IRC log for #devuan on 20180724

00:11.46*** join/#devuan patrickr (8ea2bdf6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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00:18.56*** topic/#devuan is Latest (2018-06-09): ASCII 2.0.0 || Stable (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release | This is the Devuan discussion channel | off-topic conversation in #debianfork please | Devuan Forum: | Chanlogs:
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02:15.51gnarfacepatrickr: no problem
02:16.34gnarfaceminnesotags: i feel your pain... that might be a legit bug in the init scripts or driver.  maybe something to do with the driver not bringing the hardware up quickly enough for the first init pass...
02:17.33gnarfacethe fact it works for most people suggests there's fringe behavior in your case... i'm curious if that fix helps anyone else on other laptop models
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02:19.16patrickrgnar: it *appears* to be working after a resize, but I'm having weird hangs and crashes; fsck -f give the all clear
02:20.17patrickrrelated or not you think?
02:20.43gnarfacesince the bug in question happens with fsck too, not just resize, chances are it's the same bug
02:20.50gnarfacesorry, i should have mentioned that
02:22.17gnarfacebasically if you use e2fsprogs from ascii or later on any ext4 filesystem formatted with an earlier version of the tools, it corrupts the journal instantly and irreparably, but the actual symptoms of the filesystem unravelling may take days or weeks to actually appear
02:22.38gnarfacehow long depends on the type of i/o traffic probably, and the type of storage media
02:22.51gnarfacebut i don't even know that much for sure, it's based on casual observation
02:23.13patrickra perfect storm
02:23.34gnarfaceno, the part that makes it a perfect storm is that the ext* programmers are trying to bury this mistake out of shame
02:23.53gnarfacethey should have put a warning label on it
02:25.29gnarfacei believe some of the devuan ARM images for jessie may have a patched version of the e2fsprogs shipped with them to mitigate this disaster for devuan
02:25.35gnarfacebut that won't save anyone who is upgrading from debian
02:25.40gnarface(or raspbian)
02:26.04patrickrok, i'll have to build an ascii image from scratch then, using a stretch box i've got
02:26.17gnarfaceto be perfectly honest though, it could also be a problem with the SD card
02:26.32gnarfacethere's no way for me to distinguish, based only on the anecdotal evidence
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02:26.54gnarfaceif you use a different filesystem entirely and then it STILL fails though, then you know for sure
02:27.19gnarfaceif you're trying to make it happen faster, my best guess on how would be to write and delete a lot of files to it
02:27.35gnarfacei don't think it will matter what, as long as it takes up a lot of space
02:27.45patrickrseems to happen when I apt install
02:28.06gnarfaceyea, that's why i ditched raspbian too
02:29.10patrickrbut there could be some weirdness happening with the kernel too
02:31.29patrickrbecause it also seems to be connected with x running -- then again there's probably more files being used then as well
02:35.27*** part/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
02:35.51patrickri'll let you know how things work out later this week
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04:10.58minnesotagsgnarface: I really can't say about other people's sound experience. These toughbooks are kind of a unique case. I had thought it was a driver, or pulseaudio thing, but I saw about just running the init, tried that and had success. Rebooted, didn't work until I ran alsa-utils init, so I added it so it ran at the end. Success!
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05:10.22grillonhi gnarface, seems you met another sdcard corruption case
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05:48.45gnarfaceyes grillon but it's not clear whether his situation is based on hardware failure too or not.  is the second card still fine for you?
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05:49.22gnarfaceminnesotags: you should bring that up in #alsa... that's a really weird bug but seems like it should be simple to fix if all it takes is a second run of the alsa-utils init script
05:50.13gnarfaceminnesotags: you're sure it gets run once during boot up already though, right?  maybe it's getting run too early, like before the audio module is even loaded?
05:50.41gnarfaceit shouldn't be different for you but like i said... race conditions are possible...
05:50.53gnarface(i've seen weirder stuff happen)
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05:54.18gnarfacei'm wondering if some strange corner case is causing it to error out the first time
05:54.45gnarfacei've seen some weird stuff
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05:55.15gnarfaceonce i saw a bios power management setting expose a weird bug in the init scripts that made boot up halt after every text line unless i kept hitting enter
06:02.20*** join/#devuan inhetep (~inhetep@gateway/tor-sasl/inhetep)
06:02.30xrogaanhow is it possible that debian source backport for a package is of a different version than the actual .deb?
06:02.49xrogaan> !=
06:03.03gnarfacebackports always have "bpo" in their version strings, amongst other differences
06:03.13gnarfacethe version has to be different or the package won't upgrade
06:03.39gnarfaceit's a fundamental of the the way dpkg and apt work
06:03.57gnarfacepackage version priority is literally determined by string comparison of the version string
06:04.08gnarface(unless overridden through pinning or manual intervention)
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06:05.08gnarfacealso, there's actually no mandate in Debian that the binary packages even have to be buildable from the accompanying source
06:05.20gnarfacethere's no mandate they even have to be built on Debian
06:05.37gnarfacethere's in fact no mandate the source package has to have a reproducable build
06:05.57gnarfacethough, because of that, you can quickly evaluate the quality of software by the ones that do
06:06.26gnarfacei remember hearing a few years back that there was noise in Debian leadership about trying to encourage better enforcement of that but nobody seemed to want to go so far as to make it a requirement
06:06.45gnarface(i too was shocked and dismayed to find out it hadn't been all along)
06:09.03xrogaanwell, the whole mate backport got update except for a few packages.
06:09.22gnarfaceso yea, if you're trying to recreate a binary .deb from the accompanying source package and it doesn't seem possible, don't worry, you might not be crazy.  it really may not work, and the binary package may be just a ball of duct-tape and unidentified skeletons
06:09.32xrogaansettings daemon is one of them. The .deb is still the old version, but the source, as shown on their webpage, is the new one.
06:10.00xrogaan(it actually slightly breaks mate)
06:10.19gnarfacewhat happens when you try to build it yourself?  does it build?
06:10.48gnarfacesometimes this is just due to compiler glitches or multiarch dependency conflicts that haven't been resolved anywhere but outside the developer's own sandbox
06:11.46gnarfacesometimes you can get around those issues with messy hacks that allow the package to build but then break further upgrades to that system
06:11.59xrogaanMight be the build system lagging too.
06:12.24gnarfaceyea, or mirror update delay...
06:20.00xrogaanthere are stuff stuck in "installed" for more than a year.
06:22.00gnarfacehmmm, i wonder if those are packages that have devuan-specific patches to get around upstream systemd requirements?
06:22.17gnarfacei thought that whole mate package set was in fact such a thing, but i don't know
06:23.02gnarfacea bunch of packages dropped lm-sensors support in favor of something in systemd that apparently can't be replicated
06:23.16gnarfacethat stuff is just basically taped up and sent in broken
06:23.40xrogaanmate should be systemd free, I meant in the debian build tracker, there are some packages that are listen in there for more than a year.
06:23.50gnarfaceoh, indeed
06:24.04gnarfacewell this is all just speculation on my part, i don't know wtf is going on
06:24.07xrogaanis there a build log for devuan?
06:24.20gnarfacegood question, but i don't know
06:24.26gnarfacei assume there is one but i don't know if it's public
06:24.39gnarfacewould it make sense for it to be in the gitlab?
06:24.57gnarfacedevuan's private gitlab is at
06:25.10xrogaanshould be this
06:27.31xrogaanoh sorry, I meant "uploaded" not "installed"
06:27.51golinuxOr this:
06:32.44xrogaanI don't know what those are, the ci website show actual builds and failures.
06:35.12golinuxSorry just now seeing the bit about the build log.
06:54.46*** join/#devuan HumanG33k (
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07:46.35TetraletHi, I have a clean installed devuan beowulf amd64 system. I tried to install wine32-development package but failed.
07:46.51Tetralet # It's install log
07:46.54TetraletAny idea?
07:53.39minnesotagsgnarface: I wonder what logs I would need to supply?
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07:54.11gnarfaceno idea, minnesotags
07:54.36minnesotagsyup. It's cool. just curious.
07:58.27gnarfacei think it's actually something to do with the contents of /usr/share/alsa
07:59.09gnarfaceyou could try checking it before and after that second alsa-utils run, but i wouldn't know how to spot something wrong with it
08:08.30*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
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09:31.01Criggiedoes anyone have xine  installed successfully in devuan ascii ?
09:31.22CriggieI think I had it installed from but its vanished in an upgrade the other week
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09:43.17KatolaZCriggie: it works over here
09:43.33KatolaZno need to use dmo any more
09:43.45Criggieokay thats useful - thank you
09:45.02Criggiehmmm bother - I still get dependency problems like    " xine-ui : Depends: libxine2 (>= 1.2.0) but it is not going to be installed
09:46.00Criggiehmmm - its got some deb-multimedia packages somewhere
09:46.09gnarfaceyou might have to remove them all first
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09:53.15KatolaZCriggie: you don't need dmo repos any more
09:53.28Criggiegnarface: yep perfect thats worked.  Its decided to add some i386 packages like  libavutil55:i386   which seems odd... but the blocker was    libxine2-bin:amd64 (1:1.2.9-dmo4)  and perhaps  libxine2-doc (1:1.2.9-dmo4)
09:53.47CriggieKatolaZ: I was unaware of that till today.
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