IRC log for #devuan on 20180615

00:03.16Xenguyfreem: Graphical environment, icons you can click etc.; without it, you are at a virtual console
00:03.34Xenguyi.e. command line
00:06.40freemXenguy: sure, but, it is usually a set of tools, too, and I would like to know, which one are considered in a minimal DE?
00:07.23XenguyCan you elaborate, or expand on that?
00:07.46XenguyOr give an example?
00:07.58freemhardly. After all, I don't understand people.
00:08.43freemPeople seems, to me, to say a DE must have a set of mandatory tools
00:09.02XenguyAny specific tools you need?
00:10.24freemnot really. In practice, I'd like to build a package that depends on a tiling WM and those minimal tools, to help people think differently
00:11.01freemI'm already using that kind of setuf, of course, but, I'm not really a normal user...
00:11.15XenguyThe 2 main graphical environments are Desktop Environments (DE), and Window Managers (WM, which are more light-weight graphical environments)
00:11.26freemthis is wrong
00:11.36XenguyHow so?
00:11.38freemWM are parts of DEs
00:11.49freemthey are not againts, they are parts
00:11.50XenguyThat can happen
00:12.21XenguyIn any case, I'm trying to remember a tiling WM that seems decent...
00:12.35freemon the other hand, all DE I know are based on floating WM
00:12.50freemXenguy, i3?
00:12.58XenguyI think that's the one
00:13.41freemthis one is quite popular (I'm using it, so I may be biased) but, it is just a single tool
00:13.41XenguyI haven't tried it yet, but I see good reviews
00:14.06freemif you wan't my opinion on it, just ask
00:14.19XenguySure, I'm interested
00:14.21freemyou'll have direct replies from a real user :)
00:15.20freemWell. My opinion is that it's nice because with the right tools, you can forgot the mouse.
00:18.57*** join/#devuan infobot (ibot@
00:18.57*** topic/#devuan is Latest (2018-06-09): ASCII 2.0.0 || Stable (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release | This is the Devuan discussion channel | off-topic conversation in #debianfork please | Devuan Forum: | Chanlogs:
00:18.57*** mode/#devuan [+v infobot] by ChanServ
00:19.11freemI think focus move could be easier
00:20.11freemalso, the status bar is not configurable enough. It's hard coded, and so can only be high or low, not right or left
00:20.45filipdevuantoday i managed to run gothic 2 tes iv oblivion and diablo 3 under wine on devuan i cant believe it devuan is incredible whoever made it is amazing
00:21.08filipdevuanon linux mint i had problem with just gothic 2... windows 10 couldnt run gothic 2 and oblivion properly. devuan runs them all
00:21.11freemfilipdevuan, you know, devuan is only a fork
00:21.17filipdevuanwhat does it mean fork
00:21.40freemit's a branch of another FOSS project
00:21.48refracta_noobEeri Kask's patches for TWM made it my favorite WM - plus I actually think it's a feature that it lacks EWMH because it allows me to do nice things like make youtube windows of an arbitrary size and I do this all the time to have music or video on while working on stuff. I know TWM's like 30yrs old but I actually love it so much I got interested in Refracta and by extension Devuan so that I could
00:21.51filipdevuanso what does it mean then?
00:21.54refracta_noobroll my own installer for my preferred set up.
00:22.04freemmint is a fork of ubuntu, which is itself a fork of debian.
00:22.14freemdevuan is a fork of debian
00:22.38filipdevuanmaybe tahts why they killed ian murdock
00:22.46filipdevuancuz hes made debian too amazing system
00:23.23freemhaha, maybe yes, but he was not the inventor of that way of thinking
00:24.15filipdevuanwell yeah i think death by hanging himself up using hoover cable is death deserved for crap person... ;/
00:24.41freemFOSS allows to just do what you wan't and share it. Knowledge is more precious than gold, but onlly when it's shared
00:25.30freemthe important thing is now why he died, but what we remember him for.
00:26.19*** join/#devuan amarsh04 (
00:26.27XenguyHear hear
00:26.41XenguyRIP Ian
00:26.57XenguyHe created an amazing system
00:27.11filipdevuanyeah i think somebody killed him i dont think he killed himself
00:27.21freemhe was the guy which invented the system I used to learn how an almost POSIX system work with nice doc I'll be grateful forever
00:27.58freemIan Murdock is not that dead
00:28.01XenguyHe was pretty wasted the night he died, so I wouldn't doubt that suicide could have happened
00:28.02filipdevuananyway im testing diablo 3 now and it works great fucking hell <3 im so suprised that everything works so well on devuan so far...
00:28.19gnarfaceXenguy: i think it was "assisted" suicide
00:28.35gnarfaceor the video wouldn't have mysteriously disappeared
00:28.35Xenguygnarface: That's chilling to contemplate
00:29.12XenguyI wouldn't have thought it likely; is there some evidence to suggest this interpretation?
00:29.23gnarfacefilipdevuan: grats :) glad you got it working
00:29.37freemWhat I know, is that anyway, the foundator of the DFSG won't die until long
00:29.39refracta_noobp.s. kudos on an excellent fontconfig configuration out of the box - Ubuntu never seemed to get this right but this worked perfect on my 4K TV right out of the box
00:29.46gnarfaceXenguy: there's some suspicious circumstances involving the dispute with his neighbor that were never explained
00:29.49Xenguygnarface: (Should we take this to #debianfork, or ...?)
00:30.36filipdevuanyeah its amazing how everything works even gothic 2 iv had problems with running gothic 2 propperly for nearly 5 years on different OSES and it appeared to run perfectly on devuan and this is amazing
00:30.49filipdevuandiablo 3 works as well it seems like to me everythings gonna work under wine on devuan...
00:33.01filipdevuanwhats really funny is that i get more FPS in diablo 3 on devuan than i had on windows 10 this is just incredible
00:33.16filipdevuani mean devuan doesnt use 50% of my ram memory it only does 10% xD
00:33.41filipdevuanoh my god devuan is like heaven in the computer to me at the moment i wonder how runescape 3 NXT gonna be xD damn
00:34.10filipdevuanthe performance i get from this game on devuan is so much nicer and more satisfying than from windows 10 im just so excited
00:35.53*** join/#devuan tsuggs (
00:37.27refracta_noobthink it would be possible to bring fbsplash over to devuan, from gentoo? it's a bootsplash without systemd
00:39.40tsuggsIs there a devuan image for chromeveyron embedded systems? There used to be one in jessie but I cannot find one for ascii.
00:41.10refracta_noobmight this help?
00:42.10*** join/#devuan theLambda (
00:42.14buZzfilipdevuan: fun fact, thats what Valve realized when they first started porting games to linux
00:43.10buZzrefracta_noob: does plymouth depend on systemd?
00:43.42refracta_noobbuZz, unfortunately it would appear so
00:44.03buZzhmm, i do have in apt? but only a X11 renderer?
00:44.43buZzoh wait, thats from debian :P
00:46.49refracta_noobUbuntu had this weird thing with X,
00:47.15tsuggsrefracta_noob: it might, thank you for sending!
00:47.19filipdevuanyeah they do run faster on linux
00:48.47refracta_noobI noticed on Ubuntu, at least with 16.04 and later, scheduler performance or something seemed to take a crap... it was awful and not just because of the Gnome jvm memory leak
00:49.39gnarfacetsuggs: yea i dunno what's up with the missing chromeveyron image for ascii.  someone was just in here yesterday asking about building their own but i didn't realize there was one for jessie.  maybe they know in #devuan-arm
00:50.23gnarfacerefracta_noob: doesn't grub have native boot splash graphic support?
00:50.24filipdevuanhow to run an app from desktop in terminal???
00:50.25tsuggsgnarface: didn't know there was a specific channel for it, I'll join and maybe ask later
00:50.55filipdevuanwhat command is it ;P
00:51.21refracta_noobah nice, I didn't know it had that
00:51.27filipdevuanoh ok using optirun
00:51.41gnarfacefilipdevuan: you mean you want to run a shell program from a desktop icon or something?
00:51.53filipdevuanyeah used optirun it works ;P
00:52.02gnarfaceoh alright
00:52.11gnarfacejust fyi most terminal programs will accept a command to run at open
00:52.22gnarfaceyou could just make an icon to run that whole command
00:52.33gnarfaceor wrap it in a bash script and make an icon for that instead
00:52.33Xenguyor create an alias
00:52.40gnarfaceoh, yea or an alias i guess
00:53.30XenguySome folks just want to go minimal; I think I may be one
00:53.35filipdevuanlove to all devuan and linux people i cant believe how smooth and nice my games are on devuan oh my god is this even real? XD
00:53.52*** join/#devuan nighty- (
00:54.01XenguyWe're all wondering the same thing : -)
00:55.29*** join/#devuan duckgoose (
00:55.38*** part/#devuan duckgoose (
00:55.51filipdevuanthanks to xrogaan who helped configure my gpu drivers for almost whole day lol
00:58.22buZzfilipdevuan: pay it forward, help a local friend get devuan ;)
00:58.37filipdevuanyeah only if they wanted linux... ;p
00:58.48buZzhehe 'help' them while they're not watching
00:58.51buZzno, dont do that ;)
01:00.00XenguyYou know you want to
01:01.04*** join/#devuan targz (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
01:15.36*** join/#devuan WilliamO7 (~WilliamO7@2a00:23c5:b300:5500:2834:fe6b:30a3:5c00)
01:24.09tsuggsOut of curiosity, does devuan stick to the whole main/contrib/nonfree repo structure debian has?
01:25.01freemAFAIK, yes
01:33.22xrogaanYes! Sweet, sweet internet points.
01:35.43freemI meant, xrogaan huh?
01:36.37xrogaancouples lines above your AFAIK.
01:37.11freem02:58:38 <filipdevuan> yeah only if they wanted linux... ;p
01:37.15freemthis ^
01:37.36filipdevuanyeah ;d
01:39.01filipdevuanim trying to run runescape 3 nxt now but i get these errors
01:39.11filipdevuan0183:err:d3dcompiler:compile_shader HLSL shader parsing failed.
01:39.11filipdevuanprimus: warning: glXSwapBuffers: respawning threads after context change
01:39.24freemseriously.... why do I feel at home on irc, not Carint about being late at work...
01:40.24freemrunninig it natively?
01:40.50filipdevuannah, through wine okay im donwloading some d3dcompiler_43 now
01:40.55filipdevuanlets see if it changes something
01:41.25freemwine does not always work
01:41.32filipdevuanyeah got it
01:41.54xrogaanfilipdevuan: IIRC there is a linux client for runescape
01:41.59filipdevuanwell for me so far it always does with every game i managed to get gothic 2 working tes iv oblivion diablo 3 now runescape 3 ntx windows client its just AMAZING!
01:42.00freemhum, did you try the game in a VM?
01:42.08filipdevuanand diablo 2 works now too!!
01:42.16filipdevuanoh i just put that command winetricks d3dcompiler_43 and it now it works ;)
01:42.23filipdevuanits so easy now when i have my gpu drivers!! :P
01:42.35filipdevuanyeah :D
01:42.46filipdevuani use search engine called and its erally good
01:43.12freemI'm glad to read someone being a happy linux gamer :)
01:43.19filipdevuanim downloading path of exile right now this is i think my last game to test if it runs well under winehq
01:43.31filipdevuanoh yeah im really happy especially that diablo 3 works much better than it did on windows 10
01:43.47filipdevuaneffects are nicer its smoother and id say graphics are better as well 3d is better i think
01:44.34freemI"m a now casual you know, I don't have the hardware to play
01:44.40filipdevuani just cant believe how everything works better on devuan
01:44.55filipdevuanbut i know why because windows 10 processes used 50% of my ram memory devuan uses only 10%
01:45.26freemfrom my memory, windows comes out of the box full on
01:45.44filipdevuanwindows 10 processes is a joke
01:46.04freema very good windows admin can make it quite efficient
01:46.07filipdevuanthis is why i left windows 10 because of some bullshit processes same thing happening on linux mint and linux fedora
01:46.13xrogaanI might want to try running on wine to get to starcraft2
01:46.39filipdevuanyeah diablo 3 works amazing and works too apart from news feed from diablo 3 and friends list
01:46.43xrogaanI don't understand why there ain't a native linux client yet. They have one for mac.
01:46.48filipdevuanbut diablo 3 works so far and im glad that it does
01:47.16freemat a time, I knew by heart the windows processes, and could divide by 2 the CPU usage
01:47.29filipdevuaneffects look much cooler than on windows 10 theres more colours i think i dont know i think linux has better 3d rendering stuff here
01:47.38freemwindows is not bad
01:47.47*** join/#devuan SuicideJunkie (
01:48.04xrogaanmicrosoft is
01:48.04filipdevuanwell everything works better on devuan for me so far
01:48.11filipdevuanevery game and OS itself
01:48.18filipdevuanits unbelievable!!
01:48.27freemdefaut install of it is bad, and windows admins are not good
01:48.35xrogaanwindows adds ton of overhead where distros in general do not.
01:48.47MinceRwindows is malware
01:48.57freemyou are wrong
01:49.05MinceRno u
01:49.22buZzno u
01:49.30xrogaanin a sense, windows needs to make sure its integrity is sane, while on linux that's the job of the admin.
01:49.31filipdevuannah its true that windows adds too many useless processes i dont need for example microsoft search process and antivirus to play a game
01:49.37freemwindows aims to be easy to use, sacrificing lot of things
01:49.38MinceRthe current version of windows spies on its user and downloads and executes code from microsoft without asking the user
01:50.15xrogaanMinceR: that's not malware, that's a service.
01:50.22filipdevuanyou know whats funny my friend called me today hes had update downloaded from microsoft on his windows 7 and guess what it killed his pc it crashed and i had to come bring him windows 10 iso dvd lmao
01:50.22buZzMinceR: they worked really hard on that msdos shell and you should feel blessed of have been given the blissfull joy that was the interaction you had
01:50.24MinceRoh, right
01:50.25freemwindows needs goods admins to avoid rotting
01:50.30MinceRwhen microsoft does it, it's a "service"
01:50.44MinceRdespite the fact that the industry has fought against such "services" for decades
01:50.45xrogaanyeah, it's doing it for you :^)
01:51.25freemunix is easier to admin, sure
01:51.35MinceRbuZz: the msdos shell is long gone, now it's a reimplemented vms pretending to be msdos :>
01:51.43freembut it needs learning
01:51.45filipdevuani cant believe that devuan is free and its 5 times better than windows 10 it does everything better, it is quicker, laptop is quieter, battery lasts for 3-4 hours while windows 10 only lasted for 1,5 hours, games run smoother and its great system !!!
01:51.48MinceRvms pretending to be msdos pretending to be cp/m
01:52.01*** join/#devuan Humpelstilzchen (
01:52.06golinux#debianfork?  Would be a better place for where this is going.
01:52.19buZzgolinux: ah, live a little :P
01:52.23freemfilipdevuan, then, don't try other distros, you may be suprised
01:52.36golinuxgrumble at the wasted bytes
01:52.39filipdevuaniv already tried ubuntu mint fedora and devuan is much much better than them!!!
01:52.51xrogaanreally now?
01:52.56freemtry voidlinux
01:53.08golinux#debianfork please.
01:53.08xrogaantry slackware
01:53.26freemif you feel good enough. For both.
01:53.40freemok, golinux
01:54.11freemand sorry for noise
01:54.19filipdevuanand devuan make my laptop heat less!!
01:55.29freemhum... filipdevuan I'll explain you some things on #debianfork about that heat?
01:55.53bozonius2sticks his head in, briefly, reads back through the IRC log and sees that people are having successful installs... and decides to do one himself
01:56.03buZzcheck out 'powertop' , pretty cool stuff
01:56.13filipdevuanyeah im saying truth everything works better here than on windows 10
01:56.19filipdevuangames dont crash
01:56.34bozonius2"everything works better here than on Windows 10"
01:56.36buZzglad your experience has been so glorious filipdevuan :)
01:56.48bozonius2NO:  actually, everything works better than Windows, period.
01:57.04filipdevuanwhen i played diablo 3 on windows 10 and pressed alt tab then it took like 3-5 secs to get me to system devuan does than in 0,5 sec
01:57.22bozonius2will be back after attempting an install, if it does not kill him of course
01:57.30filipdevuanwell i never had such a good experience with linux mint and fedora maybe because they have everything preinstalled and its harder to configure stuff
01:58.09filipdevuanyeah it is glorious indeed i just cant bbelieve what this distro does that i couldnt get on mint ubuntu and fedora lool
01:58.46filipdevuanim also glad that i decided to ditch systemd distros this is why i installed devuan
01:59.05filipdevuanwasnt expecting all of my fav games from windows gonna work like that on here LOL!
01:59.18buZz:P latest versions of wine are awesome
01:59.35buZzthe 2.x and higher, support -so- much
01:59.41filipdevuanyeah actually devuan makes me happy finally i feel like im having OS that i want to have ;p
02:00.02filipdevuan;d its a shame that i didnt get to run playonlinux at the end xD
02:00.33filipdevuani should get devuan t-shirt for myself xD
02:00.47buZzand a sticker for the back of your screen? :)
02:01.54filipdevuansticker for my bed actually xD
02:02.02filipdevuani wanna sleep with devuan hahahah
02:02.38buZzyou can print your own bedsheets,
02:03.25buZzseems the devuan stickers on unixstickers are gone :(
02:03.26filipdevuananyways my last game i wish to run is path of exile but im pretty sure ill get it running!!!! gothic 2 and diablo 3 runs so path of exile should too!!! sorry im not dev or anything like that i just decided to ditch windows for linux and then found out stuff about systemd so i decided to ditch systemd distros so then this is how i came here!! and im glad!!
02:03.57freemusing linux for games is a start as another, I guess
02:04.30filipdevuannah im just bored so i install every windows game that i liked and they all work lmao
02:05.06freemI, personnally, love this system because I can play with it's mechanics
02:05.07filipdevuani know that with devuan my laptop gonna run for long but with windows you never know what to expect
02:05.35filipdevuani think windows 10 was turning my laptop into zombie
02:06.24filipdevuananyways its time to sleep thank you all!! tommorow its another great day of enjoying devuan experience, good night ;p
02:08.04freemsounds like a nice fanatic
02:09.03freemsee you later
02:09.06buZzprobably just young ;)
02:15.24xrogaanwhich file system would be best on a drive that contain large files?
02:19.06buZzi tend to just use ext4 for anything, and bcache if i need that ext4 to be faster (combined with a fast ssd)
02:26.34*** part/#devuan bill-auger (
02:29.09gnarfacexrogaan: depends really on just how large of files you have but xfs has the largest max file size
02:29.27gnarfacethere is a big chart on wikipedia you can use to compare features like that
02:30.12gnarfacesome benchmarks highlight that it's also the only multi-threaded filesystem so it makes a good choice for file servers
02:41.23*** join/#devuan nailyk (~nailyk@carbonfusion/co-admin/nailyk)
02:41.50xrogaanSize is in in the gigabytes.
02:42.13xrogaani'll take a look at that wikipedia chart if I find it :)
02:47.51gnarfacean exhaustive list
02:48.22gnarfacemax file size isn't everything, but xfs also has really good figures for snapshotting and resizing
02:49.31gnarfaceas far as journaling filesystems go it's ancient though so it's not known for as good of behavior with regards to power failures during writes
02:49.49gnarfacepresumably if you're using this for something important though you have a battery backup
03:11.59*** join/#devuan Schallaven (
03:18.44*** join/#devuan Uberius (~user@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
03:30.01bozonius2will devuan be able to boot from a /boot partition that is ext4 on LVM?   Or is this masochistic?
03:32.04bozonius2i.e., is this a recipe predicted to fail, or is it possible and I should go ahead and try it?
03:38.19*** join/#devuan kalan (~kalan@
03:51.42*** join/#devuan attos (
04:25.18*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@unaffiliated/xenguy)
04:36.51*** join/#devuan nailyk (~nailyk@carbonfusion/co-admin/nailyk)
04:39.30bozonius2actually, I have a more basic question.  How do I change the partitioning?  I thought I was using expert graphical mode, so I expect it would allow me to make this type of change.  I'm not seeing how to do it.
04:39.51bozonius2is cursed
04:45.17bozonius2I'm using ascii net install 64 bit.  I select Manual but I see no way to do the sorts of things I'd expect in "manual" partitioning like deleting and resizing partitions
04:45.28bozonius2What is bozonius doing wrong?
05:00.07SuicideJunkieI was using the jessie version of that and did the partitioning, but that was a while ago.
05:00.43SuicideJunkieI'll try out the ascii install tomorrow.
05:01.35gnarfacebozonius2: the partition tool in the installer will let you delete and add partitions but will not let you resize existing partitions.  a better solution would be to resize using gparted from a live image
05:01.59gnarfaceno idea about ext4+LVM
05:02.16gnarfaceprobably though, as long as it's not an ARM device with crippled u-boot support
05:02.40gnarfacebut there might be a trick to it
05:09.08bozonius2I guess where I am stuck is that I can't figure out how to avoid the configuration it presents, even though I am requsting "manual" config!
05:09.36bozonius2I don't expect any of the "guided" options to offer me a chance to delete or resize partitions.
05:09.48*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
05:09.55SuicideJunkieyou don't have an option to delete the existing partitions?
05:10.08bozonius2Not that I've found so far, no.
05:10.12bozonius2Is there one?
05:10.40bozonius2I see an option that lets me erase the partition, but not one that does delete
05:10.58SuicideJunkieErase as in wipe the contents, but not the structure?
05:11.30bozonius2Like I expected to be dropped into a bare-bones gparted or cfdisk sort of UI.
05:11.49bozonius2And I could craft the entire disk arrangement from scratch.
05:12.16bozonius2(I suppose the shell escape might work, but I figured "Manual" should do something like this)
05:12.46SuicideJunkieI'm reasonably sure I got such a thing when I first installed, but I was starting with a blank HDD out of the box.
05:12.47bozonius2gnarface:  This is a VM for now.
05:13.15bozonius2This is the rough equivlent of blank HDD, SuicideJunkie
05:13.29SuicideJunkieYou have existing partitions, do you not?
05:13.43bozonius2In a brand new VM?  No.
05:14.15SuicideJunkieHow did you get an erase partition option with no partitions?
05:14.18bozonius2Did you also use net install (Maybe that's the issue, though that would be weird)
05:14.31SuicideJunkieIt was the net install for jessie
05:14.43SuicideJunkieBut other than that, yeah.
05:14.50bozonius2I chose expert graphical install, and when I get to partitioning, I select "manual"
05:15.20bozonius2that option presents me with a pre-configured partitioning scheme, which I don't like.
05:15.32bozonius2But I don't see a way to work past it
05:15.48bozonius2the only other options are various guided modes (for LVM, etc)
05:16.10gnarfacebozonius2: not the guided mode.  there's a non-guided manual mode, but i forget what it's called.
05:16.37gnarfacebozonius2: it should give you a blank slate.  i guarantee deleting partitions is an option too, but maybe it's not super intuitive (mabye it's in the same menu where you choose partition type?)
05:16.46SuicideJunkieWhat menu options do you get when you doubleclick the last partition listed?
05:17.11gnarfaceif it was a fresh VM from a blank disk image you should not be seeing precreated partitions unless you had run the guided partitioner once already without creating a fresh empty disk image
05:17.11bozonius2Same as for the other ones, I think.
05:17.12SuicideJunkiepartition type = none?
05:17.37bozonius2ok, let me try this again.  Gimme a moment... it doesn't take long
05:18.08bozonius2(have to shut down another VM to allow ascii VM to run)
05:18.41bozonius2first menu:  I choose Advanced Options
05:19.20gnarfaceyep, then expert mode
05:19.35gnarfacei never choose graphical but i hear it works almost as well as the plain ncurses one these days
05:19.48gnarfacethey won't provide different options unless there is a bug though
05:20.17gnarfacegraphical expert mode and regular/ncurses/text expert mode (not sure what it's labeled in there) is all the same options just less eye candy
05:20.44bozonius2sorry, lost the mouse for a moment
05:20.49SuicideJunkiePixellated progress bars and such.
05:20.56bozonius2then I choose graphical expert mode
05:21.40bozonius2then language, keyboard, yada yada
05:22.06bozonius2now, do I need to load any additoinal modules perhaps?
05:22.43bozonius2(none of rthose listed look like I would)
05:22.59gnarfaceprobably not but really i forget what is in there these days
05:23.20bozonius2idk... fuse modules?
05:23.26*** join/#devuan pillepalle (~Thunderbi@
05:23.36gnarfacethe big blind spot is you're doing this in a VM ... maybe there is some tools specific to it in there you want but i can't imagine any of that would affect the primary problem you're having with partitioning
05:24.15bozonius2I'm checking cfdisk and select init system (just for s&g)
05:24.48bozonius2sorry I could not test this during RC
05:25.42gnarfaceit has been heavily tested and the only thing i remember people coming back with in a VM was some problem mixing LVM and RAID under the default partitioning scheme
05:26.02bozonius2in expert or guided mode?
05:27.29bozonius2so I get to partitioning, and it gives me 4 choices:   Guided using whole disk, Guided for LVM, Guided for Encrypted LVM, and just plain Manual
05:28.17bozonius2(btw, not sure why they would attempt RAID in a VM.  LVM is useful though for dynamic disk space)
05:29.33gnarfaceif this isn't about the installer and just about getting the job done, you could always pre-partition the disk image and just accept it from the installer
05:29.35gnarfacethen we dont' have to figure out what's happening
05:29.35gnarfacebut i do understand the desire to do so
05:30.17bozonius2tbh, I am trying to use VM install to simulate how I might do this on real HW someday...
05:30.35gnarfaceyea, that was your first mistake
05:30.43gnarfacebecause installing in a VM is nothing like doing it on real HW
05:30.51gnarfacebut that's beside the point now
05:30.53bozonius2I hope to have a test box here soon, but that doesn't have the same HW config as this box
05:30.59gnarfacelets see
05:31.07gnarfacepick the "just plain manual" one
05:31.21bozonius2Partitioning choices should be the same in VM and real
05:31.35gnarfacei'm not saying they're not
05:31.38gnarfacewhat i'm saying is
05:31.45gnarfacedon't use any of the "guided" ones
05:31.59bozonius2Ok, Manual, as I did before...
05:32.11gnarfacewhat do you see?
05:32.16gnarfaceit should be NOTHING
05:32.22gnarfacethere should be an empty list of no partitions
05:32.24bozonius2and it gives me a partitioned disk
05:32.35gnarfacethat suggests your disk image was already partitioned
05:32.37gnarfacehow did you create it?
05:32.42Jjp137oh that's not a partitioned disk; that's just a device (sda)
05:32.44gnarfacenot with dd certainly?
05:32.44Jjp137try double-clicking it
05:33.09bozonius2no... wait!
05:33.13gnarfacegoodness, don't partition your running disk
05:33.33gnarfacemake sure it's actually the VM disk image... lol
05:33.38bozonius2for a moment, I thought I was recycling a VM disk from another system.  But I now rmember I created it fr4om scartch
05:33.44Jjp137the VM is new and shiny and spotless right?
05:33.49Jjp137and the disk too?
05:33.52bozonius2so it should, in theory , be blank
05:33.59bozonius2shiny and spotless
05:34.11gnarfacemaybe the [VM image creation tool] pre-partitioned the disk image "for your convenience?"
05:34.30bozonius2I've never heard of such a thing
05:34.36gnarfacewhat partitions does it list?
05:35.18Jjp137this is the graphical install, right? if so, is there like an arrow to the left of sda that you can click on to reveal a list?
05:35.23bozonius23.8GB LV home, 2.9GB LV root, 16GV LV swap, then the partition table listing
05:35.48bozonius2Jjp137, there IS an arrow, but it is already "open"
05:35.57Jjp137okay so there are partitions
05:36.00bozonius2hold on, screen shot?
05:36.07bozonius2or no?
05:36.15Jjp137yea if you want
05:36.16gnarfaceyes. screenshot to imgur...
05:36.25gnarface"LV" ... is that from LVM?
05:36.30gnarfacei don't use LVM, either
05:36.37bozonius2yes, "Logical Volume"
05:36.51gnarfaceso this disk image has logical volumes already?
05:36.57gnarfacemaybe i should fire up the latest installer...
05:37.29gnarfacebut i'm wondering if whatever disk image tool you're using gave you a fully bootable disk image...
05:37.49bozonius2which disk image tool would that be?
05:38.00gnarfacei dunno.  what did you use?  all i know is that last i checked, this page should be blank
05:38.06bozonius2all vbox does is create a shiny new virtual HD
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05:38.20gnarfacemaybe you should show me a screenshot because i don't know what i'm talking about
05:38.20bozonius2(I agree. it SHOULD be blank)
05:38.26bozonius2hold on
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05:39.35bozonius2  (it's slow, sorry)
05:40.15KatolaZbozonius2: just click on one of the partitions
05:40.20KatolaZyou'll get a meny
05:40.37KatolaZwhere you can delete/format/change the partition
05:40.53gnarfaceyea, what he said.  from this screenshot, the ones labeled "primary" and "logical"
05:41.03gnarfaceignore the LVM stuff above that... i think vbox did actually create those
05:41.07Leanderor just delete the image file on your hard drive, and create a new one
05:41.07bozonius2Yes I get "Use as:  Don't use", "Erase Data", "Done partitioning."
05:41.14bozonius2No "Delete" option
05:41.16gnarfacethere you go
05:41.17Leanderthere's no way vbox created any of that stuff
05:41.18gnarface"don't use"
05:41.40gnarfaceit actually makes more sense in the ncurses mode, because the menu title is "use as"
05:41.46gnarfaceor "Use as..." more specifically
05:41.53gnarfaceso then "... don't use" is intuitive
05:41.55bozonius2gnarface -- I get asked what type of fs I want
05:42.18gnarfacecan you just hit the delete key or something?
05:42.25bozonius2the last option, however, says do not use the partition
05:42.39gnarfacewhat happens when you set it to "don't use" then?
05:42.39bozonius2(thanks to all of you for your patience)
05:42.56gnarfaceit might actually not be able to manage LVM
05:43.02gnarfacemaybe that's the issue
05:43.07bozonius2I get the menu I just described.  A list of FS type options, the last being "Do not use this partitoin"
05:43.25bozonius2then why would it offer LVM?
05:43.38gnarfaceit can create them...
05:43.41gnarfacebut wait
05:43.50gnarfacewhat if you do change to "configure the logical volume manager" ?
05:44.06gnarfacecan i see a screenshot of that panel too?
05:44.13Leanderyou have to go to "Configure the Logical Volume Manager" and remove the logical volumes
05:44.23gnarfacethank you, Leander
05:44.32bozonius2right, I tried this also
05:44.52bozonius2it first asks me if I want to keep the current layout, yes or no
05:44.59gnarfaceobviously no
05:45.01bozonius2so I chose "no"
05:45.22bozonius2and it takes me right back to the same view as I posted on imgur
05:45.32gnarfacethey're not gone?
05:45.37bozonius2sorry, no
05:45.44Leanderthen say "yes"
05:45.58Leanderbecause you've apparently not reached the LVM menu
05:46.12bozonius2ah, now it offers me a chance to delete something
05:46.22gnarfaceLeander: he's got a fresh vbox image and he's just trying to delete everything on it and start over
05:46.33gnarfacei don't know how to do that with LVM apparently..
05:46.34Leanderno, it's not a fresh image
05:46.58gnarfacehe insists vbox created it
05:47.07gnarfacehow sure are you about that bozonius2?
05:47.11bozonius2So, up to this point, I have to actually SAVE the partitioning I DONT want in order to delete partitions?
05:47.12gnarfacefile name check?
05:47.19KatolaZhold on bozonius2
05:47.21Leandervbox doesn't do any partitioning for you
05:47.24bozonius2that makes little sense to me
05:47.27gnarfaceheh, just crazy enough to work...
05:47.33bozonius2Leander: correct!
05:47.40KatolaZdo you need to preserve the existing partitions and enlarge them?
05:47.56Leanderso this image you are using, it's not a new one, you've used it for something already
05:48.23bozonius2here is what I think it is -- I have 1500MB ram allocated to the VM, so the swap is sized alike.  It needs a tiny bit for /boot, the rest becomes /
05:48.42bozonius2(I could test this a bit furthr, but it seems that is how it decided the layout)
05:48.47bozonius2(I certainly did not!)
05:48.55Jjp137you might have accidentally chose to use an existing image file when creating the VM
05:49.00Leanderand the manual partitioning on debian/devuan is quite ridiculous this way, you end up confirming time and time again that yes, you confirm this or that, before you can see the next screen
05:49.01bozonius2KatolaZ:  I never created those partitions!
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05:49.20bozonius2Jjp137:  For a moment I thought perhaps I did just that.  But that is not the case.
05:49.39bozonius2In fact, this is the first VM I have ever attempted to do all LVM
05:50.05gnarfacei wonder if you would have the same problem with a qemu image...
05:50.14gnarfaceworth trying, maybe
05:50.20bozonius2remember, gnarface.   I AM BOZONIUS.
05:50.28bozonius2If it can break, I will.
05:50.45bozonius2I have the worst luck
05:50.48bozonius2no, really I do
05:50.53Leanderyou can also create a new image in vbox, and use it as your main hdd, and see that indeed, images created by vbox are blank
05:51.42Leandermy only guess at the moment is that you're confused by something in vbox which makes you believe you are using a blank hdd image while you aren't
05:51.44bozonius2are you being sarcastic about debian/devuan having a mickey mouse partitioning scheme, or are you poking fun at my situation?
05:52.35bozonius2what puzzles me so much is that I had to actually SAVE the damn partitioning scheme that I DID NOT create in order to delete partitions!!!!????
05:52.56bozonius2that is so... idk.  How does one say it in technical terms?
05:53.02Leanderyes, the partitioning tool is very old and quite weird
05:53.08bozonius2ok, thanks.
05:53.13bozonius2just to clarify.
05:53.25bozonius2I wasn't sure if you thought I really blundered
05:53.40Leanderno I'm really agreeing about that
05:54.08gnarfacei'm leaning towards blaming it on vbox
05:54.15gnarfacebut i don't really know
05:54.35bozonius2Go ahead.  Oracle owns VBox.  So givem the raspberries
05:55.25Leanderby the way, did you create this VM from scratch? or did you clone a previous one?
05:55.29bozonius2gnarface:  I can pretty much assure you that VBox images, unless they've been used in a different VM somewhere, are just like the real HW disk drives you buy at Frys
05:56.06bozonius2I just created this VM tonight, with its very own, private 8GB virtual hard disk .vdi
05:56.21bozonius2no other install has touched it.
05:56.36bozonius2I've been here the whole time, never leaving my PC.
05:56.57bozonius2No eyes have set upon my PC this evening except mine.
05:57.27bozonius2And the Russians do not even know I own a PC, much less my true identity.  So it is not them either.
05:58.29bozonius2Leander:  thank you.  I actually thought for a moment (when I was saying uh-oh and omg) that I had done just that.  But then I recalled I created it from scratch.
05:58.56bozonius2originally, I considered recycling a VM from another distro
06:00.21Leanderone crazy possibility is that when you created this 8GB file, it ended up physically on your disk on a previously formatted image (because image creation tools do not blank the disk)
06:00.33bozonius2Tell you all what: I will recreate the VM from scratch again just to make sure I am not pissing away your collective time and effort needlessly.
06:00.40Leanderby that I mean, a previously formatted and deleted image
06:00.41gnarfacemake sure you use a new file name
06:00.45gnarfacebozonius2: ^
06:01.28Leanderbozonius2: which CD image are you using for installation?
06:01.54bozonius2Leander:  I've never tried to create a VM that was completely LVM based.  So even if such a coincidence occurred, it would still be a non-starter.
06:02.02bozonius2(but good thinking; I thought that also)
06:02.25bozonius2this time, I'll create a 12 GB HD
06:02.33bozonius2just to see if it makes any differnce
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06:05.59bozonius2btw, just fyi -- I am using pre-allocated virtual HD, not dynamic.  I always do that these days because it speeds up VMs quite a bit
06:06.16bozonius2Leander:  net install of ascii 64 bit
06:06.37bozonius2afk 1 min
06:09.26LeanderI got the expected blank image
06:11.07bozonius2Leander:  Are you doing advanced options, expert graphical install also?
06:11.25Leandernope, let me try that
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06:14.38bozonius2different this time...
06:14.57bozonius2only thing I changed was disk size and ram (1G this time)
06:15.05bozonius2(disk 12GB)
06:15.16bozonius2now I don't get that list of partitions!
06:15.25LeanderI still can't reproduce
06:15.44Jjp137okay I have a silly theory as to why it showed up previously :p
06:15.57bozonius2because I am bozonius, of course...
06:16.15Jjp137first, your VM has 1536mb of RAM, right?
06:16.57bozonius2the first one did, yes.  This one has 1GB
06:17.03bozonius2but go ahead...
06:17.20bozonius2not enough ram?
06:17.21Jjp137because with that, you may have initially picked "Guided - Use Entire Disk and Set Up LVM" at first (and maybe forgot about it)
06:17.23bozonius2too much ram?
06:17.40Jjp137and you also picked to use a separate /home partition
06:17.41bozonius2that IS possible
06:17.46bozonius2I did
06:17.47Jjp137as part of that, it has to write the changes to disk
06:17.57Jjp137then you probably had to cancel the install at some point
06:18.14Jjp137and then some time later, you come back, go through the whole thing again, and find that your previous changes are still there
06:18.20bozonius2I thought that only happens when I hit "Finish Partitioning and write chnges to disk"
06:18.33Leanderwait... you did that before?
06:18.56Leanderno wonder!
06:19.00Jjp137nope with that particular option, it asks "Write the changes to disk and configure LVM?"
06:19.01bozonius2I need to find a new line of work
06:19.04Jjp137and you probably said yes
06:19.16bozonius2oh shit
06:19.22bozonius2now I remember, yes
06:19.27Jjp137lol, mystery solved
06:19.29bozonius2OK everyone.
06:19.35bozonius2The bozo show is over for tonight
06:20.16Leander*tatata* *tsing*
06:20.18Jjp137yea I did some experimenting in a VM and could actually reproduce the basically the same screenshot that bozonius2 posted earlier
06:20.59Jjp137down to how big each partition is (which is why I asked about the RAM)
06:21.15bozonius2Maybe there is still time for me to become a Unitarian minister...
06:21.31Leanderso yes, the partitioning tool of the installer is very old, and writes changes to disk very early
06:22.46bozonius2Jjp137:  Yes, I figured that part out too.  The swap size was identical to the ram size.
06:22.51Leanderwhen you want to do anything with LVM, it writes down the partition table, creates the LVM pv and vg, before you can start configuring the LVs
06:23.03bozonius2Right, I know that.
06:23.29bozonius2but because all that was done transparently the first time I tried (with the guided with LVM option)
06:23.46bozonius2so I wasn't paying attention to that
06:24.11bozonius2but it does sound like I need to be wary of the installer, generally
06:24.22bozonius2I think that is what you guys are telling me.
06:24.42Leanderit sounded like it was your first time booting the image, so... thanks Jjp137 for that
06:24.49Jjp137yep when it asks to write changes to disk, you should stop and think :p
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06:25.50bozonius2but still, I would STILL expect a way to delete partitions if I am in "expert" mode, with no bizarre logic path to get to it, such as saving the partition table just to get to a menu where I can actually delete partitions
06:26.03bozonius2that part I find very clumsy.
06:26.45Leanderyes it could be o much better
06:27.04Leanderand even worse: you can create LUKS volumes, but you can never remove them
06:27.07bozonius2If the UI is based on the notion that an expert is driving (even one who does not "think" when asked to save something), then it should provide adequate support around that.
06:27.13Leanderuntil you reboot
06:27.23bozonius2because it brings bad LUK?
06:27.45Leanderoh... uh... the door is right there, sir
06:29.20bozonius2Jjp137:  No, not "should" stop and think, more like "better" stop and think.  There may be no way to undo.
06:29.40Jjp137heh yea
06:29.53bozonius2w/r/t the installer at least.
06:30.00bozonius2Normally, I DO watch those kinds of things.
06:30.35bozonius2Still, during an install process, I am used to being given plenty of options to modify, change, repeal, replace, update, modify, and reconnoiter any which way.
06:30.47bozonius2well, OK, maybe that is exaggerative
06:31.05bozonius2but I've not felt this frustrated looking for a "delete" option since...
06:31.19bozonius2oh, I don't know... Redhat 4.1?
06:32.26bozonius2thanks gnarface, Jjp137, Leander and others for your assistance
06:36.54Leanderyou're welcome
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06:51.32barnyardwhat do you guys think about wayland
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08:03.10gnarfacenp bozonius2, glad you got it figured out
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10:23.59filipdevuanis there something wrong with pulseaudio??
10:29.52KatolaZjust almost everything
10:31.15debdogask poettering
10:31.16Wonkaa) Poettering, b) nobody knows
10:31.49filipdevuanwho is poettering xdd
10:32.08Wonkathe guy who crufted pulseaudio and systemd
10:32.17filipdevuanohh lol
10:32.33filipdevuanso its the same person
10:33.15filipdevuanso do u even use pulseaudio or something else???
10:33.21Wonkaplain alsa
10:33.51filipdevuanif im gonna delete pulseaudio packages and install plain alsa would it affect games i installed under wine like they wont turn on??
10:33.59filipdevuani dont think so you know cuz its just sound card but just curious
10:34.47filipdevuani mean i dont wanna crashes lol
10:35.43filipdevuanhm,m i have both pulseaudio and alsa installed i see
10:35.48*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
10:35.57debdogpulseaudio does not work without alsa
10:36.30debdogit's just another layer between the progs and the audio hardware
10:36.40filipdevuanright... so im confused if i should really delete pulseaudio??
10:36.45debdogor alsa, to be precise
10:37.19debdogwell... that's something you'll have to decide for yourself
10:37.31filipdevuanwhy is pulseaudio bad, does it slow performance or spy you???
10:38.34debdogfor me personally, it's because pulseaudio takes over alsa and blocks direct access for non-PA-progrs
10:39.21filipdevuanand whats this??
10:39.43debdogthe basic idea behind PA might not be that bad but it's implementation is terrible and selfish
10:40.00debdogwhat's waht?
10:40.54filipdevuanwell i have a read about it but now im excited about my graphics card working and games under wine
10:41.33debdogI am not aware that the wine project removed support for alsa.
10:42.16ttrPA vs plain alsa is personal choose - PA is software layer to decode and mix sound. Some apps will not even work w/o PA and I found esternal (USB) cards beeing way better supported on PA :)
10:44.30filipdevuanoh right yeah im gonna get an audio interface at some point but not for apple or windows but for linux
10:50.43filipdevuanbut im not familiar with sound on linux at all
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11:05.27xrogaanpulseaudio is way too useful to remove.
11:05.43xrogaanI never really understood how alsa worked.
11:05.58g0zzyJust trying Devuan for the first time, but having installed with wired eth0 i'm now using just wireless. Problem is a big hang "waiting for lock on /run/network/ifstate.eth0" at boot time. Any ideas?
11:06.16xrogaanbefore pulseaudio was a thing, alsa was a pain in the butt to get it to work properly.
11:06.53xrogaang0zzy: check /etc/networks/interfaces
11:07.02xrogaaneth0 is wired
11:07.32xrogaanyou want to reconfigure that to point to the wireless interface
11:07.52filipdevuanokay my last game to run path of exile will be downloaded in a minute im gonna configure it to work properly
11:08.42filipdevuanbut today is new season in diablo 3 so im gonna play it tonight :D
11:09.11xrogaanI meant /etc/network/intefaces
11:09.17xrogaanno 's' to network
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11:09.58xrogaang0zzy: also check out man interfaces
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11:11.59g0zzyxrogaan: Sorry - sudden power off. Surely i shouldn't have to be manually configuring /etc/network/interfaces?
11:12.41xrogaanif your network support dhcp, there is one line or two to write or comment
11:14.15g0zzyYes, this is a domestic machine so DHCP is normal.
11:15.48xrogaansomething like `iface wlan0 inet dhcp'
11:15.55xrogaanand before that: auto wlan0
11:16.11xrogaancheck it's named wlan0 with ifconfig
11:16.20xrogaanI think.
11:16.35xrogaanI don't remember, it's been a while since I configured wireless stuff.
11:17.13g0zzyMy point is, surely this shouldn't be needed normally?
11:17.35xrogaanNo, it is.
11:17.38fsmithredg0zzy, is eth0 listed in /etc/network/interfaces?
11:17.55fsmithredauto or allow-hotplug?
11:18.16fsmithred(whichever you answer, I'm gonna say 'try the other')
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11:18.30fsmithredare you also using wicd?
11:18.41g0zzyThe latter
11:18.59g0zzyAnd - yes i am
11:19.07ttrif latter than you can comment out all except LO in /etc/network/interfaces
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11:19.32fsmithredgenerally it's not a good idea to use a network manager and interfaces file. They compete.
11:19.56fsmithredand yes, comment out eth0.
11:19.58ttrsource /etc/network/interfaces.d/*
11:19.58ttrauto lo
11:19.58ttriface lo inet loopback
11:20.28filipdevuanpath of exile works wine just runs everything goddamn devuan is so powerfukl
11:20.35g0zzyOK. So what would bring up eth0 if no wireless?
11:20.37xrogaanfsmithred: how do you get network systemwide with a manager?
11:20.47ttrthis is my contents of it, wifi and wired (and other ones) works ok - cnx is done by wicid, and kvm/libvirt/docker are doing their ornw magic for their stuff
11:20.59ttrg0zzy: wicid also
11:21.23fsmithredxrogaan, good question. I think you would just need to configure interfaces and not use any nm.
11:21.29ttri think in default, if you use wired, it will disconnect wifi
11:21.31g0zzyOK so wicd would bring up eth0 if no wireless?
11:21.57fsmithredttr, I've seen both behaviors on different machines (maybe different versions of wicd)
11:22.23ttrfsmithred: it's settings in preferences
11:22.38ttr(would post screenshot, but too lazy to convert to ascii :D
11:22.58fsmithredthanks. I'll look again, 'cause a friend currently needs both.
11:23.13g0zzygoing to reboot to see if that's cured the hang
11:23.20fsmithred(wireless to the router and wired between laptop and desktop)
11:23.46fsmithredg0zzy, ctrl-c might kill that process
11:24.42g0zzyYay! it did
11:26.02fsmithredFTR, 'auto' makes ifup/down control the interface, allow-hotplug gives it to udev.
11:31.33g0zzyOK - here's the bad news. Turning off wifi and plugging in Ethernet did not bring up a net connection
11:31.52g0zzy(disconnecting wifi)
11:32.18fsmithreddoes the wired interface show up in wicd?
11:32.50fsmithredif not, there's an option in preferences to always show it.
11:33.02g0zzyYes. I think it might want me to connect explictly
11:35.26g0zzyCan probably live with that
11:37.07fsmithredmy laptop usually is connect with wire, so I have it automatically connect.
11:37.23fsmithredIf I use wireless, I have to open wicd and connect.
11:39.10g0zzyYes, that's fine. My client (first to get Devuan) will be using wifi
11:40.04fsmithredif they're windows refugees, they'll probably be ok with using wicd.
11:41.04g0zzyThey are indeed
11:41.47fsmithredI think wicd is a lot easier to use than whatever windows uses for setting up the network.
11:42.16ttrdepends on settings both can happen automatically
11:42.39ttri have wired if present, if not look for wifi and connect to those set as autoconnect
11:43.17ttrso, small paste comming in:
11:43.18ttrWireless Interface:wlan0
11:43.18ttrWired Interface:   eth0
11:43.18ttr[X] Always show wired interface
11:43.18ttr[X] Always switch to wired connection when available
11:43.31ttrWired Autoconnect Settings
11:43.32ttr(X) Use default profile on wired autoconnect
11:44.25ttrthis should set up your wired using dhcp, if you need static, you need to edit wired-default profile
11:44.40ttrand after that, set up wifi profiles
11:45.15*** join/#devuan HumanG33k (~HumanG33k@
11:45.25ttr(and on this note I'm out) - good luck
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12:22.45filipdevuancan u pls tell me again how to run .deb file??
12:22.58filipdevuandpkg install x.deb?
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12:24.25filipdevuank nvm
12:24.28filipdevuangot it
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14:58.07kitsunenokenjahello, I cannot figure out how to install libhunspell from sid. says not installable. all other deps for firefox/unstable installed fine. any idea how to resolve?
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15:02.50panduhello all, how to install virtualbox-guest-utils in devuan?
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15:03.04pandu(devuan as guest)
15:07.28unmypandu, enable "contrib" repository?
15:16.49panduunmy, yes, is it the same way like debian (I mean is it save?) by command: echo deb stretch-backports main contrib > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/stretch-backports.list   ?
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15:23.22unmypandu, deb stretch-backports main contrib wont work?
15:24.51unmynot stretch, ascii
15:25.10unmypandu, deb ascii-backports main contrib
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15:27.58xrogaankitsunenokenja: sid is debian, you might want to use the devuan name scheme.
15:32.05kitsunenokenjaI have it labeled as "unstable"
15:39.10xrogaanyeah, no idea.
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15:39.36xrogaanwhat do you mean by "not installable"?
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15:43.58panduunmy, thanks it works
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15:53.52refracta_noobwhat's the Devuan way of handling automounting?
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16:06.00saciozHi all
16:09.53saciozbye all
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16:15.19*** join/#devuan pandu (~pandu@
16:17.56panduhello all, can we add a ppa in devuan? I want to install adapta theme and when I run: add-apt-repository ppa:tista/adapta, the repply is: Error: could not find a distribution template for Devuan/ascii.      or any other way to install adapta?
16:21.02golinuxpandu: Devuan does not have ppa
16:21.42*** join/#devuan Tuor (~Tuor@unaffiliated/tuor)
16:22.11refracta_noobjust clone the github repo
16:22.43scaniatruckerpandu: Devuan is not compatible with PPA
16:22.52golinuxIsn't everyone leaving the sinking github ship?
16:23.50golinuxRegister at to work on your package then build it with d1h for Devuan compatibility
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16:25.07golinuxCan't you just c/p your theme into /usr/share/themes ?
16:25.17refracta_nooblast count I saw was 30% of the entire site's projects which was a day or two ago
16:25.32refracta_noobyeah, ~/.themes/ also works
16:25.54golinuxThose are the ones who are paying attention.  :D
16:26.58refracta_noobI'm most glad it boosted all these other git sites because I was kind of worried that Github would make itself thru its own popularity a potential point of failure for FOSS projects
16:27.02scaniatruckergolinux: Adapta theme (from github) requaring compilation
16:28.39refracta_noobluckily looks like the git page has instructions for compile from source
16:30.07golinux <<< how to build a pkg for Devuan
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17:01.19refracta_noobdoes devuan have a mastodon hangout?
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17:46.16NewGnuGuyrefracta_noob: It does not
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18:28.39_abc_Slightly off topic: eelo droid free droid
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18:46.28_abc_fsmithred: so did you make anything of my lame v0 alpha shutdown script for persistence?
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18:52.06fsmithred_abc_, nope. Not yet.
18:52.55fsmithredone thing I might have done differently (or might do) is use the same tests that are used in the live-config scripts. (for parsing cmdline, etc.)
18:53.41fsmithredand I need to think more about how it fits in with/without persistence
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20:08.26james1138Hello from Indiana. I just switched to Devuan Ascii less than a week ago.
20:09.05refracta_noobI installed Refracta, based on Devuan yesterday. I like it so far. What'd you switch from?
20:09.40james1138I was using Ubuntu
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20:10.03james1138Got pissed one time too many with systemd issues
20:11.15james1138All in all... I like it. Feels fast, smooth and stable.
20:13.26james1138I do have one question... how do I add debian backport repo?  I liked to use stuff like DVDStyler to make DVD's.
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20:26.45james1138Any way to add repos in general??
20:28.35golinuxjames1138: The website is a good source for basic information:
20:29.18KatolaZjames1138: you have the merged backports repos in devuan as well
20:29.48james1138Sorry. I meant to say add Debian repos such as multimedia added to Devuan.
20:30.43james1138deb stretch main non-free
20:30.44james1138deb stretch-backports main
20:31.07golinuxYou can but at your own risk.
20:31.50golinuxdmo has not been vetted for unwanted ties to systemd.
20:32.06*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
20:35.47james1138I add them to Synaptic but they do not appear when I restart synaptic. Am I doing something wrong?
20:36.36james1138I do not understand...
20:37.06refracta_noobyou might have to do a apt-get update
20:37.25refracta_noobI think there's a button for it in Synaptic but it's been a while since I've used it
20:37.34james1138I am not a spring chicken... I am a bald grandpa with limits on my Linux skills.  <grin>
20:37.54james1138I even tried dist-upgrade
20:39.09golinuxYou need to update sources before you can see ones that have been added.
20:39.28james1138The "ADD" button in Synaptic does nothing as far as I can see.
20:40.11james1138No luck with update
20:42.55james1138I now see the keyring in the system.
20:43.36james1138The repo does not appear
20:44.16refracta_noobin Synaptic? I would just try to install whatever you wanted out of the repo to see if it works
20:45.00*** join/#devuan pillepalle (~Thunderbi@
20:45.52refracta_noobwhat's the Devuan way of handling automounting? Add oneself to group 'disk'?
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20:47.04james1138Tried but the item I like to use does not appear in the list. Would only Debian 9/stable stuf be listed?
20:47.30refracta_noobhm, and you did do a ''sudo apt-get update''?
20:48.08golinuxYeah, pretty sure he hasn't done an update.
20:48.20KatolaZyou don't need to add multimedia
21:03.32_abc_fsmithred: that makes sense, reusing the tests. The current script works fine with at least 2 machines now, i.e. 2 persistence enabled usb sticks made with r2u, no more fuzz with unclean umounts.
21:04.13_abc_fsmithred: so one should also add fsck at the 'head' in live-boot eventually. The actual command sequence used to umount and sync and shutdown/reboot is clean and could be considered debugged.
21:07.18fsmithredrefracta_noob, automounting removable drives is usually configured in the desktop settings
21:07.39fsmithredif you want internal disks to automount, set them in /etc/fstab
21:08.16fsmithred_abc_, have you checked for newer discussions about this a debian-live mailing list?
21:09.25_abc_No. I don't want them to automount, I want the live-boot to fsck the media before it mounts it. Only the iso media and the persistence one if used
21:09.36_abc_if possible, if not, then all usb media presumably
21:10.09refracta_noobfsmithred: ah so like thru thunar-volume-manager?
21:10.10fsmithred_abc_, the automount comment was for refracta_noob
21:10.22_abc_sorry, I'll be quiet now
21:10.38_abc_Re discussions: I have not checked. Anything interesting worth checking?
21:10.54fsmithredsettings, removable drives and media
21:11.23fsmithredI only found that one message about it, which was for squeeze, I think.
21:11.47_abc_fsmithred: what kind of programs would auto-run on mounted media if so selected in Settings?
21:11.57fsmithredshould say I only looked at one. I got a bunch of hits. I think I searched for fsck, but I don't remember for sure
21:12.13refracta_nooboh wow, I'm dim. thank you!
21:12.19refracta_noobI just now see it
21:12.37fsmithredpoke around, and you'll find all kinds of interesting stuff
21:12.58fsmithred_abc_, I don't know - I've never, ever checked that box. Maybe anything with executable bit.
21:13.33fsmithredyeah, kind of like participating in glory hole activity with no protection
21:14.01refracta_noob"Automatically run a program when a tablet is connected" - oh that is awesome...I'm going to use this to start Gimp. This is nice.
21:15.03_abc_fsmithred: not really, reading up, it has a security mechanism and requires user confirmation
21:15.17fsmithredoh, good
21:16.04*** join/#devuan Guest93732 (~ard1t@
21:17.29refracta_noobhow would I run gnome-disks?
21:18.54fsmithredis gnome-disks installable?
21:19.04refracta_noobit is, I have it now
21:19.26fsmithredI've never used it (or not recently). Click on it in the apps menu?
21:19.57novemberrainjames1138: i had bad experience with changing settings through synaptic
21:20.34_abc_fsmithred: the redux: if a file exists and is +x in the media mounted, and the option is on, the user gets asked and it is executed
21:20.42novemberraininstalling, upgrading and removing packages works fine but whenever i touched the setting, things got messed up
21:20.43james1138Oh! What settings? I like to avoid the same.
21:21.22novemberraineg. i tried to change the main server to a country specific
21:21.27refracta_noobbrb, it's not showing in the apps menu, going to log out and try looking for it
21:22.11_abc_fsmithred: what script/suite of scripts would you recommend to keep $HOME in sync with, on several movable (persistence) and desktop machines?
21:22.17novemberrainafair there was only one time such change actually worked
21:22.19_abc_Assume local access
21:23.13fsmithred_abc_, rsync
21:23.35james1138Refracta... If reboot does not work - try using Alacarte instead MenuLibre.
21:23.50_abc_fsmithred: I mean is there a preset menu like thing or such?
21:23.56fsmithredgrsync if you want a graphical frontend
21:23.58_abc_fsmithred: with duplicate resolution etc
21:24.19james1138never mind
21:24.25*** join/#devuan ChuangTzu (~tm@
21:24.29fsmithredI'm sure there are other choices, but I use rsync a lot
21:25.16*** part/#devuan ChuangTzu (~tm@
21:25.28_abc_I realized that, that's why I asked you ;)
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21:28.02*** join/#devuan refracta_noob (~ayylmao@
21:29.40refracta_nooblol, I broke something. I get a grey background when I login now and no desktop... time to just bring over my .xsession and .twmrc I guess
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21:46.43_abc_ok, I have my work cut out, I'll have to learn rsync or another related sync command soon
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21:48.49ChuangTzuHello everyone, golinux sent me here
21:48.49_abc_ this is worth a read
21:48.55_abc_ok, thanks for today
21:49.00*** join/#devuan refracta_noob (~ayylmao@
21:50.02golinuxChuangTzu: Greetings!
21:50.47refracta_noobhm. when I open thunar and click on one of my SSDs it says I'm not authorized.
21:51.49*** join/#devuan Tom_- (
21:52.55ChuangTzurefracta_noob: permissions issue with the drive probably
21:55.11novemberraini'm trying to upgrade from jessie to ascii. update (mostly) works but i get a dist-upgrade error
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21:55.28novemberrain"gnupg : Breaks: python-apt (<= 1.1.0~beta4) but is to be installed"
21:56.13novemberrainplus two other similar cases, but i can do without the other packages
21:56.53novemberrainany ideas what's wrong and how to deal with it?
22:00.23fsmithrednovemberrain, if you're going from jessie to ascii, you should be seeing python-apt getting upgraded to 1.4.0~beta3. Where did you get the 1.1?
22:02.40golinuxChuangTzu: pm
22:04.47fsmithredhow did you install jessie, and what have you done to her in the meantime?
22:04.56novemberraini might have installed a backported version? i have now
22:05.30novemberraini'm using jessie for some 2 years now
22:05.52fsmithredthat version is not in any backports repo (jessie, ascii or stretch)
22:06.06fsmithredmaybe you pulled it from testing or sid some time ago?
22:06.29fsmithredsid/ceres has 1.6.1 now
22:07.21fsmithredcan you paste your sources.list somewhere (not here)
22:07.34novemberraini'm sure i installed a newer firejail from debian repos, but i didn't mess with sources, just downloaded it "manually"
22:07.57fsmithredwhat repo you using?
22:08.44golinuxnovemberrain: Use fsmithred's firemenu.  Much easier on the eyes
22:08.57novemberraini don't remember doing the same with gnupg, but there's a non-zero chance i did it
22:09.42fsmithredare you using ascii?
22:09.51fsmithredor something else -if so, what?
22:09.56novemberrainall the sources i'm using now are ascii
22:10.06fsmithredok, that should work
22:10.38fsmithredwhat version of gnupg is currently installed?
22:11.16novemberrainthe thing is, when i do apt-get update, i see a lot of write errors and/or broken pipes
22:11.32novemberrainbut that sometimes happened before
22:11.44fsmithredhard drive failing?
22:11.44novemberrainand never interfered with upgrades
22:12.07novemberrainnow you're really cheering me up!
22:13.00fsmithredso, what version of gnupg you got?
22:13.23novemberraingnupg: Installed: 1.4.18-7+deb8u5 Candidate: 2.1.18-8~deb9u2
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22:14.48fsmithredok, you have the version from jessie-security, and it wants to install the ascii verion. That's good.
22:15.13*** join/#devuan Tom-_ (
22:15.22novemberrainpython-apt: Installed: Candidate: 1.4.0~beta3
22:16.03fsmithredyeah, maybe try 'apt-get install python-apt=1.4.0~beta3'
22:20.11fsmithredother things to try: 'apt-get upgrade' before doing dist-upgrade; aptitude safe-upgrade and aptitude full-upgrade may give you more options.
22:20.16fsmithredback in a few minutes
22:21.37*** join/#devuan Tom_- (
22:23.12novemberrainok, i had to remove the other 2 offending packages but now it looks like it's gonna work
22:24.32novemberraini mean, installing python-apt=1.4.0~beta3 - upgrading and installing a total of 200MB packages
22:25.52novemberrainhmm, but it also wants a number of packages removed, including libreoffice; i'd rather keep it
22:27.15*** join/#devuan refracta_noob (~ayylmao@
22:27.59fsmithredmaybe you need to also install the exact versions of the packages you removed
22:28.03fsmithredwhat were they?
22:28.54novemberrainthere's a ton of packages for upgrade, install and removal
22:29.17novemberrainit wants aptitude removed
22:33.56fsmithredwhat were the other two offending packages you removed?
22:34.23novemberrainis it safer to go with "apt-get upgrade" (non-dist), or "aptitude safe-upgrade"?
22:34.43novemberraineric & openscad
22:34.44fsmithredthey are roughly the same
22:34.48fsmithredok, hang on
22:35.09*** join/#devuan _0bitcount (~Big_Byte@
22:35.19novemberrainit was "libstdc++6 : Breaks: openscad (<= 2014.03+dfsg-1+b1) but 2014.03+dfsg-1 is to be installed"
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22:35.33novemberrainand "python3-pyqt4 : Breaks: eric (< 6.0~) but 5.4.5-1 is to be installed"
22:36.02novemberrainit seems that apt-get upgrade will work
22:36.47novemberrainwith a lot of packages to upgrade and a lot of packages held back - this is fine, right?
22:37.04fsmithredtry that first
22:43.19*** join/#devuan Guest93732 (~ard1t@
22:46.22refracta_noobso every time I come across something I need to do that requires root permissions, am I going to have to write a polkit rule for it?
22:47.06refracta_nooband why shouldn't I write a rule to let me do anything ever? it's not really helping me do anything at this point, it's getting in my way if anything.
22:48.46*** join/#devuan SuicideJunkie (
22:51.02*** join/#devuan LunaLovegood (~alice@
22:51.05SuicideJunkieLooking at the new Ascii installer.  Got a devuan banner at the top and green progress bars now.
22:51.21LunaLovegoodIs it normal that "apt-get install openssh-server" wants to install libsystemd0 ?
22:51.47SuicideJunkieFor the person who was asking last night, in the manual paritioning menu, there's a separate option for delete data, and delete the partition entirely when you select it.
22:52.08SuicideJunkieNot sure where the problem is, but I'm not actually going to press delete myself since I want those partitions to stay :)
22:55.51*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
22:57.21golinuxLunaLovegood: Or this
22:58.21fsmithredrefracta_noob, su, then run whatever commands or apps you need from that terminal
23:00.17refracta_noobit won't open that way unfortunately, complains that "Connection refused"..."cannot open display: 0"
23:01.36refracta_noobgksu doesn't work either
23:03.06refracta_noobah, setting DISPLAY=:0 made it work... but this is unusual can I make this act more predictable? I'd like to roll this install into a refracta image eventually
23:04.14fsmithredI don't know what the problem is
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23:38.34fsmithredrefracta_noob, what did you install and how did you install (the system)?
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