IRC log for #devuan on 20180504

00:00.12gnarfacei don't know chromium well enough to tell you how to get it to cough up diagnostic information about which devices it's chosen
00:00.16bozoniusI tried all different sorts of tricks to get it working.  I made the headset default card in /etc/asoundrc.conf and that allows aplay/arecord to work without -D params
00:00.30gnarfaceoh, but still doesn't work in chromium?
00:00.58bozoniusme either.  There is a built-in web dev UI, but it doesn't really give much info on the audio, iirc.  I did a project using html5 audio a few years ago
00:01.16bozoniusonly on chromium 57 (jessie) not 66 (ascii)
00:01.36bozoniuswith no particular changes outside of the version change
00:01.54bozoniusie, no changes to envirnoment, system or alsa config, etc
00:02.02bozoniusjust downgrading chromium did the trick
00:02.10gnarfacewell, i was having trouble getting left4dead2 to recognize a USB device as a mic, and someone gave me help, maybe this can be changed to work for you too:
00:02.31bozoniusthanks; I'll take a look
00:02.36gnarface(it sets a bunch of extra variables that aren't supposed to be needed, and aren't used, but left4dead2 ignores the whole config unless they're defined)
00:03.08gnarfacei've tested it generally with lots of other programs and it's pretty solid
00:03.13gnarfacei've tested it with other devices too
00:03.37gnarfaceall you should have to change is the "KQ246AA" part
00:03.54bozoniusand you get mic input in chromium v66 (ascii)?
00:04.22gnarfacenot gonna test that one for you, not gonna install chromium to find out, sorry
00:04.38gnarfacebut it works for everything i've tested it on, so there's a good chance
00:04.43bozoniusso which browser(s), then, do you get mic input?
00:04.59bozoniusbecause audacity works fine, as do some other tools I've tried
00:05.21gnarfacenone of them, i've used this with mumble and several in-game voice features as well as the steam client
00:05.24bozoniusI briefly had ekiga working too
00:05.44bozoniusthen how do you know it will work for anything, including chromium?
00:05.59bozoniuswell, I guess I could try the file you gave
00:06.04gnarfacei said there's a good chance of it, there's no guarantees here
00:06.17bozoniusKQ246AA is the headset?
00:06.39gnarfaceit's actually a USB webcam, but this is only using the mic part
00:06.53gnarfaceyour headset shouldn't be different in that regard
00:07.10gnarfacesee line 16?
00:07.13gnarfacethis one:        pcm { type hw; card KQ246AA; device 0; subdevice 0 }
00:07.46bozoniuswhen I do aplay -l, I see card1: Headset [blah...
00:08.02bozoniusso I would substitute "Headset" there?
00:08.38gnarfaceyou have to figure out which device and subdevice are the mic
00:08.48gnarfaceon my webcam, there's only the mic
00:09.00gnarfacebut on your headset, the speakers probably also show up as a second device or subdevice
00:09.24gnarfaceno idea what order they'll be in, but aplay -l should tell you
00:09.53gnarface(sometimes it helps to compare `aplay -l` and `arecord -l` to distinguish the inputs from the outputs)
00:13.36bozoniusok, the browser picks up input, apparently, but (a web voice recorder to test mics and speakers) no longer works in v66, just as before
00:14.23bozoniusit's odd, because v57 works fine, with no particularly fancy configuration (other than making the headset the default in asound.conf)
00:15.54bozoniusand using apulse does not help, and makes it worse -- then chromium can't even find a card with a mic
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00:23.17bozoniuswhoa!  Good news.  the mic works at now
00:23.31gnarfaceok, so the ~/.asoundrc fix was worth something then?
00:23.34bozoniusI'm going to try my original asound.conf just to make sure
00:23.42bozonius(yes, apparently)
00:24.18gnarfacefrom what i've been told this is a sign of a bug in the program, but i'm not clearer on it than that.  these values shouldn't need to be redefined like this unless they screwed up their alsalib API calls or something like that
00:24.49bozoniusthat's pretty much what I am figuring.  Esp. since other apps work fine
00:24.54gnarfaceit probably comes from attempting to support windows and linux audio with the same codebase and no understanding of linux audio
00:25.17bozoniusdon't go there... please
00:25.18gnarfacei realize now i've only seen this problem with commercial software
00:25.23gnarfacethat's all
00:25.31gnarfaceand it was all ports of windows programs
00:25.40bozoniusI really appreciate that asound config, gnarface
00:25.51gnarfaceadditionally, some of them garble the crap out of stereo mic input, just a warning
00:26.00gnarface(if you have a mono mic source then you're fine though)
00:26.26bozoniusyeah, I worked for a software house that tried to port its windows stuff  (what we call engineered software on the unix/linux side) to various unix platforms
00:26.34bozoniusyeah, mono mic
00:26.46gnarfacei don't really deserve thanks for that config.  debianuser donated that to me in #alsa as a workaround for l4d2's problems
00:26.57bozoniusstill, you shared it
00:27.17bozoniusanyway, the porting was contracted out to some dark entity, and the result was absolutely horrendous
00:27.20gnarfacesomeone should really write a good ALSA book and get o'reilly to publish it
00:27.29bozoniusalmost nothing worked right in the unix versions
00:27.39bozoniusI think there is one
00:27.59bozoniusPractical Linux Sound or something, iirc
00:28.06bozoniusit's very old though
00:28.28bozoniusI think I almost bought it
00:28.40bozoniusa book would be nice.
00:29.05bozoniusor complete online docs with some examples.  I've only seen smatterings of info about configuring alsa here and there
00:29.23bozoniusalsa site has some docs, but I found they were also not clear
00:29.43bozonius(they did help me figure out how to make my headset the default device though)
00:31.04bozoniusgnarface:  WTH?
00:31.32bozoniusnow the mic works at even without your suggested changes to the asound.conf
00:31.47bozoniusbangs his head -- HARD -- against the wall
00:31.49gnarfacebozonius: remember that it'll still be using the old config until you restart the browser
00:32.00bozoniusoh, I did restart the browser...
00:32.14gnarfacedoes it have one of those fast-start daemons it leaves running though?
00:32.20bozoniuslinux has more ways of making me wrong...
00:32.21gnarfacefirefox had that by default for a while
00:32.54gnarfacei'd close it then check "ps aux --forest" to make sure everything related exited and it's not keeping some caching daemon alive that's also hanging onto the old config for you
00:33.11gnarfacealthough i guess it's possible it might have cached your config itself
00:33.16gnarfacethat seems insane, but it's possible
00:33.54bozoniusps -ef |grep chrome    nada
00:33.58gnarfacenot beyond the realm of possibilities that something you did caused some admin at to notice their bug and fix it "transparently" too
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00:34.00bozoniustried the tree
00:34.46bozoniusI'm using xfce, but I wonder if the gnome lib support might be involved?
00:35.09bozoniusI think I shall reboot and start fresh; see if I can get it to work
00:36.27bozoniusduolingo?  Heheheh. Not likely.  They're still trying to fix a ton of other issues.  It's a good site, and it really works, but it does have bugs here and there.  Mainly latency type issues.
00:37.14bozoniuswhen I do one of the exercises asking for mic input, sometimes it takes a few moments for it to catch what you are saying.  But most of the time it is very prompt
00:38.10gnarfacei prefer push-to-talk mode myself... some amount of latency in the auto-detect mechanism is inescapable and i'm from the CB-radio era anyway
00:38.37gnarfacei don't know of any good fixes other than the old fashioned way in this case
00:38.46bozoniusthe so-called "vox" feature
00:38.58bozoniuson some old hardware
00:39.15gnarfacetrying different compression settings may help
00:39.23gnarfacemore or less, i can't really guess
00:39.29gnarfacedepends on the hardware
00:40.11bozoniusrebooted.  Re-set my asound.conf back to the original way I had it, before your changes, where it simply marked the headset as default pcm and ctl, and now... works fine
00:40.48gnarfaceseems very weird
00:40.58gnarfaceand that's chromium v66?
00:41.11gnarfacedo you have any other websites to test with besides those two?
00:41.36bozoniusI just did it as we chatted, and the headphone speakers pass, but mic fails
00:41.58bozoniusit asks me for perm to use the mic for the mic input test, but there is no activity (line does not change)
00:42.28gnarfacei suspect it's grabbing some line-in or unplugged onboard mic jack
00:42.44bozoniusweirder still, gnarface
00:42.55bozoniusafter the speaker test, I went BACK to the mic test
00:42.59bozoniusand guesso whato
00:43.11bozoniusnow it is working
00:43.32bozoniusso maybe not a problem with chromium... but who knows.
00:43.38gnarfacebetween these asound.conf changes, you're closing all programs that access alsa right?
00:43.45bozoniusmaybe duolingo devs ran into issues and figured out how to work them out
00:43.56bozoniusnothing else running
00:44.00bozonius(using mic)
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00:44.15gnarfacesomething weird does seem to be going on
00:44.25gnarfacei guess it's not completely conclusively not the driver's fault
00:44.33gnarfacebut it does seem to be isolated to chromium v66
00:44.44bozoniussort of... but not entirely
00:44.49bozoniusI mean, in the end, it is working
00:45.18gnarfaceyou have some weird hysteresis going on though that i can't be sure isn't user error without watching over your shoulder every move you make
00:45.30bozoniusit's just that initially at least, it resists the instructions to operate as expected
00:45.33gnarfacestill, it does seem like you've been careful...
00:45.49gnarfaceand yea... it does seem to be behaving quite strangely at time
00:45.54gnarface*at times
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00:47.27bozoniustries a few combinations of pages at ...
00:48.39bozoniusok, I think I might detecct a pattern, and this is to do with the way the site works
00:49.13bozoniusif I start the browser (v66) fresh, and open, it tries to do the mic test but the line does not alter at all
00:49.39bozoniusif I switch to any other page there (speaker test, webcam test, etc), then come BACK to the mic test page then it works
00:50.33bozoniusI wonder if maybe they are not opening the device successfully on the mic page.  Maybe in v57, chromium opened the device for the client if it wasn't already open for the first opeeration
00:50.44bozoniusI mean, this is all guessing and speculating
00:52.00bozoniusgnarface:  One thing I DO happen to know is that all this html5 audio and video is fairly recent.  I was working with it 4 or 5 years ago and it was in even more tumult than it is now.  It's actually pretty sstable fro what I can observe
00:52.16bozoniusbut back then, nightlies were breaking the html5 stuff regularly
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00:53.12bozoniusone problem is that chromium, firefox and other browsers were implementing html5 audio and video differently (I think opera eventually decided to go with chrome's implementation, iirc)
00:54.07bozoniusI think part of my experience (since ascii I mean), is that the code is ever morphing
00:54.53bozoniusWhy leave stable code  alone when you could be tweaking it in hopes of breaking it and making users and app devs upset?
00:55.12bozoniusThis is why I much, much prefer fixed release distros
00:55.21bozoniusnot just of linux, but of anything.
00:55.35bozoniusI prefer stability over the latest bells and whistles
00:55.45bozonius(I include sec fixes in stability)
00:55.56gnarfacebozonius: well... i could imagine some of this stuff may have been shoved into market without sufficient security controls, and now retroactively adding them may be causing breakage.  imagine if there was no way for a browser to disable the website's ability to access the mic at any time?
00:56.41gnarfacejust addressing that one concern alone could cause a huge ripple effect across default behavior expectations
00:56.44bozoniusoh, I am not knocking them entirely.  They have done yeomens' work on this whole audio video thing
00:57.07bozoniusI just wish they'd practice better development habits
00:57.32gnarfaceme too
00:57.50bozoniusthen again... that kinda goes for a lot of projects, doesn't it?
00:58.07gnarfacebut especially web browsers
00:58.11bozoniusand when it's all free of charge, who's to have a justified complaint?
00:58.42gnarfaceor any web developer, really
00:58.53gnarfacewe bear the burden of the industries mistakes
00:59.02gnarfacewe hide their bodies
00:59.08gnarfacewe launder their dirty fucking money
00:59.15bozoniusit is my opinion that web browsers are called upon to support an extraordinary amount of features, and the attendant security
00:59.27bozoniustrue, what you say
01:00.10gnarfaceit wouldn't be half so bad if the perceived quality of say something like IE6, weren't so vastly divergent from the reality of the situation from a developer's perspective
01:00.15bozoniusthat's how I was feeling while trying to develop an audio app for web.  Sometimes, I had to wait several days for a fix to come though, or fall back to older versions which broke even more stuff
01:01.27gnarfacethey call it the "cutting edge" of technology for a reason.  but with web browsers, that edge is serrated
01:01.47bozoniusand  I feel a lot of this stems from this new-fangled AGILE practice.  Don't plan.  Just start writing it, building it, and later when it is done, we'll write the design docs
01:02.02bozoniusedge is sharp as sharks' teeth
01:03.02gnarfaceyea agile is a real problem that only gets worse when you half-ass it
01:03.19bozoniusand then, maybe, we'll start to implement the thing (whateveritis) properly, with care.  But who will care then?  Because I'll already have my money and my repuation and I'll leave it for some poor schmuck like bozonius to fix it.
01:03.58bozoniusgnarface:  the fact that it calls upon team members to tolerate direct interpersonal confrontation is the root of it
01:04.01gnarfaceagile defines a strict set of failure cases and mitigation strategies that usually management decides to exclude themselves from.  this makes it function much worse than it's already ill-conceived nature
01:04.09bozoniusstand-ups, scrums, etc
01:04.41bozoniusand that can only be had by thorough examination and consideration of the end product
01:04.50bozoniuswhich seems to be elusive to the minds of the coders
01:04.59gnarfacei forget what it's actually called, but there's this one case where you're supposed to actually just scrap the sprint and do it over.  that never happens when it should
01:05.25bozoniusI sense they have no idea what it will look like, or do, or the features it will have when they start out
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01:05.37bozoniusit seems to be driven mainly by personalities
01:05.39gnarfacemanagement still tries to use agile to hold the entire project deadline in place, which is actually the opposite of what agile is designed to do
01:06.23bozoniuswhat is wrong with good,  old-fashioned engineering design, planning, testing, implementation, deployment... ?
01:06.32gnarfaceand as often as not, the developers don't have a clear picture of what the final product should look like because it's a moving target management themselves can't settle on a definition for
01:06.55bozoniussure it had bugs and problems too, but at least there was a goal and the entire team knew what it was when they started
01:07.08gnarfacethe good old fashioned pattern doesn't give upper management any outs to scapegoat their underlings for deadline slippage caused by incomplete planning on their behavlf
01:08.36bozoniuswhy should mgmt care?  They have their connnections and golden parachutes, so when it all starts going sour, they bail and leave bozonius and the other suckers to clean up their mess while fighting daily customer support fires
01:09.49bozoniusbut they can always rename the project or product
01:09.56bozoniusthat seems to help
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01:10.03bozonius... not
01:11.10bozoniusand it's a moving target, as you accurately say, not just because of manglement, but even more due to marketing
01:12.02bozoniusand those folks are totally clueless.  Sales people learn how to say technical things to potential and existing customers, like parakeets, only the latter sound much more convincing
01:12.39bozoniusblathers on... gnarface has fallen asleep, having laughed himself into a trance
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02:09.42aslan8649I have 5 packages being held back from being upgraded. When I attempt to upgrade them I end up in a broken package nightmare. the packages are: elogined libelogind0 libpam-elogind libpolkit-agent-1-0 policykit-1
02:09.57aslan8649what must I do to resolve this situation?
02:12.27gnarfacedo you get an error about udev?
02:12.37gnarfaceudev being already provided or something?
02:13.09gnarfaceaslan8649: ^
02:14.40fsmithredaslan8649, is this a new installation?
02:15.48gnarfaceoh i thought he meant he was upgrading from jessie
02:17.50aslan8649gnarface, no this is an old devuan install
02:18.04aslan8649there is no "udev" errors
02:18.48aslan8649about two weeks ago after I type 'u' in aptitude this started.
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02:24.50aslan8649argh!!! the one laptop just ran out of disk space on /var. it appears named has blown its brains out .
02:25.19aslan8649filled the syslog and the daemon_log with error nonsense
02:25.44aslan8649be back later
02:27.17*** part/#devuan dek (~dekester@unaffiliated/dekester)
02:27.19fsmithredthere may be a conflict between xfce and kde. Xfce uses consolekit and kde uses elogind
02:27.53fsmithredassuming this is the system that your package list came from
02:30.22aslan8649fsmithred, yes it is.
02:30.44aslan8649fsmithred, I am considering removing kde.
02:30.58aslan8649fsmithred, I am considering removing kde anyway. I never use it.
02:31.07fsmithredthat might help
02:31.13fsmithredbut there should be a way through this
02:31.20aslan8649fsmithred, the same is true of gnome.
02:31.35fsmithredI just installed kde with xfce earlier today, and I didn't have any trouble
02:31.49fsmithredwhat about gnome?
02:32.21aslan8649fsmithred, I never use it so I was thining about removing it.
02:32.30fsmithredare you upgrading from debian jessie to devuan ascii?
02:32.47aslan8649this is devuan ascii for several months
02:33.04fsmithredwhere'd you get gnome?
02:33.06fsmithredor how?
02:33.39fsmithredgetting rid of gnome and kde before upgrade is a good idea - it will save you a lot of time
02:33.56fsmithredoh, nm. already ascii.
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02:34.34fsmithredwhat's u in aptitude do?
02:35.19aslan8649fsmithred, the same as 'apt-get update'
02:35.37aslan8649fsmithred, update's the package lists
02:35.41fsmithredand now are you trying upgrade or dist-upgrade?
02:36.45aslan8649fsmithred, none of the above. I am just trying to perform aperiodic updates to the all ready running computer.
02:37.35fsmithred"update" updates the package cache, "upgrade" and "dist-upgrade" replace packages with newer versions
02:37.53fsmithreddist-upgrade will install any new packages
02:38.40fsmithredwhich libpolkit-backend and libpolkit-gobject- packages are installed?
02:40.39aslan8649libpolkit-gobject-1-0-elogind:amd64                         0.105-18+devuan2.4
02:41.03fsmithredI only know aptitude on command-line
02:41.20fsmithredI guess you'd need to do a full-upgrade instead of a safe-upgrade
02:41.33fsmithredbecause the packages you need don't have the same name
02:41.49aslan8649fsmithred, i am just apply updates to the system.
02:41.55fsmithredthe -1-0 comes afer the "elogind"
02:42.04fsmithredwhat do you mean apply the updates?
02:42.11fsmithredthere are different ways to do that
02:42.16fsmithredwhich way are you doing it?
02:42.28aslan8649ii  elogind                                                     234.4-1+devuan1.5
02:43.30fsmithredtry 'apt-get -s dist-upgrade'
02:43.39fsmithredor 'aptitude -s full-upgrade'
02:43.42fsmithredand see what it says
02:43.56*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
02:44.24aslan8649start aptitude as root; type a lowercase 'u', to cause aptitude to refresh/update the package lists. type uppercase "U" and a lowercase 'g' to have aptitude show what package may be updated.
02:44.55aslan8649fsmithred, this box is all ready at devuan ascii.
02:45.03fsmithredthere aren't two kinds of upper-case U?
02:45.13fsmithredyes, I understand that
02:45.19fsmithreddo you want the updated packages or not?
02:45.27fsmithredtry one of the commands I gave you
02:45.33fsmithredthe -s means "simulate"
02:45.38fsmithredit won't change anything
02:46.07aslan8649fsmithred, no, absolutely not. what you are saying is blantantly wrong.
02:46.37fsmithredwhich part?
02:46.41fsmithred(I know it's right)
02:47.51aslan8649fsmithred, I do not need to do a "full-upgrade" or a "dist-upgrade" to have aptitude or apt-get update packages.
02:48.19fsmithredyou do if you need a new package (a package that has a name different from any installed packages)
02:48.55aslan8649no! I search with aptitude and select install.
02:49.27golinuxaslan8649: I advise you to listen to fsmithred
02:50.00aslan8649golinux, why?
02:50.04golinux's advice
02:50.23fsmithredhow about, because I gave you two commands that might give you useful information?
02:50.28fsmithredwhy are you opposed to that?
02:50.29golinuxHe has helped many, many people straighten out a similar problem.
02:51.20golinuxHe is one of the best sources for Devuan troubleshooting.   But hey, if you know more, so be it.
02:51.27aslan8649what part of I have a computer all ready running devuan ascii and just what to solve a simple update issue do you not undertand?
02:52.05fsmithredso what's the solution?
02:52.15golinuxI understand that the packages involved are in flux and have been renamed therefore requiring a special procedure
02:53.05golinuxfsmithred:  Maybe go have a cup of tea and forget the ungratefulness
02:53.37aslan8649I am not trying to upgrade anything.
02:53.49golinuxYou have to to get the new package
02:54.12aslan8649aptitude is trying to update 5 all ready installed packages and for some unknown cannot do it.
02:54.36golinuxI give up and am going to the kitchen . . .
02:55.34aslan8649fsmithred, you are wrong. I do not have to do a Full-upgrade or dist-upgrade to install a new package.
02:55.54aslan8649saying that I do is plain insane.
02:56.13golinuxEnjoy your broken ascii then
02:56.33aslan8649fsmithred, "so what's the solution?" go back to Debian Stretch.
02:56.36fsmithredthen apt-get install the right package
02:56.53fsmithredaslan, run these commands as ordinary user and compare the outputs
02:57.00fsmithredaptitude -s safe-upgrade
02:57.05fsmithredaptitude -s full-upgrade
02:57.12aslan8649there are only 5 packages that need to be updated.
02:57.22fsmithredI can't guarantee that it will give you the solution, but it might.
02:57.46fsmithreddo those packages have the same names or different names than the ones they are updating?
02:58.29fsmithrednot a trick question
02:59.34aslan8649aptitude -s full-upgrade gives the same list of 5 packges which for some unknown reason cannot be update and will be held at their current version.
03:00.45fsmithredmaybe you need to do 'apt-get install <package>=<version>'
03:00.47aslan8649Resolving dependencies...
03:00.47aslan8649No packages will be installed, upgraded, or removed.
03:00.47aslan86490 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 5 not upgraded.
03:00.47aslan8649Need to get 0 B of archives. After unpacking 0 B will be used.
03:00.48aslan8649Would download/install/remove packages.
03:01.09aslan8649those are the same 5 packages
03:01.50aslan8649fsmithred, there is nothing to install. the 5 packages are installed. the 5 packages need to be updated.
03:08.47fsmithredapt-get install libpolkit-backend-elogind-1-0=105-18+devuan2.9 libpolkit-gobject-elogind-1-0=105-18+devuan2.9 (and so on)
03:14.17golinuxaslan8649: Those installed packages are obsolete.  You need different ones.
03:14.54golinux(At least I think that's what's going on)
03:15.01golinuxbutts out again.
03:15.11aslan8649golinux, this is true which is why aptitude decided to update them.
03:15.29golinuxThe new ones have different names
03:15.32fsmithredI don't know why it's a problem. They're just newer versions of the same packages.
03:15.47fsmithredno, these are the same. one is devuan2.4 and the newer one is devuan2.9
03:15.53golinuxThey don't have different names?
03:16.18fsmithrednope. earlier ones did.
03:16.37aslan8649this is insane
03:16.59fsmithredif this was the stable release, it would be insane
03:17.25aslan8649the one laptop in aptitude update now has the same problem. identical program. the exact same packages.
03:17.41fsmithreddid you try installing them by version?
03:18.07aslan8649fsmithred, I am just running aptitude without any command line arguments.
03:18.26fsmithredyeah, I wish you'd stop doing that for a little while
03:18.58aslan8649obviously something is seriously wrong with Devuan update system. these packages are not being tested properly.
03:19.13aslan8649fsmithred, why
03:19.52fsmithredwell anyway, in my experience with the recent upgrades relating to the totally fucked up desktop authentication system (blame debian), sometimes specifying the version of the package you want gets you through the blockage.
03:19.57fsmithredtake it or leave it.
03:20.18aslan8649fsmithred, blame the other guy.
03:20.43fsmithredso test them properly - you are testing them, because ascii is still the testing release
03:20.57aslan8649the laptop has an additional feature. eudev, udev, etc.
03:21.08fsmithredeudev is standard in ascii
03:21.46aslan8649the above packages are partially installed.
03:22.03fsmithredso going back to my statement where I bashed debian, I take it back. Remove that part and read the rest.
03:22.48aslan8649fsmithred, you lost all credibility when you start blaming debian for DEVUAN's issues.
03:23.24fsmithredwe did not make the rat's nest
03:23.29aslan8649still has the debian stretch hard drives for all the computers
03:23.33fsmithredand anyway, we're going off-topic
03:23.55aslan8649fsmithred, then do not use the rat-nest. FIX IT!!!
03:24.29aslan8649i have to fix the eudev, udev, and udisk2 debacle.
03:24.49fsmithredyou might have to break down and use the command line
03:25.05aslan8649fsmithred, in your dreams
03:25.18aslan8649that is what apt-get is for
03:25.22fsmithredwhich will be very soon
03:26.01fsmithredgood night, and good luck
04:05.54*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
04:15.52aslan8649could someone explain why Devuan ASCII using apt-get to update a program, wants to remove 26 packages with no explanation as to why?
04:16.33aslan8649If something is to be removed at least tell me why.
04:19.33*** join/#devuan jmic (
04:22.22CriggieJust for the lols... I'm working on a centos machine at work, which won't boot
04:22.25Criggie[241.532143] INFO: task systemd:1 blocked for more than 120 seconds.
04:22.36Criggieyeah - that's kinda not supposed to do that.
04:38.01rrqaslan8649: usually it's because that to install has direct or indirect conflicts with that to remove
04:44.33aslan8649rrq, i placed all the packages to be removed on Hold using aptitude. I then reran the command. apt-get provided the reasoning for deleting the packages. many depend on udisk2 which is being removed.
04:45.12aslan8649as to why udisk2 is being removed is unknown.
04:46.07aslan8649I am beginning to rethink moving to Devuan.
04:53.10aslan8649Allow apt-get to remove the 26 packages then it wants to remove 37 because they are no longer used.
04:54.04aslan8649many of those packages I needed.
04:56.04golinuxHave you rebooted?  A week or so ago, perl wouldn't update.  I had a terrible time.  It required a reboot to clear whatever was hanging things up.
04:59.28aslan8649golinux, i have not rebooted. just using apt-get to fix the laptop. going to switch back to debian stretch on it. i needed some of those 26 packages that were removed
05:00.13golinuxBefore you do scorched earth give it a try.
05:01.07aslan8649golinux, k3b which i used near every day was removed. however k3b-data was left behind. that is just sloppy.
05:01.48golinuxHow is that our fault if it is a debian package?
05:02.20aslan8649devuan claims to be "better"
05:02.28golinuxAnd apt and aptitude are Debian packages?
05:03.09golinuxMost of Devuan comes from Debian
05:04.08golinuxThere a plenty of screwups coming directly from Debian.  Those are not the screwups we are most concerned about
05:04.49aslan8649remove udisks2 only to reinstall it. minus all the packages which depended on it.
05:05.06*** join/#devuan amesser (
05:06.09aslan8649reinstall caja minus the packages which depended on it.
05:06.25aslan8649this is a nightmare.
05:06.45aslan8649give me CP/M
05:07.56aslan8649golinux, blame the other guy.
05:08.40aslan8649honest, I am just an innocent developer the other developers made it rubbish.
05:10.03*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
05:11.47golinuxThat's just trollish BS.  Thousands of users are happily running Devuan.  Some have had problems which were solved.  Others had smooth sailing.  Sometimes PENKAC wins the day.
05:12.35rrqaslan8649: have you found a stable package state yet? i.e. one where 'apt-get -f install' comes back without noise".
05:13.07golinuxthinks he should try a reboot.
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05:51.41bozoniusbozonius never experiences PEBKAC
05:52.27bozoniusrealizes his nose is growing very long...
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07:23.07aitora security hole has been found on twitter and it's recommended to change the password:
07:25.06aitorthis is not the right link, sorry
07:26.13aitorlol, but it's just been announced in a radio transmitter
07:27.56bozoniusso where is this link?
07:29.29bozoniusyour message displayed here just as I hit enter
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09:51.54aitorthe official announcement is here:
09:55.01specing> keeping-your-account-secure
09:55.14specingsounds like it is your fault they can't program right
09:55.57MinceRsounds like an item for the "modern" manifesto
09:56.39MinceRwell, it's a special case of the "we don't make mistakes, ever, not even when we do"
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13:29.56aslan8649golinux, PEBKAC?????
13:30.09aslan8649rrq, what are you referring to?
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13:30.58aslan8649golinux, I did reboot, the laptop computer which was running devuan ascii is now back running debian stretch
13:32.50aslan8649golinux, if you wish to make remarks about my abilities do me the honor of at least saying it openly and without jargon or slang.
13:33.49aslan8649golinux, telling me it is operator error is your opinion which is amoral, neither correct nor incorrect.
13:35.14*** join/#devuan chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc01:ed00:50bd:f150:f8db:5fdf)
13:35.35aslan8649golinux, the problem is Devuan makes a claim of being "better" than Debian yet blames Debian for all the alledge errors and problems. Devuan, needs to growup and own its own errors, problems and shortcomings.
13:35.57fsmithredwhere does devuan claim to be better?
13:36.21aslan8649software freedom, your way
13:36.26fsmithredI thought devuan's main goal was to offer debian without systemd
13:37.23fsmithredfor me, devuan is better. But I installed debian for a friend, because it was better for her.
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16:03.28aslan8649fyi, pulseaudio has taken to filling /var/log/user.log with millions of lines of the same error. 2327692 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2383550104 May  4 10:58 user.logs$ grep -e 'pulseaudio' /home-spare/var/log/user.log  | wc -l
16:04.05muepwhat error is it?
16:04.22aslan8649May  4 10:58:01 strauss pulseaudio[10423]: [null-sink] rtp.c: sendmsg() failed: Invalid argument
16:04.47aslan864924+ million lines of the same error
16:05.49aslan86492.3 Gigabutes of rubbish
16:06.00muepsure if the error is something that happens on every sample or every few samples, it can produce quite a lot of output
16:06.35aslan8649sounds like a good reason to remove pulseaudio
16:07.11aslan8649be back later, have to keep the doctors and lawyers employed.
16:28.49golinuxaslan8649: Generalizations should not be taken as personal.  And yes, Devuan is better for many but that is purely an individual conclusion.
16:29.50golinuxIf you like Devuan, use it.  If not, there are plenty of alternatives.  The choice is yours.
16:30.26*** join/#devuan hunger (~quassel@kde/developer/hunger)
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18:02.16RyviusHello, I'm afraid this is a stupid question, but... nvidia propertary driver isn't supported/possible, is it?
18:05.03*** join/#devuan sunshavi (~user@
18:07.23debdoghas nvidia running on his laptop with Ascii
18:08.03debdogno clue 'bout packages but the installer works
18:10.24debdogand there are ots of nvidia related packages on Jessie (and prolly on Ascii, too)
18:12.23*** join/#devuan thaller (~thaller@2001:a61:473:1100:5fc9:d9e5:fff4:f0cd)
18:13.35msiismRyvius: maybe that helps:
18:13.50RyviusI'm on jessie and apt search only finds bumblebee and some TV card stuff. No driver as I can see
18:14.29RyviusShould I follow the debian guide to enable jessie-backports and install the driver from there?
18:14.44debdogaptitude search nvidia returns an enormous list here
18:15.32msiismRyvius: the instructions for debian jessie should work on devuan.
18:16.09Ryviusdebdog: Could it be because you're on ascii? It only finds nvidia-texture-tools and nvidia-va-driver for me
18:16.22golinuxRyvius: Do you have and optimus card ?  It requires bumblebee iirc.
18:16.35Ryviusgolinux: Nope
18:16.47debdogRyvius: I am on jessie right now, though no nvidia hardware
18:16.47golinuxI just use onboard graphics so not titally sure but I think that's the case.
18:17.32Ryviusdebdog: Can I see what packages you have available?
18:18.11golinuxRyvius: Do you have non-free enabled?  Might be there.
18:18.32RyviusOh I guess not...
18:19.11debdogoh, non-free. prolly
18:19.14msiismyes, the proprietary drivers are in non-free
18:19.38golinuxSorry lunch is ready.  I'l bbl
18:21.03*** join/#devuan thaller (~thaller@2001:a61:473:1100:5fc9:d9e5:fff4:f0cd)
18:21.44RyviusJust to make sure I'm doing it right... I just gotta edit my /etc/apt/sources.list so it reads "deb jessie main contrib non-free" right? It only has that line
18:22.39debdoglooks about right
18:23.10msiismyou could make that, to keep it short, btw.
18:25.11RyviusThanks, now I can find the nvidia packages.... hopefully I can get Xcom 2 playing with that, it has an FPS of 0.3 on nouveau
18:25.41msiismRyvius: the wiki page says the latest drivers are in backports.
18:26.17*** join/#devuan Oldmoss (
18:26.39msiismRyvius: read thorugh that page a bit, it really seems like a pretty good peice of documentation. you may just wanna try to go by it and come back here for questions when you get stuck.
18:27.30RyviusYeah looks like I'll need the backport driver, 340 is too old for Xcom... thanks for the help
18:27.48msiismRyvius: np
18:31.06msiismRyvius: btw, trying to get the new drivers to work might temporarily break your graphics setup and force you to use the cli to do things (just saying...).
18:31.26*** join/#devuan _0bitcount (~Big_Byte@
18:34.21RyviusThat's fine, I can always reinstall
18:34.30RyviusThis machine is only for gaming
18:34.32*** join/#devuan teknopaul (
18:35.22msiismRyvius: you mean reinstall the driver or the system? because getting grphics back is normally just a matter of fiddling with your xorg.conf (iirc).
18:35.52RyviusSystem... also another question, since I installed back in december, I have not received one single update for any package... can that be right?
18:36.07msiismRyvius: no.
18:37.14RyviusWeird... shouldn't a normal apt update && apt upgrade do it?
18:37.22msiismi was wondering about your sources.list file before. i have never seen someone use "" in their sources.
18:37.43msiismwhat happens if you run apt-get update?
18:38.11RyviusSeems to work just fine
18:38.15*** join/#devuan clemens3 (
18:38.51msiismRyvius: what do you mean by that?
18:39.00msiismRyvius: does it pull any updates?
18:41.36msiismRyvius: ok, what does your sources.list look like?
18:42.34Ryviusdeb jessie main contrib non-free
18:42.36Ryviusdeb jessie-backports main contrib non-free
18:44.16msiismcan you copy that file to sth like "source.list.old" and then change "packages" in the first line and "auto.mirror" in the second one to just "deb"?
18:44.31msiismand then run apt-get update && apt-get upgrade...
18:45.20msiism(changes need to be applied to "sources.list, of course, the "*.old" is just a backup)
18:46.39RyviusStill no updates
18:47.21msiismwhat does your sources.list look like now? (can you paste that to a paste bin?)
18:47.23RyviusI am not running 'stock' debuan by the way, but the derirative EXE Gnu
18:47.39msiismRyvius: ok, hence the trinity repos.
18:47.48msiismbut that should not be a problem, afaik.
18:49.52msiismRyvius: i'm not an expert at this, but in my sources.list there is another slash after "merged". i do not know if that is required, though. but it should do any harm.
18:50.03fsmithredRyvius, did you set up unattended upgrades and forget about it? Look in /var/log/apt/history* to see if it's been upgrading all along
18:50.06msiismshould not do any harm....
18:50.46msiismfsmithred: is sth that actually works?
18:50.59fsmithredyes, that's what auto.mirror points to
18:51.08msiismok, good to know
18:51.13fsmithredor that's what the mirrors mirror
18:51.19msiismi see
18:51.40Ryviusfsmithred: Nope, I have barely been able to run apt update until this week, due to almost non-working internet
18:51.54RyviusThe log just has stuff I have manually installed
18:52.27msiismfsmithred: what about the trailing slash then?
18:53.47msiismRyvius: well, you don't seem to have any security repo enabled.
18:53.56msiismi mean, security updates.
18:54.05*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
18:54.13msiismif those are the only two line in your source slist
18:54.18msiismlet me show you mine
18:54.31fsmithredtrailing slash shouldn't matter. I've done it both ways
18:55.15msiismfsmithred: ok, good.
18:55.53golinuxRyvius: Remember to get the most current key before you switch to pkgmaster.
18:56.14fsmithredif he installed in december, he should already have it
18:56.26golinuxor or
18:56.34golinuxJust making sure.
18:56.35msiismRyvius: updates on a stable release sould normally only come from "security", "updates" or "backports". (correct me if i'm wrong)
18:57.02golinuxI get regular updates on my jessie.
18:57.14msiismRyvius: and if you don't have those enabled, you won't get any updates in turn.
18:57.34msiismgolinux: yes, but from the security and updates repos, right?
18:58.03RyviusWhat the hell.... is that an error on Exe gnu's fault
18:58.19*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e35:8a99:e90:1202:b5ff:fe91:e4ca)
18:58.31msiismRyvius: can't say, but it surely worth a bug report if it cam installed with that kind of sources.list.
18:59.09RyviusNow I have 79 to upgrade and 6 new packages
18:59.20msiismRyvius: good.
19:00.31msiismRyvius: are any packages being held back?
19:01.14golinuxmsiism: I think you're right.  Never paid much attention to where the updates were coming from.
19:01.42*** join/#devuan ymasson (
19:03.14msiismgolinux: i guess point release might be an exception there, but i can't say.
19:03.19RyviusNope, all seems good. Just hope it didn't mess up the driver install, still havent rebooted for that...
19:03.29msiismRyvius: wait
19:03.45msiismRyvius: have you installed the proprietary driver already?
19:03.53RyviusI installed that before yeah
19:04.21msiismRyvius: ok, i'd say that may break now, especially if there has been a kernel update
19:04.34msiismso you might want to install that again before you reboot.
19:05.29RyviusSo some kind of "install -f nvidia-driver" ?
19:06.08msiismRyvius: ok, you're revering tot the thing you can download from nvidia directly?
19:06.27RyviusNo no, from backports repository
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19:07.02msiismRyvius: you best read through the wiki page i linked about that. the wiki page is the expert on this (i'm not, unfortunately)
19:08.15msiismRyvius: but then, if you inatlled the driver the debian way, it possibly won't break on reboot since packages would have been updated
19:08.57msiism(i was thinking you had done a manual install of the driver before)
19:09.15*** join/#devuan aaa__ (~aaa__@unaffiliated/km9k62tkuq)
19:09.22msiism(manual meaning not thoruhg the package system)
19:09.27RyviusOh well I'll see what happens, gotta go for now, thanks again
19:09.53msiismRyvius: ok. and, if you find the time, please contact exegnu about the sources.list.
19:10.06RyviusYeah, I will. Bye
19:10.07msiismthat would really help, i guess
19:11.13msiismneeds to try installing a proprietary graphics driver sometime
19:14.41msiismis there a noteworthy technical/functional difference between running memtest from the grub menu of a machine on which it is installed vs. using a live system to run it? (more precisely: are there any caveats concerning the first one?)
19:20.30muepI don't think it makes much of a difference
19:23.41msiismmuep: ok.
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20:58.29msiismi'm doing some updating and upgrading and is considerably slower than pkgmaster.
20:59.05KatolaZmsiism: it depends
20:59.14KatolaZon which mirror you hit
20:59.17KatolaZif it's too slow
20:59.22KatolaZjust CTRL+C
20:59.27KatolaZand restart the upgrade
20:59.33KatolaZyou will hit another mirror
20:59.52msiismKatolaZ: ok, i see. i've been experiencing this a couple of times, so i thought i'd mention it.
21:00.02KatolaZthanks msiism
21:00.16KatolaZwe know we have one mirror in particular that can become slow
21:00.34KatolaZbut it's better having it than removing it :)
21:01.08KatolaZwe will work at improving the mirror infra soon
21:01.46aslan8649which is the "correct" hostname "deb" or "packages" to use in /etc/apt/source.list ?
21:01.55msiismKatolaZ: right (about having the mirror vs. not)
21:03.40msiismaslan8649: you can use both, but i'd go for "deb", because that is on a newer infrastructure that updates faster, afaik.
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21:06.26msiismaslan8649: you might, however, hit a bit of a slow mirror through that occasionally (see above), but that's not a big deal, imo.
21:08.34golinuxaslan8649: is the ascii default
21:09.03golinuxThe round robin takes load off of our servers.
21:09.49golinuxYou can also use or
21:09.59KatolaZgolinux: CC?
21:10.10golinuxBest not to use packages
21:10.21golinuxCC = country code
21:10.28KatolaZyes, I know
21:10.31KatolaZbut do they?
21:10.40golinuxYou gave me that abbreviation yesterday,.
21:10.56golinuxI assume it was standard jargon.
21:10.57KatolaZabbreviations must be well-known, or explained
21:11.01KatolaZno it's not
21:11.13KatolaZnot as standard as "not requiring an explanation"
21:11.14golinuxOy.  more work for me.
21:11.57KatolaZwell, just add "where CC is the Country-Code (e.g., 'us' for USA, 'fr' for France, and so on)
21:12.54msiismshouldn't that be in [] then, or sth like that?
21:12.57golinuxThe sources.list page is going to be a bitch to 'explain'
21:13.23golinuxI asked that exact same question msiism
21:13.30golinuxThe response was CC
21:13.50msiismi see
21:13.50golinuxI originally had it <CC>
21:14.16golinuxThere are so many details and things get lost in the cracks.
21:14.44msiismgolinux: about that sources list page, is that for the website or the install images (on-disc docd)?
21:16.08golinuxThis is the current page:
21:16.23golinuxIn process of updating now.
21:17.10msiismok, good
21:17.21golinuxNew index and mirror pages already done on beta: and
21:17.33msiismwell, as far as explanations go, i'd leave pkgmaster out of it.
21:17.57golinuxThat would be KatolaZ' decision.
21:18.32msiismmeaning this decision ahs already been made or still has to be made?
21:19.21KatolaZmy decision?
21:19.29KatolaZnever decided anything
21:19.38KatolaZwe can leave pkgmaster out if we want
21:19.45KatolaZit's in the DNS pool anyway
21:19.46golinuxShould pkgmaster be included in the repo options?
21:20.00KatolaZat the dev meeting we decided to not put it
21:20.18msiismi just thought, going only with "deb" and country codes would make it easier.
21:20.24golinuxI have already included it on the mirror page
21:20.35golinuxbut can remove it.
21:20.42msiismKatolaZ: ok, i was there but can't remember.
21:21.15golinuxIf it's not there folks who are using it will be confused.
21:21.50msiismgolinux: but is anything that comes by default using pkgmaster?
21:22.34KatolaZmsiism: pkgmaster is among the options available at install time
21:22.39KatolaZwe have
21:22.50aslan8649how would you "enforce" the CountryCode? with all the VPN out there Countrycodes are really sort of meaningless.
21:22.54KatolaZthe default is {CC}
21:23.02golinuxThat's what I thought
21:23.03KatolaZaslan8649: ?
21:23.10KatolaZdunno what you are talking about
21:23.17msiismoh, ok. well, then it should probably be there.
21:23.20golinux<KatolaZ> the default is {CC}
21:23.27KatolaZwe don't need to enforce anything
21:23.35golinuxWhat?  That's the first I've heard of that.
21:23.46aslan8649is for everyone or just for Great Britain.
21:24.03KatolaZaslan8649: all the mirrors are available to anbody
21:24.09KatolaZmsiism: let's leave that out
21:24.22msiismKatolaZ: ok.
21:24.24golinuxWhat about the lack of us servers?
21:24.48golinuxI though was default.
21:24.49aslan8649then there is the constant confusion concerning countrycode "ca" which many people assume to mean California. 'IL' which people think means Illinois.
21:25.05msiismaslan8649: those are IDO codes.
21:25.10KatolaZaslan8649: we can't cure stupidity, or ignorance
21:25.29aslan8649bites this tongue.
21:26.01aslan8649btw, 'IL' is Israel.
21:26.48aslan8649so the hosts are not geo blocked.
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21:29.13golinuxaslan8649: I thought you reverted back to Debian.  Maybe you have other machines running Devuan.  If not what are you doing here exactly?
21:29.33aslan8649golinux, learning and research
21:30.22golinuxbites her tongue
21:32.26msiismKatolaZ: so, how exactly are those country code urls working atm (if you'd like to tell)?
21:32.38*** join/#devuan menip (
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21:38.56flrnmsiism: let me guess: the server hosting "{CC}" is located in or near country {CC}.
21:39.44golinuxWe don't need noise atm even if it's supposed to be humorous
21:40.38flrnso, how exactly are those country code urls working?
21:41.43KatolaZatm they are just aliases to
21:41.53KatolaZthey will become smarter soon
21:42.26msiismKatolaZ: good to know. thanks.
21:42.56golinuxIsn't everything an alias to
21:43.01KatolaZno golinux
21:43.04KatolaZit isn't
21:43.15KatolaZwe have 13 mirrors in place
21:43.21KatolaZit's not just pkgmaster...
21:44.11golinuxpackages not pkgmaster
21:49.30KatolaZpkgmaster is based on the new amprolla
21:49.53KatolaZand all the mirrors behind are syncing from
22:09.46*** join/#devuan infobot (
22:09.46*** topic/#devuan is Recent (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release || This is the Devuan discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
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22:24.05xrogaanfirefox esr is so old :(
22:24.24xrogaanbeside firefox and chromium, which good browsers are available?
22:24.39KatolaZfirefox and chromium are not good browsers
22:24.54*** join/#devuan _0bitcount (~Big_Byte@
22:24.58KatolaZIMHO :D
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22:26.29xrogaanwhat do you use then?
22:27.20*** join/#devuan chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc01:ed00:50bd:f150:f8db:5fdf)
22:28.58xrogaanyeah, no webgl though
22:30.10xrogaanalso, all kde software package starts with "k". Except Blogilo.
22:31.06xrogaanpart of what helped kill flash?
22:31.36xrogaanyou know, webgl?
22:33.32KatolaZoh! webgl!
22:36.12MinceRthe w3c giving up on the "open web" and letting patent-encumbered codecs and DRM into HTML5 is what helped "kill" Trash
22:36.21MinceRHTML5 is the new flash
22:38.46xrogaanopen web died long ago, when companies and government understood the power game of the internet.
22:38.55Demosthenexgah. i have a cron job with a redirect and a exec. 5 0 * * * /usr/local/bin/borgmatic >> /var/log/borg/$(date +%Y%m%d).log 2>&1   , the syntax is right. but it keeps saying ) not found. is there a line length limit?
22:44.53xrogaanescape ( and )
22:45.44xrogaanor escape %
22:47.40xrogaan`$(date "+%Y%m%d")' or `$(date +\%Y\%m\%d)'. Not very fluent in cronjob thingy
22:50.18xrogaanyes yes, you need to escape the %
22:50.37xrogaanbecause % is used by cronjob for multi-line jobs.
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22:57.03xrogaanDemosthenex: ^
22:57.10xrogaanalso man 5 crontab
23:03.24*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@unaffiliated/xenguy)
23:29.39Demosthenexyeah, that'd do it.
23:29.45*** join/#devuan Stealth (stealth@sourcemage/archon/stealth)
23:29.49Demosthenexi've put a \ before all the %'s
23:30.00Demosthenexonce borg's done with the backup, i'll set it hourly to test
23:30.37Demosthenexwtf, on a devuan channel you linked me a systemd cron man page?!
23:31.37Demosthenex would be a better link
23:32.28xrogaanThere are no anchor on
23:32.40xrogaanyou can get your man page locally anyhow
23:33.45*** join/#devuan holycow (~holycow@pdpc/supporter/bronze/holycow)
23:33.49nacellemight be better to have a wrapper around borgmatic that does the redirection with the scripting, then call that from cron instead
23:35.20nacelledislikes relying on "complex" crontab entries, has been burnt readily by this in the past (especially upgrading or migrating, then its "yet another thing to fix" at the eleventh hour)
23:35.30nacellemay have some angry opinions about this topic :(
23:36.11xrogaanWhy, a 10 lines cronjob would never fail you.

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