IRC log for #devuan on 20180514

00:00.26golinux<DocScrutinizer05> maybe time devuan gets its own (log)bot?
00:01.33DocScrutinizer05hm? not? yes? what?
00:01.38golinuxThat has been discussed at our meets.  Easy to talk about.  Not so easy to find someone who has the time to do it
00:02.28golinuxFeel free to take it on.  Read past meet notes to lnow what structure was being discussed
00:07.08*** join/#devuan Scartozzo_ (
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00:23.04*** topic/#devuan is Latest (2018-05-10): ASCII 2.0.0 release candidate is out! || Stable (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release || This is the Devuan discussion channel | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | Devuan Forum: | Chanlogs:
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01:59.05DocScrutinizer05I think others already started on that
02:03.12golinux_Talk but no action afaik
02:03.49DocScrutinizer05somebody implemented a bot and we had it in here
02:04.05golinux_Just research and thinking (which is action without material results)
02:04.17DocScrutinizer05forgot the nick. Back when we discussed it should move to devuan infra long term
02:04.47DocScrutinizer05this was an actual bot which joined in here
02:04.48golinux_rrq is logging on his home server.  Not for general use.
02:05.25DocScrutinizer05everybody is loggiing on their own PC or server, for personal use
02:05.51golinux_And not a complete log,  Only started recently.  A few of us have access if needed.
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02:06.23golinux_I only log like 1500 lines.
02:06.45DocScrutinizer05got unlimited logging
02:07.15DocScrutinizer05anyway, tangential to the logbot topic
02:07.37golinuxWe need to have logs on our infra.
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02:08.36DocScrutinizer05there exist a few bots for that: supybot, eggdrop, whatnot else. All of which can log and prolly all have a way to share logs via appache to HTML
02:09.03DocScrutinizer05no need to invent the wheel again
02:19.45golinuxYou are the sound of one hand clapping.  I certainly cannot contribute to the effort in a meaningful way.
02:21.12DocScrutinizer05sorry, I won't go do the installation on devuan servers. If only since I got no access to do so. And no time for that either
02:22.03DocScrutinizer05I just can point you to a very simple way to get such logging installed and running
02:22.35DocScrutinizer05the rest is a job for your server sysops
02:22.58DocScrutinizer05I'm willing to configure the bot once it's installed
02:23.40*** join/#devuan amarsh04 (~amarsh04@
02:25.06DocScrutinizer05root@lagrange:~# apt-cache search supybot
02:25.07DocScrutinizer05limnoria - robust and user-friendly Python IRC bot
02:25.09DocScrutinizer05supybot - robust and user friendly Python IRC bot
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02:26.11golinuxBad timing Doc.  We're all exhausted from the release and kicking back a bit.
02:26.48DocScrutinizer05sure thing, I'm not pushing that, I just asked if you want to consider it, which it seems you already did
02:28.11golinuxI know you're trying to help but . . . is there an off button?
02:28.15DocScrutinizer05so my suggestion: once you feel like tackling this, look into apt-cache search supybot  and  prolly something along the line of
02:28.38DocScrutinizer05fole closed :-)
02:30.11golinuxDoc, that means nothing to me and I won't remember it so wasted bytes (or is it bits).
02:30.47DocScrutinizer05me and you're not the only users in here :-)
02:31.29DocScrutinizer05but honestly, I already closed this file, on your demand
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02:59.17DocScrutinizer05meetbot (another supybot/limnoria plugin) is a useful tool for easy meeting minutes, when you do meetings on IRC
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03:32.26AlexLikeRockwhile  [ $basura -le $comodin ]
03:32.26AlexLikeRockdo .....
03:32.51AlexLikeRockERROR =            line 17: [: : integer expression expected
03:35.26gnarface[[    ...      ]]
03:36.15gnarfacethat will only work in BASH though
03:36.30gnarfacefor generic sh compatibility you have to use quotes
03:37.00gnarfacethis looks accurate
03:45.11AlexLikeRockgnarface,   tanks gnarface  , works , fine
03:45.27AlexLikeRocki lovu u DEVUAN dev's
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08:35.15*** join/#devuan Diagon (~DiagonalA@unaffiliated/diagonalarg)
08:37.11DiagonQuick question on ascii installer. I've prepared my disks, including one LUKS, using the live setup. Now I'm installing from the main installer disk. I'm dropping to a shell to open the luks disk, but can't find cryptsetup. Help?
08:38.57KatolaZDiagon: what is the main installer disk?
08:39.00KatolaZ(which one?)
08:39.24DiagonUhh.  I'm installing to a laptop.  Hold on, let me go to the web site....
08:40.32DiagonThat's it.
08:40.55KatolaZhold on
08:41.07KatolaZyou mean it does not install cryptsetup?
08:41.28DiagonWhen I drop to the shell, /sbin/cryptsetup is not present.
08:42.12DiagonWhen I run find / -name "*crypt*", I find scripts that use /sbin/cryptsetup, but it's not in the environment that the shell provides.
08:42.21KatolaZDiagon: you should use exzpert install
08:42.34KatolaZand select from there the additional d-i component
08:42.51DiagonThat's what I'm using.  Expert GUI.  Then I drop to shell when it's time to assign partitions to /boot, / and so on.
08:43.00DiagonI did select those components.
08:43.16DiagonBut still, I can't find cryptsetup in the envrionment provided in the shell.
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08:45.51KatolaZit's strange though
08:46.29KatolaZit should be in one of the additional components
08:46.43DiagonI had proceeded to the GUI partitioner, and the option to set up encrypted disks is there, so I /know/ that some environment has acess to cryptsetup.
08:47.16DiagonBut when I returned and selected to drop to a shell (option at the bottom of the list), I couldn't find it.
08:47.27KatolaZit's cryptsetup-udeb
08:47.34DiagonI do find the .deb
08:47.41KatolaZyou need the udeb
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08:48.42Diagonhm, well anyway there doesn't appear to be any way for me to install it.  I mean, no apt-get, no dpkg ...
08:48.43KatolaZand it should be among the available components
08:48.51KatolaZDiagon: ^^^^
08:48.59KatolaZwhen you are asked to install additional installer components
08:49.08KatolaZone of those should be cryptsetup
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08:49.44DiagonYes, as I say I chose those and indeed the partitioner provides the option to set up encrypted disks.  So I /know/ cryptsetup is present in some environment.  Just not the shell provided.
08:50.47KatolaZDiagon: it should be in the shell env
08:50.59KatolaZit would be strange to find it in /target
08:51.08KatolaZsince disks have not been mounted yet
08:52.06DiagonOk, now hold on.  The shell I'm looking at said that I would find the local disks at /target, but this shell doesn't have a /target directory!
08:52.42DiagonThat was my initial confusion.  /dev/sda is there, though, and that's the one that's luks encrypted.
08:53.08KatolaZDiagon: /target is where your / partition will be mounted
08:53.53DiagonOk, so you're saying at some point the disks will be mounted there, and it'll pivot into that, right?  But there's no /target, empty or otherwise.
08:54.18KatolaZDiagon: are you sure you have not chosen to shell out into /target?
08:54.36KatolaZeasy way to find out: you should not have a /var/log/syslog
08:54.51KatolaZ(well, you should, if you are in the d-i environment)
08:55.02DiagonI went down to the bottom of the list of options.  That is, I was at the point of partitioning disks, then I skipped and went to the bottom where the option to drop into a shell is.
08:55.40DiagonI have a /var/log/syslog
08:55.49KatolaZok then you are in the d-i env
08:56.04KatolaZ(if you cat /var/log/syslog you should see the d-i log)
08:56.08Diagon"syslog started: bysybox v1.22.1" ...
08:56.56Diagonok, should I search for ... what, "d-i"?
08:57.43DiagonI can't grep any cryptsetup in there.
09:01.50DiagonOk, I'm finding "retrieving crypto-dm-modules..." and "crypto-modules..." and "di-utils-mapdevfs" ...
09:02.02DiagonIs that what you were looking for?
09:02.24KatolaZyes but you need cryptsetup
09:02.32KatolaZand does not seem to be there
09:02.46KatolaZhold on
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09:10.21KatolaZDiagon: it seems that the cryptsetup udeb package is missing from stretch as well
09:11.40DiagonAh, I see.  Am I SOL?
09:12.11KatolaZhold on
09:12.47KatolaZit uses partman-crypto apparently
09:14.08DiagonOk... I find partman-{auto,auto-raid,base,basicfilesystems,basicmethods,btrfs,efi,ext3,iscsi,jfs,md,partitioning,target,utils,xfs}
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09:14.21DiagonNo partman-crypto
09:14.50KatolaZit's installed when you proceed to partition disk
09:15.18DiagonOoph.  So, it's only installed when I actually try to format a luks disk?
09:17.05Diagon(In my case, I'm just using the whole disk for luks.  I'm not creating any partition on the disk.)
09:17.05KatolaZseems so
09:17.23KatolaZbut it looks like partman should be able to manage already-configured LUKS volumes
09:18.02KatolaZbut I haven't used it though
09:18.03DiagonWell, when I tried to use it, it wanted to put a partition table on the disk, so I stopped.
09:19.04KatolaZit's strange though
09:19.11KatolaZthis should be something "standard"
09:19.50DiagonYa.....  Alright, if I have no other choice, it seems I can install from the live iso.  What are the differences?  I'm guessing I won't be able to use OpenRC.
09:20.05DiagonAnything else?
09:20.26KatolaZyou can install cryptsetup manually
09:20.42KatolaZDiagon: you can also setup openrc later if you want
09:21.08DiagonOh, how can I install cryptsetup manually?
09:21.14KatolaZin the d-i?
09:21.15DiagonIf I don't have a shell, then ...
09:21.18KatolaZyou have to wget the package
09:21.22KatolaZand then use anna-install
09:21.29KatolaZno Diagon
09:21.38KatolaZyou are not installing it in the /target
09:21.43KatolaZyou install it in the d-i env
09:21.50KatolaZ(d-i == debian-installer)
09:22.22DiagonOk, I guess I have to understand what anna-install is.  let me have a look.
09:22.31KatolaZDiagon: no need to understand that
09:22.41KatolaZit's a stripped-down version of dpkg
09:22.46KatolaZwhich can only install udebs
09:23.23DiagonOh.  So I drop out of this shell.  I go back where I selected the device mapper modules, and ...  then what?  Or am I making a new iso?  Sorry, I'm just not clear.
09:24.11KatolaZDiagon: stop, take a breath :)
09:24.20KatolaZfrom the shell
09:24.28KatolaZyou can download packages
09:24.30KatolaZusing wget
09:24.47DiagonAh.  (enlightenment!)
09:25.02KatolaZafter you have downloaded the needed udebs
09:25.10KatolaZyou can use anna-install to install them
09:25.16KatolaZnow this is not orthodox
09:25.24KatolaZand I guess it's not even needed
09:25.28KatolaZbut it should work
09:26.07Diagonalright.  how do I get the URL of the pkg?  (And why "not even needed"?  I mean ...  Is there another way?)
09:27.10DiagonActually, there's cryptsetup-udeb in /cdrom/pool/DEBIAN/main/c/cryptsetup
09:27.11KatolaZDiagon: look inside /var/log/syslog for wget lines
09:27.18KatolaZthen just take it
09:27.21KatolaZand install it
09:27.24KatolaZwith anna-install
09:27.27Diagonso I just anna-install that ...  hold on.
09:27.33KatolaZI forgot you are using the dvd!
09:27.51KatolaZit might depend on the corresponding libcryptsetup udeb
09:27.58KatolaZanna-install is pretty dumb
09:28.32DiagonOk, so I maybe should install the lib first and then the cryptsetup.
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09:28.47KatolaZI guess anna-install won't complain either way
09:29.43Diagonanna-install ./libcryptsetup4-udeb...udeb comes back with "unknown udeb ..."
09:30.11DiagonSame with cryptsetup-udeb
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09:33.03DiagonHm.  I've got udpkg and "cryptsetup-bin...deb"  Why don't I just install that?  What's the difference between a .deb and a .udeb?
09:33.22KatolaZDiagon: a udeb is just to be used by the installer
09:33.26KatolaZit cannot be uninstalled
09:33.38KatolaZand it's a pretty messy thing to deal with
09:34.31DiagonAnd if I install a .deb instead?  (
09:34.47KatolaZDiagon: you can't install a deb in the d-i env
09:35.16DiagonOk, so why's anna uncooperative?
09:35.43KatolaZDiagon: sorry have to go
09:36.50DiagonWell, you helped a lot.  Thanks KatolaZ!  Have a good night.
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09:44.18DiagonKatolaZ - I got it working by using "udpkg -i"  You can install .deb's in an installer!  At least, I got the luks disk open.  Now I'll see it I can install there.
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10:10.48DiagonKatolaZ - Ok, installation is proceeding fine.  LL I'm just about to be free of Ubuntu!  \O/
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10:36.02DiagonKatolaZ - well, almost.  It didn't manage to get cryptsetup into the initramfs.  Will have to run some rescue disk action and update-initramfs.  That'll be a task for tomorrow....
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14:18.23Juestois there support for 2 in 1 bluetooth wlan cards ?
14:18.42djphlike the intel 7260s?
14:18.48Juestoand how do i tell X that a certain device that is detected as a mouse that its a touchscreen
14:19.19Juestoi have a hp pavilon x360
14:19.47djphtouchscreen, like a tablet / laptop screen?  X doesn't care (i mean, to the control systems, it's a mouse / touchpad)
14:20.19Wonkathe difference between relative and absolute pointing device might be relevant...
14:20.23Juestoah, how to configure that in xfce? gnome shell worked but it was hell slow
14:20.40Juestoit had a huge delay between switching touch and mouse
14:20.47Juestoeven opening the keyboard wtf
14:20.47djphwlan / bt -> most are, but it depends on the specific card.
14:21.01Juestoon screen keyboward*
14:21.22djphWonka: quite true, I hate fingerprints on my screen, so, well, I don't care if they're touch or not (they ain't gettin' touched)
14:21.33Juestodjph: the same card is providing bluetooth and wlan, thats what i meant
14:21.55Juestoand i couldnt find bluetooth support, only wlan with a closer relative
14:22.12djphJuesto: yes, I understood.  It depends on whether or not it's landfill-fodder (as is normal from most mfgs), or something halfway decent.
14:22.28Juestohmm, no idea about that =)
14:22.35djphwhat card is it?
14:23.02Juestodont remember, im on windows in that laptop atm, it has a old fedora installed
14:23.19djphwindows has a hardware manager too ...
14:23.25Juestoralink rt3290
14:23.53djphand, thankd to HP, you can't replace it with something not awful :(
14:24.08Juestooh well
14:24.26Juestobeyond unsupported, technical reasons?
14:24.52Juestonot much i can do then.... :(
14:25.50Juestoand anything about drivers?
14:26.01djphbecause HP puts a whitelist in their bioses.  "not our HP-branded firmware on a card -> ERR_HARD_STOP"
14:26.03Juestohey, bluetooth and wifi itself does okay actually
14:26.11Juestofake it then?
14:27.15Juestosigh... then i guess i'd have to wait for someone to make a driver out of it or something
14:28.57djphor hack the HP trash bios :D
14:29.20Juestocomplexness: bios > driver
14:29.26djphralink may provide *nix drivers, but they're ... fun ... to find
14:29.54Juestoof the 2in1 ?
14:30.10Juestoactually not really sure about the bluetooth since it says mediatek on windows
14:30.56Juestomediatek site
14:31.25djphone bought the otehr
14:32.30JuestoUgh, apparently mediatek removed it from their site
14:33.57Juestoim reading about ubuntu but i guess it should be the same thing on devuan/fedora?
14:42.14djphDevuan is a fork of debian-proper.  Fedora is RedHat, who the hell knows
14:43.06Juestoits still linux kernel :)
14:43.20Juestoand yes, fedora is a consumer red hat
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14:44.20djphyeah, but "how it works" does change a bit (even between say deb <-> ubuntu), because of other things (e.g. gcc version, libc6, etc.)
14:45.17Juestoi know, the basics is still the same
14:45.22Juestobecause its linux and gnu tools
14:45.31muepwifi/bt HW support is mostly in the kernel which mostly is not affected by changes in userspace
14:45.58Juestousually its enabled
14:45.59djphmuep: until you have to compile them from source
14:46.33muepwell yeah, there the package names will vary
14:46.38Juestomuep: my card isnt on the standard firmware support
14:47.07muepJuesto: if it is just a case of lacking firmware, you don't need to compile a kernel
14:47.36muepif it is an unredistributable firmware, usually you'd need to just get the firmware file from something that has it
14:48.36Juestowell, the card is supported but barely, only wlan and not even the right  model
14:48.53Juestoactually not really into the details of all this tbh
14:50.26muepit does not sound like a firmware issue to me
14:50.33*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e35:8a99:e90:1202:b5ff:fe91:e4ca)
14:50.52muepbut if it works on fedora and not on devuan, you likely just need a more recent kernel
14:50.53Juestowhat would be the issue then?
14:50.59Juestoi mean it works but no bluetooth
14:51.13Juestoand not the right model either
14:51.23muepnot right model in what sense?
14:51.27Juestoi mean, it should work on devuan but im looking forward to have bluetooth working too
14:51.53Juestothat the driver used in fedora is the closest open source version not the exact one for its family or so
14:52.08Juestoand if it was the right driver i should be having bluetooth working
14:52.16muepthe driver name does not always match the device name
14:52.32Juestoi didnt try devuan yet
14:52.47Juestoi shall reboot to fedora and join #fedora i guess
14:53.15muepe.g. if a device vendor xyz has a chipset XYZ 112233 and then someone writes it a linux driver named xyz112233
14:53.44muepthen later a new similar device XYZ 112234 comes available and it is similar enough that the existing driver can drive it
14:53.50Juestoi'll reboot away and investigate there i guess
14:53.54*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
14:53.59muepthere likely would not be a separate zyx112234 driver
14:54.14Juestono support for 2-in-1 cards apparently
14:55.39muepI'd not necessarily generalize it like that based on one device
14:55.59muepit more sounds like this driver for your device is missing a feature or has a bug
14:56.37Juestoyeah i guess
14:57.50Juestoagain, i'll reboot to fedora and check
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15:08.29msiismDocScrutinizer05, fsmithred: (third entry). and:
15:11.03*** join/#devuan Juesto (~AndC@
15:12.08Juestocouldn't connect from the computer, doesn't matter
15:12.18JuestoWi-Fi's working
15:13.03Juestolol i feel dumb, the wlan is correctly recognized but not Bluetooth
15:13.23Juestoactually even the Bluetooth is recognized and listed but no driver
15:13.34*** join/#devuan antenagora (~antenagor@
15:15.54Juestoapparently i don't have Bluetooth service
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15:35.03Juestoim still wondering about touchscreen
15:44.53JuestoHow i would go into removing systemd and switching to another init in fedora?
15:45.08buZzJuesto: which devuan are you running?
15:45.21Wonka.oO( why would we here know about Fedora? )
15:45.40Juestoit's a general question, how would i make it systemd-free
15:45.54buZzno clue, ask #fedora? \
15:45.56JuestoThought you guys would know, since you guys know how to do that on a debian install
15:46.04buZzno, we run devuan
15:46.08buZznot debian
15:46.12Juestothey said its not possible, but i am skeptical
15:46.14buZzare you here to troll?
15:46.38buZzthen why?
15:46.46Juestojust a thought
15:46.55buZzdid you try #fedora yet?
15:47.10Juestosee above
15:47.15buZzwhat makes you think #devuan is a better place for fedora questions?
15:47.16Juesto>they said...
15:47.24Juestonevermind then
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15:47.42buZzrunning redhat without systemd will be insanely hard
15:47.58Juestohow come
15:48.16buZzeven removing it from debian to a level where noobs could run it, took about a year
15:48.51buZzi'd recommend just installing devuan if you want a systemd-free OS
15:49.01buZzwill make it a LOT easier to ask questions in here aswell
15:49.41Juestothanks, i guess i'll move partitions then
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16:03.55muepJuesto: I would guess that it is possible to run some other init in fedora but you would need to do a lot of the integration yourself
16:04.11muepit would be a huge task
16:04.59Juestoplus got told there isnt init alts
16:05.02muepwith integration I mean stuff like writing (or finding and reusing) init scripts for everyting and its dog
16:05.16buZzJuesto: imho, fedora isnt ment for people who want freedom over such things
16:05.41buZzits just for the 'do everything like we tell you, and maybe you can certify for RHEL some day'
16:06.35Juestoi see
16:06.35muepimo, fedora is quite flexible even though it does not provide more than one init
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16:07.08buZzmuep: i still stand by its just 'beginners RHEL' to veign relevance for that setup in enterprise
16:07.14muepthe short support period is the main limitation that prevents use for quite many use cases
16:07.22buZzif they cant fool kids into running fedora, in 10 years nobody will care about RHEL
16:08.16Juestoconsumer rhel*
16:08.31buZzsame thing
16:08.33muepRHEL is like an expensive way to get a small subset of fedora in a way that is more boring and has long support
16:09.01muepand neither of those is really consumer-oriented
16:09.05buZzmuep: or fedora is the way to do 'experimentation on users' to see what features could maybe go into RHEL
16:09.43mueppart of it is experimentation in general
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17:01.04*** join/#devuan Beerbelott (~Beer@2a01:e0a:6:8070:2141:d1fd:fa74:b23a)
17:01.28BeerbelottI am trying to update a Debian Stretch machine to Devuan Ascii
17:01.56Beerbelott(inspired by
17:02.19BeerbelottHowever it seems I encountered a difficulty:
17:02.19BeerbelottE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
17:02.47buZzhow about apt remove x ; apt install x ?
17:02.54buZzdoes that bring the same error back?
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17:04.48BeerbelottI usually purge instead of remove, is it problematic for initramfs-tools?
17:05.17buZzi dont see any reason to use purge instead of remove, but should be ok
17:05.25buZzwhat is 'it' in your question? purge?
17:06.52KatolaZBeerbelott: what is the error you get, exactly?
17:07.15buZzthen yeh, should be fine to use
17:07.18KatolaZ(inspiration is not enough: that guide is meant to be followed quite literally, AFAICT)
17:07.22BeerbelottI'll do remove, however we are talking about remove initramfs-tools, which deletes kernels and warns about kernel modules which will also be removed, shall I proceed?
17:07.54KatolaZBeerbelott: please read above ^^^^^
17:08.26buZzyeah its ment as literal howto
17:08.29BeerbelottKatolaZ: THe only step I could not go through with was to remove the systemd package. Even if I was already using sysvinit for init, stuff like openssh-server had dependencies on systemd...
17:08.39KatolaZno Beerbelott
17:08.42KatolaZthat's impossible
17:08.50KatolaZthis means that you stiull have debian repos somewhere
17:09.08buZzKatolaZ: which get removed two steps later?
17:09.18KatolaZthe dep from openssh is on libpam-systemd
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17:09.26KatolaZand it's satisfied by elogind
17:09.37KatolaZand it's not a dep, rather a "recommends"
17:09.49KatolaZBeerbelott: ^^^
17:09.50buZzoh, he might have installrecommends on
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17:13.02BeerbelottKatolaZ: I was talking about doing that *before* the dist-upgrade, thus still on Debian
17:13.08Beerbelottas per the guide steps
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17:13.36Beerbelott'apt-get purge systemd' is said to be run *before* actually even configuring Devuan sources
17:13.51BeerbelottIf I were to do that, it would have removed openssh-server, I am positive
17:14.45KatolaZBeerbelott: apt-cache show openssh-server | grep Recommends
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17:15.59BeerbelottI finished the procedure now thus openssh-server does not rely on systemd anymore :)
17:16.19KatolaZno Beerbelott
17:16.22KatolaZI don't understand
17:16.30KatolaZopenssh-server does not depend on systems
17:16.39KatolaZit Recommends: libpam-systemd
17:16.46BeerbelottRecommends: libpam-systemd, ncurses-term, xauth
17:16.47KatolaZwhich is provided by libpam-elogind in Devuan
17:17.05BeerbelottI told you that was for the openssh-server package from *Debian*
17:17.07KatolaZso if you remove systemd you won't remove libpam-systemd
17:17.21buZzKatolaZ: but he wasnt on devuan yet ;)
17:17.28KatolaZbuZz: doesn't matter
17:17.31buZzoh ok
17:17.35BeerbelottThe procedure tells to purge the systemd package *before* even configuring Devuan packages in the source (thus while still in Debian)
17:17.38buZzbeen ages since i touched a debian box
17:17.45KatolaZif you remove a package with apt-get you don't remove it's deps
17:17.57KatolaZunless you have autoremove enabled somewhere
17:18.05KatolaZBeerbelott: I got it
17:18.09buZzKatolaZ: not even remove apps depending on what you remove?
17:18.11KatolaZhave you read what I wrote above?
17:18.14BeerbelottI might have tested w/ aptitude
17:18.39Beerbelott(unsure now)
17:18.47KatolaZok Beerbelott
17:18.57KatolaZso you didn't follow the guide literally
17:19.09KatolaZit would be good to have a more detailed report of what you did, if you can
17:19.12BeerbelottWish me luck, procedure is finished, all seems well... It shall be the last time I see this: 4.9.0-6-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.9.88-1 (2018-04-29) x86_64 GNU/Linux
17:20.26BeerbelottKatolaZ: Once the dist-upgrade has been done and finished in error, I did sudo apt remove initramfs-tools-core
17:20.53KatolaZBeerbelott: the dist-upgrade comes after you remove systemd....
17:21.19BeerbelottIt removed initramfs-tools initramfs-tools-core linux-image-4.9.0-5-amd64 linux-image-4.9.0-6-amd64 linux-image-amd64
17:21.25BeerbelottWhich I then reinstalled
17:22.02Beerbelottyou only need to specify initramfs-tools linus-image-amd64 linux-image-4.9.0-5-amd64 actually
17:22.16Beerbelottthe last one is needed if you wish to keep dual-kernel possibilities
17:22.18buZztotally possible debian is no longer in a state that matches the initial state of that howto
17:22.38buZzwhats a dual-kernel
17:22.44KatolaZbuZz: the howto was updated 5 days ago
17:22.56buZzKatolaZ: doesnt reduce chances to zero ;)
17:22.59BeerbelottI mean having with 49.0-5 & 4.9.0-6 entries in the boot loader
17:23.11buZzBeerbelott: why would you even want that?
17:23.11KatolaZif you remove systemd using apt-get, openssh-server does not get removed
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17:23.42KatolaZif you interpret the guide, then you should also interpret the results :)
17:24.03buZzi'm almost 10% tempted to just install debian in a VM and try
17:24.18KatolaZplease do buZz
17:24.24KatolaZand report any inconsistency
17:24.33KatolaZdetailed reports are useful
17:24.36buZzi totally would if i did
17:24.44buZzmaybe later today :)
17:28.30*** join/#devuan Oldmoss (~Oldmoss@
17:38.01Beerbelott$ cat /etc/os-release &&hideprev
17:38.01BeerbelottPRETTY_NAME="Devuan GNU/Linux ascii/ceres"
17:38.01BeerbelottNAME="Devuan GNU/Linux"
17:50.58BeerbelottbuZz: I did just that :)
17:51.29BeerbelottI was actually using aptitude
17:51.53BeerbelottIt warns openssh-server recommends libpam-systemd, but the package was not going to be installed
17:52.05KatolaZBeerbelott: this is what we said above :)
17:52.15KatolaZif you used apt-get it would have not complained
17:52.19Beerbelottthis 'leave the following dependencies unresolved' is a bit scary though, since I was working over SSH
17:52.33KatolaZBeerbelott: the guide says to use apt-get :)
17:53.02BeerbelottYup but I would have uninstalled libpam-systemd, systemd wasn't that problematic?
17:53.15KatolaZno Beerbelott
17:53.25KatolaZwhy should that be problematic?
17:53.48KatolaZBeerbelott: you are not the first one to migrate from stretch to ascii :)
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17:54.25BeerbelottOK then my bad
17:54.43KatolaZno Beerbelott
17:54.47KatolaZI am not saying that
17:54.58KatolaZit's just that aptitude and apt-get have different defaults
17:55.12KatolaZand the path that uses apt-get has been tested by many people
17:55.23BeerbelottYup I was using aptitude precisely for its overseeing capability )
17:55.29BeerbelottYup rgr that
17:55.41BeerbelottThe thing is on devuan boxes I merely use apt-get :D
17:55.45KatolaZhappy to hear that you are on board now :)
17:55.55Beerbelottbut on debian aptitude... don't ask why
17:56.04BeerbelottI was already on other machines
17:56.12BeerbelottBut this one was... important
17:57.14BeerbelottCan't wait to get my hands on an Ascii net-install :)
17:57.50buZzyou'd better start to use apt
17:57.58buZzinstead of apt-get or aptitude
17:58.05BeerbelottI subducted a colleague at work who had to install a PC by sticking my Devuan Jessie-installed USB key :D
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17:58.13Beerbelottsticking out*
17:58.14buZzaptitude is 'ubuntu style' , apt-get is a relic
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17:58.48KatolaZbuZz: ?
17:59.12KatolaZapt-get is a relic?
17:59.22buZzyes, apt is its replacement
17:59.34KatolaZno, this is what the apt developers would like to happen
17:59.38BeerbelottThere are actions apt-get do apt can't if I recall right
17:59.47buZzBeerbelott: no, none
18:00.13buZzKatolaZ: i agree , without developers we would have never need to move to newer software
18:00.30buZzif they could just stop developing new stuff! geez
18:00.37KatolaZno I don't say that
18:00.39buZzpets the pdp8
18:00.44siceloi saw there are images for beaglebone black. is there an info page to show what is supported, etc.?
18:00.44KatolaZI am happy that apt is around
18:00.48KatolaZand that aptitude is there
18:01.00KatolaZsicelo: look at the README.txt
18:01.00buZzsicelo: should be similar support to any other distro for beagle
18:01.15buZzthat omap-alike is well supported
18:01.59KatolaZbuZz: having new software does not automatically mean that the "old" is bad and should be discarded
18:02.09KatolaZremember that both apt and apt-get depend on dpkg
18:02.16KatolaZthat is a "relic" from 1994
18:02.16buZzsure, its just progress
18:02.19buZzwho cares
18:02.26buZzwe could keep running 1994 software all we want
18:02.30KatolaZand has not changed much since then
18:02.42siceloin fact, i still prefer apt-get over apt
18:02.51buZzyou dont like a progress bar? :D
18:02.58sicelonot at all
18:03.27siceloapt-cache search has better output than apt search foo
18:04.07buZzapt-cache search doesnt even give you the versionnumbers
18:04.09KatolaZI am just sick of the "it's from 20 years ago, so it must be old, hence removed"
18:04.14KatolaZthis is why we have systemd around
18:04.16buZzor what repo its from
18:04.22KatolaZand a lot of crap
18:04.23buZzi never said remove ;)
18:04.26siceloi don't need version numbers when i search for packages
18:04.36KatolaZapt has good features
18:04.39buZzsicelo: not even when there's more than one?
18:04.42KatolaZand aptitude as well
18:05.04KatolaZbuZz: when there is more than one, apt-cache will show more than one
18:05.10sicelonot really .. when i'm searching, i want to know if there is a package for foo
18:05.33KatolaZanyway, my point is not that apt is good or bad
18:05.54sicelothen i zoom in on packages i am interested in .. only the n i need versions
18:05.58buZzKatolaZ: and, not show the difference ;)
18:06.01BeerbelottKatolaZ: Don't get started on systemd wannabe-kings decided they knew it on everything and were going to provide the salutarian monolith :D
18:06.36sicelos/the n / then /
18:07.05KatolaZBeerbelott: ?
18:07.17sicelomm, now i don't see the link for images
18:09.18sicelolooks like i have interenet problems. can't open it.  /me goes to check dns
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18:11.10DocScrutinizer05hah, lol. - thanks msiism for this finding
18:12.11DocScrutinizer05on a sidenote, is pretty useless crap
18:13.14koollmanwell ... it shows conversation about bugs with context. how is that crap ?
18:17.41DocScrutinizer05it obfuscates stuff
18:18.25DocScrutinizer05the fist message I can find in this bug is #5, no matter what I do. I can't find the patch either
18:19.21WonkaDocScrutinizer05: click "
18:19.22WonkaToggle useless messages"
18:19.29DocScrutinizer05did, pointless
18:20.35DocScrutinizer05prolly "best viewed in a browser that supports our JS-crap"
18:20.54Wonkamessage #10 contains a clear_console.diff
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18:39.00DocScrutinizer05only has ^[[3J
18:39.32DocScrutinizer05I don't see how this explains the issue
18:40.51DocScrutinizer05idly muses if there should be a ^m at end of this sequence, to flush buffers
18:45.13DocScrutinizer05actually it would be pretty funny if the ^[[3J would get buffered until VT is switched to clear_console the old way, then takes effect in the VT clear_console switched to
18:48.49DocScrutinizer05i start to love my   for x in seq 50; do printf '\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n'; done;  approach
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18:57.39DocScrutinizer05for x in `seq 50`; do printf '\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n'; done; #sorry
18:59.28DocScrutinizer05real  0m0.004s   user  0m0.001s   sys   0m0.003s
18:59.36WonkaShift-Pageup Shift-Pageup # sorry not sorry
18:59.41DocScrutinizer05(in xterm)
19:00.08DocScrutinizer05Wonka: hm?
19:00.19Wonka.oO( /exec -o sh -c "for x in `seq 50`; do printf '\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n'; done" )
19:00.36WonkaDocScrutinizer05: scrolls up in the non-cleared scrollback buffer
19:00.53DocScrutinizer05the scrollbufer gets cleared by what I pasted
19:01.04DocScrutinizer05that's the point
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19:01.22Wonkawell, in my xfce4-terminal, it's 1000 lines...
19:01.26Wonkaso, no.
19:01.36DocScrutinizer05not in my console though
19:02.23DocScrutinizer05and I bet your xfce4 terminal also doesn't bother about chvt
19:02.54DocScrutinizer05which happens to be what clear_consile done so far
19:05.05Wonkabut it does care about what "clear" without -x does...
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19:06.58DocScrutinizer05irrelevant I'd think. clear_console (the program that makes X11 crash) only is aimed at VTs aiui
19:07.28WonkaI didn't even know clear_console existed :)
19:11.20DocScrutinizer05tl;dr: it cleared VT backscroll buffer by chvt() to another console and then back, and this doesn't work anymore with a "new" kernel patch that keeps scrollbuffers in this case. So they patched it to also do write( "\e[3J"). And now(? or even longer?) clear_console executed on VT2 crashes X11 on VT1
19:13.32*** part/#devuan Beerbelott (~Beer@2a01:e0a:6:8070:2141:d1fd:fa74:b23a)
19:26.21DocScrutinizer05my problem is: I still don't have access to de*an VTs, so I hardly can test anything
19:33.11DocScrutinizer05all I can do is testing a  for x in `seq 999 -1 1`; do echo $x; done; and state that _my_ console buffer incl visible screen is a 133 lines. Obviously this doesn't mean much for a proper generic solution to the problem of clearing backscroll buffer
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19:35.20DocScrutinizer05anyway `man 1 clear` >>clear  clears your screen if this is possible, including its scrollback buffer (if the extended "E3" capability is defined).<<
19:36.19DocScrutinizer05and I see on de*an systems this manpage looks quite different but also mentions E3 cap
19:43.34DocScrutinizer05also this manpage is worth reading and you wonder if the bash (and/or clear_console) devels ever did
19:50.19DocScrutinizer05s/133/134/ fwiw
19:55.15DocScrutinizer05techo -e '\0333J' clears those 134 lines here,  uname -srvmpi Linux 3.16.7-53-desktop #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Dec 2 13:19:28 UTC 2016 (7b4a1f9) x86_64 x86_64 x86_64
19:58.07DocScrutinizer05sigh, those typos.   echo -e '\033[3J'
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20:15.52DocScrutinizer05Wonka: >>"clear" without -x<< what's that? my "clear" doesn't take any parameters
20:20.20WonkaDocScrutinizer05: is close to what I have here in my devuan as /usr/share/man/man1/clear.1.gz, which comes from ncurses-bin
20:25.06DocScrutinizer05wow, that's strange. on a recently "updated" debian system, I get
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20:27.44DocScrutinizer05in line with reaction to `/usr/bin/clear -V` that simply clears the screen (in a ssh bash session)
20:28.32DocScrutinizer05ls -l `which clear` -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 6136 Dec 28 10:47 /usr/bin/clear
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20:50.53mchasardi'm trying to install guestboxadditions
20:51.17mchasardin order that in the virtualbox i could get any resolution
20:52.26mchasardi try to follow a tuto but its not so clear
20:53.02mchasardi have donwload an iso file
20:53.51mchasardi insert cd image additions from the vrtualbox menu
20:54.05mchasardbut after how to preceed please
20:55.31mchasardi needto have the necessary right to run
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21:04.47DocScrutinizer05I think you should check a few alternative howtos. i'm not really sure if the following applies to debian as well, but might give a hint:
21:05.25DocScrutinizer05err *...if the following applies to *Devuan* as well*
21:10.37DocScrutinizer05you prolly might want to ask jaromil, KatolaZ, parazyd
21:12.22mchasardthanks ...
21:13.21mchasardi install gcc make and perl to proceed
21:13.52mchasardwhen i run sudo sh /media/cdrom0/
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