IRC log for #devuan on 20180601

00:00.42*** join/#devuan ca-on-adam (
00:00.45fsmithredxrogaan, darkpurpy is darker than the purpy theme in jessie
00:01.01xrogaanit's pretty white for me :(
00:01.24fsmithredon some monitors it does look gray
00:01.28xrogaanthe background colors in the windows
00:01.36fsmithredoh, yes
00:03.27xrogaansee, all white:
00:04.56fsmithredyou don't have the devuan background?
00:05.05fsmithredpurple with devuan swoosh
00:05.40Criggiexsetroot -solid DarkCyan
00:05.45Criggiewhat more do you need?
00:05.57CriggieIf you can see the background, you're not working hard enough
00:09.55gnarfacethe background is really big, is it possible his hardware can't load it?
00:10.46gnarfacexrogaan: does your video card have more than 2MB of ram?
00:10.48xrogaanthere should be an image as background?
00:10.55xrogaanyeah, 1GB
00:11.49fsmithredthe background comes with desktop-base. If you installed xfce from the installer iso, you should have it. If you installed xfce separately, then maybe not.
00:13.02xrogaanI just removed xfce
00:13.31xrogaan'cause it annoys me when I forget to hit "F1" at the DM to login on xfce.
00:13.42fsmithredoh yeah, that's mate, isn't it?
00:13.46xrogaanyes :)
00:14.42fsmithredeverything working ok?
00:19.30*** join/#devuan infobot (
00:19.30*** topic/#devuan is Latest (2018-05-10): ASCII 2.0.0 release candidate is out! || Stable (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release || This is the Devuan discussion channel | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | Devuan Forum: | Chanlogs:
00:19.30*** mode/#devuan [+v infobot] by ChanServ
00:19.40xrogaancompton is a bit weird
00:20.04fsmithredis that for the fancy desktop effects?
00:23.25xrogaanI don't think there are any.
00:25.03gnarfacecompositing is still partially to mostly broken for a lot of popular drivers
00:25.04xrogaanthere is a gui to configure compton, doesn't seem to work either.
00:25.26xrogaanI do get the term transparency and vsync though
00:25.34gnarfaceyou could try a different compositor, or just a different driver, but after years of struggle the only workable solution i found was to just turn it off.
00:26.01*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@unaffiliated/xenguy)
00:26.22gnarfacereally depressing, because it's eye-candy that could really be used to make Windows users jealous, but it can only be trusted to reliably do so for a few minutes at a time in controlled conditions
00:28.00gnarfacesome of the compositing bugs i've seen with the Nvidia drivers constitute fairly obvious security risks
00:28.28gnarface(swapping around window buffers and getting them confused so that it renders the wrong email's contents in a window, for example)
00:29.09gnarfaceyea, *really* bad
00:29.43xrogaanby default, compton starts with `compton --config /dev/null' when configured through MATE Tweak.
00:29.49xrogaanwhich seems a bit stupid?
00:29.56fsmithredI stopped using nvidia driver for something weird like that
00:30.20fsmithredafter reboot, last video watched appeared in mosaic form
00:30.40xrogaanthat's a buffer issue ain't it?
00:30.58xrogaanI had that when starting the Torment game.
00:30.59fsmithredI guess. I made it a non-issue. nouveau works well enough
00:31.04xrogaanBut only with that game.
00:31.25gnarfaceit's unclear how much of the problem is Nvidia's drivers and how much is the compositors.  they both point the blame at everyone else.
00:31.38xrogaanyeah, it's nvidia.
00:32.00fsmithredI keep compositing turned off
00:33.52*** join/#devuan targz (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
00:39.59xrogaanand since mate is at least as annoying as gnome when it comes to configuration files, I have no idea where to look to change how compton is launched.
00:50.11*** join/#devuan theLambda (
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01:02.08xrogaanooh, shutter is awesome.
01:35.44*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
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01:52.48*** join/#devuan ffurrywol (~furrywolf@
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02:15.10CriggieI've learned to not open links without some level of explanation.
02:17.37xrogaanthis is why infobot should do that for us: fetch the metadata and all that.
02:18.04xrogaanor just a title
02:20.35buZzi can bring my titlebot in here
02:21.01buZzi guess its ok, i'm op here
02:22.13*** join/#devuan Entitlement (~Entitleme@
02:22.20CriggieI'm also at work, and a sudden... rickroll... would be unappreciated.
02:22.22buZz^ the nickname is a pun
02:22.46buZzah, still warming up, Bot::Basic is one slow setup ;)
02:22.50EntitlementbuZz - [ N.W.A. - Straight Outta Compton - YouTube ]
02:22.50*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
02:22.57buZznwa \o/
02:23.09Criggiethanks - I can ignore that and know I'm not missing anything
02:23.37buZz:) good, hth
02:23.58CriggiebuZz: thanks dude - good work
02:24.13Criggieawwsw the bot doesn't do corrections
02:30.34DocScrutinizer05right, I blocked that
02:34.02buZzi can just postrender it mentally, works fine
02:35.59DocScrutinizer05on a general note, bots are not that much appreciated by some of the key people in here, and so they should mostly stay silent. A general URL -> title expansion is of questionable use since you're not supposed to spam URLs unsolicited without sufficient context anyway
02:36.27xrogaaninfo could be on-demand
02:36.59xrogaanpost an url with a .t preceding it. `.t'
02:37.02buZzhmhm, yeah this bot is true autosniff, some bots have trigger for it, maybe that would fly better here
02:37.08furrywolfimho, we don't need any kind of bot in here that doesn't serve some explicit purpose and that only talks when called upon to do that purpose.
02:37.10DocScrutinizer05nothing wrong about a "bot: title <URL>" command
02:37.21xrogaanAnd the bot will dutifully fetch the title.
02:37.26furrywolfwhat makes you think this channel needs this bot?
02:37.41buZzlol k k, removed it is ;)
02:38.24xrogaanwell, I don't want to load youtube or twitter. I'd rather have a bot fetch the info for me.
02:39.06furrywolfI find that youtube links lacking sufficient context to determine their usefulness, are never useful.
02:40.59buZzxrogaan: if you wanna build a trigger into it ;
02:41.07DocScrutinizer05spamming an unrelated YT URL just to say something is rather begging for a ban than any useful
02:42.24DocScrutinizer05and it doesn't matter if it's >><holla><< or >><holla> .t<<
02:43.22buZzoh yeah, dno, i'm not that hating on NWA , its a cool song and they stood up for user-liberties aswell, just in their own place and time
02:44.18DocScrutinizer05err that's a topic now?
02:44.39DocScrutinizer05I can't even make a meaningful context out of it
02:44.39buZzand seeing how it spurred the interaction of 5 people since, it does seem to be a crowd builder :P
02:44.58DocScrutinizer05no, that's trolling
02:45.07buZzoh ok
02:47.10DocScrutinizer05I don't think it's a viable approach to team building in arbitrary IRC chanels to spam a random YT URL and then starts the always same discussion if that's a good or bad thing to do and whether to expand the URL to title by a bot or not
02:48.53DocScrutinizer05if I missed an existing comtext this URL been posted in, then I beg your pardon
02:49.06buZzno, there was no context
02:49.30DocScrutinizer05so it was unsolicited and OT
02:49.43buZzall chat is unsollicitated
02:50.00buZzwe arent selling a product here :P
02:50.04DocScrutinizer05no, chat on devuan at large is highly solicited in here
02:51.29furrywolfchat on anything else will make golinux whack you with a newspaper.
02:51.45xrogaancompton is the 3D window thing
02:51.52buZzi'll delete a wallpaper!
02:53.48DocScrutinizer05xrogaan: ((I don't want to load youtube or twitter. I'd rather have a bot fetch the info for me.)) I bet you can find a plugin for your IRC client doing that for you
02:54.04DocScrutinizer05emphasis on >>for you<<
02:54.36xrogaangood point
03:06.10golinuxfurrywolf: LOL!
03:12.48DocScrutinizer05finally noticed the missing context: compton
03:13.33DocScrutinizer05so yes, with a title expansion it would even qualify as a witty reply in context
03:15.20DocScrutinizer05doesn't support general URL expansion though - OP could as well have provided the context in manually written remark to the URL
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04:33.28furrywolfbbl, wolfy bedtime
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13:32.55xrogaananybody knows where I can find the debug symbols for the Xorg server?
13:33.05xrogaanthere is no xserver-xorg-core-dbg
13:33.39KatolaZxrogaan: it comes from debian
13:33.45xrogaanI know
13:34.00KatolaZand since stretch dbg packages are separate from the main repo
13:34.26xrogaanI have dbg symbols package for the drivers, but not for the core server
13:35.00xrogaanDo I need ascii-debug or something?
13:35.26KatolaZdunno then
13:35.55xrogaanyeah, debian package thing do not show a dbg one for stretch at all.
13:36.07xrogaanone for jessie, one for sid, none for stretch.
13:36.56KatolaZyeah, I know they have been stripped from the main repo anyway
13:37.11KatolaZbut I don't remember where they put them
13:38.31xrogaandebian-debug with everything.
13:39.33xrogaanis there something similar for devuan?
13:40.14KatolaZxrogaan: devuan includes dbg symbols in the repo
13:40.21KatolaZ(for packages built by devuan)
13:40.47xrogaanI know, I specifically need xserver-xorg-core-dbg
13:40.59KatolaZxrogaan: it comes from debian
13:41.03KatolaZit's not forked by devuan
13:41.23KatolaZso you'll find the symbols in the debian-debug archive
13:42.46*** join/#devuan technoidX (
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13:44.01xrogaansorry, the link I posted do not refer to an archive per say but a separate repository called "debian-debug"
13:44.08xrogaanthat's what they called it.
13:44.17KatolaZyes xrogaan
13:44.21KatolaZjust use any debian mirror
13:44.24KatolaZin that section
13:44.30KatolaZyou'll find the dbg packages
13:45.02KatolaZ(I guess)
13:46.39gnarfaceE: Repository ' ceres InRelease' changed its 'Origin' value from '' to 'Devuan'
13:46.40gnarfaceN: This must be accepted explicitly before updates for this repository can be applied. See apt-secure(8) manpage for details.
13:49.05gnarfaceshould it be doing that?
13:49.17*** join/#devuan eliasr (uid27497@gateway/web/
13:51.10KatolaZgnarface: yes
13:51.17KatolaZwe added the missing Origin yesterdsy
13:51.27KatolaZplease see message on DNG
13:51.37KatolaZ(I guess it's mentioned on dev1galaxy as well)
13:51.51KatolaZthis solves several issues with lsb_release
13:52.12KatolaZgnarface: ^^^
13:54.54*** join/#devuan reetspetit (
13:57.21xrogaanso I have to add the debian debug repository then? Devuan does not mirror it?
13:59.22KatolaZxrogaan: nope
13:59.39KatolaZdevuan does not mirror it
13:59.50xrogaanascii is stretch, right?
13:59.52KatolaZand eve if it did, you'd anyway get the packages straight from debian...
13:59.57KatolaZascii is ascii
14:00.01KatolaZascii merges stretch
14:00.16xrogaanYou confuse me.
14:00.52KatolaZxrogaan: what is confusing?
14:01.04*** join/#devuan okf (
14:01.48xrogaanshould I add `deb stretch-debug main' in my apt.source to get the dbg symbols of xorg or not?
14:02.26KatolaZxrogaan: if you like
14:02.46xrogaanso stretch is for ascii?
14:02.50KatolaZthere is nothing that suggests that you "should"
14:03.07KatolaZDevuan ascii merges Debian Stretch
14:03.17KatolaZmeaning that it is based on the packages in Debian stretch
14:04.31xrogaanyou basically tell me "maybe yes, maybe not." :P
14:06.47KatolaZxrogaan: ?
14:07.04KatolaZyou must decide what you put in your sources.list, and nobody else
14:07.23KatolaZI don't see what is confusing in this point
14:07.26xrogaanThat's not the question here.
14:08.09xrogaanNor is the status of devuan and debian. I need debug symbol, are they available through devuan? If not, can I use the debian repository? What would you do?
14:08.22KatolaZxrogaan: I already answered that question
14:08.32KatolaZdevuan provides -dbg packages only for packages built by devuan
14:08.42KatolaZand they are  kept in the standard devuan repos
14:08.59xrogaanWhat about packages that are not built by devuan?
14:09.01KatolaZif you need other -dbg packages you should get them directly from debian
14:09.35KatolaZxrogaan: ^^^
14:10.07xrogaanwhat if the debian thing override dbg packages provided by devuan?
14:11.15xrogaanshouldn't happen I believe.
14:15.04KatolaZxrogaan: it might happen for packages that are forked by Devuan
14:15.08KatolaZyou might pin those
14:15.10*** join/#devuan igor80 (~igor80@
14:15.30KatolaZbut since those are just debug symbols, you should be safe
14:17.14igor80hi sorry to bother you with this but
14:17.23igor80it appears from time to time that
14:17.35igor80devuanised package got security updates
14:17.46igor80then there is a lag
14:18.16igor80solved and closed by KatolaZ
14:18.39igor80still opened
14:19.39igor80is devuan aware of this corner trouble
14:21.56KatolaZigor80: bugs should be filed to
14:22.09KatolaZit's easier to keep track of them
14:22.40KatolaZ(thanks for reporting though)
14:22.46KatolaZ(that might have slipped)
14:25.47igor80thanks and let be ascii out
14:28.02*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
14:29.28KatolaZigor80: hope so :)
14:44.58Juestois it known when the next openrc update will be pulled in?
14:45.24Juestoor rather, which version is it going to be updated to
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Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.