IRC log for #devuan on 20180421

00:14.09*** join/#devuan targz (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
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00:20.19*** topic/#devuan is Recent (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release || This is the Devuan discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
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01:37.38*** join/#devuan Criggie (~Criggie@2400:6900:ffff:1::1:32)
02:04.26*** join/#devuan diazee (47b71492@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
02:05.39*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
02:07.38diazeeHello! Recently switched over from debian, and I have a very strange issue, I am not sure how to resolve. Basically after running an update, I am getting an error "dpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/udev_238-4_amd64.deb (--unpack): trying to overwrite '/lib/udev/rules.d/70-power-switch-rules', which is also in package elogind 23
02:07.39diazee4.4-2" and then it is killed with a broken pipe message. apt --fix-broken install returns the same error, and I couldn't find information on what I should try next. Any help is appreachiated.
02:09.40gnarfacediazee: you're on ascii?
02:09.58gnarfacebroken package
02:10.16gnarfaceuh... lemme think...
02:10.33gnarfacei believe there were two workarounds
02:10.51gnarfacei think you have to decide between elogind and something else
02:11.00gnarfacenot udev though
02:11.12gnarfaceor maybe it is...
02:11.12fsmithredudev/eudev problem?
02:11.20fsmithredwhat version of eudev?
02:11.29gnarfaceyea that's it, it's udev not eudev
02:11.53diazeeNot sure on the version
02:11.56diazeelet me see
02:11.57fsmithredprobably just need to remove udev or remove /etc/init.d/udev
02:12.02fsmithredthen upgrade again
02:12.16diazeeYeah, it wouldnt let me just remove it
02:12.31fsmithredjust 'rm /etc/init.d/udev'
02:12.41fsmithredas root, of course
02:12.46fsmithrednobody can stop you
02:13.00diazeeWell, it doesn't exist apparently ha
02:13.12fsmithreddpkg -l eudev
02:13.20gnarfacei think it's still udev
02:13.47gnarfacewell, if /etc/init.d/udev isn't there though...
02:14.35fsmithredupgrading from jessie to ascii?
02:14.50gnarfacei messed mine up somehow, and i ended up having to purge udev and the kernel then reinstall eudev
02:15.29fsmithredfrom debian jessie or devuan jessie?
02:15.38gnarfacefrom devuan jessie
02:15.56diazeeYeah I was trying to purge it all
02:16.09diazeebut im getting stuck on initramfs tool depencancies that wont let me do it
02:16.13gnarfacebut it may be relevant that the devuan jessie install was itself an upgrade from debian
02:16.23gnarfacediazee: oh yea, i had to purge that too
02:16.44gnarfaceso basically at that point you've uninstalled your running kernel, and now you can install the kernel and eudev again.
02:16.45fsmithredtry 'apt-get install eudev=3.2.2-13 libeudev1=3.2.2-13
02:16.52gnarfacemake sure you don't reboot at that point
02:17.03gnarfacebut try what fsmithred suggests first
02:17.19diazeeSays the versions weren't found/
02:17.26diazeeI'll try and purge it all see if i can get it through
02:17.27gnarfaceyou ran apt-get update right?
02:17.30fsmithredwhat sources you using?
02:17.40fsmithreddon't purge anything
02:18.21diazeedeb ascii main
02:18.22diazeedeb-src ascii main
02:18.22diazeedeb ascii-updates main
02:18.23diazeedeb-src ascii-updates main
02:18.23diazeedeb ascii-proposed-updates main
02:18.24diazeedeb-src ascii-proposed-updates main
02:18.24diazeedeb ascii-security main
02:18.25diazeedeb-src ascii-security main
02:18.45fsmithredI'll get it
02:19.22*** mode/#devuan [+o DocScrutinizer05] by ChanServ
02:19.34fsmithredok, thanks doc, I'm fumbling
02:20.05*** join/#devuan fsmithred (~fsmithred@devuan/developer/fsmithred)
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02:20.14DocScrutinizer05[2018-04-21 Sat 04:19:57] <Sigyn> The ban on diazee has been lifted
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02:20.41*** mode/#devuan [-o fsmithred] by ChanServ
02:21.02*** join/#devuan diazee (
02:21.10diazeegot myself banned
02:21.11fsmithredtoo much
02:21.17DocScrutinizer05/msg Sigyn unkline <nick> ;-)
02:21.54fsmithredthat version is in auto.mirror
02:22.00fsmithredyou need to update
02:22.24gnarfaceshould proposed-updates really be enabled?
02:22.39gnarfacei would think for an upgrade, that should be off
02:23.06fsmithredyeah, that should be used selectively
02:23.16diazeeOkay, I'll comment that out then
02:23.40fsmithredprobably don't need deb-src lines, either
02:24.06fsmithredunless you want to make your own packages
02:24.33diazeeRan an apt-get update and tried to install again, still failing.
02:24.45diazeeI may just reinstall at this point with a fresh image
02:24.50fsmithredapt-cache policy eudev
02:24.53diazeeSee if I can unscrew it
02:25.09fsmithredok, suggestion: if you want ascii, get the ascii beta netinstall iso
02:25.27*** join/#devuan zyliwax (~zyliwax@unaffiliated/zyliwax)
02:25.37diazeeYeah, probably be simpler that way. Live and lear
02:27.13diazeeWhile I'm here, is there documentation somewhere on how to backport a ceres package to ascii?
02:29.40gnarfaceadd the ceres source, install the source package, run `dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc` in the source directory, repeat for all dependencies
02:29.58gnarfaceno just the one apt-get complains about when you try to install the package
02:30.32fsmithredthere's a good howto at
02:30.33diazeeWhen you say add the ceres source, you mean just add the entire thing to sourceslist?
02:30.43gnarfaceno just the deb-src line actually
02:30.51gnarfaceyou don't need the binaries
02:31.01diazeeCool, thanks for the help!
02:31.08fsmithredyou might need to specify the version
02:31.11gnarfaceno problem
02:31.27gnarfaceif the build doesn't work, you might have to recursively get dependencies first
02:31.36gnarfaceif that doesn't work, i can't help
02:32.00diazeeHaha, if it gets that complicated I'll probably just install the dependacies manually and build it form source
02:32.16gnarfacein general you can use the debian documentation for this type of thing except where they've recently changed anything to be systemd-specific
02:34.28fsmithredapt-get source package=version
02:34.39fsmithredapt-get build-dep (I think that's right)
02:35.03fsmithredthen mess with it, then build it
02:35.43DocScrutinizer05fsmithred: you seen my link?
02:36.14DocScrutinizer05highly convenient and recommended (SASL)
02:36.30fsmithredI see it, but I don't understand what it is
02:36.58DocScrutinizer05how to config hexchat so you are immanently authenticated on connect
02:37.28fsmithredok, read it again and it makes sense
02:37.28DocScrutinizer05no more /msg nickserv ID MyPassWoRd
02:38.26DocScrutinizer05no more   [2018-04-21 Sat 04:19:53] <-- fsmithred ( has left this server (Changing host).
02:40.07fsmithreddone, thanks
02:40.24DocScrutinizer05dang VNC
02:40.43fsmithredhands DocScrutinizer05 a roll of duct tape
02:43.23diazeeWell that was easy. Sometimes I forget to just give up an reinstall.
02:43.33fsmithreddiazee, oldie but goodie:
02:43.49fsmithredyou fixed it?
02:44.33diazeeYeah, I downloaded the ascii netinst iso and just installed over again. I have seperate partitions for home and stuff so it's nto bad even with encryption only takes a few extra steps.
02:44.48fsmithredthat was fast
02:45.35diazeem2 ssd to my rescue ha
02:45.54fsmithredoh, that helps
02:51.33DocScrutinizer05fsmithred: maybe you want to test it? reconnect to freenode
02:53.37*** join/#devuan menip (
02:54.19*** join/#devuan fsmithred (~fsmithred@devuan/developer/fsmithred)
02:54.36fsmithreddid it work?
02:54.41DocScrutinizer05looks good
02:54.54fsmithredok, I didn't get anything that said I was recognized
02:55.11DocScrutinizer05[2018-04-21 Sat 04:54:19] --> fsmithred (~fsmithred@devuan/developer/fsmithred) has joined this channel.
02:55.46DocScrutinizer05you're recognized when you are allowed to connect
02:56.17DocScrutinizer05it's sort of like ssh
02:56.33DocScrutinizer05when you connect you already are authenticated
02:57.45diazeeHmm, is there somewhere where I can search through the ceres packages? I swear I was on it earlier but the git labs thing isn't pulling up the package.
02:58.55diazeePerfect thank you!
03:14.12fsmithredg'night folks
03:14.21diazeeThanks for all the help!
03:37.04*** part/#devuan toumbia (~sla@
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04:09.51xrogaando java security updates get ported over into the repository?
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04:24.48abramovichhi so I am not on LAN. I am on WLAN. How to make my wifi adapter work on Devuan before and after install? I have this problem with some distros where I can list wifi network but cant connect to them
04:25.22abramovichany tips for a brother? I am running Arch btw, but hoping to switch from this systemd nonsense
04:34.07Criggielazy fix is to plug in an ethernet cable while installing, then set up wireless later.
04:34.17Criggieduring install?  I don't know sorry.
04:35.12abramovichCriggie: sad
04:35.25abramovichbrb buying ethernet cable
04:43.17*** part/#devuan abramovich (~abramovic@gateway/tor-sasl/abramovich)
04:45.25Criggiebuy?   WTF is buy ethernet ?
04:45.30Criggieit just randomly turns up here
04:45.45CriggieI have hundreds of patch cables
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09:24.16aitormoin moin
09:25.11aitortoday i'll push to gitlab the latest sources of my blend for the live-sdk
09:27.56aitorbtw, the packages of clamav don't exist:
09:40.58*** join/#devuan tallship_ (~tallship@2600:1010:b101:425d:59b9:3f9a:4f00:be97)
09:42.49fsmithredaitor, it's not a devuan package. We don't alter it.
10:11.33*** join/#devuan DarkUranium (~DarkUrani@
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11:19.49ejrwhen I try to transfer an image of a 32 bit devuan installation onto another ssd and use that on a 64 bit computer, can I (1) boot into the system and (2) recompile the kernel afterwards for 64 bit?
11:23.20muephaven't ever tried that but it to me it sounds like something that can be done
11:25.42ejrmuep: how likely is it that I will be able to boot into the 32 bit install on a 64 computer though? does that usually work? I want to prevent spending 2 hours copying lots of gigs over to the other ssd and then not being able to boot into it
11:26.05muepejr: usually that step would work just fine
11:26.10fsmithredyes, you can run 32 bit OS on 64-bit hardware
11:26.30muepthe common 64-bit CPUs are backwards-compatible and able to run also 32-bit code just fine
11:26.35fsmithredyou can even run 64 kernel with 32 OS, but it will still be a 32-bit OS
11:26.47ejroh, that's great :)
11:26.50ejrgood to know
11:26.52fsmithredthere are a lot of arch-specific packages
11:27.21muepI don't see much point in changing that kernel. usually would be less of a hassle to just do a new 64-bit installation
11:27.58muepbut of course your setup is certainly different from mine so YMMV
11:28.37fsmithredyou might want to look at dpkg --get-selections and dpkg --set selections
11:28.58fsmithredyou can get a package list from one system and use it to install the same packages on another system
11:30.04ejrok, thank you muep and fsmithred. I will also look into the dpkg option
11:34.02*** join/#devuan amarsh04 (
11:34.22nailykHi all. Does an official devuan mastodon account exist ?
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12:17.51aitori need to do pinning of apt for linux-image-* in jessie-security in order to avoid the replacement of linux-libre
12:19.56aitorneed to reboot, i'll be back later
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20:12.47aitorhi i'm building again the repository of gnuinos with amprolla, replacing devuan-baseconf by gnuinos-baseconf
20:17.22*** join/#devuan NewGnuGuy (~NewGnuGuy@
20:29.08aitordone :)
20:29.18aitori'm trying again with the live-sdk
20:53.41*** join/#devuan booyah (~bb@
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23:30.14aitorhi again, any owl here?
23:30.30furrywolfis wolf, not owl
23:30.58g4570nhi aitor
23:31.36aitorhi g4570n
23:31.48aitorany owl in their right mind here?
23:32.47aitori pushed my blend of gnuinos to gitlab:
23:34.24aitorsome extra packages are missing in the generated image, like xinit...
23:35.10aitorbut the live image works, containing vdev instead of udev
23:35.35aitorand d-i also builds succesfully
23:36.44aitorg4570n -> #devuan-mx
23:46.41*** join/#devuan Crypto (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
23:53.49aitoryou have all the build dependencies in the README.aitor file
23:54.43aitorit's tested in amd64:
23:54.54aitorsu (or sudo su)
23:55.03aitorzsh -f
23:55.15aitorload devuan amd64 gnuinos-openbox

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.