IRC log for #devuan on 20180317

00:30.35*** join/#devuan justinsm (
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11:13.13nailykhi all. I still have the logout/shutdown problem on my home computer, and cannot find again the useful link you sent me about it some times ago (mailing list)
11:14.12nailykcan someone past it me again please ?
11:24.04*** join/#devuan DarkUranium (~DarkUrani@
11:30.19flrnnailyk: you probably just need to replace libpolkit-gobject-1-0-systemd and libpolkit-backend-1-0-systemd by the elogind or consolekit version
11:32.07*** join/#devuan Oldmoss (
11:36.41nailykwill try thanks
11:37.13nailyk(they are already installed)
11:42.02nailykthanks. It point out I had elogind but used consolekit backend instead of elogind one. Now it is solved, with no manual packages installation
11:42.04nailykthanks :)
11:42.21nailykAlways fast and good anwser here. You are the best in #devuan !
11:57.13*** join/#devuan aggrora (~aggrora@2a04:ae08:1409:6f00:224:d7ff:febb:610c)
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15:03.07*** join/#devuan msiism (
15:04.22msiismi've just been looking at the following bug report again:
15:05.17msiismi would have something to add to that (a minor thing) that is, however, not strictly on topic. so, i'm unsure if i should rather post a new bug report.
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15:07.05msiismmy addition would just be to hint at the fact that the ascii-security stanzas in the file still have the "# ascii-security, previously known as 'volatile'" line before them, which is wrong.
15:25.15KatolaZmsiism: please add it to the bug report
15:25.45msiismKatolaZ: ok.
15:44.44*** join/#devuan Drugo (
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16:40.37msiismin the dependency considerations for desktop environments in ascii, the first line in the task-kde-desktop block is "Depends: lightdm  **(DROP sddm!)**". what's the reason for this? i'm not a kde user, but i know that sddm is what kde officially uses. so, why drop it?
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18:17.56Irrwahnmsiism: That document is outdated, please disregard it. (IIRC, at some point sddm would not work under certain circumstances; alas, I blissfully what the exact conditions were. ;-)
18:18.23Irrwahn* blissfully forgot
18:18.24fsmithredyou forgot to say forgot
18:18.58fsmithredyeah, I remember something about sddm not working, possibly the auth mechanisms
18:19.25fsmithredbut I just upgraded a kde install that's using sddm, and I don't see any problems
18:20.10fsmithredall you guys who descended into the bowels of hell with that stuff did a great job
18:20.34Irrwahnthe document msiism was referring to was already obsolete when the changes were being implemented
18:21.11Irrwahnwell, I have another trip to hell in front of me - namely testing the new backend packages constructed by gnu_srs
18:21.34Irrwahnimplying he's already been to hell and back twice :D
18:24.21msiismIrrwahn: thanks for the info.
18:24.35Irrwahnyw :)
18:26.33IrrwahnNote however that for KDE lightdm still gets installed - if only to have a styled DM (no Devuan theme for sddm ATM, thus looks a bit bland).
18:26.56fsmithredyeah, I know
18:27.24fsmithredI installed it back when sddm was the default, and I also have lightdm installed.
18:27.35msiismIrrwahn: it's a bit funny, like if you had used GDM with KDE in the past.
18:28.32Irrwahnmsiism: yeah, granted. But it at least made one particular user (or rather his customer) happy to have at least on styled alternative DM. :)
18:29.39IrrwahnIn the future I'd like to see Devuan themes for the Qt stuff, but I'm pretty sure that's not trivial.
18:30.15msiismIrrwahn: good. i'm just reading fsmithred's notes on xserver-xorg-legacy in ascii. as it seems, i'll be able to stay with "startx".
18:30.25fsmithredI keep forgetting to look at the kde dir in destkop-base
18:30.55fsmithredyeah, that was freaky - the only way I can run xorg as user is WITHOUT a dm.
18:31.09fsmithredand without xserver-xorg-legacy
18:31.29IrrwahnWell, startx has it's merits. Personally I have become accustomed to having a DM.
18:31.41Irrwahnfsmithred: Uh? How's that?
18:31.42fsmithredand I was responding to someone who said they could do it without elogind or dbus.
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18:32.52IrrwahnWell, the latter makes sense, since no xsession has to be constructed by a DM, am i right?
18:34.26IrrwahnOkay, I skimmed the thread. It appears I'm not only wrong but it's all a mess. :-/
18:34.33msiismIrrwahn: well, for me a login/display manager only makes sense if it provides a fast user switching dialog since i usually have two user accounts running at the same time.
18:35.06msiismstill then, Crtl+Alt+F[n] is faster.
18:36.18IrrwahnI guess I just gave up fighting the bloat in some areas.
18:37.29mmaglisfsmithred: I am running startx as a normal user without xserver-xorg-legacy, logind, polkit, dbus.
18:40.46IrrwahnI wonder if at some point I should continue my minimalistic non-gnu linux system pet project. currently it's only a kernel + toybox + shell though. Nothing to seriously get stuff done with.
18:41.16msiismIrrwahn: what's the gnu replacement?
18:41.59msiismok, toybox is sth like busyboy, i guess.
18:42.05msiismand what's the shell?
18:42.37Irrwahnwell, toybox for the usual utilities, a BWK original awk, mksh for the shell ... not much more ATM, and i's been stalled for so long I don't remember all details. everything built with musl/clang, of course.#
18:43.05fsmithredI guess I'll try it again and start removing packages.
18:43.56msiismIrrwahn: i see. i don't know too much about these things. what's better in musl libc than in glibc, apart from it being smaller, afaik.
18:44.27msiismfsmithred: ok, cool, can you add your finding to the forum thread later?
18:44.43Irrwahnmsiism: It's much lighter in my experience, and for one important thing: it's still possible to build *real* static executables.
18:44.44fsmithredyeah, if anything is different, I will report
18:44.58msiismfsmithred: thanks.
18:45.41Irrwahnmsiism: I just today was bitten by glibcs inability to statically link non-trivial programs.
18:45.56msiismIrrwahn:  ok, i don't know what a static executable is. never mind. i'll get to that at some point.
18:46.50Irrwahnmsiism: Well, statically linked means the lbrary code is included in the executable (think "self-contained"), as opposed to dynamically linked, where the library code is pulled in at runtime.
18:47.34IrrwahnUsually you want the latter, but occasionally I'd like to have static binaries that will never change their behaviour over their lifetime.
18:47.57msiismIrrwahn: ok, well that's confusing terms then. i'd call that buil-in vs. modular. but then i'm not a professional programmer.
18:48.13msiismIrrwahn: i see.
18:49.27IrrwahnFor example, it's nice to have a statically built shell and busybox (or similar) as an emergency fall-back in your initrd. Just in case something goes terribly wrong.
18:51.35*** join/#devuan RedAcor (~RedAcor@gateway/tor-sasl/redacor)
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19:03.16*** join/#devuan not-a-bird (~not-a-bir@
19:06.54not-a-birdHow do people generally make a new rootfs for an arch or device that doesn
19:07.09not-a-birdt currently have devuan?
19:07.24not-a-birdThe debootstrap?
19:07.30not-a-birdOr that live sdk?
19:08.39not-a-birdNoooooo, desmume segfaults on me!
19:09.10msiismnot-a-bird: well, if it's only about creating a partition and a filesystem on that, you could use fdisk. but that's probably not what you want.
19:09.46not-a-birdNo, I mean a devuan rootfs with the base system on it.
19:10.03msiismnot-a-bird: ok, i see. i have no idea about that. sorry.
19:10.04not-a-birdI suppose I should have gone to the arm channel for this, but it
19:10.13not-a-bird's not necessarily limited to arm..
19:11.51*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
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19:25.22KatolaZnot-a-bird: ?
19:33.29not-a-birdI popped over to devuan-arm and asked there.
19:34.24not-a-birdshort story: I took a bootable sd card and ripped a devuan rootfs for armhf and then once I had it booting I was able to build a new kernel and everything is awesome now.
19:35.00not-a-birdBut I'd like a way to make the process repeatable, so I was trying to figure out if I should build the rootfs with the sdk or if I should use debootstrap.
19:35.37not-a-birdI mean, sure, the process is repeatable, but it requires fetching two different os images, merging parts from each, and then rebuilding the kernel on it once it boots up...
19:37.13not-a-birdAnd now I
19:38.07not-a-birdAnd now I have a tinkerboard and a tiny lcd all plugged into a massive battery with a keyboard on it... I could disappear at any time, the battery isn
19:38.10not-a-birdt full.
19:38.18not-a-birdAnd I dont have a way to tell how much power is left in it.
19:38.50not-a-birdI'm super happy with the setup.
19:39.38not-a-birdThough I've run into a new wrinkle.  desmume segfaults.
19:40.01not-a-birdAnd the source I found for it on github seems to want newer build utilities...
19:40.25not-a-birdSo maybe it's time to build an ascii image.
19:42.30not-a-birdoh, I need food... later, all.
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20:42.50fsmithredmsiism, I tried startx again. It won't work for me without libpam-elogind, which pulls in elogind and dbus, but not the libpolkit packages.
20:44.01*** join/#devuan merzbow (~merzbow@
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20:52.05merzbowanyone know why my slim doesn't want to show up? pretty fresh install of ceres here
20:52.42debdogslim or x-server?
20:54.03merzbowpretty sure it's a slim issue, though ... I think it may be related to my 'host'. I just said @localhost in the gui install, and I have been getting a few errors about that just when I startx
20:55.58msiismfsmithred: ok, good to know. will that automatically be arranged when updating from jessie to ascii?
20:56.23debdogmerzbow: elogind is running?
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20:57.49fsmithredmsiism, will what be automatic?
20:58.10fsmithredmerzbow, what version of slim?
21:01.58msiismfsmithred: well, will i have to do anything by hand to make it work (startx as a normal user) after i've upgraded to ascii?
21:02.09*** join/#devuan merzbow (~merzbow@
21:02.18fsmithredI guess it depends on what you have installed
21:02.18merzbowsorry x crashed
21:02.48msiismfsmithred: ok, well. i'll make a tst run before the real tehing happens.
21:03.17fsmithredI don't really understand it.
21:03.44fsmithredseems like we should be able to run X as user when using a display manager.
21:03.51msiismfsmithred: i'll test it before i'll upgrade my main system
21:04.05merzbowfsmithred it's slim 1.3.6-5.1+devuan2
21:04.56merzbowI may have not set the right host/groups or something, I get "sudo: unable to resolve host localhost.localdomain" whenever I run sudo command.
21:05.01fsmithredthat's an ancient version. Try the one from ascii
21:05.10merzbowoooh that must be it
21:05.20fsmithredactually, it looks like it's in ceres, too
21:05.34msiismfsmithred: well, i'm able to "startx" as a normal user, but Xorg will be running as root.
21:06.03fsmithredyou still have the legacy package?
21:06.12msiismi'm on jessie still
21:06.19fsmithredoh, nm
21:06.23msiismmaking preparations to upgrade
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21:06.42fsmithredmerzbow, run 'apt-cache policy slim'
21:06.52fsmithredtell me if you see both versions
21:07.17merzbowonly one candidate
21:07.36fsmithredthe one you have?
21:07.52merzbowya, though my sources.list is just ascii/main so far
21:08.07fsmithredit's in ascii-proposed
21:08.10fsmithredand ceres
21:08.13fsmithredand jessie
21:09.19fsmithredand you want to upgrade to ceres?
21:09.52merzbowI'm fine with ascii actually, just coming up from jessie
21:10.01fsmithredoh, ok. Good.
21:10.25fsmithredoh, I read my output wrong. You have the ascii version.
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21:52.48msiismfsmithred: have you noticed the question on backports that came up the inkscape thread on d1g? (
21:53.03fsmithreddidn't read that one
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21:53.58msiismgolinux suggested you probably know an answer
21:54.59fsmithredyeah, you should not need to pin backports
21:55.16fsmithredthere have been a couple of occasions when you needed to pin backports
21:55.33fsmithredwhen pkgmaster was new
21:55.49fsmithredand I think way back when packages.d.o was new
21:55.53msiismi see.
21:56.01msiismyes, i remember the last one.
21:56.04chillfanYeah, the latter was the case
21:56.22fsmithredeither pin or comment out after you get what you need
21:56.44msiismfsmithred: so you should still do that?
21:56.54fsmithredcan't hurt to do it
21:57.16msiismfsmithred: well, no. it's just a bit inconvenient.
21:57.50fsmithredyou can check before installing
21:57.57fsmithredjust run 'apt-cache policy'
21:58.03fsmithredwith no package name
21:58.23msiismok, that's nice.
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22:22.03*** topic/#devuan is Recent (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release || This is the Devuan discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
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