IRC log for #devuan on 20180211

00:05.40*** join/#devuan mhc (
00:07.09brabohm a friend asked me about where to find iso for ascii or ceres. seems hard?
00:07.56brabolooking myself i do not see straightaway where to find those
00:08.59KatolaZbrabo: ascii has not been released yet
00:09.04KatolaZso there are no isos available
00:12.26braboKatolaZ: oki
00:12.28brabothanks :)
00:13.07gnarfacewell someone has made some certainly
00:13.12gnarfacethere are just no official isos
00:13.21gnarfacethe recommended approach is to upgrade from jessie
00:20.53*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock_ (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
00:22.06*** join/#devuan gattuso (
00:22.10AlexLikeRock_i have this exactly problem
00:26.27*** join/#devuan targz (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
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00:29.37*** join/#devuan Schallaven (
00:29.52braboAlexLikeRock_: lvm partition? can you give some more background?
00:32.55braboso you have a lvm with disk encryption?
00:33.23brabois this from the shell you got dropped into?
00:33.46braboand how did you get to this situation? did you do a new install, or..
00:33.48AlexLikeRock_DROPPING to Shell (initrams)
00:34.40AlexLikeRock_remplace kernel....  error Hdd ....  i dont remenber
00:34.43brabowell, this kind of thing i especially had when initramfs does not include cryptsetup
00:34.56brabothen it fails to even try to decrypt the volume and gives up
00:34.58AlexLikeRock_wait .
00:35.03AlexLikeRock_i do this :
00:35.06brabobut it doesn't just happen
00:35.37braboi have it when doing a minimal install and then i have to include cryptsetup myself in the initram config and regenrate initramfs
00:35.47AlexLikeRock_i recomplie update-tranms
00:36.19AlexLikeRock_i make it , but  now , they say : NOT FOUND GROUP--LVM-xxxx
00:36.44brabowell, the devuan netinist at least has a rescue mode, you can boot that, rescue mode, decrypt the disk, setup networking, and drop to a shell in it
00:37.00AlexLikeRock_i hace  a  second particion
00:37.04AlexLikeRock_i make CHROOT
00:38.29AlexLikeRock_OOOOpppps ! , time  to eat,  i will back 30  mins
00:40.06brabohm your blogpost shows a lot more recent kernel version than i am using.. on my system still works with /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf
00:47.21*** join/#devuan targz (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
01:06.26HalfMadDadHi Everyone
01:06.39HalfMadDadIs there a Debian to Devuan guide?
01:06.52HalfMadDadIs it pretty much just a rename of apt
01:07.07HalfMadDador are there are lot of changes that a user needs to know about ?
01:08.07braboHalfMadDad: as far as i understand it is a meta distribution of debian, but without systemd tied into anything, allowing full freedom of choice of which init system you want to use
01:08.19HalfMadDadhi brabo
01:08.55brabobut.. just a user here ;)
01:10.13HalfMadDadhi g4570n
01:10.33HalfMadDadactually my daugher needs me, have to run....
01:10.35HalfMadDadthanks again
01:11.45brabotake care!
01:20.45*** join/#devuan infobot (
01:20.45*** topic/#devuan is Recent (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release || This is the Devuan discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
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01:25.52*** join/#devuan konsolebox (~konsolebo@
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01:59.20AlexLikeRock_hi im back
02:04.19*** join/#devuan rigelk (~acentau@unaffiliated/rigelk)
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02:35.04*** join/#devuan Humpelst1lzchen (
02:46.42AlexLikeRock_how to set up my partion was not set up using LVM.  ????
02:52.34*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
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03:35.35*** join/#devuan sirix (Elite16648@gateway/shell/elitebnc/x-fwjmlwdcrzbvhewj)
03:38.56*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
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03:57.07samjaxHi All. Are there any other technical changes (in development / packaging) in Devuan over Debian apart from init?
03:57.35samjaxAlexLikeRock, ahoy
03:58.08AlexLikeRockmmmm   #devuan-dev   ?
03:58.12AlexLikeRockmaybe :)
03:58.24samjaxAh right.
03:59.17golinuxsamjax: Yes.  Gratuitous non-init hooks tied to applications.
04:00.56samjaxgolinux, I understand. But basically mostly "init-related" changes only right? I am curious to know because I want to use Devuan only if it is Debian as-is but without the systemd crap
04:02.40nacellethere are other changes, in the name of simplfiying dev/etc. afaict/afaik
04:02.47nacellelike jfs support, etc.
04:03.18samjaxOh ok
04:03.28samjaxSo there are config level changes
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04:20.14*** part/#devuan samjax (~samjax@
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04:41.18*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
04:56.37Xenguyhrm, what's up doc
04:57.20Xenguywhat's cooking good looking?
05:02.16blop"Even in well-connected places like Sydney, we've all had the experience of having a poor connection, and almost no battery, while waiting for some huge production of a site to load so we can extract a morsel of information like a restaurant address."
05:02.27blophah "text-based websites should not exceed in size the major works of Russian literature."
05:03.05furrywolfI like nice lean pages.  Most bloat adds little or nothing to the page.
05:03.40*** join/#devuan sedrosken_ (
05:07.15XenguyA text browser can sometimes help to mitigate the web page bloat
05:07.45AlexLikeRockyep :
05:08.21AlexLikeRock$    w3m
05:08.46Xenguyor:  elinks
05:08.47AlexLikeRockkeys  : man w3m
05:09.38XenguyI like w3m, and it works well, but the key bindings are a bit 'eccentric', at least to me
05:09.47Xenguynevertheless, good work
05:22.09*** join/#devuan konsolebox (~konsolebo@
05:30.12blopthe examples there
05:30.16blopthe curses crowd my mouth
05:31.33*** join/#devuan Irrwahn (
05:33.27*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
05:33.45XenguyA nice turn of phrase blop
05:41.33*** join/#devuan konsolebox (~konsolebo@
05:45.41*** join/#devuan Irrwahn_ (UNKNOWN@
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05:50.01*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
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05:52.11blopi'm left with three-dier browsing.  currently dillo -> (netsurf | w3m) -> firefox-esr (with many blockers, soon to be palemoon)
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06:42.47*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
06:43.40XenguyI'm running PM on both W!ndows and Linux blop
06:43.55XenguyVery much enjoying it
06:44.46XenguyOn W!ndows, it will consume memory over the course of a few days, and so I just save session and restart it
06:45.08*** join/#devuan ejr (
06:45.12XenguyBut other than that, it is quite a good browser experience, for me
06:45.44XenguyOn Linux, I'm just running the tarball they offer
06:46.11blopi like the pm devs, i like my own build (custom mozconfig), and i like the noscript, requestpolich, and dark background&light text plugins
06:47.25XenguyPM is where the teks run to when the marketing droid arrive elsewhere
06:56.36*** join/#devuan konsolebox (~konsolebo@
06:57.56*** join/#devuan ejr (
07:00.24*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
07:02.18*** join/#devuan konsolebox (~konsolebo@
07:17.41FriendlyMandd to usb amd64 iso, and live iso, booted on hp envy laptop, get install screen, any option gives black screen. how do i initialize text installer with nomodeset?
07:18.25KatolaZFriendlyMan: hit "TAB"
07:18.38KatolaZand you will see the full kernel line
07:18.56FriendlyManIntel HD graphics 4400
07:19.02FriendlyManAh, =) thank you!
07:19.03KatolaZFriendlyMan: ^^^^
07:20.35FriendlyMando i have to hit tab before the main screen pops up?
07:20.44KatolaZFriendlyMan: which main screen?
07:20.50FriendlyMan(Hitting tab at installer menu does nothing)
07:20.57KatolaZare you using the live iso or the installer iso?
07:21.07FriendlyManinstaller iso
07:21.29FriendlyManDebian GNU/Linux UEFI Installer menu
07:21.43FriendlyManIt says devuan behind it
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07:22.13KatolaZFriendlyMan: then select any install option
07:22.16FriendlyManDebian GNU/Linux 1.0 Final
07:22.21FriendlyManI did black screen *L*
07:22.46FriendlyManGraphical Install, just Install, theay all give a black screen.
07:23.13KatolaZman you should hit tab *before* hitting enter
07:23.26KatolaZhold on
07:23.29KatolaZit's uwfi
07:23.32KatolaZso you have grub
07:23.40KatolaZthen just type 'e'
07:23.44KatolaZto edit an entry
07:24.59FriendlyManThanks! =)
07:25.17FriendlyManNow I see. Thank you!
07:31.55*** join/#devuan konsolebox (~konsolebo@
07:38.33FriendlyManReplaces quiet with nomodeset and hit f10 to boot.. Still black screen. =)
07:39.17*** join/#devuan konsolebox (~konsolebo@
07:40.41*** join/#devuan Drugo (
07:42.53ejrFriendlyMan: try to add modprobe.blacklist=nouveau after pressing e
07:46.26FriendlyManOn a new line, or at the end of: "linux       /install.amd/vmlinux vga=778 --- quiet"?
07:47.07ejrat the end of it, after "quiet"
07:47.18ejrmind the . between modprobe and blacklist
07:48.31FriendlyManhit f10 to boot. Black screen. :\
07:48.43FriendlyManI did =)
07:55.16FriendlyManTried: grub_gfxmode=1024x768x16 Blank Screen :(
07:55.58debdoga long time ago I've had a similar problem with a laptop. dunno whether it applies here or not but worth a shot. if you have a separate monitor, attach it to the laptop, mayhap the signal is getting send to the wrong adapter
07:56.37FriendlyManI thought as much crappy hp only has hdmi port. No output, and no bios toggle at all.
07:56.58FriendlyManThought the same. going to try: grub_gfxmode=vesa, and grub_gfxmode=vga next. =)
07:59.07ejrFriendlyMan: or if you don't need uefi, which sucks anyway, try legacy/bios
07:59.39FriendlyManOkay. =)
08:02.29ejrbtw i also have a question about attaching separate monitors: whenever i attach an external screen to my netbook (running devuan-jessie), the virtual console resolution on my second screen is the same as that on my netbook (i.e. rather low) and cannot be changed with fbset (error: "ioctl FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO: Invalid argument"). what's the problem here?
08:03.34ejrwhen i am in i3wm or some other gui, i can just fix this problem, but as X is not involved in the virtual console that wouldn't work
08:04.59golinuxHPs can be troublesome . . .
08:04.59ejralso, this only happens when I attach the external monitor after logging into devuan. when I attach it at bootup, the resolution is the way i want it to be
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08:35.10*** join/#devuan Drugo (
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08:58.23FriendlyManKatolaZ: acpi=off worked FTW btw =)
08:59.21FriendlyManKatolaZ: Thank you for your help! =)
08:59.40ejrFriendlyMan: I would strongly discourage you from running your os with acpi=off on the long term though
08:59.56ejralso, did you check whether shutdown etc. works correctly with acpi disabled? because often it won't
09:00.11ejralso, the fan etc
09:01.20FriendlyMani was installing devuan, and i got a blank screen when i selected any option. :\
09:01.36FriendlyManfan always on in the bios might be a problem?
09:02.41FriendlyManI was getting: "firmware bug acpi bios _osi(linux) query ignored" when running live iso
09:03.29FriendlyMani tried: "acpi_osi=Linux acpi_backlight=vendor nomodeset" still black screen. It's one of those hp envy hybrid laptops. I will research other options before going this way. Thanks!
09:12.29*** join/#devuan konsolebox (~konsolebo@
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09:25.36Guest54301i've got an error building linux with vdev, nothing to worry about
09:28.55Guest54301i attach the *.build file:
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09:29.41Guest54301configure: error: Missing /usr/include/libudev.h
09:30.59Guest54301in short, a symlink in /usr/include pointing to /include/libudev.h is needed
09:37.23*** join/#devuan hgunth (~hgunth@gateway/tor-sasl/hgunth)
09:40.59Guest54301i rectify: pointing to /include/`gcc-4.9 -print-multiarch`/libudev.h
09:43.18Guest54301that is: /include/i386-linux-gnu/libudev.h
09:53.43Guest54301i'll include this symlink in libudev-compat.links
09:54.34Guest54301and also a symlink pointing to:
09:55.35Guest54301`/lib/`gcc-4.9 -print-multiarch`/pkgconfig/libudev.pc`
09:57.29Guest54301one doubt: if i use ln -s in the *.postint file for those symlinks, are they included in the Contents-i386.gz?
10:00.20*** join/#devuan thaller (~thaller@2001:a61:425:9200:15b2:6c2a:2a4e:4dec)
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11:01.13mhchow hard would it be to send a raspberry pi powered sat into space?
11:02.22specinglaunching into space (LEO) starts at about $10000 per kg
11:02.33mhcah well met. care to elabor?
11:02.50mhcmoney easy then
11:03.08specinglook up cubesats
11:03.27mhcthanks mate
11:03.41mhcwill do
11:24.11*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
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11:56.28FriendlyManKatolaZ: HP ENVY x360 - 15-u110dx (ENERGY STAR): "acpi_osi=Linux acpi_osi="!Windows 2012" acpi_osi="!Windows 2013" acpi_backlight=vendor" Worked. =)
12:01.56*** join/#devuan markong (~marco@
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13:54.44blopeh is that the ryzen lappy FriendlyMan ?
13:58.52*** join/#devuan aslan8649 (
14:01.28aslan8649I have installed devuan jessie 1.0.0 on an amd64 box with 64gb of memory. Installed to a WD 3TB hard drive. Install went well, no issues. Rebooted and the computer hangs when starting X windows after I log in as a normal user.
14:02.32*** join/#devuan banshi (~banshi@
14:03.08aslan8649This same box runs debian stretch with systemd removed with X-Windows. Even with systemd removed many packages will not install due to dependency on systemd. I though I would switch to devuan.
14:05.03blopyes good choice aslan8649
14:05.46blopx windows isn't simple, which is why i prefer to log-in to console since 20 years
14:07.20ejrsame here, actually one is much more productive in console with tmux most of the time. I only use X with i3 when I really want to watch a video (but usually just hearing the audio is enough too)
14:08.00ejrthe only reasons why someone would need a gui are for picture/video editing tbh
14:08.05blopi am not giving you advice here, but I would probably boot the machine, ctrl-alt-f1 to get to contole vt#1, login, su, apt-get purge the display manager, test reboot and then login to console to test startx with an eye on Xorg.0.log
14:08.46blopi prefer to use X (heavily configured wm) over console for daily productivity
14:09.49blopoh that gives me an idea of something to try to fix my X on the ryzen laptop
14:12.16ejraslan8649: check whether solution of post #9 in the following thread helps, even if you're not on ascii:
14:25.23*** part/#devuan boson (
14:36.19aslan8649how do I download a dvd/netinst of ASCII?
14:36.33donkeypultfrom the devuan downloads page
14:36.57aslan8649the motherboard may be too new for devuan jessie 1.0.0.
14:37.29ejryou mean for ascii?
14:37.39aslan8649ejr, yes
14:38.12ejrcould be, i had similar issues with ascii, mostly due to libreboot though (at least presumably)
14:39.10ejrthough in your case, if it runs debian stretch, it should be able to run ascii
14:39.11aslan8649ejr, i installed jessie 1.0.0 and when starting XFCE4 it hangs. just locks the machine right up.
14:39.39ejrdid you check the Xorg logs for any hints, as blop suggested above?
14:39.40aslan8649I thought I would try ASCII but i can not find an install disc
14:40.45ejri'm not sure there are any ascii installers... some months ago there definitely weren't any
14:41.50ejrcheck what happens when you boot into X in failsafe mode (select failsafe/recovery mode in grub). if it also hangs then, start failsafe mode again and log into the console as root to check the Xorg logs
14:45.58aslan8649ejr, Xorg.logs are normal. finds the apple keyboard, apple wired mouse, the Cape Verde/Pitcairn HDMI Audio
14:47.33aslan8649ejr, Upon boot it brings up X with a login window. I can switch to VC and log in as root. all is good. great joy in the land.
14:48.18aslan8649ejr, i log in as normal user, click on default panel and that is all she wrote. locks up tight.
14:49.10aslan8649Virgin 3TB hard drive, 64 GB memory tests okay.
14:49.34aslan8649I am beginning to think the hardware is just to new.
14:50.17ejra mac?
14:51.09aslan8649Linuxmint live disk, trisquel live disk, Slackware Live CUrrent, all have issues. Slackware has definite issues with the Radeon Video card.
14:51.41aslan8649ejr, no i use apple keyboards and wired mice.
14:51.56aslan8649ejr, asus motherboard.
14:52.23brabolazy sunday.. let's do an upgrade to ascii :)
14:52.47aslan8649ejr, asus sabertooth 990FX R2.0 motherboard
14:53.08ejraslan8649, try to reboot with mouse unplugged and see if it freezes still. sometimes specific mouses cause trouble even if the log says they are found (e.g. gaming mouses)
14:55.31aslan8649ejr, the odd thing is even though the flat panel LCD monitor is working. it claims that the HDMI cable is unplugged.
14:55.48aslan8649But obviously it has to be plugged in.
14:56.05ejrdo you have a different mouse you can try it with?
14:56.27aslan8649ejr, yes i have a dozen mice.
14:58.19aslan8649i need to go insulin time.
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15:35.51brabointeresting.. after an upgrade from jessie to ascii i needed to do `chmod u+s /usr/bin/xinit` to make `startx` work
15:40.13braboand my vlc issues only got worse.. let's try ceres then..
15:40.29*** join/#devuan r7st- (~r7st-@
15:41.12r7st-is it normal for the installer to hang on "Detect network hardware" for a while?
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15:42.05r7st-i did a fresh debian9 install yesterday and did not have issues, but decided i should move to devuan. i have used it before and not had any problems. just wanted to check and see if i am being impatient or if this might be a bug
15:42.28ejrbrabo: i have also experimented with ascii on several machines and ran across funny issues like that. i'd discourage anyone from using ascii in its current state; use backports if you really need spefific newer packages
15:43.08braboejr: i had vlc issues already in jessie, hence i thought i could always try upgrading and see ;)
15:43.27r7st-i am using the netinst image
15:43.39braboi may have messed something up when toying with laptop-mode or so, if ceres has issues, then i just reinstall jessie and test vlc properly before messing about
15:44.11brabor7st-: the netinst iso so far managed to detect network properly for me.. but could be i used older iso than yours, no diea
15:44.36r7st-maybe i should re-dd the image?
15:44.57brabohm seems the isos werent specifically updated..
15:45.07r7st-i did not check the hash, maybe i should do that first
15:45.21brabor7st-: if you got this far in the installer i'd assume you did manage to put the image on correctly
15:46.14braboare you trying wired or wireless?
15:46.56r7st-branbo: i have not gotten that far yet
15:47.00r7st-just hangs, and the mouse no longer works
15:47.05r7st-shasum is ok
15:47.14brabooh so it really hangs at the start there
15:47.23brabohm wish i could offer a suggestion to that..
15:48.19r7st-brabo: yea. would another installer be different, you think?
15:48.56r7st-i chose netinst because i would like a very minimal setup if possible
15:49.12braboshouldn't be.. maybe check usual suspects? if wired, cable plugged in well? if only wifi on say laptop, is the button for wifi on? otherwise i'd say, reboot and try again
15:50.07brabomy last install on my thinkpad x230 the netinst detected correctly both wired and wifi, and afaik the iwlwifi is non-free
15:50.40r7st-it is a thinkpad x131e, cable is fine, this will be 3rd reboot
15:51.28r7st-yea, on detect network hardware the mouse works for a bit then stops
15:51.31r7st-and i get nothing pop up
15:51.46brabothat does not sound so good
15:52.13r7st-is bs of 4096 appropriate for a dd? i feel like that wouldn't matter
15:52.17braboidk what OS parts are loaded but that sounds like a kernel freeze or so
15:52.40braboi doubt that would influence this stage :)
15:52.53r7st-the live boot works fine, i tested that
15:53.08r7st-"live cd" rather
15:53.27brabosounds like enough stuff works to safely assume your dd operation is good as it is
15:53.45braboi dont think you would get this far if that was an issue
15:53.52r7st-i don't either
15:53.54brabobut, just a user here
15:54.15r7st-i am actually working on a special build
15:54.19brabooki.. ceres is there.. let's see..
15:54.22r7st-using pkgsrc :)
15:54.54g4570nr7st-: did you activate the non-free respos to obtain the driver for your wifi card?
15:54.56r7st-because of this everything i build and install is separated from the base system, so transfer to devuan will be easy
15:55.16r7st-g4570n no, i was just going to go with wired for now, but i'm not getting far enough for that option yet
15:55.47brabono indeed, without networking you wont be able to get any extra stuff
15:56.06r7st-i don't even have the option to skip though, it just hangs
15:56.12r7st-i think networking works on the live cd
15:57.34r7st-i am am dd-ing over again, perhaps a bit got flipped somewhere
15:58.09r7st-other than that, not sure what else i can do besides try another install img
15:58.35r7st-is it possible to install the same "minimal" system with the install cd rather than NETINST?
15:58.48r7st-i am just installing base and building the system from pkgsrc
15:59.22brabogah ceres fails harder at running X :p
15:59.39braboi think i go back to the beginning and test vlc properly on a clean jessie
16:00.33braboand ceres first reboot had a looot on sda5_crypt (busy
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16:18.18golinuxaslan8649: There are no official isos for ASCII yet.  Only a few for internal testing.
16:18.58golinux<donkeypult> [08:33:07] from the devuan downloads page
16:19.11golinuxNo not yet but coming soon.
16:21.28r7st-well, cd also hangs at the same point
16:23.24r7st-that is a shame
17:21.49blopthe person asked where to get them, not when
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17:22.37blop@ golinux
17:24.53golinuxClever response.
17:44.09braboah i see.. so doing with encrypted lvm2 seems to always fail to have a proper initramfs with cryptsetup.. at finish installation step even when skipping grub stuff, it runs update-initramfs anyway and that seems to end up having an initramfs without cryptsetup, so then i have to redo it from rescue mode afterwards
17:44.53brabojust rerunning update-initramfs from the resue mode chroot(?) fixes it
17:48.50*** join/#devuan LeoTh3o (
17:48.56blopdpkg-query -Wf '${Installed-Size}\t${Package}\n' | sort -n  <- list installed packages sorted by increasing size
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17:53.59g4570nnice trick
18:07.07braboblop: cool
18:07.24braboi dare suspect firefox is the biggest ony my system followed by vlc
18:07.32blopffmpeg here
18:07.46brabowill try once format is done and reinstall complete
18:08.52blopnot as important as it was in the days of yore, but still fun
18:08.57braboso, just as a question.. is there a reason that when skipping grub and all during expert mode installer at finish installation it runs update-initramfs? it seems to make me previous manual changes to my initramfs moot (inlcuding cryptsetup)
18:09.06*** join/#devuan Levure (~quassel@
18:09.26brabowhich is a bit annoying, nothing more
18:10.00blopthat could trip up non-experts
18:10.20braboi guess it could be made a cancelable step like grub install?
18:10.45braboas it is, i don't see a way to tell it not to mess with my initramfs
18:10.46blopi don't know enough about it but it seems like you raise a good point
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18:11.26blopi'd say it merits a post on forum or similar
18:11.29braboand as i said, not a huge issue, just annoying i *need* to reboot into rescue mode after installation just to regenerate my initramfs taking CRYPTSETUP=y into account
18:11.51braboOR installer might check for changes to initramfs.conf at that step?
18:11.54brabothat'd fix it too
18:12.16braboit clearly still is doing stuff with the volume so it should be mounted so, it could check..
18:12.51braboblop: fair point, i will try to remember to make a good post about it
18:13.12brabono promises, i havent upgraded to bio-ECC memory yet :p
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18:43.02braboso my vlc issue is due to some alsa buffer that is too small.. is fixed in 3, and a possible workaround exists..
18:46.39*** join/#devuan ejr (
18:53.40fsmithredbrabo, did you really skip grub, or did it install the bootloader even after you told it not to?
18:54.11AlexLikeRockfsmithred,  me ?
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18:55.31fsmithredno, I don't think so
18:56.16brabofsmithred: well, i did choose go back as i always do, i previously assumed i did update-initramfs in some incorrect way, but after install from rescue mode the same command makes it all good
18:56.34brabolemme check in 10-15 min, format is almost done
18:56.57fsmithredI've had grub install when I didn't want it to
18:57.11brabowith some luck i can discern what steps it ends up doing, last time i did notice it running update-initramfs
18:57.39brabobut, doesn't the grub install from installer asks which device(s) to install grub to usually?
18:57.44braboif so, it did not ask me that
18:57.56AlexLikeRockyes, yes ,yes
18:58.05fsmithredif bios boot, yes it should ask. If uefi boot, it doesn't need the device.
18:58.23braboit also does not ask about uefi safe install path
18:58.30braboso idk, not sure
18:58.48fsmithredyou don't know if you booted in uefi or not?
18:59.08fsmithreddid you notice whether you had a grub boot menu or an isolinux boot menu?
18:59.30braboAlexLikeRock: in my case, i boot into rescue mode, during expert minimal install i already added `CRYPTSETUP=y` to initramfs.conf, in rescue modes shell i just rerun `update-initramfs -u -k all` and reboot, fixed
19:00.03AlexLikeRocknot work at me
19:00.10brabofsmithred: ah it is for sure grub boot menu, and.. i do not really have exp/knowhow of uefi stuff
19:00.19brabonever did my homework on it ;)
19:00.35braboAlexLikeRock: and did you install lvm2 and cryptsetup?
19:00.38fsmithredoh, visit for uefi info
19:01.00braboAlexLikeRock: also, i specifically do things ala
19:01.01fsmithredanyway, it puts the bootloader in the efi partition, so it doesn't need to ask for a device
19:01.39brabofsmithred: hm, installing grub2 myself does ask that though
19:02.08fsmithredok, now I'm confused
19:02.17brabofsmithred: hah, so i am!
19:02.40brabobut i will keep an eye open for how things go, and will report back in maybe 15 min
19:02.44fsmithredcheck to see if /sys/firmware/efi exists - if so, it's uefi
19:02.49brabostill couple more minutes formating to go
19:02.57brabofsmithred: ack, will do ;)
19:03.12fsmithredok, I'll be around
19:03.13braboand thanks for the infos, it is not the first time i got some good infos from you
19:03.17braboor KatolaZ for that matter ;)
19:04.08braboso soemthing else has been bugging me
19:04.12braboi am still using alsa
19:04.45braboand last time i tried pulse was on debian with systemd removed.. that did not go well, and #debian comment was along the lines of: if you refuse systemd, good luck making it work
19:04.58brabonow firefox 52 esr is the last to even support alsa?
19:05.03brabohow will devuan handle that?
19:06.17brabodo say if i misunderstood something (or fucked something up that is a known issue if not aware of it with pulse without systemd)
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19:10.03fsmithredbrabo, it's a known issue, and no particular solution has been chosen yet.
19:10.15brabofsmithred: ouch
19:10.18fsmithredsome people have had luck using apulse instead of pulseaudio
19:10.31fsmithredbut it didn't work for me when I tried it on 57
19:10.31braboi am getting more and more afraid that eventually i *will* have to choose usability over principles
19:11.09braboalso, ascii would need to get stable soon, devuan is lagging hard behind debian, and that will cause people to switch back sooner or later too :/
19:11.21brabono criticism intended, at all
19:11.29brabobut stuff is getting old
19:12.10fsmithredso we're moving twice as fast (maybe more)
19:13.34braboah ye, i do realise there is a lot of catching up to do
19:13.44braboi dont meant anything bad by what i said
19:13.52brabo*didn't mean
19:14.04*** join/#devuan stanz (
19:14.22braboi'm just a bit worried, i'd love to keep using devuan!
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19:14.42braboi love that it was a huge non-change ;)
19:14.47braboto switch to
19:15.21fsmithredyeah, switching to devuan is less of a change from debian than sticking with debian is.
19:15.50braboit pained me to switch away from debian after ~15 years
19:16.20brabobut i am not usually accepting people deciding stuff for me and making it next to impossible to not accept that in my heart ;)
19:16.44brabothen i have a knee-jerk reaction the opposite side
19:19.41blopyou accept people deciding what ./configure flags your software is built with
19:19.58blopsoftly whispers 'gentoo' in brabo's ear ;)
19:22.43braboblop: apples, pears
19:23.02blopyes, i jest
19:23.24brabothough yes, that is something we do put trust in package maintainers for
19:23.45brabootoh i guess we all know we can build ourselves if we feel or have the need to
19:24.59blopi lazily dd'd a small drive to a large one, now the partition table doesn't match the actual drive size, and the last partition won't mount or let me grow it with gparted
19:25.10blopis there a captain dummy way to fix that?
19:25.41braboblop: well, you could always overwrite the boot sector values with teh right ones..
19:25.44brabowhat fs is it?
19:26.15blopthree ext4 and one swap.  problem is the last ext4 part
19:26.30blopoh no sorry last is ntfs
19:27.04blopwhat no it's ext4.  testdisk confused me
19:27.18blopi haven't made data partions ntfs in a loong time
19:28.28brabono idea
19:28.39brabohavent gotten to writing ext filesystems yet :)
19:28.53blopsomewhere in the partition table i think there's a thingy that says 'your whole drive is _this_ big'
19:29.16blopand gparted barfs when it finds that doesn't match
19:30.08blopmounting it complains EXT4-fs (sdb4): bad geometry: block count 469527552 exceeds size of device (103245568 blocks)
19:30.38blopwhich seems odd
19:30.48braboah fsmithred so installing grub2 from shell during expert install asks which devices to install to.. and iirc the expert installer when followed without doing stuff myself in a shell did ask about removable uefi install path.. so, onwards and will try to spot actions during finish install
19:31.20blopanyway it's silly to fix this since i won't make the same error again
19:32.40fsmithredI think I got the question about removable uefi install path when I installed to gpt disk with a bios boot
19:33.22brabofsmithred: and then when during finish installation skip installing base and skip install grub doesn't end up showing anything with grub, but it does an update-initramfs at the very end
19:33.28brabofor seemingly NO reason at all
19:33.54braboidk, it did couple other things.. perhaps something in that prompted an initramfs update?
19:33.59fsmithredcould be from some other package's postinst script
19:34.29braboperhaps so
19:34.49braboand yes, then first boot it fails, so need to rescue and update it again
19:35.16braboso seems at that point update-initramfs might also take the targets initramfs.conf into account no?
19:35.40fsmithredyeah, I would think so.
19:35.41brabowhich would allow any package to update it without "forgetting" set config?
19:36.02fsmithredand I'd expect it to be in a chroot and use what's on the hard drive
19:37.19fsmithredyou edit the config during the install?
19:40.40braboyeah, during the minimal install, before installing grub, i setup initramfs.conf to have `CRYPTSETUP=y` in it
19:40.46brabothen update-initramfs
19:40.56braboand then install grub
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19:42.51braboso after first boot fails, i just boot into an installer rescue shell with the encrypted lvm properly mounted, run `update-initramfs -u -k all` and reboot, and it works
19:43.35fsmithredyou did that on /target/etc/initramfs... right? (just checking)
19:43.35braboso clearly the config file is there and is good, but the installer doesn't seem to take it into account when initramfs is updated
19:44.07braboi did that chrooted into /target and then /etc/initramfs-tools... something/initramfs.conf
19:44.14fsmithredyeah, ok
19:44.27brabobut clearly if rescue shell can just update it and it works, the conf file is good
19:45.44banshibrabo, hey
19:47.12*** join/#devuan banshi (~banshi@
19:50.15brabobanshi: hiya!
19:52.39aslan8649syslog, daemon, both are showing that pulseaudio is the issue with starting a desktop environment.
19:53.16aslan8649pulseaudio gives the error message that the HDMI cable is unplugged.
19:53.43aslan8649The HDMI by definition has to be plugged in to see anything.
19:55.03aslan8649debian stretch will not play audio via the HDMI. I have tried everything with Debian Stretch. So I have been trying other linux distributions.
19:55.32aslan8649linunmint, trisquel, slackware all fail miserably
19:55.57aslan8649I was hoping that devuan jessie 1.0.0 would work.
19:56.53aslan8649is that jelly as in jello/gelatin or as in jam/preserves?
19:57.09aslan8649or as in jelly fish?
19:57.42aslan8649off to try to get this to work.
19:58.57jellyneither, it's based off my last name
20:04.43braboaslan8649: naah, he's just jelly of you
20:14.27*** join/#devuan minnesotags (
20:18.19brabocool. upping alsa buffers fixed the vlc playback issue.. no need to self-compile vlc 3 for now \o/
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20:19.22brabobut introduced another issue, now on pause audio goes on for a bit and when unpause the first bit has ofc been played already grmbl
20:19.27brabovlc 3 here i come..
20:58.09*** join/#devuan wolfen[w] (~quassel@
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21:25.55AlexLikeRockhead dek
21:27.26ejris it possible to add new fonts to the devuan ttys, other than vga/terminus tat is?
21:29.43*** join/#devuan GoatAvenger (~GoatAveng@unaffiliated/goatavenger)
21:33.55jellyejr, sure, but not many bitmap console fonts exist in the first place, because console drivers are SO SLOW
21:34.23jellyso noone cares to convert nice fonts
21:39.16ejrjelly: where would i have to put the bitmap fonts?
21:39.35jellyI honestly don't remember, locate .pcf
21:40.41jellyejr, sorry, .pcf are X11 bitmap fonts.   locate .psf
21:41.08*** join/#devuan n4dir (
21:41.13jellyapparently /usr/share/consolefonts
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22:05.14ejrjelly: thanks!
22:05.40ejrjust added some psf fonts to the folder, now i'll reboot and see if i can pick them in console-setup :)
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22:13.25jellyejr, reboot?  use setfont to try things
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22:21.15ejrunfortunately, console-setup does not find the .psf.gz files that I put into consolefonts/
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22:31.55flrnejr /etc/default/console-setup
22:33.27ejrflrn: thanks, i just found that too and that fixes it, although it's a little clumsy
22:39.19ejrsirix: it actually seems to work with .psf.gz files as well
22:40.05ejrthe problem is just that some fonts, e.g. the Inconsolata converted to psf, cannot deal with curses borders in ttys and portrays them as question marks, which looks silly. but so far that font is the only one of the four i've tried that has this problem
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22:46.56flrnhaven't seen that in a very long time^^
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23:26.58freemHello. I just had an issue/bug while updating ceres, more precisely the package eudev, which was complaining about /etc/init.d/udev file missing. I solved it by doing a (symbolic, previously backed) link of /etc/init.d/eudev  to /etc/init.d/udev.
23:27.26freemfor me, problem solved, it's only to inform that maybe a patch contained a typo.
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23:39.13freemalso, reportbug seems to not be working.
23:39.38freem(maybe I failed doing something with it)
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