IRC log for #devuan on 20180608

00:00.17SuicideJunkieYeah, that's already in.
00:00.42SuicideJunkie4.9 in this case, as well as 4.8
00:01.04SuicideJunkienot sure why both
00:02.47SuicideJunkieGot build-essential already
00:03.40SuicideJunkiehmm.  trying build-essential:i386 does have issues
00:03.56XenguySuicideJunkie: If you are compiling something on de[bv][iu]an, checkinstall is worth a look
00:04.11gnarfaceif there's already a version of the package in the repo you could also try: apt-get build-dep [package name]
00:04.16SuicideJunkiedevuan here
00:04.17gnarface(sometimes that grabs stuff build-essential doesn't)
00:05.24SuicideJunkieshould I be trying to get build-essential:i386, or just the gcc multilib I've already got?
00:05.37gnarfacedarkworld: don't agonize too much over this.  you screwed up, you used the nvidia shell script.  alot of people make that mistake the first time.  it's repairable, but honestly it didn't take you that long to install.  don't blow 3 hours trying to figure out how to paste from a terminal if it'll only take 30 minutes to reinstall from scratch
00:05.48*** join/#devuan attos1 (
00:05.55darkworldalright screw it
00:05.56darkworldill do it
00:06.14SuicideJunkiedarkworld: also, keep an install files / backup partition so you don't have to collect all the bits again.
00:06.45SuicideJunkieEven make yourself an file to hammer out the common things with notes and comments for future reference.
00:06.47darkworldwhat bits
00:07.39SuicideJunkiemine has some installers and games and notes as to what partition IDs go where.
00:07.55gnarface`dpkg --add-architecture i386 && apt-get update && apt-get install nvidia-driver && apt-get install libgl1-nvidia-glx:i386`
00:08.09SuicideJunkieand that ^ but more wordy.
00:08.40darkworldI just have a seperate home partitiona and put important thigns there
00:08.45SuicideJunkie(Also currenly slightly wrong, but will be fixed for next time.)
00:09.20gnarfaceit might want you to reboot after installing nvidia-driver
00:09.27gnarfaceit's a good idea to let it
00:09.45gnarfaceit might not actually prompt, it may just warn you
00:09.46gnarfacei forget
00:14.40SuicideJunkieVideo drivers are worth rebooting for
00:14.57darkworldcan't thank yall fellas enough for the help btw
00:15.04darkworldiv thought about doing this for a long time
00:15.12darkworldim not one to distro hop
00:19.12*** join/#devuan infobot (
00:19.12*** topic/#devuan is Latest (2018-05-10): ASCII 2.0.0 release candidate is out! || Stable (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release || This is the Devuan discussion channel | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | Devuan Forum: | Chanlogs:
00:19.12*** mode/#devuan [+v infobot] by ChanServ
00:19.31darkworldI used ununtu till Unitiy came out and my PC at the time couldnt run it, and I didnt know how to switch WMs back then so I used debian for a few years and then slack for the past 5
00:23.13*** join/#devuan guru (
00:23.32darkworldshould i install the nvidia stuff before or after I install xorg
00:23.56gnarfaceit should pull in xorg for you automatically
00:24.04gnarfaceif not we'll make sure it does
00:24.43gnarfacethis time, when you get to your first boot, let me know and i'll walk you through it
00:25.17gnarfaceas a general rule, always use the native package from the devuan repo, even if there is an alternate source that is more up-to-date
00:25.45gnarface(there are rules to follow if you need something newer, but none of those involve downloading a 3rd party shell script)
00:26.28gnarfacein most cases you don't actually need something newer
00:26.45gnarfaceit's important to distinguish actual functionality from version fetishism
00:26.50darkworldI used `dpkg --add-architecture i386 && apt-get update && apt-get install nvidia-driver && apt-get install libgl1-nvidia-glx:i386` and before even installing any packages it still says theres a problem with nvidia-driver deps
00:27.11gnarfaceshow me your sources.list
00:27.19gnarfacejust /msg it to me
00:27.42gnarfaceor you know what, hang on
00:27.46gnarfacei'll just paste you one to use, stand by
00:29.55darkworldmy sources is just ascii, ascii-security, ascii-updates, ascii-backports
00:30.23golinuxbackports can bite you if you're not careful.
00:30.27gnarfacedarkworld: use this as the contents of your sources.list, exactly as shown.  remove everything else.  then run `apt-get update` and let me know if you see any complaints.  i just want to eliminate unknowns first:
00:32.44SuicideJunkieI'm using Jessie, in case that matters.
00:32.58SuicideJunkieOr wasn't expected
00:34.13SuicideJunkieDo you think the NVIDIA driver could be causing me the problems?
00:34.39darkworldi jsut reinstalled
00:34.44darkworldthat was the first command i tried to enter
00:34.54darkworldok i changed the file so update?
00:35.53darkworldah crap I wget the plaintext and its jsut a bunch of webcode
00:36.13darkworldIll retype it its short
00:36.59gnarfaceyou could also just use this link instead:
00:37.19darkworldthats what I wget
00:37.27darkworlddidnt work
00:37.51gnarfacelook more carefully.  this link has "plain" in the path
00:38.04darkworldyeah I did
00:38.08darkworldidk what I did
00:38.41darkworldim halfway done copying it anyway
00:39.09gnarfaceyou can type it out if you'd rather.  i'm being informed it's supposed to be now instead of anyway (not dev) but yeah
00:39.55darkworldgood to know
00:40.14gnarfacemy bad, yea,
00:41.40darkworldalright updating
00:42.43*** join/#devuan theLambda (~theLambda@
00:42.59darkworldcould not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock open (resource tomporarily unavailable)
00:43.46*** join/#devuan armin (
00:44.22darkworldalright i restarted my pc and its dl'ing the nvidia driver
00:44.43darkworldGod I hate nvidia
00:44.51darkworldIm blaming this on nvidia not on devuan
00:45.13darkworldI just have this card because its the only card i could get that I knew want ruined from those damn cryptominers
00:45.18darkworldbecause i bought it form a friend
00:45.35SuicideJunkieYeah, video drivers are the worst part of any system, short of printer drivers but those aren't required.
00:45.50darkworldI just go up to my college for anythign I need to print anyway
00:46.29darkworldHP makes it easier nowadays iirc but that means owning planned obsolecense products
00:46.49darkworldoh great it just failed to fetch a ton of stuff
00:47.09gnarfacedarkworld: that lock file error looks like the type of thing that happens when you try to run apt-get twice at once
00:47.25gnarfaceor when you're not root, or something...
00:47.42darkworldwell im past that and when I try to apt get grab the nvidia driver everything goes to hell after a while ebcause 404
00:48.07darkworldnetwork hardware works
00:48.11gnarfaceok, now THAT is a problem upstream maybe
00:48.25gnarfacebut that link is a round-robin, so in theory ... it should work if you try it again
00:48.28darkworldalso im doing all this as root in the command line
00:48.44darkworldsame error
00:48.47darkworld404 for everything
00:49.05gnarfaceoh hmmm
00:49.12gnarfaceuh, your DNS is working though, right?
00:49.18darkworldthe links are all supposed to be right?
00:49.21darkworldyeah i can ping google
00:49.36gnarfacethat's right...
00:49.52darkworldI dont have any crazy network hardware I just have a desktop with a PCI network card
00:49.56gnarfacelet me try it here.  if it doesn't work right yet you can probably (sigh) switch it back to pkgmaster temporarily ...
00:50.41darkworldIf I can get into X at all tonight Ill call it a success
00:50.49gnarfacedon't panic yet, i'm still with you
00:50.57gnarfacewhat do you get resolving
00:51.06darkworldyou want me to ping it?
00:51.11gnarface64 bytes from (
00:51.14gnarfacegetting this here
00:51.18gnarfaceno 404
00:51.28gnarface(brb, laundry)
00:51.56darkworld64 bytes from (
00:52.15darkworldI dunno if its trying to redirect me to somehting because of my location or what
00:52.20darkworldIm in Florida, USA
00:52.44*** join/#devuan nighty-- (
00:55.02djphwhy're you hitting an Italian server then?
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00:56.53gnarfacethe old round-robin never worked for US for me, either
00:57.12gnarfacei'm in California, USA and it's giving me a german mirror
00:57.21gnarfacedarkworld: i'm back
00:57.29gnarfacedarkworld: still all 404s?
00:57.58*** join/#devuan filip (
00:58.09filiphey how can i download all files from mirror in one time??
00:58.46golinuxThe torrent will be available shortly.
00:59.49gnarfacedarkworld: see if pkgmaster gives you a better response.  the dns issue may be upstream of you but still regional
01:00.26gnarfaceyour ISPs DNS servers may just be set to update infrequently
01:00.49gnarfacewe need this part to work first or NOTHING will work right
01:01.04darkworldlet me try packagemaster
01:01.08*** join/#devuan minnesotags (
01:03.02darkworldalright tryin to dl now
01:03.07darkworldwell see what happens
01:05.52gnarfacei had some problems with timeouts the other day but usually it was working, just slowly
01:07.54darkworldalright it installed, rebootan
01:08.43gnarface(i was hoping you'd give me the list of packages it wanted to include though so i could see whether it got xorg for you or not)
01:09.18darkworldi typed startx and it wasnt there so i assume ill have to isntall xorg
01:09.24darkworldapt-get install xorg?
01:09.24gnarfaceno wait
01:09.44gnarfacesee if it's there
01:09.46gnarfacedpkg -l |grep xorg
01:10.17gnarfaceyou may just be missing the package "xinit"
01:10.26darkworldit asks to pipe it through less or more
01:10.34darkworldi forgot how pipe works
01:10.46gnarfacedo you not have grep installed?
01:10.52darkworldgood quesiton
01:11.02darkworldi did a minimal instlal with only base system pkgs
01:11.02gnarfacegeneral form: dpkg -l [package name[
01:11.09gnarfaceer, dpkg -l [package name]
01:11.32darkworldi did dpkg -l xorg with no packages matching
01:11.53gnarfaceit doesn't wildcard by default
01:11.56gnarfacedpkg -l *xorg*
01:12.14darkworldyeah I have a bunch of them
01:12.20gnarfaceapt-get install xinit
01:12.44gnarface(startx isn't actually required anymore because the default installs use a graphical login manager)
01:13.00darkworldyeah theyre not my thing
01:13.10gnarfaceme either, but sometimes i have guests
01:13.43darkworldmy friends all use gnu/linux and my family members/ladyfriends dont need to get into my pc
01:14.18darkworldi already have to worry about the damn nsa doing that
01:15.55darkworldALRIGHT I'm in openbox. Thanks a lot brother (or applicable) !
01:16.02gnarfaceno problem
01:16.14gnarfacedo check your xorg log to make sure it's using the nvidia drivers not nouveau
01:16.33gnarfacethe 700 series works well enough with nouveau it might not be immediately apparent
01:16.49darkworldone thing I should ask, why is it that my xorg session is on f1 and not f7? I'm used to them being paralell to each other
01:16.54darkworldhow do I actually see the cli log?
01:17.10gnarfaceheh, yea they changed that.  it can launch from it's own virtual terminal now
01:17.27darkworldI always hated systems that did that
01:17.30darkworldmesses with me
01:17.39darkworldI wouldnt even know how to go about restarting x with a setup like this
01:18.08darkworldis that a kernel compile option?
01:18.10gnarfaceyou can still get the console log, there's a trick to it.  i forget the exact syntax, but you can still have it launch with a terminal as the controlling process, and have that capture the stdout
01:18.40*** join/#devuan targz (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
01:18.53gnarfacethey disabled ctrl+alt+backspace but ctrl+alt+f[N] should still work where alt+f[N] used to
01:19.22gnarfaceand you can re-enable ctrl+alt+backspace by disabling some undocumented option in your (now optional!) xorg.conf
01:19.42gnarfacegoogle for "dontzap" or something like that
01:19.48*** part/#devuan ibanja (~ibanja@
01:20.02darkworldthis is why I hate programmers (t. computerscience student)
01:20.10gnarfaceand if you find that the nouveau driver is preempting the nvidia binary driver, just add 'blacklist nouveau' to a .conf file in /etc/modprobe.d/
01:20.59gnarfacefor a 700 series card, there are some cases where the nouveau driver might actually be preferable
01:21.12*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~furrywolf@
01:21.18darkworldIm using a GTX770
01:21.54gnarfacethe primary difference is that nvidia still does their own thing, while nouveau uses mesa like everyone else, so you can benefit from stuff like "wine-gallium-nine" optimizations
01:22.30gnarfacethe 700 series is the one they've got reverse-engineered well enough that you can actually benefit from it
01:22.51gnarfacefor almost everything else though nouveau will break stuff
01:23.00gnarfacesince you mentioned Steam, you're better off using the nvidia drivers for now
01:23.24darkworldyeah the only online games I really play are QuakeWorld TF2 and Fistful of Frags
01:24.41gnarfacewell the good thing is that the drivers can be co-installed safely.  they don't play nice when loaded concurrently and the one you're not using has to be blacklisted, but you have the option of switching back and forth with just a reboot
01:25.21darkworldthe proprietary one shave worked fine for hte msot part other than some godawful things with xranrd
01:27.14gnarfaceheh, yea their half-assed parsing implementation for the config syntax
01:27.35darkworldI had to map my tablet to HEAD-0 instead of VGA-1
01:28.05gnarfacenouveau doesn't have those types of problems.  aside from the parts they can't reverse-engineer, it's a very well behaved driver these days, for the most part.
01:28.16darkworldalso i moved my pen around the screen so that seems to work. ill report after i test krita
01:28.44gnarfaceoh, another change to xorg that's important to know besides the xorg.conf now being "optional"
01:28.54darkworldwhich might I add, despite being a KDE project is one of the best free software projects and I love it
01:28.59gnarfaceit's no longer required to run xorg suid root
01:29.02gnarfaceso that's no longer the default
01:29.13gnarface(nvidia drivers change that still though, i think)
01:29.32gnarfaceanyway, if xorg isn't running as root, it'll put the log in ~/.local/share/xorg instead of /var/log
01:30.14darkworldxorg is wierd
01:30.21darkworldbut im highly co nvinced wayland is a meme so im indifferent
01:31.06gnarfaceyea, they were just discussing this in another channel i was in today.  10 years on and i still haven't seen first-hand proof it works.
01:31.22darkworldm-muh screen tearing
01:31.23darkworldor something
01:31.26darkworldI never relaly noticed it
01:31.37gnarfacein the mean time, the only problem with xorg seems to be everyone's bad attitude
01:31.57darkworldthe problem with xorg is that its a spaghetticode mess from the 1980s
01:32.11darkworldbut so is linux anyway (replace 1980s with early 90s)
01:32.40gnarfacewell nvidia seems to still be backing xorg as far as they're willing to
01:32.49gnarfacethey don't seem to care if wayland EVER works
01:33.03gnarfacethat's sortof their M.O. with linux support though
01:33.20darkworldbut spaghetticode as it is its still nowhere near as bad as the outsourced underpaid indian programmer code microsoft has in windows (poor bastards, if I made that little for my work I wouldnt care very much either)
01:34.07darkworldat least linus has the "sont blame software developers for bugs" philosophy
01:34.15darkworldand for that hes a good man
01:35.41darkworldalso do i still have to grab a firefox deb form somewhere?
01:36.11gnarfaceno, the whole iceweasel/firefox debacle has passsed by
01:36.23gnarfaceand you should have been using iceweasel back then anyway
01:36.45darkworldtheres no package called riefox
01:37.04gnarfaceoh, this again
01:37.14gnarfacecheck for "firefox-esr" instead, is that one there?
01:37.40darkworldits there
01:37.44darkworldill install it
01:37.50gnarfaceshould be good enough for most purposes
01:38.09gnarfaceascii doesn't have the latest firefox becuase mozilla started requiring Rust to build it
01:38.12darkworldi dont spend much time in a web browser anymore anyway
01:38.22darkworlddoes it at least have post 57?
01:38.32gnarfacesorry i think it's 52
01:38.43darkworldpre multicore firefox is a joke, it onyl now got usable
01:38.57darkworlder, they redid the multicore
01:39.01darkworldand it actually works now
01:39.02gnarfacehang on, it might be in backports
01:39.18filipdo u think that systemd sends any data to google servers??
01:39.32darkworldno but it does default to it for network testing
01:39.35darkworldwe would know if it did
01:39.42darkworldsystemd isnt a botnet, its jsut crap
01:39.56SuicideJunkieI like palemoon for a browser myself
01:39.58gnarfaceeven devuan is using google's DNS by default i think
01:40.02darkworldalthough im sure it has tons of backdoors the government can get into since redhat is basically funded by th deprtment of defense
01:40.05gnarfaceyou gotta watch for that
01:40.18darkworldbut backdoors are only entered on target
01:40.22darkworldnot actively transmitting data
01:40.55filipshit... it sounds creepy what does it mean that something uses google dns. i hate google and i dont wanna use their services at all costs...
01:41.00darkworldim not a security nerd but I udnerstand the semantics of it
01:41.32darkworldI live life by one philosophy: I dont trust the government and I dont trust people who trust the government. I dont complicate it with semantics
01:41.45gnarfacefilip: it just means that somewhere on the internet there's a google server with a list of your entire browsing history, that's all
01:41.55darkworldmy computing habits tend ot reflect it to some degree or another
01:42.28filipand somebody from google may have access to it?? is it all just related to browsing history then?? what about data that i have on my PC??
01:42.40filipi mean browsing internet?
01:42.51gnarfacefilip: it's just domain names actually
01:43.14gnarfacenot a huge risk
01:43.27SuicideJunkiegotta turn '' into somehow
01:43.32gnarfacebut i'd still recommend running local DNS for everyone
01:43.37gnarfaceit's just faster
01:43.44filipso should i feel safe about using fedora 28 or is google spying me at the moment lol
01:43.58filipyeah i dont wanna use google dns...
01:44.09gnarfacei started running local DNS a long time ago, actually, for reliability and speed, long before the security concerns were more than hypothetical
01:44.18filipiv installed fedora 2 days ago and now i read that it sends stuff to google servers omg
01:44.29darkworldthanks pottering
01:45.47*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
01:45.53gnarfacedarkworld: so you're up and running solid now, it seems?
01:46.03gnarfacecool, good to hear it
01:46.29SuicideJunkieso, checkinstall appears to be complaining about a package version with CRLFs in it.  Pretty sure that's not proper.
01:46.40filipdoes devuan has similar installation mode to other distros like ubuntu or fedora or it requires using terminal??
01:46.54darkworldthere s agraphical installer and an ncurses one
01:47.03darkworldits ez either way
01:47.14gnarfacefilip: it's basically identical to Debian's
01:47.40gnarfacei mean, functionally, anyway
01:47.50filipso if i burn iso into my dvd and then just boot it i shouldnt have any problem with installation??
01:48.19gnarfacecorrect, you shouldn't.  that doesn't mean you won't, but most issues are self-inflicted
01:48.41filipyeah sure
01:49.27gnarfaceyou might run into some issue with dns records in your region being wrong for one reason or another
01:49.33filipwell is this systemd actual a real issue?? Does it mean somebody may spy on me when i use systemd OS? I don't really like some tracker apps that i can see in fedora processes...
01:49.47darkworldSystemD is bad from a design philosophy
01:50.03darkworldit turned gnulinux into windows
01:50.12gnarfaceyea, i'll go you one further - systemd is maintained and designed by bad people.
01:50.16darkworldbecause windows developers arent intelligent enough to use a *nix style system
01:50.40gnarfaceit's not that they're not intelligent enough.  it's that they're too damned lazy to try hard.
01:50.54gnarfaceso they've erected a whole corporate culture toxic to it.
01:51.00filipsounds really bad to me... i was happy few days ago that i can finally ditch windows for linux
01:51.07gnarfaceand since they can't win with competence, they have to win with STEALING
01:51.26darkworldsystemd users condscendingly tell me: "so youre telling me you want your whole system to be duct taped together with scripts"
01:51.34darkworldand to which I reply "yes, actually"
01:51.36filipand today i read stuff about systemd thing and im like omg so now it was time to get from windows to linux and now it seems like theres time to get from linuxos to non systemd linux...
01:51.47SuicideJunkieOk, so, checkinstall tried, and got the same results, IE: gcc: error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ No such file or directory
01:52.09filipdownload libraries
01:52.16SuicideJunkiefilip: I'm here because of the systemd thing.
01:52.28gnarfaceSuicideJunkie: that should be a symlink, is it?
01:52.31filipi am as well i just discovered it today lol
01:52.42gnarfaceSuicideJunkie: is it valid?  is it pointing to anything that exists?
01:53.23filiphow did you download devuan then?? can you help me how can i download files from mirrors all at once
01:53.48gnarfaceSuicideJunkie: drivers tend to fight over where that symlink points.  it's possible it got left orphaned if something went wrong during a change or upgrade
01:53.53XenguyPersonally, I just don't want systemd to swallow large portions of my OS in a very windozy kind of way
01:54.19filipwell i don't like some unfamiliar processes running on my OS
01:54.19SuicideJunkieEr... I was about to say yeah I'd checked earlier, but not so much now.
01:54.21XenguyThere's bad mojo all over it, but many people don't have the eyes to see
01:54.56darkworldI dont use windows for a reason and im not goign to let redhat rule the world
01:55.12XenguyAnd yes, I agree that this is largely about design differences
01:55.30XenguyFor sure
01:55.32filipis there any possibility to download more files from mirrors than one at once??
01:55.33gnarfaceit is, but i think that systemd is a trojan horse TOO
01:56.02Xenguycorporate takeover?
01:56.07gnarfacefilip: what are you trying to accomplish?  you've asked this question like you're trying to set up a mirror, but you don't seem to need a mirror
01:56.15Xenguyattack surface?
01:56.22filipokay so should i download devuan_ascii_2.0.0_i386_dvd-1.iso then
01:56.38filipohh my friend who uses amiga was trying to download some modules from aminet
01:56.45SuicideJunkieYou think the NV driver script could have done it?
01:56.57darkworldoh my god do amigaos users still exist?
01:56.59filipbut there are so many of them he asked me how he can download all of em at once instead of clicking save on each module
01:57.00gnarfacefilip: yes, if you want a complete set of files for an offline install, go with the CD or DVD sets
01:57.09filipwell yeah he's really obsessed with amiga 1200
01:57.14filiphes got real one
01:57.19darkworldi thought they were just a bunch of furries that stayed away from the clearnet
01:57.30gnarfaceSuicideJunkie: it has for me before, when it has failed halfway through for wahtever reason
01:57.41Xenguygo for 64-bit, if you can, filip
01:58.14filipoh ok so its amd64.dvd-1.iso
01:58.52Xenguyprepares an awesome grilled cheese sandwich... Will pop in and out ...
01:59.03filipim quite worried about this google dns thing oh my god. why it takes so much effort to not be controlled while using internet nowadays :/
01:59.24darkworldbecause the government wants to know everything about you
01:59.24gnarfaceheh, don't get me started...
01:59.39darkworldand so do thousands of multinationals
01:59.40filipi think its not just government but big companies like google
01:59.56darkworldthey work together of course
02:00.07filipgovernment is like government but companies like google drive me insane
02:00.09filipand youtube
02:00.25filipi wanna escape from it
02:00.42darkworldsome people like companies and hate government, other people like government and hate companies. I hate companies and governmetn
02:01.33filipbut not sure if i install devuan ill be able to get off google thing because im not really an it person but its like if devuan uses google dns it means that ill still use their services even on devuan, right?
02:01.58gnarfacethe way the internet was designed, everyone was supposed to be running local email, dns, file sharing, etc.  nothing was supposed to be centralized like it is.  the problem comes down to two things 1) companies willing to lie 2) idiots willing to believe them
02:02.23*** join/#devuan darkworld_ (~darkworld@2600:8807:8000:e700:230:f1ff:fe1c:693f)
02:02.34filipyeah i wanna run my local e-mail, some guy told me about writing local e-mail and messanger under using java
02:02.38SuicideJunkieOk!  So, the leading problem was that I was blind, and I couldn't see the break.
02:02.44*** join/#devuan Humpelstilzchen (
02:02.46gnarfacefilip: it's a very easy thing to change the DNS servers in use, however you really only have the choice between setting up your own or using your ISP's, or using some random 3rd party one like google's...
02:03.26filipoh okay so when i change my OS into devuan that has default DNS server google i am able to change it for different one without any problems
02:03.53filipokay then
02:03.59gnarfaceno problem
02:04.13filipsorry im really trying to escape from corporates
02:04.35gnarfacecompletely understandable
02:04.51SuicideJunkieFunfun.  Somebody has undeclared constants in here, but progress is being made :)  Thanks!
02:05.25gnarfaceglad to help
02:05.44gnarfacei may wander off without warning, but i do read my scrollback
02:05.56SuicideJunkieSometimes it just requires a fresh eye/brain
02:05.58filipi just wonder if installing devuan is like installing arch linux u need commands
02:06.35filipso if im gonna boot my laptop tommorow with devuan dvd then ill be able to delete fedora and then it will install devuan on my hdd, right??
02:06.49darkworldinstalling devuan is straightforward
02:06.55filipokay, great then...
02:06.55darkworldand for the love of god dont use arch linux
02:07.00filipoh damn ;D
02:07.03SuicideJunkieGo through the graphical installer, and click stuff like US keyboard and local mirror.  Next next next done.
02:07.05filipwell i can't even install it ;D
02:07.09*** join/#devuan guru (
02:07.12gnarfacefilip: there is a devuan live image you can test with so you can try it out without reinstalling first...
02:07.32filipyeah the iso is just downloading. okay nice... well, im excited
02:07.47filipbut i have to buy new dvd so ill do the installation tommorow cuz its late now...
02:07.57SuicideJunkieGot a USB stick?
02:08.03filipyeah i do actually 8gb
02:08.16SuicideJunkieJust make that a boot stick instead of burning disks?
02:08.32SuicideJunkiedd the iso onto the stick and done.
02:08.47filipwell could do but i prefer to burn it on dvd and then save it to the box as devuan installation
02:08.52gnarfacehmmm.  the live image and the netinstalls work from USB.  i don't know for sure that the DVD and CD images do as well, but i think they might...
02:09.02filipokay ill just try both then :D
02:09.07filipi gues
02:09.14SuicideJunkieI keep the ISOs, and put whatever on the stick on demand.
02:09.23*** part/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
02:09.33filipor just usb anyways, thanks for information, hopefully ill be here from devuan tommorow
02:10.20filipand anyways why arch linux is bad in your opinion??
02:10.36SuicideJunkieJust remember to set the block size up in dd so it goes fast.
02:10.50filipwell ok ;D
02:12.14darkworldbleeding edge philosophy is horrible
02:12.16filipactually i might try to do it now
02:12.25darkworldit makes your system a constant maintainence project
02:12.28SuicideJunkieI accidentally started copying a 3tb drive with the default 512 bytes at a time, and then gave up on it 36 hours later
02:12.49XenguySo what's an optimum example
02:13.45darkworldyou have to update often, each update can break something, if you go too long without updating you can break a lot of things, and pacman is the worst package manager of all time
02:13.46SuicideJunkieNot sure, probably related to device stats and memory, but at least many megs per chunk works much better.
02:13.54filipyeah i get it with bleeding edge thing you know, sometimes i use a software and then it updates and i was like what was wrong with it that it needed update lol
02:14.26gnarfaceXenguy: some newer drives are faster at 4k
02:14.30Xenguydarkworld: they do have an awesome wiki however
02:14.53darkworldand a horrible community
02:14.56XenguyOK, thanks gnarface darkworld
02:15.02SuicideJunkieI don't understand why it is so hard for developers to just not screw with things that are fine.
02:15.02darkworldcomprised entirely of 4chan users
02:15.19Xenguydarkworld: Oh, I had no idea
02:15.27gnarfaceSuicideJunkie: it's easy to figure out once you realize who is selling something
02:15.43darkworldhilriously, 4chan's distro CloverOS is actually a decent system, who would have thought
02:15.44gnarfaceRedHat is selling a service.  obviously they have to break everything first for it to be relevant...
02:16.08darkworldits just precomipled gentoo
02:16.18filipi wonder if i used to burn ubuntu iso few years ago on this pendrive itll not have any problems with booting devuan
02:16.55filipi mean if i did burn ubuntu iso on this pendrive
02:16.56Xenguydd ?
02:17.01filipif that would boot devuan
02:17.09darkworldunetbootin didnt work for me use dd
02:17.15filipwhats dd?
02:17.16XenguyIf you dd a new image, it will be new
02:17.45Xenguyfilip: dd is an image copying/cloning command-line utility
02:18.09Xenguyas in, filesystem image
02:18.32SuicideJunkieIts a bit shovel basically :)  Dump this to there.
02:18.33XenguyYou can use dd to copy ISO's and such
02:18.46filipdd if=/path/to/your/isofile of=/your/usb/disk
02:18.48targzHi, why not Package mate-power-manager-common bet yes package mate-power-manager-common in ASCII?
02:18.49filipis that right command?
02:19.10targzsorry, not mate-power-manager bet yes mate-power-manager-common
02:19.13SuicideJunkieAnd vice versa to make a .iso if you like.
02:19.33Xenguyfilip: pretty much
02:19.44XenguyBut be careful, cos dd is unforgiving
02:19.47SuicideJunkieadd in bs=32M for decent sized chunks
02:20.14SuicideJunkieI always do an ls /dev, then plug in the USB stick, then ls /dev again
02:20.27SuicideJunkieThat way I know for sure which is the USB stick and I don't stomp my HDD.
02:20.35filipgoddamnit i may just get dvd tommorow and burn it onto it
02:20.39filipit will be easier
02:20.46filipim tired anyways its 3:20am
02:20.58gnarfacewriting to USB is gonna be slow no matter what you do
02:21.03SuicideJunkieAvoid operating heavy commands while tired, yes.
02:21.10filipyeah definitely ;D
02:21.30filipwell okay, see you later then and have a nice day
02:21.49SuicideJunkieBack in the day I once copied over my project backup with a very carefully written command at 3am
02:21.59gnarfacetargz: someone may have built it
02:22.18SuicideJunkieHit enter, then immediately stabbed the eject button on the floppy but it was too late.
02:23.09SuicideJunkieI had two backups, and could have set the write protect tab.  Learning through pain.
02:23.18fsmithredtargz, what package are you looking for?
02:23.34Xenguyremembers a 'rm -rf' story from yesteryear...
02:24.11targzfsmithred: mate-power-manager
02:24.18gnarfaceoh, i see now it's banned
02:24.26gnarfacefor hard systemd dependency :-/
02:24.40fsmithredit's in ascii and jessie
02:25.06gnarfacefsmithred: mate-power-manager-common != mate-power-manager
02:25.19targzyes, systemd is evil! :(
02:25.33fsmithredapt-cache policy mate-power-manager
02:25.50fsmithred1.16.2-1+deb9u1 0
02:26.25fsmithrednow I notice that it's only in auto.mirror, and we know there have been some problems with ascii in that repo
02:27.08golinuxYes, change to
02:27.08fsmithredtargz, I know some people using mate who use xfce-power-manager
02:27.36fsmithredI'm the only one seeing it
02:27.37golinuxtargz: For your reading pleasure:
02:29.57targzfsmithred, golinux: Thanks, I see you use xfce-power-manager, but it is not the same thing
02:30.20gnarfacesomeone made a custom build of mate for devuan though, didn't they?
02:30.31fsmithredyeah, antofox
02:30.36gnarfacesomething not in the repos officially? i thought i heard it was working for some people
02:30.37golinuxat hezeh
02:30.47gnarfaceis this about it?
02:31.14gnarfaceit's just got one reply saying it didn't work for that guy, but i was sure people in this channel had reported it working
02:31.46golinuxHe maintains MATE for Devuan.  It's also in the git repos.
02:34.12targzThanks again, maybe I try :)
02:36.20gnarfacei once again do not endorse the use of 3rd party software with Devuan (despite being guilty of it myself) but if you really really need it, that seems to be your best bet right now
02:38.27targzFirst I'll try with xfce, it might be enough. Thanks for your help
02:41.03SuicideJunkieOh, that reminds me...  there is a panel applet for application searching, right?
02:53.12gnarfacetargz: no problem, good luck
02:53.32gnarfaceSuicideJunkie: it's the same one from Ubuntu; synaptic
02:53.58gnarface(not to be confused with "synaptics" the touchpad driver)
02:54.15SuicideJunkieNot the package manager, but like typing in "spreadsheet" and getting OO Calc
02:54.46gnarfaceoh, uh.  i don't know synaptic so i don't know if it has a string search.  i use apt-get for that.  it supports regexp
02:54.54gnarfaceit's hardly a panel applet
02:54.56SuicideJunkieAnd for things you've already installed
02:55.12gnarface`dpkg -l`
02:55.39gnarface(it doesn't support regexp, but you can pipe the output to grep, which does)
02:55.41SuicideJunkieWhere you click the result and it runs.
02:56.00gnarfacehmm.  sounds more like a file manager.  nautilus?
02:56.53SuicideJunkieSomewhere between an application launch bar and Menu, but with a search field for name or description.
02:57.11gnarfacehmm.  never seen all that in one place, unless you count emacs
02:57.22XenguyIf you like ncurses, then 'ranger'
02:57.39gnarfacei tend to do things the old fashioned way here still, so i don't know what all is available graphically
02:58.07XenguyBut if not, then Caja seems to be the newest GUI thing
02:58.28Xenguyer, default GUI thang
02:58.49Xenguysorry, that's in the MATE environment
02:58.57gnarfaceyea, i've never heard of either of those.  nautilus and midnight commander were the last two file managers i really looked into
02:59.26SuicideJunkieMy old netbook has one, I guess I'll take a screenshot when I get it tomorrow.
02:59.50Xenguygnarface: If you like 'mc', which I did also, then you might be interested in 'ranger', esp. if you like vi-related hotkeys
03:00.06XenguyIt's got this 3-column concept
03:00.06SuicideJunkieNothing to do with file managers or installing.
03:00.43XenguyAnd also very good previewing of file content was the best from DOS :)
03:01.18gnarfacehmmm.  it reminds me, e17 has this thing called "run everything" that kinda behaves like you describe with the text search of installed programs that you can then click to launch, SuicideJunkie
03:01.23vvandenobody seems to have rewritten those old utils
03:01.50Xenguyvvande: What did dm do?
03:01.50gnarfacei don't know if "run everything" is part of e17 or something you can use elsewhere though
03:02.11SuicideJunkiegnarface: that sounds more like it.  It was a baked-in default on an old version of Kubuntu...
03:02.19gnarfaceit also sorts by most recently used programs
03:02.20vvandeit just displayed the directory and you highlight a file to see it or some other action
03:02.32vvande8K assembler
03:02.48vvandemuch faster and cleaner than mc
03:02.53SuicideJunkieBasically, it would be super duper handy for Dad and Bro, since they're not familiar with the names of stuff.
03:03.07SuicideJunkieAnd even I have brainfarts too often :)
03:03.36Xenguyvvande: IIUC, sounds like ranger's behavior (when prerequisite programs/dependencies are installed
03:03.53vvandeyeah, dm will show any file, but as binary
03:04.05vvandenot any conversions or apps involved
03:04.30vvandeit's a different way of working - quite obsolete to anybody I've met since
03:04.37vvandeI still use DOS a lot.
03:04.41XenguyI like the ability to 'view' the file content before 'clicking' on it
03:05.00vvandeeven if it's just a binary view
03:05.07XenguySo 'discoverability' FTW
03:06.06XenguyWow, that was an epic grilled cheese (GC)
03:06.29XenguyApologies, talking about food in the channel :P
03:06.42XenguyEGC :)
03:06.43vvandeeverything is for thought here
03:07.19vvandeApologies here too, I just randomly looked in here and jumped in. :)
03:07.34vvande(I'm always lurking though)
03:07.50XenguyNot at all, please do...
03:08.10XenguyI remember when IRC traffic would just stream by, endlessly
03:08.19vvandeit does in some channels
03:08.28vvandeI"m on maybe 30 now.
03:08.30XenguyGood to hear
03:08.35vvandeonly a few are busy though
03:08.51XenguyYeah, heh, just subscribe to more channels, and there ya go
03:09.26XenguyThese days I feel like it's just some collection of geniuses left on IRC
03:09.34vvandenot a lot of good ones it seems
03:09.51XenguyLike only the smart folks actually stuck with IRC
03:10.23vvandeI keep devuan firefox open just because they're handy places to ask about stuff that's often on my mind
03:10.24XenguyBut I'll always remain a friend of the IRC protocol
03:10.33vvandesmart? !!! ahaha
03:10.48vvandethere's more idiots than you can shake a stick at in some channels
03:11.00furrywolfamusingly, someone in another channel I'm in just said "frankly, the irc community is a fucking cesspool, so i understand building an entire server/client system just to get away from it"
03:11.05XenguyFair point vvande
03:11.10vvandeeither rude or stupid - actually there's some other significant categories
03:11.19furrywolfat the exact same time people here are talking about how great irc people are.
03:11.28XenguyBut there are some very knowledgeable people on some of these channels
03:11.34vvandeyeah "cesspool" is accurate :)
03:11.44Xenguywell now
03:11.45vvandevery knowledgeable, yes
03:12.29XenguyThese are just my observations; no claim to truth of course
03:15.17furrywolfalso amusingly, I'm repeatedly being called an idiot in that channel.  :)
03:16.02vvandeI also hang with a bunch of mosty very young people on another server. Lots of people from  Western Europe and particularly India.
03:16.13vvandethey call me grandpa lol
03:16.29furrywolfheh, I'd be a grandwolfy too.
03:16.37furrywolfI mean, I've been on irc since the mid '90s...
03:17.00vvandeI was a bit late to IRC, but was online before the internet.
03:17.04vvandeI'm 70.
03:17.26furrywolfbefore that I had my own bbs.  TWO 2400 baud modems.  :P
03:17.35furrywolfand all anyone ever did on it was play tw2000.  sigh...
03:18.11vvandevery cool
03:18.22vvandeyeah, loved that period
03:18.37golinuxIt there a devuan question some where here?
03:18.42*** join/#devuan attos1 (
03:18.42vvandetried a couple of years ago to set up a dialup bbs with VoIP, but couldn't get it work well enough
03:19.01furrywolfwould be a BOFH and randomly edit the warp database, so people would find the universe functioned differently...
03:19.10vvandegolinux, nope - we're watching carefully for one though :)
03:19.23furrywolfdialup over voip sounds...  pointless, somehow.  :)
03:19.28golinuxPlease move to #debianfork. (I actually thought that's where this was OT was happening)
03:19.37vvandeI have a thing for 2400 - and have a collection of internal ones
03:19.46furrywolfif you just want to run a BBS for old times' sake, there's telnet bbses now.
03:19.57vvandegolinux, will do :)
03:20.22golinuxvvande: Thanks.
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05:23.06DocScrutinizer05of topic but funny:
05:23.53DocScrutinizer05well, maybe less funny for tjose who thought protonmail was a particularly bright idea
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11:05.13xrogaanhow do I configure power management with mate?
11:06.08xrogaanyou know, the delay after which the monitor get into standby
11:10.20sixwheeledbeast^System > Prefs > Hardware > Power Mgmt?
11:22.07xrogaanyeah, I don't have that. Which is weird because I remember something like that.
11:30.13xrogaanmmh, maybe that was with xfce.
11:31.24xrogaanyeah, it is.
11:31.54xrogaanmate has no tool to handle dpms
11:34.26*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
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11:52.26*** join/#devuan filip (521ea98b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:52.46filipi installed devuan today and im so far happy with it however i wonder if firefox is safe browser to use??
11:55.27xrogaanwhy not?
11:57.16filiplibrejs as well
11:57.23xrogaanif you want to search for alternatives: aptitude search '?tag(web::browser)'
11:57.38filipand spyblock as well
11:57.44filipbut some services dont work that use javascript
11:57.57filipfor example i wasnt able to access this freenode irc from it
11:58.17xrogaaniceweasel is a dummy package, it's basically firefox but without the name because debian didn't like registered trademarks.
11:59.16KatolaZxrogaan: that's not true
11:59.25filipwhat about waterfox then??
11:59.31KatolaZfirefox was renamed to iceweasel because of firefox' license
11:59.47KatolaZwhich in practice does not allow to redistribute it in rebuilt form
12:00.03KatolaZI guess they changed that recently
12:00.27filipbecause i think firefox still may spy on my activity and send data to google
12:00.53xrogaanyou can try konqueror, or links2
12:00.59xrogaanbut you'll have a hard time.
12:01.24xrogaanIIRC waterfox is basically firefox forked by one man.
12:02.04xrogaanmost of what is happening with the project are backports from firefox.
12:02.21xrogaanAnyhow, if your paranoid you could try the tor browser.
12:02.31xrogaan(but hey, it's firefox too!)
12:02.43xrogaanso, you don't really have a lot of choices.
12:02.59filipim not sure just trying to be secure while browsing net not sure if im secure using firefox
12:05.13xrogaanthe main issue isn't firefox. The main issue are all the third party javascript piece of crap that gets loaded when you go on a webpage.
12:05.43filipanother thing is i tried to download hexchat packages from synaptic packages manager and it required dvd with devuan iso so i was like whaat i installed the os via USB
12:06.00filipoh yeah i get you so it looks like im not able to use this irc without js
12:06.31xrogaanyou'll have to manage your source.list then.
12:07.06filipokay another thing is do you know any nice and safe e-mail service that uses imap and pop3 for free??
12:08.34*** join/#devuan hightower3 (
12:10.28filiphow do i change source.list??
12:10.57xrogaansudo vim /etc/apt/source.list
12:11.10xrogaanlook into /etc/apt/source.list.d/ too
12:11.26xrogaanor use synaptic
12:12.20filipoh damn i dont remember password for terminal lol
12:12.42xrogaansudo is your password, if your user account is a sudoer
12:12.53xrogaanotherwise, you need to be root
12:13.04filipyeah sudo password for filip i forgot that damn
12:13.27filipill get there its a combination that i know...
12:14.40filipfilip is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.
12:17.21xrogaanso use `su' then
12:17.32xrogaanwith root's password
12:17.34filip#deb ascii main #deb-src ascii main i have that under etc/source.lust.d
12:18.40filipokay so i typed su vim /etc/apt/source.list and that appeared No passwd entry for user 'vim'
12:19.34filipokay got it: deb cdrom:[devuan_ascii_2.0.0_amd64_dvd-1]/ ascii main non-free
12:21.45xrogaanit's funny how privacy badger actively prevents privacy tools put forward by big corpo.
12:23.49xrogaanthere is something called, forbes uses that website to set privacy things into my browser. But privacy badger blocks that because it installs cookies.
12:27.38filipokay im trying to edit source.list but it says permission denied when i wanna save it i guess its because not being run under root but i dont know how to run it under root
12:28.12filipit says its read only
12:31.50filipomg i feel like i should reinstall
12:31.57fsmithredfilip, you have to be root first, then start the editor. Do you know how to use vim?
12:32.57xrogaanyou can use nano if you prefer
12:33.57filipsomebody said on internet that i may have set same username that i set for root....
12:34.23filipnah i dont sorry, im newbie who is escaping from systemd distros and windows...
12:34.28xrogaanor gksu xdg-open /etc/apt/source.list
12:34.41xrogaanno, root username is root
12:34.52xrogaanroot is the super admin.
12:35.45filipNo protocol specified  (mousepad:13110): Mousepad-ERROR **: Cannot open display
12:35.52filipmaybe ill try different software
12:36.05fsmithredfilip, run su in terminal
12:36.09fsmithredthen give root password
12:36.16fsmithredthen nano /etc/apt/sources.list
12:36.45filipyeah i got it
12:37.01filipand now i wanna edit it
12:37.05fsmithredarrow keys to navigate, ctrl-x to save and exit
12:38.23xrogaanhuh, gksu doesn't work anymore?
12:38.38fsmithredit's worked for me when I've tried it
12:39.51filipokay i changed it!! thanks!! gotta write down this command now for future, thanks!! its easy stuff!! :D:D
12:39.58filipnow gonna see if i can download hexchat
12:40.10fsmithredlol, yes, easy once you know the secret words
12:40.27xrogaanI had to specifically allow root through `xhost si:localuser:root'
12:40.31fsmithredwhy download packages instead of just installing?
12:41.01xrogaanfsmithred: he said apt asked for a DVD earlier.
12:41.11filipi dont really know just trying something different i guess, but i downloaded packages and still cant see program
12:41.16filipyeah the problem is solved now :)
12:41.26fsmithredyou commented out the cdrom line?
12:41.30filipjust had to put # before the dvd directory source
12:41.31filipyeah :D
12:41.38fsmithredapt-get update
12:41.43fsmithredapt-get install hexchat
12:42.53xrogaanapt-get dist-upgrade first
12:43.01fsmithredoh, maybe
12:43.25fsmithredI don't know what came before (how the system was installed.)
12:43.48filipwell okay i typed apt-get install hexchat before dist-upgrade now it installed hexchat but when i typed apt-get dist-upgrade it says that 0 has been installed downloaded and updated
12:44.09filipbut anyways i have hexchat now so thank you very much its all so interesting, gotta all write it down soon
12:44.16fsmithredsounds like you're already up to date.
12:44.24filipprobably :) thanks again
12:44.36filipokay lets get there on hexchat then
12:45.41*** join/#devuan filip_ (
12:45.56filip_okay everything works like a charm :)
12:46.27filip_thank you very much i have another question is there something like app manager similar to ones on mint or fedora?? u know software center??
12:46.40MinceRsynaptic? :>
12:47.57fsmithredxrogaan, I just tried 'gksu xdg-open blah' and I get an error message, but gksu mousepad works
12:48.23filip_yeah there is synaptic well yeah im just used to ubuntu/fedora/mint distros where u have software managers to download shit
12:48.35filip_anyways i wanna change my desktop environment for a nicer one
12:48.49fsmithredyou have xfce now?
12:49.15filip_yeah i think i use the xfce one yeah
12:49.50fsmithredwhich one do you want?
12:51.14filip_im not sure actually ill do some research first
12:52.39filip_but devuan runs the same desktops that debian would, yeah?
12:54.51filip_which desktop environment do you use??
12:55.02fsmithredprobably not gnome, but I've heard rumors of people running it
12:55.03fsmithredmate, lxde, lxqt, cinnamon and kde are available
12:55.06fsmithredon this machine, I'm using xfce
12:55.14fsmithredon another, I use openbox (just a window manager)
12:55.28filip_i quite like xfce maybe ill just try to modify it a bit
12:55.34filip_in settings
12:55.47fsmithredyeah, play with it for awhile
12:55.56fsmithredit runs a lot faster than gnome or kde
12:56.17filip_yeah i noticed it works like a charm
12:56.51fsmithredI need food. Back in a few minutes
12:56.53filip_anyway im in love with devuan
13:01.42*** join/#devuan fsmithred (~fsmithred@devuan/developer/fsmithred)
13:07.07filip_is there more than change length of the panel and add icons to modify???
13:08.29*** join/#devuan _0bitcount (~Big_Byte@
13:10.31xrogaanthat's a xfce question
13:10.34filip_nevermind sorry that was unclear question
13:12.49*** join/#devuan xes_ (~xes@unaffiliated/xes)
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13:33.16_stephen_ascii is great, wish I had upgraded sooner
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13:45.37filip_what e-mail provider do u use?
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15:47.23filipheya im trying to install plasma kde on my deuvan
15:49.42AlexLikeRockxset -dpms
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15:57.20*** join/#devuan aggrora (~aggrora@2a04:ae08:1409:6f00:224:d7ff:febb:610c)
15:58.17AlexLikeRocki not found  "/proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/"
15:58.23AlexLikeRockalternative ?
16:01.28*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
16:07.52_stephen_like /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0 ?
16:08.09*** join/#devuan hightower2 (
16:09.24AlexLikeRocklet me see
16:10.02*** join/#devuan Levure (~quassel@
16:10.28filipwhy all my files from ftp.deuvan download so slowly, is is my fault or fpts
16:11.23AlexLikeRock_stephen_,   teah  , tanks
16:11.42AlexLikeRockfilip,   , try torrent !
16:12.43filipno its not iso its files from deuvan servel i download on terminal
16:12.53filipbut ill have look on my network speed i guess
16:13.19filipi usually get 6mb/s download speed but for some reason it shows 160kb/s maybe its temporary issue
16:13.20AlexLikeRockyou have  more thatn 6 mirrors
16:13.40filipyeah ill have a look later, i love deuvan because i spend so much time just to configure this system properly
16:13.59filipi got it today and its great, now installing kde-plasma desktop
16:14.00KatolaZfilip: which mirror are you using?
16:14.35AlexLikeRock"Country-code repositories"
16:14.39*** part/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock) ascii main non-free contrib
16:14.56filipand ascii-security
16:15.00KatolaZso it' snot country-code :)
16:15.13KatolaZit should be normally quite fast
16:15.18*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
16:15.18filipyeah its probably internet
16:15.24KatolaZall the mirrors have a lot of BW
16:15.24filipokay i downloaded plasma-kde gonna see if it works brb
16:17.01*** join/#devuan filip (
16:17.05filipokay :D
16:19.21filiphmm this plasma kde didnt change much
16:19.25filipi had xfce before
16:19.45*** join/#devuan bill-auger (
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16:44.10filipi donwnloaded kde plasma and it looks brilliant i use maia transparent theme its so amazing looks 50000 better than windows 10
16:44.20filipim surprised how people can pay for this windows 10 shit
16:46.38*** join/#devuan Dantalio- (
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16:48.08aggrorafilip: 50 000 is quite the jump :) But I agree, win10 is very flat and unnecessary dark
16:49.41filipyeah this plasma kde maia transparent is something that looks like desktop from a futuristic movie or a dream
16:49.56filipwould never imagine that having desktop like that is possible if i didnt get into linux :O
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17:04.17filipare things like cairodock safe??
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19:57.15_stephen_Anybody play with snaps under devuan?
19:58.36muep_I have checked that at least flatpaks seem to work quite ok
20:00.21*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
20:00.59golinuxWhy would anyone want to pollute Devuan with that s**t.
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20:01.57muep_maybe to install something in a different version than what devuan ships
20:02.50_stephen_I'm using ubuntu vms right now to develop ubuntu compatible software, I was considering using snaps insteads of ubuntu vms.
20:02.59_stephen_I guess I could get the same from docker, but I was hoping for less overhead.
20:03.22muep_I'm quite sure that you will not get less overhead with snaps
20:03.28_stephen_The vms work fine, it's just that I duplicate a lot of my settings from devuan into the ubuntu vms.
20:04.09muep_less than docker, I mean. but of course snap will be less of an overhead than VMs
20:04.21_stephen_I do not enjoy docker.
20:04.35_stephen_The vms are less flaky than docker.
20:04.41*** join/#devuan _0bitcount (~Big_Byte@
20:05.35_stephen_I just didn't want to pollute my devuan install with any of the snap stuff it if wasn't really going to work out.
20:05.45muep_I haven't found docker flaky but it is "special" in some ways. I do not really enjoy it either
20:06.41_stephen_I have volumes persisting between reloading containers -- possibly because stuff doesn't always unmount cleanly -- and ports that arbitrarily stop getting forwarded for services that have been frequently restarted.
20:06.55_stephen_It's generally an unpleasant experience.
20:07.12_stephen_Oh, I should mention, those docker problems are all on the target ubuntu systems, not devuan.
20:08.30muep_the set of problems also depends at least on what combination of (docker, kernel) version you are using
20:09.19muep_I tend to prefer using the version shipped by the distribution if it seems like a maintained packaging, instead of getting it from upstream repos
20:10.00_stephen_That's a sound strategy, but not always an option, depending on where the stuff needs to be installed.
20:10.27_stephen_Maybe I'll set up a devuan vm, play with snaps there, and if it looks okayish, then I'll put it on my regular system.
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22:30.50barnyardwhy is sdl2 gone from the repositiories
22:31.03barnyardthere seems to be a lot of packages missing
22:31.08barnyardfrom the normal repos
22:31.11KatolaZBesnik_b: ?
22:31.19KatolaZbarnyard: what are you talking about?
22:31.25KatolaZdefine "normal"
22:31.26barnyardfor example
22:31.33barnyardwhen I try to install irssi
22:31.46barnyardI get  Depends: libval14  but it is not installable
22:32.01KatolaZbarnyard: which repos are you using?
22:32.05KatolaZare you mixing repos?
22:32.10muep_I guess you did run apt update (or equivalent) already?
22:32.55KatolaZbarnyard: irssi installs just fine on ascii
22:32.59KatolaZand on jessie
22:33.21barnyardyeah I have jessie
22:33.34KatolaZare you sure you don't have non-devuan repos?
22:33.37barnyardI'm only using the stardard repos
22:33.49KatolaZapt-cache policy irssi
22:34.02KatolaZapt-cache policy libval14
22:34.16barnyardwhat do those do
22:34.36KatolaZblows your computer off...
22:35.00KatolaZgotta go sorry
22:36.43barnyardand the latest kenerl I can get is 3.5?
22:36.51barnyardthere has to be a mistake
22:37.32barnyardare there more packages on ascii?
22:37.44barnyardbecause if so how can I update from jessie to ascii?
22:42.22*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
22:49.19golinuxHold on a day or so an there will be plenty of documentation to guide you.
22:49.39barnyardso ascii hasn't been released yet?
22:50.51barnyardalso I have no make
22:50.59barnyardbuild-essentials doesn't exist
22:55.38golinuxYour sources must be mixed up
22:57.15golinuxThis is what you should have for ascii:
22:57.21golinuxdeb ascii          main
22:57.22golinuxdeb ascii-updates  main
22:57.22golinuxdeb ascii-security main
22:57.43barnyardseems like it
22:57.47barnyardI have jesse
22:57.58barnyardthe ones here
22:58.03barnyardare good, right?
22:59.42barnyardyeah, seems to be working great now is a round robin of maybe a dozen mirrors.
23:00.13barnyardshould I switch ascii anytime soon?
23:00.25golinuxThat's up to you.
23:00.42golinuxand what your needs are.
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