IRC log for #devuan on 20180319

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01:41.48kwmiebachHi, I cannot use my webcam on ascii. lsusb shows it as 'Bus 002 Device 006: ID 041e:4097 Creative Technology, Ltd' but there is no /dev/video0 - and when I open cheese it does not find any webcams.
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01:42.37kwmiebachI found nothing in the forum, maybe someone has an idea how to make the webcam work on ascii. Or maybe it is not possible?
01:44.45kwmiebachAnd this is a headless box, maybe I need to install some packages to make it work?
01:45.13AlexLikeRockmaybe need  privative  drivers
01:45.32AlexLikeRockwhat about   /dev/video1  ?
01:45.51AlexLikeRocktry othe  web cam viewer
01:51.09AlexLikeRockmplayer -tv driver=v4l2:gain=1:width=640:height=480:device=/dev/video0:fps=10:outfmt=rgb16 tv://
01:55.26kwmiebachok thank you i will try
02:05.10AlexLikeRockmplayer   ...../dev/video1 .....
02:11.05kwmiebachwith mplayer i get: v4l2: unable to open '/dev/video1' (same with video0)
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05:33.10AlexLikeRockany idea ?
05:37.07*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@unaffiliated/xenguy)
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06:37.46gnarfacekwmiebach: i'm not familiar with that device, so i don't know for sure it was ever supported, but maybe it is and you simply have not loaded the proper driver
06:39.49gnarfacekwmiebach: you might get some clues if you try this:  1) unplug the webcam 2) run dmesg, note the last few lines 3) plug in the webcam 4) run dmesg again, but carefully examine any new lines that appeared since the last run
06:40.28gnarfacekwmiebach: (on a stock config you'll probably have to be root or use sudo to run dmesg)
06:41.14gnarfaceAlexLikeRock: just a random shot in the dark but what happens if you set DBUS_FATAL_WARNINGS=0
06:41.16gnarfaceAlexLikeRock: ?
06:41.36gnarfaceAlexLikeRock: (make sure dbus is actually running)
06:41.56AlexLikeRockDBUS  are  remplacin at  devuan
06:42.22AlexLikeRockby udev   or some like that ?
06:44.13gnarfaceno, DBUS is something different.  they replaced udev with eudev.
06:44.29gnarfaceudev/eudev are kernel device manager for /dev
06:44.42gnarfaceDBUS is a userspace inter-process communication daemon
06:45.13gnarface(for people who thought using stdin/stdout was too complicated and could be paradoxially fixed by making it more complicated)
06:46.06gnarfacethe ascii version of dbus might be stripped of some basic components that depended on systemd though
06:46.16gnarfacesteam doesn't like it
06:46.43gnarfacecrashes on exit unless you pass "DBUS_FATAL_WARNINGS=0"
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09:23.47scoofyreport from Raspi 1 / Devuan: things look good, uptime is ~3 days now. apart from the initial locale-related glitches, the thing looks stable now. apt-get works, services work, media mounts, all good so far
09:25.25scoofyso you have +1 tester for Raspi 1. when I get to it, I'll also try the sunxi image on an OPi Zero and report whether I have any issues. (and maybe later on a raspi3 too)
09:27.17scoofyso... overall pretty cool that this thing can run even on a raspi 1! looks like a quite cool OS
09:28.54scoofyi'd also like to try out the desktop version some time when I get to install it on one of my laptops, just no time to setup computers now
09:39.04nailykFYI I had an issue with udev package. Removing it do not delete init script. And this caused issues while replacing it with eudev.
09:39.36nailyk"insserv: script eudev: service udev already provided!" \n "insserv: exiting now!" \n "update-rc.d: error: insserv rejected the script header"
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09:42.35scoofynailyk: did you use 'purge' with apt-get? that removes config files, too. 'remove' is not always enough
09:43.20scoofyI have a trouble with the GitLab for the arm-sdk. I'm trying to close an issue that I no longer have, but upon closing, the server just returns me a .JSON and nothing happens, the issue doesn't get closed
09:43.55KatolaZnailyk: known
09:43.58KatolaZsee DNG ML
09:44.02KatolaZand dev1galaxy
09:44.12KatolaZwe are working at a fix
09:44.15scoofythe URL I am redirected to, is:[state_event]=close, but this just displays a JSON and the issue doesn't get closed
09:44.55scoofyKatolaZ, any idea why this is happening?
09:45.26nailykok, just want to inform :) (yes I used purge)
09:47.36scoofyKatolaZ: do you have me on ignore list?
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09:48.22scoofyKatolaZ KatolaZ KatolaZ KatolaZ KatolaZ KatolaZ KatolaZ KatolaZ KatolaZ KatolaZ KatolaZ KatolaZ KatolaZ KatolaZ KatolaZ KatolaZ KatolaZ KatolaZ
09:51.13KatolaZthanks nailyk
09:51.24scoofyKatolaZ: are you ignoring me?
09:51.37nailykKatolaZ: scoffy asking if you see his messages
09:51.51nailyks/scoffy/ scoofy /
09:51.56djphI'd hope he was ignoring you after that .... whatever it was
09:52.31scoofydjph: after my recommendation to use an image size that *actually* fits a 2GB SD card, yes
09:52.50scoofyyes, after such recommendation, it is *indeed* the best course of action,  is to pull the /ignore card
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09:53.34scoofybecause the image size 1.4 GB of zeros, that doesn't fit a SanDisk 2GB card. but whatever, KatolaZ doesn't care, and ignores that some people may be having issues
09:53.58scoofywhatever. what can you expect from an OS, whose developer just puts you on /ignore when you report a trobule? whatever.
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09:54.09scoofydunno which attitue is better, the systemd attitude, or the /ignore attitude.
09:55.04drawkularesize it with gparted?
09:55.11scoofyanyways, i got work to do today, so just reported that  overall the system looks stable. opened anouther issue in the issue tracker
09:55.15drawkulaor does it trash ot?
09:55.26drawkulasometimes gparted has hickups
09:55.31scoofydrawkula: i was on Windows, at the partiuclar moment when that happened
09:55.33scoofyso: no gparted
09:55.53scoofyso, copy the whole fucking image, to a Linux machine, onyl so that I can use gparted....... mmmmkay
09:56.05drawkulaI've no idea about how disabled windows is
09:56.09scoofyvery much so.
09:56.10drawkulaI don't use it
09:56.30scoofyread: no ext4 resiez tools readily available on Windows
09:56.46drawkulaI heard it has a builtin linux now
09:56.47scoofyso *yes* of course I can solve it, it's just one extra hassle
09:57.02scoofydrawkula: Win10, yes. this is not Win10 tho
09:57.16scoofyanyways I can copy it to a
09:57.30scoofy...Linux machine any time, no big deal, it's just one extra hassle
09:57.58drawkulatypically users wit FSes on Sd cards use the faster ones
09:58.02scoofyanyways I reported it in the issue tracker, so this information was recorded at the place where it should be recorded
09:58.16drawkulaso far the smallest clas10 card I know of is 4G
09:58.48scoofyit is a class 4 card, and it is "nominally" 2GB, but actually the Devuan image does not fit on ti
09:58.55drawkulayes... I remember bugtrackers... gentoo's one probably still has unanswered entries from my wild days
09:59.20drawkulahopefully the devuan bugtracker is friendlier
09:59.35scoofyat least if anyone cares, can fix it. i saw related requests ealier in the issue tracker, that has been responded to
09:59.42scoofyactually, a request to increase image size
09:59.58drawkulaexpanding can be done in place
10:00.15drawkulaso starting with a smaller one is the choice with more options
10:00.24scoofyi agree with that, as you can always extend later on
10:00.31scoofythe reverse, is a bit more problematic
10:01.43scoofyso, i just reported some things that could make installing the OS a bit more straightforward, less extra steps required
10:02.16drawkulado developers read the wiki too? or just the bugtracker and the notes from wednesday meetings?
10:02.59scoofyno idea
10:03.09scoofyyou'd have to ask them :)
10:03.13drawkulayou have qemu or such on windows?
10:03.32drawkulathen resizing the images with linux would work with that detour
10:04.20drawkulamaybe the next release will have smaller images but reworking all alredy released ones probably never will happen
10:04.30scoofynot right now, and it'd be easier to just copy it to a linux machine, than to install an entire fucking OS just so that I can resize some ext4 partition....\
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10:05.13drawkulaI've lots of systems in my lan but sometimes I'm just too lazy to move the few meters and prefer a VM
10:05.18scoofydrawkula: sure. it'd be jessie 1.0.1, not 1.0.0, as the image is now different --> different SHA, MD5 etc.
10:07.46drawkulaespecially i prefer to boot a VM with e.g. GRML to manipulate images over loopback mounting
10:08.02scoofyVMs are cool, once they're set up and running
10:08.12drawkulai like to minimise the amount work i do as root
10:09.44scoofysounds like an interesting distro. i just used Kali for such purposes, as it has a great collection of analysis tools
10:10.02scoofywhen something needs fixed from a live cd
10:10.59drawkulai have a grml-iso in /boot/grml/ and can boot that with grub
10:11.11drawkulanice rescue system
10:11.23scoofydoes it have option to not modify filesystems at all? kali does, for example
10:11.43drawkula--> apt-cache show grml-rescueboot
10:12.01drawkulagrml can boot completely to ram or mount its filesystem from the boot media
10:12.14drawkulathus keeping one partition or the cd mounted
10:12.20scoofysounds good
10:12.30scoofycould come handy
10:13.18drawkulabefore finding grml-rescueboot i put parted-magic's iso in grub but every other release that had to be done differently
10:13.30KatolaZdrawkula: you can try minimal-live for that
10:13.35KatolaZsimilar aims as grml
10:13.37KatolaZbut smaller ;)
10:13.43KatolaZ(and you have games there)
10:14.15KatolaZ(but no systemd, obviously)
10:14.15drawkuladoes not play on computers, drawkula does play with computers
10:15.00KatolaZwhat's important is to keep playing around
10:15.13KatolaZa person who doesn't play is almost dead
10:15.16drawkula <<< playing
10:15.40drawkulaawk graphics
10:16.29drawkulaawk is my BASIC now... the only thing I was missing was graphics
10:16.37KatolaZdrawkula: that qualifies as playing *on* computers :P
10:16.53scoofydrawkula: the 1px font size trick looks cool!
10:16.54KatolaZreally nice, indeed :)
10:17.16drawkulai loke these mcGuyverish hacks
10:17.31drawkulastill low on caffeine
10:18.10scoofyi was thinking lately, i'd like to something similar in the text console (tty) somehow, though that would probably need some kernel hack, or some custom kernel font, or something similar
10:18.12drawkulaok... and my "save game" is called "backup"!
10:18.41drawkulatext console probably is a frambuffer today on most systems
10:18.46scoofysome ppl did textmode graphics using braille UTF-8 signs
10:18.49drawkulathat can be written to via some device node
10:19.54scoofywhat i rather thought, is to have extra characters defined that are combination of sub-pixels, so each char could have 2x2, 3x3, 4x4 ... "pixels"
10:19.54drawkulaI tried sixel graphics but thats boring
10:20.09drawkulabecause it is drawn all at once when drawing is finished
10:20.10scoofyso the more pixels per char, the more combination of extra chars needed in the charset
10:20.38drawkulaor I still havent fully understood sixels
10:20.51scoofycos, it's be realy cool to say, watch movies in a textmode tty console :) but the existing tools I've tried, are low quality
10:21.05KatolaZsixel are sexy
10:21.13drawkulalike a printer
10:22.08drawkulaunluclily screen does not have the sixel patches
10:22.21drawkulain de??an
10:22.33drawkulaxterm has
10:23.27scoofyi'm wishing for something that can display higher resolution stuff, but doesn't require xterm or X itself, but rather works in a tty console. so far I haven't found this thing
10:23.53drawkulahey devs... I can has screen with sixels? plz! kthxbye!
10:24.18drawkulaconsole framebuffer
10:24.32scoofycan you write to it somehow? or only via kernel hack?
10:25.00drawkulamaybe /dev/fb0
10:25.24drawkulathere is a txt file in the kernel sources about framebuffers
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10:25.34scoofyindeed, "everything is a file".  gotta check that out.
10:25.44drawkulabut it is years ago that i've looked into it
10:26.18drawkulaand there are tools somewhere to switch the fb's resolution
10:26.28drawkulabut typically we all want the max
10:26.48scoofy"open up a graphics desktop just to watch some movies? this is Linux, should be doable in the console."
10:27.09drawkulamplayer has lost svga-output?
10:27.28drawkulaprobably it will do fb then
10:27.39scoofydoes that work in a tty console? haven't checked that one
10:27.53scoofyi know it has some aalib interface, but that looks awful
10:27.55drawkulait did... years ago
10:27.56scoofyin ascii
10:28.14drawkulaor in color with libcaca
10:28.25scoofyyea. doesn't look too good either :/
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10:29.39scoofyhm, gotta check this Sixel thing, looks interesting
10:31.10scoofyhm,seems there's a kernel patch for it for the console buffer...
10:32.59drawkulathe nice thing with sixel is that it works over ssh
10:33.14drawkulaframebuffer graphics don't give that
10:34.47scoofygotta go. see ya later.
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12:55.53d9867ebi had like to run runit and mdev instead of sysv and eudev? is that possible?
12:56.44fsmithredd9867eb, search dng mailing list for discussions of runit, musl, and whatever else:
12:56.45d9867ebdoes devuan support wayland?
12:56.53fsmithrednot that I know about
12:57.07fsmithreddoes it require systemd, and is it in debian repos?
12:57.25fsmithredif the answers are "no" and "yes", then it should work in devuan.
12:57.48d9867ebit is in debian repos
12:58.22d9867ebi dont know if wayland requires wayland.
12:58.34d9867ebrequires systemd i meant
12:59.04fsmithredapt-cache depends xwayland
12:59.18fsmithredis that the right package?
13:01.20d9867ebno it would be plasma-workspace-wayland
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13:01.51d9867ebseems like it requires systemd
13:02.24fsmithredhow are you getting that?
13:02.52nemountil wayland supports my habit of remoting apps, I'm not going to shed any tears over lack of devuan support
13:02.58d9867ebfound this one
13:04.29debdogat least seems to depend on libsystemd
13:04.52fsmithredyeah, but so does everything else
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13:05.33fsmithredapt-cache depends plasma-workspace-wayland doesn't show a dep on systemd. Not sure if any of the listed deps depend on it
13:05.51d9867ebthere seems to be a package in ascii in fact for plasma on wayland
13:06.10fsmithredI tried 'aptitude -s install plasma-workspace-wayland'
13:06.35fsmithredbut I can't be sure of the results because of my weird sources.list and various pinning.
13:07.51fsmithredthe fact that I'm getting any results is a good sign.
13:09.08fsmithredI guess you get to be first to try it and let us know if it works.
13:09.37d9867ebfsmithred: which is the best devuan  edition for a home user?
13:09.38KatolaZxwayland depends on libsystemd0
13:09.40d9867ebok thanks
13:09.47KatolaZI guess some stuff might depend on libpam-systemd
13:09.58KatolaZwhich is "Provided" by elogind in ASCII
13:10.20KatolaZit's called libpam-elogind
13:10.22fsmithredyeah, I ran into that the other day - needed libpam-systemd and libpam-elogind worked
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13:10.55fsmithredd9867eb, jessie is still our stable relase, but ascii is pretty close
13:11.08fsmithredand I know kde works in ascii
13:11.38d9867ebfsmithred: ok, but how stable is ceres?
13:11.51fsmithredceres is a neglected child
13:11.58KatolaZd9867eb: ceres in unstable
13:12.07KatolaZwell, it's not neglected
13:12.13KatolaZwill get some more love soon
13:12.34KatolaZwe'll switch the the usual unstable/testing/stable path as soon as ASCII stable is out
13:12.48fsmithredI wouldn't try running ceres for anything other than testing purposes now
13:12.49KatolaZatm ceres seems to be a bit more stable than sid
13:12.49d9867ebKatolaZ: how unstable? like debians experimental or like ubuntu non lts?
13:13.00KatolaZd9867eb: like Debian sid
13:13.07d9867ebKatolaZ: ok
13:13.14KatolaZmeans that stuff can break, every now and then
13:13.22KatolaZand you should know how to fix it
13:13.44KatolaZd9867eb: if you are not in a terrible hurry, I would wait for beowulf
13:13.54KatolaZwhich shouldn't be too far anyway
13:14.10KatolaZthe idea is to have beowulf installable asap
13:14.18KatolaZbefore buster becomes stable
13:14.29d9867ebKatolaZ: I want to learn to fix those errors. Do you have any resource to learn from?
13:14.34KatolaZ(i.e., withoug waiting for buster to beome stable)
13:14.39KatolaZd9867eb: uh?
13:14.46KatolaZwhat errors?
13:14.57fsmithredthe ones he might encounter with ceres
13:15.11d9867ebfsmithred: KatolaZ yes
13:15.22KatolaZhow can I know how to fix an error that has not occurred yet? :D
13:15.29KatolaZI mean
13:15.35KatolaZsid is normally for seasoned debian users
13:15.46KatolaZwho know how to get out of a dep mess, for instance
13:15.49fsmithreddebian wiki, devuan wiki (,, dng mailing list, other debian docs
13:16.02KatolaZbest school is direct experience
13:16.48d9867ebso i should i just install ceres and try to get along?
13:16.56fsmithredprobably not
13:17.30fsmithredI'm more conservative. I'd say install ascii now and upgrade to beowulf or mixed beowulf/ceres at some point.
13:18.12fsmithred...if there's some reason you need to have the latest versions.
13:20.11fsmithredif you have an extra box or a VM to play with, you can try anything without having to worry.
13:20.45fsmithredtime to go. see you all later.
13:21.11d9867ebfsmithred: I have some other machines than my desktop but i use all of them for other things alrady
13:21.18d9867ebfsmithred: bye
13:31.26zyliwaxhello, i'm just wondering if this "service udev already provided!" bug is actually breaking anything atm or is simply an annoyance
13:31.42zyliwax(running ascii)
13:34.24d9867ebzyliwax: afaik it is nothing to worry bout
13:34.40zyliwaxyeah i didn't think so either
13:34.46d9867ebi also i have it
13:35.03zyliwaxit would suck if you're relying on a zero error status from apt, though :)
13:35.21zyliwax(i am not in that boat myself but can imagine it may be a reasonably common situation)
13:35.42d9867ebwhy are you not in the boat?
13:35.56zyliwaxd9867eb: not sure if english is your first language but that's an idiom
13:36.06d9867ebzyliwax: ok
13:36.31zyliwaxmeaning that a certain situation is applicable to you
13:37.09d9867ebenglish is not my first language. I learned some reading some articles about linux
13:38.27zyliwaxmy pleasure :)
13:39.20d9867ebzyliwax: do you use devuan as a desktop or as a server?
13:39.53d9867ebI only use it as server but also thinking of installing on my desktop
13:40.10zyliwaxd9867eb: i have a headless devuan server along with a laptop install
13:40.40d9867ebhow does the laptop feel?
13:40.51d9867ebis devuan good on desktop
13:41.06zyliwaxthe laptop install is really frustrating me because the laptop has a touchscreen and the driver takes an extremely long time to either time out or be recognized (15+ minutes)
13:41.11zyliwaxthis is not a devuan problem
13:41.21zyliwaxi notice it on many distributions
13:41.34zyliwaxbut not voidlinux
13:41.53zyliwaxi think the problem is either my hardware, the linuxwacom package, or both
13:41.58d9867ebi am thinking, maybe i should wait for beowolf devuan
13:42.00zyliwaxit makes me very sad :(
13:42.39d9867ebzyliwax: would it be worth it right now to  switch?
13:43.04zyliwaxmaybe i'll try devuan jessie or downgrade the linuxwacom package on the laptop and see if it fixes the problem
13:43.09zyliwaxd9867eb: what are you switching from?
13:43.18d9867ebzyliwax: what Desktop environment do you use?
13:43.33zyliwaxd9867eb: none :D i use plain xorg+i3
13:43.51d9867ebi prefer kde plasma or mate
13:44.30d9867ebgnome is in love with systemd, so i dont like gnome
13:44.41zyliwaxi didn't like gnome even before then
13:44.54zyliwaxkde was always my choice for a fancy DE
13:45.11d9867ebme neither, but i dislike gnome even more now
13:45.24zyliwaxthen i used xfce a lot for the slim factor
13:45.31zyliwaxthough i find that too heavy now :)
13:45.35d9867ebxfce is old
13:45.54zyliwaxd9867eb: like, you're saying it's gone unmaintained for some time?
13:46.09zyliwaxi think i tried out lxqt a little while ago and liked it a bit
13:46.34d9867ebzyliwax: it has a too small userbase for me
13:46.45zyliwaxi generally like to set up windows refugees with mint+mate
13:46.57zyliwaxwhich isn't exactly kosher but keeps the support nags down ;)
13:47.16d9867ebi usually recommend ubuntu mate
13:47.17zyliwaxthey don't care about the politics of the free software community
13:47.41zyliwaxi haven't used ubuntu in... a really long time
13:48.21zyliwaxit was really cool when i was a windows refugee myself but now it cramps my style
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13:49.11d9867ebzyliwax: do you have any idea when beowolf will release?
13:49.28zyliwaxd9867eb: not a clue, i'm not a devuan dev myself, just a user :)
13:49.42zyliwaxyou asked if it'd be worthwhile to switch
13:49.46zyliwaxwhat would you be switching from?
13:49.56d9867ebubuntu mate 17.10
13:50.19zyliwaxwould you intend to migrate your existing install to devuan or simply do a fresh install?
13:50.27zyliwax(hint: the former is probably going to break things)
13:50.44d9867eba fresh one would be better i think
13:50.54zyliwaxyeah i agree
13:51.06zyliwaxback your data up beforehand
13:51.19d9867ebno need for that
13:51.41d9867eball my important things is my nextcloud
13:51.45zyliwaxi am personally a fan of the debootstrap install method to keep the setup as minimal as possible
13:52.02zyliwaxplus coming from an arch/gentoo background, it feels more natural for me
13:52.28d9867ebi ran gentoo for a  while
13:52.52d9867ebthe compiling times were very long for me
13:53.11zyliwaxthis is a good setup guide, i tweak it slightly so i bootstrap ascii directly and use dhcpcd5 instead of isc-dhcp-client
13:53.15d9867eblike 1 hour for kernel
13:53.33zyliwaxyeah compiling times are a hassle
13:53.48zyliwaxi wanted to go with devuan for my laptop so it could be my road warrior
13:54.09d9867ebzyliwax: do you have desktop machine?
13:54.21d9867eblike a real rig
13:54.23zyliwax(okay, i'll define "road warrior" as "a computing device meant for travel")
13:54.48zyliwaxd9867eb: i do have a desktop, although it's really being used as a server atm
13:54.59d9867ebzyliwax: ok
13:55.08zyliwaxmy "desktop" is actually a laptop with an external display
13:55.29d9867ebdoesnt sound very desktopy to me
13:55.48zyliwaxwell, it's on top on a desk :)
13:55.56zyliwaxdoes it sound more desktopy now?
13:56.15zyliwaxyeah i have a dock for the laptop
13:56.22d9867ebmy desktop computer is on the floor
13:56.51zyliwaxso i can take it on the go or use it locally with peripherals
13:58.11nemod9867eb: xfce isn't as slim as it used to be
13:58.15nemod9867eb: I use MATE too
13:58.35nemohits the sweet spot for me in terms of perf/features/familiarity
13:59.11d9867ebnemo: yeha
13:59.26nemod9867eb: also apparently more memory efficient than XFCE these days 😃
13:59.49nemomaybe due to better lib function reuse in its components? (shared lib memory efficiency?)
14:00.34nemod9867eb: well... his experiment dates back to 2014 - but certainly the ones on the high end do not surprise me at all
14:01.06d9867ebnemo: do you think i should switch now or wait for beowolf?
14:01.14debdoghmm, fluxbox even twice as uch openbox
14:01.35KatolaZd9867eb: what do you need exactly?
14:01.41nemoit's funny that gnome3 and unity were trying to tablet-ify their UI when their memory usage would suck up a rather large chunk of the memory of the lowrange tablet market
14:01.49KatolaZI mean, in terms of software
14:01.50nemowhich... is probably where linux would even have a chance against android
14:02.08KatolaZnemo: linux does not have any chance against android -_-
14:02.24nemoKatolaZ: well, yeah, that's obv now from the death of ubuntu's effort
14:02.33nemoKatolaZ: but... that was the thinking at the time
14:02.37d9867ebnemo: generally bug free distro with no systemd
14:02.38KatolaZthis legend has spriralled us down the rabbit hole
14:02.42KatolaZto ho avail
14:02.43zyliwaxandroid is linux, i think you mean GNU+linux ;)
14:02.47nemonow I have no idea why they are continuuing - bloodymindedness? designers need entertainment?
14:02.51KatolaZno zyliwax
14:02.54d9867ebnemo: with somewhat new software
14:03.03KatolaZandroid is a prorpietary OS that happens to use the Linux kernel
14:03.12nemod9867eb: KatolaZ was the one asking you btw 😉
14:03.19d9867eboh ok
14:03.24zyliwaxKatolaZ: yeah i oversimplified, my bad
14:03.42nemod9867eb: I imagine it depends on your hardware - do you need new kernel features?
14:03.50KatolaZzyliwax: the problem is that many people count android as "Linux' success"
14:03.55zyliwaxandroid is androidos+linux
14:04.00KatolaZwhich is false, silly, dump, and misleading
14:04.40d9867ebnemo: no I dont think so
14:04.43zyliwaxi bet they're the same people who consider ChromeOS "Linux success"
14:04.49KatolaZd9867eb: if you need the latest bleeding edge stuff, you probably don't want to use De??an
14:05.14KatolaZunless you want to give a try to unstable
14:05.24KatolaZ(which is what Ubuntu gives to their users, BTW)
14:05.27nemozyliwax: I keep checking for news on the small version of the pine64
14:05.34nemozyliwax: finally get my SO off her chromebook
14:05.49d9867ebKatolaZ: i used testing and unstable for a while but my games were laggy on unstable
14:06.03KatolaZdunno d9867eb
14:06.13KatolaZnobody knows better than you
14:07.06d9867ebKatolaZ: my conclusion, wait for beowolf, then switch and stay there.
14:07.36d9867ebKatolaZ: any idea when beowolf could become installable?
14:07.57KatolaZd9867eb: uh?
14:08.30zyliwaxnemo: oy, the whole concept of chromebooks bothers me
14:08.46d9867ebzyliwax: i think they are great
14:08.53zyliwaxi've never heard of this pine64 though, but good luck with your efforts
14:09.17nemozyliwax: I bought the chromebook when it first came out because it was dirt cheap and I thought linux was easier to install on it
14:09.29zyliwaxd9867eb: i guess i just like my computing to stay local as much as possible
14:09.34nemodidn't realise what passive-aggressive bastards google can be w/ their "dev mode" and "root access"
14:09.45nemosimilar to how they are on android too come to think of it
14:10.22zyliwaxchromebooks seem to be another means of weaseling vendor lockdown into the sphere of public computing devices
14:10.33zyliwaxright to repair is not getting enough attention
14:10.47zyliwaxchromebooks/ithings/etc. are getting TOO much </soapbox>
14:11.09d9867ebzyliwax: well me too, but it is great that more people use linux. that will lead to companies sending engingers to help eith coding
14:11.30KatolaZd9867eb: using android is not "using Linux"
14:11.45KatolaZexcept for a specific, narrow definition of "using Linux"
14:11.47nemozyliwax: these days you can get a fairly usable laptop out of a chromebook w/ bios flashing.
14:12.03nemozyliwax: but eh. at this point I've had enough. gonna wait for pinebook rather than try to rescue her aging netbook
14:12.08zyliwaxi'd just like to interject for a moment :)
14:12.33nemoKatolaZ: I use my samsung note 4 pretty heavily w/ linux.  chroot!
14:12.40nemoKatolaZ: makes an awesome mini laptop
14:12.43*** join/#devuan obeardly (~obeardly@
14:12.45zyliwaxnemo: you can install libreboot on an asus c201, which is the one chromebook i'd consider using (and only under that circumstance)
14:12.58zyliwaxbut still, it only has 16GB of eMMC
14:13.08zyliwaxi need muh storage space
14:13.24d9867ebKatolaZ: do you have any idea when Devuan Beowulf could come out?
14:13.39KatolaZd9867eb: we still need to put ascii out
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14:13.48d9867ebyeah ok
14:14.02zyliwaxthe saddest thing is that these devices are obsoleted well before their usable lifespan
14:14.17zyliwax= too much e-waste
14:14.23KatolaZnamely zyliwax
14:14.32KatolaZthey are enginnered to not last
14:14.32nemozyliwax: 16GB (or GiB - not sure which MMCs are biased toward) is quite a lot for a linux distro.  and... a lightweight laptop is not 'sactly where I'd be dumping all my media
14:14.46KatolaZnemo: that's true
14:14.50nemozyliwax: but. you could just shove a small USB3 drive in the port and leave it there
14:14.51d9867ebKatolaZ: when is ascii coming?
14:14.55KatolaZbut have you tried to install KDE in less than 16 GB?
14:15.07KatolaZd9867eb: when it's ready
14:15.09nemokinda gave up on KDE many years ago sorry ☺
14:15.21zyliwaxnemo: true that -- and iirc the c201 supports microSD so it could work out well enough
14:15.43zyliwaxi still couldn't run gentoo on a box like that though :(
14:16.11d9867ebdebian stable kde does not like my screen very much
14:16.48KatolaZthe last KDE that appeared on my screen was 1.2, I guess...
14:17.05gnarfacei tested kde in jessie, i couldn't seem to figure out how to use the desktop icons right
14:17.14gnarfacei kept trying to double-click but just getting drag
14:17.28gnarfacelooked pretty though
14:17.35nemozyliwax: I ran gentoo for many years on a laptop w/ 96MiB of RAM and a P166 processor ☺
14:17.43d9867ebwell my text was very small and i did not see howto chnage it
14:17.52KatolaZgnarface: plasma is reported to work fine in ASCII
14:18.19KatolaZ(sorry, it was 1.1.2...)
14:18.26nemozyliwax: it even launched seamonkey so I could do some web browsing and checking email ☺
14:18.41zyliwaxnemo: do you have any hair left? :)
14:19.14nemozyliwax: heh heh. I couldn't be bothered to actually *compile* on it so I chrooted in from my desktop and built from that
14:19.24nemozyliwax: at the time my desktop had a more respectable amount of ram. half a gig at least
14:19.40nemozyliwax: only machine I used -Os on
14:19.54nemofigured it was better to burn cycles on that than thrash out to swap
14:21.14zyliwaxi would make the same wager too
14:21.38zyliwaxi'd love to set up some distcc fun one of these days
14:26.22nemozyliwax: yeh. I had distcc running for a while, but just didn't seem worth it eventually
14:26.25nemostuff was fast enough
14:26.29nemoI wasn't in *that* much of a hurry
14:27.20zyliwaxnemo: my normal way of doing things now is to simply initiate a big upgrade right before i'm asleep
14:27.49nemothat was always a good strategy w/ gentoo 😃
14:28.10nemozyliwax: ... chrooted in over an nfs mount if that wasn't obv
14:28.24zyliwaxseems silly to have to change portage build settings because, yeah, even my c2d is fast enough to compile in that timeframe
14:28.50nemozyliwax: the only thing I have a problem with nowdays is Seamonkey - which I still keep around for the proflie I've been running for past 2 decades
14:29.03nemozyliwax: I'm building that on my server box nowdays which has 1 whole gig of RAM
14:29.22zyliwaxnemo: i didn't read that message carefully enough to catch notice, but reading it again, yeah, sounds like you'd need some networking to do that :)
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14:31.27zyliwaxnemo: it sucks that mozilla seems to be losing its way from what made it great, and i hope that seamonkey can retain those good elements moving forward
14:31.49zyliwaxnemo: i use palemoon+pentadactyl, and i think i will go insane when that arrangement stops working :)
14:31.58zyliwaxafk for a bit
14:32.11nemozyliwax: well. some masochist might copy the filesystem on and off or something but yeah ☺
14:32.24nemothat might not actually be a terrible idea
14:32.40nemooh well! next time
14:43.59zyliwaxjust for a bit :)
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15:22.18nemozyliwax:  looks like someone is trying...
15:22.37nemozyliwax: the one that I don't want to give up at present is tabcandy/panorama
15:22.47nemozyliwax: thankfully that one has a web extension that is making a lot of progress
15:22.54nemonot looking forward to recreating all my groups tho ☹
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16:03.12samayraHow can I install `pdflatex` package on devuan jessie?
16:03.51samayraIt seems to be absent from both jessie and ascii main repos.
16:12.26*** join/#devuan Beerbelott (c3d6f1fd@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:12.46BeerbelottAre difficulties /w eudev package expected on ascii?
16:15.02zyliwaxBeerbelott: are you talking about the configuration error apt(,-get} spits out? "service udev already provided!"
16:15.02n4dirBeerbelott: yesterday someone posted about problems he had, but i didn't follow the discussion. Either look in the logs (, see top of channel), or ask later. Probably someone will remember
16:15.26Beerbelottzyliwax: Precisely
16:15.38Beerbelottn4dir: I'll check that
16:16.05zyliwaxBeerbelott: yeah the issue is known, but from what i can tell it should not impact performance
16:16.31zyliwax(i am not a devuan dev myself, so stick around for when one of them is back for an "official" response)
16:17.13BeerbelottI found that: in the channel history
16:17.27BeerbelottSeems to d othe trick
16:17.30BeerbelottI'll give it a try
16:19.07n4dirgood luck :-)
16:19.40zyliwaxBeerbelott: oh that's neat, i tried it on my system just now and apt returned 0 :)
16:19.46zyliwaxappreciate you sharing the link
16:20.00zyliwaxand KatolaZ for pointing it out :D
16:20.39BeerbelottHowever I am unsure of removing both udev & udev-finish or merely udev service files
16:21.56zyliwaxone more note: it looks like the original poster in that thread was running 32-bit, but i can confirm the fix works on 64-bit as well
16:23.22fsmithredBeerbelott, you should be able to just remove /etc/init.d/udev
16:23.40BeerbelottMy problem is this file is part of the udev package
16:23.56BeerbelottDoes that mean the whol udev package shall be purged?
16:24.09fsmithrednot sure. I didn't have any problems upgrading.
16:24.09Beerbelottboth files actually
16:24.36BeerbelottWould have been cleaner if the udev package was purged/modified to suite eudev arrival
16:24.38fsmithredbut someone was in here a couple days ago, and he got the advice I just repeated, and it worked for him
16:24.58BeerbelottIt *works* but it's ugly
16:25.11fsmithredsomeone submitted a patch this morning
16:25.12Beerbelottdpkg -L udev
16:25.17BeerbelottOh OK
16:25.48fsmithredall this auth shit has gone through a lot of changes in the past month. I don't know it well, but I understand it's a nasty mess to begin with.
16:26.22Beerbelottsystemd is costing the whole world a lot and more to come :
16:26.34zyliwaxBeerbelott: i actually removed the udev package from my system
16:26.36BeerbelottI'm happy people are fighting it so I definitely won't blame
16:26.46Beerbelottzyliwax: And no downside?
16:26.49zyliwaxeudev provides udev, so i envision that it will replace it
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16:27.39BeerbelottHave you rebootd since then?
16:28.07zyliwaxBeerbelott: nothing i can notice atm, though this is a pretty fresh headless server install so little chance of breakage in the first place
16:28.39zyliwaxBeerbelott: i can give that a whirl, just a sec...
16:28.43zyliwax(the reboot)
16:28.54BeerbelottYes that's my main concern
16:29.06BeerbelottWe are talking a relatively important package if I may :D
16:29.41BeerbelottThe list of files of the eudev package seems to patch for the lack of udev but nothing certain from my inexperienced eyes
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16:34.07zyliwaxBeerbelott: so i just rebooted after purging udev and removing /etc/init.d/udev, and i notice that there are two udev processes running :S
16:34.29zyliwaxthis may be a separate bug in the eudev package itself, i'm checking my logs for any hints
16:35.34zyliwaxrestarting the service appears to kill the second udev process
16:36.31BeerbelottYou mean restarting the service right after a whole reboot? oO
16:38.26zyliwaxBeerbelott: yes, restart > two udev processes > /etc/init.d/eudev restart > one udev process
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16:39.20zyliwaxi'm going to see if i can reproduce this error with another reboot
16:40.18zyliwaxit did not reproduce, how odd was that?
16:41.35zyliwaxi'm going to make a silly change to my one and only rules.d file for network names and see if it's taken up, one sec...
16:43.47zyliwaxokay after a reboot, the new iface name did get taken up, but there are once again two udev processes O.o
16:45.09zyliwaxoh, that's weird, one of the udev processes disappeared, i guess it just runs temporarily then dies? idk *shrug*
16:47.52zyliwaxmy personal assessment after all this testing? i think everything is fine and will keep this setup intact (eudev installed, udev NOT installed, /etc/init.d/udev does NOT exit)
16:48.03zyliwaxbut you can obviously proceed however you wish :)
16:49.26nemozyliwax: hm. what are you doing? by any chance is it a debian/ubuntu migration to devuan without a clean install? 'cause I've been considering trying that
16:49.31nemoon a server for one
16:50.56zyliwaxnemo: are you talking about the wall of text i just now spat out? if so, no, that was all just debugging potential issues with the udev → eudev package migration
16:51.36zyliwaxnemo: however, i have done a migration from debian jessie to devuan jessie, it was a little hairy on arm but i imagine x86 would be less problematic
16:52.40zyliwaxnemo: also, i wish tridactyl the best of luck, i may give it a try but i'm presuming its UI modification is limited by the WebExtensions spec so i'll probably remain hungry for more :(
16:53.53Beerbelottzyliwax: Thx for your input
16:53.59BeerbelottCross ur fingers for me ;)
16:54.08zyliwaxcrosses fingers for Beerbelott
16:54.15zyliwaxand it's my pleasure to be of assistance
16:54.55nemozyliwax: they keep adding to web extensions tho
16:54.58nemozyliwax: so I'm hopeful
16:55.09nemoI mean. I am shocked that tab panorama web extension is even a thing
16:55.14zyliwaxnemo: oh yes i was hopeful about that
16:55.36zyliwaxthey realized the spec was unnecessarily constrained so they're building it out
16:55.36nemo  fwiw
16:55.47nemozyliwax: well. they kinda knew it was - there were a ton of open bugs on it
16:56.01nemozyliwax: it was more that they'd set a fixed deadline and were unwilling to move on it.  perhaps out of desperation
16:56.16nemopossibly out of feeling they couldn't drag it out
16:56.49zyliwaxi would damn well hope so, firefox needs to remain competitive with chrom{e,ium} and its modification potential distinguished it from chrom{e,ium}
16:57.38zyliwaxbut on that note i will be quite a bit unhappy if chrom{e,ium} now gets to do whatever firefox can and continues draining away its marketshare
16:57.40nemoone way they screwed up the transition was accessibility tools + windows
16:57.49nemothere were massive performance issues
16:57.52zyliwaxgoogle mustn't be allowed to rule the web any more than it already does D:<
16:58.05nemomaybe they were hoping that marketshare was small - but several windows users I know had accessibility stuff turned on by accident
16:58.20nemozyliwax: it's funny how people write articles on the web basically assuming chrome
16:58.25zyliwaxoh Windows, not internal firefox accessibility windows :)
16:58.48nemozyliwax: like there was one the other day that was essentially assuming DOM render trees that chrome uses - firefox flattens to list so has none of the issues with tree performance
16:58.57zyliwaxand speaking of gentoo compiles, i often start partying with lynx during them 8)
16:59.07nemozyliwax: I kinda suspect that chrome stupidity is why they altered the CSS2 spec, breaking a website of mine years ago
16:59.11nemois still resentful of that
16:59.30nemothey spun it as a "good thing" ignoring apple/microsoft/mozilla all going "uh, are you on crack?"
16:59.45zyliwaxhoo boy when microsoft is on the right side...
16:59.48nemoluckily it was a relatively minor breakage of CSS2, but still annoying
17:00.08nemothen there was how they pushed out SPDY on us, using entire web as their beta program
17:00.18nemoand then later. oh crap CRIME attack
17:00.49nemonot even clear it has that big of wins over HTTP 1.1 if you are using pipelining - and only reason pipelining didn't take off was stupid servers, not need for a new spec
17:01.11nemozyliwax: oh. and I use w3m personally
17:01.17nemoI find it has a more user friendly navigation/UI
17:01.35nemocurrently have 27 tabs open in w3m
17:03.14zyliwaxnemo: i've used w3m and i do like it
17:03.40zyliwaxiirc it had trouble rendering pages in my multiplexer, i believe it had something to do with its support for images not playing nicely
17:05.01zyliwaxoh and i was also under the belief that it was unmaintained, but it looks like there are maintained forks available
17:05.12zyliwaxi would prefer portage manage them, though... hmm...
17:11.29*** join/#devuan Akuli (
17:38.14*** join/#devuan dev1noob (d8907440@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:39.18dev1noobAnyone knows of a network management tool that does not requires dbus?
17:39.53Fervior wicd-curses, hmm
17:39.56buZznot sure if that depends on dbus
17:40.13dev1noobAccording to apt, yes
17:40.21buZzhow about connman ?
17:40.32Fervifervi@Renzan:~/nudity/nudity$ LANG=en_GB apt-cache depends wicd-gtk
17:40.53buZzFervi: and the server?
17:41.29dev1noobwicd-daemon is requiring dbus
17:41.45dev1noob(via python-dbus)
17:42.04Fervihmm, maybe use command line :D
17:42.36buZzdev1noob: and connman ?
17:43.03dev1noob@buZz connman managed to install, but now I have no more network access
17:43.45dev1noobWhat is connman's cmdline tool
17:43.45buZzthats progress :D
17:43.52buZzafaik just 'connman'
17:46.01fsmithredpretty sure setnet does not require dbus
17:47.01fsmithredit's in experimental
17:48.18buZzdoes wpa-cli require it?
17:49.31*** join/#devuan Tuor (~Tuor@unaffiliated/tuor)
17:51.53fsmithredbuZz, what package is it part of?
17:53.40buZzwpasupplican, afaik
17:54.07buZzwpa_cli , sorry
17:54.17fsmithredI see libdbus-1-3 is needed, but it doesn't list dbus
17:54.40fsmithredthat lib recommends dbus
18:01.31dev1noobit looks like connman is semi-broken without dbus
18:02.21*** join/#devuan pillepalle (
18:02.41dev1noobfrom Connman Source
18:02.44dev1noobIn order to compile Connection Manager you need following software packages: - GCC compiler - GLib library - D-Bus library - IP-Tables library (for tethering support) - GnuTLS library (optional) - PolicyKit (optional) - readline (command line client)
18:03.29TuorHi, is there a usable devuan with KDE Plasma 5?
18:04.33fsmithredTuor, ascii has kde5, and it seems to be working
18:04.52fsmithredthere are beta installer isos for ascii at
18:05.50*** join/#devuan system16 (~system16@unaffiliated/system16)
18:08.03dev1noobThere's no setnet package ;(
18:08.34Tuorfsmithred: is there a torrent? I would love to test it!
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18:12.42TuorI downloaded from a mirror. I can't find any torrent.
18:15.15fsmithredyeah, I don't think there are any torrents of the beta
18:15.26fsmithreddev1noob, setnet is in experimental
18:15.59fsmithreddeb experimental main
18:16.23fsmithredadd that line to /etc/apt/sources.list and then apt update and apt install setnet
18:16.30*** join/#devuan system16 (~system16@unaffiliated/system16)
18:17.15fsmithredsorry, 'apt -t experimental install setnet' (apt, apt-get or aptitude will work)
18:17.37dev1noob@fsmithred does it works with ascii release?
18:19.01fsmithredI think so
18:19.12fsmithredit's pretty simple
18:19.20KatolaZdev1noob: setnet is still in experimental
18:19.28KatolaZI will build a new version for ascii
18:19.32KatolaZhopefully soon
18:19.34fsmithredKatolaZ, is it buggy or just lacking in features?
18:19.45KatolaZthe version in experimental has one bug
18:19.49fsmithredor neither - it's worked fine when I've used it
18:19.51KatolaZwith ESSID containing white spaces
18:20.01fsmithredew, spaces
18:20.40*** join/#devuan Tom_- (
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18:23.30dev1noobWhat is setnet's cmdline tool?
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18:27.02KatolaZdev1noob: setnet is based on dialog
18:27.13KatolaZit can use net-tools or ip
18:27.18KatolaZand iwconfig or iw
18:28.00dev1noobBut what command should I type to use setnet
18:28.24dev1noobwhere is it?
18:28.41KatolaZapt-get -t experimental install setnet
18:28.48dev1noobgot it
18:34.24dev1noobsetnet bugs when trying to add a wireless network
18:36.25*** join/#devuan system16 (~system16@unaffiliated/system16)
18:37.27dev1noobthe bug seems to be intermittent, it now works
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18:43.27fugitive_just curious, what's setnet ?
18:44.32*** join/#devuan Tom_- (
18:46.07KatolaZdev1noob: the version in experimental has a known bug
18:46.11dev1nooba network manager
18:46.14KatolaZwith ESSID that contain spaces
18:46.34KatolaZI am uploading a new version that fixes that one among other glitches
18:47.06*** join/#devuan pav5088 (~pav5088@
18:47.24dev1noobIs the spaces bug happening when scaning for networks?
18:47.37KatolaZdev1noob: ?
18:47.52KatolaZit's happening when you select a network whose ESSID has spaces
18:48.18dev1noobIt's not my case
18:49.12dev1noobMy problem occurs anytime after boot and before a wpa-supplicant restert
18:49.42dev1noobIf I restart, scanning starts to work
18:49.56dev1noobsame for the list of networks in enable
18:51.27KatolaZdev1noob: you must restart wpa_supplicant
18:51.41KatolaZif it is started with a different config file
18:52.44dev1noobWhat config sile could it possibly be?
18:53.19dev1noob"/etc/network/interfaces" ?
18:53.32KatolaZdev1noob: it's the wpa_supplicant config file
18:54.04KatolaZ(we are talking about restarting wpa_supplicant....)
18:54.25KatolaZwhen you install wpa_supplicant, it gets started automatically
18:54.28KatolaZin runlevel 2
18:54.45KatolaZby default, setnet provides an alternative config file for wpa_supplicant
18:54.52KatolaZthat's why you need to restart it
18:55.00dev1noobhow can I find the "rogue" config?
18:55.02KatolaZit's explained in the manpage
18:55.09*** join/#devuan pav5088 (~pav5088@
18:57.53dev1noobI'm a bit puzzled by all this
18:58.06KatolaZdev1noob: what puzzles you?
18:58.24dev1noobThe config file thing
18:58.41dev1noobI'm using a fresh devuan ascii install
18:58.51dev1noobless than 2hours
18:59.28dev1noobI don't have a "custom" wpa_supplicant config
18:59.36KatolaZdev1noob: have you read the manpage of setnet?
18:59.51dev1nooband the only one I can find is the setnet one
19:00.19KatolaZdev1noob: what do you have in /etc/wpa_supplicant/ ?
19:00.57KatolaZsetnet cannot overwrite the default config file used by wpa_supplicant
19:01.07KatolaZbecause that belongs to the package wpasupplicant
19:01.18KatolaZso it has to ship a different config file
19:01.21KatolaZfor wpa
19:01.42dev1noob"" "" "" "wpa_setnet.conf"
19:02.05KatolaZthen run setnet
19:02.38KatolaZand restart wpa_supplicant from within the "MAnage Wifi Networking" menu
19:03.47dev1noobthat works, but I have to do it every reboot
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19:05.22KatolaZdev1noob: how often do you reboot?
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19:05.34KatolaZI mean, if your network config is static
19:05.41KatolaZjust use setnet to configure it
19:05.57KatolaZand then instruct wpa_supplicant to use the file created by setnet
19:06.07KatolaZsetnet is not a smart tool
19:06.21KatolaZsmart tool work well in common cases
19:06.32KatolaZand fail otherwise
19:06.38KatolaZsetnet works in the same way, in all cases
19:06.46okfCiao! I am trying to put devuan in italian by default and I just cannot figure it out? Can someone help me, it shouldn't be so hard
19:07.04KatolaZokf: dpkg-reconfigure locales
19:07.45dev1noobLaptop level of reboot
19:08.06KatolaZdev1noob: $ uptime 19:07:53 up 33 days,  9:52, 67 users,  load average: 1.81, 1.60, 1.62
19:08.14KatolaZthis is my laptop....
19:08.32KatolaZand it's 33 days because the clip of the battery is off
19:08.38KatolaZand fails every now and then
19:08.49KatolaZthe average uptime is 150-200 days
19:08.57KatolaZ(for me)
19:09.14okfit didn't work
19:09.14dev1noobhow can I instruct wpa_supplicant to use wpa_setnet.conf
19:09.43KatolaZdev1noob: just link wpa_supplicant.conf to wpa_setnet.conf
19:09.58KatolaZokf: are you using a DE?
19:10.12okfxfce I guess. it looks like
19:10.17okfit is by default
19:10.30KatolaZokf: then you should configure the language at login
19:10.35KatolaZfsmithred: ^^^^^
19:10.42KatolaZfsmithred: that's your cookie
19:12.07okfI haven't any option there
19:12.19okfI am laughing about that
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19:12.41KatolaZokf: if it makes you feel better... :)
19:13.24okfit does
19:13.42okfI will look for some package in synaptic, maybe it does the trick
19:14.25fsmithredokf, are you using lightdm or slim?
19:14.32okfby the way it is a good project
19:15.12KatolaZokf: ^^^^^
19:15.30fsmithredyou want to have one user log in with different language on different occasions, or you want different users to each have a different language that doesn't change?
19:17.51fsmithredlightdm and lxdm have a language selector. slim does not. And you probably have slim, since it's the default.
19:18.11okfyou got it
19:19.17*** join/#devuan telst4r (~telst4r@fsf/member/telst4r)
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19:22.05okfcool I've installed lightdm
19:22.15okfand I log in with italian language!
19:24.51mmaglisHi. Is it verified by anyone else that now xserver runs with user privileges without xserver-xorg-legacy, polkit, elogind? At least with startx from console.
19:27.09fsmithredmmaglis, yes, I can verify it, but I need to install elogind and libpam-elogind
19:27.30fsmithredin fact, startx seems to be the only way I can run X as user
19:27.49*** join/#devuan mirda (~mirdaf@
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19:28.39mmaglisfsmithred: what GUI do you run with it? I use openbox and i3 and I do not need elogind.
19:30.13dev1noobKatolaZ: Symlinking does not help
19:31.11mmaglisFor DM, I need to test this with either xdm or wdm. These are the only ones, I think, with no dependencies on dbus, elogind.
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19:34.28fsmithredI'm using openbox on that setup
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19:37.06mmaglisfsmithred: I will test xdm shortly with openbox and get back with the results.
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20:23.01mmaglisfsmithred: When using xdm, xserver starts with root user. Normal login into openbox/i3 is possible without elogind, polkits,dbus.
20:23.40mmaglisxserver-xorg-legacy is also not present, as I mentioned earlier.
20:34.07okfCiao! I am trying to make a custom distro.. I can't find /etc/lsb_release file. Were grub is pointing to?
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21:19.18fsmithredokf, grub has a complex algorithm for determining the distro name. You can just create /etc/lsb-release file
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22:47.13test_Hi, can you check whenever GSM/3G works with Devuan before new release? Jessi didn't (well, maye form CLI I didn't test) work. Obviously wicd can't handle modems, then I tried ofono+connman and then I tried Networkmanager. The Modem was found/ activated but no network connection could be established.
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