IRC log for #devuan on 20180808

00:00.59*** join/#devuan rustyr (
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00:03.27cehtehhum i need some ssh heartbeat, when connection dies, then it reverts everything in /etc (etckeeper) and reboots .. does such a tool exist?
00:10.47koollmanit seems a bit extreme. easy enough to make, I guess. starting a script that checks if your sshd process is still running, and when it stops, revert and reboot
00:11.22*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
00:12.12cehtehi wonder if such doesnt already exist
00:12.28cehtehuse case: tinkering with network configuration on a remote machine
00:13.04cehtehonly enable that while one is testing things
00:13.09koollmanyeah, I get the idea :)
00:13.49koollmanI've done similar things in the past, but limited. usually mostly for firewall rules, and then iptables-apply was created and I was set
00:14.00koollmanI guess for ssh or interfaces changes, it could still be useful
00:15.29cehtehfirehol has the 'firehol try' command .. when the firewall is loaded you have to enter 'commit' within 30 secs
00:18.58*** join/#devuan infobot (ibot@
00:18.58*** topic/#devuan is This is the Devuan discussion channel | **You need to auth to nickserv to talk!** | Latest (2018-06-09): ASCII 2.0.0 || Stable (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 LTS release | Devuan Forum: | Chanlogs:
00:18.58*** mode/#devuan [+v infobot] by ChanServ
00:18.59cehtehwhen i need it again i may hack something together
00:20.43cehtehbtw is the packager of libvirt present here, or where do i file issues/wishlist things?
00:21.21*** join/#devuan Guest3593 (~buzz@dragonbox/pyrate/buZz)
00:22.13koollmanbase idea: while kill -0 pidtowatch ; sleep 1 ; done ; cd /etc ; git stash ; shutdown -r +5 "Server restarting because pidtowatch is gone"
00:22.37Joerg-Neo900so what about the channel /topic? would any of you channel users want it changed to be more up2date?
00:23.10koollman(and you can shutdown -c, then git stash apply, to keep your changes)
00:23.38cehtehyeah something like that
00:25.24*** join/#devuan saptech (~saptech@unaffiliated/saptech)
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00:34.55Joerg-Neo900cehteh: echo -e '#!/bin/sh \n sleep 300 \n wall -n "mywatchdog is going to reboot system in 90s. To abort this, do sudo killall mywatchdog" \n shutdown -r now' >/usr/local/sbin/mywatchdog; chown root /usr/local/sbin/mywatchdog; chmod +x /usr/local/sbin/mywatchdog
00:36.45*** join/#devuan Schroeder18 (~Schroeder@
00:36.48Joerg-Neo900then on local system run a `while sleep 240; do ssh root@myserver "killall mywatchdog; /usr/local/bin/mywatchdog; done`
00:37.58cehtehJoerg-Neo900: yes sure, pretty simple
00:38.11*** join/#devuan rustyroman (
00:38.14cehtehhi btw, ltns
00:38.39Joerg-Neo900hi! long time no see
00:40.37*** join/#devuan raoulzecat (
00:43.32Joerg-Neo900cehteh: actually sorry, this suggestion of mine has a bug; you need to detach mywatchdog process from terminal, aka "daemonize". So it doesn't get killed when your ssh connection closes
00:44.41cehtehi dont need it anymore, box is working
00:48.28Joerg-Neo900a lot of systems have a similar thing OOTB. E.G my router (vyos/EdgeMAX) has:
00:49.19Joerg-Neo900when you don't give `confirm` a 10 min after commit-confirm, the system reboots
00:49.28cehtehbefore etckeeper existed i hacked my own etc-in-git thing
00:50.06cehtehsomone suggestd me the briliant idea (on a shared administrated host) that instead having a daily autocommit do a daily autorevert :)
00:51.53Joerg-Neo900and yeah, usually you want the watchdog to also boot to a known-good config
00:52.11cehtehwell some automatism for etckeeper to commit changes on a successful boot and revert changes from a failed boot would be nice, i am pretty sure someone done that somewhere (iirc you can hook things into that)
00:52.36cehtehand you want to push people to commit their changes with meaningful comments
00:53.48Joerg-Neo900hehe, would you be surprised to hear maemo had this stuff since ... maemo5 for sure, maybe maemo4 or earlier?
00:54.33Joerg-Neo900I'm not entirely sure what exactly it protected
00:54.47Joerg-Neo900(still protects)
00:57.21Joerg-Neo900anyway /rescue/*
01:03.08Joerg-Neo900prolly it monitors all HAM (apt) package manager activities
01:03.40*** join/#devuan stephen8715 (~stephen87@
01:11.19Joerg-Neo900in /etc/init.d/rcS:    --  and the
01:19.28Joerg-Neo900/me flares at " export BOOTSTATE="USER"   \n  touch /tmp/$BOOTSTATE   \n  echo $BOOTSTATE > /tmp/STATE" and scratches head. ---    IroN900:~# ls -l /tmp/U* /tmp/STATE
01:19.29Joerg-Neo900-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5 2018-07-11 03:22 /tmp/STATE
01:19.31Joerg-Neo900-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 2018-07-11 03:22 /tmp/USER
01:20.17Joerg-Neo900either legacy cruft or a nasty mistake
01:21.03Joerg-Neo900cehteh: is etckeeper some established thing?
01:21.09*** join/#devuan cygEatWin (~cygEatWin@
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01:49.18*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@unaffiliated/xenguy)
01:54.53*** join/#devuan Humpelstilzchen (
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02:22.39*** join/#devuan ServiceRobot (~ServiceRo@2601:45:4003:8fcb::f94c)
02:23.33ServiceRobotso I've cracked the mystery of openrc I think. if you attempt to install it during installation as a replacement for sysv-rc, it doesn't work. you need to install sysv-rc first, and then replace it with openrc
02:23.57ServiceRobotI'm not exactly sure why it works that way, but at least I figured out how to make it work
02:25.31ServiceRobotin fact, the graphical installer makes you do it this way. choose-init doesn't work until you've installed the base system
02:25.44ServiceRobotvery strange indeed
02:26.45*** join/#devuan Humpelst2lzchen (
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02:28.16gnarfaceServiceRobot: it's something to do with the post/pre install scripts
02:28.37gnarfacenone of it is magic, they all have to be painstakingly made to play nice with each other by hand
02:28.51gnarfaceoften, that includes building in assumptions about what order certain things are installed in
02:29.06ServiceRobotya, it's just weird how I need to install sysv-rc first, then replace it instead of just have openrc
02:29.16gnarfacethey try to cover all the bases, but ad-hoc installation isn't really in the budget for debugging most the time
02:30.06ServiceRobotright, but at the very least I've solved the mystery. I think
02:30.24gnarfacethat's the important part
02:33.21*** join/#devuan bjb (
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02:39.57ServiceRobotone reason I want to use openrc is netifrc (although I would prefer runit but I don't think it's supported currently)
02:40.27ServiceRobotthere's a compatibility script called runit-sysv but that's not the same role openrc fills in sysv-rc's absence
02:40.43ServiceRobotbut options are always good
03:12.26*** join/#devuan cygEatWin (~cygEatWin@
03:20.51*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
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04:02.20*** join/#devuan fishfears (~whomstdun@
04:07.10*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
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05:40.50mbufWhich bootloader does the use?
05:45.52*** join/#devuan inhetep (~inhetep@gateway/tor-sasl/inhetep)
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06:26.25*** join/#devuan ServiceRobot (~ServiceRo@2601:45:4003:8fcb::f94c)
06:27.59ServiceRobotso I'm trying to understand how Devuan sets itself apart from Debian other than the removal of systemd and sysvinit by default
06:28.18ServiceRobotare packages from debian modified in anyway?
06:28.23ServiceRobot*any way
06:30.37*** join/#devuan nighty- (
06:31.17dethaWhere necessary to remove systemd dependencies, they are modified.
06:31.42ServiceRobotan example?
06:33.13dethadesktops (login needs some systemd stuff)
06:33.26ServiceRobotlike GNOME?
06:33.30ServiceRobotwhich I don't use btw
06:34.10dethaneither do I (xfce), but that is one example
06:34.17*** join/#devuan antenagora (~antenagor@
06:34.36ServiceRobotI imagine it must be hell stripping systemd from GNOME
06:35.40MinceRthe worst part is that you still end up with gnome
06:36.39ServiceRobotwhen I first moved to linux and eventually settled on xfce, I was afraid by the lack of features compared to the windows desktop... then I soon realized I didn't need much more than what it provided
06:37.02ServiceRobotkind of a big wake up to me that more doesn't really mean MORE
06:37.06ServiceRobotif you catch my drift
06:37.31MinceRi found more features than in the windows desktop, and probably used more too
06:37.41MinceRlike virtual desktops and non-crippled panels
06:37.46ServiceRobotwell more on the terminal, sure
06:37.55ServiceRobotnon-crippled panels?
06:38.22ServiceRobotxfce panel still has a few kinks I wish would get worked out. same with thunar
06:38.27ServiceRobototherwise it's a golden desktop
06:38.32MinceRwell, xfce panel has gone to shit since then
06:38.51ServiceRobotwhat happened to xfce panel? it works fine for me with only a few issues
06:38.53MinceRnow on most systems it's enough to try to remove one of the panels to make it crash and restart with all panels still there
06:39.07MinceRthey jury-rigged some sort of settings daemon under it, among other things
06:39.34ServiceRobotfor xfce panel? how is that a problem?
06:39.59MinceRmakes it heavier and more difficult to configure
06:40.09MinceRespecially if you have to edit the config file to work around a bug
06:40.14MinceRlike the one i mentioned
06:40.23ServiceRobotwhich bug?
06:40.33MinceRthat trying to remove the second panel often makes it crash
06:40.39MinceRinstead of removing the second panel
06:41.00ServiceRobotoh? I've installed and removed the panel plenty of times with no crashes
06:41.15ServiceRobotyou mean the default bottom panel that emulates a macos feel?
06:41.17ServiceRobotthe dock?
06:41.33ServiceRobotI can delete it without crashes. I've never had a crash from removing it
06:41.34MinceRi'm not sure which version has this issue, but i've struggled with it on 2 machines, including one at work
06:41.43ServiceRobotwhich distributions?
06:41.56ServiceRobotand what versions?
06:42.02MinceRdunno, haven't checked
06:42.11*** join/#devuan inhetep (~inhetep@gateway/tor-sasl/inhetep)
06:42.17ServiceRobotnever used it. might be how the distro handles it. I use Artix and never had crash issues
06:52.10ServiceRobotwrong channel
06:52.49MinceRat any rate, if it depends on a settings daemon, it isn't lightweight
06:53.21ServiceRobotI suppose. maybe complain on their issue tracker to make it more modular?
06:53.31ServiceRobotit's still more modular than most desktop environments
06:53.44ServiceRobotcan't have everything
06:54.01*** join/#devuan hmw (
07:06.17MinceRi'm looking for other panels instead
07:06.28MinceRi switched to fvwm anyway
07:08.33*** join/#devuan Madda (
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07:24.45gnarfaceServiceRobot: there's a list of packages that could not be sanitized of systemd, and have been removed entirely because of that.  besides this list, and the re-packaging of tons of other packages, every effort has been made to preserve expected behavior. (the behavior WE expected from years of prior work with Debian, not the behavior all those systemd monkeys expected their 6-month unix crash course certified by
07:24.46gnarfaceMicrosoft, Inc.)
07:25.32gnarfaceyou'll find that in most cases it's so much like debian that the word debian is still floating about in places it doesn't belong
07:25.54gnarfacethe vast majority of packages haven't actually even been changed, and in fact are dynamically pulled from the debian repos directly
07:26.05*** join/#devuan most_enter (
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07:26.25ServiceRobotwhich begs the question why we needed to fork debian if it's mostly the same
07:26.44ServiceRobotwas adding an extra repo not enough?
07:26.47gnarfacebecause you can't actually get systemd out of debian
07:27.05bozoniusxfce is gnome right?
07:27.09gnarfaceif you actually try (on a machine that's not headless and using ext4) you'll find all sorts of regressions and blockages
07:27.11ServiceRobotI see "replace systemd with debian" from google results but I guess it's bullshit
07:27.19ServiceRobot*with sysvinit
07:27.46ServiceRobotI've been seeing a lot of astroturfing instead of legitimate talk and it makes it hard to form any sort of opinion
07:28.08bozoniusxfce is built on gnome, I mean?
07:28.23ServiceRobotMATE is a fork of GNOME 2
07:28.33ServiceRobotthat must be what you're thinking
07:28.50bozoniusso xfce is distinct from gnome then?
07:29.09gnarfaceServiceRobot: their aggression style is a systematic set of regressive patches in the form of "nobody was using this anymore right? -> purge" and "oopses, we didn't test sysvinit with your filesystem!"  that fly under the radar of public discussion.  to see what they're doing wrong you actually have to seriously try not to use systemd.  it helps if you were already familiar with how things worked before it came on the
07:29.31gnarfacebozonius: yea, xfce is not related to gnome
07:30.09bozoniusI heard ServiceRobot say he had problems with xfce  and you were talking gnome, so I thought maybe...
07:30.27bozoniusI mean you were talking *systemd
07:30.32bozonius(it's late here)
07:30.41bozoniusis not helping here... at all
07:30.51gnarfaceServiceRobot: when you've been upgrading debian systems without problems for more than a decade and the FIRST upgrade fails because of systemd, then you find out WHY and it's because they replaced a symlink with a broken script that nobody tested IN A PACKAGE THAT DOESN'T EVEN DEPEND ON IT... then you realize they're breaking shit on purpose.
07:31.30gnarfaceor when you try to uninstall systemd and find out no window managers are installable anymore
07:31.35gnarfacethat sort of shit
07:31.47gnarfaceor how they scuttled lm-sensors
07:32.00gnarfaceand then went right after the login process
07:32.15bozoniusstomach is turning
07:32.43ServiceRobotnah, I said I wasn't having problems with xfce
07:32.45ServiceRobotthat was someone else
07:32.46gnarfacethey're systematically replacing stuff that's been working for literally decades, because they think it's old and crufty.   but then they can't walk the walk they talk, and everything they replace is broken
07:32.57bozoniusoh, sorry ServiceRobot   my bad
07:33.21ErRandirre-installed sysvinit before devuan existed. That worked for a while but over time systemd invaded and broke more and more stuff
07:33.30gnarfaceand every time, their justification is itself based on a sophomoric level of understanding of the way it was meant to be used
07:33.31ServiceRobotpeople seem to be using that same argument for wayland
07:34.11gnarfaceyea, the same argument can be made for wayland, and i've in fact made that argument myself, but wayland currently isn't an active threat because it doesn't build and it doesn't work with Steam
07:34.22gnarfaceit doesn't work with NVidia binary drivers, and probably never will
07:34.23ServiceRobotthe claim that systemd makes is that traditional initscripts are "hard to maintain" and "prone to errors"
07:34.26*** join/#devuan thrasymachus (
07:34.28ServiceRobotisn't that with anything you do?
07:34.42gnarfacethe traditional init scripts are only hard to maintain if you're a shitty programmer
07:34.56gnarfaceis that a qed?
07:35.11gnarfacei dunno, it felt clever though :)
07:35.18ServiceRobotmind you I only started using linux in 2016 so I can't speak from experience
07:35.37gnarface1997 here, and i'm still feeling dumb for not finding out about it sooner
07:35.40bozoniusI started using Linux in the mid-1990s and got serious about it in the early 2000's
07:36.29bozoniusI didn't know about systemd until about 2014 or so when I upgraded mageia 4 to 5 and discovered the missing log files...
07:36.36ServiceRobotholy crap. I was born in 1997...
07:36.51gnarfaceyou sound a lot older than that.  good for you.
07:37.18gnarfaceyou've obviously been packed full of a lot of crap, but you're asking the right questions.  that's good.
07:37.22bozoniusthe missing log files made me angry
07:37.26ServiceRobotreally? I don't know what I'm doing most of the time. I just follow directions and try to get ideas from other people
07:37.30gnarfacemore people need to be asking the right questions in this world.
07:38.00bozoniusmaybe it is time to kind of "start all over"
07:38.05ServiceRobotif I were to go into software development now, what linux has taught me is that modularity is very important
07:38.40ServiceRobotsystemd seems to be splitting the community heavily. that already tells me something is wrong if it has to come to that
07:39.50bozoniusit would be a LOT of work, but I wonder if it might actually make things better in the long run
07:40.09ServiceRobotmind you I used systemd when I first started linux. the only bug I encountered was a message that would say "A stop job is running" when I try to shut down my system
07:40.23ServiceRobotdrove me crazy after a while
07:41.06ServiceRobotI talked to someone else that said I shouldn't "deviate to a distro that has little support compared to what everyone else uses"
07:41.19ServiceRobotbut I like taking risks
07:41.20bozoniusof course they would say that
07:41.27ServiceRobothe's a sysadmin
07:42.18ServiceRobotfrom his perspective, most production servers use debian, centos, or fedora (I think).
07:42.38ServiceRobotno one has forked centos or fedora like devuan did though
07:42.59bozoniuswhen I tried using Mageia 5, which was their first release with systemd, I felt like a stranger in my own house
07:43.08bozoniuswhere are my log files I wondered
07:43.23ServiceRobotI've seen that argument used as well. "binary logs"
07:43.34bozoniusoh, you have to run this contorted bunch of options to a new program so you can see the entries
07:43.43bozoniusit's much better that way I was told
07:44.06gnarfacebinary logs are a great idea if you're trying to install linux on a pocket watch with 256MB of storage, but when you're trying to get work done, logs need to be complete and reliable
07:44.26bozoniusstandardizing the format of the log files -- great idea.  But no reason to crunch them down into binary!
07:44.36ServiceRobotI'd be down for a linux watch actually. like WearOS. lol
07:45.01ServiceRobotis there no option to use regular logs?
07:45.08ServiceRobotI mean an option is at least something
07:45.24bozoniusthere is a way to disable journalctl mechanism
07:45.34gnarfacei thought systemd will let you turn them back on but it just copies them from journalctl so if you crash you still lose all the last logs?
07:46.04gnarfacei could be wrong about that, that's just something i thought someone else said in here
07:46.05bozoniusi thought there was a way to tell systemd to log to somethng like syslog-ng or the like
07:46.08bozoniusI coudl be wrong
07:46.21ServiceRobotthat seems like a hacky solution
07:46.29gnarfaceyea i thought it was just pointing journalctl to rsyslogd
07:46.29bozoniusfingers: pay attention please!
07:46.51bozoniusmay be, idk. I've never tried it, nor have I wanted to.
07:47.35gnarfaceanyway, the summary is, systemd is the type of thing that sounds like a great plan in an executive board-room meeting, but we're all here because they couldn't prove it in practice.
07:47.43bozoniusAside from devuan, are there any other "linux" projects that are trying to establish some kind of bulkhead against further intrustion of systemd?
07:47.48gnarface(and we didn't think the old system was broke to begin with)
07:48.06ServiceRobotthere's a whole website that lists systemd-free distros
07:48.13bozoniusI loved CentOS until 7
07:48.14gnarfacebozonius: slackware is still standing against the tide but it's literally one guy and he desperately needs donations
07:48.18bozoniusI looked
07:48.40ServiceRobotArtix is by far the best rolling release solution for me
07:48.44bozoniusI don't care for the way most of those distros are packaged.  Many lack straightforward installation scripts
07:48.54ServiceRobotas for stable releases I haven't settled yet. but devuan seems to be what I'll use
07:48.58dethathe old system was good. the motivation for the binary logs was good, but it should have been an optional extra
07:49.01bozoniusI also don't care for rolling release for my host systems
07:49.03ServiceRobotI gave Hyperbola a try but ran into problems with it
07:49.11bozoniusme too!
07:49.20ServiceRobotyou tried Hyperbola?
07:49.24bozoniusTried parabola also
07:49.40bozonius(trying to recall what the problem(s) was)
07:49.43ServiceRobotmain issue is that they are strictly libre so it won't work with game server software
07:49.53ServiceRobotnor do they offer help with it
07:50.11bozoniushave you ever tried to get help from Artix?  Or Anti-X?
07:50.19ServiceRobotif you want to just run a LEMP setup, it's great for that
07:50.31ServiceRobotyes. they have an irc channel and a forum
07:50.35bozoniusI've even posted requests on their forums, and no response
07:50.50ServiceRobotthough I figure out most of my issues through google and only get advice from forums and irc
07:50.58bozoniussame here
07:51.08ServiceRobotsince I don't want to end of asking questions that can be solved with research
07:51.13ServiceRobot*end up
07:51.21bozoniuswhen they do respond, it feels like they are saying I am not capable of running a Linux box
07:51.42bozoniusbecause I can't decode their odd, incomplete way of  installing and configuring
07:51.42ServiceRobotthough I hate coming across someone with the same problem as me from like 2007 and no responses. google has no way of knowing if there are responses
07:52.10bozoniuslol.  Yeah, I find myself turning on custom filter in google search
07:52.19bozoniusrequest like the last 3 years worth
07:52.21ServiceRobotthose filters never save for me
07:52.37bozoniusthey are not helpful, no.  I think a lot of people gave up years ago
07:52.48ServiceRobotI'd say a problem worse than systemd at the moment is browser choice
07:52.56ServiceRobotcurrently I'm stuck between chromium or firefox
07:53.14bozoniusdesktops are limited on some of these distros
07:53.18ServiceRobotI could use something simpler but extensions extensions extensions!
07:53.29bozoniusunless you want to do a lot of manual configuring yourself
07:53.43ServiceRobotArch taught me the value of manual configuration
07:53.58bozoniusmanual configuration has its pluses
07:54.32ServiceRobotalso, I got devuan working on my usb with openrc. I don't use direct isos on my usb like I used to
07:54.43ServiceRobotI was getting tired of constantly reformatting it for other distros
07:54.50bozoniusbut what I really want for my main host system is a fixed release with mostly preconfigured default desktop and other programs.  I save the fun (Artix, Anti-X, Alpine, etc) for my VMs
07:55.09ServiceRobotso I installed refind to a fat partition, and a btrfs partition with subsolvumes for different distros
07:55.28bozoniusany hard drives?
07:55.31ServiceRobotthough idk if btrfs is really meant to work on usbs. seems to work for me
07:55.59ServiceRobotI would use Alpine but I need multilib support
07:56.17ServiceRobotseems like Alpine would be a good router distro though if I ever build my own router
07:56.23bozoniusI've heard solid state drives like USB kind of break down after a while... they are limited to a certain number of writes or something
07:56.59ServiceRobotwell I only install the absolute minimum packages on the usbs. isos tend to have more than I want
07:57.02bozoniusI'd be using Alpine if it had a decent installer and, moreover, supported VirtualBox, which is my preferred VM tool
07:57.10ServiceRobotthis way I can modify the usb without reformatting it
07:57.16ServiceRobotand not dealing with squashfs
07:57.23bozonius(I've been using vbox since about 2010 or so and I like it)
07:57.40dethaalpine would make a decent router distro, but for a router I'd rather use openBSD or freeBSD
07:57.44ServiceRobotI was having trouble with virtualbox without systemd but got it working eventually
07:57.58ServiceRobotI heard openwrt is also good
07:58.23bozoniusI'm using IPfire and EndianFire for routers -- they are running as VM appliances!
07:58.23ServiceRobotthe router in our house has been replaced several times over the last few years from comcast. absolute garbage
07:58.35bozoniusamen to that!
07:58.44bozoniusand add TV service to that
07:58.56ServiceRobotI just took a networking class and have my final tomorrow, so I understand how to setup a network now
07:59.10bozoniussummer classes?
07:59.15bozoniusor is this for work?
07:59.20ServiceRobotsummer classes
07:59.30ServiceRobotI don't do much else with my time anyway
08:00.05bozoniusI think EndianFire has a very nice interface, though it is far more complicated than IPFire
08:00.09bozoniusI like both, actually.
08:00.17ServiceRobotwhat's EndianFire and IPFire?
08:00.20bozoniusI'm still learning how to do stuff with them
08:00.38bozoniusfirewall routers I  guess you'd say
08:00.43ServiceRobotwhat type of hardware would you need to custom build a router?
08:01.00dethawhat throughput do you need for the router?
08:01.13ServiceRobotnot sure
08:01.29bozoniusfor a few years maybe 10 years ago, I was using my old Compaq Presario 486 for IPcop (from which IPFire forked)
08:01.35detha<100Mb/s: any old PC or single-board
08:01.49ServiceRobotI can just use a normal pc as a router?
08:01.51detha>100Mb/s: something with a decent NIC and some CPU power
08:02.11bozoniusI slipped in a couple of NICs (only 2 slots then, and they were ISA slots!)
08:02.16ServiceRobotif that's the case I can use the computer I was given by a friend to do it
08:02.18bozoniusgot excellent performance
08:02.37ServiceRobotit's a nice modifiable case that was used in production I think
08:02.51bozoniusdetha: eh, don't need much power for firewall router for a home system
08:02.59ServiceRobotwhen it was given to me it had windows 10 installed on it. wiped that shit fast
08:03.13bozoniusif you are going to run the filters they provide, then you'd need more horses I think
08:03.22bozoniusthe filters slow things down a lot, I found
08:03.26dethabozonius: exactly. my home router is a 386 deskpro that refuses to die
08:04.04bozoniusThe only reason I  stopped using the Compaq Presario 486 was because it ran extrmely hot and was starting to melt
08:04.24bozoniusit made my bedroom extemely warm especially in summer even with the A/C on
08:04.47ServiceRobotthat sounds pretty dangerous actually
08:04.48bozoniusand to think I paid about $2500 for that box new...
08:05.02ServiceRobotdid you clear the dust out?
08:05.05bozoniusMaybe I needed to clean it out or something
08:05.55*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
08:05.59bozoniusif you saw the thing, you'd understand.  It was an "all-in-one" which I think was Compaq's response to Apple's
08:06.18bozoniuswhat was that called again?
08:06.46bozoniusanyway, it had very little clearance inside or out
08:07.00bozoniustiny screen, low res
08:07.07bozoniusthough it was color...
08:07.29bozoniusI maxed it out to the full 20MB of ram
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08:07.44bozonius(not kidding)
08:08.06bozoniusand if you think that is funny, it only came with 4MB!!!
08:08.57bozoniusoh, it was called the G3 (Apple)
08:09.32bozoniusdetha:  As long as it works and doesn't run up your electric bill too badly, no reason not to let it run forever
08:10.13*** join/#devuan Criggie (~Criggie@2400:6900:ffff:1::1:32)
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08:11.27dethabozonius: those things are fairly light on power, I've got a total of 7Mb/s on all outgoing links, so yeah. It works. It maxes out openvpn at about 40Mb/s though
08:11.49dethaso vpn into wifi routers can be a tad slow
08:11.52bozoniuswhat does your ISP provide though?
08:12.34ServiceRobotanyway, in the next couple of days I'll be setting up Devuan and praying nothing breaks
08:12.34dethathere's 3 links, one 5Mb/s, one 2Mb/s, one 3g of varying slowness
08:12.37bozoniusback when I used the compaq 486, I was only getting about 1Mb down (2005?)
08:12.39ServiceRobotsee y'all
08:12.50bozoniussee you ServiceRobot
08:13.29bozoniusso even at 10Mbps, those 2 NICs on my compaq were actually much faster than anything I was getting from the net
08:13.38bozoniusplenty fast enough
08:14.43bozoniustoday, that would be a huge bottleneck.  Even if I put in 100Mbps NICs (I don't know, did they ever make 100BaseT for ISA cards?) it would still be a bottle neck now, since we get around 200Mbs down around here
08:14.53bozoniusabout 10-12 up usually
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08:15.53bozoniusdetha: Haven't tried VPN really.  A few years ago, briefly, at home, but not seriously
08:16.35bozoniusI should play with openvpn a bit...
08:17.01dethabozonius: anything wireless is automatically untrusted, so it gets a VPN on top of it
08:17.23bozoniusI agree about wireless, which is why I avoid it at all costs
08:17.43bozoniusI ran a cat 6 cable from my room to the Comcast router!
08:17.59bozoniusnot only more stable and trusty, but Waaaaaaay faster
08:18.29bozoniusare you running wireless "ac" or still on "n"?
08:20.05bozoniusalso, detha, both IPFire and Endian FW provide separate zones for hardwire and wireless
08:20.22bozoniusyou can have up to 4 zones (so called red, green, blue and orange)
08:20.55bozoniusthe blue and orange are for wireless and dmz, but I forget which is which now
08:21.25bozoniusthat isolates the wireless portion of the network from the rest of it
08:29.27bozoniustime to reboot my host... later
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12:59.53xrogaando you guys know if it is possible to request a backport?
13:12.26golinuxxrogaan: I know it is possible to build and offer a backport.  ;)
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16:15.25_abc_SegmentSmack -clean kernel update for devuan already out?
16:33.32_abc_fsmithread not in? What is going on? Abandonware? ;)
16:33.43_abc_DocScrutinizer05: here?
16:35.22*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
16:38.19_abc_Debian already have a kernel out to mitigate this bug
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16:45.18_abc_Is it too early for serious questions Wednesday?
16:46.11MinceR"Does it matter?"
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17:01.08_abc_"no", what's your public IP, I would like to test the exploit on your machine now
17:01.49_abc_MinceR: ^
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17:15.08djph_abc_:; or if you prefer IPv6, ::1
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17:41.22_abc_djph: It was meant as a sarcastic joke.
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17:41.49_abc_djph: erm, you do not have a cloak. /whois knows who you are by ip
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18:01.11djph_abc_: so was the 127... as for the cloak ... meh
18:14.58DocScrutinizer05_abc_: hmm?
18:15.54_abc_DocScrutinizer05: scroll back , there's an exploit against kernel 4.9+; ascii has that; debian has the patched kernel, what about devuan?
18:15.59DocScrutinizer05I see
18:16.11DocScrutinizer05devuan using debian kernel
18:16.29DocScrutinizer05it's a metadistro, you know?
18:16.50_abc_no system contamination in the kernel? I thought kernel log daemon lives in it now
18:17.06DocScrutinizer05I guess there are no systemd specific patches needed in kernel and IP stack, so devuan==debian
18:17.49DocScrutinizer05I'm not an expert, wait for the kernel guys
18:19.11DocScrutinizer05I also guess when we need a kernel patch to keep systemd out, this will be the day Linux dies
18:19.35DocScrutinizer05Linus**  Torvalds
18:19.48DocScrutinizer05linux too
18:20.49DocScrutinizer05_abc_: many thanks for hollering anyway
18:21.33_abc_DocScrutinizer05: and many more
18:27.45DocScrutinizer05loooomg stories with old stuff. Nothing indicates Linus will allow systemd dependencies in kernel
18:28.12DocScrutinizer05at least I can't see anything indicating that
18:29.11furrywolfI suspect that if you tried putting anything systemd into the kernel, he would explain to you exactly where you should insert it instead, using many four-letter words.
18:29.27DocScrutinizer05Linus might imlement anti-systemd measures to kernel when he gets fed up with some particular nasty behavior but the kernel will not depend on systemd being present due to them
18:29.45DocScrutinizer05furrywolf: exactly :-P
18:31.49Ryccardo|Adoesn´t systemd have a text editor yet?
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18:33.42DocScrutinizer05for Lennart:
18:35.13DocScrutinizer05>> So take your meditations an' your preparations An' ram it up yer snout<<
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18:37.50MinceRdidn't get the joke
18:38.36DocScrutinizer05well, for me Lennart is the prottype of a snake oil doctor
18:39.05DocScrutinizer05or was that about the text editor? I guess there's no joke in it
18:44.09DocScrutinizer05^^^ was a joke ;-) Though I'm afraid a joke that will turn bitter soon
18:50.56*** join/#devuan flrn (~flrn@unaffiliated/flrn)
18:56.33MinceR_abc_'s "joke"
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19:03.55premobossi'm using devuan 2.0. i can not install vlc, apt report unmet dependange. even if i try to install dependances, no way to install. what is wrong with vlc on devuan?
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19:16.23debdogpremoboss: can't install it here either. seems to be something wrong with a server/repo
19:16.40debdogErr ascii-security/main i386 libavutil55 i386 7:3.2.12-1~deb9u1
19:16.54premobossdebdog, ok. nice to see is not my fault.
19:17.20debdog--- ping statistics ---
19:17.20debdog4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 2998ms
19:17.26debdogserver itself does respond
19:18.21premobossif i try to install, i get error of unmet dependences
19:19.19aggrorapremoboss: does it tell you which ones?
19:19.44premobossvlc : Dipende: vlc-plugin-base (= 3.0.3-1-0+deb9u1) ma non sta per essere installato
19:19.53premobossan many others after that
19:20.03debdogare these by chance libavutil55, libswresample2 and libavcodec57
19:20.32premobossshall i install those libs previously than vlc?
19:20.54debdogis using aptitude since it has more helpful error messages than apt-get.
19:21.01debdognever tried apt TBH
19:21.03premobosslibavutil55 is already installed
19:21.38premobosswhaty menas TBH?
19:21.44debdogto be honest
19:22.04aggroraI have had to install packages in a specific order sometimes to make it work. Like dependencis first yes.
19:22.14premobossdebdog, how do you install sithount apt-get?
19:22.41debdoglike "aptitude install vlc"
19:22.43MinceRhm, i should try aptitude then, i'm sick of apt excuses for error messages
19:22.51debdogor "apt ...."
19:22.53MinceR"but it's not going to be installed"
19:23.37premobossok, go to install aptitude
19:23.57debdoghere is my entire output:
19:24.04debdogno clue how to solve it though
19:24.59premobossalso aptitude has problems to install vlc
19:25.03debdogmayhap it's just a temporary issue
19:25.16premobossvlc : Dipende: vlc-l10n (= 3.0.3-1-0+deb9u1) but it is not going to be installed
19:25.34premobossvlc-plugin-base : Dipende: vlc-data (= 3.0.3-1-0+deb9u1) but it is not going to be installed
19:25.42aggroraare you able to install other packages?
19:25.50debdogpremoboss: yes, but it might return a more helpful error message? what's the entire output?
19:25.54premobossdebdog, can you try aptitude install vlc to see if you get problems too?
19:26.10debdogpremoboss: I did:
19:26.16premobossthen press "q" to refuse install.
19:26.59premobossmmm that repo semms to fail. i use another one.
19:27.17debdogalso, are backports involved?
19:27.40premobosstry deb jessie main contrib non-free
19:27.57premobossi activated also ascii-backport, yes
19:28.24saptechprembossm have you ran apt-get update?
19:29.10premobosssaptech, of course
19:29.18saptechare it should have addressed to debdog
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19:36.20debdogpremoboss:  "IMPORTANT NOTE: Devuan has planned to eventually discontinue the original set of Devuan mirrors available at and
19:36.20debdog{CC} As a consequence, users are strongly encouraged to use the new set of mirrors at "" and "{CC}"."
19:41.48*** join/#devuan r00tobo (~r00tobo@unaffiliated/r00tobo)
19:44.53premobossdebdog, i changed the repos ,but vlc still cdoes not install
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19:55.59debdogbut do you get the same error than I do? also, backports adds another layer which I am not familiar with, so I am probably unable to help
19:56.06debdogpremoboss: ^
19:57.23premobossdebdog, i have the same problem i had before, i have not the problem that you paste.
19:58.26*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
19:59.55debdogwithout checking further I assume it might be an issue with version mismatch of backports vs. std. repo
20:00.40premobossok, you did also enough. thanks for your effort
20:00.53premobossi wait some days and try again.
20:01.20debdogplus stick around, mayhap with more knowledge will chive in
20:01.40debdoghmm, chive is not the word I was looking for
20:01.56debdog*chime in
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