IRC log for #devuan on 20180712

00:20.13*** join/#devuan infobot (ibot@
00:20.13*** topic/#devuan is Latest (2018-06-09): ASCII 2.0.0 || Stable (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release | This is the Devuan discussion channel | off-topic conversation in #debianfork please | Devuan Forum: | Chanlogs:
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00:36.11*** join/#devuan targz (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
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01:10.49*** join/#devuan Vall (
01:23.31*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
01:24.06*** join/#devuan bpmedley (
01:26.05*** join/#devuan nullawk (~mo@
01:34.15*** join/#devuan Humpelstilzchen (
01:35.35nullawkI recently picked up some wifi adapters that are based on the atheros AR9271, ath9k_htc driver. If I understand correctly firmware-atheros is a non-free package, but ath9k_htc is 'libre' - I specifically have this card thinking it would be extra devuan compatible. - I have a feeling I am suppose to modify the kernel and or modprobe something?
01:39.13gnarfacedid you install the firmware from non-free?
01:40.25gnarfaceyes, you may also have to modprobe the module
01:40.45nullawkNegative. I was trying to avoid touching that repository.
01:40.55gnarfacefor this device you'll probably need to
01:41.03gnarfacebut you can just turn it back off once you've added the firmware
01:41.43gnarfacefor wifi devices that have "optional" non-free firmware, usually they can only operate in unencrypted or wep mode without it.  sometimes there is also a performance penalty
01:42.07gnarfacethe module itself IS in the stock kernel though
01:42.19gnarfaceit is open source, for whatever good that is
01:42.23nullawkI imagine that package also contains non-free drivers / blobs, even if I never load it I would prefer it not installed on the computer. A bit of a passion / learning project.
01:42.50gnarfaceno i'm pretty sure that package only has firmware bin files in it
01:43.11gnarfacedon't think of it as an alternate driver
01:43.20gnarfacethink of it as the key for the existing driver
01:43.42gnarface(it's probably actually a stack of firmwares for all their devices)
01:45.29nullawkThank you so far gnarface. I figured it was a stack of firmwares for all their devices, free and non free, which is why they had to put it in the non-free repo. I have a feeling I should just get a different wifi adapter (ath5k??) that will load out of the box to keep from loading the non-free repository, or having to manually update the kernel everytime
01:45.29infobotnullawk: no worries
01:46.00gnarfacewtf infobot?
01:46.05gnarfacestay outta this
01:46.16gnarfacei don't know what in that sentence triggered it
01:46.19nullawkThank you
01:46.35nullawkmaybe not.
01:47.17gnarfacebut yes, if you think this seems like a dirty way to subvert the intent of open source by claiming to release open source drivers but not really releasing all of the source and just hiding the main parts in a closed-source black box binary, yea we all see that too.
01:48.00gnarfaceand you're right, the only plausible fix that doesn't involve clean-room reverse-engineering or corporate espionage would be to choose hardware more carefully next time
01:48.23gnarfacein general for wifi, i'd avoid atheros, broadcom, and intel
01:48.33gnarfaceif you're trying to avoid dependencies on non-free binary blobs
01:49.13gnarfacei can't give you any good advice on wifi devices though
01:49.26gnarfacei still try to use physical wires whenever possible
01:50.14mtnmanheh my laptop's ethernet quit working the other day and now i'm relegated to wifi only.
01:50.44gnarfaceit quit after an upgrade, or you think it fried?
01:51.04mtnmanwell i also have a usb-ethernet connection to the beaglebone
01:51.26nullawkI am exactly trying to avoid dependencies on non-free binary blobs. I completely agree on more research, and trust me, I thought I had. In fact I dont know how to find what you just told me other than figuring out that package is in the non-free repository and ALSO includes their libre drivers. I have been using hardwire exclusively for a long while and am ready to hit the road.
01:52.16mtnmanfortunately usb wifi adapters are cheap these days
01:52.51gnarfaceyea i think d-link sells some 9$ usb a/b/g/n adapters that don't require firmware, don't they?
01:53.00gnarfacei dunno how reliable or secure they are
01:53.10gnarfaced-link isn't exactly known for quality
01:53.38mtnmani've had good luck with realtek but i don't know if their drivers are blob-free
01:53.43nullawkI mean, I got money to throw away on this
01:54.05gnarfacei think realtek is all over the board, some of their devices require non-free firmware and some don't
01:54.20gnarfacethey seem to lend their chips to a lot of 3rd party vendors
01:54.39nullawkdoesn't "less /proc/modules" list all the available modules for loading?
01:54.41gnarfacethen maybe those vendors make different decisions about the firmware
01:55.20gnarfacenullawk: probably just the ones that are currently loaded.  compare the output to `lsmod` to be sure
01:55.54gnarfacenullawk: all the installed modules are in the kernel package and put into /lib/modules/[kernel version] on disk
01:56.33gnarfacenullawk: try this:   `find /lib/modules/ -iname 'ath*.ko'`
01:56.34nullawkI think ill have better luck looking at the available drivers, and working backwards to find a chipset / manufacturer.
01:56.58gnarfacenullawk: or better yet:  `find /lib/modules/ -iname '*.ko'`
01:57.15gnarfacethe kernel has pretty much everything included
01:57.21gnarfacei almost never have to rebuild to add an ethernet driver
01:57.34gnarfaceif you want to see the EXHAUSTIVE list, you'll have to actually open the kernel source
01:57.42gnarfacerun make menuconfig in it
01:57.49gnarfaceand then actually navigate to the network devices section
01:58.13gnarfaceits ugly but its the only way to get an accurate up-to-date list
01:58.27gnarfaceyou can't trust web pages to be up to date on device support anymore
01:58.42nullawkwell haha I just found the ath9k driver but I also just read on in Debian the firmware-atheros package includes files: /lib/firmware/ar9271.fw /lib/firmware/htc_9271.fw - Without these modprobe ath9k_htc does not create wlan0 device and dmesg shows: => Failed to load firmware
01:59.02gnarfaceheh, yea that is not hugely surprising to me
01:59.17nullawkdirty bastards
01:59.44gnarfacehonestly for now i would just bite down and install that one non-free firmware package
02:00.04gnarfaceand then just disable non-free again so as not to accidentally get other stuff from there during a future upgrade
02:00.27gnarfaceand then maybe i would also delete the firmwares for other devices, and just keep the two files this device needs
02:00.52mtnmanand don't tell anyone!!
02:00.53gnarfacebut i fully support your reluctance to trust them even that much
02:01.08gnarfacelol mtnman yea
02:01.16gnarfacesecrecy silence obedience :-p
02:01.35nullawkNah. This is my freedom laptop. I will just closet these adapters.
02:01.45mtnmanthe first rule of using non-free...
02:02.02gnarfacehmmm.  who even is making the best fully free wifi devices these days?
02:02.06gnarfacei realize i have no idea
02:02.24gnarfacethe last wifi device i actually liked was a pcmcia card
02:02.25mtnmani did a search and it wasn't readily apparent where to even look
02:02.40gnarfacethat's a good sign nobody knows
02:02.56mtnmanheh i just went through some old hardware and found a pcmcia wifi card
02:03.03gnarfacemaybe someone in here has some anecdotes to share though
02:03.11gnarfaceanyone using wifi without binary blobs here?
02:03.16mtnmangnarface maybe try #hardware
02:03.22gnarfacenah fuck those haters
02:03.41mtnmanhmmm.... who's the hater??
02:03.43*** join/#devuan Vall_ (
02:03.46gnarfaceall they'll do is purposefully give you bad advice and then tell you that you live in your mom's basement
02:04.00mtnmanactually i got some good help in there yesterday
02:04.06gnarfaceand it's ##hardware fyi for a good reason
02:04.12*** join/#devuan xes (~xes@unaffiliated/xes)
02:04.22nullawkto let you know where I'm at: I have ath5k cards that work full libre out of the box. They are usually bigger and always B/G, not N. It appears N (ath9k) requires the non-free.
02:04.30gnarfacei'm not saying i didn't once get good advice from there too... after a gauntlet of verbal abuse and misdirection
02:05.03gnarfacenullawk: that's very interesting... the B/G ones that work without the firmware... do they work for wpa2 encryption?
02:05.19gnarfacehmmm. good to know
02:05.41gnarfaceso wireless N may be under some sort of secret trade embargo towards linux
02:05.47gnarfacelike the HDMI thing
02:06.01mtnmangnarface i guess some abuse is the price one pays for help there
02:06.44gnarfacemtnman: none of them are actually smart or experienced enough to deserve to treat people like that
02:07.17gnarfaceknowing ONE thing someone else doesn't, doesn't make you inherently better than that person
02:07.29mtnmangnarface the guy who helped me wasn't abusive but he did have a slightly condescending attitude.
02:07.50mtnmanit was slight enough for me to mostly ignore it.
02:08.07mtnmanand he knew what he was talking about.
02:08.18gnarfacesomeone once helpfully warned me about over-volted RAM with a tone that was no more derogatory than appropriate, but he wasn't a regular there.
02:08.52gnarfaceonce the regulars start to remember you though, they get clique-ish and mean
02:09.13gnarfacethey were actually busted down to ##hardware from #hardware over their misbehavior
02:09.21gnarfacethat's not the official reason, but i ... know things
02:09.34mtnmanactually, now that i think about it wasn't #hardware but a different channel. hehe
02:10.16gnarfaceso the other things i'm having trouble finding drivers for in linux are to do with video and audio capture in HD
02:11.00gnarfaceit seems as though there's another one of these meta-trade-embargos on linux for component and HDMI video inputs, as well as digital audio
02:11.30gnarfaceoutputs seem to be fine
02:12.04gnarfacebut finding a working driver for something above standard definition with a non-analog audio input is as near to impossible as i can estimate
02:14.57mtnmangnarface: the thing is that the media industry is behind it from what i've read.
02:16.22mtnmanthey don't want you to be able to decode an hdmi stream unless your device is drm'd
02:17.33*** join/#devuan Vall (
02:18.17nullawkmtnman, gnarface. It is my understanding there is _no_ libre HDMI driver. It is one of the main issues with the Pi, wont even boot without it.
02:18.42mtnmannullawk that is what i was describing
02:20.55nullawkI am just curious how one can get even substandard video output if that is the case. It's my understanding HDCP hasnt been broken.
02:21.06*** join/#devuan gattuso- (
02:22.53nullawkAnyways, I'll be in here but not active if anyone wants to chime in on a USB / PCI libre wifi - or a point in the right direction (ath5k usb that doesnt suck?)
02:23.18*** join/#devuan gnarface (
02:24.24gnarfacenot sure if you guys got all my messages
02:24.28gnarfacei didn't get any responses
02:24.38gnarfaceseems like someone upstream of me didn't like my rant and decided to pull the plug on it...
02:25.53nullawk(02:11:51 AM) gnarface: but finding a working...
02:25.54gnarfacemaybe its not just me
02:26.33gnarfaceok that was the last thing i said before i noticed it was down
02:26.35gnarfacethe rest was just testing
02:26.42Centurion_Dangnarface... brightsign produce kit that has hdmi input...
02:26.53gnarfacecan you guys resolve right now?
02:27.01gnarfacemaybe there was just a massive internet outage not just me...
02:27.18Centurion_Dan and they use debian on their kit...
02:27.44gnarfaceinteresting, this one is new to me, thanks Centurion_Dan
02:28.18*** join/#devuan Vall_ (
02:28.30gnarfaceCenturion_Dan: do you know if their driver for it is open source or not?
02:28.39Centurion_Dana colleague that does work in AV was asking me to help him solve some problems with stream hd captured from hdmi
02:28.53gnarfaceor are they just using a debian backend with some proprietary in-house hardware and blobs?
02:30.11Centurion_DanI don't know...  uses a broadcom chipset...
02:30.22gnarfaceso yes, probably
02:30.39gnarfacehmm, but if it works that would still be useful
02:32.05Centurion_DanI have a sneaking suspicion that hdmi may be a simply a multi-channel serial protocol and it's possible that the hardware does bi-directional....
02:33.00Centurion_Danthe underlying streams seem to be mpeg-ts encapsulated...
02:44.41Centurion_Dangnarface: just a bit of web searching (duckduckgo) turns up hdmi framegrabber/capture cards are reasonably available and work with existing v4l2 in kernel drivers.
02:45.09gnarfaceCenturion_Dan: someone else told me that once and when i went to look, there was only vendors in the UK that would not ship to the USA
02:45.29gnarfacei guess it's been a couple months since i looked
02:45.40gnarfacebut it was actually shockingly rare still
02:46.19*** join/#devuan cygEatWin (~cygEatWin@
02:46.36cygEatWinHi, there~
02:46.46gnarfacehmmm, not brands i've heard of, but i'll look into them, thanks Centurion_Dan
02:47.32Xenguyuses cygwin at work, mostly for 'find' and 'grep'
02:47.50gnarface(i also wasn't aware that the uvcvideo driver may randomly support undocumented HDMI input devices - i thought that was only for USB webcams.  in fact, i'm using it for USB webcams...)
02:48.33cygEatWinI have a question when using d1h:  what's the substitute of ?
02:50.02XenguyIIRC KatolaZ knows about that stuff?
02:51.02cygEatWinfor now, which git URL does d1h cache from ?
02:51.40gnarfaceis it something on maybe?  i don't actually know.
02:53.38golinuxcygEatWin: Have you seen this?
02:54.40cygEatWingolinux: yes. that's where I konw d1h cache from the old debian git repo which is now deprecated.
02:54.51cygEatWinand they move to
02:58.09golinuxI remember that now.  anonscm has been deprecated but d1h hasn't been fixed to reflect that yet.
02:59.58golinuxAs Xenguy suggested, catch KatolaZ or you could file a bug at (if one hasn't been submitted yet).
03:00.43cygEatWinokay. thanks, golinux
03:01.07Centurion_DanI'm really pissed off with debians handling of anonscm...  if it's moved they should have put in place a redirect to the new home - for the simple reason - all the VCS links in the package meta-data is now broken...
03:01.29Centurion_Danshows how little debian cares....
03:01.47golinuxThat would be one way to give us a headache.
03:02.32golinuxAnd more work to do.
03:03.15gnarfacewe all knew it was inevitable
03:03.33gnarfacetheir vandalism and hostility will increase in direct proportion to the rate our own user base increases
03:03.38gnarface*at least*
03:04.03*** join/#devuan tillo (znc@pentoo/developer/tillo)
03:04.06gnarfacebut something else interesting seems to be happening
03:04.23golinuxyes . . ?
03:04.42gnarfacei am seeing signs their own internal awareness of the inner workings of their own distro seems to be slipping
03:05.06gnarfacethey're not just taking out stuff they know we're using
03:05.12gnarfacethey're taking out stuff when they don't know what it's for
03:05.25gnarfacewhich is a horribly bad default position
03:05.38gnarfacesuggests to me collective competence is slipping over there
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03:06.33golinuxThey have had a brain drain
03:06.34gnarfaceinferred promises of smooth transitioning from legacy versions and preservation of expected behaviors are being broken
03:07.06gnarfacebasically their community compact is being broken
03:07.13gnarfaceand it's not always clear they even realize it
03:07.57gnarfaceso yea, that's bad
03:08.02gnarfaceand not just for us and debian
03:08.05gnarfacethat's bad for the whole internet
03:09.39golinuxMaybe that's the price to have a shiny, 'modern' desktop.
03:10.26golinuxneeds a stretch.
03:29.36Centurion_Danwell... my view, and nextimes view has always been that we have to plan for Devuan to become a fully independent distrobution, where we build all our packages and support them properly.  Debian can't be trusted and it's increasingly obvious that we won't be able to rely on them.
03:31.48Centurion_DanThis is not what we wanted... it just appeared obvious already before jessie was released that Debian was fundamentally in trouble and the people who carried it through the tough times in the past had either left in dilusionment or been forced out...
03:33.29Centurion_DanWhat scares me more, is the nay sayers, who say we can't become independent of Debian because "there is too much to do"... "we can't even provide security support for the few packages that we have already forked"...
03:34.04gnarfacelol neither can ubuntu but that's not hurting them
03:34.26Centurion_DanI think this is simply small minded thinking and ultimately it's destructive...
03:34.34*** join/#devuan Uberius (~devuan@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
03:35.13gnarfacei agree, they lack vision
03:35.27Centurion_Danthat's coming from some people within our own Devuan development team...
03:36.13gnarfacewell Devuan does need more staff and while i admit i'm not helping in any measurable way, i think that's an entirely solvable problem
03:37.39Centurion_Danwe need to stop looking at the seemingly insurmountable mountain and work on one task at a time and only take in enough of the view to build a good strategy and series of tasks to ensure we are working on the most important problems first...
03:41.33gnarfacemaybe the most important problem should be training new developers
03:42.19gnarfaceor poaching them from other projects...
03:44.05gnarfacethe problem about deciding what is important first comes down to too many differences in what we're using it for
03:44.06Leandermy question is: how will Devuan avoid the errements of Debian if it takes in many new developers and they have conflicting ideas about what's best for the distro?
03:44.31gnarfaceLeander: probably just fork some more
03:45.06gnarfaceit would be nice to get everyone on the same page though
03:45.23gnarfacebut if i had to list showstoppers for devuan for me, none of them would include the window manager, or firefox version, for example
03:45.49gnarfacei'd care more about http, smtp, ssh, vpn, and such
03:46.06gnarfacebut for a lot of people here, a working out-of-the-box desktop is a bigger priority
03:46.26gnarfaceso its clear that if we can't get enough developers in time, some packages may slip in quality
03:46.34gnarfacebut i think thats already happening in Debian, frankly
03:46.44gnarfaceand i had some ideas about mitigating the problems, as a sort of transitional plan
03:47.08gnarfacethings like a grading system for the packages' respective maintenance quality, up-to-datedness and security
03:47.13gnarface(not just popularty)
03:47.59gnarfaceor maybe something more extreme if it became a critical issue; like a tiered temporary freeze on packages that were no longer getting many updates but for whom new updates were not known to be trustworthy enough to spend time reviewing yet
03:48.47gnarfacebut on the other hand, getting new developers organically is almost the slowest possible way to do it
03:49.05gnarfacemaybe the real effort should be put behind throwing a few mega parties
03:49.12gnarfacethat worked for Mozilla in the early days
03:49.41gnarfacewhen they needed more community involvement, they just hired a DJ, rented a bar, and sold cheap drinks all night
03:50.16gnarfacethey did that yearly for a few years and it seemed to work in the sense that now Mozilla is a monster that also must be destroyed
03:50.35gnarfaceso finding staff doesn't seem to be their problem
03:50.57gnarfaceso as disgusting as it sounds, maybe all Devuan needs is some artificial hype
03:51.16gnarfacei can think of a few other things that would generate realistic hype too
03:51.24gnarfacegamers don't feel very at home in any linux distro
03:52.02gnarfaceadding some new tasks like "task-linux-gaming" could go a LONG way
03:52.22gnarfacetrying to get Steam up and running is WAAAAY harder than it should be
03:53.22gnarfaceeven using the closed-source nvidia drivers to accelerate glxgears takes way too much knowledge of Nvidia's package layout in non-free for most new adopters
03:53.54gnarfacethere's simple things we could do to surpass all other distros in practical usefulness for the entertainment-minded
03:54.31gnarfacethings that have typically been scoffed at by other distros, more for idealogical reasons than practical ones
03:57.10gnarfaceputs the soapbox away and goes to dinner
03:57.23Leanderyes, I very recently realised that my mpv didn't use hardware acceleration for some videos just because I didn't have some libva* or libvdpau* packages, and I can't even remember how I fixed it now
04:07.43ivanshmakovGiven the GOG.COM well-known anti-DRM stance, I’d very much rather have /that/ than Steam. Then again, my favorite games are Emacs and GCC, and they already pose no problem for any decent GNU/Linux distribution.
04:11.12Leanderthat's exactly the question though: how pragmatic can we get to make Devuan more prominent?
04:12.49LeanderI don't know a single windows gamer who doesn't have steam
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04:24.23ivanshmakovLeander: Another question is: should we? I’m not as of yet sure that those coming to Devuan from Windows gaming are going to contribute much to the project.
04:40.27golinuxLeander: I don't think that courting gamers would be a good move.  It would be a more attractive option to offer a Devuan-Libre.  Those would be the folks likely to contribute and appreciate what we're trying to do.
04:43.27LeanderI don't have a clear opinion about that
04:44.20nacellethe gcc cheat codes dont always work like the did in other versions of gcc
04:44.27nacelleits a weird game to play
04:45.18Leanderto me, it's still not clear who in Devuan takes the strategic decisions, and how
04:46.37Leanderand I see it as the first issue, because without a clear and trusted leadership. how can the distro move forward?
04:46.56Leanderand how can it avoid the pitfall that Debian seems to have fallen into?
04:51.20*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
04:51.46golinuxLeander: If you participated, you would understand how the process unfolds.
04:53.59Leandermaybe this should be reflected to all users, but of course I can understand that by lack of manpower it wasn't done yet
05:02.54golinuxLeander: Imagine a creative think tank where magic happens.  There is no formal process to reflect.
05:03.51Leanderback in the days, I was a translator for the Gentoo Weekly Newsletter (yes, Gentoo, and I stand by it), so I can imagine having a monthly (because things don't go as fast) newsletter to regularly update users about what is going on
05:05.24golinuxWould you like to take that pon?
05:06.13golinuxEvery attempt to get that going again has gone nowhere.
05:06.47*** join/#devuan Vall (
05:07.07Leanderahah, that's not very encouraging, given that I have no experience as an editor or such position
05:07.18golinuxThe initial effort burned out very quickly.
05:07.50golinuxIf no one takes it on, it's not going to happen.
05:08.49LeanderI think the timing can be right, because I'll be on leave until the end of August, which means a lot of spare time to read things and participate
05:10.11KatolaZCenturion_Dan: dreaming large is easy. Getting things done requires people who do those things.
05:10.49KatolaZthe fact is that by keeping our feet to the ground we now have two Devuan releases
05:11.04KatolaZif we had to rebuild and maintain the whole Debian, we wouldn't have any
05:11.53golinuxBut dreaming is so much more fun than all-nighters at the keyboard
05:12.43KatolaZwe all would like to have grand visions
05:13.18KatolaZin terms of manpower Debian is about 100 times larger than Devuan
05:19.11KatolaZCenturion_Dan: we have been actually working at many more than one task at a time, even if the average across
05:19.22KatolaZtime is obviously not constant
05:19.56KatolaZLeander: any help is welcome
05:20.24KatolaZthe best way to see something happen is to do it ;)
05:21.18KatolaZand concerning steam and other stuff, my personal opinion is that (apart from it being not free software) it wouldn't be a major drive for masses of user to come to Devuan
05:21.31KatolaZsteam works on almost all the distros
05:21.59KatolaZyou don't move masses of users just on one feature
05:22.19KatolaZand if you do, you'll most probably loose them when the-next-cool-feature comes around
05:23.07gnarfacewell that's the logic Debian used, but then Ubuntu proved that you can move tons of people with just driver support out of the box
05:23.16gnarfacenot that you're wrong in principle
05:23.30gnarfacewe shouldn't have to bother with ungrateful windows refugees
05:23.42gnarfacei just think its a missed opportunity to actually enlighten a few of them
05:23.49gnarfaceeven if most of them will just bail for the next fad
05:24.58gnarfaceand i'd rather have GoG over Steam any day too, but the ball is in GoG's court on that one
05:25.11KatolaZgnarface: 99.5% of the Ubuntu users don't give a toss to the init that their distro is running
05:25.20gnarface(and they're not passing it back, so comparatively, Valve looks very friendly)
05:25.23KatolaZand 90% of them does not even know what an init is useful for
05:25.38gnarfacei doubt Debian users are much different these days
05:25.59KatolaZwhy should they go for Devuan?
05:26.06gnarfaceso, i'm not mad at the users about that
05:26.42KatolaZI am not mad at them either
05:26.42gnarfacethey should go for Devuan because in the long run its better for them intellectually, ethically, and logistically
05:27.00KatolaZgnarface: and we explain it by supporting steam?
05:27.04gnarfaceyou can't expect everyone who deserves to know that to be capable of knowing it without help
05:27.16KatolaZgnarface: steam won't help them, IMHO
05:27.36gnarfacewell you're getting hung up on your prejudice against Valve here
05:27.41KatolaZDevuan has already made the quite corageous move of including non-free firmware in the install media
05:27.50gnarfacemaybe i shouldn't have brought steam up as part of the example, it distracted you too much from the point of my statement
05:28.06gnarfaceits hardly a single point on the line of shit that is broken out of the box for sheer prejudice and nothing else
05:28.08KatolaZgnarface: I don't have any clue of who or what Valve is
05:28.15gnarfacethey own Steam
05:28.21KatolaZso I can't have any prejudice on them
05:28.31KatolaZor on steam
05:28.34gnarfaceempirical evidence suggests otherwise
05:28.45KatolaZmy point is that a single package won't move masses
05:28.54gnarfacedid you miss my statement about the takss?
05:29.01KatolaZespecially if that single package is already provided by hundreds other distros
05:29.08gnarfaceit wasn't about a single package though
05:29.09KatolaZmaybe I missed id
05:29.25gnarfaceit was about dozens of packages that need to be grouped manually that shouldn't have to be
05:29.59gnarfacea nice side-effect would be Steam support but really you can just swap that statement out with [any commercial software, period]
05:30.16gnarfaceand [most the open-source games made this decade]
05:31.14gnarfaceif new users can get find that information easier for Ubuntu, they'll never know why its a crappy distro
05:31.15KatolaZthere is a lot up there gnarface, sorry
05:32.45KatolaZwhat do you refer to when you talk of "dozens of packags that need to be grouped"?
05:33.34gnarfaceall the steam dependencies, just for an example, that are different based on which video card you're using.  that's a bewildering quest to find that information when it could just be a task meta-package
05:34.03gnarfaceand the only reason its not is because i guess there's a tradition against making task meta-packages that include non-free stuff?
05:34.40gnarfaceand like Leander mentioned, this affects basic multimedia functions like video playback just as badly
05:34.57gnarfacesince most cards now rely on some components of the commercial opengl drivers to accelerate HD video
05:35.44KatolaZgnarface: there is currently no task-* package that includes non-free software
05:36.10KatolaZit's not a matter of tradition
05:36.18gnarfaceDebian's stance on this has always been "eeeww, gamers are dirty! get out of open source and go back to windows!" and i feel like that's unnecessarily hostile and short-sighted
05:36.28gnarfaceand not only that
05:36.31gnarfaceREALLY easy for us to fix
05:36.57KatolaZgnarface: do not blame me for what you think is Debian's stance :)
05:37.07gnarfacei didn't until i started hearing you echo it
05:37.20KatolaZgnarface: where have I echoed that? o_O
05:37.24gnarfacefrankly i'm a little disappointed by your response
05:37.41KatolaZ07:21 < KatolaZ> and concerning steam and other stuff, my personal opinion is that (apart from it being not free software) it
05:37.51KatolaZgnarface: ^^^^ this was my point
05:38.13KatolaZplease read the backlog
05:38.18KatolaZI have nothing against gamers
05:38.22KatolaZnothing at all :)
05:38.22gnarfaceoh man
05:38.26gnarfaceread YOUR backlog
05:38.51gnarfaceyou go on to state that any people who we MIGHT pull in that way will just jump ship immediately
05:39.03gnarfacefor whatever other "new feature" appears on some other distro
05:39.08KatolaZnono gnarface
05:39.15KatolaZI am not saying that
05:39.16gnarfaceand i think that shows dimwitted prejudice and a lack of faith in yourself and us
05:39.25KatolaZI am saying that supporting a single package won't save masses
05:39.41gnarfaceand you're missing my point if you thought i was suggesting that
05:39.42KatolaZthe rest of the derivation is yours, not mine
05:39.50KatolaZthen please clarify
05:39.59gnarfaceyou think this is about steam support vs no steam support.
05:40.11KatolaZit's avout focusing on one package
05:40.14KatolaZone feature
05:40.17gnarfacewhereas the truth is "Steam" in this situation is more like a canary in the coal mine
05:40.20KatolaZthe "kille-feature"
05:40.25gnarfaceyea, you're not hearing me still
05:40.30gnarfaceyou're still hung up on Steam
05:40.38KatolaZchange the name
05:40.41KatolaZsame response
05:40.48gnarfaceits not just one package though we're talking about here
05:41.04KatolaZgnarface: please clarify
05:41.20gnarfaceok let me try to boil it down as simple as possible
05:42.18gnarfaceits difficult to compose my thoughts because you've really derailed me with your apparent lack of knowledge about package dependencies
05:42.28gnarfacehow about i pose to you a counter-question
05:42.42KatolaZgnarface: no, please clarify your point
05:42.50KatolaZI haven't derailed you o__
05:42.57gnarfaceSteam has dependencies
05:43.00gnarfacewe can agree on that, right?
05:43.05KatolaZany package has
05:43.19gnarfaceany package can have some dependencies that are shared with other packages, right?
05:44.00KatolaZa library can be used by many packages...
05:44.20gnarfacesome packages then can have dependencies that are the same, or a superset of other packages' dependencies, right?
05:44.44KatolaZthat's pretty unusual, but can happen...
05:44.49gnarfaceyou at least admit that is theoretically possible, ok good
05:44.52gnarfacehere's the problem
05:45.04gnarfaceyou're wrong in thinking that it is unusual
05:45.12gnarfaceunless you misunderstood the word "superset"
05:45.17KatolaZstop gnarface
05:45.36KatolaZif you install all the possible packages in the repos, that is definitely a superset of all the dependencies...
05:45.49gnarfaceno no no no
05:45.54gnarfacenow you're stopping me before i'm getting to the point
05:46.00KatolaZdo you have a concrete example?
05:46.05KatolaZok sorry
05:46.07KatolaZplease go on
05:46.18KatolaZlet's talk about steam, if you like
05:46.26KatolaZ(but don't blame me :))
05:46.36gnarfacedo you want me to just list every multimedia program ?
05:46.43gnarfaceeverything that depends on sdl or opengl?
05:46.47gnarfacedoes that make sense yet?
05:47.06KatolaZthat they depend on sdl or opengl?
05:47.19KatolaZthey might
05:47.22KatolaZor they do
05:47.26KatolaZkeep going
05:47.49KatolaZ(and if they do, those deps are listed in the corresponding package)
05:47.54gnarfacei'm asserting that Steam's client and various library of games' dependencies are a superset of pretty much MOST of the multimedia productivity and entertainment programs, closed or open-source, on Linux
05:48.12gnarfaceif you can't get Steam to work with opengl, probably glxgears and firefox aren't able to use it either
05:48.34KatolaZthe latter one is probably speculation, though :)
05:49.11gnarfaceno, i do this a lot so it's not speculation.  i know what i'm talking about here.  i know how much trouble this is to set up (almost none) and how much trouble it is to find the information on how to set it up (damn near impossible without a Sherpa guide) and i'm just asserting we can just bundle some of that stuff into a task
05:49.13KatolaZbut go on please
05:49.29KatolaZgnarface: then put ut a webpage
05:49.34KatolaZwith instructions
05:49.39KatolaZget feedback from the users
05:49.43gnarfacealready too much work and those exist
05:49.56KatolaZput together this "meta-package"
05:49.56gnarfacethere's no reason there can't be non-free tasks too
05:50.00KatolaZhave users using it
05:50.03KatolaZand testing it
05:50.19gnarfacethere'd need to be realistically probably 3
05:50.24KatolaZgnarface: the reason is that non-free stuff is not part of the distro
05:50.28gnarfaceone for AMD, one for Nvidia, and one for Intel
05:50.29KatolaZno gnarface
05:50.48KatolaZthere would need to be one for any specific hardware conf
05:50.50gnarfacearen't tasks just meta-packages though?  can't tasks go in non-free though?
05:50.52KatolaZif it were that simple
05:50.59KatolaZthree sets of instructions would have been enough
05:51.01gnarfacethere's only 3 base hardware configurations relevant here
05:51.11KatolaZand you said that it varies a lot across different hw configs
05:51.34KatolaZgnarface: if you want that task, work on it please
05:51.36KatolaZI am serious
05:51.51gnarfacei thought you were just pissing on it and trivializing the idea though?
05:51.56KatolaZif there are enough people interested on it, please do it
05:52.06gnarfacebut then we'll get a bunch of users you hate
05:52.17KatolaZI am triviliasing the idea that one can ask for anything and whining if it is not done by *others*
05:52.33KatolaZgnarface: o_O
05:52.52KatolaZI am not capable of hating anybody man... :\
05:53.19gnarfaceyou do seem ready to leave the unindoctrinated out in the cold
05:53.26KatolaZI am fighting to get Devuan as much inclusive as possible
05:53.31gnarfaceif that's not hate i don't know what is
05:53.49KatolaZI don't run a DE and I have helped a lot people wanting to include elogind and other stuff to support DEs
05:54.10gnarfaceoh wow you don't even use a linux desktop??
05:54.16KatolaZgnarface: you are shooting the wrong bird mate
05:54.23KatolaZI use xmonad
05:54.27gnarfaceyes, i realized i'm having the conversation with the wrong person here
05:54.30KatolaZif that is of any interest to you
05:54.48KatolaZI am just saying, if you want something to happen, work for it
05:54.59KatolaZwaiting for others to do that won't lead anywhere
05:55.42KatolaZand please, read again what I have said tomorrow. go through it and you will not find any hate or prejudice
05:56.06KatolaZbut please, don't ask me to work on something I don't have a clue about
05:56.08gnarfacethat's a fair statement, now i understand that you thought i was asking you for help with something you don't give a shit about.  that's where our miscommunication happened.  i was offering my help with something it seemed obvious was needed.
05:56.22KatolaZgreat gnarface
05:56.26KatolaZplease help with that then
05:56.29gnarfaceand i met INSTANT resistance and from you
05:56.37gnarfaceand you failed to even read my whole statement
05:56.38KatolaZoh lord
05:56.43KatolaZI said, go for it
05:56.45KatolaZdo it
05:56.51KatolaZput it together
05:56.54KatolaZmake it real
05:56.54gnarfaceyou wanted to rant on about how Steam will bring hordes of freeloaders and nothing of value
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05:57.08KatolaZgnarface: my point was not about steam man
05:57.18KatolaZI have tried to explain it several times
05:57.21gnarfacewithout realizing that getting Steam working is a super-set for getting nearly everything working
05:57.32gnarfacelike EVERYTHING
05:57.33KatolaZgnarface: for some definition of "working" man
05:57.41gnarfacefrom a desktop-users perspective
05:58.05KatolaZgnarface: we don';t have that hordes of Devuan desktop users moaing about their desktops being non-functional
05:58.28KatolaZso maybe you should also consider that what is "right" for you, might not be even a need for others
05:58.29gnarfaceno of course not, we have about 2-3 a week
05:58.32KatolaZI am just saying :)
05:58.52KatolaZgnarface: and they whine about steam, probably :)
05:58.55KatolaZwhich is fair
05:59.10KatolaZgiven that probably there are 40-50k Devuans out there
05:59.13KatolaZmaybe more
05:59.17gnarfacewe get a solid 2-3 a week rage-quitting after fumbling around with video driver support in general.
05:59.28KatolaZok gnarface
05:59.35KatolaZif you are willing to help on that, please do
05:59.45gnarfaceDebian has always been dismissive of those people and i don't think its smart
05:59.46KatolaZbut don;t expect others to do it for you ;)
05:59.56gnarfacemy shit already works dude!
05:59.58KatolaZgnarface: have you read what I have been saying?
06:00.02KatolaZoh ok
06:00.05KatolaZthen problem solved :(
06:00.13gnarfaceyea and you're still really looking down from what you think is a high perch above me and i don't like it
06:00.16KatolaZmy shit would work on Debian as well
06:00.45gnarfacehow's that relevant to the conversation?
06:00.54gnarfacei never suggested it wouldn't
06:01.03KatolaZthat I could avoid to contribute a little to Devuan
06:01.12KatolaZif I was only looking at what works for me
06:01.40KatolaZfinal statement: if you want something to happen, make it happen
06:01.45gnarfaceyea, so why do you think that is what i'm talking about here?  i still get the picture that you think i need help installing nvidia drivers and that's why i'm asking for this task
06:01.55KatolaZnope gnarface
06:02.02KatolaZI know you don't need that help
06:02.10KatolaZyou are the one who helps people with that here
06:02.19gnarfacewhereas we had an earlier conversation about gathering man power and i was merely suggesting some things i knew Debian would never try to accomplish that
06:02.29KatolaZgnarface: this is not Debian
06:02.31KatolaZit's Devuan
06:02.38KatolaZI am saying, get your knowledge to work
06:02.40gnarfaceone of those things would be to not leave gamers out in the cold, but right now we still do.
06:02.42iv4nshm4kovAIUI, both Debian and Devuan are, first and foremost, a bunch of unpaid volunteers. When they get interested in something – phylology, astrophysics, Steam – they make it happen. When not – well, you get from them about as much as you’ve paid for.
06:02.43KatolaZmake it available to others
06:02.56KatolaZdo something
06:03.09KatolaZbut waiting for others to do something it's not gonna work
06:03.40KatolaZI don't want to leave gamers in the cold
06:03.41gnarfaceif i were to submit the very first non-free task .deb to devuan, what are the chances you'd actually let it go in the distro?
06:03.51KatolaZgnarface: make it work first
06:03.52iv4nshm4kovgnarface can be one of these volunteers. Or not. It’s what software freedom is all about.
06:04.18KatolaZI started working on the minimal live without knowing that it would have been accepted as one of the official images
06:04.22KatolaZI just worked on it
06:04.25KatolaZfor about one year
06:04.31KatolaZgetting feedback
06:04.34KatolaZimproving it
06:04.44KatolaZmaking it work
06:04.55KatolaZand then it was felt that it was a useful addition
06:05.03KatolaZit's really that easy
06:05.16KatolaZI didn't expect any of that to happen
06:05.25KatolaZI was just scratching a personal itch
06:06.00gnarfacemy intentions are more altruistic than that
06:06.00iv4nshm4kovKatolaZ: So, it boils down to Will and Presentation? (SCNR.)
06:06.09KatolaZgnarface: do it
06:06.13KatolaZmake it happen
06:06.25KatolaZif it has value, it will fly
06:06.30KatolaZin whatever form
06:06.50KatolaZiv4nshm4kov: it boils down to will, IMHO
06:06.52gnarfaceso you say, but right now you're leaving me with the impression you're gonna 90% certainly say it has no value without even trying it
06:07.04KatolaZgnarface: I haven't said that
06:07.10KatolaZand I am pretty bored of your attitude
06:07.24KatolaZyou can keep making any retro-thinking
06:07.27KatolaZthat won't hep
06:07.33iv4nshm4kovKatolaZ: If you fail to present your work as useful to the community, it has little chance to be accepted, IMO.
06:07.34gnarface*MY* attitude?
06:07.36KatolaZI am *encouraging* you
06:07.40gnarface*MY* retro-thinking?
06:07.41KatolaZcan you see that?
06:07.45gnarfaceyou're dismissing me
06:07.50KatolaZI am *encouraging* you to *contribute*
06:07.51iv4nshm4kovKatolaZ: But I was just referencing a rather well-known book.
06:08.18KatolaZgnarface: this is silly... where I am dismissing you? o_O
06:08.40gnarfaceyou just said you were pretty bored of my attitude
06:08.51KatolaZyes because it leads nowhere
06:08.57KatolaZgo do the damn thing :)
06:09.01KatolaZmake it happen
06:09.02gnarfaceand that's not the only dismissive statement you've met my suggestions with
06:09.15KatolaZinstead of saying "oh, but you won't like it"
06:09.40KatolaZgo for it
06:09.42KatolaZdo it
06:09.44KatolaZmake it happen
06:09.46gnarfacedude you shit right on my head and made me re-explain my argument repeatedly
06:10.03KatolaZgnarface: your argument won't get a task-package done
06:10.04gnarfaceif you think that closing with "fine go make it happen" is encouraging after THAT ...
06:10.08KatolaZonly your work will
06:10.15KatolaZthis is a fact
06:10.23gnarfacehere's the problem
06:10.24KatolaZyou might not like it
06:10.37KatolaZbut this is how things happen
06:10.40gnarfaceyou're STILL arguing with a cartoon interpretation of me
06:10.55KatolaZgnarface: I am not interpreting anything, and even less you
06:10.58KatolaZit's not about you
06:11.05KatolaZor about me
06:11.10gnarfaceit is, right now
06:11.17gnarfaceright now, this is about YOU and ME
06:11.37KatolaZshall we have a proper 15th century duel at dawn then? :D
06:12.31KatolaZI can just tell you that every single thing that has happened in Devuan in the last four years has happened because somebody has cared about it
06:12.34KatolaZand made it happen
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06:13.01gnarfacenext time lead with "i don't care about that but its fine if you do"
06:13.11gnarfaceinstead of all the rest of the derogatory bullshit
06:13.38KatolaZgnarface: please cite where I have been "derogatory" or said "bullshit"
06:13.47gnarfacei'm sure you know very well
06:13.51KatolaZor avoid to make sush statement
06:14.08KatolaZbecause it does not let you shine at all :)
06:14.10gnarfaceno, i'm done arguing in circles with you, you've made your point clear enough.
06:14.19KatolaZI won't add more
06:14.25gnarfacebtw just for reference
06:14.31KatolaZluckily the backlog is public :)
06:14.35gnarfaceall last 5 lines were obviously derogatory
06:14.55gnarfacei didn't bring up steam to offend you
06:15.07gnarfacebut i obviously did and you felt the need to retalliate
06:15.11KatolaZgnarface: there is nothing you can do to offend me
06:15.15KatolaZnothing at all
06:15.18gnarfacenow you're lying
06:15.24gnarfacebut we're also off topic
06:15.33KatolaZyes, please kick me out :)
06:15.46gnarfaceoh wow, you really DO need to get the last word in, don't you
06:15.52gnarfacewtf is your problem today anyway?
06:16.14KatolaZit's nothing of your business mate :)
06:16.24gnarfacethan STOP TAKING IT OUT ON ME
06:16.38gnarfaceyou make it everyone's business when you pull this
06:17.21gnarfaceyou've not only trivialized my idea, you went further by making it personal
06:17.25gnarfacethat's ALL oh you
06:17.29gnarface*on you
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06:17.39KatolaZgnarface: keep going if you like
06:17.47gnarfacewould you enjoy that?
06:24.32gnarfacewell, one thing is for sure, that's not gonna be a good way to attract new help
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08:10.20Centurion_Danwhat is going on???
08:10.51Centurion_DanI step away and I miss all the fun??
08:12.01Centurion_DanKatolaZ, you really seem to take offence far to easily - I've never said we need to build everything now..... but I
08:13.28Centurion_Danwill continue to press the point that we do need to have a vision... not a fanciful dream, but real vision and think beyond just the bare minimum required to get the next release out.
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08:16.35Centurion_DanWe need to realise that Debian might not be around next release... and if it is, it will require more work to remain tied to Debian's packages... this will continue... sometime it may not be possible to continue to use Debian's packages, so we need vision, we need to plan for that eventuality rather then just hoping Debian won't break too much for us for the next release.
08:17.38Centurion_DanKatolaZ, you've done very well to lead the push to get ascii over the line...
08:19.54Centurion_Danbut we need to be always looking forward and not simply dealing with the obstacles debian developers throw our way... and the next release is only part of that picture...
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08:24.35KatolaZCenturion_Dan: I haven't taken any offence :)
08:24.59KatolaZI just made the point that "pressing" for something is not enough for that something to happen
08:25.03KatolaZand we know that very well
08:25.11KatolaZI really would like to have Devuan independent from DEbian
08:25.22KatolaZbut I realise it is not possible in the immediate future
08:25.44KatolaZI can keep working towards that goal, but the immediate future is working on beowulf
08:25.59KatolaZand putting in place the experimental/unstable/testing/stable pipeline
08:26.13KatolaZthat alone will require a lot of work
08:26.23KatolaZhaving a vision is fundamental
08:26.33KatolaZbut then we need people who actually implement that vision a
08:26.37KatolaZand *do* things
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12:05.56cr1mson_kingHi, I couldn't find a wiki page about sysvinit, how to enable, disable, start, stop...
12:07.35fsmithredcr1mson_king, 'man update-rc.d'
12:08.07cr1mson_kingfsmithred, thanks
12:08.11fsmithredyou can also use the service command
12:08.19fsmithredfor start|stop|restart
12:08.58cr1mson_king'service apache2 start' for example ?
12:09.39fsmithredor /etc/init.d/apache2 start
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13:30.15FlibberTGibbetsilly question perhaps. have just set up a local dns server (bind9). all good using it over eth0 from local clients. but how do i prevent the laptop from querying that local IP when i'm connected to someone else's lan?
13:30.29FlibberTGibbetip address, should have said
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13:31.59KatolaZFlibberTGibbet: is the DS server on the laptop?
13:32.13KatolaZoh no
13:32.30KatolaZit's on a local serve
13:32.34KatolaZon your LAN
13:32.46KatolaZow do you configure the DNS on your laptop?
13:35.42FlibberTGibbetthe dns server is on a pi
13:36.02FlibberTGibbetlaptop uses dhcp
13:36.57KatolaZdoes the laptop get the DNS stuff from the dhcp server?
13:37.14KatolaZor you set it up manually in resolc.conf?
13:37.24FlibberTGibbeti put the dns server directly into resolv.conf on the laptop
13:37.38KatolaZthen you have answered yourself ;)
13:37.42FlibberTGibbetheh :)
13:38.04FlibberTGibbetyes, so remove it from resolv.conf and add the nameserver on the dhcp server settings...
13:38.18KatolaZyes, may be an option
13:38.31KatolaZnormally the DHCP server provides a DNS server
13:39.06FlibberTGibbetwell,  currently the dhcp server is my router, so i could set it there and it's good for all automatically configured clients
13:39.38KatolaZthis is how pretty much any other LAN you will connect to is configured to work
13:39.57KatolaZyou get a DNS server via DHCP
13:39.58FlibberTGibbetindeed. had forgotten doing exactly that at work in the old days :)
13:40.49FlibberTGibbetneeds to eat more omega 3 to boost the memory...
13:41.25FlibberTGibbetthanks anyway, KatolaZ
13:43.06KatolaZhaven't done much FlibberTGibbet :D
13:43.15KatolaZI should get omega3 as well
13:46.49FlibberTGibbetsometimes a reminder of the obvious is the biggest help!
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16:44.45james1138_Hello all. The eariler tips about Whisker menu worked after all. Thanks!  New question. For some reason Kodi jumps to maximum volume when first starting up. Other apps like RadioTray do not. Is this a Kodi issue or PulseAudio issue?
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17:18.10holla_james1138_: 1. try to toggle 'flat-volumes' in '/etc/pulse/daemon.conf' -- if that doesn't help, try to run without pulse: 'pasuspender kodi'
17:18.55james1138_I shall give that a try here later today. Thanks Holla
17:20.47james1138_I just looked now and it is set to "yes". Holla... should it be "no"?
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18:04.37xrogaanso the ntp thing gets shut down with the network, but there is no provision for it and thus try to restart.
18:05.39xrogaanthere is a if-up.d/ntpdate but no if-down
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18:09.08fsmithredxrogaan, ntpdate is a one-shot deal
18:09.31xrogaanI remember reading something about that, yes.
18:09.41fsmithredI usually just run it from command line when I want to calibrate
18:09.50fsmithredat home, that is
18:09.51xrogaanby the way, there is a bootlogd but it doesn't log shutdowns?
18:10.05fsmithredI don't think so
18:11.45fsmithredthere's some shutdown info in /var/log/messages
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18:43.08xrogaanwhat I get during shutdown is this: WARNING: invoke-rc.d called during shutdown sequence\n enabling safe mode: initscript policy layer disabled
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18:50.22xrogaanit just triggers me a bit.
18:51.45xrogaanoh, I'm not alone.
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20:53.44james1138I resolved the volume issue with pulseaudio. I just turned it off and use ALSA -
20:54.41james1138...and install Volume Icon -
20:55.29james1138Things are A LOT Better. No app goes straight to max volume. Nice especially with headset.
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21:58.48bozoniusjames1138:  :)   I got rid of pulse everywhere and I also feel better these days
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22:05.38fsmithredWe could start a 12-step program
22:06.38golinuxbozonius: How are you getting FF to play audio without it?  Did you do the apulse thing?
22:06.47bozoniusstep 1:  Admit to yourself that systemd, pulseaudio, and even avahi are not really helping you.
22:07.16bozoniusgolinux:  Yes, in some cases, apulse is needed.
22:07.34fsmithrednot needed with ff-esr in ascii
22:07.58bozoniusfsmithred:  Some versions of ff are OK without apulse or pulse
22:08.18golinuxTrue.  I thought you were playing with Beowulf.
22:08.37bozoniusI am... or was, anyway.  I haven't played with sound there yet.
22:08.49golinuxAnd had encountered
22:08.59bozoniusI was only commenting on james1138 comment
22:09.03golinuxthe end of FF as we've known it
22:09.31bozoniusomg... what new torture are we in for with ff
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22:10.09golinuxpulseaudio will be required.
22:10.19bozoniusnot if you use apulse
22:10.35golinuxYes.  I was wondering if you'd done that.
22:10.41bozoniusno, sorry.
22:10.48bozoniusI could try it...
22:10.59fsmithredplease do. I'm not sure if it works.
22:11.06fsmithredwhat version of ff are you using?
22:11.17fsmithredin beowulf
22:11.25bozoniusuh... not sure.  Let me look
22:11.38golinuxI keep an eye out for an apulse howto.
22:11.39bozoniusprob whatever comes with it, and any updates
22:12.25fsmithredpretty sure 57 is the first one that requires pulse
22:12.50fsmithredthere's ff-61 (not esr) in sid/ceres
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22:18.59bozoniusok running into a glitch
22:18.59EHeMAny help for an issue of `fsck.ext4` apparently not making it onto an initial ramdisk? (fsck.ext3 gets on, fsck.ext4 is being troublesome)
22:19.09bozoniusI only have headphones for my testbox
22:19.49bozonius(usb headphones) host ascii system lsusb shows the device, but it seems the guest (beowulf) does not see it)
22:20.12fsmithredaplay -l
22:20.18fsmithredsee which card is first
22:20.44fsmithredEHeM, maybe running 'update-initramfs -u' will fix it
22:21.25bozoniushuh... on the host, I am seeing card 0 analog, card 0 digital, and card 1 headset
22:22.20EHeMfsmithred: That was the obvious guess, didn't help.
22:23.08EHeMfsmithred: Actually recreated them from scratch and `fsck.ext3` shows up, but `fsck.ext4` doesn't.
22:23.38fsmithredEHeM, that's weird
22:24.27EHeMI know.
22:26.43EHeMHmm, now it looks like one of my VMs it did manage to get in, but not in some other spots.
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22:35.39bozoniusok, so I re-ordered the cards on the host (ascii) and I can record and playback on the host.  But the beowulf guest is not seeing any usb devices
22:36.04bozoniusI tried changing the vbox config for the vm from usb 3 to usb 2 support, but no change
22:36.20bozoniusI suppose I could  install beowulf to the host, but that will take some time...
22:36.36fsmithredyou shouldn't need to do that
22:36.39bozoniusor try my analog headset...
22:37.33fsmithreddoes your guest normally see the usb audio, or does it just pretend it has something else?
22:38.30bozonius"normally?" -- this is the first time I am trying the headset on the test box.
22:40.23fsmithredI think you should be able to leave the default vbox audio setting
22:41.18fsmithredas long as sound works on the host, I'd expect it to work in vbox
22:41.33fsmithredit'll just use ALSA
22:41.35bozoniusthe problem is that the guest doesn't see the usb device
22:41.51fsmithredwhy does it need to see that?
22:41.56bozoniusnow, I DO have pulse running on host
22:42.12fsmithredoh, then maybe set it to pulse instead of alsa
22:42.13bozoniusI could disable that and just use alsa there, but the headset works on the ascii host
22:42.32bozoniusit needs to see the device so it can be used in the guest
22:42.43bozoniusthe guest must capture the device first
22:42.52bozoniusbefore any application can "see" it
22:43.14fsmithredmine does not see my correct device
22:43.18bozoniusbut the trouble is that vbox itself, for the guest process that is, does not see it
22:43.26fsmithredhost has intel hd audio
22:43.36fsmithredvbox is using ac97.
22:43.50bozoniusare you using analog or digital headphones
22:44.10fsmithredjust looking at the audio settings on the laptop
22:44.11bozoniuswell, here's anothr thought
22:44.24bozoniusmaybe I can just plug in my speakers to the test box
22:44.45fsmithredthat should work
22:44.52bozoniusshould, yes
22:47.18bozoniustries to... must... grab...
22:47.43bozoniusis eaten by a tangle of wires in the corner behind the computers...
22:47.48bozonius(very sad)
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22:53.24bozoniusboys, we have sound on beowulf!
22:53.37bozoniusnow, to see if ff works without pulse
22:58.02bozoniusping beowulf vm has ff 52.9.0 (ff-esr)
22:58.29EHeMbozonius: You created the Cordthulu?
23:04.23bozoniusI have to admit I might have created it... you know. It starts with one wire, then you drop another through, figuring that won't be a problem.  THen another, then another
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23:15.37bozoniushaving some problems with network config
23:17.24bozoniusI tried disabling connman
23:17.46bozoniusbut even after stopping and starting network, it is not seeing the host
23:18.01bozoniusI usually don't have this many issues with simple ipv4 config
23:18.06bozoniuswith vbox
23:18.30bozoniusip a shows me the correct config, though I note ip route shows no default route
23:19.32bozoniusthis connman doesn't seem to be in sync with what network has
23:20.34bozoniusit was configured for the net, and I changed it (I thought) to .55 net, but then I see /etc/network/interfaces had not been updated -- still showed dhcp not static as I specified to connman
23:20.50bozoniusthe "Network" UI on ascii works fine...
23:21.11bozoniusmaybe one of you can kind of step me though  the config for this?
23:23.52fsmithredI normally set it to Bridged and eth0 and it just works
23:24.13bozoniuswell, I tried that also, I can retry that...
23:24.32bozoniusI had to kill dhclient
23:24.35fsmithredI don't set a static ip
23:24.49fsmithredit just gets an address from the router
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23:50.06bozoniusI can ping the host, but no response comes back (I know it is going out to the host, because wireshark on the host shows the packets)
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23:52.06bozoniuswhen I try to ping with -v, it tells me permission denied, attmpting raw socket...
23:52.12bozoniusand I am root
23:52.31bozoniusI tried allowing promiscuous mode on the adapter also
23:53.35bozoniussorry I am  on 2 keyboards
23:53.50bozonius(ignore "120"  and "kkkk")
23:53.52fsmithredyou're in the netdev group?
23:53.58bozoniusroot ?
23:54.24fsmithredoh, user
23:54.47bozoniusand, yes, my user "tester" is also in netdev.  But it might be irrelevant
23:55.15bozoniusbrb - water
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