IRC log for #devuan on 20180219

00:01.03*** join/#devuan sedrosken__ (
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00:30.11merzbowis there ncurses-devel for devuan somewhere?
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00:50.20merzbowoh, it was libncurses5-dev
01:07.00*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
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01:19.26*** topic/#devuan is Recent (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release || This is the Devuan discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
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05:21.41AlexLikeRockbye bye
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15:38.36*** join/#devuan Tom___ (5c13e83a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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15:39.29Tom___Does devuan have an official policy against including proprietary software?
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15:43.37gnarfaceTom___: no, but it's all segregated into non-free just like in debian
15:44.00*** join/#devuan obeardly (~obeardly@
15:44.20gnarfaceif you didn't include it at install time, you can still modify your /etc/apt/sources.list to add it
15:45.42Tom___gnarface: i was just wondering why there was no such policy.
15:46.16gnarfacelots of hardware with open-source drivers still requires non-free firmware
15:46.42gnarfaceincluding it in a separate repository section allows users to omit such software without punishing users who need it
15:46.48Tom___gnarface: but is there a policy to always keep is segregated?
15:47.00Tom___outside of main
15:47.27gnarfacei don't know officially but i can't imagine a possible reason they'd change that
15:47.45Tom___gnarface: i cant ether i just like having it in writing
15:48.34gnarfacei would assume the official stance is probably that they'll just keep it how debian has it unless debian does something stupider
15:48.57gnarface(in which case, a discussion will likely begin on how to undo the damage)
15:48.57fsmithred1+ gnarface
15:49.19fsmithredI don't think we have a lot of written-down policy
15:50.21fsmithredbut the general theme is to provide debian without systemd
15:50.40fsmithredchange as little as needed
15:51.38fsmithreddevuan repo pulls from debian and replaces the packages that have been modified
15:51.59fsmithredso whatever debian does with their repo affects devuan
15:52.32fsmithredas gnarface said, if they do something stupid, devuan may be motivated to change/fix it.
16:04.58*** join/#devuan ejr (
16:09.20*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
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16:17.51mag`fsmithred: shadowing Debian, without systemd, is likely a realistic short-term goal for Devuan. Do you see this working long-term?
16:22.14fsmithredmag`, that has come up in discussion, and we understand that things may change drastically enough for devuan to change the current model. But there are no plans for that right now.
16:23.36*** join/#devuan _0bitcount (~Big_Byte@2a01:c50e:8821:4200:f991:f825:d4a8:c65a)
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16:23.48n4dirthe bless of debian, it's good handling of packages and mainly dependencies, in a binary form, might become a curse with that in mind
16:23.58n4diri for one don't hold my breath.
16:27.50dethaHow much work it is to de-systemd debian packages is not really something dependent on debian, but more on its upstreams. The more developets assume that the systemd paraphernalia will be there, the more effort to undo that assumption
16:28.22dethaGranted, debian is not going to do anything to help. But it shouldn't make it more difficult.
16:28.46fsmithredI think there are cases where debian has made it more difficult
16:29.01fsmithredmaybe not intentionally
16:30.15n4diras there are still distros where you can easily avoid systemd, i am not sure if it really is a upstream problem.
16:32.00dethaIt is. All non-systemd distributions (both linux and *bsd) are having to spend more and more effort to undo upstream's assumptions about the environment things run in
16:32.58detha(and then one gets oddball stuff like smokeping. I had a look at the latest. That is a true nightmare to package)
16:37.09*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
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16:38.42mag`It is important a strong alternative to exist so that upstream projects do not align to a systemd monoculture. If the alternative is marginalised, then the alternative will be fighting the same battle GNU/Linux was fighting against Windows mainstream earlier.
16:38.47toproIrrwahn: ping
16:39.06toproits about elogind feedback
16:42.34*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
16:49.33*** join/#devuan Schallaven (
17:10.59*** join/#devuan Akuli (
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17:11.25clemens3linux might fragment.. which is maybe good.. mainstream linux, something else?
17:14.25*** join/#devuan ToffeeYogurtPots (~ToffeeYog@gateway/tor-sasl/toffeeyogurtpots)
17:18.48*** join/#devuan RedAcor (~RedAcor@gateway/tor-sasl/redacor)
17:20.54topromag`: I'm afraid we're already there. i.e. openproject debian packages stripped support for sysvinit, only systemd (still you can simply fix it by adding sysvinit files from packages built for wheezy). of course don't provide dedicated devuan packages (what a strong alternative would imply). so... gives devuan admin a tough time. just one example of what I more and more begin to experience.
17:21.27*** join/#devuan _0bitcount (~Big_Byte@2a01:c50e:8821:4200:f991:f825:d4a8:c65a)
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17:35.26blopwer sind die denn
17:36.41mag`topro: if that is, more and more, the case, then perhaps Devuan needs to package from upstream and "lobby" them to support non-systemd systems. Is Devuan's manpower enough to pull this? My previous "strong alternative" comment meant a "main stream" distro with the clout/recognition similar to the others.
17:37.14*** join/#devuan rsx (
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17:43.22*** join/#devuan sgage (
17:44.03sgageIs there a simple listing somewhere of packages that have to be reworked/repackaged for Devuan?
17:44.40sgageI really don't have a great sense of the magnitude of the task - I'm sure it's getting larger though...
17:46.58fsmithredsgage, look at for some text files
17:52.21Irrwahntopro: Sorry, I'm a bit busy ATM, not much time today. What was your question/feedback about elogind?
17:54.52gnu_srs1Is Evilham still active? Somebody asked the other day. And I don't see many comments from parazyd any longer.
17:55.17*** join/#devuan menip (
17:55.25parazydi'm lurking
17:55.42golinuxJust heard this morning that he is very busy and will be back soon.
17:56.04golinuxhe = Evilham
17:58.21*** join/#devuan mag`` (
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17:58.41sgagefsmithred: thanks for the pointer - I'll do some poking around. Looks like a lot
17:59.09gnu_srs1OK; good to hear. And hello parazyd :)
18:01.11*** join/#devuan mmaglis (
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18:08.01fsmithredsgage, those lists might not be fully up-to-date
18:10.10sgagefsmithred, they're up-to-date enough to give me an idea of the scope of things.
18:11.35sgageA bit more than I thought
18:12.20fsmithreda lot of packages require libsystemd0, and most of them won't be changed. Too much for the number of people maintaining packages.
18:12.37fsmithredand purely cosmetic, anyway
18:12.54golinuxfor now.  That could change
18:13.11fsmithredany of it could change
18:13.45golinuxWe do need more worker bees to get rid of this annoying but currently benign cruft.
18:13.46jonadabI was hoping that Devuan would eventually entirely displace Debian as the distro that most other distros are derived from.
18:14.08*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
18:14.08golinuxOnly time will tell.
18:15.45sgageI understand, fsr. golinux: I wish I was able to be of more help. I am somewhat disabled, with poor eyesight. I will find a way, though.
18:16.42golinuxOh, that wasn't meant for you sgage.
18:17.32sgageNo, I didn't feel singled out - I just really do wish I could help with packaging or something. Maybe someday I'll be able to.
18:17.38golinuxEven I don't go there.  Way above my paygrade.  LOL!
18:18.01golinuxAnd capabilities.
18:18.39fsmithredtesting and reporting is a great way to help
18:18.43sgageI am sure the entire staff at Devuan justifies their enormous salaries!
18:19.01golinuxIndeed we do
18:19.03*** join/#devuan metax (~metax@gateway/tor-sasl/metax)
18:19.16sgagefsmithred, I am going to try to test and report a little more systematically in future.
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20:15.36KatolaZwe should try to reproduce the bug though...
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20:25.57KatolaZwrong chat
20:29.26*** join/#devuan sgage (
20:50.08*** join/#devuan _abc_ (~ruse@unaffiliated/ccbbaa)
20:50.33_abc_Hello. fsmithred? Do you see slow writes on devuan jessie booted in persistence mode from stick?
20:51.11_abc_I see 1.0MB/s write on a slow stick, 2.5 on a fast one, read speed is 20MB/s ish. I have been benchmarking it with a script, it is consistent. I found this bug relevant message:
20:52.02_abc_please try my script if curious: u:none p:none
20:52.56_abc_The kernel in devuan jessie live is one covered in the kernel version range covered by the message, specifically 3.16
20:53.49_abc_why would mem=8G fix it? I certainly don't have 8G of ram
20:54.00_abc_1G ram + 2G swap right now on the laptop.
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21:11.32fsmithred_abc_, maybe that boot option changes the way memory is allocated
21:12.01fsmithredI saved the script but haven't tried it yet
21:14.06_abc_okay. Any other ideas on what to try?
21:14.17_abc_Write speed is like 4 times too slow
21:14.17fsmithrednot really
21:14.40fsmithredI see a lot of difference in speed from one stick to another
21:14.44_abc_Looking at usb_storage and scsi_mod kernel module options now
21:14.51*** join/#devuan blop (
21:14.53_abc_I tried a fast one and a slow one.
21:14.56*** join/#devuan Tom-_ (
21:15.04_abc_The ratio is right, the numbers are wrong
21:15.20_abc_I.e. one is 2.5 times faster than the other.
21:15.54_abc_fsmithred: I see a lot of modules loaded in the live system which probably should not be there? Like parport_pc and others?
21:16.24fsmithredhey, I still have a parallel port printer
21:16.41fsmithredI can't be the only one
21:17.03blopis it dot matrix?
21:17.13fsmithredhp 4L
21:17.36_abc_fsmithred: that's not a problem, the problem is do you need the module loaded and taking time to load and probe or can you load it later or via udev.
21:17.54_abc_Probing a strange machine from a live disk is a bit dicey always.
21:18.31fsmithredas long as it magically loads itself when the user decides to set up a printer
21:18.51_abc_Well he has to select parallel port in cups, that should / could do it
21:19.25_abc_Examining /sys/module/usb_storage/
21:19.27fsmithredit's the desktop-live - it's fat.
21:19.48fsmithredif you want lean, it includes the tools for making your own
21:22.27_abc_Just asked. Looking for a speed problem cure.
21:29.24*** join/#devuan ejr (
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21:32.09_abc_hmm okay reading source Luke.
21:32.31_abc_ is the patch which introduced quirks= to usb_storage.ko
21:32.42_abc_It documents the quirk flags, some are interesting?
21:33.00_abc_like l = lockable (not)
21:33.31_abc_:m is also possibly useful
21:33.35_abc_and :w is dangerous!
21:35.03_abc_well these can be tried at boot time using usb_storage.quirks=... on the kernel cli in the live system
21:35.15_abc_Worth a try, requiring a "few" reboots
21:35.25_abc_But before that I would like to really understand where the bottleneck is
21:36.33_abc_So after reading the source I know the 'real' docs should be in Documentation/kernel-parameters.txt which goopile failed to find online. I don't buy that.
21:37.29_abc_Hm so I will try this in a few days, don't want to reboot the live system before finishing setup with it ;)
21:38.56_abc_fsmithred: the driver stack for usb sticks is kernel - scsi_mod.ko - usb_storage.ko - etc right?
21:39.44_abc_scsi_mod does not appear in the kernel-parameters.txt at all!
21:39.59fsmithredthat sounds familiar
21:40.24_abc_Ah it appears in it's own file
21:40.26fsmithreddo other module names appear there?
21:40.36_abc_all scsi is put in there
21:41.25_abc_examining cat /sys/module/scsi_mod/parameters/*various
21:41.26*** join/#devuan telmich (
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21:42.43_abc_max_luns is ridiculous at 512
21:43.50_abc_Well found nothing useful there
21:45.19_abc_I don't see a :m quirks param used on usb_storage.ko anywhere. Google is pretty useless sometimes.
21:45.32_abc_It has to exist at least in a forum somewhere, I guess.
21:46.21*** join/#devuan nom-ent (
21:46.28_abc_ aha
21:47.20_abc_Interesting. I doubt that is the real problem but who knows?
21:47.47_abc_At 2.5MB/s write speed the live system is pretty much unusable for tens of seconds while the device updates on write.
21:48.11_abc_This being said, I am going to sleep a bit in 10 minutes. Midnight.
21:51.14_abc_Torvalds on quiks in usb scsi devices, 2004+ threads
21:53.19_abc_So reading that it seems :m is a very sane option? Limiting transactions to 64 sectors/ 32kBytes on the scsi layer.
21:53.37_abc_For my write speed problem.
21:53.55_abc_I think scsi transactions are limited to 64 sectors.
22:01.07_abc_Ok, they are not strictly limited, but may be so due to usb transfer size limitations
22:03.19_abc_scsi_mod param eh_deadline is not documented at, but at red hat. getting out of sync with it's published source. Noted
22:03.30*** part/#devuan Oldmoss (
22:05.29_abc_Please remind me what the uuid disk reading tool is called? The one which prints the uuids of the existing partitions?
22:06.16*** join/#devuan sgage (
22:06.45sgage_abc_, that would be blkid, needs to be run as root
22:08.53_abc_yes!. Thanks
22:10.02fsmithredsgage, can you mount removable drives in mate?
22:10.08_abc_More possible tuning params
22:10.18_abc_I wonder if this has to do with cache size
22:18.13_abc_setting policy to deadliny in /sys/block/sda/queue/scheduler gives 50% higher speed, still too low
22:20.21_abc_I retract that, same speed on average.
22:21.51*** part/#devuan nom-ent (
22:24.00sgagefsmithred, my ascii/MATE system comes up with my external USB HD all mounted. It has two partitions, one NTFS and one EXT4, and they both are mounted and appear in Caja (MATE graphical file manager)
22:24.21*** join/#devuan KwukDuck_ (
22:24.27fsmithredyou're using consolekit or elogind?
22:24.33*** part/#devuan KwukDuck_ (
22:25.07sgageI'm using console kit at the moment. Also, if I plug in a USB stick, it automounts just fine
22:25.53fsmithredI couldn't get that to work with consolekit, but I could with elogind
22:27.00sgageThere was a lot of confusion around the whole libpolkit updates. I had to dpkg --remove -systemd and then I could install the -consolekit version
22:27.23fsmithredI haven't had any problems installing the different libpolkit packages
22:27.36fsmithredjust varying results with different desktops
22:28.13golinuxis waiting before upgrading the latest updates to avoid the mess.
22:28.15sgageI had a huge runaround with things getting deleted and updated and such until I couldn't do it with apt
22:28.34sgageHad use dpkg to clean house, then all worked well.
22:28.47_abc_from the bad performance I get, I assume the best outcome is to ignore problems and watch the blinkenlights without touchen anything
22:28.51sgageThis is an ascii system I upgraded from jessie last summer...
22:29.05fsmithredah, I'm testing new installs
22:29.23sgageI think that may make a difference
22:29.54fsmithredyeah, it does
22:30.02fsmithrednot sure what, though
22:30.24sgagedamdifino :-)
22:30.56sgage(sweet dreams _abc_)
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22:43.18sgagebrb, it's getting dark, and I need to get my chickens in before the foxes and weasels start to prowl.
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23:10.28sgageAll set. Anyway, fsmithred, a few days ago when I was in this updating merry-go-round, for several days
23:11.23sgagethere were 9 updates available and held back. A couple were task-desktop and taks-mate-desktop.
23:12.21sgageI figured the polkit stuff was a problem, so I just tried to upgrade the task- packages, and several polkit packages
23:12.47sgagewere marked for removal. At that point, i bailed temporarily.
23:13.13fsmithredso... not easy to reproduce
23:14.10sgageNo, not at all. In fact, I came this close to trying a fresh install, since I have the live system all burned onto USB.
23:14.32sgageBut I thought I'd wait, because in the past things worked themselves out.
23:15.00sgageSo now all appears well. Apt update shows everything up to date.
23:15.58sgageIt was getting pretty circular there for a few days.
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23:17.19fsmithredI know the feeling
23:28.34sgageI'm trying to come up with any clues, but in the immortal words of Curly, "I'm tryin' to think, but nothin' happens".
23:30.03fsmithredI'm going through all the motions, and it's not quite making sense
23:30.10fsmithredone more desktop to test
23:32.00sgageLet me know if there's something it would be useful to test. I am going to make some supper now, but I'll be looking in from time to time.
23:32.29fsmithredok, thanks
23:32.48fsmithredI'll post my results at d1g. Hoping to make a chart.

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