IRC log for #devuan on 20180208

00:04.55*** join/#devuan flrn (
00:31.22*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
00:39.45*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@unaffiliated/xenguy)
00:51.04*** join/#devuan blinkdog (~blinkdog@devuan/developer/blinkdog)
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01:13.38*** join/#devuan flrn (
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01:19.21*** topic/#devuan is Recent (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release || This is the Devuan discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
01:28.36*** join/#devuan nighty- (
01:31.09*** join/#devuan Schallaven (
01:46.26*** join/#devuan theLambda (
01:47.10*** join/#devuan n4dir (
01:47.51*** join/#devuan Obri` (
02:28.15*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
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03:32.33*** join/#devuan frosty (1839ed69@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:32.56frostyis this a support channel?
03:36.23frostyI'm trying to install devuan on a relatively newer laptop, i have an intel wireless 8265 network adapter. I downloaded the driver from intels website, but when i boot then devuan installer, it cant find any drivers on my media and won't continue with any of the options it has listed. What should i do?
03:37.28gnarfaceuse the driver from the installer
03:37.34gnarfaceyou'll need non-free too
03:37.44frostyi tried, it just says no network adapter detected
03:38.01frostyi tried select iwlwifi
03:38.20gnarfaceit is possible it does not work, also it's possible it works on ascii but not jessie
03:38.41frostyis ascii a different devuan release?
03:38.48gnarfacethe 2.0 release
03:38.54gnarfaceit's not officially finished yet
03:39.08gnarfacebut it does have known fixes for intel wifi
03:39.12gnarface(that are not in jessie)
03:39.12frostycan you send me a link please?
03:39.59gnarfacethere isn't an installer yet either.  you can just upgrade from jessie if you're desperate...  uh... you don't happen to have a wired ethernet device you can use, do you?
03:40.01*** join/#devuan Artemis3 (
03:40.40frostyi do have one its just a pain because i need to go in a different room. i can make do if i have a relatively quick solution once i am wired
03:40.54*** join/#devuan Artemis3 (
03:41.01frostyi also downloaded a nonfree-firmware blob that should have my wifi driver on there in  .deb file
03:41.43gnarfaceyou're not supposed to need that, but hold onto it just in case
03:41.52gnarfacewhat you need is supposed to be in the repos
03:42.42*** join/#devuan Artemis3 (
03:44.00frostyso what do you suggest i do?
03:44.07frostydownload devuan with a wired connection?
03:44.27frostyfrom there will i be able to set up wifi, because i have the driver and the non free firmware blob
03:44.27gnarfacewell, that's what i would do
03:44.36frostyi need wireless working though
03:45.07gnarfacei would use a wired connection to install a minimal jessie install then upgrade it to ascii and try the non-free iwlwifi firmware in ascii, along with the ascii kernel
03:45.32gnarfacethough now that i think of it... mabye these fixes are in backports too
03:45.39gnarfacein jessie-backports, that is
03:45.42gnarfaceso you could try that
03:46.04gnarfaceor you could try to get someone in here to give you an unofficial ascii live image to test so you don't have to commit first
03:46.35gnarfacethere are already jessie live images up, i assume you tried one and couldn't get wifi working on there either?  it's supposed to contain the non-free firmware too, i think.
03:47.05frostyi am using an iso installer
03:47.35gnarfacethey're all hybrid iso...
03:47.43gnarfacedo you mean one of the CD/DVD images, instead of the netinstaller?
03:48.53frostyunder the ftp directory there is desktop-live, embedded, installer-iso, minimal-live, and virtual.
03:48.56frostyi choose installer iso
03:49.07frostyand installed a cd version
03:49.44gnarfaceso one thing about the netinstaller is that it can connect to the network during install, to get the latest version of everything first
03:50.11frostyok. i will try that
03:50.17gnarfacewith the cd/dvd versions, i believe that doesn't happen until after you initiate it manually after first boot, after getting a network connection up...
03:50.33gnarfaceit'll still be jessie
03:51.01gnarfacebut then at least you'd know for sure it wasn't something that had already been fixed in jessie
03:51.39frostythanks for the advice
03:52.02frostyalso, do you think i will have issues upgrading to kernel 4.14?
03:52.13frostyor what is the highest kernel available?
03:52.33gnarface4.9 is in backports and that's probably the easiest way to get a 4.x kernel on jessie
03:53.00gnarfaceyou shouldn't have any problem installing 4.14 on ascii though if you know what you're doing
03:53.34frostyso if i add backports to my sources list, will it just be available as a package?
03:53.47frostyi would consider myself a little above beginner
03:54.03frostyi am not sure about upgrading to ascii though
03:54.26gnarfaceapt-get update && apt-get -t jessie-backports search ^linux-image
03:54.35gnarfaceapt-get update && apt-cache -t jessie-backports search ^linux-image
03:54.36gnarfacelike that
03:54.58gnarfacethen: apt-get -t jessie-backports install [kernel package name]
03:55.05gnarfacei forget the exact name
03:55.05frostyi understand
03:55.10frostywhat is the -t flag ?
03:55.47gnarfacejust adding jessie-backports to your sources.list and running "apt-get update" isn't enough on it's own, you also have to use -t
03:57.55*** join/#devuan hgunth (~hgunth@gateway/tor-sasl/hgunth)
04:04.12*** join/#devuan jehorn (~jehorn___@2600:1700:8db0:6e40:21e:64ff:fe54:c72)
04:20.48*** join/#devuan frosty (1839ed69@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:21.12frostyi just dd'd the netinstall image over my 8tb external hard drive
04:22.07frostyand lost everything
04:22.37frostythought the usb was /sdb but it was /sdc
04:22.42gnarfaceyou gotta be careful where you point that thing
04:22.43frostyjust thought id drop back in and say that
04:23.01gnarfaceif you repartition, you might be able to recover some of the data
04:23.02blopgood thing you made backups
04:23.10frostyyeah ive done it 100 times i just happened to be watching that 70's show and got distracted
04:23.14frostyi made SOME backups
04:23.22frostyrunning testdisk 7.0 on it right now to try to recover
04:24.10blopthat'll take a while on 8TB
04:24.19frostywas still working on a full time backup, was hoping something ridiculous (at my own hand) didn't happen in the meantime
04:24.27frostyyes it will, im desperate though
04:24.52frostyrough night boys
04:24.56blopi wish you luck
04:25.15jehornDestroyer of disks.... I've done that a time or two.
04:25.31frostythank you
04:25.38frostyoh... so that's what DD stands for
04:26.10jehornsomething like that lol, disk destroyer, destroyer of disks - Comes from the old UNIX times
04:27.46jehornI wiped an entire project of mine from existence by using DD. I did exactly the same thing and lost a git repo stored on an external drive.
04:27.46blopi taught someone about dd and he lost his life's data
04:27.53blopswapped if and of
04:28.40frostymaking me feel a lot better, but LOL that needs to be a warning quote for dd "I taugh someone about dd and he lost his life's data"
04:30.00gnarfaceyou're right, that should be in the manpage right under the header "convert and copy a file"
04:33.47frostyWOO, i have that 70's show backed up, not at is lost tonight. the binge continues
04:33.54frostythanks for the support and laughs, have a good night
04:39.28*** join/#devuan nailyk (~nailyk@carbonfusion/co-admin/nailyk)
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07:01.18blopthis ot, but great:  "Declaring yourself to be operating by "Crocker's Rules" means that other people are allowed to optimize their messages for information, not for being nice to you."
07:03.21*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
07:21.05blopIOS driver stack / boot code leaked:
07:42.41*** join/#devuan zone_twelve (~eshafer@unaffiliated/zone-twelve/x-8788851)
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09:40.21blop[....] Restarting CUPS Bonjour daemon: cups-browsed/etc/init.d/cups-browsed: 49: /etc/init.d/cups-browsed: start-stop-daemon: not found
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15:42.26mcr1any chance that upstream debootstrap will get devuan jessie and devuan ascii targets?
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16:16.47KatolaZmcr1: what do you mean?
16:17.36mcr1If I have an Ubuntu Xenial, can I easily debootstrap a devuan ascii system?
16:17.55mcr1and if I want to debootstrap devuan jessie (vs debian jessie), what would I write?
16:18.16mcr1I know that the devuan debootstrap has the right scripts... and I can copy them...
16:22.58KatolaZjust use devuan's debootstrap
16:39.19*** join/#devuan Madda (
16:41.01fsmithredparazyd, are you familiar with this issue? (delayed shutdown with encrypted volumes):
16:46.49*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
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17:28.39brabohrm following i got some gpgv error on using as repo, as this guide used to say still works as expected
17:29.40braboso my problem seems to be fixed by just using the auto.mirror, but i guess somewhere something might need fixing for everyone
17:30.13brabooh, at the debootstrap step
17:31.02brabo also uses auto.mirror for most, but for security updates :)
17:34.17KatolaZbrabo: you must install devuan-keyring
17:34.49braboKatolaZ: from the devuan installer i need to install something to make things work? that seems a bit odd to me
17:34.52KatolaZbrabo: notice that and are nt the same thing
17:35.09brabowhy can it work with auto.mirror and not with pkgmaster?
17:35.22KatolaZbecause you have an onld version of devuan-keyring
17:35.26KatolaZ(the package)
17:35.30KatolaZjust apt-get update
17:35.37KatolaZapt-get install devuan-keyring
17:35.48KatolaZand then you can change to pkgmaster if you like
17:35.57brabookay i see.. maybe my installer image was older than i thought, it is possible
17:36.10KatolaZthe jessie installer uses
17:36.28braboyeah but that minimal install guide switched to pkgmaster
17:36.40KatolaZbut if you don't "apt-get update && apt-get upgrade" you won't get the new keyring package
17:36.51*** join/#devuan pillepalle (
17:37.06brabookay cool
17:37.18KatolaZwell it should work anyway tbh
17:37.54brabowell further down this guide i need to update and upgrade so then i guess it'll pull in the new keyring
17:38.05KatolaZit should, yes
17:38.20brabobut is pkgmaster now the recommended one also to have in the end in my sources.list?>\
17:38.40KatolaZbrabo: pkgmaster has the same packages as auto.mirror
17:38.56KatolaZthe difference is that pkgmaster is merged more frequently (every few minutes)
17:39.03KatolaZwhile auto.mirror about once a day
17:39.08brabooh i see
17:39.44braboif i'd update more frequently than every few days maybe that would matter :)
17:40.10brabogood to know though, if i feel the need for that i know i can use pkgmaster instead
17:40.36*** join/#devuan metax (~metax@gateway/tor-sasl/metax)
17:40.59brabohm the minimal install guide changed in more ways.. i thought it also had statements to block and autoremove suggesteds
17:41.34brabowere they removed because blocking and autoremoving recommends implies same for suggesteds?
17:42.42*** join/#devuan zone_twelve (~eshafer@unaffiliated/zone-twelve/x-8788851)
17:42.53braboKatolaZ: in the minimal install guide there used to be 4 lines going in a 01lean apt conf, 2 lines for recommends and 2 for suggesteds
17:43.03brabonow just the recommends are there
17:44.53fsmithrednormally, Recommends are automatically installed. Suggests are not, so there's no need to block them.
17:45.04brabofsmithred: aha! that explains
17:45.10brabothanks man
17:45.32braboa pity, seems that guide was never archived by the wayback machine
17:45.41fsmithredyou could have debootstrapped from a refracta iso. Pretty sure you have one.
17:46.11KatolaZbrabo: or you could install from a minimal-live alternatively
17:47.41fsmithredI think he needs a newer kernel than jessie
17:47.45brabowell, i used this guide before and it ended up pretty nicely
17:48.19fsmithredno, I'm thinking of someone else
17:48.45brabono, this is jessie netinst, has nothing to do with kernel version, when i switched to devuan i found this minimal install guide and it worked nicely so, i basically stick to it :)
17:49.28fsmithredI always feel so alone when I do a debootstrap install, because there's so little on the hard drive.
17:51.47brabofsmithred: hihihi
17:51.50brabonice one :)
17:52.27brabodoing this this way gives me the feeling i am at least somewhat in control regarding useless bloat
17:52.38Irrwahnfsmithred: Well, that's not necessary a bad thing, as alone =/= lonely.  ^.^
17:52.44brabomaybe in the end it's just that. a feeling
17:56.17*** part/#devuan Oldmoss (
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18:38.02parazydfsmithred: no, didn't do encryption with devuan
18:38.51parazydit seems related to systemd-udev which we don't have in ascii
18:47.32fsmithredwell, there's a delay when shutting down.
18:47.50fsmithredmaybe around 30 seconds it hangs, saying the rootfs is busy
18:48.00fsmithredthen it figures out what to do and shuts down
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20:37.12parazydgolinux: request for
20:37.22parazydgolinux: can you add maemo leste to the derivative distro list?
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20:45.38golinuxparazyd: Sure.  Will do.
20:45.48parazydthank you :)
20:46.03*** join/#devuan ToffeeYogurtPots (~ToffeeYog@gateway/tor-sasl/toffeeyogurtpots)
20:46.11parazydfun fact: maemo leste was the first mention of devuan on the debian wiki :p
20:46.12golinuxSomething else was mentioned at the meet  that should be added but I can't remember.
20:46.33golinuxVery cool!
20:46.38telmichA bit off topic: the crowdfunding for our devuan based data center ends in 2 days - if anyone of you could share it would be much appreciated!
21:21.21*** join/#devuan allyriadil (~allyriadi@
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Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.