IRC log for #devuan on 20180214

00:07.20*** join/#devuan hgunth (~hgunth@gateway/tor-sasl/hgunth)
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00:08.45*** join/#devuan Schallaven (
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00:24.55*** join/#devuan Nematocyst (
00:25.19*** join/#devuan earthnative (~nemo@
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00:28.31*** join/#devuan blinkdog (~blinkdog@devuan/developer/blinkdog)
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00:35.48jonadabOh, hmm, I should figure out which computer I'm going to try ascii on.
00:36.14jonadabWhich one first, I mean.
00:48.05*** join/#devuan nighty- (
00:51.07*** join/#devuan adhoc (
00:53.28*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
00:55.10g4570nI see this in Readme file for devuan ascii beta "CLI-oriented users can select the "Console productivity" task that installs
00:56.41KatolaZg4570n: yes
00:57.02g4570nKatolaZ: where can you see the list of tools that are installed?
00:57.25KatolaZa rough approximation is the list of packages you have in the minimal live
00:57.28KatolaZhold on
00:57.57KatolaZthere are a few additions since jessie, but you get the idea
00:58.31g4570nThank you :-)
00:59.02*** join/#devuan bwn (
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01:04.12*** part/#devuan msiism (
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01:19.13*** topic/#devuan is Recent (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release || This is the Devuan discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
01:19.13*** mode/#devuan [+v infobot] by ChanServ
01:19.50*** join/#devuan bwn (
01:27.20zyliwaxfollow up to my issue, keyboard(5) made it seem as though it would be promising to define the KMAP variable in a form appropriate for loadkeys, but the variable's value isn't being acknowledged after a reboot :/ even using the same string with loadkeys works, so something's dropping the ball -- work on this again when i'm not so tired...
01:38.48*** part/#devuan msiism (
01:39.50*** join/#devuan bwn (
01:44.33*** join/#devuan fugitive (
01:53.23*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
02:17.18*** join/#devuan konsolebox (~konsolebo@
02:33.55*** join/#devuan Humpelstilzchen (
02:38.59minnesotags1Um. There appears to be the major slows on getting headers from the us.mirrors. Anybody else experiencing that?
02:40.42*** join/#devuan blitzed (~blitzed@
02:47.21gnarfacenever worked for me at all
02:47.42gnarfacenot even sure the dns records are valid
02:47.51gnarfaceauto.mirror works though
02:49.16*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
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02:58.46*** join/#devuan skyroveRR (~skyroveRR@unaffiliated/skyroverr)
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05:16.25*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
05:45.52*** join/#devuan Irrwahn_pi__ (
06:05.03vvandeanybody here who can help me with groups and permissions?
06:05.28vvandeI deleted my account on a laptop, and it seems the other account isn't doing what I expected.
06:05.48vvandeI added it to the udev group, but I think there is more that needs to be done in this case.
06:12.12*** join/#devuan konsolebox (~konsolebo@
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07:03.57*** join/#devuan Bonn333 (
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09:03.28gnu_srsThe news about ASCII is already out:
09:05.47*** join/#devuan athidhep (~eafaef@unaffiliated/athidhep)
09:17.07*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
09:21.33*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
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09:27.53l41f3nyay :)
09:29.25*** join/#devuan DarkUranium (~DarkUrani@
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09:53.05davec1Is there a torrent for ASCII??
09:54.09KatolaZno davec1
09:54.14KatolaZno torrents for a beta
10:03.12davec1Well, when there's a torrent, I'll mirror it.
10:15.56*** join/#devuan konsolebox (~konsolebo@
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11:03.21*** join/#devuan konsolebox (~konsolebo@
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11:34.39*** join/#devuan konsolebox (~konsolebo@
11:38.03*** join/#devuan Achylles (~Achylles@
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11:48.50*** join/#devuan chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc08:a00:9936:e12b:8bd7:1a13)
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13:20.30*** join/#devuan Zarkodi (c3197439@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:32.41*** join/#devuan ejr (
13:47.00*** join/#devuan Jops (50f30993@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:09.58*** join/#devuan Crypto (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
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14:57.23*** join/#devuan cyteen (~cyteen@
14:57.42FlibberTGibbethats off to everyone responsible for the ascii beta!
15:07.10*** join/#devuan Nematocyst (
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16:27.42enycpleased to see the annoying-niggles i made a fuss about wrt disk/"usb"-mounting etc has been thought about posted in maliings etc...
16:28.02enycIf anybody can test the mounting of  crypted volumes  'graphigally'  that would be nice.
16:33.39*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
16:40.54*** join/#devuan skyroveRR (~skyroveRR@unaffiliated/skyroverr)
16:44.23*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
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17:03.55*** join/#devuan chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc08:a00:9936:e12b:8bd7:1a13)
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17:07.06*** join/#devuan skyroveRR (~skyroveRR@unaffiliated/skyroverr)
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17:17.30Nematocystproblem: after dist-upgrade to ascii, xfce (and other desktops) when click reboot/shutdown on logout dialog, just returns me to slim instead of what they are supposed to.  i *think* this is related to me upgrading libpolkit-gobject-1-0 and libpolkit-agent-1-0 when they were held back.  if I try to install them now, it wants to remove cinnamon and all related files (dozens).  any sane way to fix this issue?  again, the only symptom is unable
17:18.26*** join/#devuan athidhep (~eafaef@unaffiliated/athidhep)
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17:40.55*** join/#devuan rsx (
17:49.22*** join/#devuan Oldmoss (
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18:02.48*** join/#devuan pillepalle (
18:11.44*** part/#devuan Oldmoss (
18:13.15*** join/#devuan pillepalle (
18:20.15*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
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18:24.23*** join/#devuan s_kunk (~s_kunk@unaffiliated/s-kunk/x-5139101)
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18:27.54*** join/#devuan Achylles (~Achylles@2804:431:d725:13b4:6559:dfbb:3b5d:9b25)
18:30.36AchyllesI think there is something wrong with devuan servers for downloading ascii images.
18:30.51AchyllesIt is very slow to pull them here
18:31.21AchyllesI went to debian.isos just to test and it is going quickly
18:32.02AchyllesI have tried all kinds of images and a .vdi, but all of them are slow.
18:32.36AchyllesI thought that it was my internet connection, but it turns out not to be...
18:32.47AchyllesAny thoughts?
18:33.29AchyllesI tried with wget and firefox and the slowness are the same.
18:33.55g4570ntry mirrors?
18:36.24AchyllesThx a lot. Now it is the thing :)
18:37.03AchyllesBut, the official channel, I think, have to be fixed.
18:38.37g4570nI guess there are too many people trying to download from there. The server does not have unlimited capacity
18:39.40AchyllesCould be put in torrents
18:43.14specingAchylles:devuan images are on torrents
18:44.29*** join/#devuan minnesotags (
18:46.08AchyllesOk. Where are the links in the official devuan page?
18:48.30IrrwahnThere are (and will be) no torrents for the beta, sorry!
18:49.46*** join/#devuan pillepalle (
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18:53.40AchyllesI was looking for that.
18:54.05KatolaZAchylles: you should try one of the mirrors
18:54.25AchyllesI am downloading...
18:54.53KatolaZsorry but apparently ascii is much more popular than we anticipated
18:54.57KatolaZworking on that]
18:55.17Achyllesis there a way to upgrade from jessie to ascii
18:55.42AchyllesI have jessie installed and configured
18:55.52Achyllesbut, downloading ascii
18:55.53golinux<KatolaZ> sorry but apparently ascii is much more popular than we anticipated
18:56.05golinuxIsn't that a good thing?!
18:56.27*** join/#devuan hellvis (
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18:56.47Achyllesperhaps changing sources.list and such
18:57.05g4570nAchylles: Yes,
18:57.38KatolaZgolinux: it's not a good thing if you are trying to download it
18:58.09KatolaZAchylles: are you already on devuan jessie?
18:58.24KatolaZif yes, you can upgrade, no need to reinstall
18:58.29AchyllesI will be
18:58.29KatolaZ(or debian)
18:59.04AchyllesReading do docs ==>
18:59.29*** join/#devuan sokan (~Henry@unaffiliated/totaloblivion)
18:59.30golinuxKatolaZ: Tell me about it.  I tried last night and it was going to take a day.
18:59.56KatolaZgolinux: just be patient
19:00.09KatolaZat the moment the best thing to do is to leave bandwidth to mirrors
19:00.17KatolaZand wait for them to be updated
19:01.46AchyllesAnyways, I am download the live.iso CD1. Will it be enough or I have to download CD2 and CD3 as well?
19:02.44g4570nonly if you are going to install offline, you need the other CDs I think
19:02.49KatolaZAchylles: cd1 is sufficient for a minimal system
19:04.11KatolaZfrom there you can download the rest through the package manager
19:08.42*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
19:12.24*** join/#devuan hgunth (~hgunth@gateway/tor-sasl/hgunth)
19:18.08KatolaZthat's the ascii beta release fom our servers
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19:32.34IrrwahnKatolaZ: Thanks, now I know what causes that mysterious red glow in the southern night sky.  ;-D
19:32.55KatolaZsending an email on DNG
19:32.56KatolaZto explain
19:33.16IrrwahnGood idea!
19:35.57*** join/#devuan Thominus_ (
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19:38.42*** join/#devuan Centurion-Dan2 (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
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19:47.48golinuxThat's fantastic!  We're gonna take over the world!!
19:52.30*** join/#devuan hellvis_ (
19:54.05KatolaZno golinux, we won't :D
19:57.37KatolaZemail sent
19:58.33KatolaZthis is the MRTG on one of our file servers
19:58.42KatolaZoh sorry
19:58.47KatolaZI had already sent it here
20:03.56*** join/#devuan ejr_ (
20:13.08*** join/#devuan ejr (
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21:13.21*** join/#devuan _0bitcount (~Big_Byte@2a01:c50e:8821:4200:f8bc:7b62:8555:2908)
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21:36.30*** join/#devuan ejr (
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21:41.47KatolaZhi devuan
21:42.02KatolaZhow are you feeling today?
21:42.04devuanhi KatolaZ
21:42.29devuanWell, for a start. I forgot to change my nick
21:42.44Egonethat's better
21:43.03Egonewould you believe I'm a linux user since 1998
21:43.48*** join/#devuan bitrause1 (
21:44.00KatolaZthought he was really speaking with the spirit of Devuan....
21:44.21ejrEgone: and a devuan user since day 1? ;D
21:44.29*** join/#devuan devuan (
21:45.03EgoneWell, this is really a fine distro
21:45.53EgoneI've been trying distro's since 1998 and I must admit that this is quite something
21:46.20Egonehi KatolaZ
21:46.38ejryeah, i have also been using several distros over the past ten years... most of the time debian or ubuntu, but now I will most likely stick with devuan as long as it keeps being this comfy
21:46.53Egonehi ejr
21:47.17ejrplus for (former) debian users there is not much difference in the way things work (or used to work, in debian)
21:47.21ejrhi Egone
21:47.45EgoneI was and still am a firm believer of Peppermint linux, but installed the beta of devuan today and I am impressed
21:48.03Egoneand an Arch lover as well
21:48.27Egonebut Devuan is (as to be expected) very stable
21:48.56EgoneItalian in origin?
21:49.27ejrme, or devuan?
21:49.37Egoneejr: you're right. And I do not miss systemd!
21:49.42KatolaZEgone: Devuan is an international effort
21:50.08Egoneejr: devuan, sorry. Is it an Italian creation?
21:50.16EgoneKatolaZ: ok, sorry
21:51.17ejri think most distros these days are more or less international, with a few exceptions that are usually some national government/institutional project for specific purposes
21:51.23EgoneWell, I've tried so many OS'es. From linux to pure unix (freebsd, Solaris) over the years and this fork really catches my attention and admiration
21:51.36*** part/#devuan Oldmoss (
21:51.51KatolaZgood for you Egone :)
21:52.19EgoneKatolaZ: The endless quest for the 'perfect' system hi
21:52.29Drugoif i select cinnamon in ascii, the installation fails
21:52.34KatolaZthe perfect system is the one that works fine for you
21:52.40KatolaZDrugo: offline?
21:52.49KatolaZDrugo: or with a net connection?
21:52.54KatolaZ(I guess it's the former)
21:53.20KatolaZDrugo: it is known to work seamlessly if you have a network connection and a configured mirror
21:53.29KatolaZ(if you install from scratch)
21:53.31DrugoKatolaZ, with a net connection but the installer failed to configure apt repositories
21:53.40KatolaZDrugo: uh?
21:53.44EgoneKatolaZ: I did a little stresstest on Devian. I copied a 5T drive to external USBdrive on ZFS (compressed with LZ4). No probs. Ran for 9 hours on a Xeon 12 core.
21:53.59KatolaZDrugo: please report install medium
21:54.23DrugoKatolaZ, devuan_ascii_2.0.0-beta_amd64_DVD.iso
21:55.36EgoneThis OS should quickly climb the ladder on distrowatch. I wish it would.
21:55.54EgoneSo fast!
21:56.35Egoneand the copy to ram option is a nice little extra in the boot options!
21:57.54KatolaZEgone: which medium are you using?
21:58.05ejri reckon once the official ascii release is out, even more will change to devuan as they see it's not a fruitless fork
21:58.54KatolaZthey need 3 years and two releases?
22:00.27*** join/#devuan hellvis (
22:01.48EgoneKatolaZ: I download the beta iso from the site 64 bit
22:01.55*** join/#devuan Nematocyst (
22:02.30EgoneKatolaZ: the ascii
22:02.53KatolaZEgone: which one?
22:02.59KatolaZinstall CD?
22:03.09KatolaZminimal live?
22:03.43EgoneKatolaZ: the live
22:04.07EgoneKatolaZ: what is the diff between the ascii and non-ascii (systemd?)
22:04.18KatolaZwhich non-ascii?
22:04.27KatolaZthere is no systemd in devuan
22:05.03EgoneI thaught so, but you have the ascii and the jessie
22:05.09Egonejust a codename?
22:05.23Egonethought, I meant
22:05.33ejrjessie is stable, but older
22:06.28Egoneejr: thx
22:07.02EgoneI'm on 4.9 kernel now.
22:07.25EgoneRock solid I guess
22:07.34KatolaZEgone: jessie merges Debian Jessie
22:07.36ejri am running ascii on my thinkpad t42, but on my thinkpad x60 there are some issues with ascii due to libreboot most likely... so i am using jessie there
22:07.45KatolaZASCII merges Debian Stretch
22:07.57KatolaZBeowulf will merge Debian Buster
22:08.54EgoneKatolaZ: thx, now I see said the blind man.
22:09.57EgoneSo this morning, I compiled the latest ZFS to a module and it was so stable! 9 hours of hard work copying and compressing...flawlesly
22:10.18*** join/#devuan wolfen[w] (~quassel@
22:10.25KatolaZEgone: there are zfs modules in ascii as well
22:10.38KatolaZwith initscripts
22:10.50KatolaZwe still need to iron out a couple of details there
22:11.00KatolaZbut they should be in the repo soonish
22:12.17EgoneKatolaZ: I know, but just not recent enough for my pools
22:12.32EgoneI always compile the latest dkms
22:13.03KatolaZEgone: 0.7.x, I guess
22:13.14KatolaZthose are in ascii-proposed, IIRC
22:13.17DrugoKatolaZ, Now installation is finished (with xfce:(). the installer had commented out the lines relative to the apt repositories. I uncommented them but when i apt-get update, i get this
22:13.47KatolaZoh no Egone, they are in ascii-backports
22:14.11KatolaZDrugo: very strange
22:14.27KatolaZthat image had been tried with all the possible combinations of desktops
22:14.28EgoneKatolaZ: aha, well thank you very much
22:14.42KatolaZthere are glitches, but not related to apt repos
22:14.58KatolaZDrugo: can you reproduce it, by any chance?
22:15.00Egoneis gnome 3 coming to the final release?
22:15.19KatolaZ(well, it should be reported to, I guess, so that other people could try to reproduce it <- Drugo )
22:15.26KatolaZEgone: don't think so
22:15.30DrugoKatolaZ, what you mean? Installing it again?
22:15.57KatolaZDrugo: sorry, dunno if you are using a vm or bare metal
22:16.08KatolaZDrugo: did not intend to overload you
22:16.13KatolaZbut any feedback is useful
22:16.22KatolaZso please report the problem on
22:16.23Drugovm, kvm
22:16.33Drugoi don't have an account
22:16.41KatolaZDrugo: don't need one
22:16.44KatolaZjust use reportbug
22:16.53KatolaZDrugo: it works via email
22:29.59vvandeI'm having wireless network problems on Jessie: "Not authorized to control networking"
22:30.34blopsudo make me a sandwich
22:30.38vvandeI just changed from xfce to kde - so perhaps network manager is diferent
22:30.54vvandeno sudo in GUI lol
22:33.18Egonebye to all of you and much admiration for the hard work on this distro!!!
22:33.55*** join/#devuan TemporalBeing1 (
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22:43.01blopKDE: "We make it easier for things to not work."
22:43.21vvandeyou can say that again
22:43.36vvandeyears ago we used to advise people to unistall network manager
22:43.43vvandeseems to still be a good idea
22:44.07vvandehowever, this machine is not for me and needs to be operated from the KDE GUI
22:46.31blopascii freed me from siduction
22:47.23gnarfacedoes wicd not work with kde?
22:49.49vvandegnarface, it's networkmanager
22:50.28bloperhaps wicd would work for you
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22:50.41vvandeit has to work on KDE
22:50.55vvande(this is not for me)
22:51.12vvandeI don't use laptops normally, so I'm quite out of my comfort zone here.
22:52.00vvandeI think the problem came from one of two things. I changed from xfce to KDE, and I deleted original user
22:52.29vvandehowever I think I have groups set correctly - using netdev, which I think is all that is needed
22:52.54vvandeso I think it's from the xfce to kde swithch that something got discombobulated
22:53.43vvandeI'll ask on the KDE channel. I just wanted to avoid all the systemd comments that I'm anticipating there.
22:54.42gnarfacei was just wondering if wicd could be changed to networkmanager in kde, but i don't actually use either
22:54.58gnarfaceer, the other way around, if networkmanager could be changed to wicd, i meant
22:55.02vvandeah, ok that 's a good idea, but I don['t think so
22:59.28blopif you install dependencies, gtk stuff works in kde too
23:03.25vvandethis did work once or twice, just not any more
23:04.27vvandeI think it was buggy because the user wasn't a member of correct groups. I fixed that now: user, netdev
23:04.41vvande(and audio, video, plugdev)
23:05.25vvandenot sure what could be wrong with that - (oh, just remembered, I added the user to sudo as well, althugh that's not used here)
23:07.08blop  This has happened to me :D
23:07.11vvandefunny, the NetworkManager readme just says that if there's a problem it's a driver
23:07.49vvandeyeah, I wish
23:08.05vvandeI'm more comfortable on the terminal too. But here we are in KDE land.
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23:32.53blopi'm sure the kde or kubuntu folks would have better advice vvande
23:33.07vvandeblop, thanks :)
23:33.30vvandeSo guess what .... it connected by itself while I was gone.
23:33.56vvandethis has happened earlier too. but then it's back to refusing
23:34.05gnarfacemove closer to the wifi router
23:34.10vvandeI have been restarting after my changes.
23:34.29vvandeyes, but the connection seems solid -
23:34.39vvandeand why would it say "dont have permission?
23:34.52vvandeit's all just too strange
23:35.04gnarfacedefinitely weird
23:35.21vvandeI'll gladly take responsibility though
23:35.26vvandeweird R us
23:37.11vvandeThe only thing I can think of is that there's something cached. So that will eventurlly clear I guess.
23:37.48vvandeThe other thing from before, is that in the connections list, it says something like never connected before under the one I'm using.
23:38.03vvandemaking me think permissions as well, since it's not keeping that info
23:38.49vvandeAnyway, if this doesn't stay good, I'm going to plug it into ethernet and reinstall some things.
23:39.53*** join/#devuan hgunth (~hgunth@gateway/tor-sasl/hgunth)
23:42.10gnarfacewait a minute...
23:42.16gnarfacevvande this is starting to sound really suspicious
23:42.30vvandeyes, I'm back
23:42.53gnarfaceyou'd better log into your router with a physical cable, change it's password AND the wifi password then implement mac address whitelisting
23:43.16gnarface"The other thing from before, is that in the connections list, it says something like never connected before under the one I'm using."   <   sounds like MITM attack.
23:43.33gnarfacelike someone is spoofing your router
23:43.38gnarfacetrying to hijack your auth
23:43.48gnarfacethis is frighteningly easy to do just by using the same SSID
23:43.49vvandevery interesting
23:43.57gnarfacethat would actually explain the random drops too
23:44.12gnarfacewhen the signal strength was otherwise strong - that could be it jumping from one router to the other
23:44.13vvandethere will be nobody local to do that - I'm in a vary small place
23:44.29gnarfacewifi is not secure, you have to take extra steps
23:44.59vvandeyeah, but only a few hilbillies around here
23:45.14vvandenot to say your advice is bad, just sayin :)
23:45.33gnarfacewith the right antenna and clear line-of-sight they could be anywhere within 2 kilometers radius of yuou
23:45.54vvandeI'm in the mountains. no city for about 300 miles lol
23:45.58gnarfaceyou're right though, usually someone trying this attack is on the same block, or even in the same building
23:46.28gnarfaceis it possible you set up two routers on your own with the same SSID then forgot about one?
23:46.29vvandebut suggesting my router is good - it has been a bit funny lately
23:46.44vvandenow you're talking ...
23:47.07vvandeI have a lot of shit here - perhaps to much _actual_ shit lol
23:47.56vvandeno, won't be SSID - I keep a list of those and in this case the laptop is bound to an IP with mac address
23:48.19vvandeI've been checking the connections to the router. and it all looks good there
23:49.06vvandeI mentioned IPv6 the other day. That's suspect here.
23:49.55vvandedon't know if it was from you, but there was advice on how to turn off ipv6 on tht laptop. I'm going to try that.
23:50.49vvandeI have a feeling that the current trend toward ipv6 preference is screwing things up. The HE tunnel in the router works just fine it seems, but perhps with the SSID etc, there's an issue locally.
23:53.46golinuxHas ipv6 ever NOT screwed things up?
23:55.00vvandeI was chatting on a forum where there's a guy with unusually good DNS skills, and he was not using IPv6 until it got better/fixed lol

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