IRC log for #devuan on 20180222

00:01.37*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
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00:24.51msiismi usually use and external usb sound device. but i can't use that with my headset. so, for the devuan meeting, i always switch to my internal sound card. having done this a couple of times, i figured this should be made easier through a script.
00:25.31msiismso, i've created one:
00:26.13msiismbut, as you can see in what i've pasted there, i get an error from alsa, telling me it could not find any sound cards.
00:26.46msiismcontrary to that error message, sound works as expected after the switch.
00:27.04msiismand: i only get this error sometimes.
00:27.27msiismi'm unsure what causes it.
00:29.54msiism(i'm on jessie, fwiw)
00:30.42gnarfacemsiism: i'm guessing probably delay for hardware initialization after the driver loads causes a race condition where sometimes the alsactl command runs before it's done.  if you add a sleep after the modprobe command it should be sufficient.
00:32.16gnarfacemsiism: the effects of the failure would be non-obvious if you hadn't changed the mixer settings since the last time they were successfully stored
00:33.31msiismgnarface: thanks, i was suspecting something like that. but i couldn't explain it since there can be no race conditions between those command that are actually executed in the script. but the may cause other things to be executed and that than can cause the race condition, right?
00:34.25msiismgnarface: btw, alsa seems to mute the master volume of my internal device willy-nilly on switching.
00:34.46gnarfacemsiism: also it's worth mentioning there's probably an easier way to do this that doesn't involve loading/unloading drivers - two soundcards can coexist peacefully with ALSA if you know what you're doing
00:34.53msiismsometimes it will only be muted, sometimes the volume will be down to 0 also
00:35.25gnarfacethat is a symptom i'd expect from the alsactl error
00:35.37msiismgnarface: i see
00:36.12gnarfaceyea, the issue here as i see it is that after you run the modprobe command (for either module) the hardware itself may still be "busy" for an undetermined amount of time while the bash script still plays on
00:36.35msiismi see
00:36.38msiismabout the two soundcards, i don't know. it seems to complicated for me from what i know. and i actually never use the internal device, except fro the meetings.
00:37.12msiismi normallyhave the module blacklisted
00:37.52bill-augerALSA will enable all sound cards it finds - not only do they not need manual enabling but they will all be active simulteneously by defulat
00:37.57gnarfacemsiism: i understand your reasoning and i don't blame you.  alsa has quite a learning curve and i don't claim to be any sort of expert on it, i'm just telling you that for your own knowledge, you're having problems that are unique to the bottom of the learning curve
00:38.40gnarfacemsiism: the advised approach would be to load both card's drivers at boot then use a ~/.asoundrc customization to toggle behaviors
00:39.10gnarfacethat way they're both always "hot" but unless you're trying to save battery power that should be preferable
00:39.23msiismgnarface: right. maybe i should look into that.
00:39.37gnarfaceyou should.  but one sleep command is probably the quick fix
00:40.03msiismalso, i would still need a way to switch.
00:40.17msiismbecause, the external dev would have to be my primary device
00:40.22gnarfaceusually what you'd do is you'd assign them different custom logical PCMs
00:40.43gnarfacethen you could just dial one or the other into every program as appropriate
00:41.04gnarfaceand a logical PCM doesn't have to be created from just one card.  it can be an amalgamation of sub-devices across multiple cards
00:41.17gnarfacein some cases that can obviate the need for any "toggling" or "switching" at all
00:43.09msiismi see. in my case, the setting is not application specific, however. but then, having both devices active and then just having to do mute/unmute to "switch", could be a solution.
00:44.16msiismon the other hand, it maybe not really nacessary to have the internal device active all the time, if i almost never use it.
00:44.38gnarfacewell, it's not common knowledge, but any software that properly supports ALSA should still obey some useful environment variables like ALSA_CARD= for example, even if they don't have any programmed-in control panels for device selection.
00:45.20gnarface(surprisingly it even works on Steam)
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00:48.13msiismok, i'll go with the sleep command for now and look into alsa for better solutions. or, would it be possible to use 'wait' in this case?
00:48.29*** part/#devuan tryphe (~tryphe@unaffiliated/tryphe)
00:49.06gnarfacemsiism: i think either will work
00:49.11msiismi mean, if processes work the way i suppose, then it should even be better. but i might be wrong about processes in the frist place.
00:49.50gnarfacemsiism: actually, i'm not sure if wait will work, because as far as i know the modprobe process would be fully complete before the hardware even starts initializing
00:50.33msiismok, i see. so, the things that modprobe causes to be done are not child processes of it's own?
00:50.44gnarfaceright.  the important thing to understand here is the modprobe command doesn't initialize the hardware, it simply loads the driver.  once the driver is *completely* loaded, then the hardware STARTS to initialize
00:51.02gnarfacewe often get to pretend like that's instantaneous but it is not
00:51.07msiismi see.
00:51.59msiismok, going with the sleep command then, for now. thanks.
00:52.02gnarfaceimagine the soundcard goes through it's own little mini-startup process internally, AFTER it gets a complete copy of the driver
00:52.20gnarfacesleep or sleep 1 should be fine
00:52.35gnarfacebut if it's really slow for some reason you can specify an arbitrary amount of seconds to sleep
00:52.47gnarfacei can't imagine it would be more than sleep 5
00:52.58msiismsleep 1 works just fine
00:53.00gnarfacemost likely sleep 2 at most
00:53.04gnarfacelike on a bad day
00:53.13msiismwhat is sleep without a value?
00:53.17gnarface1 is the default
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00:53.33gnarfaceif you need sub-second increments you use something else, i forget what
00:53.56msiismi thought you could just sleep .5 or sth
00:53.56gnarface(my bash scripts rarely need that type of precision)
00:54.08gnarfacemaybe you're right
00:54.11gnarfaceit's not something i do a lot
00:54.34msiismseem it can be done (just ran the script with sleep .5)
00:54.43gnarfacei try to avoid relying on timeouts
00:55.00msiismyes, it's not such a good solution
00:55.07msiismthat's why i was thinking of using wait
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00:55.53gnarfaceoh interesting.... my copy of the sleep manpage on ceres does say that it now supports floating-point numbers as well as "h,m,s, and d" suffixes
00:55.58gnarfacethat's new
00:56.20gnarfaceit used to be integers only
00:56.28msiismwell, i'm on jessie.
00:56.43gnarfacewell not that new i guess i'm just really old
00:59.07gnarfaceyou might be able to dial it down to within a couple percent of the minimum wait time actually then
00:59.10*** part/#devuan gwillen (~gwillen@unaffiliated/gwillen)
00:59.37gnarfacebut your previous testing does suggest there may still be some hysteresis, so it's probably safer to give it a bit of headroom
00:59.57msiismyes, i'll go with sleep 1 for now.
01:02.32msiismjust discovered, i've pulseaudio installed...probably because of firefox. need to look into apulse...
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01:23.59*** topic/#devuan is Recent (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release || This is the Devuan discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
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03:36.59retrosenatormany packages in debian don't know or care about systemd...
03:37.06retrosenatorso these already work?
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03:40.41golinuxretrosenator: More than 95% (maybe 98%) are OK.
03:41.24golinuxBut with each new release systemd claims more and more of user space.
03:41.25retrosenatoris it possible to use systemd in devuan?
03:41.41retrosenatorso we don't even have the option?
03:41.52retrosenatoror it's just not supported?
03:41.55golinuxWhy?  Just use debian?
03:42.04golinuxIt is banned.
03:42.15retrosenatorwhat about runit?
03:42.18retrosenatorcan I use that?
03:42.42msiismretrosenator: you can use opnrc in asccii
03:43.14msiismretrosenator: it's in the expert install
03:43.35retrosenatorI feel like banning systemd is a crazy.. how can we easily swap it in and out to make comparisons?
03:43.40golinuxFolks have experimented with many different init systems in Debian
03:44.04msiismretrosenator: systemd is being banned for wanting to be more than an init system at all costs.
03:44.07NewGnuGuyRunit is on our minds, but does not yet have support
03:44.44retrosenatorI use runit on tinycore linux
03:44.44msiismretrosenator: like creating lock-ins.
03:45.21retrosenatorwell hmm, I lack understanding, but I feel like a limited systemd could be allowed
03:45.29golinuxNot possible
03:45.39golinuxLike being a little bit pregnant
03:45.50msiismretrosenator: limiting itself seems to go against systemd's design goals.
03:46.16retrosenatormaybe systemd shoudl be split into two discrete parts then
03:46.34golinuxIf systemd were only an init system we might not be here.
03:46.36retrosenatorand you could use either both or neither of them
03:47.00golinuxImpossible without repackaging MANY packages.
03:47.00msiismretrosenator: like jaromil has once said on the devuan-dev ml. if systemd would confine itself to just being an init, Devuan would consider offering it. not likely to happen, if you ask me.
03:47.02retrosenatorthats what I mean, it should have init, and then everything else, as completely separate
03:47.40golinuxThen it wouldn't be the systemd operating system
03:48.06NewGnuGuyretrosenator: I agree, but the fact of the matter is that it is not being designed that way.
03:48.07golinuxMonolithic and locked in.
03:49.07msiismit's still not an operating system, but your point is clear.
03:49.44golinuxIt's heading in that direction.  It is the logical end to the path they have taken.
03:50.33golinuxThis is a help channel.  Maybe this should move over to #debianfork.
03:51.16retrosenatorwell, thanks for answering my questions
03:52.15msiismretrosenator: if you should have any deeper experience with runit, maybe you're interested in helping Devuan get it to work?
03:52.34stiltrHaha, hi retrosenator.
03:54.12golinuxretrosenator: You might also want to look at some discussions on the supervision list here:
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10:34.37WikiwideI have recently installed Debian 64bit Jessie as dual boot on Windows xp laptop, then manually migrated it to Debian 64bit Stretch. Now I am trying to migrate to Devuan 64bit Ascii.
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10:45.09WikiwideOne of the steps involves replacement of Network Manager with wicd. I would prefer to use network-config instead of wicd. Hence, I installed network-config, removed network manager from boot process, and stopped network manager.
10:46.42WikiwideNow I am trying to use network-config to connect to wpa network on wlan0.
10:48.10WikiwideThat's the problem: while it seems to admit that wlan0 is up (unlike eth0), it says that siocsifflags: cannot assign requested address.
10:48.38KatolaZWikiwide: you don't need to replace networkmanager
10:48.44KatolaZascii has networkmanager
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10:51.56WikiwideI am looking at dev1fanboy's instructions on migration from Debian Stretch to Devuan Ascii
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11:01.27WikiwideThe error given by network-config sounds entirely ridiculous. I can disconnect from Internet by ifdown wlan0 and connect back by ifup wlan0, but I would like assurance that it will continue working after reboot. And of course, I would like GUI for the Internet connection.
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11:15.41WikiwideI am not sure what network-config _wants_ to do. Or what ifconfig _can_ do.
11:16.24WikiwideBut if I call '#ifconfig wlan0: up', like network-config does, then I get an error, like network-config does.
11:17.18WikiwideAnd if I call '#ifconfig wlan0:up' [without space], then I get not an error, but a meaningful response.
11:18.02WikiwideGranted, I still doubt that it carries the same meaning as '#ifup wlan0'.
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11:22.05gnarfacesome moderator should take down those instructions
11:22.11gnarfaceor at least mention they're dated and harmful
11:22.52WikiwideInstructions tell to use wicd. It's my own fault I want to use network-config, not wicd.
11:23.39WikiwideNetwork-config seems to rely on ifconfig which, in turn, seems to be out-of-date in Debian Stretch?
11:24.55WikiwideI would settle for any other network configuring software which has GUI, isn't written in Python, and doesn't depend on a single particular widget toolkit (be it Qt or ncurses)
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11:25.35gnarfaceare you attempting to use the Debian version of network-manager?  is that what is going on here?
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11:25.47gnarfacei'm not exactly sure how else you could be having problems
11:26.23gnarfacei think the last person who was having problems with it had not uninstalled wicd and they were fighting over it
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11:26.26WikiwideI am trying to modify my Debian Stretch installation for migration to Devuan (to get rid of systemd).
11:26.32bionoidHello folks, I tried to install 2.0 beta 64-bit (in a VirtualBox VM) and GRUB install failed, log:
11:26.53gnarfaceoh and you're trying to do it without a wire
11:26.55gnarfacei see
11:27.33bionoidCan someone please point me in the right direction; I am not sure where exactly to look for existing bugs against the 2.0 beta?
11:27.58WikiwideAt least, I have 240V available for laptop, so there is no danger of "battery low" reboot in the middle of experimentation.
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11:28.55bionoidShould I just issue `reportbug` from the live environment to report it? (if that is what I should do..)
11:29.33KatolaZbionoid: which image did you use?
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11:31.53bionoidKatolaZ: well good question, it wasn't obvious where to download it from.. I just heard it was out :) it was from
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11:32.26bionoidI just now realized there is a separate installer... :)
11:33.15KatolaZbionoid: you just need to install grub-pc
11:33.27KatolaZand try again
11:33.42KatolaZfsmithred: ^^ please correct me if I am wrong
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11:33.58fsmithredwaht's up?
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11:35.34bionoidKatolaZ: thanks; I wasn't really worried about getting it running.. mostly thinking about reporting the installer issue if it's not known
11:36.08fsmithredyeah, it's known
11:36.26bionoidalright, thanks both of you!
11:36.32fsmithredif I had remembered to include grub-pc-bin, then the cli installer would do the right thing
11:36.37bionoidand everyone for the great work in general of course :)
11:36.42fsmithredgraphical installer needs to be updated to do that
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11:37.44fsmithredand as KatolaZ said, just install grub-pc (assuming you have network connection)
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11:51.55WikiwideOkay, I seem to have task-laptop, iw and wireless-tools already installed (and wpasupplicant and net-tools). Let's hope it's sufficient to tide me over till I find a network GUI manager I like.
11:53.22WikiwideChoosing file manager is ... Problematic. Too many of them.
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12:05.03WikiwideI just wish I knew how to understand what's going on and how to configure it. Say, trayer : how do I add something to it?
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12:14.54chillfanWikiwide, just saw this topic in the logs.. apparently I've overlooked that network-manager is fine in ascii now, so wicd etc is optional.. I'd go for wicd as an easy and simpler option
12:17.09chillfanI've yet to check out some of the other network managers and can't really recommend them in a plain migration
12:17.33chillfanfor users who want it then yeah
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12:19.07bionoidAt the "select your location" during install, why are not the options in "Other" what you are presented with initially?! It feels so weird to read past Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, Botswana, ... to click "other" and then go "Europe".. </rant>
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12:27.03chillfanmy preference for installers is less recursion, less dialogs
12:27.40chillfanbut that's just me
12:27.41*** join/#devuan Rabbitnightmare (~quassel@
12:27.48Rabbitnightmaredude fucking stop
12:28.32Rabbitnightmarestop flooding #ubuntu with your bullshit
12:28.35Rabbitnightmareits unwelcome
12:28.38*** join/#devuan meow14 (~meow@
12:28.40KatolaZRabbitnightmare: uh?
12:28.51KatolaZwho is flooding #ubuntu?
12:28.53fsmithredplease explain
12:29.03Rabbitnightmarego into #ubuntu and see
12:29.07chillfanWe know about the spam.. we want this person to stop as well
12:29.20KatolaZFFS, whazzup?
12:29.42meow14ffs, stop spamming your shitty channel on #ubuntu fucking niggers.
12:29.44*** part/#devuan meow14 (~meow@
12:30.04KatolaZRabbitnightmare: ?!?
12:30.05fsmithredsomeone is spamming forums with devuan spam
12:30.12*** join/#devuan nbazero (
12:30.13KatolaZmate we know nothing about that
12:30.15Rabbitnightmareits really childish
12:30.15KatolaZsorry :(
12:30.21*** part/#devuan Rabbitnightmare (~quassel@
12:30.31fsmithredKatolaZ, I think we talked about this before you arrived yesterday
12:31.33*** join/#devuan catmip (
12:31.33fsmithredsorry guys, but we have no control over random wingnuts
12:31.54*** join/#devuan fsmithred (~fsmithred@devuan/developer/fsmithred)
12:32.03catmipso guys, why do you spam #ubuntu? I talked with dax and he told me he thinks it's promoted by staff of this channel
12:32.11*** join/#devuan D94_1234 (0550c42a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
12:32.28fsmithredstaff of this channel are all cloaked. Is the spammer cloaked?
12:32.46KatolaZcatmip: ^^^
12:33.07D94_1234I am looking for the sales pitch on Devuan/anti-systemd.
12:33.21catmiphuh i don't this the spammer is stupid enough to disclose his identity.
12:33.36chillfanWe discussed this problem among ourselves, this is annoying to us as well
12:34.48fsmithredis there nobody in #ubuntu who can silence the spammers?
12:35.00*** join/#devuan bluemarlin (~bluemarli@unaffiliated/bluemarlin)
12:35.47catmipthey did already
12:36.08*** join/#devuan mhc (
12:36.17chillfanCould freenode staff maybe help with this to ban the hostnames
12:37.16catmipdax told me he is not going to give any support for this channel already as he personally thinks you guys are involved in spam.
12:37.19catmipgood luck anyways.
12:37.21*** part/#devuan catmip (
12:40.03nbazerosilly ubunutos
12:40.19KatolaZnope, silly spammers
12:40.28KatolaZpeople have a lot of spare time apaprently
12:40.51*** join/#devuan sb35 (~eafaef@
12:41.05nbazeroapparently people with money
12:42.10rafalcppwhat an idiot
12:47.07chillfanWell, heh.. it's annoying people think we'd do something for them to lash out at us
12:48.18gnarfaceor maybe they just wanted us to think that!
12:48.44gnarfacefalse flags everywhere!
12:48.58*** join/#devuan dani2_ (~dani@
12:49.24*** join/#devuan bill-auger (
12:50.02*** join/#devuan chillfan (~nixuser@
12:51.04*** join/#devuan miyagi1 (~maxid@gateway/tor-sasl/hazwan)
12:51.21*** join/#devuan chillfan (~nixuser@unaffiliated/chillfan)
12:51.43*** join/#devuan kline (~kline@freenode/staff/enucs.kline)
12:53.13*** join/#devuan dani2_ (~dani@
12:54.55*** join/#devuan krayon (~Krayon@pdpc/supporter/28for7/krayon)
12:57.35*** join/#devuan inhetep (inhetep@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/inhetep)
12:58.50*** join/#devuan uidzer0 (~uidzer0@2604:180:2:130d::dead:beef)
12:59.13*** join/#devuan blinkdog (~blinkdog@devuan/developer/blinkdog)
13:16.08*** join/#devuan ejr (
13:16.52*** join/#devuan justinsm (
13:17.39*** join/#devuan inhetep (inhetep@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/inhetep)
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13:18.08*** join/#devuan timeless (sid4015@firefox/developer/timeless)
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13:23.12*** join/#devuan sillyslux (~sillyslux@unaffiliated/sillyslux)
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13:29.16*** join/#devuan Tom-_ (
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13:37.50*** join/#devuan inhetep (inhetep@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/inhetep)
13:38.13*** join/#devuan Madda (
13:39.25*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@
13:45.08*** join/#devuan dindinx (~dindinx@unaffiliated/dindinx)
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13:47.03*** join/#devuan inhetep (inhetep@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/inhetep)
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13:54.41*** join/#devuan thehornet (~a0225280@
14:00.22*** join/#devuan cppxor2arr (~cppxor2ar@unaffiliated/mrdogooder)
14:00.32*** join/#devuan Zoranzoki21 (~Zoranzoki@
14:00.40*** part/#devuan Zoranzoki21 (~Zoranzoki@
14:01.02cppxor2arrwhat the crap is it with devuan is nice spam
14:03.28*** join/#devuan thaller (thaller@nat/redhat/x-cznbfukltpkuxhaw)
14:04.47*** part/#devuan cppxor2arr (~cppxor2ar@unaffiliated/mrdogooder)
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14:32.06*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
14:33.03*** join/#devuan Digitteknohippie (~user@fsf/member/digit)
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14:43.40*** part/#devuan ThurahT (~ThurahT@2a01:7c8:aab8:6b9:5054:ff:fec9:fd84)
14:55.32*** join/#devuan hgunth (~hgunth@gateway/tor-sasl/hgunth)
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15:00.37*** join/#devuan ToffeeYogurtPots (~ToffeeYog@gateway/tor-sasl/toffeeyogurtpots)
15:06.50*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
15:07.11*** join/#devuan Icefoz (
15:07.21IcefozHaving bots spam other channels with advertisements doesn't make a good impression.
15:07.24*** part/#devuan Icefoz (
15:10.10*** join/#devuan chillfan (~chillfan4@
15:10.16*** join/#devuan chillfan (~chillfan4@unaffiliated/chillfan)
15:10.24*** join/#devuan alex8 (
15:10.29alex8bah, fucking spammers .!.
15:10.32*** part/#devuan alex8 (
15:13.03*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
15:14.28*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
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15:34.33*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
15:36.12*** join/#devuan TemporalBeing1 (~Ben_Meyer@
15:38.20*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
15:43.39*** join/#devuan inhetep (~baldur@gateway/tor-sasl/inhetep)
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15:46.47*** join/#devuan ktibi (
15:47.01*** part/#devuan ktibi (
15:56.14*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
15:57.03*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
15:57.15*** join/#devuan kelsoo (~kelsoo@dragora/developer/kelsoo)
16:01.22*** join/#devuan internoc (~neverend@
16:01.54internocIt would be great if you channel stopped spamming other networks.
16:02.28*** join/#devuan malinas` (~user@
16:02.56internocYou guys look like kids doing that, it's not good for an open source project.
16:03.02*** part/#devuan internoc (~neverend@
16:03.08*** part/#devuan ack (
16:03.24mquinIt's 2018, you'd really think people would know what a joe job is by now
16:03.41chillfana joe job?
16:04.02mquinspamming in someone else's name, so they get the flack for it
16:04.25chillfannever heard the term
16:05.00chillfanhonestly wondering if some of these people aren't just trolling
16:05.33chillfananything to stick to devuan, those who abandoned those poor systemd devs
16:09.20*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
16:10.00KatolaZthe spammer is the same that comes here and complains about spam
16:10.08KatolaZdon't feed the troll
16:11.48chillfanwell that confirms for me then
16:12.45*** join/#devuan danielinux (sbnc@fosdem/staff/danielinux)
16:18.23*** join/#devuan asbesto (
16:25.31*** join/#devuan BB_ose_bb (
16:27.38*** join/#devuan minnesotags (
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16:29.33*** join/#devuan blop_ (
16:31.42*** join/#devuan bloptest (
16:34.30*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
16:36.24*** join/#devuan Akuli (
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16:44.26*** join/#devuan foxxxx (~fox@
16:48.34*** join/#devuan sokan (~Henry@unaffiliated/totaloblivion)
16:50.10*** join/#devuan Levure (~quassel@
16:50.18*** part/#devuan sokan (~Henry@unaffiliated/totaloblivion)
16:52.28*** join/#devuan bloptest (
16:59.16*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
17:03.42*** join/#devuan b0stik (
17:14.09*** join/#devuan riotjones (~riotjones@unaffiliated/riotjones)
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17:35.41*** join/#devuan drawkula (
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17:39.45*** join/#devuan Levure (~quassel@
17:40.24*** join/#devuan clemens3 (
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17:46.18*** part/#devuan foxxxx (~fox@
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17:56.00*** join/#devuan sunshavi (~user@
17:59.54*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
18:02.16*** join/#devuan _0bitcount (~Big_Byte@2a01:c50e:8821:4200:94f0:6431:6b3f:bede)
18:03.26*** join/#devuan mmaglis (
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18:30.17*** join/#devuan sunshavi (~user@
18:32.17*** join/#devuan fugitive (
18:37.51*** join/#devuan mmaglis (
18:43.43*** join/#devuan internoc (
18:44.52*** join/#devuan nai12345 (~nai12345@
18:45.11*** part/#devuan nai12345 (~nai12345@
18:45.26*** join/#devuan ohnx (notohnx@unaffiliated/ohnx)
18:45.55internoccould you stop spamming on #freenode please
18:46.11golinuxWe are not spamming
18:46.34golinuxSomeone is trying to get us into trouble.
18:48.28*** join/#devuan hgunth (~hgunth@gateway/tor-sasl/hgunth)
18:48.42KatolaZgolinux: useless to respond
18:48.51KatolaZthe nick that complains is the same that spams
18:49.12*** join/#devuan miyagi1 (~maxid@gateway/tor-sasl/hazwan)
18:49.55golinuxYea, I saw the dust up in the logs.
18:51.37internocoh really? nice scheme you got outta there. now everyone who is complaining about spam is a spammer himself. applauding. I have another idea for you idiots, how about just stopping your useless spam? Pff.
18:51.42*** part/#devuan internoc (
18:51.58Lydia_KThat's like, surreal.
18:52.54golinuxWe must be doing something right to be attracting this kind of reaction.
18:53.07Lydia_KI don't understand why people are so violent towards us.
18:53.39Lydia_KLike, it's fucking open source/gnu/linux, the point is to say "I don't like it that way, I'm gonna built it this way instead!"
18:54.39miyagi1apparently not everyone is capable
18:54.51golinuxThere is a lot of violence and hate in the world these days.
18:55.01KatolaZjust don't feed the trolls
18:55.03KatolaZignore them
18:55.07*** join/#devuan reetp (~john@
18:55.12KatolaZwe have contacted freenode admins
18:55.17blopgolinux: that is correct
18:55.24*** join/#devuan ToffeeYogurtPots (~ToffeeYog@gateway/tor-sasl/toffeeyogurtpots)
18:55.32golinuxCan't freenode do something about it?
18:55.58blopthere are many demons amok, poetterings and worse
18:58.06msiismmaybe we should add a "don't trust the internet on Devuan" dislcaimer to chanserv's message, like they have for #bash (no, i'm not serious about it).
18:59.56*** join/#devuan hgunth (~hgunth@gateway/tor-sasl/hgunth)
19:00.34OmegaPhilPresumably its targetted harassment
19:00.51OmegaPhilMake Devuan look fringe, hated, kooky, and keep the critical mass away.
19:01.41msiismbtw, it's kind of the same in the german discussions i've read.
19:01.50*** join/#devuan ToffeeYogurtPots (~ToffeeYog@gateway/tor-sasl/toffeeyogurtpots)
19:02.55msiismbut as KatolaZ said, it's no use replying to that stuff
19:04.43KatolaZwe should just ignore the trolls
19:04.45KatolaZand carry on
19:08.06*** join/#devuan bazquxer (~bazquxer@gateway/tor-sasl/bazquxer)
19:11.06*** join/#devuan ToffeeYogurtPots (~ToffeeYog@gateway/tor-sasl/toffeeyogurtpots)
19:14.20*** part/#devuan msiism (
19:14.25*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@
19:22.58booyahLydia_K: just ban this idiots
19:24.25booyahlike internoc
19:24.34KatolaZdon't feed the trolls
19:24.47Lydia_KDo I even have ops in this channel?
19:24.52Lydia_KI don't even know.
19:24.54Lydia_KMaybe I do!
19:25.01Lydia_Kloses interest and wanders away
19:30.14*** join/#devuan pillepalle (
19:34.26*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
19:36.59*** join/#devuan dani2 (~dani@
19:37.08*** join/#devuan ToffeeYogurtPots (~ToffeeYog@gateway/tor-sasl/toffeeyogurtpots)
19:39.38*** join/#devuan reetp (
19:40.13*** join/#devuan TemporalBeing1 (~Ben_Meyer@
19:42.18*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@
19:50.45*** join/#devuan Oldmoss (
19:51.55*** join/#devuan amote (~amote@
19:52.25*** join/#devuan flrn (
19:52.33amotesee what you have done with your spam:
19:52.34amote<dysfun> i actually use devuan, but this sort of stuff makes me not want to
19:52.38amote[13:44:48] <dysfun> when i told one of my (greybeard) friends i was using devuan he described them as "thos odd people"
19:52.58amotenow think about how effective your spam is, you are losing users.
19:53.02*** part/#devuan amote (~amote@
19:55.23*** join/#devuan blop (
19:58.11Lydia_KI've never seen any of this spam..  are we being gaslighted or something?
19:58.22*** join/#devuan ToffeeYogurtPots (~ToffeeYog@gateway/tor-sasl/toffeeyogurtpots)
19:59.04*** join/#devuan electricmilk (~electricm@unaffiliated/electricmilk)
19:59.15*** part/#devuan electricmilk (~electricm@unaffiliated/electricmilk)
19:59.41blopi haven't either
19:59.55unixmanLydia_K, probably.
20:00.07Lydia_KFeels like it.
20:00.17*** join/#devuan Tom-_ (
20:00.21*** join/#devuan ilken14 (~ilken14@
20:00.52*** join/#devuan After (~After@
20:00.53*** join/#devuan Jupe_gitchu (~Jupe_gitc@
20:00.54*** part/#devuan ilken14 (~ilken14@
20:00.55*** join/#devuan Watiqah (
20:00.57unixmanjust uses Devuan and is satisfied with it
20:01.00*** join/#devuan Viano (
20:01.03*** join/#devuan Nur_Azmina (~Nur_Azmin@
20:01.03*** join/#devuan Schmitt (~Schmitt@
20:01.03*** join/#devuan Cavell (~Cavell@
20:01.03*** join/#devuan Nabilah (~Nabilah@
20:01.17Nur_AzminaI choose #devuan and recommend it to everyone.
20:01.18VianoI choose #devuan and recommend it to everyone.
20:01.21AfterI choose #devuan and recommend it to everyone.
20:01.23unixmandoes not really care if anyone else uses it or not.
20:01.24NabilahI choose #devuan and recommend it to everyone.
20:02.02*** join/#devuan ymasson (
20:02.14*** join/#devuan Harding (~Harding@
20:02.14*** join/#devuan Laiyinah (~Laiyinah@
20:03.55unixmanLooks like scripted crap. Probably would need to involve freenode admins to track it down.
20:04.19DocScrutinizer05sigyn takes care
20:04.40DocScrutinizer05they try to inject #devuan into the k-line pattern buffer
20:04.49DocScrutinizer05won't work
20:05.16*** join/#devuan s_kunk (
20:05.16*** join/#devuan s_kunk (~s_kunk@unaffiliated/s-kunk/x-5139101)
20:05.20*** join/#devuan Doherty (~Doherty@
20:05.30DohertyDo you care of OSS destiny? Want freedom of choice? Linux has always been about freedom and choice, but we lost it since systemd infected all our favorite distros. Part #ubuntu/#debian and Join #devuan now, start contributing to your freedom.
20:06.36Lydia_KSo, right after I say I've never seen this span suddenly there's ton of it in this very channel? ha.
20:06.56Lydia_KHonestly, people should find better things to do with their time.
20:06.58Lydia_KIt's pathetic.
20:07.06DocScrutinizer05joe hob
20:07.47DocScrutinizer05prepare for bitching coming in about devuan members being rogue
20:08.39unixmanYah. I doubt it is anyone who cares about Devuan at all. ;)
20:09.04DocScrutinizer05>>A joe job is a spamming technique that sends out unsolicited e-mails using spoofed sender data. Early joe jobs aimed at tarnishing the reputation of the apparent sender or inducing the recipients to take action against them<<
20:10.38unixman<Lydia_K> Honestly, people should find better things to do with their time. <- That assumes trolls have real lives with better things to do. Unlikely. ;)
20:10.52*** join/#devuan nopside (~nopside@
20:11.17KatolaZdon't feed the troll
20:11.51nopsidethere is lots of spam on #cisco advertising this channel. Are you guys aware of that?
20:12.16DocScrutinizer05joe job
20:12.56*** mode/#devuan [+o DocScrutinizer05] by ChanServ
20:13.10nopsidehum ok
20:13.14*** part/#devuan nopside (~nopside@
20:14.24*** topic/#devuan by DocScrutinizer05 -> Sorry for the SPAM, unrelated to any devuan members. It's a joe job
20:14.37*** mode/#devuan [-o DocScrutinizer05] by ChanServ
20:17.31*** join/#devuan blinkdog (~blinkdog@devuan/developer/blinkdog)
20:20.05DocScrutinizer05pats sigyn
20:20.45DocScrutinizer05I just feel sorry for the channels that are not protected by her
20:20.56*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
20:21.17*** join/#devuan TemporalBeing1 (~Ben_Meyer@
20:21.33miyagi1is there a channel for your neo device?
20:23.15*** join/#devuan jback (
20:27.45*** mode/#devuan [+o DocScrutinizer05] by ChanServ
20:28.25*** topic/#devuan by DocScrutinizer05 -> Sorry for the SPAM, unrelated to any devuan members. It's a joe job !! Recent (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release || This is the Devuan discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | Devuan Forum: https://dev
20:28.35*** mode/#devuan [-o DocScrutinizer05] by ChanServ
20:29.29*** mode/#devuan [+o DocScrutinizer05] by ChanServ
20:31.14*** topic/#devuan by DocScrutinizer05 -> Sorry for the SPAM, unrelated to any devuan members. It's a joe job !! Recent (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release || This is the Devuan discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic to #debianfork | Devuan Forum:
20:31.38*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@
20:31.39*** mode/#devuan [-o DocScrutinizer05] by ChanServ
20:35.59*** join/#devuan Tom-_ (
20:38.52*** join/#devuan amesser (
20:46.19*** join/#devuan giricz81 (
21:02.02*** join/#devuan NewGnuGuy (~NewGnuGuy@
21:03.40*** join/#devuan ToffeeYogurtPots (~ToffeeYog@gateway/tor-sasl/toffeeyogurtpots)
21:03.52*** join/#devuan Achylles (~Achylles@2804:431:d725:629e:6471:e9d:78db:8167)
21:23.52*** join/#devuan ejr (
21:34.44*** join/#devuan bluemarlin (~bluemarli@unaffiliated/bluemarlin)
21:46.54*** join/#devuan bluemarlin (~bluemarli@unaffiliated/bluemarlin)
22:01.31*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
22:03.12*** join/#devuan chillfan (~chillfan4@
22:13.08*** join/#devuan amphi (~amphi@unaffiliated/amphi)
22:21.22*** join/#devuan chillfan (~chillfan4@unaffiliated/chillfan)
22:39.54*** join/#devuan TemporalBeing1 (
22:40.38*** join/#devuan sb35 (
22:40.49*** join/#devuan freem_ (
22:48.20*** join/#devuan Achylles (~Achylles@2804:431:d724:1ee7:2b09:b9ef:f629:f586)
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