IRC log for #devuan on 20180323

00:09.49*** join/#devuan voker57 (
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02:07.50*** join/#devuan kodi (~kodi@2601:196:8700:dfe:6600:6aff:fe6f:b62d)
02:08.04kodiI just installed the nvidia graphic drivers and my font is huge
02:08.34kodidebian says to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf but I don't have one
02:09.49kodiAs of stretch, you don't need nvidia-xconfig anymore, and a xorg.conf file is not needed either in most situations. Also, the 340 series has been forked into its own series of packages to support older cards.
02:10.12kodi(The answer here may be needed to enable a higher resolution.)
02:10.29kodigo figure debian links to ubuntu
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03:03.46kodii lowered the mate font for the time being so i can at least navigate
03:03.50kodixchat is like size 80 font
03:03.59kodithere must be a solution =[
03:04.16kodithe resolution must be 640x480
03:05.18kodirebooting brb
03:06.57*** join/#devuan kodi (~kodi@2601:196:8700:dfe:6600:6aff:fe6f:b62d)
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14:42.34msiismare there any plans to ever make a point release for devuan jessie when ascii is out?
14:45.16*** join/#devuan blitzed (~blitzed@
14:59.08fsmithredmsiism, I think the point release of jessie will come around the time that ascii goes stable
15:00.07msiismfsmithred: good. nice to know.
15:43.10*** join/#devuan justinsm (
15:49.12*** join/#devuan inhetep (~inhetep@gateway/tor-sasl/inhetep)
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16:21.37furrywolf"The live image is can be put on a USB or SD card using dd and then booted directly from it. The live image is what we really consider to be the Devuan desktop, so please if you do a review of Devuan used as a desktop distribution refer to our live release."  ... do you get something different than if you just install the same packages?
16:22.51*** join/#devuan n4dir (
16:23.20fsmithredfurrywolf, I think that idea is a leftover from the early jessie isos that didn't have the desktop theme
16:23.45msiismfsmithred: good that you mention it.
16:23.51fsmithredthe desktop-live has the same packages you get with the default desktop install
16:24.02fsmithredplus a few extra for the live system
16:24.13msiismfsmithred: i've been working on image descriptions for the Devuan manual recently and wondered if such a recommendation should be there at all.
16:24.34msiismalso, there are two different live images these days.
16:24.40fsmithredI think that statement can be removed
16:24.49msiismfsmithred: ok.
16:24.56fsmithredthere's the minimal-live and the desktop-live
16:25.20fsmithredin jessie, there were two amd64 desktop-live isos: one for bios and one for uefi
16:25.29fsmithredthey've been combined in the ascii beta
16:26.11furrywolfI'm installing netinst, so I can download only the specific packages I need.
16:26.13msiismfsmithred: ok, i was thinking more about desktop-live and minimal-live as the two variants.
16:26.23fsmithredand for live images that are between minimal and full desktop, there are several dervivative distros
16:26.38fsmithredmsiism, yes, that's the correct distinction
16:27.16fsmithredfurrywolf, that's what I figured you would do
16:27.38*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
16:27.40fsmithredif you told me you're installing task-xfce-desktop, I'd fall out of my chair
16:28.37fsmithredIf you're going to use icewm, I think I have a devuan replacement icon for the apps menu (the debian logo)
16:28.48furrywolfI did on the install I'm replacing...  sometimes people other than me might need to use something I install, and they invariably want something more windows-like.
16:29.13fsmithredah, ok
16:29.34furrywolfi.e. "there's no icons.  THERE'S NO ICONS.  how the fuck am I supposed to do anything?!" etc.  :)
16:30.08fsmithredI didn't start playing with computers until there were at least drop-down menus
16:30.26KatolaZlooks for icons around.... $(dict icon) returns nothing......
16:31.16fsmithredssh randomart doesn't count as icons?
16:32.40*** join/#devuan unixman (~aunixman@unaffiliated/eracc)
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16:42.00*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
16:43.24*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~furrywolf@
16:43.56furrywolfok, that's most annoying.  attempting to connect to my hotspot from ascii causes the hotspot to crash.
16:46.21furrywolfobviously not devuan's or linux's fault, but still annoying.  heh.
16:55.08furrywolfhow long should an ext4 format of a 1.92tb drive take?
16:55.44msiism5 min? (wild guess)
16:56.07msiismfurrywolf: would that depend very much on the rest of your setup?
16:56.48furrywolfit's been more than 5 min.  lol
16:57.17furrywolfnevermind.  just finished.  lol
16:57.27furrywolfwas thinking the new shiny SSD would be faster than that, was getting worried.
16:57.51msiismi see
16:58.03msiismso how close was I?
16:59.40furrywolf"mirror does not support the specified release (ascii)"
17:00.20msiismdid you try pkgmaster?
17:00.32furrywolftrying now
17:00.34msiismi think it's recommended
17:00.36furrywolfseems to be working
17:00.43msiismok was the default.  the default should work.  I rate that as a release-critical bug.  :)
17:01.35KatolaZfurrywolf: we had problems with the CNAME
17:01.38KatolaZworking on that
17:01.40KatolaZsorry :)
17:01.50furrywolfok.  just wanted to make sure someone knows.  :)
17:01.54KatolaZ(that's a default, but you are installing a beta :P)
17:01.59KatolaZwe know already
17:02.00furrywolfhaving the install fail with all defaults will be a bad.
17:02.04KatolaZand we have afix in place for that
17:02.45*** join/#devuan tieinv (
17:03.39furrywolfinstalls the xfce task just to shock fsmithred
17:04.32furrywolfvery minor gripe:  Console shouldn't be capitalized if nothing else on the list is
17:05.31furrywolfaaand now for the slow part:  downloading 1350 packages.
17:05.53*** join/#devuan telst4r (~telst4r@fsf/member/telst4r)
17:06.28msiismfurrywolf: where is it capitalized? in tasksel?
17:06.57msiism"Console productivity"?
17:08.15furrywolfor capitalize all of them, of course.  :)
17:08.47msiismright. well KatolaZ will take care of that, i guess.
17:14.28furrywolffeature request:  multi-threaded installer.
17:14.44furrywolfI want to unpack and prepare 8 packages at once.  :)
17:18.16*** join/#devuan tocsa (~csaba@2601:204:0:4a0c:fa59:71ff:fee9:3365)
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17:19.08furrywolfheh, minor grub issue, may be an installer issue...  grub is not dpi-aware.  boot menu is teeeeeeny tiny.  lol
17:20.41furrywolfalso, X badly mis-detected my display and/or video adapter, and is using 1600x1200 on a wide-screen display, making everything stretched and generally shit.
17:21.06furrywolfalso, I can't change this with the Display settings box the default xfce desktop installed.
17:21.25*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
17:21.34furrywolfsettings boxes that do not work are worse than useless, as they just piss users off.
17:23.02furrywolfof particular note, this is a regression - my old ascii install had no display issues.
17:25.34furrywolfX's radeon module is failing due to missing /dev entries, from the looks of it.
17:25.44furrywolfthis is likely a devuan issue.
17:29.28furrywolfI don't know how to troubleshoot this further.
17:29.35*** part/#devuan tieinv (
17:30.15furrywolfx's log shows things wanting /dev/dri/*
17:32.08msiismfurrywolf: can you use another video driver?
17:33.15furrywolfit's falling back to vesa, hence using 1600x1200 on my high-res widescreen.  heh.
17:33.26furrywolfradeon is the correct driver for my card.
17:33.47furrywolfand it worked correctly with my last ascii install.
17:34.09fsmithredfurrywolf, do you need xserver-xorg-video-intel?
17:34.45furrywolfthe kernel is correctly loading the radeon module
17:35.08furrywolfX is attempting to load the radeon module, then complains about not being able to open various things in /dev, then unloads it.
17:35.55furrywolf(/dev/dri/card0, /dev/fb0)
17:39.00furrywolfalso, it seems no one fixed the bug that wireless is very broken on a fresh install, even though it worked fine in the installer.
17:39.24furrywolf(you have to manually set up wpa_supplicant, which is a total fucking pain in the ass, that no one should ever be expected to do on a new install.)
17:39.58furrywolfso, fresh install, and I have no connectivity and broken video...  this beta is not ready yet.  heh.
17:41.57furrywolfand I used the default EVERYTHING, no excuse for this...
17:42.19fsmithredno wicd?
17:42.42*** join/#devuan Akuli (
17:42.45msiismfurrywolf: are you really sure that the radeon module is the correct one? is there any difference when you just install all the video driver packages (shouldn't tak too much space)?
17:43.19*** join/#devuan blinkdog (~blinkdog@devuan/developer/blinkdog)
17:44.16msiismfurrywolf: iirc i've had similar problems recently, only installing the radeon module when i though it was the one needed by my card.
17:45.47furrywolfI need to get networking working before I can install anything else...  I really can not believe this has not been fixed yet.  no networking on a fresh install = stupid.
17:46.09msiismfurrywolf: can you use a cable?
17:46.13furrywolfmanually configuring wpa_supplicant is one of the least pleasant things to do ever.
17:46.37furrywolfthe installer __needs__ to preserve the wifi settings onto the target.
17:46.48msiismtbh, i would never expect wifi to work during installation. but maybe i'm a bit behind there.
17:46.51furrywolfor at least provide a user-friendly way of making it work again
17:46.51msiismfurrywolf: i see.
17:47.58furrywolfbut, bbl.  need to go see my lawyer (more paperwork, yay) then go to work...
17:51.33furrywolfmost of the xserver-xorg-video drivers are installed, including all ones possibly relevant to this box.
17:51.50furrywolf(-radeon, -amdgpu, and even -intel despite it not having an intel gpu...)
17:52.32furrywolf-ati too
17:56.35msiismfurrywolf: well, yes, you would have to install the driver package before installing xorg to avoid that. but that may not always be the best thing to do.
17:57.31furrywolfall relevant packages appear to be installed, by the installer.
18:04.05*** join/#devuan chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc17:c800:65db:d392:e7c4:6958)
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21:53.48*** join/#devuan xxr (50c9a528@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:54.37xxrI started an install with an existing /home/ partition. Is it normal that it is listing every file on that partition during the "copying system to new partition"?
21:58.56msiismxxr: are you installing jessie or ascii? what is your installation method and hw architecture? what do you mean by "copying system to new partition"?
21:59.48xxrI went with the desktop icon to install devuan.
22:00.16msiismxxr: so you were running the desktop-live version?
22:00.21xxrAh, yes.
22:01.11NewGnuGuyxxr: If you want to use an existing /home partition, you need to use the installer iso instead.
22:01.19xxrI downloaded it a while ago, so it wasn't fresh in my mind :)
22:02.49NewGnuGuyI am running ASCII with /home, /boot, /usr/local, and /tmp as separate partitions.
22:02.49xxraren't all the image iso files?
22:03.41msiismxxr: no. but live and installation images are.
22:04.03NewGnuGuyFor Jessie use one of the ISOs in
22:04.15xxrI mean, on the available image list there is no mention of installer iso.
22:04.24xxrYou know, there
22:04.27msiismNewGnuGuy: are you sure you cannot use an existing /home when installing from within the live system?
22:05.31msiismxxr: this page is still a bit problematic (outdated) but it should be ok.
22:06.05xxrwell right now the console is outputting target_home/username/ and all the files for that user
22:06.06NewGnuGuyInstalling from the live system uses fsmithred's refracta-installer. I don't think that supports using an existing /home. Is that right, fsmithred?
22:06.11xxrbeen some minutes that way
22:06.44fsmithredNewGnuGuy, no, it doesn't
22:07.03fsmithredjust install everything to one partition, and then edit your fstab to use the old /home
22:07.33NewGnuGuythat should work too, yes
22:07.49fsmithredone other glitch with the ascii beta desktop-live
22:07.59fsmithredfor bios boot, grub-pc is missing.
22:08.13NewGnuGuyfsmithred: xxr is installing jessie
22:08.31fsmithredah, ok.
22:09.39fsmithredxxr, what options did you select?
22:09.50fsmithredseparate /home or not?
22:09.57xxryeah, and no format.
22:10.00fsmithredoh, good
22:10.09xxrwell, of course :p
22:10.26fsmithredit uses rsync to copy the live system to the hard drive
22:11.17fsmithredrsync uses --delete-before
22:11.53fsmithredwhich means that any files not in the live system that are on the hard drive will be deleted
22:12.13xxrI've seen that with /
22:12.36fsmithredis it still copying /
22:13.25xxrI just got an error message saying grub failed to install
22:13.51xxrand a log with rsync: recv_generator: mkdir "/target/usr/share/sysv-rc" failed: No space left on device (28)
22:14.20fsmithredyou filled the partition
22:14.33*** join/#devuan n4dir (
22:16.38xxrtaht can't be right
22:16.46fsmithreddf -h
22:17.12*** join/#devuan merzbow (
22:17.19xxrthe home partition is relatively unchanged
22:17.24xxrjust a new user folder
22:17.59fsmithredthe device referenced would be your root partition
22:19.13xxrsdd1 is full, I need to format that partition first
22:19.35*** join/#devuan kelsoo1 (~kelsoo@dragora/developer/kelsoo)
22:20.02xxrbecause rsync copied my home system on sdd1
22:20.29xxr13GB can't hold 100GB
22:20.55xxrwell, I'll retry with the installer iso
22:22.56fsmithredit copies from the live system
22:23.14xxrI have the folder right there
22:23.54fsmithredI'd like to see the log
22:26.47fsmithredyou should be able to install the whole system to the 13gb part
22:26.56xxrsure, I'll just need to anonymize it some.
22:27.05fsmithredyou're using the jessie desktop-live iso, right?
22:28.17xxrI on a live desktop yeah. I'll need to double check to be sure.
22:28.35fsmithredI'm concerned that you could wipe your own files the way you're running it.
22:29.02xxrwell nothing got wiped :)
22:30.02fsmithredchroot: cannot change root directory to /target: No such file or directory
22:30.27xxrof course, the toolbox is hiding the left panel
22:31.06fsmithredyour old home is mounted under /media?
22:31.15xxrit is now
22:31.19fsmithredoh, ok
22:31.26fsmithredwhat's in target_home?
22:31.32xxrpart of my old home
22:31.42xxrcouldn't copy everything since there isn't enough space.
22:32.33fsmithreddid you mount your old home to the live system home?
22:32.58fsmithredI'm not understanding how the old home got copied
22:33.11xxrBefore the install process, I used the filemanager to mount the different drives I have to check the files.
22:33.49xxronce the install process started, the partitions err umounted? (what's the word?)
22:34.33fsmithredI think you need to unmount them yourself first
22:34.45fsmithredif you're going to install to them
22:35.41xxrthey did disappear from the list of devices of the file manager. I assumed they properly got unmount.
22:35.45fsmithredoh, maybe not, since you chose no-format
22:36.06*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
22:38.55fsmithredbut that still doesn't explain how it copied your files
22:39.44fsmithredrsync -av /home/ /target_home/ ...(filters and excludes)
22:40.49NewGnuGuyxxr: Could you provide a paste of the output of "lsblk"?
22:41.25fsmithredif there's confusion about which home is /home in the live session, then there's something weird going on.
22:42.09fsmithredif you don't have a backup copy of all your old home files, use extreme caution
22:44.16xxris the installer iso so much different? Can't it be included as a grub option while booting on the live version?
22:44.26msiismis it correct that the only architectures really able to use the debian installer for devuan are currently amd64 and i386? and will that change in the future?
22:45.02fsmithredthe installer isos use the debian installer
22:45.28fsmithredmaybe the live isos will have that as an option in the future
22:45.50fsmithredmsiism, what other arches do you want?
22:46.18*** join/#devuan chillfan (~nix@unaffiliated/chillfan)
22:46.21jonadabI would think arm would be more widely used than i386 at this point.
22:46.30xxrOh, is there a place akin to for devuan? To check if a version of a software is available upstream.
22:46.45msiismfsmithred: i'm happy with what's there. just wanted to make sure for the docs. i heard that debian has a way of using the debian installer for some embedded devices. but i don't really know about that.
22:46.52xxrI need a more recent keepass
22:47.05chillfanxxr: you can check directly on
22:47.35chillfanSince we use most of those packages you can find out which distro a package is in
22:47.57chillfanand also try with the relevant backports line in your sources.list ofc
22:48.21chillfane.g apt-cache -t ascii-backports search <pgkname>
22:49.01NewGnuGuyfsmithred: Does that paste provide you with insight?
22:49.14msiismfsmithred: i'm just thinking of a way to put all these things into the manual in an orderly and understanable fashion. (which is a bit of a challenge, as it turns out.)
22:49.37xxrif ascii uses stretch packages, then I'll need ascii
22:50.24NewGnuGuyxxr: yes, ascii uses stretch packages
22:50.25jonadabI've got ascii here, it seems ok to me in general so far; but I've only had it a couple of days, and of course there are many packages I don't personally use.
22:50.44*** join/#devuan chillfan (~nix@unaffiliated/chillfan)
22:51.07chillfaneh connections issues.. anyway, yeah unless it's in jessie-backports then stretch
22:51.17chillfanor pinning if you're desperate to stay on jessie
22:52.20fsmithredNewGnuGuy, no, that doesn't help much.
22:55.38xxrThere are 3 CD for install iso?
22:56.08fsmithreddon't use the CD isos
22:56.19fsmithreduse netinstall unless you have a slow connection
22:56.45fsmithredxxr, you used a live-usb? if so, how did you prepare it?
22:57.12*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
22:57.19xxrI used rufus
22:58.12NewGnuGuyGood program
22:58.22chillfanI would normally suggest using dd to put the image on the drive, unless that's working OK
22:58.24xxrI have a 4gb usb drive, dunno if it's really 4gb and if it can hold the DVD iso
22:58.41xxrrufus has the dd method too.
22:58.56NewGnuGuyI've never had Rufus let me down
22:58.59chillfanah, that's good then
22:59.08chillfanI'll remember this program
22:59.47chillfanwell, if your connection is good then netinst for sure from USB
23:00.26xxryeah, I guess I'll have to
23:00.45chillfanif you try the full dvd, perhaps let us know your results
23:01.22fsmithredback. I was just looking for discussions of people who had problems installing when they used rufus.
23:02.36merzbowused unetbootin and that worked fine
23:03.44NewGnuGuyfsmithred: and you may find some, but you'd be hard pressed to find people who had problems installing *because* they used rufus. :-)
23:05.01msiismchillfan: about your jessie install howto (on fod): i don't know if it's a good idea to suggest using wodim for burning. it seems to be unmaintained. that's why i chose to go with cdrskin in the manual.
23:05.23chillfanmsiism: hm, I didn't know that
23:05.46xxrThanks guys. I'll try again at a later date. Have a nice day.
23:05.47chillfanI find wodim is working, I'll look at cdrskin though
23:05.57msiismchillfan: also cdrskin can burn blurays, which wodim can't, afaik.
23:06.38msiismbut ok, that's probably not too relevant here
23:07.13chillfanNo worries, I will look at it though for future docs
23:07.18fsmithredNewGnuGuy, you've used it?
23:07.30msiismchillfan: good.
23:07.36chillfanif you want, just go ahead and add cdrskin for it
23:07.40NewGnuGuyLoads of times
23:07.55chillfanI'm not familiar with it's syntax yet
23:07.58msiismchillfan: ok, i can do that.
23:08.16msiismchillfan: it has the same syntax a original cdrecord.
23:08.30chillfanah, so it's just s/wodim/cdrskin/
23:08.40fsmithredok, I've never used it. But I'm looking for a reason that drives/partitions got mixed up.
23:08.42msiismand a few major linux distros have been going back to using that.
23:08.52fsmithredand I've seen it happen with unetbootin.
23:09.04chillfanWhy back to cdrtools in particular?
23:09.27fsmithredis wodim really unmaintained, or is it just finished?
23:09.27*** join/#devuan hgunth (~hgunth@gateway/tor-sasl/hgunth)
23:09.49NewGnuGuyCompared to rufus, I've been less than impressed with unetbootin
23:10.07msiismchillfan: i used "cdrskin -v speed=4 devuan_jessie_1.0.0_amd64_NETINST.iso"
23:10.15chillfanIn any case I'm trying to avoid changes without any real need in my wiki, since the translation team will need to update for every change
23:10.34chillfanbut yeah it's fine to change it elsewhere
23:10.45msiismfsmithred: i would have to look up the details again.
23:10.47chillfanand future docs
23:11.21msiismchillfan: but cdrskin is not cdrkit.
23:11.43msiismcdrkit is what icludes wodim
23:11.55chillfanI'm wondering about that as well.. some packages lose their maintainer or upstream site, or it's unclear if it's being maintained
23:12.48msiismcdrskin is a frontend for libburnia.
23:13.17chillfanlike wdm I think has a site, but is untouched for many years.. some are less of a worry  since upstream only dropped them recently
23:14.10chillfanbut I found a bad issue in a package that hasn't been touched in a decade, in which it triggered SSP (without checking I assume it's because of it's age)
23:14.28msiismtalking about unmaintained software. i've talke to the developer of FPM2 password manager, which Debian has dropped since stretch, claiming it was unmaintained upstream. as it turns out, it is actually maintained, but no one is packaging it for debian.
23:15.40chillfanyeah, so I guess some checking needs to be done before assuming unmaintained/abandoned
23:17.35chillfananyway, still no response from the maintainer for the package triggering SSP
23:18.47n4dirfsmithred: i though wodim is a fork of the original package, perhaps by Jörg Schilling ?, and he always shouts like a maddog when it comes to wodim? I forgot the original packages name though.
23:20.01*** join/#devuan tocsa (~csaba@2601:204:0:4a0c:fa59:71ff:fee9:3365)
23:21.36tocsaSo `lsb_release -a` says `Codename: n/a` to me (see
23:22.13tocsaI did use a 4.14 kernel from debian stretch-backports but I switched over to devuan ascii-backports and reinstalled the kernel.
23:22.38tocsaNow I wonder if it really did reinstall, or it's not the kernel which screws up this?
23:23.22tocsaIt's relatively new install so it's kind of a bummer that my installation is screwed up from the get-go. What will happen a year from now?
23:24.53*** join/#devuan mcr (~mcr@
23:25.38chillfanmsiism: on that resource you mailed me, I'll put it as a link in the 'wiki' area for now.. when I start on more ascii docs I'll have a real look
23:26.34chillfanI'll be away for a couple of weeks, then try to nail down my todo list
23:26.43tocsaI'm using devuan ascii, and this fella has a completely different `lsb_release -a` than mine how is that possible?
23:28.50msiismn4dir: cdrtools is the software by jörg schilling. cdrkit is a debian fork of that was created because of licensing issues, iirc. and yes, schilling hates it and is generally not happy with people forking his software and constantly claims that there are no actual licensing issues. it all a big flame war. still, i prefer to use schillings cdrtools on my system. it has fared a lot better that cdrkit as far as i've used it.
23:29.29*** join/#devuan polocho (
23:29.34msiismchillfan: ok. cool.
23:29.54chillfanwhat was the other one.. cdrskin?
23:30.19*** part/#devuan NewGnuGuy (~NewGnuGuy@
23:30.32msiismchillfan: cdrkit, which consists of wodim, genisoimage and icedax.
23:30.43n4dirmsiism: aha.
23:30.51msiismchillfan: and then there's cdrskin.
23:31.01chillfanIs there a licensing issue?
23:31.15chillfanWhat is the claim on that
23:31.16msiismwhich is a frontend to libburnia, and independent project, but somehow connected to cdrtools, iirc.
23:31.38msiismcdrtools is licensed under the cddl.
23:31.53*** join/#devuan telst4r (~telst4r@fsf/member/telst4r)
23:32.12chillfanhm, is that not compatible?
23:32.20msiismand cddl and gpl don't seem to be compatible.
23:32.39chillfanok so dfsg came into play
23:32.41msiismit seems so. but, as i said, you'd start a flame war if you'd ask that question in the right place.
23:32.47tocsaIf I have a devuan ascii install, should my `lsb_release -a` say `Devuan GNU/Linux testing/unstable` for Description or `Devuan GNU/Linux 2.0 (ascii)`? See
23:33.16chillfanSo they forked off from an earlier version?
23:34.10chillfanI assume so anyway, since if it's not compatible I don't see how they relicense it
23:34.17msiismchillfan: also, schilling claims that gnu make should be used as a last resort to compile cdrtools because it was so bad. i've never had any problem using it. works just fine. but he wants people to use his "smake" program.
23:34.33msiismyes, cdrkit is forked from an earier version.
23:35.39chillfanah, I don't have an issue with gnu make.. I hadn't considered if alternatives are better there really
23:35.50msiismchillfan: me neither.
23:36.20msiismbut schilling is a professional solaris developer. so, solaris is better than anything there, you know.
23:36.25chillfanreally I keep the toolchain stuff off machines where I don't need it.. when I do need it, I usually need 90-100% of it
23:37.31chillfanso it's just build-essential git libncurses5-dev etc
23:38.51tocsaCan anyone read what I write?
23:39.04tocsa(I'm wondering if I'm muted or anything)
23:39.11n4dirtocsa: all fine
23:39.19tocsan4dir: thx
23:43.45merzbowtosca mine reads Devuan GNU/Linux 2.0 (ascii)
23:44.31merzbowbut I don't think that necessarily means your install is broken, like you said you just upgraded differently
23:47.46*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
23:48.00chillfanyour /etc/devuan_version should read ascii/ceres, and you can doublecheck with dpkg -l | grep deb .. look for the "deb" version against packages there
23:48.21chillfane.g deb9 should be the highest versions there
23:48.47chillfandeb8 for jessie, and so on
23:49.40chillfanwhich would show your setup is ok

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