IRC log for #devuan on 20180624

00:03.58*** join/#devuan tsuggs (
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00:18.45*** join/#devuan infobot (ibot@
00:18.45*** topic/#devuan is Latest (2018-06-09): ASCII 2.0.0 || Stable (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release | This is the Devuan discussion channel | off-topic conversation in #debianfork please | Devuan Forum: | Chanlogs:
00:18.45*** mode/#devuan [+v infobot] by ChanServ
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01:18.04*** join/#devuan ChuangTzu (
01:19.33*** part/#devuan msiism (~msiism@2001:16b8:571b:4400:ee08:6bff:fe1c:ed28)
01:39.47*** join/#devuan xes (~xes@unaffiliated/xes)
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02:11.28*** join/#devuan mpmc (~mpmc@unaffiliated/mpmc)
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02:27.16*** join/#devuan altker128 (
02:27.59altker128Hi guys.  I'm a long time Debian user , but not thrilled with systemd.  However there are a lot of .DEBs out there for Debian, curious if I should expect compatability issues if I use Devuan
02:30.40unixman_homeUse Devuan with Devuan repositories, no problem. Random .deb packages, no clue.
02:35.58squeakypancakesIf you need extra software flatpak works regardless of init system
02:38.35ChuangTzuDevuan is a great drop in replacement for Debian.
02:39.29ChuangTzuWhat .debs do you need that are not in the repos?
02:40.00altker128ChuangTzu: It comes up randomly, I don't have a specific example.  But, Zulip for example, or SoGO (the groupware software)
02:40.44ChuangTzuif the dependencies are in the Devuan repos and its not systemd required then it should work fine
02:40.47altker128squeakypancakes: flatpak I'm guessing basically uses lxc on the backend
02:41.06ChuangTzuof course, once you start installing outside the repos YMMV
03:00.33*** join/#devuan Schallaven (
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03:46.39squeakypancakesflatpak uses ostree
03:47.38golinuxflatpak is bloated poo
03:54.37*** join/#devuan zlg (~zlg@unaffiliated/zlg)
04:07.22*** join/#devuan ymasson (
04:20.23zlgJust wanted to congratulate you guys on the second big release. I've watched from the sidelines but have considered installing Devuan on some older hardware I just got ahold of. :)
04:20.47zlgInit freedom is as important as any other software freedom!
04:23.27squeakypancakesunless youre running on a <20gb drive you wont notice the space that flatpak takes up and it deltas the updates to reduce bandwidth
04:40.21*** join/#devuan Tom-_ (
05:07.10*** join/#devuan Juesto (~LimeC@unaffiliated/juest)
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05:45.36golinuxsqueakypancakes: That sort of rationale is one thing that's changing the the Linux landscape (and not for the better) these days.
05:51.52squeakypancakesI fail to see how the option of alowing smaller dev teams to target all of linux instead of one distro or having every distro repackage the app is bad.
05:59.12*** join/#devuan rhizome (
06:05.09*** join/#devuan M0E_lnx (~deb1user@
06:15.47golinuxSameness is never a good thing
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06:24.55*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@unaffiliated/xenguy)
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08:44.35*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
08:46.08amarsh04is using the non-free Discord client - the Ubuntu 64 bit deb runs fine under Devuan once the dependencies are installed
08:50.00*** join/#devuan clemens3 (
08:55.46*** join/#devuan Chanku (
08:57.41*** join/#devuan rsx (
08:58.24buZzi finally moved to ascii-backports' nvidia-driver
08:58.34buZzwtf man , ~30% higher score in glmark2
08:58.44ChankuHey congrats on ASCII becoming stable!
09:24.21stuttgartFlatpak/snap aren't the solution but I still think package management has to be unified. Distros don't really do anything different from each other when it comes to packaging, the main difference is on binary vs source-based distros and there's nothing in the way of making a package manager capable of both.
09:25.15*** join/#devuan gnarface (
09:26.29stuttgartwith the way it currently is distros are doing the same work independently and wasting everyone's time
09:26.48ChankuNot necessarily. A unified system would make things like devuan a bit harder.
09:27.09ChankuAlthough I will note that devuan itself does use Debian packages 99% of the time, recompiling only what needs to be done.
09:27.32*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
09:28.25stuttgartI'm saying most/all linux distros could use sharing the same packaging system, they could still make their own repos with their own patches if so desired.
09:28.34KatolaZstuttgart: flatpak/snap are a windows-style solution
09:28.35ChankuAddititionally, you force a specific view of the filesystem as well
09:28.41*** join/#devuan system16 (~system16@unaffiliated/system16)
09:28.45KatolaZship the package + the kitchen sink
09:29.01KatolaZit is guaranteed to work
09:29.05ChankuDistros like NixOS certianly wouldn't get anything from a universal system.
09:29.30KatolaZit also works on windows, after all....
09:29.40ChankuEspecially because their FS layout is different, and they have entirely different requirements from other Distros
09:29.53KatolaZ(unless it gets quite messy if you have several different versions of anything)
09:30.35ChankuFurther it would additionally impose certain systems onto a distro. Which means that a single person at a single distro can impose things like systemd onto everyone.
09:31.29ChankuAdditionally, I dont' necessarily think unifiying package manage is a good, or really desired, solution in the end.
09:32.15Chankuand see ya KatolaZ
09:33.51ChankuI don't view the several different package managers as being necessarily a bad thing. People will generally chose what they end up liking.
09:37.26*** join/#devuan Fervi (~fervi@2a02:a317:e144:d900:a2f3:c1ff:fe2d:aad4)
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09:49.49KatolaZChanku: well, unless you are a big corp who wants to capitalize its linux user base
09:49.58KatolaZand conquer them all :)
09:51.05buZzstuttgart: i like autoconf
09:51.25buZzsomeone whip me up a distro that uses just all autoconf/autotools as package management
09:51.30buZzlike slackware, but worse
09:54.42KatolaZI think a package manager is very useful
09:55.11KatolaZI simply dislike anything that presents itself as "The One True Way"
09:55.51KatolaZespecialli if such "way" is a good way to bloat your system more
09:56.18buZzjust do rm -fr / every now and then to remove all the french files
10:07.09*** join/#devuan feriman (~feriman@
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12:07.54*** join/#devuan fsmithred (~fsmithred@devuan/developer/fsmithred)
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12:52.43*** join/#devuan msiism (~msiism@2001:16b8:5789:8100:ee08:6bff:fe1c:ed28)
12:53.30msiismKatolaZ: the thing with the sources.list sounds like a bug.
13:11.38*** join/#devuan targz (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
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13:39.29*** join/#devuan pl43c (~pl43c@
13:40.01pl43cTying to boot into the ascii netinstall with efi
13:40.33pl43cbut after selecting graphical install or install it just makes the boot selection disappear with the devuan art still there and hang
13:40.54pl43cI have an nvidia card so I tried adding nomodesetting but it didn't do anything
13:41.40pl43cis the efi installer bugged or is there something I have to do
13:41.57pl43cthis is also under qemu kvm
13:45.11*** join/#devuan freem (
13:48.00freemHello. I've got problems using cdebootstrap to bootstrap a devuan system. It says it can't validate the release, with this line: cdebootstrap --flavour=minimal /sandbox ascii
13:48.43freemthis is actually a (virtual) system on which I did the migration from debian, and reinstalled all packages after having removed /var/cache/apt/archives/*
13:51.04freemit seems that debootstrap, on the other hand, works. I'll play with this one for now, but I'll to check exactly what it considers as a minimal base...
13:53.31fsmithredpl43c, have you booted other efi isos in qemu?
14:19.34*** join/#devuan zenfunkpanda (~giamp@
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15:41.53*** join/#devuan inhetep (~inhetep@gateway/tor-sasl/inhetep)
15:43.55*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
15:48.43grillonhi there, I would like to launch remote x app without ssh forwarding but I always have can't open display
15:49.26KatolaZgrillon: how can you laungh a remote X app without ssh forwarding?
15:49.47KatolaZ(I mean, you can, but normally X11 won't listen on tcp connections by default)
15:50.02grillonI want my X server to listen
15:50.18grillonI took off -nolisten tcp
15:50.21KatolaZgrillon: shake it
15:51.05furrywolfxhost +whatever, where whatever is the proper mask you need to add to allow the connections
15:51.14grillonI did xhost+ too
15:51.28grillonso normaly theres no auth
15:52.00furrywolfthen make sure the DISPLAY variable is appropriately set
15:52.14grillonmy DISPLAY is ok
15:52.33grillonI have read port 6000 should be listening it's not
15:52.39furrywolfif your xhost is ok, and your display is ok, it's obviously working fine, so there's nothing to ask about.  :P
15:53.20grillonit's not ok
15:53.45grillonon which port X should listen?
15:54.18grillonI have read it :
15:54.51grillonand launch X manually to be sure to avoid authentication but it still does not work
15:55.05grillonas X is not listening outside of localhost
15:56.06furrywolfjust for curiosity, what use case do you have where you need remote X, but don't want it over ssh?
15:57.12grillonI want it to be fast. I want to do a private network cluster and use each machine for different task
15:57.24grillonall these machines would use the same display
15:57.59grillonI think about vlan for that but. To start simple I have a simple network for my fist iteration
15:58.30furrywolfhave you tried -listen tcp?
15:58.41grillonlet's try :p
16:01.03grillonit works!
16:01.13furrywolfyay!  :)
16:01.27furrywolfso it's not just a default command line option now, it's apparantly default somewhere in the code too.
16:01.28grillonevery where I have seen take off -nolisten tcp
16:01.39grillonthank you furrywolf!!!
16:01.56grillonseems so
16:02.43furrywolfwhich means somewhere changed default behavior in a way that breaks things, and probably didn't tell anyone...  which is, sadly, all too common.
16:04.07furrywolfheh, googling finds a few bugs filed about this, the first one I checked was closed WONTFIX.
16:04.27grillonwhat is this wontfix bug
16:04.46furrywolfthat the default behavior of xorg changed
16:05.13*** join/#devuan Human_G33k (~HumanG33k@
16:05.32furrywolflooks like xorg 1.17 changed from listening on tcp by default to not listening by default.
16:06.43furrywolf  redhat released a patched version to restore the old behavior due to bug reports
16:08.11furrywolfhowever, realisticly, not listening on tcp is probably a sane default these days...  I haven't seen non-ssh remote X in a very long time.
16:08.21furrywolfand X is not known for its security.
16:08.30furrywolfprobably better to have it not listening anywhere
16:09.01*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
16:09.13grillonI think you're right. that's why I want to use it on a private network
16:09.35grillonif it's not significantly faster I'll give up
16:09.51furrywolfheh, I remember waaaaaaay back when, in a lab of sun boxes, the fun of opening things on other people's xservers...  :P
16:11.41grillonseems the problem of nolisten tcp is every where now I have the problem with lxdm :(
16:12.06grillonthe default is launching X with nolisten and it seems it cannot be overriden
16:12.26grillona default behaviour is a thing but why I'm forced :(
16:13.39furrywolfyou can also set it in the xorg.conf somewhere, which will work if the dm simply isn't specifying anything and leaving x to use its default, but probably won't override if the dm is explicitly adding it to the command line.
16:13.51furrywolfif your dm is sticking stuff on the xorg command line and not letting you change it, that's a bug in the dm.
16:15.32grillonsorry it's ok, it was an old bug corrected :p
16:15.48*** join/#devuan fsmithred (~fsmithred@devuan/developer/fsmithred)
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16:20.54furrywolfin that case, glad to help.  :)
16:21.21grillonthank you furrywolf
16:21.49msiism if anyone has ideas on this, i'd be happy to hear them.
16:22.35grillonnow I have a problem with auth, I have transferer my .Xauthority file to the xclient machine but I still have can't open display :(
16:22.53grillonit work when I desactivate auth
16:24.09furrywolfcan't help there...  I've never played with X's auth stuff
16:33.38*** part/#devuan freem (
16:34.04*** join/#devuan freem (
16:37.45freemmsiism, what do you have in /etc/rc0.d ?
16:38.04xrogaanafter an aptitude update, we sometimes get this: Status: 77133 (+9) new. Is there a way to know what package are new?
16:38.43freemxrogaan, you can just start aptitude  without option, it's send you to the ncurses interface, which shows which ones are new.
16:39.51freemI think you might also use the search option for that, but I don't know for sure since I use aptitude on commandline very rarely.
16:44.18msiismfreem: quite some stuff. shall i paste that somewhere?
16:44.58freemmsiism, is there is a file named SXXntp, or something like this? (XX being a number)
16:45.28xrogaanaptitude shows all non installed packaged as "new"
16:45.44msiismfreem: no, there isn't. those files all start with K on my system.
16:45.57freemxrogaan, did you changed your sources.list recently?
16:46.11xrogaani'm interested in the +9
16:46.30freemmsiism, I guess it would have been too easy...
16:48.32freemxrogaan, usually, I ask aptitude to forgot which packages are new, which is something that can be configured to be made automatically. You may have more luck with "aptitude search '~N'", but I think it will show you the same list as the ncurses interface.
16:49.51xrogaanalright, marked as not new
16:56.27*** join/#devuan Naologramme (
17:03.42unixman_homeTo follow-up to X over ssh being "slow". I don't see "slow" when it is on a local LAN. It is fast enough that I have no complaints. No remote X via SSH over ADSL, yeah, that can be a bit slow.
17:04.10unixman_homes/No remote/Now remote/
17:04.41furrywolfI did vnc over dialup once...
17:05.02unixman_homefurrywolf, you have my sympathy!
17:05.20freemimagine what it would be nowadays, with all the fancy graphics :D
17:05.45unixman_homeWhat are these "fancy graphics" of which you speak? :P
17:06.21furrywolfdoesn't like excessive graphics
17:06.24unixman_homeIn my world "fancy graphics" is Xfce instead of fluxbox. :)
17:06.44freemthe stuff most users use, root window decorations, rounded borders, stuff like this
17:06.47furrywolfgod, my android phone...  I FUCKING HATE ANIMATION.  every single god damn fucking thing fades, slides, or otherwise wastes time while you wait for it to do something you don't want it to do.
17:07.10freembut I think my i3 and terminals would be perfectly fine.
17:07.23unixman_homefreem, anyone trying to run that crap over a network connection should be whipped. :)
17:07.27furrywolfI do not want anything to fade, slide, expand, or do any other effect.  just do what I tell it to do, as quickly as it can.
17:07.49freemforgot about smartphones then, furrywolf.
17:08.20furrywolfoh look!  we have a nice fast cpu!  let's intentionally add a 1-second delay between everything the user can do by animating what the user just tried to do!
17:08.33furrywolfthat way we can make the nice fancy cpu even slower than old things!
17:09.15*** join/#devuan system16 (~system16@unaffiliated/system16)
17:09.52unixman_homeHmm, maybe we can discuss phones in #debianfork. Before the IRC gods become angry with us. ;)
17:10.07furrywolfyou mean the irc goddess?  :P
17:10.19unixman_homeWell, yeh. :)
17:14.12pl43cfsmithred: yeah I boot windows freebsd and another linux distro with efi
17:14.30pl43cthe netinstall medium just isn't working
17:14.47pl43cchecked the shasum and it matches
17:15.02pl43cgot it over https so I'm not sure that was needed
17:15.10freemhum... any idea how dpkg-reconfigure console-data would not persist after reboot?
17:15.35*** join/#devuan agl (
17:21.11fsmithredpl43c, I'll try it
17:21.55pl43cnot sure if the nvidia card I passthrough is causing the issue
17:22.12pl43cI doubt it as debian doesn't ship the nonfree drivers
17:23.44pl43cand the nonfree drivers don't display anything until X loads under kvm
17:24.10fsmithredso far, all I'm seeing is a broken boot screen
17:24.27fsmithredah, I hit ENTER and the installer started
17:24.43pl43cso press enter twice?
17:25.29fsmithredjust once
17:26.04fsmithredI'm not using the exact same iso as you.
17:26.44pl43cI'm using devuan_ascii_2.0.0_amd64_netinst.iso
17:26.51pl43cwhich one are you using
17:27.11fsmithredrc0 from a couple days before the release
17:27.40fsmithreddownloading now
17:27.46fsmithred10 minutes
17:37.07*** join/#devuan M0E_lnx (
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17:45.00*** join/#devuan filipdevuan (
17:45.06filipdevuanis devuan GNU free?
17:45.38msiismfilipdevuan: it's not free of GNU, if that's what you mean.
17:46.05xrogaanno gnu were killed in the making of devuan
17:46.32msiismfilipdevuan: but you probably want to know of it's 100% free according to GNU/FSF standards. no, it's not.
17:46.46filipdevuanoh okay
17:47.05filipdevuanok thanx :)
17:47.19msiismfilipdevuan: but the issue is being discussed.
17:47.44msiismdevuan-dev mailing list
17:48.00msiismyou should be able to view the archive online.
17:48.03fsmithredwe have a blob-free kernel, same (exactly) as debian
17:48.18fsmithredbut we don't hide non-free from you or prevent you from using it
17:48.45filipdevuanso gnu/fsf standards OS's prevent you from using non free software?
17:48.50freemthe problem is explained by the FSF here: (search for Debian, the Devuan's situation is probably the same)
17:49.00fsmithredlibre kernel prevents use of non-free firmware
17:49.38fsmithredthat's not required for fsf approval, but I think the fact that we tell you where the non-free repo is might disqualify us
17:53.52filipdevuanok right
17:54.48fsmithredpl43c, official netinstall iso works, too. I did notice that it doesn't boot if I do it over ssh.
17:56.12freemfilipdevuan, also, some stuff produced by the FSF are not considered free by Debian, and so probably Devuan (like, gdb's documentation IIRC). So, basically, Debian's point of view and FSF's are not 100% compatible.
17:56.42msiismfilipdevuan: also, including non-free wifi drivers because they may be needed to install on some hardware, is against the GNUish notion of freedom.
17:56.42pl43cfsmithred: odd wonder why it's not working for me
17:57.46fsmithredqemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -bios /usr/share/ovmf/OVMF.fd -m 512 -cdrom devuan_ascii_2.0.0_amd64_netinst.iso -soundhw hda -smp cores=2,threads=2
18:02.07pl43cfsmithred: it works with a spice server
18:02.12pl43cand removing the nvida
18:02.18filipdevuani also wonder whats exactly systemd, i just wonder if its 100% true that there are open processes in background that track your activity. i know that probably theres ME in my processor however i can't help it
18:02.22pl43cguess I'll add the nvidia back in after the install
18:02.31fsmithredok, I guess that makes sense - nvidia is good for black screen
18:03.10pl43cyeah I had discovered this not too long ago
18:03.30pl43cdidn't know certain versions of nouveau didn't produce output at all under kvm lol
18:04.26msiismfilipdevuan: "As it turns out, most people don’t even know what systemd is. I develop  uselessd, and I don’t either, really. At least, I cannot think of a  concise explanation that properly conveys systemd’s scope." ( :D
18:05.03freemfilipdevuan, systemd do have processes in background to know if it have to start, stop, restart, etc a daemon, but I really doubt it spies user's activity to send it anywhere.
18:06.27freemanyway, there is way simpler ways to spie on someone using traditional linux desktop distributions: ask stuff to Xorg.
18:06.28filipdevuani remember i used fedora for few days and i enjoyed however i havent enjoyed view of some tracker processes like tracker.miner etc. i was like what the heck is tracker.miner or other trackers
18:07.31freemI doubt fedora installs crypto miners, really. I'd say you installed something nasty, that did it. Or clicked on the wrong website.
18:08.20msiismfilipdevuan: there are still some trackers to enjoy in Devuan, e.g., milkytracker, goattracker or schism. (no, it's not a joke, even though it is, kind of.)
18:13.44filipdevuanfreem i am not sure but you may be right
18:13.59filipdevuanoh god those damn trackers ;P
18:17.43xrogaanthe GNU philosophy is nice on paper. But in effect I want to be able to access my stuff without needing to hack my machine.
18:19.02xrogaanso I'll use the non-free firmware.
18:19.49filipdevuani really like gnome desktop and during devuan installation i can't really choose it
18:19.57freemok, so, dpkg-reconfigure console-data does it's job, but it seems something should add "loadkeys /etc/console/boottime.kmap.gz" somewhere. I probably am forgetting something trivial...
18:20.55msiismfilipdevuan: that's because it's so tightly coupled with systemd.
18:20.57freemfilipdevuan, IIRC it's possible, but I tend to only go expert mode. Maybe the question is not enabled in the mode you used.
18:21.27filipdevuanoh damn
18:21.47xrogaanyeah, gnome forces systemd. It's silly and a reason why systemd is bad.
18:21.48filipdevuanyeah ubuntu or fedora environments were always like exotic and nice to me
18:21.49freemmsiism, are you sure gnome depends on systemd? I doubt it, I'm almost certain to have seen it in void or in some *BSD systems, which are *not* using systemd.
18:22.26msiismfreem: then these distros apparently bothered rebuilding the whole thing.
18:22.28xrogaanfilipdevuan: if you want to read more
18:23.30freemwould make sense to rebuild. But if a simple compilation option have to be provided, we can't honestly say that gnome depends on systemd, right?
18:23.35*** join/#devuan M0E_lnx (
18:23.55freemmaybe the Debian's build, maybe the fedora's build, but not the project itself.
18:24.56freemI'm seeing a "task-gnome-desktop" in aptitude here.
18:25.18msiismfreem: you could try it. i've been told it doesn't work.
18:25.25freemI don't really gnome, so I won't try it, but filipdevuan can probably install it
18:25.39freemthanks, but I'm perfectly happy with my i3 :)
18:26.01xrogaangnome is being developed with systemd in mind.
18:26.34msiismapt-rdepends says it depends on libpam-systemd
18:27.08xrogaanwhole reason this exists:
18:28.23msiismxrogaan: ok, that's a neat listing
18:28.45msiismalso quite funny
18:29.00filipdevuangoddamn why nice gnome has to be dodgy systemd
18:29.01freeminteresting readings
18:29.27msiismfilipdevuan: maybe gnome is not so nice after all.
18:30.23filipdevuanwell menu bar reminds me of windows :(
18:31.01xrogaanwell, you know ...
18:31.35*** join/#devuan LeoTh3o (
18:31.55msiismfilipdevuan: well, xp and 95 weren't so bad, as far as the gui goes, were they? 95 even serves as an orientation for some more or less prominent window managers in the linux/unix sphere.
18:31.56freemfilipdevuan,  which windows?
18:32.51freembtw, if I had to work anew with a stacking window manager, I'll go for lxde or lxqt, not gnome
18:33.36msiismfreem: the window manager of lxde is called openbox (i just always have to say that.)
18:34.07msiismand it's not actually "part of" lxde in a strict sense.
18:35.20*** join/#devuan inhetep (~inhetep@gateway/tor-sasl/inhetep)
18:35.27filipdevuan98 and win 10
18:35.33filipdevuani loved windows xp to be fair :(
18:35.51filipdevuanso many nice stuff were created for windows xp
18:36.14freemthen I think you should take a look at simpler DEs than gnome.
18:36.37msiismapropos window managers: here's the canoncial list: also has a good sense of humor to it, though i can't say if it's intentional.
18:49.25filipdevuani wish people on various website stopped posting youtube videos. oh i get on a website about some linux distro. contact me: How to install: *youtube video* while google is my number 1 in my "i avoid" list :P
19:00.57xrogaanwow, lxde looks super old
19:02.12xrogaanit is ugly.
19:05.59*** join/#devuan feeee3 (5f69e7d3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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19:06.31feeee3all: hello
19:07.05feeee3can anyone help with cuda toolkit instalation on ASCII?
19:07.26feeee3...please :)
19:07.56feeee3I always stop at g++-4.9  instalation
19:16.50*** part/#devuan feeee3 (5f69e7d3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:25.25minnesotagsI'm pretty satisfied using i3WM. It would be nice if application frames and borders were a bit "prettier", though.
19:26.51xrogaanwhat is cuda? Isn't that nvidia tech?
19:26.59fsmithredxrogaan, it looks better if you make the desktop icons smaller
19:27.24xrogaancuda seems to be a nvidia blackbox.
19:47.45*** join/#devuan _0bitcount (~Big_Byte@
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20:09.29xrogaando I need wicd if I only have a wired connexion?
20:09.47*** join/#devuan LeoTh3o (
20:10.52msiismxrogaan: no. but you still might want it. it's not only for wifi connections, is it?
20:13.55xrogaanI mean, do I need a network manager at all?
20:14.39msiismxrogaan: you can manage your network interfaces via /etc/network/interfaces instaed.
20:14.49freemxrogaan, no, you can also just configure /etc/network/interfaces, or do it by hand.
20:14.50msiismalso wifi.
20:15.34xrogaani only have wired, so the "extra" bit is of no concern for me.
20:15.55msiismxrogaan: and you're using wicd?
20:16.09xrogaanno, it's installed by default.
20:16.24msiismso, it's installed but you are not using it?
20:16.45xrogaanI have no idea how it's supposed to work.
20:17.09msiismxrogaan: what do you want to do?
20:17.16xrogaanI didn't configure the thing, so I don't know if it's necessary for my network.
20:17.35xrogaanWell, do I need it? If not, I remove it.
20:17.41freemyou don't need it.
20:17.49msiismxrogaan: does it work?
20:17.50freembut, you need to know before how to setup a network
20:18.03xrogaanI don't know if it works, it's just there.
20:18.36msiismxrogaan: ok, then it supposedly works. so, why remove it?
20:19.07xrogaanbecause it's an extra piece running on my computer, and if it does nothing then it has no use?
20:19.28msiismthe thing is that, it's not like these network managers in desktops are just frontends to the management via /etc/network/interfaces
20:19.49msiismyou have to decide for either the one or the other.
20:20.23freemyep, ifupdown and the network managers can not work on the same system.
20:20.30msiismusing /etc/network/interface is more or less a pain to use, imo. (i use it...)
20:21.09msiismso, just as an idea: if wicd work for yxou, which it seems to do, you're probably better off staying with it.
20:21.19freema pain? I'd say it's easy, especially when you play with different network, some without dhcpd
20:21.52msiismfreem: but certainly more work than using a working wicd.
20:22.26freemprobably, yes. Better control on stuff implies learning stuff and doing a bit more work.
20:23.04xrogaanwicd show "backend = external" in the manager config
20:23.26xrogaanthere is nothing in the config, actually. Everything is disabled.
20:23.42xrogaanso to None or False
20:24.10*** join/#devuan M0E_lnx (
20:24.36msiismhm... i'm not using wicd, so i can't say if this is a problem.
20:24.47freemyou should at least read some doc on /etc/network/interfaces (it's man, maybe) before trying to remove stuff related to network. And be sure to keep a dhcpcd and ifupdown. Or learn how to use the ip-* commands.
20:25.07freemJust in case removing wicd breaks your connection.
20:25.20xrogaanapparently, dhcp is magic and my interfaces is just fine :P
20:27.26xrogaanwho needs network managers when you have dhcp, right?
20:28.11freemnetwork managers are dhcp's clients.
20:29.26freemifupdown (the tool that uses /etc/network/interfaces) is a network manager, in practice. It's lower level compared to other ones, and have no GUI frontend (to my knowledge) but it still manages the network semi-automatically.
20:29.44freem(and only at boot time)
20:29.59xrogaanwho needs GUI?!
20:30.22xrogaanA true linux warrior input data in raw binary through the front panel.
20:31.08freemwell, we'll see the day you need to setup some WiFi client with captor portals :)
20:31.27*** join/#devuan filipdevuan (
20:31.35freemwpa is easy, but I don't remember how I did that, if I ever succeded.
20:32.05msiismxrogaan: what's raw binary?
20:32.56xrogaanmsiism: think assembly, but even closer to the hardware.
20:33.08MinceRmachine code
20:33.28msiismwhy is it raw if it's already binary?
20:34.15fsmithredbinary like 0 and 1?
20:34.29msiismi guess so
20:34.39xrogaanTrue machine code is a stream of raw, usually binary, data. A programmer coding in "machine code" normally codes instructions and data in a more readable form such as decimal, octal, or hexadecimal which is translated to internal format by a program called a loader or toggled into the computer's memory from a front panel.
20:34.47xrogaanfrom wikipedia
20:35.12msiismso binary is raw. ok.
20:35.32xrogaan10001011 < this is also binary
20:38.25xrogaan> Hello World (Assemblers, Considered Harmful?!)
20:38.31msiismprefers bash to binary
20:39.01freemwhat about gray binary?
20:42.37xrogaansome dude at the start believed assemblers to be harmful, because it would facilitate stuff and keep you from learning the memory addresses of your machine.
20:44.28freemwhat would he say, seing that now entire softwares are written  nodejs and electron...
20:47.16xrogaanhe wouldn't care because, like stallman, he wouldn't use nor see those.
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21:39.12aitori've sent a message to the
21:39.24aitorjust a greeting
21:45.20msiismi just realized i've never checked their website. interesting project.
21:46.58aitoryes :)
21:48.49msiismi've done community radio in the past (though no larger part of the community seemed to notice)
21:52.47aitorthe founder seems to be a bit shy
21:54.08msiismwhat's founder in spanish?
21:55.21msiismand Diseñador and Desarrollador? what do these mean?
21:55.45aitorthe person who started the project, better than Creator
21:57.07msiismboth mean the same then?
21:57.56aitormsiism: you have spanish setxkbmap!
21:58.08aitoryou have the ñ!
21:58.36msiismaitor: no, i just copied that form the website. but i could do it with my keboard setup as well, i guess. :)
21:59.54aitorcheat :)
22:02.22msiismok, it doesn't work...
22:06.55aitori'm still waiting for the answer comming from, i await eagerly
22:06.55filipdevuaniv downloaded kde plasma once and it was so weird
22:08.33aitormsiism == gnu_srs ?
22:12.55msiismaitor: no.
22:13.19golinuxLOL!  aitor always good for a chuckle
22:17.48aitor00:25, bye :)
22:18.04aitorsee you
22:27.05*** join/#devuan tarbz2 (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
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22:47.24xrogaanwhat is gnutertics?
22:52.46*** join/#devuan Acacia (~stuttgart@unaffiliated/acacia)
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22:54.25underd0gwhat I don't understand is , why is zeronet handling firefox calls ?
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23:33.55logo4poophey! i have a little problem with ASCII 2.0.0. When i am at 12% at  de
23:34.09logo4poopDelect and install software
23:34.20logo4poopmy screen just freezes
23:34.27logo4poopanyone kenow the fix?
23:35.23*** join/#devuan dog_ (
23:35.31gnarfacehow sure are you that it actually froze?  did you try alt+f4 (no it's not a joke)
23:36.30gnarfacethere could have been a number of reasons but without more evidence i can't tell you much
23:37.04gnarfaceit may simply appear frozen if your bandwidth is being throttled down to a trickle
23:37.17gnarfacebut in that case you should be able to pull up a different virtual terminal to see
23:37.28logo4poopits fully frozen
23:37.55logo4poopi have tried a few times
23:38.03logo4poopalso it said it installed discover
23:38.07gnarfaceis it always at 12% that it freezes exactly?
23:38.16gnarfaceor does it just freeze at random places after it starts installing?
23:38.49logo4poopalways 12
23:39.03gnarfacehmmm. very strange
23:39.16logo4poopi believe i saw a old  debian post about it
23:39.18gnarfacekinda like you're running out of ram or disk space, but i'd expect an error
23:39.24gnarfacewhat did the debian post say about it?
23:39.35logo4poopwhats the mininum needed?
23:39.47logo4poopi would think it would be less than 4gb
23:39.55gnarfaceit's less
23:40.03logo4poopso it should  work imo
23:40.23gnarfaceit definitely should
23:40.35*** join/#devuan logo4poop_ (61464653@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:40.35gnarfacewhat did the debian post say about it?  might it have said to use acpi=off?
23:40.49logo4poop_lemme link you to the post
23:42.06logo4poop_looks like something to do with realtek drivers
23:42.26logo4poop_i thought i had realtek only for ethernet tho
23:43.10logo4poop_that guy is using uefi tho i am just using legacy
23:43.16gnarfacehmmm. interesting
23:43.39gnarfaceare you able to complete the install if you don't select that networking device during install?
23:43.53gnarfaceit may be possible to fix after your first boot
23:44.02logo4poop_i want to have internet tho
23:44.18logo4poop_how hard is it to set it up?
23:44.21gnarfacei'm not suggesting that you'd go without it
23:44.45gnarfaceit is no harder to set up after install than during it.
23:45.07logo4poop_could you explain to me how to do it?
23:45.20logo4poop_ill try to reinstall
23:45.30logo4poop_hopefully i dont have to use ethernet
23:45.37logo4poop_as i have no cord with me
23:45.51gnarfaceit would be a lot easier for you to use ethernet
23:46.13gnarfacewifi is buggy
23:46.20logo4poop_i really dont want to
23:46.42gnarfaceyou could use ethernet just for the install but then switch to wifi afterwards
23:46.48fsmithredare you using netinstall or dvd?
23:46.48gnarfacethat would make your life a lot easier
23:47.31logo4poop_i dont have a cord sadly
23:47.34fsmithredso you could install without mirror, without network
23:47.48fsmithredthen install the firmware afterward - it's in /firmware in the iso
23:47.57gnarfacefsmithred: (the bug report from debian that he linked claims the problem is exhibited by the dvd and netinstallers both - it appears at first glance to be a hardware allergy to the wifi driver somehow)
23:48.36fsmithredwere they using a debian iso that had the firmware on it?
23:49.06logo4poop_i did dvd-1
23:50.01gnarfacenone of debian's disks have the firmware
23:50.06gnarfaceif i recall
23:50.16logo4poop_should i try withuefi maybe?
23:50.30gnarfaceand one person mentions that it happens to them with wifi OR ethernet :(
23:50.31filipdevuanare there thunders in cambridge??
23:51.11logo4poop_one person said turning off acpi worked
23:51.19fsmithredcambridge, massachusetts? might be thunder there right now
23:51.31gnarfacelogo4poop_: try it
23:51.50gnarfacelogo4poop_: that basically just disables power saving
23:52.09gnarfaceit was known to cause all kinds of issues historically
23:52.50gnarfaceif you can complete the install without it, you may be able to fix it with an upgraded kernel later
23:53.06gnarfaceor maybe just a updated firmware
23:53.17logo4poop_btw it does the same with  gui aswell
23:53.23fsmithrednewer kernel is needed?
23:54.20logo4poop_btw why is it even installing discover
23:54.33logo4poop_i am using quadcomm wifi thing
23:54.42gnarfacefsmithred: unclear - people are reporting that disabling acpi and achi worked, as well as just using firmware
23:55.19gnarfacelogo4poop_: you could do a minimal install too, just don't install anything until afterwards.  that makes it easier for you to control what you get.
23:55.27fsmithredlogo4poop_, how new is this hardware?
23:55.49logo4poop_3 years maybe?
23:56.10fsmithredok, maybe you don't need a newer kernel
23:56.38fsmithred1+ for minimal install
23:57.04t3chn0hi, i have a query: according to if i were to install ascii-backports would the edit of sources.list consist in adding:
23:57.06logo4poop_i do not have a other computer with me rn
23:57.18t3chn0deb ascii-backports main
23:57.18t3chn0deb-src ascii-backports main
23:57.47fsmithredt3chn0, don't use for ascii - use
23:58.23fsmithreddeb ascii-backports main
23:58.29t3chn0fsmithred, thanks
23:58.32fsmithrednote that it's /merged
23:58.32logo4poop_hopefully devuan is worth it

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