IRC log for #devuan on 20180613

00:04.02*** join/#devuan minnesotags (
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00:20.09*** topic/#devuan is Latest (2018-06-09): ASCII 2.0.0 || Stable (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release | This is the Devuan discussion channel | off-topic conversation in #debianfork please | Devuan Forum: | Chanlogs:
00:20.10*** mode/#devuan [+v infobot] by ChanServ
00:21.34dakomg if you cant remember apt-get install openrc you shouldnt be using linux
00:22.55*** join/#devuan Scartozzo (
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00:51.28fsmithreddak, the trickier command to remember is the one that changes all the links in the rc directories.
00:59.13*** join/#devuan targz (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
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01:38.48*** join/#devuan Diagon (~DiagonalA@unaffiliated/diagonalarg)
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01:53.07*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
01:55.47*** join/#devuan amarsh04 (~amarsh04@
01:56.15*** join/#devuan Humpelstilzchen (
02:13.52AcaciaOh. I assumed changing the init system wasn't that easy
02:20.15gnarfacewell it's a lot less easy if the init system is systemd.  that's why this distro exists.  i can't claim i've tried switching to openrc myself though.  you might still have to take an extra step.
02:20.40gnarfaceit really MIGHT be that easy though
02:20.46*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
02:23.15AcaciaI switched to devuan because I had systemd break on me 3 times whereas other init systems never failed
02:23.30Acaciabut this really puts the "init freedom" thing into perspective
02:31.29*** join/#devuan sunshavi (~user@
02:38.45fsmithredI haven't used openrc, but I've installed it a couple of times for testing. The transition was smooth and easy.
02:40.00*** join/#devuan gmargo (
02:41.35AlexLikeRockwat  about  GITLab   ar  over  AZURE ?
02:50.51gnarfaceAcacia: yea, swapping an init system shouldn't cripple the whole system.  that was a new feature of systemd.  previously, everything was designed to play nice together.
02:51.41gnarfaceit didn't always work, mind you, but that is still lightyears away from what systemd does
02:51.49gnarfaceon purpose
02:55.31xrogaanFirefox 60 ESR is way faster than the crap that is available by default. I don't understand how people can stand 52 ESR.
02:57.31furrywolfdoes 60 ESR work with all my old extensions, my non-signed extensions, and my working audio setup?
03:00.24xrogaanI don't know, but it loads webpages properly.
03:01.44furrywolfmany of my extensions modify webpages to be closer to my idea of proper.  :P
03:02.09xrogaanmy idea of proper is equal or less than 1 second.
03:02.12furrywolfand I absolutely will not, under any circumstances, use a browser that requires signed extensions.  this is pure evil of microsoft levels.
03:02.38xrogaansigned by whom, mozilla?
03:02.49*** join/#devuan ToffeeYogurtPots (~ToffeeYog@gateway/tor-sasl/toffeeyogurtpots)
03:03.25xrogaanwell, we don't get a lot of choices. From what I understand we can only chose between the dark ages, chromium or firefox.
03:03.38furrywolfit is absolutely not OK for any company to appoint themselves arbiter of what other software you're allowed to use.
03:03.55furrywolfimagine what would happen if microsoft decided you were only allowed to run microsoft-signed applications on windows.
03:04.07xrogaanaren't they already doing that?
03:04.19furrywolfit's no better for mozilla to decide you're only allowed to run microsoft-signed extensions on firefox.
03:04.38furrywolflast I checked, you could still download any random binary from anywhere, or compile your own, and run it.
03:04.59xrogaanoh sure, until it get binned because it's not an allowed software.
03:06.38furrywolfsoftware signing is morally wrong, and should not be tolerated.
03:07.01xrogaanIt's not though.
03:07.15xrogaanNot with how we use softwares nowadays.
03:07.43xrogaanand by we, I'm talking about the general public who doesn't give a damn about the difference between a binary and google.
03:08.24furrywolfyou consider it acceptable that a corporation decides what software you're allowed to run?
03:09.17xrogaanWhat software is allowed on to run on their services ('cause windows is now a service).
03:09.40xrogaanmozilla corp. isn't better, I agree with that.
03:10.44*** join/#devuan mroh (~mroh@2a01:488:67:1000:253d:cce3:0:1)
03:11.09xrogaanintrusive "studies" that gets installed without user consent and that pocket thing that is forced on users to name a few. Not even talking about the responsible ads they want to throw at people.
03:12.35xrogaanIt won't really matter if the EU passes their link tax.
03:13.26mrohis it possible to dist-upgrade from sid to ceres?
03:13.43gnarfaceworked for me about a year ago, anyway
03:13.56gnarfacehad to manually pitch a few packages overboard i think but i got it working
03:14.14mrohok, thx
03:14.19gnarfaceit's important to note that was *before* i'd migrated sid to systemd though, ymmv
03:14.46gnarfacei did the upgrade to ceres instead
03:15.48xrogaanare ceres updates in a "rolling distro" style?
03:16.02mrohi wonder what would be the difference from ceres to sid, if i only change policy-lit in sid
03:17.02gnarfacexrogaan: i'd been repeatedly told in no uncertain terms in #debian "no" but i still don't see any meaningful distinction
03:18.26xrogaanmaybe they don't want to be seen as hippies :P
03:19.10gnarfaceit is basically like a rolling distro except every few years they peel a new "testing" off it
03:19.32golinuxxrogaan: ceres is sid
03:19.36gnarfaceso occasionally it's in lockstep with testing, and occasionally testing might get a fix earlier, or unstable might get a change that gets later removed
03:20.20gnarfacethe rest of the time, if it's not in sid/ceres it's usually because it won't build
03:20.53gnarface(or is cripplingly unstable - but don't expect them to always restrain themselves from putting broken things in there on purpose)
03:21.11gnarface(stuff in non-free seems to be worse in that regard)
03:21.22gnarfacethat's all anecdotal though
03:24.35mrohi use sid since my first debian release, must be woody or something... so unstable has been pretty stable for me ^^
03:26.06gnarfacewell it gave me more reliability than Gentoo
03:26.11gnarfacethat's not saying much though
03:26.19*** join/#devuan hanez (~hanez@
03:26.36mrohthe worst thing i can remember was a broken libc...
03:34.31mrohthe difference between ceres and sid is this?
03:34.52mrohor is there more than this?
03:36.12gnarfacei don't know really.  i'm running ceres without udisks2 OR polkit
03:36.35gnarfacethere's probably not much more than that
03:37.12gnarfaceceres might use eudev instead of udev by default now
03:37.16gnarfacenot sure about that
03:39.25mrohrunning vanilla debian w/o systemd on a server works out of the box, the problem are desktops, because of polkit etc...
03:56.07*** join/#devuan attos1 (
03:58.05*** join/#devuan TheBlueWizard (60f083f3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:58.47TheBlueWizardis there any channel on freenode devoted to networking issues?
04:15.19golinuxMight be infested with systemd advice though
04:16.11TheBlueWizardin ##networking channel? well, I got no response so far
04:18.33muep_there isn't much about systemd to discuss there
04:19.20golinuxI thought systemd has tentacles in everything
04:19.51muep_it is not a "how do I configure my OS" channel
04:24.02TheBlueWizardgives up on ##networking
04:26.25TheBlueWizardmy understanding of systemd is that it is more of behind the scene won't see its actions directly. And my networking question revolves around how to set the network properties so that Win box can see Linux box and vice versa (IP only; don't care about DNS)
04:27.43TheBlueWizardmy goal is to be able to transfer files between two boxes...preferably via web server...copy onto Win box
04:38.23*** part/#devuan TheBlueWizard (60f083f3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:39.06golinuxWon't NFS work for something like that?
04:39.50furrywolfdoes NFS ever work?  :)
04:40.35furrywolfI think the best option for communicating with windows is samba, but I haven't done anything with windows in a great many years, so that may be outdated.
04:46.36furrywolfbbl, wolfy bedtime
05:04.37gnarfacei mean, if all you need to do is copy a file across a LAN with assumed perimeter security you can just use netcat
05:05.07gnarfacethat should be the default case unless you're running software firewalls on the hosts themselves
05:25.08*** join/#devuan pillepalle (~Thunderbi@
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06:36.18dethaFor the record, ##networking is mostly neutral on systemd, except for the odd 'oh, that thing getting in the way of sanity again'. But it is rather quiet there this early/late, and mentioning windows will immediately lose you interest from about half of the channel.
06:37.47gnarfacefor linux-specific networking i think you want to try #netfilter maybe?
06:38.01gnarfacesomething like that
06:38.24dethaI always forget about ##netfilter, but yes. More firewall-specific though
06:44.43Leanderby the way there's ssh in windows 10 now, it could be an easier way to copy files between machines
06:46.28*** join/#devuan clemens3_ (
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07:00.54*** join/#devuan Acacia (~stuttgart@unaffiliated/acacia)
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07:06.04gnarfaceoh, yea that's a good point.  ssh on windows 10 might be easier.  my thought about netcat was just that it's easy to set up a simple 1-off HTTP server with it, then you could download to windows (any version) with any web browser
07:14.54*** join/#devuan clemens31 (
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07:22.02AcaciaYeah I replaced sysv-rc with openrc and the boot speed difference was obvious. Nothing broke either so I think it's a straight upgrade so far
07:37.55Digitsleepy question, is there a tails of devuan?
07:40.12golinuxYes. Heads
07:43.41Digitoh yes.  i /am/ sleepy.  n_n  i knew that before.  thanks.  :)
07:47.48*** part/#devuan xormor (~xormor@unaffiliated/xormor)
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08:12.00*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
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08:27.20*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
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08:32.45*** join/#devuan _abc_ (~usre@unaffiliated/ccbbaa)
08:32.55*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
08:33.14_abc_Hi. Has fsmithred tried to answer my questions/proposals wrt live-boot? I'll leave him a memoserv message, he seems to be busy.
08:34.27*** join/#devuan lall- (~omg@2403:6200:88a2:7e5d:618a:2fbb:9f11:2422)
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09:12.05*** join/#devuan Fervi (~fervi@2a02:a317:e144:d900:a2f3:c1ff:fe2d:aad4)
09:18.53fsmithred_abc_, I'll answer your question after a few sips of coffee
09:20.35_abc_fsmithred: take your time, I have to get the washing out of the machine
09:22.41*** join/#devuan thaller (~thaller@2001:a61:473:1100:b15a:9b5a:b22a:5498)
09:24.43fsmithredif you stayed logged in, you could come back to find the answer
09:28.24*** join/#devuan PiHomeServer (~pi_home_s@
09:30.45*** join/#devuan chodjo (~jguillen@
09:33.30PiHomeServerHi all. I search for help about how to build a custom ISO for a Raspberry. I found the repo but i would like to know how to use it
09:34.09gnarfaceyou know there's a raspberry pi images already, right?
09:34.35gnarfaceit would be a lot easier to start with one of those, customize it, then make a copy of the SD card
09:35.14PiHomeServerOk. Is it safe to do this way in case of certificates or ssh keys generated on the first boot ?
09:36.01fsmithreddo you want to share the image with other people?
09:36.08gnarfacei'm not sure there are any such keys in the RPI images
09:36.19fsmithredssh server?
09:36.31gnarfaceobviously if you're gonna put some in there then redistribute the ISO... yea, you'll want to make sure not to leave your private keys in there...
09:36.32PiHomeServerYep. I use the basic ISO, then install scripts, tools, custom website, etc. and then share with the community
09:37.13PiHomeServerI can clear history and logs before cloning the SD card but not sure if that's safe enought
09:37.13fsmithredgood idea to remove the ssh host keys, so everyone doesn't have the same ones. (Don't ask me how I know this)
09:40.39fsmithredPiHomeServer, you looked at this page?
09:41.53*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
09:41.58PiHomeServerYes i did. But i'm not expert enought to understand what i can do with it
09:42.22PiHomeServerI create a VM with Devuan x64. Then installed all. Not sure what to do next as i can't find the script
09:42.45PiHomeServerOr do i have to install that on a Raspberry itself ?
09:43.37fsmithredI think you can't use x64. Isn't it arm?
09:44.22PiHomeServerI was naive to think that i could use a x64 with cross compile tools to generate the ARMv7 ISO :)
09:44.51gnarfacebut you will have to enable multi-arch first, which i note that arm-sdk page fails to mention
09:45.06gnarface(but it should be implied by the inclusion of 'qemu-user-static' in the required package list)
09:45.54gnarface(also, that's the 32-bit one so this will only work for rpi 1 and rpi 2 unless you change arches and a couple of those packages)
09:46.23gnarfaceit WILL work on ceres and it SHOULD work on ascii but it will not on jessie
09:46.42gnarfaceregardless i wouldn't do it in your base install; do it from a chroot.  adding a bunch of arm multiarch stuff to your amd64 system is gonna make a mess.
09:47.25gnarfacei think if you were doing this on the pi itself you just omit qemu-user-static?
09:47.37PiHomeServerOk so i have to learn how to do that with "chroot".
09:48.09PiHomeServerI did nothing on the Pi. I wanted to test in a VM on my Mac
09:48.36gnarfaceeither way, even if you do this, it won't change the fact that you'll still have to figure out which packages generate secret keys automatically so you can make sure to exclude them from your cloned ISOs
09:48.54gnarfaceso it really may be a better idea to just start with a pre-built raspbian devuan image
09:49.45PiHomeServerOk i will start from that ! Thanks
09:50.09gnarfaceno problem
09:50.50PiHomeServerAny advice, how once the build is made, how to create an iso avoiding unused space ? Meaning my soft will use less than 1gb, if i use a 8gb card, i will have unused space and no one will be able to install on a 4Gb card
09:51.39*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
09:51.52fsmithreddd to .img file?
09:52.03gnarfacehmmm.  well first of all, don't partition the whole thing.  just partition the first 1GB
09:52.05*** join/#devuan mpmc (~mpmc@unaffiliated/mpmc)
09:52.10gnarface(then it's easy to truncate with dd when copying)
09:52.58PiHomeServerBy this way we are sure that no file will exist over the sued sapce ? (sorry that sounds maybe to "Windows" defrag mindset )
09:53.21gnarfaceyes, nothing will write data outside the partitioned space
09:53.49mpmcHey folks, I have a chip here & I'd like to install devuan, Can I just download the image & flash it like the vendor supplied images (chip flasher)?
09:54.44djphmpmc: what "chip"?
09:55.03mpmcCHIP (R8)
09:55.12fsmithredwhat is a chip?
09:55.34PiHomeServerOk so before install i resize the partition to the expected size (let say 1.5Gb), i install all, then do a dd with a limit of 1.5Gb + FAT32 partion sized
09:55.51gnarfacewaoh 9$ sbc
09:55.59mpmcNo, it was.
09:56.06gnarfacempmc: let us know if you get that booting devuan, i'm interested but i can't really help
09:56.33*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
09:56.36mpmcgnarface: According to the devuan docs it should boot.
09:57.29gnarfacePiHomeServer: i think you have the right idea.  don't forget to leave space for the bootloader and swap partition (if furnished)
09:57.55gnarfacePiHomeServer: not sure what you mean by FAT32 there... i'm ignoring that part and hoping you realize you shouldn't use fat32 for any of this
09:57.59PiHomeServerCool ! I really want to compare Devuan vs Raspbian Lite for my project
09:58.02*** join/#devuan gnu_srs1 (
09:58.30gnarfaceoh wait, the boot partition on the RPI is fat32 isn't it?  i keep forgetting that
09:58.42PiHomeServer@gnarface : i mean the boot partition of the Raspberry Pi that is located on the first partition of 100Mb that is FAT32
09:59.11gnarfaceyea i think the boot partition isn't right at the first part of the disk.  there's a small bit of extra space there before it
09:59.41gnarfaceif you overshoot by a couple MB it's no big deal though
10:00.07PiHomeServerYes. I will add a way to auto extand the ext4 partition on first boot.
10:00.42gnarfacethere's a big gotcha there
10:01.19PiHomeServergotcha ?
10:01.37gnarfacejust make sure not to format it with old ext4 tools, or the new versions will corrupt the filesystem on resize
10:02.01*** join/#devuan rafalcpp (
10:02.02gnarfacei think this is only a risk if you're using jessie
10:02.06PiHomeServerI will use the default filesystem
10:02.44gnarfacempmc: you're right, it's listed there in the readme.  i believe it.
10:03.03PiHomeServerI want to use the latest release. I have to use it in order to have freeradius 3 and not 2
10:03.12mpmcgnarface: I'm asking in devuan-arm, so don't worry :)
10:11.20PiHomeServerThank you all for help
10:15.00*** join/#devuan _abc_ (~usre@unaffiliated/ccbbaa)
10:16.06fsmithredman live-boot for nofastboot
10:16.28_abc_So, re: live-boot, I took it apart manually, tried nofastboot too, that addresses fsck at boot time, not clean shutdown imo
10:17.09_abc_There should be a stanza in the shutdown script which remounts the unionfs ro and then remounts the persistence media ro before shutdown
10:17.21_abc_just before. Based on 'persistence' present in /proc/cmdline.
10:17.26_abc_Your thoughts on this?
10:17.49fsmithredI don't know. Never thought about what happens on shutdown
10:18.03_abc_That's when things get messed up
10:18.15_abc_Where is nofastboot interpreted, in which script?
10:18.20fsmithredit doesn't just sync and unmount?
10:18.30fsmithredhang on
10:19.34_abc_fsck on /dev/sdb1 the fat partition in a r2u made volume shows 'There are differences between boot sector and its backup.
10:19.37_abc_This is mostly harmless. Differences: (offset:original/backup)
10:19.38fsmithredwow, it's not there
10:19.45_abc_What is not there?
10:20.12fsmithrednofastboot is not in any files in /lib/live/boot (or /config)
10:20.26_abc_fsmithred: in a r2u fat partition, one can change the iso in it by simply copy, right?
10:20.31_abc_fsmithred: I noticed
10:20.45_abc_fsmithred: I also tried /etc/init.d/* but that is not relevant, it is "too late"
10:21.08fsmithredyou mean where you're using the findiso option?
10:22.33fsmithredif using findiso, you can't just change the iso file - kernel and initrd get pulled out and copied outside the iso.
10:22.35_abc_Assuming I remaster the iso and put it on the stick, I assume all I need to do is copy it in? Or is there another step
10:22.41fsmithredthose would need to work with the new iso
10:22.48_abc_Oh okay assume I fix that too. Or that they are the same
10:22.56fsmithredshould work
10:23.01_abc_I notcied the 32MB initrd only contains 26k of firmware at present.
10:23.05_abc_Is that normal?
10:23.18fsmithreddon't know
10:23.29fsmithredis something missing that you need?
10:23.30_abc_Because initrd is the place where one can put the needed scripts for what I intend to do without remastering
10:23.47_abc_fsmithred: well there's nothing in there, no initrc for example
10:23.49_abc_no shell, nothing
10:24.17_abc_So the initrd gets loaded before the squashfs and there I can implement the fsck but I'd like to hook it into the shutdown too
10:24.27_abc_Assuming I do this by hand: how does this sound:
10:24.42_abc_in shutdown script: - check if 'persistence' in /proc/cmdline
10:25.17_abc_- if yes: remount unionfs ro after shutting all loggers?; remount media on which persistence is ro; then continue shutdown as usual?
10:25.51_abc_There should be a late-copy-system-to-ram for this umounting to go cleanly but that is not yet possible and would take a long time
10:27.00fsmithredis that what normally happens on shutdown of a non-live system?
10:28.53_abc_non-live shutdown remounts all ro just before end
10:29.13_abc_I assume it fails / does not account for the "funny" mount represented by the unionfs/overlay
10:29.40_abc_Does this make sense?
10:29.48fsmithredthere may be discussions about this in debian-live mailing list archives
10:30.12_abc_I would not know about that, asking you as resident expert.
10:32.12_abc_fsmithred: /initramfs-tools/scripts/live-bottom/12fstab ::
10:32.16fsmithredI don't know enough about it to give you a useful answer
10:32.26_abc_+if [ "${NOFASTBOOT}" != "true" ] then touch /root/fastboot ...
10:34.32fsmithredI can't find that file
10:34.46fsmithredoh, is that in the initrd?
10:35.07_abc_It is on debian, apparently, not on devuan
10:35.18_abc_Basically the present devuan initrd is empty apart from firmware for cpu
10:36.20fsmithredyeah, I've run into that
10:36.26fsmithredremove the intel firmware
10:36.38KatolaZ_abc_: the actual initrd is under the syslinux dir
10:36.46_abc_So would you agree that putting some "more" stuff into the initrd.img might fix it
10:36.55KatolaZ_abc_: ^^^
10:37.05_abc_KatolaZ: I checked both, the syslinux one is copied out of the squashfs by r2u
10:37.12fsmithredI think the rest of the initrd is wrapped up inside the blob
10:37.13_abc_KatolaZ: they are identical, I checked
10:37.21_abc_What blob?
10:37.26fsmithredintel bullshit
10:37.34_abc_It' too small. 26k
10:37.47_abc_Again: the devuan initrd is 32MB sized and 26k of it are used
10:38.04_abc_devuan ascii desktop live 2.0.0 at least
10:38.20KatolaZ_abc_: and how di you manage to boot your system?
10:38.31fsmithredremove intel-microcode package and you'll get a normal initrd
10:38.35*** join/#devuan xes (~xes@unaffiliated/xes)
10:38.46_abc_KatolaZ: I have no idea, it just works. Seriously, KatolaZ, I've run linux without an initrd most of the time since 1996.
10:39.01KatolaZ_abc_: sure
10:39.01_abc_fsmithred: can you detail the steps for that please?
10:39.05KatolaZI have as well
10:39.16fsmithredapt-get remove intel-microcode
10:39.22_abc_fsmithred: remove the package and then rebuild the initrd?
10:39.24KatolaZI just seem to remember that all the live isos have a proper initrd
10:39.35KatolaZI might be wrong on that though :)
10:39.53_abc_KatolaZ: care to check? the one I mentioned now, specifically?
10:40.03fsmithredI'm booting an iso now
10:40.11KatolaZ_abc_: you have checked it already, right?
10:40.17_abc_There's no need to boot it, you can look inside the initrd.img
10:40.22_abc_KatolaZ: please read backlog?
10:40.57_abc_cd /tmp; mkdir t; cd t; cpio -id </path/tp/initrd.img
10:41.28*** join/#devuan thaller_ (
10:42.37Digitdejavu buying a pendrive to put tails on.  i think last time it got cancelled.  n_n
10:43.50*** join/#devuan Madda (
10:44.49_abc_fsmithred: it worked, the initrd is back to normal without the firmware package. What the h*?
10:44.54_abc_fsmithred: care to explain this a bit?!
10:45.26fsmithredno explanation. I ran into this before, I removed the package, then proceeded as normal
10:45.43_abc_What else? Any chickens sacrificed? Moonlight?
10:45.51fsmithredintel-microcode does something with the initrd.
10:45.51_abc_suppresses more sarcasm
10:46.02fsmithredI don't know what it is, but I decided that I did not want it.
10:46.04_abc_Let's see what's in the microcode package as files
10:46.14fsmithredcan you open it?
10:46.19_abc_I assume it pushes the microcode in at any cost
10:46.24fsmithredI think it's something.bin
10:46.27_abc_I don't have it, just deinstalled
10:46.42_abc_Just a sec. I don't think the bin does the deed, it has to replace the initrd
10:47.51_abc_sudo apt-get download intel-microcode
10:47.53_abc_E: Can't select candidate version from package intel-microcode as it has no candidate ?!
10:48.35_abc_What the
10:48.50_abc_fsmithred: I have main contrib non-free selected, what can this be?!
10:50.02fsmithreddon't download as root
10:50.09fsmithredIjust got the package
10:50.37fsmithreddid not get it in the live session - I got same error as you
10:50.46_abc_synaptic claims it's not okay as package, has a record but no version for it
10:50.55fsmithredoh, only main repo is enabled
10:50.59_abc_I'm not in the live session now
10:51.07_abc_disk install
10:51.17_abc_fsmithred: say again please?
10:51.30fsmithrednot using in sources, are you?
10:52.01fsmithredI got the "Can't find a source..." error in the live session
10:52.12fsmithredin the installed system, I can download the package
10:52.18fsmithredsame repo
10:52.24_abc_What's in your /etc/apt/sources.list
10:52.42_abc_So something is very broken?
10:52.51fsmithredmain updates and security
10:53.21_abc_I have ascii-security etc yes
10:53.47fsmithredmain contrib and nonfree in the installed system
10:54.35_abc_I have exactly this for binaries: deb ascii main
10:54.38_abc_deb ascii-updates main
10:54.40_abc_deb ascii-security main
10:55.31fsmithredyou need to add contrib and non-free to download intel-microcode
10:55.44fsmithredI just did it in the live, and the error is gone
10:56.51_abc_The repository ' ascii-contrib Release' does not have a Release file. >> fsmithred
10:57.18_abc_yes you are right, added
11:01.08fsmithredyou got it straightened out?
11:09.02_abc_I now got a full sized initrd which I unpacked to search for boot time things
11:09.23_abc_And am going to copy it into the bootable media and boot it, into the fat32 made by r2u
11:09.56_abc_wonders if this system will reboot cleanly to hdd with the initrd in
11:10.05_abc_One thing: without the initrd boot time was faster...
11:10.31fsmithredI didn't think you could do that
11:10.37fsmithred(boot without the initrd)
11:10.50fsmithredwithout a custom kernel
11:11.53_abc_Depends how vanilla one's hardware is, I guess. Mine is very vanilla, not by accident.
11:13.04*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
11:21.43xkr47\o/ full disk encryption available in install!
11:27.25*** join/#devuan _abc_ (~usre@unaffiliated/ccbbaa)
11:27.39_abc_fsmithred: okay, I booted into the live system using nofastboot, no change,
11:28.33_abc_there is no 'nofastboot' in the unpacked initrd, there is fastboot, found with grep -Rli in the unpacked disk
11:29.52_abc_running the live system made by r2u with persistence, i.e. /dev/sdb1=fat+syslinux+kernel+iso; /dev/sdb2=persistence; leaves both uncleanly umounted
11:30.06_abc_checking with another system, i.e. booted into the hdd system
11:30.11_abc_This is NOT GOOD
11:30.46_abc_I found one FSCK*.REC file on the fat32 indicating at least parts of the kernel containing sectors ended up there, after fsck, but the disk works as is.
11:30.57_abc_I assume duplicates or whatever. This is a really bad situation.
11:31.21_abc_Every reboot basically leads to data corruption
11:31.31_abc_When did nofastboot last work properly? In wheezy perhaps?
11:35.00*** join/#devuan xes (~xes@unaffiliated/xes)
11:36.06_abc_later... fastboot|fsck.mode=skip) fastboot=y; later ... fsckfix| fsckfix=y ... forcefsck|fsck.mode=force) forcefsck=y
11:37.02_abc_so looks like one wants: forcefsck fsckfix and not nofastboot
11:37.21fsmithredthis might be relevant:
11:41.02_abc_fsmithred: that looks like it, but is it in or not?
11:41.28_abc_I just checked that booting and shutting down the usb based system with the full initrd on it does not fix the problem
11:41.41_abc_What's the exact manual unpacking command for .debs now?
11:41.48_abc_xz + ar ?
11:42.45fsmithredar x is not present in the ramdish
11:43.28_abc_and also not on the running system
11:43.55_abc_So where did that mod end up fsmithred
11:44.13fsmithredI don't know
11:44.21fsmithredthat was in squeeze
11:47.09fsmithredbin/boot/ is the only place I can find 'mount -o remount'
11:47.55_abc_fsmithred: it is passed in as param, see all instances of mount
11:49.25fsmithredyeah, ok. Got a long list that way
11:50.16_abc_mount -o remount,"${opts}" f.ex.
11:51.25fsmithredcomment in 0030-verify-checksums: Attempt to remount all mounted filesystems read-only
11:51.39_abc_rephrased: every mount attempt in any file in liveboot should be prepended with a if ${forcefsck}; then fsck -y ${fs}
11:53.35_abc_echo u > /proc/sysrq-trigger ; seems drastic, but one can try it several times
11:54.34*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (
11:55.03_abc_fsmithred: so the verify-checksums is a cruft which mounts all relevant things, checksums, and umounts them ! so they can be mounted again !
11:55.25fsmithredthat sounds weird
11:55.47_abc_Verify_checksums is called only once from
11:56.16_abc_This part of the boot system is so crufty it's a miracle it works at all
11:57.14_abc_fsmithred: if the live boot scripts run from the initrd, then they do not run again from the uncompressed squashfs right?
11:57.23_abc_This is really really crufty
11:57.42fsmithredI assume that's the case
11:59.02fsmithredup through wheezy, the fat32 was always mounted ro. Starting with jessie, if you use persistence, root can write to the fat32 partition.
11:59.10_abc_so, again, to pack/unpack an initrd, one uses the standard format for this, or did that change too?
11:59.22_abc_cpio ... |gzip ?
11:59.30fsmithreddon't actually need a persistent volume, just the word persistence in cmdline
11:59.46fsmithredI do it the other way
11:59.57fsmithredzcat initrd.img | cpio -i
12:00.34_abc_but this has to be the special gzip -9 thing no?
12:01.06fsmithreddon't know. I don't do anything special
12:02.46_abc_I meant to make a new initrd
12:03.21_abc_find . | cpio -o -c | gzip -9 > /boot/test.img
12:03.36fsmithredfind . -print0 | cpio -0 -H newc -o | gzip -c > ../${custom_initrd}.gz
12:04.18fsmithredthat's right out of r2u - part of patch-initrd
12:04.40fsmithredwhich patches the initrd to allow user rw access to fat32 partition
12:05.40_abc_I don't follow, are you saying that the r2u initrd made under ascii should mount the fat32 rw now, or is that in future versions?
12:06.24fsmithredI'm saying live-boot/live-config will mount the fat32 rw if the word persistence is in the boot command.
12:06.28fsmithredstarting with jessie.
12:06.46_abc_that's not the case here in ascii.
12:06.54_abc_I'll try again but last time I looked, it was ro
12:07.17_abc_Maybe it's essential for the initrd to be fully populated as is now, after removing the intel fw package
12:07.35_abc_I looked inside that and the install script seems to mess with the initrd on the system in ways which are not okay
12:07.43_abc_I assume it's a bug in that particular package version
12:11.34fsmithredyeah, in ascii it's rw with 'persistence'
12:12.15_abc_But only with the non intel microcode mangled initrd
12:13.01_abc_Which must be removed as you said
12:14.41fsmithredI need to go soon
12:16.22_abc_I am going to try and add the umount tricks from that patch into the shutdown script in the persistence mount
12:17.12*** join/#devuan unixman_home (~unixman2@unaffiliated/eracc)
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12:18.12fsmithredok, I'll be interested to hear what happens
12:24.55*** join/#devuan system16 (~system16@unaffiliated/system16)
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12:47.51_abc_fsmithred: here?
12:48.37_abc_I will try to replace /sbin/shutdown with a script which runs the umount commands before running shutdown. It has to be a /bin/sh script in case it is executed from the initrd
12:49.07_abc_I do not understand if the initrd contents in /lib/live get copied to the running system and executed, or executed in place. I assume the former.
12:49.33_abc_Will have to place some markers in the file and then boot with it, markers in initrd.img scripts
12:52.22fsmithredok, leaving now. will be back later today.
12:52.54fsmithredyeah, I think they get executed in place, before switch-root
12:53.02fsmithredgood luck
12:53.53*** join/#devuan ssbb (
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13:04.19*** join/#devuan Ryushin (chris@2001:470:4b:38f:777::8650)
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13:29.30filipdevuanhi im thinking about trying pureOS
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14:03.15_abc_fsmithred: ? I have a working script which cleanly but violently shuts down a session from live+persistence, and works from persistence alone, without modifying the image
14:03.38_abc_fsmithred: I would like to make it replace /sbin/halt /sbin/shutdown /sbin/reboot
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14:44.11_abc_fsmithred: here?
14:44.22_abc_been in and out rebooting and checking the script(s)
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16:36.56msiismwhat's the package mate uses for power management in ascii?
16:38.59buZzpackage mate?
16:39.03buZzwhats that
16:39.17buZzalso, what kind of power management are you looking for? most of it is in the kernel
16:39.38g4570nmate-power-manager is banned in ASCII
16:40.24*** join/#devuan _0bitcount (~Big_Byte@
16:47.22msiismbuZz: i was meaning to say: what is the package that mate uses for power management? there is mate-power-manager in debian 9, but not in Devuan ASCII.
16:47.40buZzoh, no clue, i dont use mate
16:47.51buZzmaybe the devuan mate has it already built in?
16:47.51msiismbuZz: me neither :)
16:48.05buZzwhat does that even do?
16:48.33buZzah, that depends on udevd and upowerd
16:48.37buZzdoes devuan have those?
16:49.06muep_msiism: maybe just install mate and check what is running when you log in
16:51.07*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
16:53.42golinuxI'm pretty sure that antofox has cleansed mate-power-manager of systemd
16:53.50msiismmuep_: don't really want to load that onto my system.
16:54.14*** join/#devuan filipdevuan (
16:55.18golinuxCheck at and also on git.d.o
16:55.21buZzgolinux: but are upowerd and udevd parts of systemd ?
16:56.36buZzis that a yes or a no
16:57.12muep_upower is not part of systemd
16:57.20buZzah ok
16:57.30buZzah indeed, -upower- is in devuan
16:57.51buZzbut not udev , it seems?
16:57.52muep_most distributions take udev from systemd but there is also the eudev fork
16:58.10buZzquestion then becomes , does mate-power-thingy work with eudev
16:58.11muep_which is a standalone tree of sources
16:58.26golinuxI heard that is does.
16:58.45golinuxgoes to search logs.
17:00.36golinuxIt might be in ascii-proposed.
17:03.21golinuxOr on which will eventually get to devuan proper.
17:06.33*** join/#devuan flrn (~flrn@unaffiliated/flrn)
17:12.40msiismgolinux: i'm sure AntoFox will see the thread on d1g and respond accordingly.
17:17.07msiismgoes back to implementing his own crude variant of 'shift' in tcl
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17:31.16xrogaanIs there a tool to properly and automatically rewrite /etc/network/interfaces?
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17:58.47xrogaannot for me mind you, for people who can't bother to reconfigure their network.
18:01.20*** join/#devuan filipdevuan (
18:01.44filipdevuanim trying to install nvidia drivers from .run and i get something like cant install cuz youre connected to xserver discoonect from xserver then try again :<
18:03.54msiismfilipdevuan: trying to install nvidia driver with a running xserver, as it seems.
18:04.29filipdevuanyeah probably...
18:04.38filipdevuani dont know how to exit X xD
18:05.12msiismfilipdevuan: you need to log out of your graphical session, then kill the display manager, that should be it.
18:05.16*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e35:8a99:e90:1202:b5ff:fe91:e4ca)
18:05.22filipdevuanok ill try
18:06.08msiismshould be sth like /etc/init.d/<display manager> stop
18:06.22msiismnedd to be root
18:06.31filipdevuani should write down commands
18:07.44msiismfilipdevuan: btw, are you sure you want t install the driver that way?
18:07.52filipdevuannah im not
18:08.02filipdevuani dont know how to install it in a different way
18:08.38msiismthere's a debian way to do that, good "debian wiki" and "nvidia display drivers". might be a better choice.
18:08.53msiisms/good/google :D
18:09.05filipdevuanok cheers
18:09.33msiismthat should be it
18:09.45filipdevuandeb stretch-backports main contrib non-free
18:09.48filipdevuanwill it work from there
18:10.28msiismfilipdevuan: you will need to adjust that for devuan.
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18:11.03msiismthat would be as folllows, if if i'm not mistaken:
18:11.47msiismdeb ascii-backports main contrib non-free
18:12.09msiismbut make sure you really need backports before you do that.
18:12.17msiismthe page should explain that.
18:13.09filipdevuanill try to download legacy drivers from package manager
18:13.59msiismok, if the howto say that will require backports, you will need backports.
18:14.14filipdevuanby the way is there huge difference between noveau drivers and non free driveers??
18:15.01filipdevuanin game performance foe example
18:15.06msiismfilipdevuan: i think noveau is ok for average use. if you want to play games (e.g., neverball) you'll need the proprietary stuff.
18:15.31filipdevuanok brb i reboot
18:17.24*** join/#devuan _stephen_ (
18:17.56golinuxInstall nvidia from console F1 etc.  sgfxi automates the process
18:17.59*** join/#devuan filipdevuan (
18:18.01filipdevuanwell the truth is
18:18.21filipdevuanthat i want use gnu free software only but im thinking about going back to windows just to be able play some shit games which is unacceptable for me
18:18.37filipdevuanso im just gonna install non free drivers and play non free games just to resist from going back to windows 10
18:18.50golinuxDisclaimer I haven't used that for years but it always got the job done including blacklisting and removals
18:20.45golinuxNow I use nouveau
18:21.12filipdevuanused what?
18:23.09filipdevuanomg im so used to windows and games that right now when im linux im completely lost
18:23.18filipdevuanim trying to be gnu free software but i bought wrong laptop for that
18:26.44filipdevuanokay i think i have optimus graphics card
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18:35.15msiismfilipdevuan: the wiki page should help you to find the right driver for that. it's a bit tedious, i know.
18:35.41filipdevuanits okay its only a problem because its non free and its always issues with non free stuff, you know
18:35.53filipdevuanissues to discourage you from free linux to get back to non free windows
18:36.21filipdevuanon linux mint i had them installed properly however i read too much stuff about systemd and cant use systemd linux distros :<
18:37.14msiismfilipdevuan: well, learing how to install proprietary graphics drivers i part of the game for you then :)
18:38.14filipdevuanyeah i dont wanna go back to windows just because on windows everything is preinstalled...
18:40.13golinux<filipdevuan> used what?
18:40.33golinuxsgfxi  Get it here:
18:41.08golinuxAutomated nvidia driver installation
18:41.51golinuxif the devuan repos fail you
18:43.03filipdevuani think everything fails me
18:43.43filipdevuani dont even know whats this smxi
18:46.04filipdevuanokay i know now thanks
18:46.39*** part/#devuan mroh (~mroh@2a01:488:67:1000:253d:cce3:0:1)
18:46.58filipdevuanokay im doing it thanks :>
18:47.03xkr47installed clean ascii on virtual machine, autoconfigured encrypted disk, without desktop env, just ssh server & base tools.. on shutdown it fails to shut down the encrypted drive, says busy for a while and then timeouts the unmounting and reports "failed"
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18:47.15xkr47the machine powers off after this
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18:48.19msiismfilipdevuan: i suggest you go with the Debian way of installing it, which is on the wiki page, you've already found. it may be a bit complex, but it's probably the cleanest.
18:48.44filipdevuanim on it now
18:50.00msiismfilipdevuan: if that's the way you wanna do it, i won't try stop you...
18:52.02filipdevuan# apt install linux-headers-$(uname -r|sed 's/[^-]*-[^-]*-//') nvidia-legacy-340xx-driver
18:52.05filipdevuanthat command looks weird
18:52.26filipdevuanand when i put deb command it says it doesnt exist the command or something in terminal
18:53.05msiismfilipdevuan: read the wiki page before you do these things or you will probably break your system.
18:53.49msiism(or well, read any docs for anything you're trying to do there beforehand)
18:55.35msiismfilipdevuan: if you don't understand something, you can ask anytime. if there's an error, please provide the exact error message and the command entered that caused it.
18:56.16filipdevuani think im to impatient lol its crap what im trying to do because im trying to install non free drivers to play steam games
18:56.27filipdevuanbut i hate steam cuz its corporate bollocks and they sell users data...
18:56.29filipdevuanbut im just bored
18:56.35filipdevuanused windows whole life
18:56.43filipdevuanso im used to convenience too much
18:57.17*** join/#devuan _abc_ (~usre@unaffiliated/ccbbaa)
18:57.20msiismwell, if you're bored, how about getting into some linux basics first?
18:57.25_abc_fsmithred: here?
18:58.47_abc_So I have a solution for clean umount of media on live boots made with refracta2usb or drirect live boots, in the form of a script which replaces /sbin/{poweroff,halt,shutdown,reboot} and seems to work cleanly
18:58.54msiismfilipdevuan: or you can play open ttd, which is a quite boring and complicated game about trafficing goods in trans and busses and by ship etc. doesn't need 3d drivers, since it's so retro.
18:59.02_abc_Previously the shutdown always left the media umounted unclean
18:59.31_abc_@ fsmithred ^ ask me / memoserv me about this tomorrow
18:59.32filipdevuaniv downloaded like 50 games from synaptic package manager strategy games rpg games but i still wanna install non free drivers to play one or two matches in dota 2 and then uninstall
18:59.44filipdevuanim just really new to the world of linux and i feel lonely xD
18:59.51filipdevuani dont really need these non free drivers...
18:59.52_abc_fsmithred: I mean your today, my tomorrow, 10PM here
19:00.17msiismfilipdevuan: well, i'm not a shrink, so i cannot help you there :)
19:00.31_abc_filipdevuan: this is not about feelings. Let's talk about your system, not about you ;)
19:00.36_abc_switches off ELIZA mode
19:00.57filipdevuanwell for example id like to know how to check my system configuration in deuvan i use xfce
19:01.54msiismfilipdevuan: the first question there will always be: what kind of configuration?
19:02.06filipdevuangraphics card memory card like system info
19:02.15filipdevuani mean ram memory not memory card xD
19:02.46muep_with xfce you can use most of the tools that you could use in all the other environments
19:03.09msiismfilipdevuan: you should have a look at the 'lspci' command
19:03.11filipdevuanwell to be honest i like xfce cuz its pretty straightforward but i think my favourite environment is gnome
19:04.06filipdevuanintel intel intel intel i dont like this company and yet everything is intel, so 3d controller is graphics card i guess
19:04.25filipdevuannvidia corporation device 179c (rev a2) what 179c and rev a2 means?
19:04.39_abc_just found another bug in xfce4 @ascii: maximize an app, and the window decorations are gone. Can't unmaximize it.
19:04.50_abc_I had to resort to a scraping script app to fix it
19:05.59msiismfilipdevuan: 179c is a driver version, afaik.
19:06.25filipdevuanyeah so it seems like to me nouveau drivers are just normal drivers but out of date??
19:06.50muep_filipdevuan: nouveau is an entirely different driver
19:07.28filipdevuanwould it show in lspci that i use nouveau drivers then. i think i could have messed up my configuration a bit with installing nvidia drivers from synaptic
19:07.31_abc_Fyi to unmaximize etc apps in xfce4, install and use devilpie which is a crazy screen manipulation app
19:07.35_abc_rule based
19:07.42*** join/#devuan xes (~xes@unaffiliated/xes)
19:07.52filipdevuani remember from windows i was just able to see card i use but in linux its like i dont even know what card the system sees in my laptop
19:08.09_abc_filipdevuan: there are many many ways to see the card
19:08.11_abc_hwinfo is one
19:08.28filipdevuanit says bash:hwinfo:command not found
19:08.37_abc_filipdevuan: sudo hwinfo
19:08.50filipdevuannot found as well oh im under root btw
19:08.59_abc_apt-get install hwinfo
19:08.59msiismfilipdevuan: so what could that mean?
19:09.13filipdevuani have no idea xD that some command is missing? :D
19:09.23_abc_yes you need to install it
19:09.36filipdevuaninstall hwinfo??
19:09.45_abc_apt-get install hwinfo ...
19:09.51_abc_without the dots!
19:09.54filipdevuanyeah i know
19:09.57_abc_And press Enter at the end ;)
19:09.58filipdevuani know apt-get ;D
19:10.16_abc_you want hwinfo |less, there's a lot of text there
19:10.22filipdevuanE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?
19:10.33_abc_filipdevuan: you have synaptic open perhaps
19:10.38_abc_or aptitude?
19:10.38filipdevuanoh yeah i do
19:10.48_abc_you can install it from there
19:10.54filipdevuanokay its installing
19:11.11filipdevuanso i think i have got plenty of commands to installs then
19:11.22_abc_oh yeah
19:11.27golinuxfilipdevuan: you only need the sgfxi script.  thought some of the other toola are interesting
19:11.45filipdevuanyeah yeah iv already configured xgfxi script
19:11.50filipdevuanjust need to reboot
19:12.01_abc_err reboots are very seldomly needed
19:12.01*** join/#devuan _0bitcount (~Big_Byte@
19:12.11_abc_telinit 1 followed by telinit 2 perhaps
19:12.19filipdevuanoh btw when i type some command to terminal and i wanna terminate the process and get back to command line how do i do it??
19:12.38msiismthat is Ctrl+C
19:13.08filipdevuanoh ok
19:13.08_abc_filipdevuan: how did you get to devuan? You might be a windows or ubuntu user?
19:13.27filipdevuani had mint first. then i was like i wanna try something different so i tried fedora
19:13.38filipdevuanand fedora was cool but some tracker apps were there and then i read some weird stuff about systemd
19:13.48filipdevuanprocesses i mean tracker processes
19:13.49_abc_yeah, the tinfoil hatters.
19:14.15filipdevuanso i was like omg this systemd sounds like conspiracy to me so i read a list somewhere init linux systems so this is how i got into devuan basically
19:14.42filipdevuani was thinking about trying SafeOS but im just gonna stick to devuan
19:15.45filipdevuani was just looking for OS without dodgy or unwanted processes running in the background so this is why i installed devuan
19:16.25*** join/#devuan _abc_ (~usre@unaffiliated/ccbbaa)
19:16.40_abc_am I here or what
19:17.02msiism_abc_: it seems so
19:17.03_abc_Stupid server change stresses me out
19:17.20filipdevuaniv seen some weird processes on devuan as well with d at the end or packagekitd polkitd
19:17.31filipdevuanim like is it some systemd or something
19:17.46_abc_filipdevuan: it is but they are mostly neutered
19:17.58filipdevuanyeah i see ;P
19:17.59_abc_filipdevuan: same as a dog with removed b***s, no bite, little barking.
19:18.08filipdevuannice ;D
19:18.20_abc_polkit is a nightmare, it's acl without acl
19:18.28filipdevuanyeah its running on my system
19:18.34_abc_Another layer of red (mad) hat(ters) on top of unixsanity
19:18.46_abc_filipdevuan: it appears there are problems to replace it for now
19:18.58_abc_It' s a piece of crap that gives me no end of grief.
19:19.00filipdevuanupowerd obexd gvfsd it all looks like redhat to me xD
19:19.10_abc_Basically it's sudoers acl and secure linux all in one
19:19.23_abc_filipdevuan: those are standardish
19:20.07_abc_gvfsd is related to dbus, another crazy invention which declared normal unix sockets obsolete and reimplemented it 100 times more complex in C++
19:20.45_abc_The idea is to change everything that can be changed until people scream, then continue changing, and silence more etc
19:20.54filipdevuanokay i did this smxi script and now it wants me to shutdown my desktop
19:21.10filipdevuanbut im concerned if i really wanna have non free drivers on my system ;/
19:21.12_abc_I went to #freebsd to ask what the situation is there, they said they're not moving to systemd but you can run it if you want to?!
19:21.27filipdevuanyeah iv read about that as well on internet today
19:21.28_abc_why are you concerned about nonfree stuff?
19:21.43filipdevuani dont know iv found that theres gnu free software movement on internet
19:22.08filipdevuanand non free drivers would be for games but these games are just time wasters to be fair i could have spent it for learning how to use linux instead
19:22.22msiism_abc_: are the redhat people really those wearing the tinfoil hats? i'd say they are rather wearing red hats, but might be mistaken. maybe there's red tinfiol, too.
19:22.29*** join/#devuan taharqa (~taharqa@
19:23.03_abc_msiism: no, we are the ones who wear them, because of red hat people
19:23.06filipdevuani also wonder if installing non free drivers wont mess my laptop up
19:23.21_abc_filipdevuan: usually no, but you can always back out. s/always/mostly/
19:23.32*** join/#devuan tokerl (~sb35@
19:23.55*** join/#devuan Naologramme (
19:24.00_abc_filipdevuan: don't you have like a computing club or makerspace or such in your area? Where you can match up with people with like interests?
19:24.15_abc_Virtually match up, like join their local chat/mailing list
19:24.31filipdevuanuhh i hardly doubt it there would be any linux user in my area, everybody uses macbooks or windowses...
19:24.40filipdevuanits england...
19:24.52filipdevuani have a friend who is into amiga though very much
19:25.08*** join/#devuan tokerl (~sb352@
19:25.14KatolaZfilipdevuan: there are linux user everywhere in the world nowadays....
19:25.26_abc_heh amiga. This reminds me I need to get and install the spectrum zx emulator again and reinstall my favorite games from when I was young.
19:25.28filipdevuanwell yeah dunno how to find any linux friends in my town xD
19:25.29KatolaZfilipdevuan: you'd be surprised
19:25.47*** join/#devuan amesser (~Andreas@
19:25.59msiismgoes to the kitchen to find some tinfoil and see if it'll make any difference.
19:26.05filipdevuananother thing is most of em are systemd users linux mint ubuntu and i dont really like ubuntu cuz they coop with microsoft now
19:26.20filipdevuanand i hate google as well
19:27.42filipdevuanso basically i feel like i dont even know what i can do on linux that i cant do on windows
19:27.48filipdevuani should get some books
19:31.53*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
19:32.46msiism(if you find the time)
19:34.12*** join/#devuan filipdevuan (
19:34.44filipdevuanokay so basically if im gonna bring down some notepad and pen could you introduce me to some important commands that id need and what they do so ill type down everything?????
19:35.31KatolaZman man
19:35.47KatolaZthen also
19:35.55KatolaZman LETTER+TAB+TAB
19:36.13KatolaZwhere LETTER is a lowercase letter in a-z
19:36.47filipdevuanletter tab tab in terminal
19:37.30KatolaZman LETTER+TAB+TAB
19:37.44KatolaZand you'll learn a lot of things about unix
19:37.57KatolaZin a couple of years
19:38.03*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
19:38.24filipdevuanokay cheers <3
19:38.41sixwheeledbeast^systemd makes little difference to learning your way round basic unix, at the moment anyway.
19:38.55msiismfilipdevuan: well, maybe one thing you should know that you're command line interpreter ("shell") is called bash (if you didn't change that).
19:39.22filipdevuanwhats dpkg??
19:39.33msiismfilipdevuan: you can find out through "man dpkg"
19:39.47filipdevuanoh thats clever
19:39.50msiism"man <command>" will give you the manual page
19:39.59filipdevuani didnt know about that!! :D
19:40.12msiismfilipdevuan: well, KatolaZ was try to say that, but ok.
19:40.28filipdevuanyeah sorry
19:40.45msiismno problem
19:41.36filipdevuanwhat command did i use to see my hardware configuration??
19:41.41msiismfilipdevuan: and don't worry if you don't really understand the contents of manual pages. they are often quite tehcnical in nature.
19:41.52msiismfilipdevuan: you can find that in the command line history
19:42.08msiismat the command promt hit cursor up a few times.
19:42.25KatolaZfilipdevuan: apropos hardware
19:42.27filipdevuanoh this is another clever thing, thanks lol!! are you a developer??
19:42.29filipdevuanhdinfo ;D
19:42.40filipdevuanoh no this one doesnt work
19:42.47msiismfilipdevuan: no, i was just bored one time.
19:43.32AntoFoxmsiism: as soon as I can :)
19:43.33filipdevuanfor some reason it doesnt show the command i used for hardware configuration the one wth |short
19:43.45msiismAntoFox: thank you!
19:44.10msiismfilipdevuan: that may be because you used to many command after that for it to remember.
19:44.23msiismfilipdevuan: bash's history is limited.
19:44.37filipdevuanno i have commands that i used before this one
19:44.48filipdevuanmaybe its because i run this command under root
19:44.59filipdevuanand it wont show me commands i used from root when im not root
19:45.18KatolaZyes filipdevuan
19:45.20filipdevuanyeah that was right
19:45.23KatolaZcommand history is per-user
19:45.50filipdevuanby the way is there any possibility to get rid of bios and install librem instead??
19:46.10msiismfilipdevuan: is there a problem withyour bios?
19:46.30filipdevuanno, no there isn't. whats oemstring1 oemstring2 oemstring3 what does it mean??
19:46.48_abc_Latvia? Lithuania?
19:47.05msiismfilipdevuan: where do you get that?
19:47.34filipdevuanhwinfo |less under graphics card
19:47.54filipdevuanvideo graphics control
19:48.13msiismfilipdevuan: ok, looks like some info the vendor could have provided but didn't. not sure.
19:48.24msiismi mean the graphics card vendor
19:48.41KatolaZfilipdevuan: I would suggest one step at a time
19:49.05filipdevuanthe weird stuff about my laptop is that it uses two graphics cards....
19:50.11msiismfilipdevuan: how do you know?
19:50.55filipdevuanbecause thats what they sold me first one is intel hd integrated second one is nvidia geforce 940mx. its something really weird in my opinion, when i was on windows i had to switch between cards
19:51.07_abc_filipdevuan: all laptops use "2", one is the VESA fallback and the other one is the accelerated graphics card
19:51.08fsmithred_abc_, I'm back.
19:51.09filipdevuani bought this laptop to play windows games but i ended up with using linux
19:51.18_abc_fsmithred: you're only concerned with the accelerated one
19:51.59fsmithredI'm interested in the shutdown script
19:52.03_abc_fsmithred: okay, so I made a script which uses echo 'u' >/proc/sysrq-request or such and it works, it replaces /sbin/{shutdown,halt,reboot,poweroff} which are linked against it
19:52.20_abc_fsmithred: I'll paste it, it still has a few bugs, do not use on a non-persistence system
19:54.50_abc_ fsmithred
19:55.40_abc_fsmithred: the bug consists in 'insufficient' detection of the persistence mode and in not calling the right binaries if persistence is not enabled (it tries to exec /sbin/shutdown.bin etc, symlinking those against /sbin/shutdown makes it work there too)
19:56.12msiismfilipdevuan: you might want to check out
19:56.28_abc_fsmithred: to install: boot into persistence from a live usb iso, copy the script into /sbin, then move halt to halt.bin shutdown to shutdown.bin and symlink poweroff halt shutdown reboot to the script
19:56.29fsmithredthanks, I'll play with it
19:56.43filipdevuanwhat for? :P
19:56.59_abc_filipdevuan: it seems to work cleanly and leaves no fuzz at all
19:57.15_abc_* fsmithred ^
19:58.04msiismfilipdevuan: it will save you from gaming, for example.
19:58.13filipdevuanyeah gaming is fucked up
19:59.01KatolaZfilipdevuan: some of the stuff on might be  abit outdated, but it's all good stuff
19:59.10KatolaZs/abit/a bit/
19:59.20filipdevuanwindows gaming especially, i have 50 games right now that are waiting for me to be played, strategy games for example but i still keep thinking about windows games its so pain
19:59.37msiismfilipdevuan: KatolaZ is right, but it's still kind of _the_ go-to place for general linux docs.
19:59.51filipdevuanyeah im just reading unix and internet fundamentals ;P
19:59.58msiismalso, it has apparently been updated today
19:59.58KatolaZmsiism is right :)
20:00.43filipdevuanyeah thanks for all your information, im glad its free
20:01.46filipdevuancuz in real world theres no such a thing like free
20:02.14KatolaZfilipdevuan: uh?
20:02.23KatolaZare we in an imaginary one?
20:02.38filipdevuanyeah usually when somebody wants give you knowledge he wants money for it
20:03.32filipdevuani dont like reading on the screen oh my god
20:03.53msiismfilipdevuan: you can print stuff out.
20:04.14filipdevuanyeah i know
20:04.28filipdevuanbut anyways im just lazy bitch to learn
20:04.37KatolaZfilipdevuan: you don't have to read all
20:04.46KatolaZonly the stuff you are interested in
20:04.59KatolaZthe "man LETTER" thing is useful if you have spare time
20:05.01KatolaZeven 5 min
20:05.12KatolaZI used the trick when I started with unix
20:05.18filipdevuanyeah i do you know i dont do anything useful everyday
20:05.23KatolaZI did that whenever I had free time
20:05.46_stephen_may as well add 'man -k keyword' to that list of man hints.
20:06.13_stephen_oh, someone else mentioned apropos...
20:07.32KatolaZfilipdevuan: man `apropos .  | cut -d " " -f 1 | shuf | head -1`
20:08.24*** join/#devuan polocho (
20:08.56msiismKatolaZ: now, that is interesting.
20:09.23KatolaZmsiism: ;)
20:09.52*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
20:10.25filipdevuani cant go below line 23/45
20:13.03msiismfilipdevuan: i'd start with
20:13.13msiismi should probably read that myself...
20:13.28filipdevuanoh damn xD
20:13.31golinuxIt never hurts to read and reread
20:13.37filipdevuandid you get through all of it msiism?
20:13.56msiismfilipdevuan: i've never read it before... :D
20:14.08*** join/#devuan freem (
20:14.21msiismfilipdevuan: but i have read some other stuff from tldp and might have even crossed a chpater or two of that guide. it was really helpful.
20:15.14msiismalso, if a local library is throwing out a bunch of totally outdated introductory books for Unix, you could grab one.
20:16.04msiismthey usually have good explanations of how to use the command line. and there will hardly be any difference to you system up to a certain level.
20:16.13filipdevuaniv never seen any books related to unix in this library
20:16.36KatolaZa good one is "Unix Power Tools"
20:16.47KatolaZit's a miscellanea of stuff and hacks
20:16.57KatolaZI think it's also available online
20:17.02KatolaZfor free
20:17.19KatolaZbut it's not a book to read back-to-back
20:17.25filipdevuanyeah i wanna see myself reading this stuff
20:17.32filipdevuanwont believe it when i start get into it
20:17.44KatolaZfilipdevuan: unix is not about reading
20:17.46KatolaZis about doing
20:17.51KatolaZdoing what you need
20:18.02filipdevuani downloadded it
20:18.34filipdevuani dont know what i need xD. I wanted to get some drivers and install all related to playing windows game stuff basically
20:20.23filipdevuanbut i get bored of em very easily. usually its like i wanna play some game so i install it and then i play it for 2 minutes and i turn it off and dont play it again :/
20:21.57KatolaZfilipdevuan: you should try moria
20:22.00KatolaZor angband
20:22.24filipdevuani downloaded moria today actually unixmoria
20:22.43filipdevuani really loved game called heroes 3 of might and magic
20:23.08KatolaZif you like the genre, you might want to try angband
20:23.24filipdevuanyeah im downloading it in a bit
20:24.05filipdevuani wonder how these nintendo emulators run, how do i play games on em
20:24.21_stephen_how does moria compare to slashem?
20:24.23filipdevuanyeah i wanted to play some text-based game
20:25.01KatolaZ_stephen_: slashem is a *hack right?
20:25.10KatolaZ(meaning that it is in the nethack family)
20:25.36_stephen_oh, you start in a town...
20:26.20KatolaZyes, but then you never visit the same level again
20:26.56_stephen_Oh, you can keep going back to the town, like diablo...
20:27.29KatolaZunless you go for iron-man mode
20:27.38KatolaZbut that's only in *band
20:27.47_stephen_does it crazy murder you like slashem and nethack do?
20:27.48KatolaZnot in umoria, IIRC
20:28.06KatolaZ_stephen_: it's harder to die for stupid things, like in nethack
20:28.14KatolaZbut yes, you can definitely die on level 1 :D
20:28.20filipdevuanokay im playing some game called flare right now ;D
20:28.23filipdevuanjust started ;D
20:28.58KatolaZoh didn't know flare
20:29.05_stephen_.. flare is an engine..?
20:29.53_stephen_oh, that's pretty smooth
20:29.54KatolaZ_stephen_: apparently there is also a game
20:30.03KatolaZwith non-ascii graphics and all
20:30.37KatolaZit's isometric
20:30.40KatolaZother genre ;)
20:30.45filipdevuanoh nice game like diablo
20:30.49_stephen_I think I played that late one night when I should have been sleeping, and then I forgot about it...
20:30.52KatolaZlooks neat though
20:30.57filipdevuanbut i control my character with keyboard keys not with mouse P
20:31.13filipdevuanquite dark game nice
20:32.47specingpretty sure there are isometric gui clients for ascii games like nethack
20:33.39_stephen_nethack-x11, slashem-sdl...
20:33.52_stephen_falcons eye used to be pretty cool
20:34.03filipdevuanim playing permadeath
20:37.04filipdevuannice game
20:37.05_stephen_is there a key you can press to attack or do you have to use the mouse?
20:37.15filipdevuani use mouse to attack
20:37.58filipdevuannah i dotn think theres a key ;D
20:40.16filipdevuanr u playing flare right now?
20:40.47*** join/#devuan targz (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
20:42.03golinux#debian-fork is a good place for generic chatter
20:44.57*** join/#devuan mchasard (
20:46.29mchasardi'm under myio linux
20:46.43mchasardhow to install locate to my language french
20:47.11mchasardlocale sorry
20:47.27mchasardto get french language
20:50.18filipdevuanfrench language of linux??
20:50.53mchasardto get this myolinux with french language
20:51.01_abc_mchasard: you are in gui?
20:51.13_abc_Also why ask myolinux questions in devuan?
20:51.42mchasardcause myo linux is based in devuan
20:52.26buZzdpkg-reconfigure locale ?
20:52.35buZzdno if that changes language aswell
20:52.57buZzimho using nondefault languages just makes sure you'll be unable to find helpful searchengine hits on errormsgs
20:53.02mchasardok thanks i'm trying
20:53.53mchasardlocale is not installed
20:53.58*** join/#devuan SuicideJunkie (
20:54.01_abc_ do you have a link to myo linux?!
20:55.14mchasardyes wait please
20:55.29mchasardi donwload a browser theres noone installer
20:56.13_abc_if you're in a gui you change the gui's language going to something like settings->language or settings->keyboard and mouse
20:56.28_abc_in a terminal you only want to set the keyboard which is done simply.
20:56.37_abc_Are you in gui or in terminal?
20:57.10mchasardlanguage is ok for keyboard
20:57.18fsmithredmchasard, locales not locale
20:57.23fsmithreddpkg-reconfigure locales
20:57.35_abc_So then what do you try to set up? Gui? Graphics?
20:57.42_abc_*are you trying to
20:57.51_abc_fsmithred: any opinion on the script?
20:57.55fsmithreddpkg-reconfigure keyboard- (I forget if it's -configuration or -setup)
20:58.04fsmithredjust had a quick look at the script
20:58.12fsmithredno opinion yet
20:58.27fsmithredexcept for noticing || and && in the same line
20:58.32_abc_It's a dirty hack, needs a lot of cleaning and more checks but it works
20:58.36_abc_there are parens there ;)
20:58.38mchasardhi fsmithred
20:58.47_abc_|| ( && )
20:59.32fsmithredok, I didn't notice that
21:01.01_abc_fsmithred: so anyway I rebooted a number of times with it, works nicely and is faster than the usual reboot. Disks sdb1 sdb2 remain clean on shutdown
21:01.06_abc_mission accomplished.
21:01.27fsmithredmaybe that should get pushed upstream
21:02.33*** join/#devuan mchasard (
21:02.45fsmithredis it French now?
21:05.10mchasardall menu etc ..from any soft are in english keyboard is in french
21:08.07*** join/#devuan atepa (
21:08.09fsmithredafter dpkg-reconfigure you need to log out and log in again
21:09.16fsmithredmchasard, is the application menu in english or french?
21:10.00fsmithredthis is an installed system, right? Or are you running from live media?
21:10.12mchasardsystem is intalled
21:10.58fsmithredyou chose french as the default locale?
21:11.18mchasardyes if i remember
21:11.32mchasardwith refracta installer
21:12.08fsmithredwell, I do know a way to make it french.
21:12.27fsmithredare you the only user?
21:12.42mchasardyes i just installed it under vboox
21:13.31fsmithredmake a file: /etc/profile.d/locale
21:13.40fsmithredwith two lines in it...
21:13.54booyahwriteput ar_AR.UTF-8 in it and done
21:14.11booyahwait, you want language as in France, or actually French Language
21:15.57mchasardthe second line is ?
21:16.53mchasardok and i exit and save
21:17.02fsmithredthen log out/in
21:18.02*** join/#devuan mchasard (
21:18.23fsmithreddid it work?
21:18.40mchasardno allways in english
21:18.45fsmithredopen a terminal
21:18.55mchasardi have to reboot or just logout an login?
21:18.58fsmithredrun 'ls notarealfile
21:19.00mchasardok done
21:19.15fsmithredyou should get an error message in french
21:19.55mchasardls: cannot access 'notarealfile': No such file or directory
21:19.58mchasardno en english
21:20.05fsmithredis the locales package installed?
21:20.12fsmithredit's not you
21:20.21mchasardi don't believe
21:20.26fsmithredchanging language usually causes problems
21:20.43mchasardapt-get install locale ?
21:21.10mchasardits already installed
21:21.39mchasardlocales is already the newest version (2.24-11+deb9u3)
21:21.51fsmithreddo dpkg-reconfigure locales again, and make sure you select french as default
21:22.32mchasardi should be sudo
21:23.16mchasardi have now the good menu wait please
21:25.30*** join/#devuan mchasard (
21:26.47mchasardfr_FR.UTF-8...cannot open locale definition file `fr_FR': No such file or directory
21:26.54mchasardnot worked
21:27.05fsmithredwhere do you get that message?
21:27.09mchasardupdate-locale: Error: invalid locale settings:  LANG=fr_FR.UTF-8
21:27.27mchasardafter dpkg locale
21:27.40KatolaZmchasard: have you tried "dpkg-reconfigure locales"?
21:27.53KatolaZyou must activate your preferred locales there
21:28.02KatolaZotherwise they won't be generated
21:28.53fsmithredyeah, you have to check the box next to each language you want.
21:29.35fsmithredor edit the file manually (/etc/locale.gen)
21:30.08mchasardlocal gen is ok
21:30.35fsmithredthe line for french is uncommented?
21:32.16KatolaZmchasard: but then you have to run locale-gen
21:32.19mchasardtheres no locale.conf ?
21:32.45fsmithreddpkg-reconfigure should have run locale-gen
21:32.45mchasardok done
21:32.59KatolaZyes fsmithred
21:33.20*** join/#devuan Fervi (~fervi@2a02:a317:e144:d900:a2f3:c1ff:fe2d:aad4)
21:33.58mchasardso i logout /in ?
21:34.35*** join/#devuan mchasard (
21:34.43mchasardallways in english
21:34.53fsmithredls /usr/share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/
21:35.07fsmithredyou should see the names of many programs
21:35.30mchasardyes i see   
21:36.25fsmithredyeah, those are translation files
21:36.33*** join/#devuan novemberrain (
21:36.55mchasardi'm under hexchat and its in english
21:36.58fsmithredI don't understand why it's not working
21:38.04mchasardok thansk i have to go to bed sorry i'm working ...
21:40.48fsmithredok, good luck
21:41.02fsmithredmaybe rename the file I had you made
21:41.04mchasardbye may be see you tommorrow
21:41.08fsmithredfrom locale to
21:41.19fsmithredbut you shouldn't really even need that.
21:44.26*** part/#devuan msiism (
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22:03.48SuicideJunkieHi.  I was trying to ask about a menu search a few days ago.
22:04.00SuicideJunkie  <-- this was the kind of thing I meant
22:04.31SuicideJunkieSomething to search including descriptions for Bro and Dad who won't know the actual names of apps.
22:06.49golinuxsynaptic does something like that
22:14.00*** join/#devuan aitor (
22:16.21aitorgolinux: did you mean to say synapse?
22:17.10golinuxNo.  I meant synaptic you can search for packages related to a word.
22:19.32*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
22:21.31aitorthe above screenshot searches for apps related to the word
22:22.02aitorthere is also another one named Albert
22:26.15fsmithredxfce has an application finder
22:29.43MinceRthere are several search-based launchers like kupfer and katapult
22:30.05*** join/#devuan sunshavi (~user@
22:31.58aitorfsmithred: appfinder, or somesuch... but it is an app menu launcher
22:41.16*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@unaffiliated/xenguy)
22:45.37SuicideJunkieYeah, I don't want a search for packages to install, but for apps and commands and such already there.
22:46.57gnarfaceSuicideJunkie: e17 has something called "run everything" but i don't know if it's portable
22:47.08SuicideJunkieLaunchy sounds like it might be close
22:47.34aitori've just updated the repository of gnuinos jessie including newlisp and openrc (both backported from ascii)
22:47.39aitortime to bed
22:47.48aitor00:50 here
22:48.06aitorbye :)
22:48.08g4570naitor: g' night
22:48.42aitorg4570n: see you this week in #devuan-mx
22:54.31*** part/#devuan novemberrain (
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23:53.44*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock_ (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)

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