IRC log for #devuan on 20180628

00:11.26*** join/#devuan maiz (~maiz@
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00:19.24*** topic/#devuan is Latest (2018-06-09): ASCII 2.0.0 || Stable (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release | This is the Devuan discussion channel | off-topic conversation in #debianfork please | Devuan Forum: | Chanlogs:
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01:31.25*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
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02:44.40*** join/#devuan guru (
02:53.59*** join/#devuan flrn (~flrn@unaffiliated/flrn)
03:09.34*** join/#devuan Acacia (~stuttgart@unaffiliated/acacia)
03:09.42DocScrutinizer05I'm looking for some "filesystem" - lets call it fuse-exec-fs - that provides  the normal filesystem function calls ( man 2 open|less +'/^SEE ALSO' ) aka API under its MOUNTpoint, but actually consists of dynamically generated virtual char-device files, so for any open() && read() - like `cat /MOUNT/<filename> - returns the stdout of a executable like $(MyFileGenerator 'MOUNT' '<filename>') - you ever heard of some implementation of such
03:09.44DocScrutinizer05a thing?
03:12.22*** join/#devuan guru (
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03:27.16*** join/#devuan t3chn0 (~t3chn0@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
03:29.29gnarfaceDocScrutinizer05: maybe i don't understand what you're asking but doesn't the kernel do that already with /dev/loop[N]?
03:30.57gnarfacenormally only udisks2 needs to touch them
03:31.38gnarfacebut if you're not running udisks2 i think they're the only way individual partitions are exposed as devices
03:31.45DocScrutinizer05gnarface: an existing example that somewhat does what I'm looking for is the (name?) fuse-mp3-fs that creates a dir with virtual *,mp3 files that get dynamically recoded from *.flac, *.wav and whatnot else, when user opens any such file for reading
03:32.30gnarfacethat sounds like something i'd do with a cronned bash script, so you've lost me
03:32.43DocScrutinizer05prolly that fuse-mp3-fs isn't generic enough to configure it for the uses I intend it for
03:32.59gnarfacewhat would be the use, exactly?
03:33.02DocScrutinizer05gnarface: huh? *virtual* files
03:33.21gnarfacelike /sys and /proc and /dev...
03:33.24gnarfacei'm confused
03:33.36DocScrutinizer05they never really exist on HDD and thus never eat space. Also never are out of date
03:33.48gnarfacei'm torn between whether you're trying to do something in /mnt that belongs in /dev or trying to do something in /dev that belongs in userspace
03:34.16DocScrutinizer05I smell a massive misconception on your side
03:34.35gnarfaceyes, probably something i'm misunderstanding about your goal
03:34.41DocScrutinizer05the name FUSE alone already gives away "USER SPACE"
03:35.13DocScrutinizer05maybe you could rethink the mp3 example
03:35.15gnarfaceyea, i get THAT, but that's not quite what i meant when i said userspace
03:35.57DocScrutinizer05that's an *existing* implementation
03:36.14gnarfaceyes, it's the very definition of something that should be done in the kernel being done in userspace instead
03:36.32DocScrutinizer05there's no kernel involved
03:36.43DocScrutinizer05except FUSE kernel stub
03:37.10gnarfacebut how is that functionally different than if you for example just put the files in some tmpfs mount and ran a cron job to transcode them?
03:37.26DocScrutinizer05you ever heard of virtual files systems? (not to be confused with kernel's concept of VFS)
03:37.47gnarfacewell isn't that what /dev, /proc, and /sys *are* in fact?
03:37.53DocScrutinizer05how would it be not different?
03:38.19DocScrutinizer05yes, dev, proc, and sys are virtual filesystems
03:38.25DocScrutinizer05,p3 is another
03:38.44DocScrutinizer05nfs yet another
03:39.33gnarfacei see
03:40.00gnarfacewell i'm not sure what exists that already does this like you want, but i maintain that you can get close enough with some clever scripting
03:40.48DocScrutinizer05scripting is exactly what I want to do by leveraging this fuse-exec-fs
03:41.43gnarfaceit does seem like it would not be a difficult thing for someone experienced in making kernel modules to make a module that exposed as a /dev/ style device some code that just transcodes everything you copy in and stores it in a tmpfs mount
03:41.44DocScrutinizer05I *could* get away with a megaton of inotify voodoo mess
03:42.10gnarfacehmmm. that was the other thing i was thinking ... if you can hook into dnotify/inotify, you wouldn't even need the cron job
03:42.21DocScrutinizer05this stuff shal not get stored!
03:42.36gnarfacestreamed dynamically?
03:42.58gnarfacewell, not much difference implementation-wise
03:43.21DocScrutinizer05and that is what mp3fs does, just in userland via fuse
03:43.25gnarfaceyou're gonna have some serious load scaling issues if you don't at least cache the stuff...
03:43.37DocScrutinizer05and I wand arbitrary commands in place of transcode
03:43.56gnarfacei would too but that might be insane
03:44.21DocScrutinizer05you looked at that git link?
03:44.33gnarfaceno i mean the "arbitrary commands" part
03:44.45DocScrutinizer05I *have* this /well I had until it broke during a distro upgrade)
03:44.48gnarfacethe ability to swap bash scripts into the pipeline of a ... filesystem..
03:45.11gnarfacejust out of curiosity
03:45.14gnarfaceif you're streaming directly anyway
03:45.19gnarfacewhy not just pipe to stdout?
03:45.26DocScrutinizer05who says I want streaming?
03:45.54gnarfacewell it was a logical deduction between there and /dev/null
03:46.00gnarfacei couldn't figure out what else you'd be doing with it
03:46.52DocScrutinizer05U want (arbitrary poor example) ~/A/* and ~/B/* real dirs, and a virtual ~/diff_A_B(* that does what the name implies
03:47.10gnarfacei see, interesting
03:48.33gnarfaceis there such a thing as a fifo directory?
03:48.34DocScrutinizer05but maybe I indeed might get away with inorify-watch
03:48.59DocScrutinizer05and that's the problem
03:49.24DocScrutinizer05inotify will prolly fail when I try to open a nonexistent file
03:50.14gnarfacewait a minute
03:50.27gnarfacemaybe this is a solved problem
03:50.33gnarfaceis this something that could be done with unionfs?
03:50.46DocScrutinizer05it is solved for *.mp3 virtual files ;-)
03:51.01*** join/#devuan flrn (~flrn@unaffiliated/flrn)
03:51.08gnarfacei wonder if unionfs could be altered for this
03:51.12DocScrutinizer05no, a unionfs also would need existing files
03:51.41DocScrutinizer05have a look at - it's cute
03:52.55DocScrutinizer05aah wait... I need file stibs anyway, for `ls` etc
03:53.41DocScrutinizer05so creating all thise as pipes would solve the problem in a inotify-tabgible manner
04:00.08*** join/#devuan athidhep_ (
04:06.52DocScrutinizer05and yes, sure it has its very own specific set of CPU load issues
04:08.04DocScrutinizer05e.g you don't want to run `grep -R FOOBAR ~/mp3cnv/`
04:08.49DocScrutinizer05a plain vanilla rsync is also not advisable
04:09.14*** join/#devuan ]BFG[ (~BFG@unaffiliated/bfg/x-9473890)
04:11.27]BFG[how many devs does this project have?
04:11.40]BFG[did u manage to pull more ppl from the original debian?
04:14.24DocScrutinizer05I think "pull HR from original debian" is not even the right category to think
04:15.45DocScrutinizer05devuan is a meta-distro that bases massively om debian. In zhat demse it's quize a derivative of debian rather than a competitor - including devel participation
04:16.24DocScrutinizer05devuan is a meta-distro that bases massively on debian. In that semse it's quite a derivative of debian rather than a competitor - including devel participation
04:19.14DocScrutinizer05not a single dev had to stop contrubuting to debian because they fll in love with devuan. Au contraire, some of devuan's devels felt devuan was an opportunity for them to continue contributing to *debian* instead of looking for some freebsd or whatever
04:20.08DocScrutinizer05]BFG[: ^^^
04:20.55gnarfacesure, while in the mean time some others are actively chucking shit overboard that we're still using
04:21.06gnarfacedebian doesn't seem to be of one mind about it's stance on us
04:21.45gnarface(and i say "us" loosely as a user of devuan and not actually an official member of the team)
04:21.54gnarfacebut the point's still valid
04:26.47DocScrutinizer05apropos - golinux how about a col "preferred gender" in the table of team members?
04:27.25DocScrutinizer05those who don't want to give any hint are free toleave that field empty
04:28.33DocScrutinizer05I would allow arbitrary text in this col - for sure not a braindead linited choice like
04:28.42DocScrutinizer05"F | M"
04:29.16gnarfacewhat possible good reason could you have for encouraging increasing the social attack surface?
04:29.31gnarfacethat just seems like a pointlessly divisive suggestion
04:31.47Criggiegnarface: good point.
04:31.58DocScrutinizer05how would leaving this field empty "increase the social attack surface" - if it feels like not providing info there about its preferred comjugations
04:32.23guruwhy on earth would anyone care about the gender of the developers
04:32.29Leanderin which case, use a neutral one
04:33.36Leander <- this way, for instance
04:33.37*** join/#devuan deb1user__ (
04:34.38DocScrutinizer05so what? I *want* people to refer to me as "him". not "they" or "it" or "s/he"
04:35.21DocScrutinizer05if you don't like that to be a topic for you, ignore that text field
04:35.30Criggie"they" as opposed to "we"
04:36.31gnarfaceby even having the field then you inherently expose people who don't want to admit their gender.  the damned distro shouldn't be about gender identity.  not everything has to be about gender identities.
04:36.33DocScrutinizer05both for yourself and (if you feel like being polite is a yesterday's thing) for others
04:36.51gnarfaceyou certainly have to see this
04:37.00gnarfacethis isn't the first disingenuous suggestion i've seen you try to float
04:37.26Leanderthis information can be on the personal webpage linked on that page
04:37.34gnarfacethat too
04:37.37DocScrutinizer05or that ^
04:37.38guruis doc apart of the devuan team?
04:37.48Criggiegnarface's just pissy that you've made an assumption all developers are human.  That migh tnot be the case in the future so we should prepare for it now.
04:38.04guruthank god
04:38.19Criggiegod I'm funny when I'm tired.
04:38.23gurusuggestions like this are cancerous
04:38.50guruthey should list DNA types too
04:38.55gurulets just go crazy
04:38.57Criggieand handedness.
04:39.09DocScrutinizer05not possible in your case, guru
04:39.13gurugnarface are you left or right handed
04:39.15Criggiedamn righties vs southpaws
04:39.15guruthat needs to be listed too
04:39.38CriggieBUT BUT BUT Thtats divisive for people with less than or more than two hands?
04:40.15DocScrutinizer05always is baffled when people rage against an *option* as if it was mandatory and has to get signed in blood
04:41.18Leanderto me, any sort of information other than a name/pseudonym and an email or a personal webpage does not belong there
04:41.22Criggiewhat's the point ?
04:41.29gnarfacei'm specifically raging against the type of suggestions DocScrutinizer05 seems to make
04:41.32Criggieor more clearly, what's the advantage to the devuan project ?
04:41.42Criggieno advantage, why do it ?
04:41.57DocScrutinizer05gnarface: take your meds
04:42.08guruthere is none he just wants attention
04:42.15gnarfaceit seems like he's always trying to advocate some long plot to discredit the distro and get it embroiled in some petty unrelated religious war
04:43.02DocScrutinizer05it seems like you often drift away in conspiracy plots of the ultimately biazrre kind
04:43.21gurusorry doc you're a fucking moron using the /ignore command go riddance
04:43.30Leanderthen you fail to see the potential long term effects of what you are asking for
04:43.45gurui don't think i've blocked someone on irc before lol
04:43.52DocScrutinizer05guru: please watch your speech
04:49.03bozoniusrealizes this might not be a good time ...
04:49.29Criggiebozonius: if its on topic then its always a good time
04:50.02gnarfaceyes, please, let's put this back on topic
04:50.04Leanderbecause publishing such information, even with total freedom about what is put in that field, will inevitably either create a distraction in the form of "look, we're so inclusive, look!" and some people won't like how this is not an init-related issue, or some people will start doing statistics and there will be politics about "we should have more women onboard", again causing distraction
04:50.10bozoniussearches for an 11 foot pole...
04:50.22DocScrutinizer05and >>how about ... ?<< is hardly "asking for something". Uttering your concerns in a more polite way would have done better for your case, and for keeping this civil
04:50.32gnarfacelol you're not about to point out a pronoun correction in the documentation, are you bozonius?
04:51.04bozoniusoh goodie.  We're doing grammar tonight?
04:51.09gnarfacethat would be hillarious
04:51.11Criggiebozonius: its packaged in xorg-can\'ttouchthis-1.0.deb
04:51.37bozoniuswhatever it is, yes, probably
04:51.41Criggiebozonius: no not doing grammar - she's got Bingo down the church hall toinguiht
04:52.08DocScrutinizer05no, *you* are clearly going on your weekly flamewar again, based on unfounded assumptions and distortions of what had been said
04:52.48bozoniusLet's say that a guy like... well, say,  Bozonius
04:53.11bozoniuswould like to jettison all things *dhcp* out of the stratosphere on Devuan.
04:53.11gnarfaceDocScrutinizer05: no, "let's suggest the team all list their genders" is flame bait.  that's what started the flame war.
04:53.35DocScrutinizer05who said that? another distortion
04:53.37bozoniusdevuan ascii, that is
04:53.47gnarfacebozonius: it should be safe.  just 2 packages i think
04:54.02gnarfacebozonius: oh, if you're using wifi you're probably gonna have to reconfig your router though
04:54.07bozoniusbut it insists on replacing them with OTHER dhcp client packages
04:54.13bozoniusno wifi here
04:54.16gnarfaceno, remove them on the same line
04:54.30gnarfacepass them as 2 arguments to the same command
04:54.34gnarfacenot two separate commands
04:54.39bozoniuseven if they are not installed?
04:54.40gnarfaceit'll behave differently
04:54.45gnarfacewait they're not there?
04:54.51gnarfacejust the two that are installed
04:55.00gnarfacei think it'll behave differently if you remove them at the same time
04:55.01bozoniusOk, I want to remove dhcp client packages
04:55.10Criggiebozonius: you want to uninstall dhcp tools ?  Or simply configure a static IP ?
04:55.17gnarfaceisc-dhcpcd-something and isc-dhcpcd-somethingelse
04:55.23bozoniustrouble is, when I try to do that, it wants to install substitutes
04:55.28bozoniusyes, yes
04:55.41gnarfaceoh hmmm
04:55.42bozoniushold on for a screen shot...
04:56.03bozoniusyou realize I probably screwed something up again...
04:56.07gnarfacebozonius: yea, Criggie brings up a good point, you know you can just disable dhcp too, you don't have to actually uninstall it
04:56.08bozoniusbut hold on...
04:56.19bozoniusoh?  how
04:56.35gnarfacei don't actually know.  i always just uninstall it.
04:57.09Leanderit depends on which tool you use to configure your network
04:57.53Leanderif you edit by hand /etc/network/interfaces, or you use wicd, or networkmanager or something else
05:00.30*** join/#devuan Eaglet (
05:00.38bozoniusman what a riot.  So I included removing the substitute packages (dhcpcd5 and openresolv) and it wants to install "pump"
05:00.48bozoniusso I have to include pump on the cmd line also...
05:01.00bozoniusbut I think it might be gone now, so that is a good thing
05:01.43bozoniuswas it a good idea to make resolv a dependency of dhcp client packages?
05:02.01bozoniusthat seems to be the reason it wants to install a substitute dhcp client
05:02.13gnarfacei'm confused really
05:02.30gnarfaceit wasn't that hard for me to remove the default dhcp packages
05:02.33bozoniusplease say you are  joking
05:02.53bozoniuswhen I tried to remove the isc-* packages, it wanted to install dhcpcd5 and openresolv
05:03.11gnarfaceno, i'm not joking, but maybe something else you have installed that i did not have installed is the actual culprit
05:03.29bozoniusso I had to include all 4 packages as args to apt-get purge
05:03.41bozoniusis probably the "culprit"
05:03.58bozoniusso then it insisted on installing "pump"
05:04.08bozoniusso I had to purge all 5 packages
05:04.26bozoniusthe two isc-*, dhcpcd5 and openresolv, and pump
05:04.43gnarfaceso, "Package: isc-dhcp-client" "Provides: dhcp-client" and all those others, including pump i think
05:05.00gnarface`apt-cache show isc-dhcp-client` to see all the details
05:05.22gnarfacesomething else on your system must have required "dhcp-client"
05:05.31gnarfacefor it to make you go through all of them like that
05:05.43gnarfacebut now i'm not sure if you got the package in question
05:05.46gnarfaceor just crippled it
05:05.50bozoniusonce more, spake too sooneth
05:06.08bozoniusit is not working just as before.  HOld on, I'm looking at it...
05:06.33gnarfaceonce you actually succeed though you will have to set a proper /etc/network/interfaces and maybe also /etc/resolv.conf file
05:06.45gnarfacewith you know, your static ip configurations
05:06.52gnarfaceor nothing will work
05:07.14gnarfaceyou'll have to restart the networking devices maybe too
05:07.35gnarfaceor just the whole thing
05:08.00bozoniusit seems the real problem is that SOMETHING is making dhcp discover requests -- I can see these clearly in wireshark
05:08.34bozoniusso I thought by removing dhcp clients, it would eliminate that
05:08.39bozoniuswrong I see
05:08.51gnarfaceps aux |grep dhc
05:09.02gnarfaceor maybe: ps aux |grep dhc -i
05:09.31gnarfacesee if you have a dhcp client still running
05:09.39bozoniusps -ef
05:09.51bozonius"still" ???  Never had one
05:09.58bozoniusfirst thing I checked in fact
05:09.59gnarfaceuh, you might be surprised...
05:10.04gnarfacei'm not sure
05:10.10bozoniusis never surprised anymore
05:10.15gnarfacehow many network devices does `ifconfig -a` report?
05:10.24bozoniusjust eth0 and lo0
05:10.43gnarfacewhat happens if you `ifdown eth0` then `ifup eth0` ?
05:10.55bozoniusbtw, it is "ip addr" these days.  I don't have ifconfig on ascii
05:11.03bozoniusjust eth0 and lo
05:11.08gnarfaceoh heh
05:11.11bozoniuswhich is what I expected
05:11.32gnarfaceso you can down then up eth0?
05:11.51bozoniusdid I download the bozonius edition by mistake?  Maybe that is the problem.  Because no one else runs into these...
05:12.17bozoniusmaybe has an evil twin
05:12.20gnarfacewell are you even sure the dhcp requests aren't coming from another machine on the LAN?
05:12.26*** part/#devuan Eaglet (
05:12.48bozoniuswireshark shows me that the source is and dest is
05:12.55bozoniusbut wait
05:13.05gnarfacedoes it stop if eth0 is down?
05:13.05bozoniusI can check them here on the other side
05:13.16bozoniusgood point, I'll try that
05:15.42bozoniusnothing.  But then again, the eth0 device was the one seeing these packets, so...
05:17.26gnarfacei'm trying to remember what else a dhcp client could be called
05:17.34gnarfaceshould still be running
05:18.03gnarfacewell assuming it's local
05:18.19DocScrutinizer05bozonius: we had the DGCP issue topic not long ago already. That been you or would you want a link to that thread?
05:18.25*** join/#devuan Eaglet (
05:18.27DocScrutinizer05DHCP even
05:21.42gnarfaceis there dhcp built into the kernel now?
05:22.39bozoniusone thing I am certain of is that the "src" of the packets has the same MAC address on both sides of the connection, so I am pretty sure it is originating from the planet ascii
05:22.46bozoniusminor though it may be, yes...
05:23.07bozoniusit doesn't just send a few, it sends tons
05:23.08DocScrutinizer05dnsmasq was a buzzword in that other thread iirc
05:23.26gnarfacebozonius: here's the thing, what should have happened is you removed the thing that was requiring a dhcp client instead of the dhcp client, first
05:23.27bozoniusthere is no dnsmasq running
05:23.36bozoniusand dnsmasq is something else
05:24.12gnarfaceit should have actually told you, in the text error that pops up, what package
05:24.21gnarfaceit looks like an error, so it's common to skim over it
05:24.25bozoniusI wish we were analyzing pronouns instead of this.
05:24.28gnarfaceyou gotta actually read that
05:24.59DocScrutinizer05initrd was another buzzword
05:25.11gnarfaceotherwise it'll just keep trying to fix the dependency
05:25.17gnarfacenow that's what's basically happened, is my theory
05:26.15gnarfacehmmm.  yea if there was a kernel-level dhcp you might have to regenerate the initrd and reboot to get rid of it
05:26.21gnarfacei don't even know
05:26.53gnarfacebozonius: you did take all the dhcp lines out of /etc/network/interfaces, right?  or you're using a gui network tool...?
05:28.00bozonius(keep in mind this is hard to copy back and forth with the flaky link on ascii
05:28.48gnarfacedid you run `apt-get autoremove`?
05:28.57bozoniusok I will
05:29.12gnarfacerun it like this:  `apt-get --purge autoremove`
05:30.20gnarfacei dunno though... if it's still running after that i'm out of ideas, i dunno what you did
05:30.22bozoniusok, it removed some python packages and rfkill
05:30.53gnarfacei think my original suspect would have been wicd and/or wicd-daemon
05:31.43gnarfacei would have assumed that if you had run `apt-get purge isc-dhcp-client isc-dhcp-common wicd` it would have asked you to autoremove the rest
05:32.30bozoniusI'm going to reboot and see if it goes away...
05:32.47gnarfacebozonius: gonna need to see your interfaces file i guess if it doesn't
05:32.51bozoniusinvokes the Microsoft Method (tm)
05:33.16bozoniusbut it really IS nice having this test box...
05:33.23gnarfaceheh yea
05:33.51bozoniuswhat I want to do next, once these network issues are sorted out, is set up some kind of rdp or the like so I don't need two keyboards and switching the mouse dongle back and forth...
05:35.22*** join/#devuan freemangordon (~ivo@
05:35.29gnarfacethe primary two ways are either through vnc or ssh forwarding
05:35.40gnarfaceon a LAN, either is viable if you're a little patient
05:36.43bozoniusI was thinking more of something like NoX
05:36.53bozoniusor whatever that's called.  I've installe dit in the past
05:37.03gnarfacewith vnc it shows you a whole desktop, with ssh forwarding (actually called X11 forwarding over ssh) you can run just one program at a time
05:37.04bozoniusit's like hummingbird
05:37.19bozoniusI've tried vnc a few times also
05:37.25bozoniusok back up
05:37.35gnarfacewith the forwarding approach, you also don't actually have to be running X on the remote machine
05:38.20*** join/#devuan thaller (~thaller@2001:a61:43e:3600:7849:d878:458:4689)
05:38.43bozoniusnow all I have is a route for link-local
05:38.57bozoniusit's like it ignored my interfaces file completely
05:39.10gnarfaceshow me
05:39.12bozoniusshould be fun recovering from this
05:39.13gnarfacedon't pastebin
05:39.16gnarfacejust /msg it to me
05:39.42bozoniustrouble is, I don't have a way to copy/paste it anywhere
05:39.48gnarfaceoh, right
05:39.50bozoniusthe link is down
05:39.55gnarfacewell, hang on
05:40.02gnarfacei can show you an example
05:41.09*** join/#devuan guru (
05:41.15gnarfacedo you have resolvconf installed or not, as an aside?
05:42.03bozoniuswhen you say resolvconf, you mean package by that name?  No
05:42.47bozoniuswhat is really odd, though, is that yesterday, all this was working. LOL
05:43.42gnarfacewhat'd you do?!
05:43.45gnarfaceno ideas?
05:43.51gnarfacechange to the router maybe?
05:43.56bozoniuswell, one thing I did do was change
05:43.59bozoniusyeah the router
05:44.04bozoniusI broke it
05:44.15bozoniusbut I fixed it and thought it was back to normal again
05:44.50*** join/#devuan grillon (~grillon@2a01:cb1d:8a3d:df00:22cf:30ff:fe50:2963)
05:44.52bozoniusit's a vbox (oh, there's that "word" again) appliance running ipfire.  I've had no other issues though
05:45.11bozoniusI've used two of these appliances for about a year now without any major issues
05:45.34bozoniusall I did was add a "blue" interface for the test box, and it was working
05:46.12bozoniusthe connection is a bridged ethernet port on the host machine.  that ethernet port connects to the testbox
05:46.38gnarfaceit's supposed to look something like this
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05:47.08bozoniuswhat I did, without realizing it would cause a problem, is to change the underlying config for the port.  And then the testbox had problems talking to the Internet.
05:47.09gnarfacethe numbers have to be in the ranges your router expects though
05:47.53bozoniusbut then I put the underlying config for the ethernet port on the host machine back and the testbox machine started talking to the Internet again.  Unfortunately, it stopped working.
05:49.35bozoniusI dont' have network and broadcast, but I do have dns-nameservers and dns-search
05:50.01gnarfaceso, without resolvconf installed, those will just be syntax errors
05:50.04bozoniusI could add them I suppose
05:50.07gnarfacethey may be the culprits
05:50.31gnarfaceif you populate /etc/resolv.conf correctly you don't need the resolvconf package (that seems counter-intuitive, i know)
05:50.53bozoniusI know.  resolvconf is just nicey-nice front end mostly
05:50.54gnarfacein that case, you will also need to remove dns-nameservers and dns-search from the interfaces file, or at least comment them out
05:51.15gnarfacealso, it's common for dhcp clients to clobber resolv.conf so you should check yours
05:51.42gnarfacethose numbers will have to all be right or none of your networking will work
05:52.01gnarfacewell, you might be able to get away without network and broadcast but i always specify them anyway to be sure
05:54.59bozoniusholy heck it might be working again...
05:56.17bozoniussadly, I am still seeing dhcp discover requests though
05:56.35bozoniusnot working
05:57.23gnarfacedoes "default" match what's in your interfaces file?
05:57.34bozoniuswishes systemd had never been born
05:58.07bozoniusyeah, same as before
05:58.21gnarfacecan you ping something outside by ip?
05:58.51*** join/#devuan inhetep (~inhetep@gateway/tor-sasl/inhetep)
05:59.02bozoniuswhat is happening is that it looks like as soon as the router side gets a discover request, it shuts off access to the Internet.
05:59.27gnarfaceso you *can't* ping, for example?
05:59.29bozoniusI think it may be that the router doesn't trust the packets coming over blue (which is normally a wireless network leg)
05:59.50gnarfacewell, your router DOES need to be configured right
05:59.54bozoniusright, unless I restart the connection.  And then it only lasts until the router resets it
06:00.12bozoniusyeah, and I followed some advice on the help pages
06:00.31bozoniusmaybe I need to go ask them for some help
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06:00.51bozoniusit could be that the router, even with the mod I made as they suggested, still doesn't like the requests
06:01.12bozoniuswhich makes sense because why would it be asking dhcp when it already has a static address?
06:01.22bozoniusof course the router doesn't know that I suppose
06:01.30gnarfacewell i still am concerned about where those requests are coming from, but maybe they can come from the kernel now.
06:01.43bozoniusme too
06:02.01bozoniusthose seem to act like some kind of poison pill when the router receives them
06:02.48gnarfacehang on
06:03.17bozoniuswater... brb
06:03.40gnarfacetry regenerating the initrd.img like this: `update-initramfs -u -k all
06:04.03gnarface`update-initramfs -u -k all` i mean, not with the extraneous newline
06:06.06gnarfaceyou'd have to reboot again to see if that helps
06:06.11bozoniuspossible missing firmware again... remember from when I did the install?
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06:06.42gnarfaceyou don't remember the package ?
06:06.47gnarfaceyou outta put that in a text file
06:06.47bozoniusI'm wondering if this NIC (built-in to board) is set up to automatically request DHCP ...
06:07.07gnarfacethat would be weird but not impossible
06:07.31gnarfacethis can still be caused by the kernel command-line and/or the initrd.img it appears from my googling though, so try rebooting after you've run update-initramfs
06:07.42gnarfacethen if that doesn't work that's one less thing
06:07.51gnarfacebefore you do that, what do you have in /proc/cmdline anyway?
06:07.54bozoniusonly warnings
06:07.57bozoniusit's done
06:08.23bozoniusyou want /proc/cmdline?
06:08.37gnarfacejust make sure 'ip=' and 'dhcp' don't show up anywhere in there
06:08.46gnarfaceor anything else that looks like it's trying to set up a network device
06:09.03bozoniusBOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-4.9.0-6-amd64 root=UUID=f3blahblah-blah-blah ro quiet
06:09.15gnarfaceyea reboot
06:10.17bozoniusreally fast on the reboot.
06:10.34bozoniussure you guys aren't using that sooper-dooper fast systemd?
06:10.53gnarfacethe regenerated initrd.img may very well be much smaller than the stock one
06:11.10gnarfacethere's some setting somewhere that toggles whether to include "everything" or just drivers for what you need
06:11.41bozoniusyes, that was an option in the install
06:12.01gnarfaceit's usually a large enough difference in size that i've noticed a significant reduction of boot times on slow flash cards
06:12.38gnarfacealso, you might be missing a 60s DHCP timeout :-p
06:12.53gnarfacewhat does wireshark say?
06:13.54bozoniuslet me restart that
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06:15.09bozoniusit's still chirping those dhcp equests
06:15.25bozoniusdouble damn
06:15.31bozoniusmaybe even triple
06:15.35bozoniusthis sucks
06:15.52gnarfacewell we really might be chasing a shadow here
06:15.58gnarfacethose could be coming from elsewhere
06:16.07bozoniusI doubt it
06:16.19bozoniusI can match the MAC addresses of the hardware
06:17.40bozoniusLet's see... I used to use the board that's in the test box in the main machine I use  today
06:18.04bozoniusand it connected to a comcast router, which does do the dhcp thing
06:18.28bozoniusso I am wondering if maybe this is the first time I am using it for a fixed (static) ip
06:19.10bozoniusoddly, I was  able to install the entire system using the connection to the ipfire virtual appliance
06:19.35bozoniusone explanation for the difference between install and run time is that
06:19.50bozoniusthe run time uses a different configuration for the networking
06:20.50bozoniusmaybe that means (if true) that those dhcp requests are generated whereas in the install time environment they don't get generated
06:20.57bozoniusidk, I'm really reaching here
06:21.24gnarfacethe installer might generate dhcp requests too
06:21.46bozoniusbut the connection never failed during the install
06:21.51gnarfacedhcpcanon dhcpcd5 isc-dhcp-client isc-dhcp-client-ddns pump
06:21.57gnarfaceyou don't have any of these right?
06:22.04bozoniusit only seems to take a minute or two to fail, and the install goes on logner than that
06:22.17bozoniusdhcpcanon  -- not sure
06:22.26gnarfaceoh, the installer would generate dhcp requests once and not anymore if you gave it a static ip at that point
06:23.11bozoniusone would think that giving a static ip in the installed environment would do likewise
06:23.11gnarfaceor, if it got a valid response, i guess
06:23.29gnarfaceyes, it's always been my experience that is all it takes
06:23.29bozoniusright... I am NOT running a dhcp server on the router
06:24.05gnarfacewhy you're seeing the requests is a mystery to me
06:24.18gnarfacebut i guess if you can check the MAC addresses do that
06:24.18bozoniusdo you see them on your ascii?
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06:24.48bozoniusI mean, if you run wireshark do you see DHCP requests?
06:25.17bozoniusbtw, in the ipfire (router) logs, I can see the requests being rejected by the firewall
06:28.30bozonius"There already exists a minimal DHCP client implementation in the Linux kernel, but it lacks certain features such as configuring the DNS nameservers."
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06:28.39bozonius(that's from 2011)
06:28.50bozoniusso your theory is quite possible
06:29.41bozoniusI suppose on an ipfire "blue" network, which is usually wireless clients, that it would make sense to reject these on connections that appear to have an address already bound (static ip)
06:30.14gnarfaceit could be a security feature, right
06:30.45gnarfacei can also confirm no dhcp requests on my lan anywhere
06:31.02gnarfacejust 3 irc networks and a tivo
06:31.33bozoniuswhat about your ascii system?
06:31.51gnarfacethere are ascii machines on that lan
06:32.17bozoniustomorrow I will seek out help from the ipfire folks, see what they can suggest
06:32.30gnarfacewhat about the vbox in the middle
06:32.35gnarfaceyou're routing through a vbox?
06:32.37bozoniusor... maybe there is another way to do this altogether
06:32.40gnarfacea virtual machine?
06:32.46gnarfaceit could be suspect too i think
06:32.58bozoniusyou are ALWAYS suspicious of anything *vbox* !!!
06:33.21bozoniusI don't know.  I doubt that is the problem aside from the possiblity of ipfire itself
06:33.35bozoniuslet me do some more poking around
06:33.37gnarfacewell it's something we're both missing
06:33.46gnarfacebut it's not something i'm seeing
06:34.10bozoniusso many potential un-subs
06:35.13gnarfaceit COULD be coming from the hardware in theory but that would be weird
06:35.30bozoniusI tend to think it is from the kernel also
06:35.43bozoniusand it could just be the way I've got ipfire configured
06:42.59gnarfaceis ipfire something you also installed on the test box?
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06:43.09gnarfaceor is that just the router
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06:48.42bozoniusno, it's just on the main system I use, the one that the testbox connects to
06:49.11bozoniussay, has there been a kernel update since I installed?
06:49.17bozoniusI wonder...
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06:49.48bozoniusdoesn't seem to be
06:51.53bozoniuswell, I need to break for a bit
06:52.03bozoniusI'll try a few more things and get back to you
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10:30.04]BFG[how good is the pulseaudio support in Devuan without shitd?
10:30.19]BFG[can I expect firefox/chrome/vlc work with HDMI audio out of the box?
10:32.57KatolaZ]BFG[: hos is pulseaudio related to systemd?
10:34.45djphKatolaZ: wasn't it written by dear leader lennart?
10:35.05KatolaZand this is sufficient to make it work only with systemd?
10:35.20KatolaZguys, let's try to leave religion out of technology :)
10:35.53KatolaZa couple of days ago I was asked if such and such backup software was "compatible" with sysvinit
10:36.02djphthat's dumb
10:36.14KatolaZwhy a backup software should know anything about which system is running as PID 1?
10:36.26djphI was just having a bit of fun with the question you "asked".
10:36.30KatolaZwell, a question about pulseadio is not much smarter
10:36.47KatolaZjaromil: that was the italian radio...
10:37.08jaromil]BFG[: afaik pulse is usable in devuan if you don't mind dbus
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15:53.58james1138New question. I installed Wine into Devuan ASCII Xfce 32-bit with no problem but when I install any apps... neither the app nor Wine itself appears in the Whisker menu. Am I doing something wrong?
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16:02.35golinuxIMO the whisker menu is wrong.  LOLOL!  In any case . . . none of the apps I have running on wine appear in the default Xfce menu either.
16:02.58golinuxI launch them from a custom entry in the panel.
16:03.44golinuxjames1138: ^^^
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16:13.37james1138Well... upgrade Whisker menu and reboot did nothing.
16:15.57golinuxThe only time I ever saw wine added to the main menu was on squeeze/gnome2
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16:28.27james1138And... upgrade menulibre did nothing either.
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17:01.35james1138Well... I was able to go into local/share/applications and at least create a working link to desktop.
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19:07.17bozoniusvirtualbox for ascii?
19:07.30bozoniussynaptic search doesnt find it
19:08.05KatolaZbozonius: it's in contrib
19:10.05bozoniusdoes synaptic use the same sources as apt?
19:10.18bozoniusI'm not seeing "contrib" in synaptic repos
19:10.52KatolaZbozonius: you should add it in sources.list
19:11.13bozoniusIt is in there
19:11.20bozoniusjust not showing in synaptic
19:11.27KatolaZapt-cache policy virtualbox
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19:11.47bozoniusbtw, KatolaZ,this is a brand new ascii install
19:12.00KatolaZit's in ascii-backports
19:12.11bozoniusI thought you said contrib
19:12.33KatolaZit's in contrib
19:12.36KatolaZin ascii-backports
19:12.42bozoniusbut anyway, no backports or contrib in synaptic
19:12.44KatolaZthe two are not incompatible
19:12.53KatolaZbozonius: ascii-backports is a suite
19:12.58KatolaZcontrib is a component of a suite
19:13.37bozoniusoh, wait
19:13.57bozoniusI see now -- contrib is a section in say deb-src, like that
19:18.01bozoniusapt search VirtualBox (and spelling variants) -- nada
19:18.11bozoniusapt search scribus returns list
19:19.42bozoniussame thing for apt-cache search
19:19.46bozoniusnada for vbox
19:24.20bozonius"VirtualBox is an open source x86 emulator, on Devuan is not possible to install because of systemd dependencies, for this reason I recompiled from source."  (Love the run-on sentences on the web...)
19:25.13bozoniusare you certain it is in the repos, KatolaZ?  I still am not able to get it
19:26.20bozoniusor do I need to add "backports" somewhere in my apt config?
19:28.48golinuxIn your sources.list
19:30.46amesserbozonius: maybe use qemu/libvirt instead?
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19:31.32bozoniusascii, not jessie?
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19:31.58bozoniusamesser:  Maybe I should use debian/somethingelse instead?
19:32.20bozoniusmaybe junk this whole thing and take up golf?
19:32.44amesserwell, was just an idea. i was using virtualbox for years, but since i figured out how to use qemu, well, i like it more
19:32.47bozoniusfuck computers altogether
19:32.58bozoniusI used to use qemu.
19:33.15bozoniusbut, atm, I am trying to install vbox host software, not qemu
19:33.44bozoniusgolinux:  this is ascii now, do I add the same syntax as for jessie repos?
19:35.32amesseryes, just replace ascii with jessie
19:36.37amesserhmm, strange
19:37.21amesserI have "deb ascii-backports main non-free contrib" in sources.list
19:37.54amesserbut aptitude search virtualbox returns nothing
19:39.10bozoniusmay I ask how ascii-backports got in there -- mine doesn't have that
19:40.03bozoniusamesser:  see my message at :24:17, above
19:40.17bozoniusit's everywhere
19:40.38fsmithredbozonius, backports is /merged not /devuan
19:40.39bozoniusI cannot escape from systemd
19:41.00bozoniusI can run, but I cannot hide
19:41.14bozoniusfsmithred?  I see "merged" in sources.list
19:41.26amessermy sources list was also wrong
19:41.33bozoniusI have not modified my sources.list
19:41.40fsmithredoh, that was amesser. sorry.
19:41.53bozoniusit is the one that came with the install (netinst)
19:42.21amesserbozonius: you have to edit sources.list and add the following:
19:42.44amesserdeb main non-free contrib
19:43.08bozoniusand you find virtualbox if you search?
19:43.08amesserthe save file and do:
19:43.09fsmithreddeb ascii-backports main non-free contrib
19:43.18fsmithredno slash after /merged
19:43.18amesserapt-get update
19:43.24amessershen you shoud find it
19:43.30bozoniusdo you find it?
19:43.37amesseryes afterwards i did
19:43.41bozoniusah, ok
19:46.18bozoniusso, no "-t" is needed?
19:47.56fsmithredto install it, you might need '-t ascii-backports'
19:48.02bozoniusI thought (for some reason) that one needed "-t backports" to get
19:48.49bozoniusapt install virtualbox does it
19:49.19bozoniusis there a way to prevent it from including backports by default?
19:49.34bozoniusnot sure I want to upgrade as much as it wants to
19:50.34fsmithredbozonius, try installing the deps from ascii, then try adding vbox again from backports
19:50.38fsmithredyou might not
19:50.48fsmithredneed everything from bpo
19:51.07fsmithredand if you want to prevent stuff from sneaking in, you can pin backports to a lower priority
19:51.20fsmithredor comment it out when you're done
19:52.17amesseri think it will not install packages by default from backports, only if you request package which is only in backports. see
19:53.03bozoniusthanks fsmithred, that's what I needed to know
19:53.11bozoniusI think I'll just comment it out
19:53.14bozonius(for now...)
19:53.30bozoniusI note that in jessie, virtualbox is in contrib, not backports
19:53.35bozoniusseems to be anyway
19:55.08bozoniusfsmithred, it still wants to install all kinds of stuff, which I am not sure I want to do at this time
19:56.40fsmithredthere is no vbox in stretch/ascii, only in backports
19:56.56fsmithredalso in jessie, buster/beowulf and sid/ceres
19:57.15fsmithredadd '--no-install-recommends'
20:21.19*** join/#devuan polocho (
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20:35.48bozoniushad to also install virtualbox-qt to get the UI
20:35.54bozoniusbut it is working now.
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20:38.37bozoniusthanks all who have helped me.  amesser: I will try out qemu and other tools as I am able
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21:01.31nacellebe sure to check out virt-manager if you do
21:01.42nacelleit makes qemu-kvm admin pretty simple, for the most part
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21:02.03nacelleits... akin to the thick client of vmware... sort of.  Kind of.
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23:40.27fugitivei have one question.. how to install nvidia drivers on ascii ? :) those worked on jessie, but when i try installing, it complains about dependdencies, all nvidia-*
23:46.54gnarfacefugitive: did your emember to enable non-free and contrib in your sources.list, then run `apt-get update`?
23:48.25fugitivehm, seems not.. i thought it is issue in my sources file.. let me see
23:49.08fugitivecontrib was there, guess i missed non-free
23:50.26gnarfacepersonally i disable them both again after adding the nvidia drivers
23:50.43gnarfaceyou don't really want anything from there surprise-updating on you
23:50.50terrycQ: how "safe" is it to upgrade Debian-Stretch to Dev-uan-Jessie by just doing the /etc/apt/sources.list changes and the update/upgrade/dis-upgrade?
23:51.23gnarfaceterryc: it'll probably work.  your mileage may vary
23:52.27gnarfaceterryc: (depending on what you had installed, much of it may need to be uninstalled first)
23:52.29golinuxHave a look here:
23:52.41fugitiveseems it works. will it work after - will see. :) thanks gnarface
23:53.22fsmithredgo from stretch to ascii, not jessie
23:53.26gnarfacefor nvidia drivers, if you install "nvidia-driver" and "libgl1-nvidia-glx" then most of the rest of what you need should get dragged in automatically
23:54.52fugitivehm, i used 340 legacy, I believe i used those before, but yh, it pulled all of pkgs
23:57.47fugitiveok, brb, might be last time seeing X :D
23:59.53*** part/#devuan RealUnix28200 (~eric.buck@

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