IRC log for #devuan on 20180731

01:52.05*** join/#devuan infobot (ibot@
01:52.05*** topic/#devuan is This is the Devuan discussion channel | **You need to auth to nickserv to talk!** | Latest (2018-06-09): ASCII 2.0.0 || Stable (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release | Devuan Forum: | Chanlogs:
01:52.05*** mode/#devuan [+v infobot] by ChanServ
01:52.52XenguyFor once the germans were wrong ; -)
01:53.14XenguyISO is the way to go (even from just a file management point of view)
01:54.44gnarfacei tend to agree but just because that format doesn't require additional conversion to be a mysql DATESTAMP
01:54.55gnarfaceor DATE or whatever the type is called
01:55.22XenguyI did not know that
01:55.34gnarfacesaves overhead in the middle-tier when you don't have to call date objects to do string conversions
01:55.55XenguyMakes sense for system admin
03:13.30*** join/#devuan TheBlueWizard (ad4f6473@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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06:21.51MinceRit's also easier to sort
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08:54.36Joerg-Neo900xes: ISO is the recommended standard for Germany, alas nobody cares
08:54.51Joerg-Neo900xenguy ^^^^
08:55.25Joerg-Neo900I wish there was a sane ISO de_DE locale
08:58.48Joerg-Neo900but the only ISO locales I can find are - like - wbp_AU, wa_BE, ken_CM etc, all with M07 instead "Juli" or "July"
09:05.36Joerg-Neo900gnarface: MinceR: Xenguy: it's totally irrelevant how easy it's to code or maintain. This is about MMI aka UI and the only thing that counts is convenience for user which for me is maximum with ISO since my wetware search/sort algorithm doesn't like the extra complexity from YY-DD-MM or "martes, 31 de julio de 2018"
09:12.41Joerg-Neo900then  once you takle that stuff, you run into idiocy like Konversation: which allows adding random cruft like "bla hh Hours doodle mmMinutes" but not change the date format at all. WHY THe HECK didn't they simply follow the canonical date(1) format parameter syntax?
09:24.12*** join/#devuan inhetep (~inhetep@gateway/tor-sasl/inhetep)
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13:20.18scaniatruckerHello. Maybe who knows what happened to Dev1Galaxy Forum? For some time it's unavailable ...
13:22.42gnarfaceseems to be working for me
13:22.57rrqscaniatrucker: your IP address?
13:26.36*** join/#devuan inhetep (~inhetep@gateway/tor-sasl/inhetep)
13:31.08scaniatruckerrrq: IP adress is
13:32.43rrqmmm need your external IP address .. the address that sees
13:32.59scaniatruckerrrq: sorry, my mistake. Should be
13:34.59scaniatruckerrrq: external IP adress is
13:42.29scaniatruckerI do not know how, but I can go to the forum again. Thank you for your attention, rrq!
13:42.35rrqsomehow your browser wanted to access the "/req_message" path, which is enough to trigger a "dubious" classification. I've cleared it now, but you might have "a talk" with your browser.
13:43.58rrq.. it should say "want to" somewhere in that.
13:44.59scaniatruckerrrq:Thank you. I will try.
13:45.32scaniatruckerrrq:by the way. My browser is Firefox-esr :)
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17:16.40saptechhello all
17:17.36saptechI have devuan installed on my system along with a couple of other distros in their own partitions. I haven't used devuan in quite some time and now when I ends up at a prompt
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17:20.24saptechat this time, I'm not able to get the exact error messages. but it seems to not find the boot device /dev/sda8
17:20.51*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
17:21.10saptechsomeone mention to chroot into it and see if updating devuan will fix the issue. What commands do I run to update it?
17:22.43*** join/#devuan Tom-_ (
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17:31.03*** join/#devuan r00tobo (~r00tobo@unaffiliated/r00tobo)
17:31.43saptechwhen I run 'apt-get update' I get this message about, Could not resolve ''
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17:55.21saptechhmmm, it seems my internet is not working, it's a wired connection
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17:56.16saptechenp0s25: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000    link/ether 00:23:ae:9c:3a:e5 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
18:00.49*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
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18:12.03HestbenHi guys. Maybe a noob question. How do I extract the image in the .xz archives, such as devuan_ascii_2.0.0_armel_raspi1.img.xz
18:14.16TashtariHestben: `xz --decompress filename.xz` if you're on a linux system that has xz installed.  If you're on Windows, 7-zip will do it.
18:14.56HestbenOh, now reading the README, there were instructions
18:15.25HestbenTashtari: Thanks
18:15.52*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
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18:30.12saptechTashtari, any idea why my wired net connection not working while i'm in devuan with chroot?
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18:32.15Tashtarisaptech: Not off the top of my head.  At what point does it stop working?
18:32.44Hestbensaptech: Are you sure network works in the host system before chrooting?
18:33.56saptechyes, i'm using it now with host distro
18:34.28saptechTashtari, as soon as I chroot, but ip show it's UP
18:35.26saptech# ip link show dev enp0s25
18:35.26saptech2: enp0s25: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000   link/ether 00:23:ae:9c:3a:e5 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
18:35.34TashtariIt continues working in other terminals?
18:35.41Tashtari(Ones not chrooted)
18:35.47Hestbensaptech: ipv6?
18:36.03Tashtarisaptech: ..Hmm.  Can you ping an IP address, like
18:36.29saptechI pinged no go, let me try the numbers
18:36.38Hestbensaptech: then, you don't seem to have an IP address assigned to enp0s25
18:37.13saptech4.2.2.1 work
18:37.21TashtariAha.  I'm betting it's because your resolv.conf is not set up properly in the chroot.
18:37.35TashtariYour adapter works fine but it has no idea what DNS server to talk to to resolve names.
18:38.33saptechyes, your're right
18:39.12saptechunder chroot it's showing my old Belkin router, but under the host it's showing my provider
18:39.28saptechi'm not using the router anymore
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18:42.02saptechdo I set /etc/resolv.conf in chroot to the same as the host?
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18:51.14saptechok I got it sorted out, net is working
18:59.03saptechnow to reboot. thanks for the help Tashtari, Hestben
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19:23.16saptechwell, the update didn't work
19:24.02saptechduring booting, I get a bunch of these, Begin: Running /scripts/local-block ... done
19:24.27saptechthen it say 'gave up waiting for root device'
19:25.49saptechcheck root. I check root and /etc/cmdline, I think that was it but it did show root device listed as /dev/sda8
19:26.57saptechwhich in the end it say /dev/sda8 does not exist, dropping to shell
19:27.21saptechany ideas how to fix this?
19:28.20saptechit is /proc/cmdline
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20:15.11Hestbensaptech: looks like the device enumeration might have changed since you installed grub
20:15.34Hestbenwhich may be a little work to find out what it should actually be.
20:15.49Hestbengo searching for grub restoring.
20:15.59Hestbenupdate-grub and such stuff.
20:16.10Hestbengood luck, I'm leaving now ...
20:21.43*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
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20:38.48golinuxsaptech: auto.mirror is deprecated
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20:49.00saptechgolinux, my sources.list is still using jessie. would I change ascii to jesse from the link?
20:50.25fsmithredsaptech, yes, change 'ascii' to 'jessie' to keep jessie.
20:53.12fsmithredif you haven't done an update/upgrade since last fall, you might need to do that, or just do 'apt-get install devuan-keyring' before changing sources.list, just to make sure you have the newest keyring.
20:53.23fsmithredI think the latest is from last october or november.
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20:54.14saptechwell the whole issue is I can't boot normally. I tried chrooting but nothing changed
20:54.29fsmithredcan you get to a grub menu?
20:55.15saptechI'm not using devuan's menu, i'm using mageia grub, it's my main OS
20:55.29fsmithredany grub will work
20:55.46fsmithredyou could use grub command-line to manually boot devuan
20:55.56fsmithredor you could add devuan to mageia's boot menu
20:56.09fsmithredassmuming you can still get to mageia
20:56.43saptechwhat are the commands? devuan is in mageia's menu. mageia, voidlinux work only devuan have this issue
20:57.23fsmithredlook at the devuan entry in mageia's grub.cfg
20:57.42fsmithredmaybe it's wrong (as mentioned, drive order or uuid changed)
20:58.17fsmithredor play on grub command-line
20:58.22fsmithredat boot menu, press c
20:58.30fsmithredthen type...
20:58.51fsmithredwait - how many hard disks in the box?
20:59.17saptechone hdd, separate partitions
20:59.28fsmithredgood, and which partition has devuan?
20:59.59fsmithreddos partition table, or gpt?
21:00.32fsmithredand are you using uefi or legacy bios?
21:01.03fsmithredactually, that last one doesn't matter
21:01.49fsmithredset root=(hd0,
21:01.49saptechdos, legacy bios
21:02.05fsmithredset root=(hd0,msdos8)
21:02.17fsmithredlinux /vmlinuz ro root=/dev/sda8
21:02.24fsmithredinitrd /initrd
21:02.47fsmithredinitrd /initrd.img
21:02.57fsmithredis the correct line
21:03.08fsmithredyou can use tab-completion
21:05.12saptechdo I do all this at the boot menu?
21:06.56saptechand it is grub2
21:08.07fsmithredwhen you type 'c' it will drop you to a grub prompt.
21:09.55saptechthanks a lot...going to try it
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21:23.45saptechfsmithred, it worked. thank you a thousand times
21:24.20*** join/#devuan MobileMatt1315 (
21:25.35fsmithredyou're welcome. I learned about grub command line early in my linux use, and I've used it *many* times.
21:26.14fsmithredand again, you can use tab-completion to help you find the right drive or partition. Hit tab twice and it spits out all the possibilities.
21:34.24saptechso now ascii is the stable branch? I should do a dist-upgrade
21:38.27*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
21:41.56fsmithredyes, ascii is stable. Whether you want to upgrade or not is your choice. I'm still on jessie on two of my three computers.
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