IRC log for #devuan on 20180602

00:19.07*** join/#devuan infobot (
00:19.07*** topic/#devuan is Latest (2018-05-10): ASCII 2.0.0 release candidate is out! || Stable (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release || This is the Devuan discussion channel | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | Devuan Forum: | Chanlogs:
00:19.07*** mode/#devuan [+v infobot] by ChanServ
00:19.34*** join/#devuan Tom_- (
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00:37.12DocScrutinizer05((<KatolaZ> you must decide what you put in your sources.list, and nobody else)) ohmy you need to improve your help skills
00:37.56DocScrutinizer05((<KatolaZ> xrogaan: I already answered that question)) no you didn't
00:48.25*** join/#devuan theLambda (
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02:18.05DocScrutinizer05xrogaan: I have no real clue but I'd prolly add the needed debian repo to sources.list (or even replace the devuan sources.list by the debian one temporarily), then apt-get update, apt-get install <x11 debug package>, and then immediately revert all edits I did to souces.list and run apt-get update again
02:19.35xrogaanthe debug symbols aren't something threatening to the integrity of the system. What might be bad is if the symbols don't match the binary, in which case I won't be able to debug
02:20.18DocScrutinizer05what's the point in this obvious statement?
02:20.30xrogaanI intend to remove the thing once I'm done with it.
02:20.51xrogaanI wouldn't replace my source.list with pure debian though :)
02:21.11DocScrutinizer05you didn't understand how stuff works, did you?
02:21.17infobotnextime gave an excellent explanation how amprolla works, at, or
02:21.47xrogaansame packages but installed differently?
02:22.13DocScrutinizer05you change sources.list *temporarily* to allow installation of one single debian package not avaulable under amprolla merged
02:22.41djphweird that amprolla doesn't just 'fallthru' to debian proper
02:22.50DocScrutinizer05then as I clearly stated you immediately revert all changes to your sources.list
02:23.02DocScrutinizer05djph: it does?
02:23.19xrogaanDocScrutinizer05: Yeah, that requires me remembering things. I wouldn't trust myself :)
02:26.18DocScrutinizer05when you can't remember that you did a "mv sources.list souces.list.ORIG" a 15min ago and you need to "mv sources.list.ORIG souces.list" after you're done instaling your package, then you actually have a much bigger problem that one software package missing
02:30.01DocScrutinizer05in maemo you could have used a script I made, for exactly similar issue related to maemo-extras vs maemo-extras-devel repo,  -- however you still need to remeber to actually run the right commands
02:54.25DocScrutinizer05xrogaan: there's only one simple rule: NEVER do an apt-get upgrade or install an arbitrary package as long as you run a modified sources.list. ONLY use modifications to sources.list TEMPORARILY to apt-get install <one-particular-package-not-available-otherwise>
03:00.50DocScrutinizer05djph: I think devuan lacks the one *new* debian repo that has debug packages - at least that's what I distilled from previous chat in here
03:01.37DocScrutinizer05djph: otherwise "fall through" is exactly how amprolla works
03:02.50djphah, that's teh piece i was missin' then
03:24.56*** join/#devuan Tom_- (
03:24.57DocScrutinizer05in a nutshell devuan repo has redirects to debian(!) repo packages, except for those packages that got forked in devuan to neuter systemd
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03:26.32DocScrutinizer05see the links !amprolla provided above
03:30.48DocScrutinizer05obviously when debian introduces a new repo (e.g. for debug packages) then amprolla needs to know about that and a equivalent new devuan repo needs to get created, to forward to the debian repo (except for those packages bla bla). This is what is missing here, so adding the original *new* debian repo to your sources list is a viable work around as long as you act careful and remove that repo from your sources.list as soon as you did
03:30.49DocScrutinizer05whatever you needed that new debian repo for, like installing a package with debug symbols
03:35.12DocScrutinizer05I *think* a possible alternative approach would be to simply download from debian repo and dpkg -i install the package you want
03:36.40DocScrutinizer05downside: no check for dependencies in dpkg -i
03:49.02DocScrutinizer05to check for pending doom in tweaking sources.list, you could do (assuming your system is correctly up-to-date via apt-get upgrade etc): tweak souces.list ("cp sources.list BACKUP" first!), then apt-get update; apt-get --simulate upgrade: ' this will list all packages that would get messed up if you do something silly while using the tweaked sources.list. Then revert to normal by "mv BACKUP sources.list" and "apt-get update"
04:07.39*** join/#devuan minnesotags (
04:18.44golinuxdjph: Amprolla does pretty m=much that.  IIRC amproplla uses redirects to pull from the Debian repos but with filters to ban any packages requiring systemd
04:21.25DocScrutinizer05that's what >>nextime gave an excellent explanation how amprolla works, at, or<< says, yes
04:21.55DocScrutinizer05ooh a new version :-)
04:23.36DocScrutinizer05!literal amprolla
04:23.36infobot"amprolla" is "<reply>nextime gave an excellent explanation how amprolla works, at, or"
04:23.50DocScrutinizer05!amprolla is also
04:23.50infobotokay, DocScrutinizer05
04:24.36infobotnextime gave an excellent explanation how amprolla works, at, or, or
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15:34.34erusimaHi. Does anyone know how to install devuan on headless system? Is it at least possible to boot it with sshd?
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18:52.16aglhen will be devuan-ascii-2.0.0 released? On the mirrors there is a directory devuan_ascii with the date 2018-Jun-1.
18:52.24aglBut there is nothing inside
18:52.43KatolaZagl: when it' ready
18:52.58phoggsooner if you help
18:53.26aglI help for the ARM-Version
18:53.40aglparazyd is my adress
18:53.55KatolaZyou can use the RC in the meanwhile
18:54.14aglyes i download it in this moment
18:55.41aglth virtual discs for virtualbox and qemu
19:02.01*** join/#devuan HumanG33k (~HumanG33k@
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19:33.03msiismKatolaZ: so, is the plan to have a new installer ready when releasing Beowulf? (just curious)
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20:03.10KatolaZmsiism: we are not releasing beowulf...
20:04.31fsmithrednot even for Christmas?
20:08.39KatolaZfsmithred: given that there are 365 days in a year, of which only 6 are after Christmas, there is a high probability that Beowulf's release data will be before Christmas
20:09.29msiismKatolaZ: i'm well aware that what is being released next is ASCII.
20:09.48KatolaZ(now, be careful I didn't specify the year, so I hope nobody goes on Dev1Galaxy saying that Beowulf will come next Christmas) :D
20:12.18golinuxCan we please just leave Christmas out of the equation.  It's such a downer.  How about solstice!
20:12.47golinuxAstronomical events are appropriate for Devuan
20:14.46msiismsometimes feels like Devuan is an astronomical event.
20:40.33*** join/#devuan freem (
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21:24.19aglHow can I switch on the grafical login (lightdm) when I installed xfce4?
21:29.59golinuxslim is the default for xfce4.  iiuc lightdm requires a different *kit combo that may or may not be compatible with Xfce.
21:31.25aglok! How can I switch on (slim or lightdm)? I can only start Xwindows with "startx".
21:34.24aglI want the windows for login of X-Windows?
21:35.02gnarfaceusually works automatically once you install one of them
21:35.26aglok .. I will try
21:35.43gnarfacelightdm, gdm, xdm, kdm?  there are a few, i don't know what they're all called.
21:36.38aglThanks :)
21:37.29golinuxagl: Are you on jessie or ascii
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21:37.42aglon ascii-rc
21:37.53aglthe virtual disc for quemu
21:39.55golinuxOK.  Don't know about that method but I do know that's a backend problem with polkit/consolekit.
21:47.16KatolaZgolinux: there is no backend problem if the desktop is installed via tasksel
21:47.31KatolaZ(or by a user who actually knows what to install by hand:))
21:51.09aglOK I have selected over tasksel the installation  of xfce4
22:13.58KatolaZagl: you should be fine then
22:17.38*** join/#devuan gattuso (~gattuso@
22:24.36aglKatolaZ: It works ... slim does also work ... Thank you!
22:32.21*** join/#devuan aitor (
22:36.32NewGnuGuyhello aitor
22:37.44KatolaZagl: good
22:39.21aitorKatolaz: late for you
22:45.17aitorrunit + vdev =  40 seconds boot time
22:46.22g4570nhi aitor
22:47.32g4570naitor #devuan-mx
22:53.46*** part/#devuan msiism (
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23:31.56aglgood bye ... I'am going to bed
23:44.44*** join/#devuan freemangordon (~ivo@

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