IRC log for #devuan on 20180425

00:22.55*** join/#devuan infobot (
00:22.55*** topic/#devuan is Recent (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release || This is the Devuan discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
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08:16.09toprohi there, seems like latest upgrade of devuan ascii breaks elogind again.
08:16.25toprodoing dist-upgrade wants to REMOVE libpam-elogind libpolkit-backend-1-0-elogind libpolkit-gobject-1-0-elogind
08:16.37toproinstead installs libpolkit-backend-1-0 libpolkit-backend-consolekit-1-0 libpolkit-gobject-1-0 libpolkit-gobject-consolekit-1-0
08:16.50toprothis results in shutdown from KDE session not working any more
08:17.00toproanyone else experienced that?
08:19.27gnu_srs1topro: Installing libpolkit-backend-elogind-1-0 manually should solve that problem
08:20.30gnu_srs1topro: Can you please paste the output from apt-get dist-upgrade somewhere?
08:20.54gnu_srs1before manually installing libpolkit-backend-elogind-1-0
08:21.27toprognu_srs1: I do have libpolkit-backend-1-0-elogind installed manually. so what is the difference to libpolkit-backend-elogind-1-0 (with 1-0 at the end of the name instead of in the middle)
08:22.37gnu_srs1The naming of libpolkit-backend-1-0-elogind was a mistake with the +devuan2.4 version.
08:23.10gnu_srs1It should be OK now with +devuan2.9 :)
08:24.36gnu_srs1The versions are not shown in your pacte. Can you do apt-get -s dist-upgrade, -s stands for simulate
08:25.29gnu_srs1And please remove ascii-proposed from your sources.list
08:26.15toprooh ok. I added ascii-proposed back when I was early-adopting  elogind, the forgot about it
08:27.22toproapt -s dist-upgrade:
08:29.03gnu_srs1tks. Do you have aptitude? then try aptitude why libpolkit-backend-consolekit-1-0
08:30.36toproaptitude why:
08:30.50toproall of that still with proposed
08:31.01toprowill remove proposed now
08:33.00toprowhithout proposed still same result, will now try manually installing libpolkit-backend-elogind-1-0
08:33.05gnu_srs1ok, I don't think anything will change. Do you see the last row: libpolkit-backend-consolekit-1-0 comes before libpolkit-backend-elogind-1-0
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08:34.06gnu_srs1We are missing  Depends: and Conflicts: for some packages.
08:34.42toprowell, manually installing libpolkit-backend-elogind-1-0 seems to look quite ok...
08:34.48gnu_srs1But manually installing libpolkit-backend-elogind-1-0 should solve your problem.
08:35.18toproseems to do the trick
08:35.23gnu_srs1Did you install task-kde-desktop?
08:35.36toprodon't think so, installed kde-full
08:35.55toprono, its not installed
08:36.04toprowould that help either way?
08:36.19toproor at least be recommended? never thought about task meta packages
08:36.37gnu_srs1You had consolekit libpam-ck-connector  installed. That's why consolekit was preferred.
08:37.12gnu_srs1Well, for new installs the tasks are used.
08:37.26toprothats due to the fact that those are old debian installations which have gone through some upgrades before migrating from debian wheezy to devuan jessie some times ago. so they do have some legacy
08:37.30gnu_srs1And manual installations.
08:38.48gnu_srs1Yes, the upgrades can be problematic, especially from the beta.
08:39.26topronever mind. your hint just did the trick. thank you very much!
08:40.53gnu_srs1YW. Just interested, do you upgrade from the beta?
08:41.37toprotried task-kde-desktop. this wants to bring in network-manager which is great for mobile machines but I absolutely dont want that on stationary machines. any way of preventing those metas from pulling nm?
08:41.56toprowhat do you mean by "upgrade from beta"?
08:42.22gnu_srs1ascii-beta image
08:42.54gnu_srs1Since you have packages with the faulty names installed.
08:43.22gnu_srs1Or maybe they came from ascii-proposed?
08:44.12toproI have one or two machines I set up from ascii-beta image, not sure if those are affected as well. other older machines which have been installed at different times BEFORE devuan was there are affected. but I did install elogind as early adopter from ascii-proposed. so it might be that this is the reason way updrade now had this isse. maybe just because there was still consolekit there
08:53.36KatolaZtopro: just remove it
08:53.52toprojust remove what?
08:54.03KatolaZthe task-*-desktop packages are meant for people who want *everything*
08:54.19KatolaZor install only the kde components that you need
08:54.25KatolaZinstead of task-kde-desktop
08:54.28toproah ok. thanks. thats how I used to do it after installing kde-full. wanted to know if there is a way to "blacklist" nm in the first place
08:54.50KatolaZtopro: not from task-kde-desktop
08:54.54KatolaZit's actually a Recommends
08:55.01KatolaZthis is how task-* packages work
08:55.47gnu_srs1One problem with the task-* packages are all Recommends being installed :(
08:56.50gnu_srs1But as people say: They might be needed for a complete operational desktop :D
08:58.00KatolaZgnu_srs1: this is why task-* packages actually exists
08:58.09KatolaZnever used them tbh
08:58.15KatolaZbut apparently some people like them
08:58.29toprook, will stick with instally kde-full and removing nm afterwards. thats how it works for me
08:59.52KatolaZtopro: if you install kde-full nm should not be pulled in
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09:01.32toproKatolaZ: but it is
09:02.38KatolaZdunno kde packaging, tbh
09:02.48KatolaZjust remove it afterwards
09:02.55KatolaZI guess it shouldn't complain
09:02.57toprowell its not that big of an issue, more kind of annying
09:03.22toproremoving works, doesn't break anything
09:03.57toproonly thing is, nm is not working any more afterwards :D
09:06.41KatolaZwell, if you remove it....
09:06.59toprothats what the ;) was for
09:07.12KatolaZthat's a feeature :)
09:07.36toproyou're right
09:07.52topromy fault...
09:09.50*** join/#devuan Digit (~user@fsf/member/digit)
09:15.43Digithi.  how would one go about getting the likes of in devuan?  it seems to have a login-wall for binaries.  is there perhaps a media repo for things like natron?  does it need someone clever to package it?  are natron secretly anti-freedom?  ~exhausted~
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09:33.05djphI assume that you login, and then download the binary.
09:33.09djph*deb package
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10:25.37Digit old problem persists.
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11:11.29KatolaZDigit: I guess some of the deps are not compatible with the GNU GPL
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11:12.14KatolaZand anyway, requesting a registration is not against the GPL
11:12.24KatolaZas long as they give you access to the sources
11:12.38KatolaZand to all the stuff needed to build them and obtain the same executable
11:13.02KatolaZotherwise they would be in breach of the GNU GPL
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12:28.34*** topic/#devuan is Recent (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release || This is the Devuan discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
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15:12.02*** topic/#devuan is Recent (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release || This is the Devuan discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
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18:43.36telmichthe last dist-upgrade a few seconds ago killed my xorg installation
18:44.12telmichxorg crashed directly after the update with:
18:44.12telmich[196944.279] (EE) systemd-logind disappeared (stopped/restarted?)
18:44.38telmichTrying to start it after reboot results into:
18:44.47telmich[   202.869] (EE) modeset(0): drmSetMaster failed: Permission denied
18:44.51telmich[   202.869] (EE) AddScreen/ScreenInit failed for driver 0
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18:45.03telmichjfyi -- I will try to debug what is going on
18:45.24telmichI can still start xorg as root, so it is certainly a permission issue
18:47.42gnarfacei think i've seen 3 causes of this
18:47.47gnarfacewell, 3 fixes, one cause really
18:47.54telmich/dev/dri/* are rw for group video, which I am in
18:48.02telmichThat would be interesting
18:48.11*** join/#devuan Levure (~quassel@
18:48.41telmichinterestingly after the dist-upgrade elogind:amd64 (234.4-2), libelogind0:amd64 (234.4-2) were marked for removal
18:48.54telmichbut removing or keeping them, either way causes the permission issue
18:49.34gnarfacexorg used to run suid root by default
18:50.02gnarfacethere's a wrapper still available for that, but you might not have it enabled
18:50.21gnarfaceadditionally, some drivers still require it despite it no longer being the default
18:51.06gnarfacetangentially to that it seems that it has affected auto-detect in a way that if you weren't specifying an xorg driver, you may not be using the same one anymore
18:51.18gnarfacewhich can further complicate debugging if you don't suspect it as a possibility
18:51.55KatolaZtelmich: which DE are you using?
18:52.07telmichKatolaZ: i3
18:52.20KatolaZso why do you need elogind or consolekit?
18:52.29KatolaZi3 doesn't do session management, IIRC
18:52.39KatolaZ(doesn't need session management)
18:52.43telmichI don't "use" it - it just happened to be on the autoremove list after the dist upgrade :-)
18:52.52telmichI'm using startx -> i3
18:53.01KatolaZit's ascii, right?
18:53.33telmichThought with a kernel from ubuntu *hust* as the kernel in ascii does not allow me to suspend to ram the notebook
18:53.45telmichSo I am running 4.15.0-2-amd64
18:54.15KatolaZtelmich: you have 4.15 in ascii-backports...
18:54.25telmichgnarface: I actually have xserver-xorg-legacy
18:54.41telmichKatolaZ: oh, good point - will enable them after I can run xorg again :-)
18:55.59KatolaZtelmich: I guess the upgrade might have pulled it consolekit
18:56.03KatolaZbut maybe you don't need it
18:57.46telmichso ... how do you guys start x? also via startx + suid wrapper or differently?
18:57.53KatolaZI use wdm
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18:58.55gnarfacetelmich: i use startx, and i'm not having a problem, but i also have a static xorg.conf everywhere i'm using it which specifies the appropriate driver - i never rely on auto-detect and i always make sure i have all the firmware
18:59.29gnarfacein at least one case, we saw this problem you're having happen because of missing firmware
19:01.06gnarface(missing firmware caused auto-detect to fail over to vesa or some legacy framebuffer driver that gave the same drm error as a red herring)
19:01.59gnarfacei would compare your xorg.0.log to one from the last known working state if you still can get one
19:02.18gnarfaceany difference in the video driver it settles on may be an important clue here
19:02.59gnarfaceobviously it's also possible there's a problem with your kernel but it wouldn't be my first guess
19:03.16gnarfacehowever if you copied /etc/X11 contents from ubuntu too, all bets are off
19:05.30gnarfaceone thing ubuntu does differently is they include all the firmware by default
19:19.05telmichno, /etc/ is still plain - the only thing I got from ubuntu is the kernel
19:19.17telmichI am just checking my log directory
19:19.34muepI think also ubuntu will include only the firmware that they are legally allowed to
19:20.58telmichahh... I still have the logfile of the crash
19:21.04telmichwhich was all fine prior to update
19:21.28gnarfaceif it's not running suid root, the new log location is ~/.local/share/xorg/
19:21.30telmichwhat is "funny" is that it crashed with
19:21.31telmich[196944.279] (EE) systemd-logind disappeared (stopped/restarted?)
19:21.45telmichgnarface: yep, that's where I have it from
19:22.46gnarfacenot running suid root and failing over to an older driver that still required it would be exactly what caused that issue on my pinebook
19:23.20telmichI am on modesetting, which is usaallyually fine
19:23.57telmichI actually created cbacklight for it, probably known to one or the other in a different form
19:24.04telmich[ 2960.356917] blk_partition_remap: fail for partition 3
19:24.10telmichI think I might have more trouble
19:24.37telmichbash: /sbin/reboot: Input/output error
19:27.10telmichI am w/o X now -- can somebody paste the devaun backports url in here?
19:30.16parazyddeb ascii-backports main
19:30.37parazydtelmich: are you losing files?
19:31.01telmichparazyd: no... i have had thei/o error some times... I am suspecting overheating
19:31.04telmichthanks a lot
19:31.34parazydyou're welcome
19:31.41parazyddon't take i/o errors lightly though.
19:32.21parazydalso, suspect the kernel
19:32.24parazydupdate it :)
19:32.26telmichI did actually see a problem withi915 module, so gnarface hint might be right
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19:33.35telmich(sorry for typos, wrong keyboard, tiny resolution atm)
19:35.45telmich... kernel upgrade in the train ... quite some fun
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19:40.09parazydbtw about your xorg stuff. you'll want xserver-xorg-legacy and "needs_root_rights=yes" in /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config
19:40.34parazydgetting it to work without root can get tedious and it's not really worth it.
19:41.06parazydyou'd basically make it group suid and anyone in that group can then see what you're doing anyway
19:42.04parazydusing modesetting i never got xorg to work without root fwiw. only with the old intel driver.
19:45.31telmichneeds_root_rights=yes was the keyword I needed
19:45.46telmichohhh.. so nice... regular keyboard layout, regular font size
19:46.19telmichThanks a lot, parazyd and gnarface!
19:46.32parazydyou're welcome
19:51.21telmichout of curiosity, not for a flame war: which is your main editor?
19:51.48telmichI out myself as a recently converted emacs user
19:52.37Lydia_Kbut emacs is good too, just not my cup of tea.
19:53.25telmichI currently observe 2.5 main streams in the different communities I am in: vim, emacs and subl (that's the .5)
19:59.48gnarfacei'm still using emacs, and i can help both of you get your Intel GPUs working without running xorg as root, but i can't authoritatively tell you it would actually be materially more secure (since it would require the binary firmware blob that does god-only-knows-what besides "not need root access")
20:00.42gnarfacei assume it's just a backdoor that gives the driver root access
20:00.51muepI'd say that proprietary firmware gets to run in any case
20:01.22muepotherwise it is difficult to have even something as essential as a hard disk
20:02.59hollatelmich: vim here -- i'm just too stupid for emacs
20:03.18KatolaZtelmich: emacs, vi, ed
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20:05.14hollaemacs is an awesome OS, it only lacks a decent editor ;)
20:09.17MinceRwell, there's evil
20:09.48parazydMinceR: why not just use vim instead of making emacs behave like vim?
20:11.01MinceRi would say "SLIME" except i think there's a vim plugin for that already
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21:06.14g4570nhi aitor
21:07.46aitorLydia_K, are you there?
21:08.32aitortalking about vim, you said:
21:08.39aitor"but emacs is good too, just not my cup of tea"
21:10.40aitori found the same expression in another site
21:11.30aitori mean: "my cup of tea"
21:12.15g4570ned ¡mola!
21:13.54aitorat the bottom of Steve Litt's articule:
21:15.38msiismaitor: are you wondering what the phrase means?
21:15.48aitortalking about the gui version of umenu, he says:
21:16.00aitorSome people like GUI and the whole mouse thing. Not my cup of tea, but some people love it.
21:16.22xrogaantrying to use libnoise, but the /usr/lib/libnoise.a file in libnoise-dev only contain !<arch>...
21:16.31xrogaanNot sure it's supposed to be that way.
21:17.18aitorlibnoise-dev? sorry, it's not my cup of tea :)
21:18.28aitorg4570n: go to bed
21:19.08unixmandrinks a cup of tea
21:19.35aitorbye :)
21:20.03msiismxrogaan: you'd probably have to ask the package maintainer about that.
21:21.32xrogaangood chances there are not official maintainer for that library :P
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21:36.07xrogaanI know
21:37.26xrogaanstretch is Debian QA Group.
21:37.31xrogaanjessie is too old
21:38.05msiismxrogaan: ok.
21:41.03msiismxrogaan: maybe you could compare both and see if it lead anywhere. like: was it working on jessie?
21:42.54xrogaanthe .a is the same
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21:43.09xrogaanthe library hasn't been updated in years, so they just repack.
21:43.29xrogaanor something like that, I don't know.
21:43.37msiismxrogaan: is it usable?
21:44.15xrogaanit should, I'm not a CPP dev and I'm just trying to understand how to link to libraries
21:45.27msiismxrogaan: i see.
21:48.11xrogaanyep, just fine once you know what to do. It's just way easier with pkg-config
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