IRC log for #devuan on 20180516

00:00.15*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
00:04.10AlexLikeRockcrypto Disk : error  at DOLPHIN  KDE 4.14.2
00:04.11AlexLikeRockAn error occurred while accessing '204.1 GiB Encrypted Drive', the system responded: An unspecified error has occurred: No such interface 'org.freedesktop.UDisks2.Filesystem' on object at path /org/freedesktop/UDisks2/block_devices/dm_2d0
00:04.29*** join/#devuan aqu4 (~aqu4bot@unaffiliated/subsen/bot/aqu4)
00:06.29DemosthenexDocScrutinizer05: chfs -a freeze=60 /fs && chfs -a freeze=0 /fs = guaranteed flush to disk on aix.
00:17.57*** join/#devuan Ryushin (chris@2001:470:4b:38f:777::868c)
00:23.41*** join/#devuan infobot (
00:23.41*** topic/#devuan is Latest (2018-05-10): ASCII 2.0.0 release candidate is out! || Stable (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release || This is the Devuan discussion channel | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | Devuan Forum: | Chanlogs:
00:23.41*** mode/#devuan [+v infobot] by ChanServ
00:23.42gnarfaceif they are a data center who primarily does business in the EU i would believe that they'd put a very low priority on international traffic
00:24.47gnarfacei'm not ruling out my own ISP or many points in between yet, but usually when it's my own ISP there is uniform disruption of traffic throughput, and when it's "some point inbetween" there's usually public outcry that makes the news or at least slashdot
00:25.32koollmangnarface: traceroute or a similar tool may help
00:28.13koollmanwell. I would say isp problem :)
00:29.44*** join/#devuan gnarface (
00:31.13gnarfacelol whatever that was just fixed it
00:35.34*** join/#devuan targz (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
00:38.22*** join/#devuan theLambda (
00:59.29*** join/#devuan gnarface (
01:00.58*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@unaffiliated/xenguy)
01:15.28Demosthenexok so i've switched to boot from ssd and discovered that my latest kernel lacks the zfs mods?
01:15.36Demosthenexthe prior two have them
01:16.19gnarfacecertainly you put them there yourself....
01:16.27Demosthenexno, its dkms managed
01:19.41*** join/#devuan Schallaven (
01:22.34Demosthenexgnarface: looks like there were unmet dependencies on linux headers for this rev, that caused it
01:22.59gnarfaceah, so dkms didn't run right or something?
01:31.34*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
01:38.48Demosthenexit didn't run because the kernel headers aren't there
01:39.02Demosthenexso the question becomes why the the automated update continue if those weren't available
01:40.25gnarfaceseems like a valid question
01:40.34gnarfaceprobably something to do with how dkms is called
01:40.43gnarfacemaybe it's expected to not always work or something
01:41.50gnarfacei would assume it would at least show some complaint about it in the log though
01:42.06gnarfaceer, in stderr anyway
01:42.10*** join/#devuan lyr3 (~user@2804:7f3:8389:35ff:2e0:4cff:fe3b:c417)
01:42.14lyr3hey guys
01:42.27lyr3How I properly dist-upgrade Devuan to Unstable repos?
01:42.47lyr3An Debian Unstable free repo
01:44.12*** join/#devuan attos2 (
01:44.58gnarfacelyr3: you're already on debian sid?
01:46.54gnarfacejust change the sources.list file and run `apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade`
01:47.06gnarfacethe process isn't any different from doing the same thing in debian
01:47.11gnarfacejust the sources.list is different
01:47.20lyr3I mean what is the repo address
01:47.26lyr3sid repo address
01:47.32lyr3if you will
01:47.46gnarfacewell, it's called ceres, not sid.  try these:
01:47.49gnarfacedeb ceres main
01:47.49gnarfacedeb-src ceres main
01:48.23lyr3ceres == unstable?
01:48.40lyr3FRENCH...I like french fries
01:50.26lyr3yep, not funny! meh
01:53.15*** join/#devuan Humpelst1lzchen (
01:54.10lyr3Thanks anyway. Installing it now! Adieu Debian
02:11.19*** join/#devuan Irrwahn_pi__ (
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02:16.56*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
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02:24.50*** part/#devuan lyr3 (~user@2804:7f3:8389:35ff:2e0:4cff:fe3b:c417)
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02:43.10gnarfacestill can't even figure out the punchline
02:51.12*** join/#devuan ohnx (notohnx@unaffiliated/ohnx)
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03:55.59*** join/#devuan aqu4 (~aqu4bot@unaffiliated/subsen/bot/aqu4)
03:58.43*** join/#devuan Guest77045 (
04:02.14Guest77045Hi, i just did a dist-upgrade and the autoremoved and broke enlightenment (e17). It crashed when it removed elogind. Had to restart the system and now when i start enlightenment, neither my mouse and keyboard work.
04:03.07gnarfaceGuest77045: how'd you get enlightenment back in?
04:03.25Guest77045with enlightenment_start
04:03.25*** join/#devuan aqu4 (~aqu4bot@unaffiliated/subsen/bot/aqu4)
04:03.28gnarfacei thought you said it autoremoved it though?
04:03.46gnarfaceyou sure it's even still there?
04:04.34gnarfaceit seemed to me like they pulled it from the repo a long time ago, actually
04:06.01Guest77045sorry. i meant that i upgraded and then auto removed, and one of the packages removed was elogind, which after being removed instantly crashed my e17
04:06.24Guest77045i can still see e17 if i do an apt search e17
04:07.17gnarfacei think there's some alternate package you can install in place of elogind
04:07.28gnarfaceyou shouldn't need it unless you're using some graphical login manager i think though
04:07.47gnarfaceif you're just running startx, you shouldn't need policykit or consolekit, either
04:08.23Guest77045yes. indeed. i too was confused that it was installed. i login through linux console
04:08.50Guest77045btw my keyboard works just fine in console
04:08.52gnarfaceyou're upgrading to ascii?
04:09.04Guest77045i mean i already was
04:09.05gnarfacethis is a known issue
04:09.12Guest77045oh i see
04:09.27gnarfaceeveryone runs into it in some order or another
04:09.35Guest77045is it a problem with e17 or a dependency?
04:09.35gnarfacethere's a simple fix
04:09.46gnarfaceit's a problem with policykit actually i think
04:10.00gnarfaceit's got nothing to do with e17 but complicating your issue might be the deprecation of e17
04:10.14gnarfacei think e17 is still in ascii though
04:10.32Guest77045i am not too attached to e17 so i don't care if i have to change to another de
04:10.40gnarfaceit's been removed from ceres/unstable several times over the past few years.  someone always puts it back eventually.
04:10.55gnarfacearound here i think xfce is the darling
04:11.01gnarfacei still use e17 though myself
04:11.26Guest77045so what is the simple fix?
04:12.17gnarfaceit hink you pick the non-default choice of two conflicting *polkit* packages or else you just purge the lot
04:12.54gnarfacei'm sorry, trying to dig up the relevant package name but not having luck
04:13.12gnarfacedoes it show any held packages for you?
04:13.20gnarfaceas i recall, it might be one of the held packages
04:13.37*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
04:18.12Guest77045mmm. if i remember i had a conflict
04:18.18*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
04:18.57gnarfaceGuest77045: there was also a tangled up mess around the udev->eudev upgrade that may or may not have been related.  you'll wanna check to make sure you pushed that through too.
04:19.22gnarfacesorry i'm gonna disappear any second now
04:19.24Guest77045oh yeah. i think that was fixed
04:19.33gnarfacei'm currently having an unrelated struggle with stupid nvidia drivers
04:19.41gnarfacexorg is freezing up on me as we speak
04:20.54*** join/#devuan aqu4 (~aqu4bot@unaffiliated/subsen/bot/aqu4)
04:21.03Guest77045i think i will use another DE until elightenment dependencies are properly fixed if ever
04:22.33*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
04:23.51*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
05:03.21*** join/#devuan hoshineko (~yuki.n@unaffiliated/hoshineko)
05:13.51*** join/#devuan gnarface (
05:25.06*** join/#devuan Diagon (~DiagonalA@unaffiliated/diagonalarg)
06:04.00*** join/#devuan thaller (thaller@nat/redhat/x-gadgccznxbuwrhpi)
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06:26.55DiagonSomeone tell me what the default kernel version is in Jessie?  I'm signing up for the email list, and it wants to know!  :)
06:28.55*** join/#devuan hgunth_ (~hgunth@gateway/tor-sasl/hgunth)
06:29.23DiagonIs this it, 3.16?  linux-image-amd64_3.16+63_amd64.deb
06:29.35NewGnuGuytry it and see
06:29.44telst4rDiagon, Linux <scrubbed> 3.16.0-4-586 #1 Debian 3.16.51-3 (2017-12-13) i686 GNU/Linux
06:30.43DiagonYes!  Thanks, telst4r
06:30.45telst4ryes, I'm on a pentium M non-pae.
06:32.57Artemis3the pentium m might actually be pae, it just reports non pae but can be forced, won't matter if you are under 2gb anyway.
06:33.43Artemis3i know mine is. a 900mhz part
06:34.10Artemis3its just some grub option
06:34.30Artemis3normal i686 pae kernel works fine with it
06:34.50telst4rArtemis, yes I know it's forcible, but I haven't looked into it. Mine's 1500GHz.
06:35.06Artemis3so probable newer than mine lol
06:35.15telst4rDid I win?
06:36.48Artemis3"A number of older Pentium M processors produced around 2003-4 (the Banias family) do not display the PAE flag, and hence a normal installation fails. However, these processors are in fact able to run the latest (and PAE-demanding) kernels"
06:38.59Artemis3grub line is "forcepae"
06:40.26Artemis3if you boot the live iso and get the pae error, try again adding the forcepae opetion to grub
06:40.45*** join/#devuan aqu4 (~aqu4bot@unaffiliated/subsen/bot/aqu4)
06:40.57Artemis3or with the i686 kernel
06:41.36telst4rso that should go into GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX in /etc/default/grub .. or grub.d/10_linux..
06:42.01telst4rs/or/and/ ?
06:42.18Artemis3try first without touching the config, just edit the line at boot
06:42.49Artemis3add forcepae at the end, when booting the i686 kernel, if everything works edit the config in /etc/default
06:44.15telst4rYeah, will do next time I bother to reboot.
06:44.44telst4rgnu/linux has taught me not to reboot every time when I move the mouse.
06:45.23Artemis3unless you touch the init config, then you need to test it before an unplanned reboot occurs...
06:45.36Artemis3which is why its best to test it first
06:46.51telst4rSure. I'm just thinking two steps ahead. Just in case it might work straight away :d
06:47.41*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
06:47.42Artemis3should work imo
06:47.45telst4ractually. I'm gonna do it right away
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06:57.08telst4rArtemis3: "[    0.025887] PAE forced!" seems to be running on the 586 kernel. I'm fetching a i686 kern to try further
06:59.09Artemis3hmm didn't know it worked with 586
07:00.53telst4rheh, I don't know wether it actually does anything on the 586 kernel :P
07:05.21Artemis3well pae exists from ppro so it makes sense i guess
07:06.12Artemis3but the i686 kernel should provide sse stuff
07:08.00telst4ris that a goodie?
07:08.31*** join/#devuan Madda (
07:08.47telst4rI'll look it up
07:08.56Artemis3sse2 probably
07:15.26telst4rstreaming single input, multiple data extension (2).. as I get it, it deals more efficiently with floating points (than MMX) [wikipedia]
07:15.27*** join/#devuan inhetep (~inhetep@gateway/tor-sasl/inhetep)
07:15.44Artemis3yes that
07:22.57telst4rsounds like more efficient use of cpu cycles and that precious energy.
07:23.22telst4ronly for some pointless javascript on firefox to take it all :P
07:27.05Artemis3block the scripts :)
07:28.30telst4rI miss the times of single task computing :D
07:40.41Artemis3you can always use freedos
07:42.43NewGnuGuyFreeDOS is great :-)
07:43.26*** join/#devuan zarez (
07:46.01Artemis3Arachne is all you'll ever need, and no javascript either!
07:46.24telst4rtelnet and ed, the standard editor.
07:46.48Artemis3edit is there tho.
07:59.22*** join/#devuan JohnnyRun (
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10:47.01JotaMGon a orangepi board with devuan ascii i'm getting a "Setting sysfs variables...."  on console, instead of a login prompt.
10:47.03JotaMGany hint how to fix this??
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12:59.55luck44Hi. Does anyone have advice on mounting an iOS partition in devuan? Most info I found was for use with ifuse which is not in the devuan repos.
13:01.42debdogthere is a package in Ascii
13:02.30debdogmayhap this can be installed on Jessie "Depends: fuse, libc6 (>= 2.4), libfuse2 (>= 2.8), libimobiledevice6 (>= 1.1.0), libplist3 (>= 1.11)"
13:02.54debdogor just compile it yourself:
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13:08.03debdogfor compile I'd use "./configure --prefix=/usr/local/" just to be certain
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13:10.51debdogif the Ascii's package is too new for Jessie regarding dependencies, maybe the one from Wheezy works
13:11.13debdogs/if the/if /
13:12.10*** join/#devuan lucky44 (
13:12.48lucky44Hi, sorry I asked the question about mounting iOS directories, then got stuck in a help menu. Thanks for the responses.
13:13.35lucky44Using ircii on command line, couldn't find how to exit help.
13:14.45lucky44What exactly is ascii referring to here? Is it a repo or package?
13:16.01debdogDevuan Ascii. the upcoming stable release
13:16.54lucky44Ah, thank you.
13:17.08lucky44I wasn't sure how the character set would help me.
13:17.25lucky44one of those days, huh?
13:17.59lucky44Is it possible to use fuse instead of ifuse?
13:18.57lucky44I looked at installing ifuse, and thought the dependancies might make for a bit of a journey.
13:22.26lucky44Have others had issues upgrading to Ascii so far?
13:23.11Demosthenexhrm, anyone know where i can get the init scripts for devuan's zfs?
13:27.58debdoglucky44: I don't have access to an iOS device so I can't talk from experience. seems ifuse depends on fuse and fuse without ifuse isn't able to mount them
13:29.09debdoglucky44: yes, upgrading can cause issues (even when updating to a stable version)
13:33.17lucky44OK. Thanks again for the help.
13:37.09*** part/#devuan lucky44 (
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19:26.01darkworldYo, I'm a bit late, but I saw you guys' RC for Devuan 2 and I'm really proud of yalls. I'm a Slackware user that probably won't change any time soon, but you guys are fighting the good fight, and I appreciate it.
19:27.06NewGnuGuydarkworld: thanks :-)
19:28.04darkworldoh btw it says it includes KDE, I don't use KDE but I know people that do. Does it use KDE4 or 5?
19:28.32darkworldThe only reason I was ever hesitant to rec devuan to new people in GNU/Linux is that the kernel version was so old
19:29.02*** join/#devuan god (~god@
19:29.55NewGnuGuydarkworld: It uses whatever version of KDE is in the corresponding Debian release.
19:30.36NewGnuGuydarkworld: Newer kernel is available through backports
19:31.44darkworldI believe it
19:31.59darkworldI used to use debian years ago btw you guys are aight
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19:49.36Artemis3darkworld, don't forget the others fighting the good cause:
19:53.20KatolaZdarkworld: slackware is on the same boat so far, right?
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20:01.59darkworldKatolaZ yeah. Volkerding says he's avoiding SystemD unless it becomes absolutely manditory
20:02.42darkworldRedHat's dirty money gets pretty far in the FOSS world, and more things are becoming dependent on it.
20:02.53KatolaZdarkworld: the only way to avoid that it becomes mandatory is to offer alternatives
20:02.57KatolaZand as many as possible
20:03.30darkworldI like Slack and Devuan because they're the 2 big "normaL" distros
20:03.53KatolaZI like any effort in the same direction
20:04.14KatolaZI hope as many as possible would eventually survive
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