IRC log for #devuan on 20180703

00:11.10Mo_when i type qemu is says comand not found how do i use it......I want to access # qemu --help
00:16.54debdogMo_:  type "qemu<tab><tab>"
00:20.41*** join/#devuan infobot (ibot@
00:20.41*** topic/#devuan is Latest (2018-06-09): ASCII 2.0.0 || Stable (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release | This is the Devuan discussion channel | off-topic conversation in #debianfork please | Devuan Forum: | Chanlogs:
00:20.41*** mode/#devuan [+v infobot] by ChanServ
00:22.51debdogMo_: to give you a starting point here's an example I use to run qemu:
00:24.20debdogyou prolly want to create a disk image as well, e.g.: qemu-img create -f qcow2 Wheezy64.qcow2 3G
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00:28.37Mo_ok first i will creat img from boot disk than i will explore the other options, cool dude for helping
00:28.39*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
00:29.11mtnmanhello i am attempting to boot from the "live" disk image.  grub loads, but when i choose any of the menu options, i get a msg about needing to load the kernel first.  how can i do this?
00:30.20*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~furrywolf@
00:43.28*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock_ (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
00:51.17mtnmanok no one is biting...
00:51.27mtnmananother question:
00:52.31gnarfacemtnman: which live image, exactly?
00:52.34mtnmanthe instructions to run the live image suggest doing "gpg --import devuan-devs.gpg".  is there a way to accomplish with a debian system?
00:52.44gnarfacemtnman: and what is your computer model?
00:52.47mtnmangnarface: amd64
00:52.53*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
00:53.08gnarfaceand you're using this one?  devuan_ascii_2.0.0_amd64_desktop-live.iso
00:53.32mtnmanits a toshiba
00:53.37gnarfacedid you check the checksums on that file?
00:54.05mtnmani did, but cannot verify the signing key.  see my second question above.
00:54.12gnarfaceright, yes that should work in debian
00:54.18gnarfaceobviously you have to find a copy of the actual key first
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00:55.37mtnmanok.  well i did not veryfy the image before booting it. i redownloaded and verified. am now going to look for the signing key.
00:56.23mtnmanthanks gnarface
00:57.02gnarfacefrom this page, it says there should be a copy in /usr/share/keyrings/devuan-archive-keyring.gpg
00:57.27gnarfacei'm not sure if that counts for the live image too, but worth a try
00:57.48gnarfaceit's on some public keyservers thoo though
00:58.04mtnmanok checking the image for the keyring
00:58.53gnarface(it is also in the "devuan-keyring" package in the devuan repos, and that package should be installable in debian if you download it from a public mirror)
01:00.29gnarfaceyou could still have hit a bug but failure for it to even find the kernel on the disk suggests something wrong with the disk
01:00.34gnarfacelike it's for the wrong architecture or it's corrupted
01:00.47mtnmancant find it in the iso.  i suspect corruption.
01:01.02mtnmani will download and install on debian box.
01:01.02gnarfaceyou wouldn't be the first one to find out their ISP was inserting garbage in their download streams
01:01.32mtnmani think there could have been corruption when using dd to write the image to usb stick.
01:01.42gnarfacealso a possibility
01:02.10mtnmanback in a bit....
01:02.17gnarfacei have some advice about dd:  always run "sync" afterwards and don't write with a block size bigger than 1MB
01:02.35mtnmanyes i neglected to sync but will do so this time. thanks.
01:02.41gnarfacethat has also been a recurring issue
01:02.52mtnmanthanks back in a bit...
01:18.29*** join/#devuan Humpelst1lzchen (
01:20.36mtnmanwhat is the devuan equivalent of
01:21.43gnarfacewell there really isn't one yet. exists but the interface is a bit unfinished...
01:22.15gnarfacefor the most part the debian one will have the same info though
01:22.19gnarfaceso you can use it in a pinch for now
01:22.27Jjp137there's this, too:
01:22.44gnarfaceoh i didn't know about that one
01:23.29gnarfaceheh, their form is a little broken
01:23.33gnarfacebut it works
01:23.52gnarfacewell not the form, but the html in the generated response is broken
01:24.18gnarfacenot badly enough to completely break rendering in firefox, but enough to screw up the header
01:24.44gnarfacehopefully whoever made this is checking the input more carefully than the output
01:25.59mtnmanso packages.d.o and pkginfo.d.o do not contain the actual packages.  where can i find those?
01:26.17gnarfacethe first one absolutely contains the packages
01:26.21gnarfacebut you will have to dig harder
01:26.32gnarface(that's basically a raw repo directory there)
01:27.16gnarfacedid you actually complete an install?
01:27.18gnarfaceonce you'
01:27.45gnarfaceonce you're booted into devuan you can just search the package repo directly with apt-cache, aptitude, or synaptic
01:28.38gnarfacesearches from inside debian will probably work too if you know how to change the sources.list file
01:34.43golinux is deprecated.  I need to get it forwarded to
01:35.14golinuxgnarface: For future reference ^^^
01:37.45gnarfacegolinux: oh, good to know.  uh... just fyi the response page for is generating double html headers
01:38.17gnarfaceit slightly breaks header rendering, no big deal, but i worry this is a symptom the form may lack server-side input validation
01:38.44gnarfaceyou guys should... have someone take a second look at that
01:43.43golinuxThanks.  I'll pass on to KatolaZ who does all the integration on the server.
01:44.15golinuxAfter checking it out myself, of course.
01:48.08golinuxgnarface: OK. I just looked and only seeing one <html> on the search and results page
01:48.41golinuxOh wait . . .
01:48.57gnarfacegolinux: oh sorry, it's not on the initial result page, you have to click on a package name then
01:49.34gnarfaceit opens the html tag twice
01:50.08gnarfacethen you see the extra newline generate some visible white space above the header on the rendered view
01:50.16golinuxYes, that where it is.
01:51.18golinuxIt adds a space on top of the header maybe 10px
01:51.27gnarfacefirefox gets past it but the source view highlights those lines in red, indicating it knows that is a syntax error (also probably invalidates that doctype tag)
01:51.36golinuxGood find!
01:52.02gnarfacehonestly i wish i could stop seeing that stuff though
01:52.33golinuxThat's really useful.   Nothing short of perfection!!!
01:54.34*** join/#devuan sb352 (~sb352@
01:57.49*** join/#devuan bozonius2 (
01:59.04bozonius2once the installer is running, couldn't I go to /etc/apt and muck with the sources to point at beowulf and  insstall that way?  This skips the upgrade step from ascii to beowulf.  Or are there more dependencies than that?
01:59.12bozonius2(just curious, that's all)
02:00.09gnarfaceonce the installer is running you could bypass it and complete the entire install by hand from one of the extra virtual terminals if you wanted
02:00.18gnarfaceif you're clever you could even use it to install windows
02:00.26gnarfaceor freedos
02:00.49bozonius2eww, gnarface
02:01.22bozonius2I admit to laziness.  But I do not admit to complete foolishness.
02:01.51gnarfaceit is not uncommon for people to mount an in-progress install to add stuff to it
02:02.04gnarfaceusually it should not be necessary
02:02.20gnarfacei'm not sure what the status on beowulf is right now
02:02.24bozonius2but does my approach make sense?  I mean,to get a "beowulf" installation...
02:02.30bozonius2testing it, that's all
02:02.51gnarfacewhat you're suggesting might work with no additional steps but i am assuming that if it was that easy the beowulf installer would be already released
02:03.12bozonius2well, I am not looking for a complete beowulf release.
02:03.15gnarfacei'm curious to find out though, i think you should test it and get back to me :)  (purely selfish reasons)
02:03.39bozonius2do you know of any really nasty side-effects, other than wasted time and some electricity?
02:04.52bozonius2right now, I am trying ascii install to a test VM.
02:05.06golinuxSometimes the logest way, ends up being the shortest way.  ;)
02:05.19gnarfacewell if you're looking for deeper understanding, sure
02:05.28bozonius2but I am choosing desktops besides xfce
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02:06.09bozonius2if I choose xfce AND lxqt, it errors.  The log in term (alt-F4) tells me task-xfce-desktop has unmet dependencies
02:06.33bozonius2depends on slim, but won't be installed.
02:06.39Jjp137oh I remember that
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02:06.45bozonius2is that a conflict between xfce and lxqt?
02:06.56Jjp137I think it has to do with the polkit backends
02:07.00bozonius2I mean, if it is not permitted, so be it.  I just wish a more informative message
02:09.17gnarfaceyea people are running into this.  some snarl with package dependencies but if you read the messaging carefully you can iron it out manually
02:09.36gnarface(i think)
02:09.51gnarfaceand yea i think it's to do with conflicting polkit backends
02:09.55bozonius2so I could try installing slim
02:09.58bozonius2and retry
02:10.20gnarfaceyou might have to force a switch of one of those polkit packages to make it work
02:10.31gnarfacei forget the specifics, sorry
02:10.38gnarfaceit was discussed in here repeatedly
02:10.46bozonius2nw, gnarface.  OK, no more.
02:10.50bozonius2just xfce for now
02:11.07gnarfacei didn't mean to discourage you from trying it
02:11.18bozonius2would the other desktops cause dependency issues also?
02:11.30Jjp137if they use the same backend, no; otherwise, possibly
02:11.42gnarfaceit's the graphical login manager's dependencies that are in conflict bozonius2, not the window manager itself
02:11.53gnarfaceyou shouldn't need any polkit backend at all if you're not using a gui login prompt
02:11.57bozonius2oh sure, I get that
02:12.11bozonius2slim is a gui login prompt
02:12.24bozonius2by default, the installer does install that (I believe)
02:12.31bozonius2or does it...
02:12.40bozonius2scratches his head, trying to recall...
02:12.40gnarfaceyea it's the default choice i believe
02:12.44Jjp137task-xfce-desktop depends on slim, so yes
02:12.48gnarfacei'm just not using default anything anywhere anymore, i'm old
02:13.30bozonius2so Jjp137, if I were to NOT select xfce but lxqt and maybe mint(?) and some other desktops...
02:13.40bozonius2such combos might work?
02:14.10gnarfaceit would be easier after completing the install to put in packages ala-carte
02:14.16Jjp137the release notes explain it better than I do:
02:14.19bozonius2yes it would
02:14.24Jjp137and yea definitely
02:15.04bozonius2but when a (dumb) user sees a menu of choices, well he's just gonna start salivating and want to click as many as he can... they are free, after all
02:16.28gnarfaceyes, a valid concern i think
02:16.29bozonius2mate also wants slim... but I disabled the first choice (desktop) and disabled xfce
02:17.01bozonius2wish I had had my test box around when RC was out and... maybe I could have helped test this more
02:17.17gnarfacethis particular issue may already be known
02:18.34gnarfacesome of these problems are inherited of course
02:20.30bozonius2what exactly is checking the first box ("Devuan Desktop Environment") supposed to do?  I mean checking or unchecking that exclusively of the indented choices of desktop below it?
02:20.42bozonius2Is that explained somewhere?
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02:21.46bozonius2well, I might have just answered myself.
02:21.58bozonius2I think checking that first box selects "slim"
02:22.28gnarfacehere's what it really does
02:22.37bozonius2when I unchecked "Devuan Desktop Envirnoment" ("Desktop") and checked only lxqt, it failed, telling me it would not install slim
02:22.46bozonius2which is needed by lxqt
02:23.06gnarfaceeach one of those options points to a meta-package with the word "task" in the name, which in turn points to a number of other packages (which all may have additionl dependencies, recursively, ad nauseum)
02:23.10bozonius2when I select that first box ("Desktop") AND only lxqt, it works
02:23.37bozonius2isn't slim the GUI login?
02:23.49bozonius2or is that really a backend?
02:23.50gnarfacewhen all the dependencies and dependencies of dependencies are present and none are themselves in conflict it works
02:24.09bozonius2(yeah, I knwo that part)
02:24.38gnarfacelets see
02:24.43bozonius2because now I am being asked to choose between lightdm and sddm
02:24.50gnarfacefirst we need to figure out the task names
02:25.18gnarfacebut you might be right that different combinations of options can expose more choices than just a linear on/off for each checkbox
02:26.14gnarfaceso i assume "task-desktop" is the one for "Devuan desktop environment"
02:26.19gnarfacesince that's it's description
02:26.45gnarfaceif you run `apt-cache show task-desktop` you can see the package dependency headers
02:26.59gnarfaceDepends: tasksel (= 3.33+devuan0.3), xorg, xserver-xorg-video-all, xserver-xorg-input-all, desktop-base
02:27.06gnarfaceRecommends: task-xfce-desktop | task-kde-desktop | task-lxde-desktop | task-cinnamon-desktop | task-mate-desktop | task-gnome-desktop, xdg-utils, avahi-daemon, libnss-mdns, anacron, eject, iw, alsa-utils
02:27.50bozonius2desktop-base, whatever that is, seems to be the 'main' thing it will install
02:28.02gnarfacenow what i don't know is, if Recommends are on (which i think they are by default here) how it decides which of the tasks that are ORed together here with | get selected
02:28.16Jjp137(yea recommends is on by default)
02:28.42bozonius2ok, I think the "Desktop" checkbox is just to get xorg and base installed, that's it.
02:28.54gnarfacei assume that one of these additional tasks also refers directly or indirectly to slim , while others do not
02:29.02bozonius2If none of the checkboxes are selected below that, it defaults to xfce
02:29.09bozonius2(maybe hard coded in installer?)
02:29.20gnarfaceyea, xfce is supposed to be the "official" default
02:29.27gnarfaceflagship product or something like that
02:29.42bozonius2so hardcoded in installer, not any special dependency per se
02:29.57gnarfacethat is my assumption
02:30.12bozonius2slim is described as x-display manager
02:30.15gnarfacei guess technically it could be in the repo metadata somhow, but i think it is in the installer
02:30.28bozonius2(that's my guess too)
02:30.53bozonius2but sddm and lightdm are also display managers...
02:31.04gnarfaceyea, so there is also a "Provides" header
02:31.07gnarfaceon the packages
02:31.22gnarfacethat has sort of a official generic tag name for the type of program
02:31.25gnarfacenot everything has one i think
02:31.42Jjp137about the ORed recommends:
02:31.53gnarfacebut you can `apt-cache search x-display-manager` to find others
02:32.39gnarfaceoften, you can install multiple of these types of packages but one MUST always be the "default"
02:32.46bozonius2I don't seem to have either sddm or lightdm installed on my ascii test box
02:34.01gnarfacei would only expect to see one installed normally
02:34.22gnarfacei like xdm because it's ... reliable
02:34.41gnarfacebut i don't use one on most machines
02:34.46bozonius2I get to the point where it is asking me for choice between sddm and lightdm.  But I already have slim installed at this point, IIUC
02:35.29bozonius2(I definitely get a graphical login though!)
02:35.54gnarfacei honestly haven't really tested the installer this thoroughly myself either
02:35.55bozonius2I'm choosing lightdm for the VM
02:36.13gnarfacemostly i just manually do everything after a minimal install
02:36.44gnarfaceyou find that the way dependencies work, you can boil your system down to only a handful of packages you really have to remember to recreate it
02:37.06bozonius2that's why I like dependency checking
02:37.22bozonius2some package systems don't have it
02:37.27bozonius2or only minimally so
02:38.25bozonius2this ought to be interesting.  My test VM will have lxqt with lightdm (and I have no idea what will happen with slim)
02:38.26*** join/#devuan emerson (emerson@freenode/staff/emerson)
02:38.48bozonius2I'm guessing lightdm will present me with login, and slim has been disabled?
02:39.08bozonius2btw, gnarface, this VM is to test beowulf by doing the upgrade step
02:39.29bozonius2it's not a serious example by any means. Just to learn and play a bit.
02:40.10bozonius2also, this beowulf VM is running under VirtualBox on Ascii, on the test box.
02:41.09gnarfaceyea probably the default will be the most recently installed one
02:41.27gnarfacethere is a way to change the default though
02:42.05bozonius2IIRC, we had problems with the display manager sddm (I think that was on Jessie) and I had to remove it
02:42.09bozonius2or something...
02:42.17bozonius2(memory is not one of
02:42.22bozonius2best attributes)
02:43.20bozonius2almost there...
02:45.50bozonius2looks like it might be lightdm
02:47.25bozonius2yep lightdm
02:48.42gnarfacethat makes sense
02:48.57bozonius2thanks again
02:49.04bozonius2so now to upgrade
02:49.19gnarfacecheck out the "alternatives" system for how to switch between currently-installed defaults
02:49.35gnarfaceusually it's just a symlink in /etc/alternatives but there's some tools for automatically handling changes
02:49.37bozonius2sed -i 's/ascii/beowulf/g' /etc/apt/source.list ?
02:50.00gnarfacethis is on the test system, right?
02:50.12bozonius2I can backup the sources first
02:50.14gnarfacei'm curious to know if it'lll work
02:50.47gnarfacewell wait, make sure they're right first
02:50.49bozonius2only 1 line in the sources.list file?
02:51.20gnarfacemake it like that
02:51.39bozonius2my ascii test box (hardware) has more than one line!
02:52.06bozonius2installer detects this is a VM and chooses to do different things?
02:52.08gnarfaceduring install it would have asked you if you wanted to include updates (previously known as "volatile") and security fixes
02:52.17bozonius2it didn't
02:52.32gnarfacewait one isn't a debootstrap install, is it?
02:52.32bozonius2but that could be because I had to back out and restart some steps?
02:52.42bozonius2one what?
02:52.48gnarfaceone of those installs
02:52.49gnarfacethe VM one
02:53.08gnarfaceyou didn't use debootstrap instead of the installer to make the VM guest image did you?
02:53.11bozonius2apt-cache search x-display-manager
02:53.18bozonius2no, I used the iso
02:53.58bozonius2(nix that line apt-cahce... that was a bad paste, sorry)
02:55.10bozonius2my sources.list looks like:  "deb ascii main"
02:55.12bozonius2that's it
02:56.54bozonius2now, what's this?  I installed the hosting software for vbox on my Ascii (test box) and there is no guest additions ISO?
02:57.05bozonius2I thought that comes with the host vbox package...
02:57.38gnarfaceit doesn't, you have to install them in the guest manually
02:57.53gnarface(ubuntu includes them by default in all installs i guess?)
02:58.07bozonius2no, I mean the ISO image is included in the package from CentOS
02:58.19gnarfacei dunno but yea i'm pretty sure you gotta install them manually in the guest
02:58.28bozonius2that I know, gnarface.
02:59.00bozonius2what I am saying/asking/confirming is that the guest additions ISO image is not included in the vbox hosting package then?
02:59.06Jjp137do you mean that the ISO itself isn't residing somewhere in the host? if so, you need to install the virtualbox-guest-additions-iso package, which is in non-free
02:59.33gnarfaceah, thanks for that Jjp137
02:59.35bozonius2Jjp137:  what I needed, exactly. thanks
02:59.44mtnmandeveloper keyring is here: in case you are still interested.
03:00.58bozonius2is non-free pinned?  I don't find the iso package
03:01.15bozonius2I tried "-t non-free" but that doesn't help
03:04.07Jjp137um do you have non-free in your sources.list? and also you would use -t for like ascii-backports, not main/contrib/non-free
03:04.28bozonius2so how do I get the package ?
03:04.40bozonius2apt-get cannot find the package
03:05.50Jjp137check that your sources.list line for ascii-backports is similar to: deb ascii-backports main non-free contrib
03:06.03bozonius2it is commented out, that's why
03:06.37Jjp137yea for ascii, the virtualbox-related packages are only in backports
03:06.47bozonius2I see...
03:07.37bozonius2only problem with this is that when a new release of vbox comes out, I have to enable backports, update, upgrade, disable
03:07.40bozonius2easier way?
03:07.48bozonius2that -t option with pinning?
03:08.01bozonius2or do I have it wrong
03:09.15bozonius2or can I leave it as is, and not worry that apt might install something I DONT want from backports instead of the regular repos?
03:09.22Jjp137leaving backports enabled is fine from my experience (also see:
03:09.24bozonius2or is backports exclusive of the others
03:09.31bozonius2thanks, reading...
03:09.57bozonius2super thanks again
03:09.58Jjp137there used to be bugs on the repository's end where the wrong priority was set for backports, but that has been long fixed
03:10.09bozonius2: )
03:10.14Jjp137and np!
03:11.41bozonius2the bootup and shutdown of ascii (and jessie) is lightning fast
03:12.06ivanshmakovThere’re apt_preferences(5), too, so one can set priorities for oneself (like: take these packages from backports, and the rest from the usual place.)
03:12.21bozonius2it's almost as if theree were some kind of...
03:12.41bozonius2oh, I don't know, maybe a system daemon running in the background speeding up the boot and shutdown?
03:12.48bozonius2or is that wrong?
03:14.37bozonius2thanks ivanshmakov.
03:14.44bozonius2I need to look into that also
03:14.57bozonius2centos also has a kind of prioritizing in yum
03:15.15Mo_i think this will help with vbox
03:15.25ivanshmakovbozonius2: Personally, I use it only to blacklist packages; say: Package: gconf-service ssl-cert tsconf // Pin: release c=main // Pin-Priority: -42.
03:19.52bozonius2thanks Mo_
03:24.33bozonius2dist-upgrade wants to update 92 packages
03:24.50bozonius2(after copying and updating my sources file)
03:25.41bozonius2this includes a new kernel package... Doesn't net install automatically get the most up-to-date?
03:38.53bozonius2ascii->beowulf upgrade 740 packages...
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03:58.54bozonius2login prompt, as before...
04:00.40bozonius2os-release says buster/sid
04:02.07bozonius2hey hey, folks!
04:02.14bozonius2gnarface -- it worked
04:03.10bozonius2only thing is, now it wants to apply a lot of updates...
04:03.58bozonius2apt-get dist-upgrade wants to install about a gig worth of new and updated software
04:04.25*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
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04:09.45bozonius2"apt-get has a "smart" conflict resolution system, and
04:09.57bozonius2what does "important" mean in this context?
04:10.34bozonius2Is there some hierarchical list of packages that dictates what is more important than others?
04:12.00furrywolfthere is a priority field in the control file, but it's just a level, not a hierarchy.
04:12.40bozonius2I see.
04:12.48bozonius2which is that whole pinning idea
04:13.12bozonius2for my purposes of testing beowulf, I think mere upgrade is probably ok
04:15.37furrywolfno, pinning in a separate thing.  the priority field is just a general indication of a package's requiredness.  "required" means the system will totally break without it.  "important" means the system will be somewhat broken without it.  "standard" means it's the typical base set of packages for a relatively small install.  "optional" is everything else.
04:16.09bozonius2so should I dist-upgrade?
04:16.56furrywolfI have absolutely no idea what you're doing, so I don't know.  I just saw a question asking if there's a list of what packages are more important.
04:17.03bozonius2keep in mind, this is just a test, for fun and education only
04:17.13bozonius2I won't be using this system for anything really important
04:17.26bozonius2(ignore that question)
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04:52.50grillonhi there
04:53.21grillonany time there is someone here
04:55.48gnarfaceis that supposed to be a question?
04:58.32gnarfacegrillon: if you have a question it is best to just ask it even if nobody is here
05:00.36grillonno it's not a question
05:00.39grillonhi gnarface
05:03.12grillonI have many questions but I'm trying to make things clear. I don't know how to ask.
05:06.57grillonok I'm trying to have a functionnal busybox with network in kvm. I would like to know how compile a minimal kernel.
05:10.28grillonmore exactly I'm trying to make works virtualization on orange-pi-pc1. I'm happy it seems to work with almost no overhead :)
05:10.34grillonin kvm mode
05:13.38grillonthere are very few documentation and may be my level is too low to do something like that. It was long to make the host works then very long to make kvm works and now I'm searching a way to have network.
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06:04.06gnarfacegrillon: if you already understand how to compile kernels, shortcut to getting a "minimal" one is typically to start by loading the defconfig for the board
06:04.18gnarfacethough you will often need a few other things
06:04.22gnarfacelike tcp/ip
06:04.46gnarfacefinding the right defconfig for the board can be tricky
06:04.55gnarfacesometimes you need out-of-kernel patches for these arm things
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06:47.48refracta_noobunable to install plymouth from apt - is that by design?
06:48.38refracta_noobplymouth-x11 depends: plymouth = 0.9.2-4, but not installable
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06:55.35refracta_noobah ok it's on the banned package list...
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10:55.35grillonthank you gnarface, that's what I do but I feel like a young sorcerer.
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10:56.12grillongnarface: I was hopping a more strraigtforward technic exist
10:57.30]BFG[hahaha plymouth another retarded systemd asslicker shit
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12:06.16filipdevuanhey if i have 4gb ddr4 ram memory should i download devuan i386 or amd64 and also is there possibilty to download beowulf???
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12:12.47gnarfacefilipdevuan: the amount of ram doesn't determine the answer to that, and i think you might be able to upgrade to beowulf but there's no installer yet
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12:14.35filipdevuanokay thanks ;)
12:16.04filipdevuannot sure if i wanna get back to devuan its debian i feel like trying some arch distros...
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12:22.44filipdevuanokay i think im not gonna install proprietary drivers now and as less as nonfree software as possible ;P.
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12:50.04bozoniusgnarface, filipdevuan:  Not making any promises, but I believe I may have a successful "beowulf" install
12:50.13bozoniusIt seems to be working
12:55.11filipdevuani have just copied ascii iso to my pendrive ;P
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13:11.08fsmithredbozonius, if you upgrade from ascii to beowulf, it should basically work. You'll probably be left with some packages from ascii that don't upgrade because they haven't been devuanized in beowulf yet.
13:17.35bozoniusfsmithred:  Thanks.  Yeah, this is just a test.  Thought it would be fun.  And gnarface was curious too and egged me on a bit to try it.
13:17.58bozoniusSeems stable, though I haven't really put it through its paces yet.  It's running virtual, not on hardware , though
13:18.20bozoniusPlease let me know if there is anything you'd want me to try.
13:24.19fsmithredI don't know what packages have been rebuilt so far.
13:25.37bozoniusit is a standing offer...
13:25.52bozoniusI'd like to help  test new releases, software, etc
13:26.27fsmithredaptitude search ~i -F"%p# %v# %t#"
13:26.55fsmithredthat will show what's from stable, testing, unstable or "now" (means it's from somewhere else)
13:27.47fsmithredmight be helpful for you. I don't need to see that.
13:29.50fsmithredI need to shut down this computer to avoid heating up the room. I'll be fsr (on the laptop) for the rest of the day.
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14:05.22filipdevuanokay fresh devuan installed and now im gonna start force myself to use open source software play only open source games i like the way that im going with computers, feeling like im coming back to 90s when i first started using PCs which is positive for me :)
14:15.22fsrfilipdevuan, if you use links2 browser on desktop, the internet will look like the 90's too, so you can have the full experience.
14:15.49filipdevuanyeah thanks for letting me know im just looking for nice browser that would block ads by default on certain websites
14:17.43gnarfacewell it will block javascript, at least
14:18.15fsrit does show static images, but I don't think anyone advertises that way now
14:18.32gnarfaceoh you'll still get them
14:18.46fsrI don't mind those so much
14:19.08gnarfacethey are less of a security risk
14:19.34fsrwhen they start blinking, I want to enter the coordinates for a missile strike
14:19.46filipdevuanyeah this browser is amazing thanks :)
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14:25.05sixwheeledbeastor dillo
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14:35.57filipdevuanim gonna download it as well :P
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18:24.25M0E-lnxguys, I have a question about packaging...
18:24.38M0E-lnxsay I have foo_1.0 on the apt repos
18:24.45M0E-lnxbut I want to package a newer version from source
18:25.10M0E-lnxis there a way to get the build scripts that produced the 1.0 package and modify them to produce the newer version?
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19:05.53debdogM0E-lnx: never done this but the source package might hold that info|(deb-src)#Why_looking_at_a_source_package_.3F
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19:12.25M0E-lnxthere is plenty of docs out there, I just thought someone may have a QnD howto
19:12.46M0E-lnxfeels like debian has over-documented some things
19:17.15M0E-lnxdh unpatch
19:17.16M0E-lnxdh: Unknown sequence unpatch (choose from: binary binary-arch binary-indep build build-arch build-indep clean install install-arch install-indep)
19:17.28M0E-lnx^^ I get that from following the BuildingAPackage wiki
19:17.35M0E-lnxafter dpatch-edit-patch
19:17.47M0E-lnxthere are no patches there yet...
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19:19.56phoggM0E-lnx: I am not an expert, but it seems to me that you should be able to copy the existing debian/ dir out of the source package for the version you have a .deb for and copy it to the new source tree, then follow to make the package. Of course you may need to make changes to things in the debian/ dir (maybe a little, maybe a lot).
19:21.14M0E-lnxok... let me tinker around with that
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19:23.07M0E-lnxis there a quick way to fill the deps defined by a package's debian/ dir?
19:23.56phoggI don't think so, but again I don't make a lot of packages. You need to know what is required and how to describe that.
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19:25.51M0E-lnxDo most people avoid packaging?
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19:41.05golinuxM0E-lnx: Have you seen this?
19:43.10M0E-lnxgolinux, have not... checking it out
19:43.19fsrM0E-lnx, do you have a particular package in mind?
19:43.21M0E-lnxI do have dh going
19:43.47M0E-lnxfsr, not really... I just learn a lot better by doing things
19:44.07M0E-lnxgolinux, I'm working with dh now
19:44.23M0E-lnxsimilar stuff?
19:44.24fsradd the deb-src line for whatever repo holds the version you want
19:44.29fsrapt-get update
19:45.15fsras user,make a new directory somewhere in your home
19:45.19fsrcd to that dir
19:45.26fsrapt-get source <package>
19:45.41fsrthen as root, apt-get build-dep <package>
19:45.49fsrit may or may not work
19:46.03fsrdepending on whether you can get the right versions of the build deps
19:46.39fsrif it works, add an entry to the changelog to change the version
19:46.45fsrmake any other changes
19:46.56fsrdpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -b
19:47.09fsroh wait, cd to the package-version directory first
19:48.11fsryou said you're working with dh or d1h?
19:48.41M0E-lnxI do have a dpkg-buildpackage
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19:49.42fsryou're running ascii?
19:52.56fsrI wish I knew an easy package you could start with.
19:53.52M0E-lnxlet's just say i'm not the kind that is happy with 'fix it by doing apt-get install foo', so I know i'm gonna run into things where I need to peek under the hood
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19:55.11fsrif you want to recompile an ascii package with different options, you will not have a problem with build-deps
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20:22.49filipdevuanhey any open source e-mail clients that you would recommend to me? :)\
20:23.26filipdevuanok thx
20:23.44filipdevuangetting it ;p
20:23.56fsrclaws if you want something with gui
20:24.08unixman+1 for claws
20:24.15golinuxclaws ftw
20:24.29filipdevuanokay gotta download it too cheers ;)
20:24.44fsrthunderbird if you want a hungry beast that occasionally runs into trees and knocks itself out
20:25.08golinuxEeeeeewwwwww . .
20:25.27fsrI think it doesn't like imap
20:25.30M0E-lnxpretty accurate though
20:26.46unixmanI see that in the 10 years since I last used it Thunderbird the software is about as good as Thunderbird the drink still. :)
20:27.31unixman <- The drink.
20:27.51fsrI forgot about that.
20:29.07unmyhello, I didn't have deb line with "ascii-updates" in "/etc/apt/sources.list", is it normal?
20:29.45unmyafter fresh install from final ascii netinstall iso
20:31.00fsryes, that's normal
20:31.24fsrif you do one of the expert installs, you will be asked about which lines to include
20:31.39fsryou should have ascii and ascii-security
20:31.59fsrascii-updates is optional and often has the same stuff as ascii-security
20:32.21unmyyep, got them both, just didn't have "updates" after when added them got extra 2 packages to update
20:32.39fsrcool, do you remember which packages?
20:32.50unmylibsystemd0 and tzdata
20:33.55unmythat is why I was curious about "missing" updates repository
20:34.19fsrI guess they got updates that were not for security. Maybe bugfixes.
20:34.46fsractually, I'm not sure - they might appear in -security later
20:35.28unmyok, I will keep in mind to add it after any other installation or use expert mode, thank you for clearing it out fsr :)
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20:50.11dinkydooHey guys wanted to see if something is possible. Can I run this OS as light as possible with docker images of apps I want to run.  I would like each app to have it own set of connection points. I could run a firewall distro in a container as well and point the app at that container only this would allow me to proxy some apps, send some over tor and others over a vpn connection.
20:51.50*** join/#devuan HumanG33k (~HumanG33k@
20:55.38unmydinkydoo, everything is possible :) Don't see problem to set all this up since as a app you mean the service with own individual port
20:58.10dinkydoounmy, my idea is similar to qubes but it is a heavy OS.  I would rather do it with containers and make it work for just my use cases.
20:58.47dinkydooI spoke with them they said 16 GB of ram is needed to run it well I only have 8. So looking to create my own solution.
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21:02.41unmyfirst time hear about Qubes and can't blame them for that 16 GB ram usage, it's based on Xen as I see
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21:03.41unmymuch better isolation but for your type of use containers fit much better I think
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21:15.37M0E-lnxgolinux, d1h is saying syntax error at line 1 ... when running 'd1h cache'
21:15.55M0E-lnxthe post you linked says it will download from, but that link says that's deprecated
21:17.54fsrM0E-lnx, can you paste your sources.list? (not here)
21:19.34M0E-lnxdoes d1h use those?
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21:19.55fsrnot sure
21:20.26fsrthat looks ok
21:20.39fsrdoes it say which file?
21:20.52fsrum, ok
21:21.12M0E-lnxI'm thinking the parse_alioth reference in d1h is failing
21:21.45M0E-lnxbut i'm not sure where that function comes from
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21:22.52M0E-lnxThis is the entire output of the command
21:24.44fsrok, the file is not on your system
21:24.48fsrI just got the same error
21:24.53M0E-lnxI know
21:24.58M0E-lnxit's trying to download
21:25.03M0E-lnxor a list from there
21:25.09M0E-lnxwhich is now returning a 404
21:25.19M0E-lnxso, the d1h program is failing
21:25.30M0E-lnxand not handling the error I might add
21:25.45fsrKatolaZ, will have to look at it ^^^
21:26.42fsrMigration documentation is available on the wiki, and an archive of VCS repositories can be found on
21:26.46M0E-lnxcurl "${CFIG_URL}" | parse_alioth >> "${CACHE_FILE}"
21:29.49M0E-lnxgotta go... .talk to you all on Thursday
21:29.59M0E-lnxenjoy the hump-day weekend
21:30.27fsrthanks, bye
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22:02.55filipdevuanis firefox safe or it spies as well???
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23:13.40roundduckman-devI need help install nvidia drivers on a laptop with optimus
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23:14.11filipdevuancan you do viruses for linux
23:17.39roundduckman-devI need help installing nvidia drivers from backports, please
23:18.41djphfilipdevuan: sure, see all the IoT stuff
23:19.54roundduckman-devdjph, considering you're talking (and that it seems others don't recognize new messages unless messaged), have you tried installing nvidia drivers on devuan via backports?
23:20.53roundduckman-devI need help, that's the problem, Debian/Devuan driver installing can be a bit of a mess
23:21.27djphroundduckman-dev: nope, I don't have an optimus box anymore (I used to, but the mobo died, and went with the no-gpu option, since it was $20 ... and I wasn't sure if it was the mobo, or CPU that got ruined)
23:22.30roundduckman-devdang it. :P  I just wanted to game on Devuan, without the nasty systemd. :,(
23:22.50roundduckman-devor using intel drivers
23:23.29roundduckman-devI was on Solus, and I had some problems so I wanted to try something without systemd
23:23.55gnarfaceroundduckman-dev: what's your problem with installing nvidia drivers from backports?
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23:25.16roundduckman-devI'm in package confusion and I can't seem to install bumblebee and Nvidia drivers, getting stuff like
23:25.32roundduckman-dev"The following packages have unmet dependencies"
23:25.46roundduckman-devI'm in a bit of a dependency pickle
23:26.03djphyay, dependency hell
23:26.32roundduckman-devIt's like I'm back in Ubuntu-land again, especially considering that was also Debian-based
23:27.28gnarfaceok first of all, when installing from backports, make sure you use the option "-t ascii-backports"
23:27.38gnarfacewe're talking about ascii, right?
23:27.49gnarfacesecond of all, nvidia is stupid
23:27.56gnarfacetheir maintainers are not only that, but they're also angry
23:28.04gnarfaceso their packages are garbage
23:28.12gnarfaceyou have to manually double-check their dependencies every time
23:28.24gnarfacethey almost always get something wrong - to the point i'm sure they're doing it on purpose out of spite
23:29.00gnarfaceso after you think you have nvidia drivers from backports, go through all your packages with `dpkg -l |grep nvidia -i` and manually update all the ones that are still at the old version
23:29.02roundduckman-devYes, it's ASCII. And I'm doing that. The problem was that after installing Nvidia-driver, then I can't install Bumblebee. Then I deleted Nvidia-driver and installed bumblebee, then I deleted Bumblebee since htat's not how it works, and now I can't install Nvidia-driver again
23:29.22gnarfacemake sure you have a working complete set of the same nvidia driver versions first
23:29.31gnarfacethen reboot and make sure they're loaded
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23:30.42gnarfacewe can't really confirm any specific cause of blame here yet just with the information you've given me, but just to be clear, you'll definitely need the kernel and bumblebee versions from backports *also* if this is gonna work
23:31.09gnarface(and no, it's not smart enough to figure that out on it's own either without you appending "-t ascii-backports" to every single apt-get call)
23:31.42gnarfacethe package dependency issues you're seeing most likely extend from this^
23:32.06filipdevuanmaybe you should install bumblebee with nvidia let me give you a command and wiki its debian wiki
23:32.30gnarfacehmmm, yes the debian wiki may very well still be accurate on this matter
23:32.43gnarfacei have not personal experience with bumblebee so i can only help with theoreticals
23:32.51filipdevuan sudo apt-get install bumblebee-nvidia primus
23:33.01roundduckman-devI deleted anything that is Nvidia related (not nouveau though)
23:33.15roundduckman-devJust did it, hopefully nvidia-driver will install
23:33.36filipdevuani think if you type bumblebee-nvidia primus that should be with nvidia graphics as well
23:33.51roundduckman-devcrap, didn't fix it, so I'll start reading on wiki
23:34.07filipdevuanwhats your issue?? fix what?
23:34.39filipdevuanoh damn
23:35.11gnarfacefilipdevuan: you managed to get gpu passthrough working with bumblebee?
23:35.53roundduckman-devfilipdevuan, it's the fact I couldn't reinstall the "nvidia-driver" package
23:36.03filipdevuanyeah its easy but bumblebee doesnt support nouveau anymore i feel i dont feel like using proprietary nvidia drivers though im alright with intel just for now, linux doesnt have that graphics demanding games
23:36.24filipdevuanso i dont use bumblebee cuz i dont wanna install nvidia drivers ;p
23:36.47filipdevuanyeah try through synaptic package manager its easier ;D
23:37.13roundduckman-devI have quite a few, like Overgrowth. My main problem with nvidia drivers is that it's too damn hard to install and sometimes a bit buggy
23:37.49gnarfacein general i've found that most packages in non-free have diminished quality compared to the open source stuff
23:38.12filipdevuanyeah well when i installed bumblebee with nvidia drivers then i was just typing optirun bash after that just i was playing games through wine so wine app.exe
23:38.12gnarfacetry to avoid it for getting work done whenever possible
23:39.28djphgnarface: well iwlwifi is solid ...
23:39.29roundduckman-devNow I'm stuck even more, and I feel I screwed it up. I can't install bumblebee or nvidia drivers, not even separately, I'm in deep shit
23:39.43roundduckman-devTime to reinstall again...
23:39.44gnarfacedjph: you must not have tested it in jessie
23:39.46filipdevuandid u try apt-get purge??
23:39.54roundduckman-devI'll try that.
23:40.11filipdevuanapt-get purge bumblebee or apt-get purge nvidia i think
23:40.26djphgnarface: jessie, and ascii ... but ascii ate a bunch of things I use (e.g. VLC) during the beta, and I broke something else, so back to Jessie
23:41.07gnarfacedjph: i was learning how to use refracta to make a custom ascii live image while jessie was still in beta because iwlwifi *specifically* from jessie has showstoppers on some hardware that still exist in the jessie version
23:41.32djphgnarface: 7260 here, so none of those for me.
23:41.33gnarfacethough i think they may be fixed in jessie-backports now
23:41.43djphgnarface: but I might've just gotten lucky
23:41.54gnarfaceanyway, haven't seen the problem in ascii but the customer did complain his wifi switch light behavior changed fundamentally
23:42.28gnarfacei think that was unrelated to the bug fix though
23:44.49roundduckman-devNothing is left that is nvidia-related, yet can't install river
23:44.57roundduckman-devNothing is left that is nvidia-related, yet can't install driver, oops
23:45.26gnarfacewhat is the specific message?
23:47.07gnarfacei'm gonna need to see the message or all i can give you is pointless speculation
23:47.59roundduckman-devresults for installing driver and installing bumblebee-nvidia:
23:48.56gnarfacethat's two separate outputs of two separate commands, neither of which are included here, but both of which are relevant
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23:49.28roundduckman-devYep, trying to create  picture of the dependency mess
23:49.39gnarfaceok to be clear i'm going to have to see those commands too
23:49.51gnarfaceand probably the contents of your /etc/apt/sources.list file
23:50.21roundduckman-dev1st command was "sudo apt -t ascii-backports install nvidia-driver," the second was "udo apt -t ascii-backports install bumblebee-nvidia primus"
23:50.37roundduckman-dev*sudo for the second
23:50.42gnarfaceok, now the sources.list file?
23:51.12fugitivecheck do you have "non-free contrib" in sources. Forgot about them recently as well
23:51.50roundduckman-dev, also I did do "dpkg add-architecture i386"
23:52.18gnarfacei'm thinking he just needs to re-run the first command as "apt-get -t ascii-backports install nvidia-driver bumblebee nvidia-driver-libs libgl1-nvidia-glx"
23:52.55gnarfacebut there have been problems for me with some of the US mirrors, you might need to change the host name in the sources.list to avoid them
23:53.18gnarfaceotherwise, the sources.list looks fine so the problem is likely just the install command
23:53.36gnarfaceput enough of the nvidia packages on the same line and it should work
23:53.44roundduckman-dev These are results and command.
23:53.58roundduckman-devhold on
23:54.04filipdevuandid u test if optirun works
23:54.11roundduckman-devLet me try again, messed up on last package
23:54.25gnarfaceroundduckman-dev: 390.48-2~bpo9+3 see this?
23:54.33fugitiveyea, should do the job, like said, had the same issue few days ago, and dependency mess was caused by missing non-free && contrib directive..
23:54.39roundduckman-devYeah, that's backports
23:55.01gnarfaceroundduckman-dev: "bpo" means backports.  every time you see it say it depends on a backports version that will not be installed, add it to the list of packages on that command-line and re-run it
23:55.20gnarfacekeep doing that until it runs out of complaints, or complains about something NOT in backports
23:55.29roundduckman-dev New paste with corrected command, will look at your message, gnarface, afterwards
23:55.58roundduckman-dev"roundduckman-dev: "bpo" means backports.  every time you see it say it depends on a backports version that will not be installed, add it to the list of packages on that command-line and re-run it"
23:56.17roundduckman-devWhat the hell, you have to do that? O_o
23:56.27fugitivestupid, but worth mentioning, apt update first :)
23:56.40gnarfaceroundduckman-dev: yea basically what is happening here is that it's looking for dependencies of backport packages in the main repo because backports is not the default even if it's in your sources.list.  trust me, the alternative would be an even bigger mess.
23:57.40gnarfaceroundduckman-dev: so get them all manually on the same command-line even if you have to, but then after it's working i advise you immediately then comment-out backports from your sources.list and re-run `apt-get update` so you don't accidentally get anything else from there later
23:57.54roundduckman-devFuck it, I'm going to TEMPORIALLY change priority for backports.
23:58.06roundduckman-devIt would be easier in theory.
23:58.14gnarfacewell if you break it you get to keep all the pieces
23:58.21roundduckman-devlol. :P
23:58.30roundduckman-devThat would be true
23:59.03gnarfacei really don't think you want EVERYTHING updated from backports though
23:59.09gnarfacehonestly that's asking for trouble
23:59.25gnarfacebut the nvidia drivers do depend on a couple xorg packages and probably the kernel from there

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