I was kinda discounting that
18:12.15nemoI meant for actual real users.  was agreeing that behaviour had improved
18:12.24systemdleteI get you
18:13.33gnarfacewell i used to be one of the hotheads
18:13.40gnarfaceall that changed for me is they legalized weed here...
18:14.50gnarfaceit's a nicer breakfast than brandy at least
18:15.18systemdletethanks for the help again
18:15.49gnarfaceno problem, peace
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18:30.35DocScrutinizer05ChanServ: WB!
18:33.03golinuxAnd it didn't blow up!
18:34.18DocScrutinizer05thinks the fanatic (almost religious) trolls seen on IRC a maybe 10 or even 5 years ago now found they achieve way better response/results on "social media"
18:34.46systemdleteWell, then, let's hear it for social media!
18:35.18systemdletegnarface, detha:  I'm finding that my du -ks /var/log are well under a gig, and some are as small as a few meg
18:35.28systemdletedefinitely candidates for backup
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18:37.28gnarfacei kinda miss the "freenode is not doing, allah is doing" guy though
18:37.37gnarfacebrought a smile to my day
18:37.45TwistedFatealoha snackbar
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18:46.14DocScrutinizer05dang! ChanServ still lags almost a minute
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21:01.53PilgrimmHi folks! I really like Devuan so far but I'm having a bit of an issue with installing Epson printer drivers
21:02.32PilgrimmThe drivers aren't the problem but rather trying to install LSB is a bit of a pain for me
21:03.11PilgrimmSo I type sudo apt install lsb and it gives me this:
21:03.18PilgrimmThe following packages have unmet dependencies:
21:03.23PilgrimmE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.
21:03.43PilgrimmApparently this is a common issue, what the heck is going on here?
21:04.09*** join/#devuan wildlander (~wildlande@unaffiliated/wildlander)
21:09.41Centurion_DanPilgrimm: I haven't heard that one before... what release - jessie or ascii?
21:09.52PilgrimmI'm using ascii
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21:18.32golinuxWhat is your sources.list
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21:18.48golinuxShould use
21:18.56golinuxPilgrimm: ^^^
21:20.21Pilgrimmthey're all deb  it seems
21:20.52golinuxPlease use
21:21.13golinuxThat might fix things for you
21:21.47PilgrimmDo I replace pkgmaster or just leave it there and add deb?
21:24.20PilgrimmI'm getting the same thing even after performing sudo apt update
21:25.10gnarfacedid you ever have backports or other repos in there?
21:25.43golinuxReplace. with
21:26.12PilgrimmYes, I replaced them all with
21:26.27Pilgrimmascii, ascii-updates, ascii-security, ascii-backports
21:27.09Pilgrimmwait, I also have /merged/ after
21:27.12Pilgrimmis that causing anything?
21:27.17gnarfacei note that lsb-desktop 4.1+devuan2 is the same version as ceres...
21:29.49Pilgrimmyeah, again I have updates, security, and backports enabled
21:30.02PilgrimmI DON'T have proposed or experimental enabled though
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21:31.12unixmanI'll just point out that backports, or similar, have bitten me hard across several Linux distributions. I rarely enable it anymore.
21:32.33gnarfacePilgrimm: i thnk you've made a mess.  but see what it prompts you to do if you add "-i ascii-backports" to the command
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21:33.36PilgrimmTo sudo apt install lsb you mean?
21:33.49gnarfacePilgrimm: yea, uh... "-t ascii-backports" actually though, i mean
21:34.28Pilgrimmstill nothing, same output
21:34.56gnarfacewhat do you see if you run `dpkg -l |grep lsb-`
21:35.41Pilgrimmii  lsb-base                               4.1+devuan2                                all          Linux Standard Base 4.1 init script functionality
21:35.44Pilgrimmrc  lsb-core                               4.1+devuan2                                amd64        Linux Standard Base 4.1 core support package
21:35.46Pilgrimmii  lsb-release                            4.1+devuan2                                all          Linux Standard Base version reporting utility
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21:36.58gnarfacecan anyone confirm if those are the right package versions for ascii?
21:37.08gnarfacethat looks like ceres to me
21:37.22gnarfaceor backports
21:37.47gnarfaceoh hmm.  mabye it's the same version everywhere
21:38.05gnarfacewhy is lsb-core removed though for you Pilgrimm?
21:38.23gnarface... nevermind that too.  same here
21:38.51gnarfaceit might be broken
21:38.51Pilgrimmshould I install that?
21:38.57gnarfaceno, don't install it
21:39.07gnarfacei'm wondering if you're supposed to uninstall the other two first, in fact
21:40.02PilgrimmI'm assuming the other two are what's causing a mess?
21:40.37gnarfacethat's not actually quite what the error says
21:40.45gnarfacei'm sortof grasping at straws here
21:41.30gnarfacethe package could be broken
21:41.34gnarfacedoes anyone else here have it installed?
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21:41.57gnarfaceanyone have lsb-desktop installed on ascii?
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21:46.52gnarfacePilgrimm: you can try removing them first to see what happens, or you could try it with aptitude to see what types of suggestions that provides
21:47.15gnarfaceit's probably safer to try it with aptitude but i don't know
21:47.21gnarfacei'm not sure what will happen if you pull those out
21:48.54Pilgrimmtry installing the other lsbs you mean?
21:49.18gnarfacehave you used aptitude before?
21:49.39gnarfaceit's like apt but it tries to provide intelligent suggestions in situations like this
21:49.57gnarfacethat's the safer suggestion i mean
21:50.10gnarfacetry installing lsb-desktop with aptitude instead of apt
21:50.17gnarfaceit won't work
21:50.19gnarfaceit will still complain
21:50.29gnarfacebut it might do a better idea of telling you what's wrong and how to get around it
21:50.43gnarfaceit might tell you what you can safely remove
21:50.54gnarfaceor it might at least do a better job at guessing than me
21:52.21PilgrimmI haven't actually. I've been using either synaptic or apt itself
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21:54.02gnarfacei usually use apt-get
21:54.11gnarfacei'm not even sure how different it is from apt
21:54.31gnarface(i assume it's basically just passing your options through to apt-get but i don't know)
21:54.35Pilgrimmlsb-desktop depends on libpng12-0
21:54.41Pilgrimmwhich is apparently unavailable
21:54.52gnarfacecheck backports for *that*
21:55.08gnarfacebecause i have that here in ceres...
21:55.27gnarfacei have libpng16 too though
21:55.32gnarfacemaybe that's an obsolete version now
21:56.04gnarfaceah yea
21:56.10gnarfacethat's actually from jessie and i just still have it installed
21:56.18Pilgrimmlooks like the last distro that had libpng12 - yeah it was jessie
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21:56.48gnarfaceso this has to be a bug that debian has too...
21:57.49gnarfacei wonder if the only reason it can't use libpng16 is the package name
21:57.52gnarfacethat might be an easy thing to fix
21:58.18Pilgrimmhow do I fix that exactly
21:58.39gnarfacewell you'd have to repackage it
21:58.57gnarfacei mean it could be easy to fix in theory if you already knew how to do that
21:59.51gnarfaceincidentally, what do you actually need that for?
21:59.51Pilgrimmyeah I'm not familiar with repackaging heh
22:00.07gnarfaceno lsb-desktop, specifically
22:00.24gnarfacei'm curious what's different about it since i don't seem to have ever run into it...
22:00.39Pilgrimmwell again when I try to install lsb, I believe it requres lsb-desktop as a dependency
22:01.09gnarfaceit could be broken
22:01.28gnarfaceis it basically just a list of packages?
22:01.38gnarfaceof other packages to install?
22:02.15Pilgrimmwhen I run sudo apt install lsb it just lists lsb-desktop having an unmet dependency
22:02.39Pilgrimmapt-get returns the same thing
22:02.47gnarfaceright, but we know it's libpng12 right?
22:03.03Pilgrimmthat's what aptitude states, yes
22:04.27Pilgrimmlsb-desktop (install, 4.1+devuan2) depends on libpng12-0 [UNAVAILABLE]
22:04.32gnarfacethis link claims debian abandoned lsb
22:04.43gnarfaceit points to this discussion:
22:05.56gnarfacei could walk you through rebuilding the package to look for libpng16 instead, but i can't actually guarantee that will work.
22:06.10gnarfaceit might not build right
22:06.16gnarfaceor it might build right and just crash when you run it
22:06.50gnarfacefor that matter it might work perfectly and just hose your system, because apparently Debian stopped caring about it upstream with stretch
22:08.14PilgrimmYeah, I'd preferrably like to try to rebuild it considering these printer drivers basically need lsb...
22:08.25Pilgrimmthat's all it needs really, not sure if it needs anything else
22:08.43gnarfaceif it's just about build deps for something else
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22:08.54gnarfaceit might be easier to get them with "apt-get build-dep [package name]"
22:09.31gnarfacei had another thought: you could also try to build libpng12
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22:09.40gnarfacei'm not sure which would be easier
22:10.19gnarfaceit's clearly capable of cohabitating with with libpng16
22:10.31Pilgrimmthat might be a better idea come to think of it
22:10.36Pilgrimmhow do I do that
22:10.48gnarfacethis might get weird
22:10.53MinceRthat's what she said.
22:11.10gnarfacebasically you want to follow the instructions for backporting but use jessie
22:11.27gnarfaceso you want to add just the deb-src line for jessie to your sources.list temporarily
22:11.45gnarfacethen (i think) "apt-get -t jessie source libpng12-0"
22:12.17gnarfacesomething like that anyway.  that will just download the source package and you can take the jessie deb-src line out of your sources.list again after
22:13.18gnarfacethen you might want to `apt-get build-dep libpng16-16`
22:13.26gnarfacethe deps should mostly be the same
22:13.33gnarfaceit's a good staring point anyway
22:13.42gnarfaceand i think you need `apt-get build-essential`
22:13.55gnarfaceor no, `apt-get install build-essential` i mean
22:14.18gnarfacethen if you're lucky all you have to do is cd into the libpng12 source dir and run dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc
22:15.02gnarfacethat doesn't guarantee it will build right
22:15.16gnarfacebut it follows all the rules and if it does build right should at least give you packages that won't break anything else
22:18.08Pilgrimmholy crap
22:18.11Pilgrimmthat did it
22:18.15gnarfaceyou're kidding me
22:18.17Pilgrimmthank you so much
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22:18.23gnarfaceno problem
22:18.23PilgrimmI didn't even have to use deb-src
22:18.35gnarfacewas the libpng12 source still in the ascii repos?
22:18.38bkeysHey guys, I put devuan on my c201 chromebook and I'm in a live environment
22:18.46bkeysCan someone tell me how to install it to say, a usb drive?
22:19.25PilgrimmI don't think so, I just added a line referring to the jessie repos and that did it
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22:20.23gnarfacePilgrimm: ohhhhhh, you mean you just installed the libpng12 binary from the jessie repos?  that's kinda a no-no, but it might not give you any problems in the long run in this particular case
22:21.10gnarfacePilgrimm: if you get unexpected crashing/segfaults/freezes/glitches or the like, then try it my way
22:21.11Pilgrimmwhat are the issues it could cause, exactly?
22:21.30gnarfaceit could cause like crashes or memory leaks
22:21.31gnarfacethat type of thing
22:21.44Pilgrimmyeah if anything screwy happens I'll try that method
22:26.24golinuxPilgrimm: libpng12 ia onlt available in jessie
22:26.47golinuxThat's the best place to check on package availability
22:28.18gnarfaceoh yea, bookmark this, Pilgrimm, it's useful^
22:29.56Pilgrimmyeah I checked that earlier actually
22:30.08PilgrimmI'll bookmark it
22:34.25golinuxPilgrimm: You might also find this discussion interesting:
22:36.46*** join/#devuan spectral_ (b5a7cbfa@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:43.37Pilgrimmthanks for the link, that's interesting actually
22:44.09Pilgrimmby the way the drivers work great, thanks for your help again gnarface
22:45.25*** join/#devuan Gnhugo (~yaaic@
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23:07.41fsmithredam I here?
23:10.34golinuxfsmithred: Finally!  Pittsburgh?
23:10.44fsmithredradio station
23:11.07golinuxAh . . .
23:11.28fsmithredI upgraded the studio box to jessie
23:11.39fsmithredand the cdrom got lost
23:11.56golinuxTo jessie?  Not ascii?
23:12.14fsmithredyeah, to jessie.
23:12.27golinuxFrom wheezy?
23:12.58fsmithredcan't use ascii yet, because the radio software hasn't been debianized yet.
23:13.22golinuxCan we chat later?  Got to get back to the kitchen
23:13.37fsmithredand we should do it privately
23:13.50Centurion_Dananybody here using php7.0-fpm?
23:28.13bkeysWhat is the currently most up to date kernel for devuan?
23:28.30fsmithredsame as debian
23:30.21*** join/#devuan Gnhugo (~yaaic@
23:31.13fsmithredbkeys, linux-image-4.9.0-8 in ascii (stretch)
23:40.12fsmithred4.17 in backports
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23:45.22bkeysYeah I need to upgrade to stretch from jessie
23:49.04fsmithredstretch? or ascii?
23:49.31bkeysI just need kernel > 4.8
23:49.52bkeysI want to interface with the eMMC of my C201 chromebook
23:50.25gnarfaceif you mean devuan, you mean ascii, not stretch
23:50.38fsmithredwell, I don't think anyone has tested that particular upgrade, but it should work
23:51.27fsmithredif you want to switch from devuan to debian, remove the pin on systemd-sysv in /etc/apt/preferences.d
23:55.10ErRandirif you just need the kernel yuo could just build and install just the kernel
23:55.26gnarfacei'm sure it's in backports too
23:55.39bkeysI'm just running the upgrade and seeing what it does, the chromebook is in the corning humming away at it
23:55.44bkeysWill be reporting how it goes
23:56.52fsmithredok, but are you upgrading to devuan or to debian? That's not clear.
23:57.24bkeysPretty sure it'll still be devuan when it's finished but I don't care what it is, so long as it works and it has a high enough kernel version
23:57.35bkeysMy intention in the end is to interface with the eMMC and install Fedora on the eMMC
23:57.57bkeysAnd not use any debian-based distros on it. It's just atm this is the only thing I could get to boot on the chromebook so that is what I am using
23:58.18bkeysAll I did was change my sources.list to point directly to the debian repos
23:58.44fsmithredok, don't mix debian and devuan repos
23:58.58bkeysIt's not mixed, I commented out all the stuff that was there by default

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