IRC log for #devuan on 20180524

00:20.44*** join/#devuan infobot (
00:20.44*** topic/#devuan is Latest (2018-05-10): ASCII 2.0.0 release candidate is out! || Stable (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release || This is the Devuan discussion channel | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | Devuan Forum: | Chanlogs: , search: or !logsearch
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07:37.27_abc_Hi. Has anyone had trouble with the current edition of refractainstaller in advanced mode with existing partitions? I would like to do an install on a partition without backing up the entire disk, any known problems?
07:37.41_abc_Other than the ext4 one discussed some days ago, which I will avoid?
07:44.27*** join/#devuan Fervi (~fervi@2a02:a317:e144:d900:baac:6fff:fe99:7804)
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10:39.53Chain|Qplaying with ASCII RC on my RPi3+
10:40.04Chain|Qran into this issue:
10:40.51Chain|Qalso, the firmware package itself seems to be ancient, from 2016...
10:42.12Chain|Q(i'm using the 64bit aarch64 version, just in case)
10:44.33KatolaZparazyd: ^^^^
10:47.47Chain|Qsigh... the latest sid package from debian fails the same way.
10:47.57Chain|Qeven if i create /boot/firmware by hand
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13:11.39*** join/#devuan _abc_ (~usre@unaffiliated/ccbbaa)
13:12.41_abc_Hello again. Re: refracta installer in devuan ascii live: It is my understanding that the installer copies the system from the live disk to the target installation destination. What happens if the live disk is in persistent boot mode and has a lot more things installed than the vanilla bare usb stick/iso boot? Are the extras copied in too or does refracta stick to the pre-programmed lists?
13:14.15_abc_Am trying to read up on this, information is a bit confusing.
13:17.06*** join/#devuan Tuor (~Tuor@unaffiliated/tuor)
13:18.12_abc_ this sounds like I should stick to the cli install version of refracta scripts? I am targeting i386 not 64 bits-
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13:21.05_abc_Mmh too early in N.Am. I think. 0930AM or so East coast
13:21.48DocScrutinizer05>>Are the extras copied in too<< aiui that's the whole point of this installer
13:24.15DocScrutinizer05somebody put it exatly this way, a few days ago here in this channel. Words to the effect of "I configure my system so everything is installed and works the way I like, then I install this very system from live to target"
13:27.52_abc_There's extra confusion caused by the refracta distribution
13:28.25_abc_DocScrutinizer05: okay, famous last words, heh. We'll try. I'll be back soon, cussing a bit, likely.
13:28.53_abc_I would like to not back up all partitions on the disk while I wedge ascii into a 19GB partition.
13:28.54DocScrutinizer05ask fsmithred
13:28.59_abc_It's painfully slow.
13:29.07_abc_Yeah, I'm waiting for him to chip in a bit.
13:29.16_abc_Gonna fill a washing machine while waiting.
14:08.50*** join/#devuan teknopaul (
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14:21.43msiismKatolaZ: if you don't use apt, what do you use instead?
14:23.01*** join/#devuan _abc_ (~usre@unaffiliated/ccbbaa)
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14:23.09_abc_So, people awake, rise and shine?
14:24.49KatolaZmsiism: apt-get
14:25.40KatolaZ(and the occasional dselect, but honestly not that much any more...)
14:26.31msiismKatolaZ: ok, how does that differ from "apt"?
14:26.39msiismisn't that apt?
14:26.39KatolaZdifferent defaults
14:26.47KatolaZapt is a separate tool
14:27.02KatolaZwhich can do the same as apt-get, apt-cache, apt-file
14:27.06msiismoh. didn't know that.
14:28.43msiismis that a package of it's own?
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14:33.18KatolaZmsiism: what?
14:33.45msiismif so, it can't be named "apt", since the "apt" package is the apt-* toolset (
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14:34.21KatolaZmsiism: they are all in the apt package
14:34.30msiismKatolaZ: ok, i just tested this, yes.
14:34.37msiismso, it's like a wrapper script
14:35.02KatolaZnope, apt is a separate binary
14:36.11msiismok, i see. confusing...
14:36.27KatolaZthey all link libapt-pkg, I guess
14:37.11msiismyes, that's kind of what it says in the package description.
14:40.24msiismwhy did ubuntu have to do this...
14:40.36msiismis reading now
14:46.50KatolaZmsiism: basically, apt developers seem to believe that people are too dumb to use apt-get/apt-cache
14:47.08KatolaZthat's why they are "encouraging" the usage of apt, IMHO
14:49.33msiismKatolaZ: well, they do have a point in saying apt-* is not too well arranged ('apt-get remove' always sounds strange to me). but that's about the only point they have.
14:50.39KatolaZmsiism: initially poettering had only the "boot time" point for systemd, and still...
14:51.01msiismthey could have at least called it something else, e.g. 'sapt' (simple apt), to avaoid confusion.
14:51.29ttris not aptitude for this ? :D :P
14:51.40KatolaZyes ttr
14:51.47msiismttr: depends :)
14:52.02KatolaZand aptitute developers seem to think that people are too dumb to use either apt or apt-get/apt-cache....
14:52.12ttr(sarcasm was there, btw)
14:52.30parazydChain|Q: come over to #devuan-arm
14:52.31msiismis too dumb to use aptitude's ncurses interface
14:52.39ttrwell, i use mostly aptitude
14:52.52ttrand it have almost same options as apt now (from cli)
14:53.03ttrand was a big update form tasksel :)
14:53.19KatolaZttr: I guess you mean dselect... was like 15y ago
14:53.42ttrso possibly :)
14:53.50KatolaZyes, then it's dselect
14:53.59KatolaZtasksel was introduced with debian-installer
14:54.05KatolaZ(lenny, IIRC)
14:54.19ttris happy to go on memory line :P
14:54.28KatolaZdselect is the "evolotion" of the original dpkg
14:54.51ttri've chocked :P
14:54.53KatolaZdeveloped by Ian Murdock
14:55.21KatolaZ(which had no resemblance with the dpkg we know today)
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15:06.57KatolaZttr: you find an image of Debian 0.91beta here
15:09.08FatPhilHmmm, kswapd0 is using 100% cpu, even after I've swapoff -a, any ideas what I can do
15:11.34ttrKatolaZ: haha :)
15:11.46ttrFatPhil: did it finish removing swap OR it's still doing it ?
15:13.21ttralso IIRC kswapd is not only for swap but for memory (RAM and SWAP) manage
15:15.46ttrsection 10.6
15:16.25ttr(and i know it's for old-as-f*** kernel but it's still same concept IIRC)
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16:32.53_abc_So, anyone had bad experiences with refracta running from a live usb stick with persistence booted usb stick? ascii? Should I install from the persistence system or boot clean into the live desktop and install the plain live desktop to avoid nasty surprizes?
16:48.54*** join/#devuan bill-auger (
16:51.46msiismfsmithred: ^^^
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17:55.41carcharotI hav'a question...
17:57.24Leanderfeel free to ask
17:57.38carcharotsorry for the caps...
17:57.48koollmanIT DEPENDS! :)
17:57.54carcharotI mean....
17:58.01carcharotoffice software,
17:58.08Wonkaapt, dpkg will quite surely be preinstalled...
17:58.11koollmanwith default install, I guess there's a list somewhere
17:58.34koollmanbut even during installation you can select more stuff (or less)
17:58.36Wonkadefine "default install". When I installed, I chose it to be fairly minimal at first.
17:58.37carcharotkoollman: that's what I've being unable to find
17:59.02koollmanWonka: not making choices in the package or group of packages selection, I guess
17:59.04Wonkacarcharot: you can always do something like "apt-get install libreoffice"...
17:59.08koollmanthat would be 'default' to me
17:59.32carcharotI am a GNU/LMint user..., not a very skillful one...
17:59.41Wonkakoollman: I've been using Debian for quite some time, and Redhat before that, and SuSE Linux 4.4 before that...
17:59.58carcharotok, I'm supposed to install what I want to have there..., ok
18:00.04Wonkakoollman: so, yes, I know where to select and de-select stuff in installers ;)
18:00.32carcharotis there enough for the average end-user in the repositories?
18:00.56Wonkacarcharot: surely. libreoffice, for one, is good enough for quite some endusers.
18:01.17Wonkacarcharot: also, Firefox, Thunderbird, Chromium.
18:01.36LeanderI think that all office software that is available for debian is also on devuan
18:01.45carcharotok, perfect for me; just a last  question...
18:02.02WonkaLeander: likely, as it probably does not depend on systemd in any way
18:02.25*** join/#devuan obeardly (
18:02.31carcharotwhat about the kernel thing? I've read that devuan is using a very old version, is it secure enough?
18:02.45carcharot-I'm a total ignorant-
18:03.22Wonkawell, I do see Linux 3.16 in stable, but I also see 4.16 in unstable.
18:03.32Leanderthe main version is old, but they keep patching it
18:03.54carcharotah, ok, that is it..., I will try devuan, wish me luck!
18:04.18carcharotthanks to you all, Wonka Leander and everybody else...
18:04.48Leanderalso, you can have a more recent kernel from the backports repository (in case you have too recent hardware)
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18:04.57Wonkastable-security has linux-image-3.16.0-6-amd64 3.16.56-1+deb8u1; has 3.16.56 - seems as current as 3.16 gets
18:05.13obeardlyI had to install the 4.9 kernel from backports on my laptop.
18:05.20obeardlyOtherwise, it just wouldn't function.
18:05.44Wonka(I don't care much about distro kernels though because I compile my own. Works fine.)
18:05.53carcharotok, but... newer kernel does not require systemd?
18:06.01obeardlyNo, it does not
18:06.09carcharotohhh, ok
18:06.21Wonkamaybe the other way round - systemd might require fairly new kernels...
18:06.26carcharotcool! good to know
18:06.43Wonkabut Linus curses about systemd often enough to not allow Linux to depend on systemd.
18:07.07obeardlycarcharot: If you enable backports in jessie, you can install the 4.9 backports kernel without issue.
18:07.17carcharotMy computer is quite old, even by being of 64b, so...,
18:07.26Wonka(not that making a kernel depend on anything in userspace would make much sense)
18:07.37obeardly^ True story
18:07.38carcharotobeardly: thanks for the info, but I am not -sill- able to do that...
18:07.50Leanderthen don't worry about the backports, the 3.16 is still up-to-date with regards to security
18:07.50obeardlyWhy not?
18:08.08carcharotobeardly: It's called ignorance, I think...
18:08.21carcharota common decease
18:08.25obeardlyCan you edit a text file?
18:08.55obeardlyBut Leander is correct, the 3.16 kernel will work fine, especially if you're on older hardware.
18:09.07carcharotobeardly: It si not the text-file edition, but to know what to write in there exactly
18:09.32obeardlyEdit this file: /etc/apt/sources.list
18:09.41carcharotyes, the 3.16, if patched, will be more that enough for me...
18:09.46carcharotfor sure
18:09.55obeardlyPut this in it: deb jessie-backports main contrib non-free
18:10.27obeardlyThen: apt-get update
18:10.34obeardlyNow you have backports enabled.
18:11.03carcharotm, ok
18:11.34carcharotha, cool
18:11.49obeardlyAlso, I believe during install, if you're installing fresh, it will ask if you want to enable backports.  Just say yes there, and you'll have backports available.
18:11.50carcharotthat is nice..., maye be, after installing, I will try
18:12.10carcharotobeardly: sorry, what are the "backports" for?
18:12.29obeardlyNew packages that are backported for an older version of the OS.
18:12.45carcharotok, nice to know...
18:13.00obeardlyFor example, virtualbox is not in the standard repos, but it's in the backports repo.
18:13.35obeardlyAnother example, the standard install gives you kernel 3.16, but you need a newer kernel, backports has kernel 4.9
18:13.35carcharotaha..., ok, I have a lot to learn, but sill try, thanks again
18:13.50*** join/#devuan HumanG33k (~HumanG33k@
18:14.03obeardlyWell, this channel is full of people that are well versed, probably much more so than I am, but anyone here will do what they can.
18:14.34obeardlyI was a debian package maintainer/tester years ago, and I've been with Devuan since day one.
18:14.55obeardlyIt's phenomenal OS, and an even better community.
18:15.02carcharotwill try the OS, and probably will be here soon asking for help, haha
18:15.09carcharotobeardly: thanks again!
18:15.15carcharotsee you all soon!
18:19.57*** join/#devuan ymasson (
18:20.36_abc_Ahh the experts are here.
18:21.02_abc_How risky is it to install with refracta from a loaded persistence enhanced live iso on usb?
18:21.43_abc_Should one drop down to plain non peristence booted live desktop and install that or it is okay to install the whole thing as is. Does persistence confuse refracta? Mount points, unionfs, etc?
18:22.08_abc_I've asked this several times in the last 2 days... waiting for an answer...
18:29.14msiism_abc_: i can't help you, sorry. you might try asking this on the d1g forum as well.
18:29.18_abc_assumes the worst, in the manner of the Byzantine generals, and goes for vanilla non persistence install
18:29.25_abc_msiism: d1g?
18:45.23*** join/#devuan Tom-_ (
18:47.14_abc_So reflecta, first it was a distribution, then a script? I there no connection between the 2?
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19:22.14obeardly_abc_: you still here?
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19:59.48_abc_Hmm. I ran the installer from the vanilla ascii desktop live, and ended up with no grub on the partition I installed. Where is the grub normally installed, in /boot/ ?
19:59.51_abc_I mean it's files
20:02.22_abc_I have grub-common installed but grub2 is not
20:02.24xrogaanhas to be generated though
20:02.32_abc_Are you talking to me?
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20:02.52_abc_So if I re-run the install with grub2 installed it should magically appear?
20:03.26xrogaangrub-mkconfig should generate a grub, normally.
20:03.40xrogaancheck if you have a /etc/grub.d/
20:03.41_abc_Need to boot into the target system 1st
20:04.18xrogaanor use the livecd, rescue and regenerate grub. fsmithred helped me when the netinstall would fail at the grub thingy.
20:04.36_abc_nope, no grub.d and no menu thing in /boot
20:05.29xrogaangrub.d is a folder
20:05.44_abc_Next: I have a dual boot system, and the nst_grub.mbr is installed (old grub) vs new AutoNeoGrub0.mbr ; I assume it should work anyway but we'll see.
20:05.48_abc_xrogaan: I am aware
20:06.08xrogaan/etc/grub.d defines how the grub menu should be built.
20:06.18_abc_Oh usually it's in /boot too but okay
20:06.32xrogaanno, /boot contains the configuration file
20:06.44_abc_Installing grub2 package brings in what is needed.
20:06.52_abc_Understood, I'll try the rescue mode now
20:07.00xrogaangrub.cfg usually starts with # DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
20:07.18xrogaancheck the /etc/default/grub file too
20:07.39xrogaanif you have grub-common installed, you should have a /etc/grub.d/ folder
20:08.21xrogaantry to run update-grub ?
20:11.40*** join/#devuan ToffeeYogurtPots (~ToffeeYog@gateway/tor-sasl/toffeeyogurtpots)
20:11.53xrogaanthe grub2 package is a dummy one
20:12.03xrogaanyou want grub2-common
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20:16.55abcabc_common was iirc installed, no /etc/grub.d dir. after installing grub2 it appeared
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20:20.23xrogaanthis is the content of grub2:
20:20.30abcabc_the mbr question is more interesting. will see
20:21.02abcabc_thanks, i know what should be in it
20:21.59abcabc_fsmithred: has not been around  for a few days?
20:23.06xrogaanyeah, so grub-common is needed alongside grub2-common.
20:23.11xrogaanI don't know why.
21:01.14*** join/#devuan flrn (~flrn@unaffiliated/flrn)
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21:03.31_abc_Beep. Okay, so I'm on ascii, installing the bootloader in a partition was a bit dicey, this process could be automated, and there could be a warning in the installer that the installer is the user not the script... I had to guess at it.
21:04.59_abc_So, again: 1) install grub2 package from synaptic; 2) run the installer script; 3) get into the chroot console and run the grub install commands manually, WITH CARE. the --force option for install on a partition is required and generates warnings, it works anyway. No typos allowed ;) After that one runs update-grub and exits the chroot and it's done.
21:05.00KnoFhi, are there any drivers for tahiti r9 280 on linux
21:05.17_abc_The above is for ascii install onto existing partition on multi-boot machine
21:05.21KnoFamds driver require some old xorg
21:05.27KnoFand im on ceres
21:05.44_abc_This message brought to you from ascii, with most data intact on the disk, I hope
21:10.40_abc_devuan live persistence request (I hope someone reads this): PLEASE put in a clean umount at the end of the sesstion, the persistence media is always left dirty. It can be done by remounting ro at the end, probably.
21:11.29*** join/#devuan _0bitcount (~Big_Byte@
21:16.24gnarfaceKnoF: the version of amdgpu in ceres should work with the version of xorg also in ceres.
21:17.15KnoFthe driver for 280x is from 2014
21:17.26KnoFmaybe i should do force install
21:17.31KnoFwill try thank you
21:19.32gnarfaceKnoF: since the card hasn't been around that long i'm sure you're mis-evaluating something
21:19.46gnarfacedon't mix repos
21:20.44gnarfacethat card does use amdgpu, right?
21:21.00gnarfacexserver-xorg-video-amdgpu (18.0.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium
21:21.16gnarface^this is from the current ceres changelog
21:24.36gnarfaceoh, i guess that card IS that old
21:25.17gnarfaceassumes what he *actually* needed was just a little more patience and a 4-line xorg.conf snippet
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21:29.05KnoFgnufarce will try
21:29.24KnoFat booting the kernel it says driver missing
21:29.49gnarfaceit might be present just not loaded
21:30.02gnarfaceyou can't jump from that to the conclusion that the xorg version is from 2014
21:30.17gnarfacethe logic just doesn't fit with the evidence on hand
21:30.33KnoFim have to reboot to try, thanks for the tip
21:30.42KnoFi have*
21:30.46gnarfaceno, you don't have to reboot to try either
21:30.49gnarfacewho even gave you that idea?
21:30.53KnoFim on a different os now
21:30.58gnarfacewell then you do
21:31.27gnarfaceauto-detect probably just gives you some generic vesa or framebuffer driver
21:31.33gnarfaceyou'll have to override that
21:33.02KnoFthe funny thing is that peak fps in games with wine is the same as in windows, just not consistant
21:33.26gnarfacewine can be bottlenecked by stuff other than the video card (often)
21:33.38*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
21:33.40gnarfaceit's a really bad benchmarking suite
21:33.46gnarfaceyou'd be better off using glxgears
21:34.07gnarface(which everyone will tell you not to use for benchmarking, right up until you tell them you were gonna use wine instead)
21:34.45gnarfacewhat you really should be doing is reading the Xorg log file to figure out what driver is really loading, and why
21:35.02KnoFkk. thanks for the heads up
21:35.13KnoFgoing to try now, will report :)
21:39.32DocScrutinizer05!seen fsmithred
21:39.35infobotfsmithred is currently on #devuan, last said: 'it's meant to work during a live session. I have it in my installed systems because refractainstaller copies it'.
21:40.25DocScrutinizer05!logsearch meant to work during a live session
21:40.25infobot"meant to work during a live session"
21:42.18DocScrutinizer05GOSH, botbot is such a crap
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21:49.58*** topic/#devuan by DocScrutinizer05 -> Latest (2018-05-10): ASCII 2.0.0 release candidate is out! || Stable (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release || This is the Devuan discussion channel | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | Devuan Forum: | Chanlogs:
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22:48.10fsmithred_abc_, I just got home
22:50.40fsmithredto install grub to partition, you select Partition instead of MBR. That comes up before you select partitions for installation.
22:51.03fsmithredif you didn't see that window, it's because the wrong grub was installed, and you get a change to install the grub packages later
22:51.13fsmithredand I didn't make Partition a choice for that part
22:52.36fsmithredI'll be back in a few minutes
23:00.44*** part/#devuan msiism (
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23:24.35_abc_fsmithred: thanks for answering, I was away, it's almost 3AM here
23:26.07_abc_fsmithred: re: it's meant to work in a live session: yes, except I used the persistence partition also to store backups and it was rather large. So when the install started it started pulling in the backups. Morale: remove any stuff NOT to be installed on the system from the persistence volume before starting the install.
23:27.33_abc_It basically tried to copy things it should not have imo, since it is confused about what's in the persistence/rw mounted with / union and other things on that volume which are visible in the running system under /media/devuan/persistence.
23:27.39_abc_It worked out eventually but it was not nice
23:28.24_abc_There should be a way to make the rsync copy not see that dir, it's a cli option.
23:28.31_abc_Signing off for now.
23:35.19fsmithredDocScrutinizer05, is it possible to leave a message for someone when they aren't here?
23:37.06golinuxThat's what the znc bouncer is for.  You get everything that happened while you were gone.
23:37.43fsmithredyeah, but I want to leave a message for abc
23:38.28fsmithredwe keep missing each other.
23:38.34Uberiusfsmithred, if abc is a registered nick then simply perform: /msg memoserv send abc blablabla
23:38.57Uberiusyou're welcome
23:39.05golinuxI noticed.  You haven't been around much lately.
23:39.38fsmithredbeen working
23:40.18fsmithredso I haven't been home much. And pretty beat when I do get home.
23:40.24fsmithredbeen painting
23:55.10DocScrutinizer05fsmithred: yes, there's a message feature in one of greenode's service bots. But it's very inconventient to use and not guaranteed to notice the info message sent by service when the addressee logs in
23:56.44fsmithredthanks. Then I hope I see him again soon.
23:58.16DocScrutinizer05what works best for me is to post something to a pastebin and ask channel to inform the addressee about the URL of that pastebin
23:59.04fsmithredthat's more reliable?
23:59.24DocScrutinizer05you also can look up channel logs and even refer to a point in log with a URL
23:59.48fsmithredoh, cool. I've seen your logs. Thanks for that.

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