IRC log for #devuan on 20180227

00:00.08Xenguy-!- Home page for #devuan:
00:00.18Xenguy-!- Home page for #devuan:
00:00.30XenguyFTFY : -)
00:02.06devuanewestnot sure where to find it.
00:02.24Xenguydevuanewest: hang on...
00:03.40devuanewestugh, yeah I was on their faq page
00:03.58XenguyThat's good to read too : -)
00:05.18devuanewestbut should there not be a sound settings somewhere in settings at all? I find it remarkable that it is not
00:05.22Xenguyfsmithred: I got my network latency sorted (I'm surprised I didn't do it sooner).  It was a crossover cable that had become long of tooth, so I just replace it with 2 cables and 1 switch
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00:05.50Xenguydevuanewest: Not sure, each case can be different often times
00:06.09XenguySound can sometimes be a bit of a Dark Arte
00:06.23XenguyThough usually, in my experience, it Just Works
00:07.20Xenguydevuanewest: The sound settings GUI may not be there due to the packages not being present on your system  <-- 1 possibility
00:07.47devuanewestI used the live 2.0 beta amd64
00:10.19*** join/#devuan ephemer0l_ (~ephemer0l@pentoo/user/ephemer0l)
00:13.56devuanewestI have a /pulse/ in my .config/ directoy  so I guess pulse is installed and present. Just no way of configuring it..
00:14.58Xenguydevuanewest: My best advice is to follow the troubleshooting suggestions on that Wiki page (hopefully the info there is not too dated, but it's been awhile since I visited that page)
00:16.19devuanewestugh, this is too much for tonight. I'll try tomorrow with better eyes. Thanks for the links and suggesitons Xenguy
00:16.49Xenguydevuanewest: Hey I'm sorry...
00:17.04XenguyI just looked at that page, and it's nothing like what I was remembering
00:17.17XenguyNot too useful, unless I'm missing something...
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00:17.31Xenguydevuanewest: Come back when you're fresh and we'll try again, if you like
00:18.07devuanewestlooking at those images on how sound works gave me a headache. But, maybe it'll be better tomorrow.
00:18.23XenguyYeah, it's the wrong page, I'll try to find a better one
00:18.50XenguyBut maybe tomorrow
00:18.59XenguyAs you say
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01:19.17*** topic/#devuan is Recent (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release || This is the Devuan discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
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02:33.46fsmithreddevuanwest needs to know about alsamixer
02:34.17*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
02:50.37*** join/#devuan devuanewest (
02:51.12devuanewestso, I couldn't get any sleep.. Buut I found out where xfce hid the sound settings
02:51.29devuanewestin multimedia ofcourse.. not in system settings or some such.. : )
02:52.21devuanewestso now sound is sorted out.. Now remains the gui asking for root when using such programs. Like synaptics or gparted
02:52.24fsmithredis xfce mixer there?
02:52.40devuanewestthere is a pulse audio mixer  : )
02:52.42fsmithredI saw your message late, but you can run alsamixer in a terminal
02:52.55fsmithredoh, pulse
02:53.00devuanewestoh, yeah alsamixer is always present and functional
02:53.02fsmithredforgot about that. I don't use it.
02:53.14devuanewestI just wanted a tray icon I could see and use
02:53.43devuanewestI also killed the bell with a small startup script
02:53.49devuanewestI woke my neighbours with it
02:54.31devuanewestywah, 2 watts my behind.. brutal volume
02:55.59devuanewestI guess I need to do smthng about policykit or such to sort out the elivated programs issue
02:56.10devuanewesthaven't found out what yet
02:56.16fsmithredpkexec does not work in xfce
02:56.33fsmithredopen a terminal, get root, run synaptic or gparted or whatever you need
02:56.48fsmithreduse 'su' not 'su -'
02:56.52devuanewestoh, I see. So that is a limitation in xfce then?
02:57.07fsmithredor edit the desktop file for the apps
02:57.17fsmithredor use gksu
02:58.03devuanewestgksu.. okay I'll check that out.
02:58.21fsmithrednot sure if it's installed
03:00.27devuanewestoh, it was  : )  so it is like a little middle man I guess. It is a matter of where I want to type the root pw. In a term or in a little window
03:01.01fsmithredlol, yes
03:01.35fsmithredyou can edit /usr/share/applications/whatever.desktop
03:01.41fsmithredgo to the Exec line
03:02.09devuanewestyeah I'll do that instead. It'll be for synaptics mostly anyway
03:02.12fsmithredreplace 'whatever-pkexec' with 'gksu whatever'
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03:02.23devuanewestah, I see
03:02.35devuanewestgood stuf
03:05.53*** join/#devuan Death_Syn (
03:06.27devuanewestwell, in that case all my problems (2) are sorted. For now  : ) I'll try to find better resources to sort me out in the future than google for stuff. Linux questions seems like a good resource.
03:06.46devuanewestI think I can sleep now. Gnight folks  and thanks again is pretty good, too
03:07.09devuanewestI'll bookmark it
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08:13.30Guest1234Hello everyone. I'm using Debian buster today and I'm thinking about using Devuan instead. The thing I did not get yet is whether devuan "mirrors" (not mirrors) the regular debian releases (with patches ontop) so that I can expect to see them nearly around the time debian releases them. I'd expect that devuan needs to rebuild with its own patches on top, of course. Or is devuan more like a complete separate repository with its own v
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08:17.27Guest1234i.e. are all packages in debian dependent on the non-systemd core, or is it just those that really need it? Could I install packages from a debian APT source that are not dependent on any systemd stuff?
08:17.38Guest1234In case anyone knows..
08:19.33gnarfaceGuest1234: most the packages aren't altered at all.  those packages are actually fed from the debian repos directly.  there's a list of the ones that are altered on somewhere.
08:21.59gnarfaceand yes, you could theoretically install packages from debian apt sources as well, but don't do that.  you're right that it would not be safe in that one way you speculate but systemd itself isn't the only risk inherent to mixing distros
08:22.15gnarfacenot be unsafe*
08:23.12gnarfaceanyway, there's no reason to do that because devuan has all the same packages
08:23.19gnarfacewith few exceptions
08:23.55gnarfaceand whether that continues is more up to debian than devuan
08:24.26Guest1234gnarface: Thanks. I see. I'll try to look a bit more on the page - although to be fair I'm having a hard time finding it right now. However, does this mean that there *is* a buster doppelganger repo out there which I can use now already?
08:25.19gnarfaceit's been given a designated name but not set up yet, last i checked
08:25.52gnarfacethere's currently only jessie (jessie), ascii (stretch), and sid (ceres)
08:26.09gnarfacesorry that was confusing i got them swapped
08:26.34gnarfaceit gets more confusing because jessie is still considered devuan stable when it's now debian oldstable
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08:26.59gnarfaceascii is in beta now though
08:27.21Guest1234Right. So those releases are not 100% synced/rebuilt automatically between debian and devuan?
08:27.45Guest1234Or it's there, but not public?
08:28.20gnarfacewell they are when they can be, so like, yes, for jessie, and for the fixed packages already in ascii, but some manual patches still do need to be made as you earlier speculated
08:28.23gnarfacethat work can't be automated
08:28.31gnarfaceand still is ongoing
08:28.56gnarfacebut ascii is getting pretty close to finished i think
08:29.39Guest1234but.. ceres == sid, or ceres == buster?
08:29.45gnarfaceceres == sid
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08:30.21gnarfacebeowulf == buster
08:30.31gnarfaceit's named, it's just not live yet
08:30.44gnarfacei have no idea what condition it's in either
08:30.57gnarfacejessie and ascii are pretty much fine though if you don't need Gnome
08:31.14gnarfaceceres doesn't seem to suffer from any real problems that sid doesn't also
08:31.35gnarface*that sid doesn't also have
08:32.45gnarfaceas you're on beowulf i can't give you any good advice what to do with it
08:33.13gnarfaceyou'd be able to upgrade to ceres but i don't tell you that would be a net positive
08:33.24gnarfacebeowulf/buster i mean
08:33.37gnarfacesorry i gotta stop doing that, i know it's confusing
08:33.50gnarfacethere are jessie live images though
08:33.56gnarfaceand some beta ascii installer out there
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08:34.26gnarfaceit might be worth it for you to try them out in a VM or on a spare harddrive or partition or something
08:34.36Guest1234Yeah, no, the buster release is the gold version for me. I wouldn't downgrade to stretch. And sid is just too unstable..
08:35.04gnarfaceyea i don't blame you
08:35.08Guest1234I already got the ascii thing in a qemu variant, mostly thinking if I should reinstall my real system with it
08:35.22Guest1234I guess I'll need to wait for beowulf
08:35.34gnarfacebut when the beowulf repo is set up you'll be able to cleanly crossgrade to it i think
08:35.38gnarfacethat's the theory anyway
08:35.55Guest1234that sounds interesting indeed.. any links for that?
08:36.16gnarfacei imagine you'd have to get on the mailing list
08:37.03gnarface there's also a forum linked from here
08:37.09gnarfaceand some other related irc channels
08:48.09Guest1234Thanks for all the help. Talk to you later!
08:48.19*** part/#devuan Guest1234 (9b043471@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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10:04.03checkulater1hello everyone. new to devian trying some stuff out. Im having some trouble when selecting the packagemanager repsitory during the install of jessie but i dont have it during stretch.
10:04.32checkulater1dont know why
10:05.27checkulater1only difference is that jessie selects different url
10:05.35checkulater1that dont seems to work
10:06.34KatolaZcheckulater1: ?
10:06.37KatolaZwhat do you mean?
10:07.05checkulater1I was trying to install devuan jessie
10:07.34checkulater1when reaching the part about selecting a mirror for package manager it fails
10:07.46checkulater1i think its because of the url
10:07.53gnarfacewell which mirror did you pick?
10:08.21checkulater1first cant remember but i tried different countrys
10:08.38KatolaZcheckulater1: which install image are you using?
10:08.39checkulater1and then autosomething.devuansomething.something
10:08.53checkulater1minimal net
10:09.07KatolaZcheckulater1: use
10:09.15checkulater1does not work
10:09.23KatolaZplease report the error
10:09.37checkulater1ok ehre
10:09.40KatolaZ(meaning, the content of /var/log/syslog
10:09.58KatolaZany pastebin?
10:10.06checkulater1ahh well im not trying to install it anymore i went with ascii
10:10.11checkulater1it worked
10:10.36checkulater1just thought I'd mention it
10:10.42checkulater1dont have the logs
10:11.27*** join/#devuan skyroveRR (~skyroveRR@unaffiliated/skyroverr)
10:11.34KatolaZcheckulater1: did you use the same install image?
10:12.18KatolaZok, because it shold not have worked
10:12.20checkulater1i downloded the minimal net for ascii
10:12.31KatolaZok checkulater1
10:12.38KatolaZanyway, is working
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10:12.58checkulater1im using now
10:13.11KatolaZyou can also use
10:13.14KatolaZit's a RR
10:15.45checkulater1BUT now im trying some stuff out searching for a new distro whilst learning new stuff. im following the guide and when trying to debootstrap i get an error saying "error executing gpgv to check release signature"
10:17.47KatolaZcheckulater1: you need to specify the keyring to use
10:18.03checkulater1ok how can i do this
10:18.26KatolaZand you should use devuan-archive-keyring.gpg
10:18.28checkulater1sorry if im having stupid questions
10:18.35KatolaZwhich is in /usr/share/keyrings
10:18.42KatolaZcheckulater1: man debootstrap
10:18.57KatolaZ(I don't want to be harsh, but you mentioned you are willing to learn... :))
10:20.00checkulater1seems i have no man for debootstrap will check online
10:20.12checkulater1thank you.
10:20.47KatolaZhow comes you have no man for debootstrap?!?
10:21.01checkulater1~$ man debootstrap
10:21.01checkulater1No manual entry for debootstrap
10:21.18checkulater1don't actually know
10:21.31KatolaZis debootstrap installed?
10:21.54checkulater1neither on my installed system or the net minimal install iso
10:22.22KatolaZforget the netinst (it has udebs)
10:22.36KatolaZbut your installed system must have a debootstrap manpage
10:22.51checkulater1sorry was not installed on mmy system
10:23.09checkulater1think maybe i should rest
10:23.15checkulater1before continuing
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12:39.22Guest1234Hello hello. Does anyone know when beowulf repos will be released?
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12:58.20*** join/#devuan Gargravarr (
12:58.39Gargravarrhi gents, has something broken APT sources for the OpenJDK v8?
12:59.19Gargravarri tried my internal mirror and the dependency chain was broken, then tried the official mirror and jdk8 isn't found at all
12:59.53gnarfacesame result from
13:00.33Gargravarrgnarface: yes
13:00.51Gargravarroh, waitaminute
13:01.36KatolaZGargravarr: ?
13:01.43Gargravarrokay, so still have the broken dependencies
13:01.46KatolaZdefine "broken"
13:02.06Gargravarrthe not-showing-at-all issue is now fixed, i was using /devuan (my internal) instead of /merged
13:02.15GargravarrKatolaZ: ca-certificates-java
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13:02.44Gargravarrthis is from
13:02.50KatolaZare you on ascii?
13:02.54Gargravarrno, Jessie
13:03.32KatolaZthe package you need is in backports
13:03.54Gargravarri have backports defined as a deb source
13:04.10KatolaZapt-cache policy ca-certificates-java
13:04.26KatolaZthis is not sufficient Gargravarr
13:04.42KatolaZsince deps from backports are not satisfied automatically by apt-get
13:04.47KatolaZ(well, it depends)
13:04.51Gargravarri was not aware of that
13:05.01KatolaZapt-cache policy ca-certificates-java
13:05.17Gargravarryeah, it does show the necessary package from backports
13:05.47Gargravarryou do -t jessie-backports or something to tell APT to use a specific source iirc
13:06.32Gargravarryep, that did the trick, thanks KatolaZ
13:06.40KatolaZnp Gargravarr
13:07.09KatolaZ(and btw, before thinking that "someone broke something", assume always that stable is never broken ;))
13:08.00Gargravarrany reason why this dependency knot exists? the root openjdk-8-jre package exists only in backports, isn't APT smart enough to pull all necessary dependencies from there?
13:08.08KatolaZno Gargravarr
13:08.12KatolaZand rightly so
13:09.00KatolaZbecause otherwise you will pull everything from backports at your first apt-get upgrade
13:09.13KatolaZbackports is meant to be used selectively
13:09.21Gargravarri see
13:10.29Gargravarrthanks for the tips, i'll use apt-cache policy next time this happens
13:10.49Gargravarrbtw, any idea when ascii is due for release?
13:11.28KatolaZGargravarr: ascii beta is already out :)
13:11.39KatolaZreleased on the 14th
13:12.32Gargravarri know the Beta is already out, i'm running it at home on my media server
13:12.44Gargravarrstill running Jessie on my company VMs
13:13.19Gargravarrjust wondering what the timescale for the stable release is
13:13.22KatolaZGargravarr: we need to iron out a few things
13:13.36KatolaZmainly for desktops though
13:13.48KatolaZnothing major will probably change for server users
13:14.07Gargravarri tested upgrading to the beta on one of my VMs and it completely bricked it, would not boot
13:14.17Gargravarrso i'm holding off for now
13:14.22Gargravarrno, headless server
13:14.23KatolaZplease report
13:14.30KatolaZupgrading from what?
13:14.34Gargravarrfrom Jessie
13:14.41Gargravarr*Devuan Jessie
13:14.47KatolaZquite strange (if not impossible)
13:14.55KatolaZI have upgraded about 60 servers that way
13:15.00Gargravarrall these VMs have been fresh installed from the ISO and then cloned
13:15.13Gargravarryeah, i was surprised, my media server at home upgraded without a hitch
13:15.17KatolaZagain, a bug report with relevant information would be useful
13:15.24Gargravarrall these VMs are on KVM on a Devuan Jessie host
13:15.32Gargravarrthanks, i'll see what i can put together
13:15.36KatolaZGargravarr: thanks
13:15.36gnarfacei suspect it is something to do with the vm, maybe the way you're doing storage
13:15.50Gargravarrpretty standard, QCOW2 disk images
13:15.57KatolaZGargravarr: does the VM uses a boot loader or an external kernel?
13:16.19Gargravarrboot loader in the VHD
13:16.25KatolaZvery strange
13:16.31Gargravarrall the VMs are self-contained
13:16.39KatolaZagain, no problems reported on that front
13:16.54KatolaZif you could investigate the issue, it would be useful
13:17.03KatolaZto have a bugreport
13:18.41Gargravarri'll have to try the upgrade again, but sure
13:18.48Gargravarrhad to restore that VM from a backup
13:18.57Gargravarri'll do it on a dummy
13:19.27KatolaZok thanks
13:23.20*** join/#devuan Myster (~Guest@
13:24.35*** join/#devuan espectalll (espectalll@gateway/shell/
13:25.04espectalllHey there!
13:25.28espectalllI'm new to Devuan and I have a problem with the installer, may I ask here?
13:25.43Gargravarrask away
13:26.08espectalllso I'm trying to install Devuan Ceres
13:26.39espectalllI picked up `mini.iso` at
13:26.48Gargravarryou might be getting a bit ahead of yourself if you're new to it, Jessie is the current stable
13:26.57Gargravarrah yes, that's Jessie, not Ceres
13:27.10espectalllI don't want stable, thanks
13:27.14espectalllOK, so here's the thing
13:27.27espectalllthat image does install Ceres
13:27.40espectalllI picked it up at the "select mirror" step
13:27.53espectalllthat's not the problem
13:28.16espectalllthe problem seems to be that it doesn't have ext support???
13:28.57fsmithredwhat error message are you getting?
13:29.01espectalllso, I go to the partitioning step
13:29.04espectalllI use guided partitioning
13:29.51espectallluploaded an image: image.png (134KB) <>
13:29.57espectalllthis is how the layout looks like, simple enough
13:30.13Gargravarryes, that would be quite a problem for a linux distro
13:30.46espectallluploaded an image: image.png (134KB) <>
13:31.00espectalllsorry, not that one
13:31.02espectalllthat's the same pic
13:31.07espectallluploaded an image: image.png (69KB) <>
13:31.08espectallland then this happens
13:31.53espectalll`The attempt to mount a file system with type ext4 in SCSI1 (0,0,0), partition #1 (sda) at / failed`
13:31.58espectalllnow, if I try to manually edit that partition, I find the problem
13:32.20espectallluploaded an image: image.png (75KB) <>
13:32.44espectalllthe filesystem list has no ext at all
13:32.49espectalllno ext2, not ext3, and definitely no ext4
13:32.56fsmithredwhich iso are you using?
13:33.17espectalllthe Mini ISO with GTK+ support
13:33.55fsmithredyou might have better luck with the ascii netinstall iso
13:34.46*** join/#devuan chr[] (
13:35.14espectalllI guess I'll have to try that out and then upgrade to Ceres
13:35.15fsmithredI know the problem you describe existed in one of the jessie betas
13:35.29fsmithredpretty sure you can select ceres in expert
13:35.30espectalllbut this seems like a really big bug
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13:35.58espectalllOh, on the ascii NetInstall too?
13:36.02espectalllok, let me try
13:36.06fsmithredI think I saw it there
13:36.13fsmithredif no, do minimal install and upgrade
13:36.18fsmithredbut I'll warn you
13:36.27fsmithrednobody has been working on ceres
13:36.39fsmithredso you may run into problems
13:37.13espectalllyeah, I wanted to take a look at that and see how it compared to Debian Sid
13:37.23fsmithredThere may be some packages in ascii that have newer versions than what's in ceres
13:37.30*** join/#devuan gnarface (
13:37.35fsmithredfor packages that had to be devuanized
13:37.49gnarfacedamn, got disconnected
13:38.21fsmithredyou didn't miss anything
13:38.38espectalllhmm, how can I check the versions of ascii packages?
13:39.21*** join/#devuan Myster (~Guest@
13:39.21fsmithredmuck around at
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13:39.44gnarfacewell you can also use apt-cache
13:39.44fsmithredPackages.gz I think
13:40.02fsmithredneed to add a line or three to sources for that to work
13:40.33espectallltoo manual for my taste but sure thing
13:40.39fsmithredwhich should be fairly safe, since you want to run ceres also works
13:41.00fsmithredoh yeah
13:41.08gnarfacethe package versions in stretch correspond to ascii
13:41.18gnarfaceit's not ideal, but that's a far less manual approach
13:41.38fsmithredand it covers most of the packages
13:41.45gnarfaceuntil someone builds a proper web interface for
13:43.35*** join/#devuan akirakiteshi (c3bf68fc@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:43.56espectalllhmm, can't find neither GNOME nor OpenJDK anywhere
13:44.00espectalllwhat's the current status on those?
13:46.00gnarfacedoesn't know
13:46.26KatolaZespectalll: ?
13:47.15fsmithredchokes on his coffee
13:48.13espectalllI mean, are the packages available on Jessie, Ascii or Ceres, which versions
13:48.15fsmithredgnome has seceded from gnu, I think.
13:48.40espectalllalso heard `elogind` is on Ascii already
13:48.56*** join/#devuan hellvis (
13:49.01KatolaZit's very basic
13:49.05espectalllbut I can't find a thing
13:49.05fsmithredyou can have xfce, mate, lxde, kde, cinnamon or lxqt
13:49.07KatolaZand unofficial
13:49.24*** join/#devuan espectalll-2 (532423a9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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13:49.44espectalll-2logged in from WebChat
13:49.54espectalll-2seems like is working like crap rn
13:50.00gnarfaceand e17 don't forget!
13:50.01espectalllwithout installing, that is
13:50.10espectalll-2...yrah, hi me
13:50.21espectalllwait, what's the problem with that?
13:50.30KatolaZthe problem with what?
13:50.33espectalll-2KatolaZ: nice, taking a look
13:50.52espectalll-2so fsmithred said "gnome has seceded from gnu, I think."
13:51.02espectalll-2like, what's the problem with that
13:51.22fsmithredgnome is too tied to systemd
13:51.29KatolaZespectalll-2: ^^^
13:51.29*** join/#devuan Myster (~Guest@
13:51.38fsmithredwould take a lot of work to fix it for devuan
13:51.48espectalll-2like, the GuixSD guys made `elogind`
13:51.59espectalll-2just to make GNOME work on their GNU/Linux
13:52.08fsmithredelogind is in ascii and seems to be working
13:52.19espectalll-2fsmithred: yeah, that's the thing
13:52.31espectalll-2I didn't understand what was the problem with "seceding from GNU"
13:52.37espectalll-2because it still should work
13:53.00fsmithredyeah, they just seem to heading off in another direction from where we've all been going for the last 20 years or so
13:53.31espectalll-2Ascii has GNOME 3.22
13:53.39espectalll-2just like Stretch, ok
13:53.39KatolaZespectalll-2: just try to install it
13:53.47KatolaZespectalll-2: ascii is merging stretch
13:53.48fsmithredprobably just parts of it
13:53.55espectalll-2same for Ceres
13:54.01espectalll-2and now OpenJDK...
13:54.04KatolaZceres is merging sid
13:54.07fsmithredgnome-shell won't install
13:54.10KatolaZ(so it's not the same)
13:54.21espectalll-2...OK, there's at leasat OpenJDK 9
13:54.29espectalll-2that's an improvement over Void
13:54.47fsmithredwe have all of debian except that which requires systemd
13:54.49espectalll-2fsmithred: I've seen people who have installed it
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13:55.20KatolaZespectalll-2: installing might not be a problem
13:55.30fsmithredyeah, I've heard of people running gnome without systemd
13:55.37KatolaZactually running it and expecting that it works as if systemd was there is another story
13:55.41espectalll-2gnome has seceded from gnu, I think.
13:55.50espectalll-2my clipboard slipped (?)
13:55.56espectalll-2ok now
13:55.57KatolaZapparently desktop users are quite picky about what "works" means
13:55.59fsmithredit's going viral
13:56.07fsmithredtweet it
13:56.29espectalll-2fsmithred: GNOME 3.26 works smoothly on Void
13:56.35espectalll-2no Systemd, just runit
13:56.47fsmithredI believe you
13:57.03espectalll-2the only thing that fails is that you cannot setup GDM options from the control center
13:57.08espectalll-2like language
13:57.20espectalll-2and that there is no Systemd NTP service
13:57.25fsmithredI think around half the devuan devs don't run a destkop and don't care
13:57.30espectalll-2yeah, makes sense
13:57.44espectalll-2but I wanted to check regardless
13:58.09fsmithredanyone is welcome to fork gnome and maintain it for devuan
13:58.23fsmithredas long as they are willing to maintain
13:58.46espectalll-2yeah, I can't keep up with maintaining, I tried on Void and I'm still bad at it
13:59.06espectalll-2so guess Devuan won't be for me
13:59.22fsmithrednot if you need gnome
13:59.40espectalll-2sorry, that's just the desktop and framework I work with
14:00.03espectalll-2I'll have to try and see if Debian can somehow do the trick with OpenRC or something, I know this project exists for a reason but who knows (?)
14:00.08gnarfaceyou should really consider broadening your horizons
14:00.13gnarfacegnome sucks
14:00.20espectalll-2I love dwm
14:00.29fsmithredI change my de every few years
14:00.29espectalll-2so I have broadened them, thank you
14:00.37espectalll-2I just always come back to GNOME :3
14:00.46espectalll-2I'm considering making my own window manager as well
14:00.51KatolaZespectalll-2: ascii has the option of installing openrc as well, if you like
14:00.56espectalll-2or just seeing if Sway is a good balance
14:01.11espectalll-2KatolaZ: I know, it's rather about the packages I need
14:01.30KatolaZespectalll-2: the packages are the same you have in debian stretch
14:01.33KatolaZ95% of them
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14:01.49espectalll-2well, I know, and GNOME isn't there
14:01.57KatolaZGNOME is there
14:02.01KatolaZjust give it a try
14:02.06KatolaZit might be working for you
14:02.15KatolaZand BTW, we are not selling Devuan ;)
14:02.15espectalll-2ok, sure, it's still 3.22 but I'll try it
14:02.34espectalll-2(it'd be actually cool to see a commercially available DVD)
14:02.42espectalll-2(with a nice box for collectors and such kinds of people)
14:02.59espectalll-2(could be a good way of getting funds)
14:03.18KatolaZI meant we are not willing to sell Devuan to you ;)
14:03.31KatolaZ(meaning, we don't want to convince you to use Devuan...)
14:03.57espectalll-2yeah, got it
14:04.06espectalll-2just want to see a shiny box, ll
14:04.34KatolaZI normally build by myself the shiny boxes I want to see :P
14:07.10KatolaZespectalll-2: why don't you use netinst?
14:07.11espectalll-2ok, same image from before but built for ascii
14:07.18KatolaZ(just wondering)
14:07.26espectalll-2KatolaZ: isn't that tho
14:07.37espectalll-2like, look at the path
14:07.38KatolaZnot quite
14:07.49espectalll-2where is it then?
14:08.03KatolaZwhere all the install media are
14:08.09espectalll-2ok thanks
14:08.12KatolaZat :)
14:08.31espectalll-2yeah, I thought there only was Jessie there
14:08.41espectalll-2ok then
14:12.13espectalll-2oh wow, this image does have ext4 support
14:12.18espectalll-2what kind of black magic is this
14:13.05KatolaZespectalll-2: what are you talking about?
14:13.19espectalll-2remember why I entered this chat earlier on?
14:13.35espectalll-2Jessie's `mini.iso` didn't have ext support
14:13.46KatolaZespectalll-2: apart from the fact that it's not true,
14:13.53KatolaZthe ascii netinst has support for ext4
14:14.20espectalll-2KatolaZ: see screenshots
14:16.59espectalll-2anyway almost installed ascii, let's see how it goes
14:17.08KatolaZI see an ext4 partition there...
14:17.43espectalll-2that was setup with guided partitioning
14:17.50espectalll-2manual just wouldn't let me pick up any ext
14:18.48KatolaZespectalll-2: I tried right now
14:18.50KatolaZhold on
14:27.42espectalll-2KatolaZ: That's the ascii image
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14:28.00espectalll-2great, thanks
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18:14.05rlp10hi folks, i'm picking a distro for my new small office and considering devuan
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18:30.08*** join/#devuan JackWinter (~jack@
18:30.38JackWinterhi a quick question, does devuan have udev functionality?
18:32.53debdogat least there is a package named udev.
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18:45.30mmaglisJackWinter: udev is a transitional package for eudev, which is the one Devuan is using.
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18:52.02JackWintermmaglis: do eudev work more or less the same?  i wrote a set of rules that run a script when a soundcard is inserted or removed.  but due to systemd i couldn't just run the bash script directly and needed to use systemd-run instead, but i'd still like to at the least leave a comment in the rules file to show what to do on a non systemd system
18:52.49freem|2JackWinter: eudev is a fork of udev, originally made by gentoo's people, so it probably works almost the same, except for systemd-related stuff. At least, IIRC.
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19:05.10h0rs35f0gI am using Devuan testing / (and also tried ceres) and having a problem with polkit in Kde not allowing to mount devices
19:05.39h0rs35f0glooking the solution in Arch Openrc wiki
19:05.57fsmithredh0rs35f0g, run 'dpkg -l | grep libpolkit'
19:05.57h0rs35f0gthey said that you need to replace polkit-consolekit with polkit-elogind
19:06.09h0rs35f0gbut we dont have that package on debian/devuan
19:06.11h0rs35f0gany idea ?
19:06.25fsmithredyeah, which libpolkit packages are installed?
19:06.41h0rs35f0gii  libpolkit-agent-1-0:amd64                     0.105-18+devuan2.4                        amd64        PolicyKit Authentication Agent API
19:06.41h0rs35f0gii  libpolkit-backend-1-0-systemd:amd64           0.105-18+devuan2.4                        amd64        PolicyKit backend API
19:06.41h0rs35f0gii  libpolkit-gobject-1-0-systemd:amd64           0.105-18+devuan2.4                        amd64        PolicyKit Authorization API
19:06.41h0rs35f0gii  libpolkit-gtk-mate-1-0:amd64                  1.18.2-2~bpo9+1                           amd64        MATE authentication agent for PolicyKit-1 (library)
19:06.44h0rs35f0gii  libpolkit-qt-1-1:amd64                        0.112.0-5                                 amd64        PolicyKit-qt-1 library
19:06.46h0rs35f0gii  libpolkit-qt5-1-1:amd64                       0.112.0-5                                 amd64        PolicyKit-qt5-1 library
19:06.47fsmithreddon't do that
19:06.50h0rs35f0gii  libpolkit-qt5-1-dev:amd64                     0.112.0-5                                 amd64        PolicyKit-qt5-1 development files
19:06.59fsmithredspambot might bite you
19:07.07h0rs35f0ghaahah sorry
19:07.57h0rs35f0glibpolkit-  (agent-1-0:amd64 backend-1-0-systemd ?wtf  gobject1-0-systemd gtk-mate qt qt5 qt5-dev
19:08.00fsmithredinstall libpolkit-backend-1-0-elogind libpolkit-gobject-1-0-elogind
19:08.40fsmithredand if it's not already there, install elogind
19:09.14h0rs35f0git's not there and I have elogind
19:09.26*** join/#devuan TemporalBeing1 (
19:09.50fsmithredlet me rephrase that
19:10.09fsmithredif elogind is not already installed, install it along with those two other packages.
19:10.19h0rs35f0gits installed
19:10.33fsmithredthe other two are not
19:10.38fsmithredinstall them
19:10.47fsmithredinstall libpolkit-backend-1-0-elogind libpolkit-gobject-1-0-elogind
19:10.49h0rs35f0gthey aren in the repositories
19:10.56fsmithredyeah, they are
19:11.02fsmithredyou in ascii or jessie?
19:11.09h0rs35f0gceres now
19:11.54fsmithredI guess you need to get those two from ascii
19:12.10fsmithredthere's also a version in experimental, but the ascii version is newer and probably better
19:12.10h0rs35f0gok I will
19:12.37fsmithredceres is mostly unknown territory. Everyone is focusing on getting ascii together
19:13.17fsmithredyou may run into a few other packages that are newer in ascii than in ceres.
19:13.55h0rs35f0goh yeah ? didnt know that
19:14.18fsmithredthat will only be among the packages that we have to change
19:14.55h0rs35f0gthanks bro finally there
19:14.56fsmithredthe rest will be same as in debian
19:15.32*** join/#devuan Crypto (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
19:19.43h0rs35f0gI will reboot lets see thanks fsmithred :)
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19:31.39h0rs35f0gyew it Works man, fsmithred , thanks again
19:32.46h0rs35f0ganother little issue its that pulseaudio isn' t enabled from init on Openrc , i have to manually $ pulseaduio --start
19:33.07h0rs35f0git's a normal bug?
19:33.10golinuxMost of us remove pulse!
19:33.15h0rs35f0greally ?
19:33.29fsmithredthere's a situation where you can't *start* pulseaudio???
19:33.42fsmithredMost people complain that they can't stop it. It refuses to die.
19:34.06h0rs35f0gI can kill it without problems
19:34.11fsmithreddoes PA have an init script?
19:34.39fsmithredI forget what keeps it alive
19:34.52h0rs35f0gnot in /etc/init.d/
19:35.12fsmithredlook in the PA config file
19:35.22fsmithredI don't know what it's called, but it's in /etc
19:36.17h0rs35f0gno sorry /etc/pulse/
19:36.23fsmithredI'm firing up a VM so I can look at it.
19:36.37fsmithredI know it has a config file, because I've edited it to turn it off.
19:36.42h0rs35f0gi can be your VM xd &
19:36.57fsmithredman pulseaudio and scroll to the bottom
19:38.26h0rs35f0gpulse-daemon.conf(5),, pulse-client.conf(5), pacmd(1)
19:38.46fsmithredI'm almost there. I'll look.
19:39.40fsmithredautospawn = yes
19:39.48fsmithredbut that doesn't tell me what spawns it
19:39.48h0rs35f0gyeah i got it
19:40.41h0rs35f0gthe binary of /usr/bin/pulseaudio I believe
19:40.53h0rs35f0gthanks again man
19:40.53fsmithredyeah, but what tells that to start?
19:42.25fsmithredaccording to pstree
19:42.27h0rs35f0gwell I dont have anything about pulse on init folders
19:42.44fsmithredthe word does not appear in any init scripts
19:42.56h0rs35f0goko k
19:44.11h0rs35f0gbtw I made few months ago a total Lol using reportbug sending a random bug to debian
19:45.12fsmithredsession startup script
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19:45.27fsmithredfor what package?
19:45.53h0rs35f0gI dont remember doesn`t matter
19:45.57h0rs35f0gbut my question is
19:46.20h0rs35f0gShall we adapt reportbug for Devuan? Is there an email to send bugs ?
19:46.50fsmithredyeah, email works
19:48.31h0rs35f0gkind of ?
19:48.33fsmithredcheck to see if there's already a bug report, if so use the number to add a message to the thread
19:48.44fsmithredfor new bug,
19:48.54fsmithredand for debian bugs, submit to debian
19:49.07*** join/#devuan polocho (
19:49.14fsmithredif you know it's an upstream bug. That might require testing in devuan and debian.
19:49.41fsmithredfor your current problem (no PA with openrc) devuan needs to know about it.
19:49.55fsmithredyou're using kde?
19:50.13fsmithredwhat display manager? lightdm or sddm?
19:50.26fsmithredtry lightdm before you report the bug
19:50.51fsmithredI found this:
19:51.03fsmithredsession startup scripts will start PA
19:51.30fsmithredso which dm you use might make a difference
19:51.49h0rs35f0gmmmm 0k
19:52.31fsmithredif it fixes it, it still might be worth a bug report along with the fix, just so it's documented.
19:57.16h0rs35f0greboot time
19:59.50*** join/#devuan r4str34t0r (~myselfd@
20:00.10r4str34t0ryou legend it works like a charm
20:00.41r4str34t0rI am h0rs35f0g ;)
20:02.19r4str34t0rbasically changing /etc/pulse/client.conf autospawn = no           daemon-binary = /bin/true
20:04.40*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
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20:05.17fsmithredyou got it to work and then turned it off?
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20:07.01h0rs35f0g$ pulseaudio --stop
20:07.10h0rs35f0gsudo killall pulseaudio
20:07.33h0rs35f0goh no
20:07.44h0rs35f0git doesn't
20:07.56fsmithredit does for a few seconds
20:07.59IrrwahnThe command would be pulseaudio --kill, not --stop.
20:08.17IrrwahnIt will however respawn if some application uses the pa libraries.
20:09.09*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
20:09.41h0rs35f0git does nothing $ pulseaudio --kill -v
20:10.15IrrwahnHmmm, works for me.
20:10.32Irrwahneven -k short option
20:11.05h0rs35f0git seems to be down but Kde notifier shows volume ON so that means its alive
20:11.27fsmithreddid you try removing it?
20:11.45h0rs35f0gremoving what
20:11.48IrrwahnIf the notifier uses the pa libraries that alone will suffice to let it re-spawn. }:->
20:11.51fsmithredapt-get remove pulseaudio
20:12.06h0rs35f0gits not working pa right now
20:12.21h0rs35f0gvolume icon seems to be On but does not really matter
20:12.33FlibberTGibbeti think you have to burn pa on holy ground then scatter the ashes over running water...
20:12.40fsmithreddoes the volume icon work?
20:13.10*** join/#devuan justinsm (
20:13.11h0rs35f0gnot really
20:13.20h0rs35f0gand pulseaudio --start does nothing
20:14.18fsmithredworks here
20:14.37IrrwahnFlibberTGibbet: I'd love to, if somebody could talk me through transferring my setup of of cross-patching ~5 audio sources and ~4 sinks to something like jack, or whatever the audio fad of the day is.
20:14.58fsmithredyeah, jack
20:15.12fsmithredqjackctl makes it pretty easy
20:15.41h0rs35f0gso fsmithred you suggest to remove PA ?
20:15.56fsmithredif you're not going to use it, there's no reason to have it
20:16.01*** join/#devuan carlie (45fcd369@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:16.04h0rs35f0glike throwing it to the rubbish systemd-like things?
20:16.08fsmithredand if it's getting in your way,
20:16.26h0rs35f0gwill that have an impact at something ?
20:16.27IrrwahnShould have a look at that, it's been some time now since I capitulated trying to configure jack.
20:16.31fsmithredsome people actually use it
20:16.33h0rs35f0gmaybe at KDE ?
20:16.48h0rs35f0gI am not sure if i am using it
20:17.01fsmithredh0rs35f0g, I don't know. I just always use alsa.
20:17.21h0rs35f0gits pretty useful tu use shortcuts / hotkeys for increasing and decreasing volume
20:17.28h0rs35f0gi will give a try removing it
20:17.31fsmithredbut you might have trouble removing it, if it was installed by a big metapackage
20:17.47IrrwahnSome applications require pulseaudio, though in some of those cases apulse was reported to work around that.
20:17.59h0rs35f0gits seems to be related to plasma
20:18.02IrrwahnFor example, yes.
20:18.05h0rs35f0gplasma-pa* package
20:18.19fsmithredit doesn't want to remove your entire desktop?
20:18.25h0rs35f0gwell at least is working
20:18.48h0rs35f0gits only at the time for restart that doesnt work so can be a pain in the ass ... once per year
20:21.03h0rs35f0gtime for the 34252135 reboot of today :)
20:22.47golinuxKDE and pulse what a horror-combo!
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20:23.32carlieIs there someone in here who handles press inquiries? I'm from Linux Journal and want to talk to someone about an article for LJ.
20:23.39Irrwahngolinux: Pulsing icons, pulsing audio. :P
20:25.21golinuxswoons and goes into a fit
20:25.22fsmithredcarlie, maybe you should talk to jaromil
20:25.30carlieok cool, thanks
20:26.22fsmithredstay logged in and there's a good chance he'll notice this
20:26.33h0rs35f0gI will keep with my personal interview / round of questions fsmithred
20:26.55h0rs35f0gwhat do you think of Wayland
20:27.05fsmithredI know almost nothing about it
20:27.32fsmithredI'm still trying to figure out X
20:27.37h0rs35f0gI am interested in the project of moving i3 WM to wayland
20:27.45h0rs35f0gX is such a pain in the ass
20:28.06h0rs35f0gI really Think it will be the future of most of the systems
20:28.08fsmithredI know there are i3 users in devuan community
20:28.10h0rs35f0gspecially Tablets
20:28.41h0rs35f0gresizing windows with the finger can be such a gorgeus thing
20:29.03fsmithredyeah, that makes sense
20:31.00h0rs35f0gthe project is called sway
20:35.22*** join/#devuan r4str34t0r (~myselfd@
20:36.37golinuxcarlie: I'm pm him.
20:39.59golinuxcarlie: I also sent him an email
20:42.17*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
20:47.17carlieI'm at He can just ping me there. No rush. Thanks for the help and sorry to interrupt the flow in here.
20:48.09*** join/#devuan kelsoo1 (~kelsoo@dragora/developer/kelsoo)
20:49.14golinuxOK.  I'll pass that on.  Thanks for your interest in Devuan.
20:51.31KatolaZrrq: ping
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21:23.10jaromili write Carlie and will rely questions to devuan-dev if necessary
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