IRC log for #devuan on 20180202

00:03.25specingwhy would you set noexec on /tmp in the first place?
00:05.21gnarfacespecifically to keep that from happening
00:05.31gnarfaceto keep random scripts from being run out of it
00:07.07zyliwaxyeah i don't want any user to be able to run scripts in such a widely accessible directory
00:07.33zyliwaxideally apt can be reconfigured to use a different directory for these tempscripts, let's reproduce the error message...
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00:25.36zyliwax^ this is what i get when installing certain packages, making me think they aren't being properly configured
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00:33.56gnarfaceoh, i can assure you they are not
00:34.18gnarfacei think one of the non-free firmware packages basically fails to even download the firmware
00:34.46gnarfaceyou'll definitely want to reinstall those packages
00:35.27zyliwaxhmm yeah, i'm just trying to set up a minimal xorg server using xserver-xorg-legacy to avoid starting the server as root
00:36.09zyliwaxand i'm getting permission denied errors whenever i try to run xinit as my regular user despite it being in the video group
00:36.49zyliwaxi feel like getting to the bottom of the apt issue would be a better first step
00:37.26zyliwax(also i don't know what packages received this error! can't i just reinstall the whole set of packages again?)
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00:41.36gnarfacethat might be a problem
00:41.40gnarfaceit won't be many of them though
00:41.48gnarfacei don't think
00:42.05gnarfacedid you also add yourself to the input group?
00:42.22zyliwaxdoing research now, seems i may have luck changing the value of TMPDIR in dpkg's environment... perhaps set it in /etc/dpkg.conf
00:42.34zyliwaxgnarface: no i am not in input group! let me change that up...
00:43.50gnarfacealthough, in theory, i think xserver-xorg-legacy should preclude the need to add yourself to the input group
00:43.56gnarfacenot sure about that
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00:45.37zyliwaxeh it's still giving me the same problems, am i supposed to do setuid manually? i don't want to interfere with the package's normal operation
00:46.32gnarfacei don't think so
00:46.45gnarfacebut i did have to once, on ceres
00:48.44gnarfacewhat do you have in /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config?
00:50.20gnarfacezyliwax: ^
00:51.23gnarfaceif you're missing the file entirely, maybe one of those scripts that was supposed to run from /tmp was supposed to create it
00:51.43gnarfacethe comments in my version mention you can run: dpkg-reconfigure x11-common
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01:00.31zyliwaxyeah i have that /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config file
01:00.59zyliwaxthis is presumably a fresh debootstrap install of devuan ascii from a refracta 8.3 nox livecd
01:01.50zyliwaxthere were some differences in the chroot setup method between and dev1fanboy's guide
01:02.35zyliwaxat first i just used dev1fanboy's guide except for s/jessie/ascii/g + human intelligence where needed
01:03.04zyliwaxbut i was getting errors that /dev/shm couldn't be accessed, which persisted after i mounted some systems per's instructions
01:03.27zyliwaxso i probably have some frankenstein install at this point :o
01:03.46zyliwaxalso, allowed_users=console and i am presumably a console user
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01:07.51gnarfacezyliwax: well, is /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg.wrap suid already or not?
01:09.05*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
01:09.12zyliwaxyeah it appears to be so -- i thought it'd be applied to /usr/bin/Xorg, so maybe Xorg.wrap isn't being called
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01:19.51*** topic/#devuan is Recent (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release || This is the Devuan discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
01:23.32gnarfaceso, i also ran into the same issue on arm64 where it turned out to be that the default framebuffer driver getting loaded wasn't acknowledging the new permissions setup or something
01:23.40gnarfacebut the problem was just that it was loading the wrong driver
01:24.01gnarfacewhen i created enough of an xorg.conf to force the right one to load, the permission error also disappeared
01:25.27gnarfacezyliwax: which driver does the xorg log say it is using?
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02:07.57zyliwaxgnarface: "Loading /usr/lib/xorg/module/drivers/" this isn't what you're looking for is it?
02:08.48zyliwaxhmm '(EE) Failed to load module "fbdev" (module does not exist, 0)' that's weird
02:08.52gnarfacezyliwax: no, i don't think so, but that doesn't mean modesetting isn't a problem
02:09.16gnarfacedo you have the xserver-xorg-video-fbdev package?
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02:09.28gnarfacethat also doesn't mean that's the right driver, but it should be there
02:09.50gnarfacewhat was the video device in this thing again?
02:11.12zyliwaxgnarface: it's an i915
02:12.14gnarfacei wonder if this is relevant
02:12.43gnarfaceare you missing xserver-xorg-video-intel too?
02:13.06zyliwaxno, i just checked a moment ago knowing it should be there
02:13.19zyliwaxuh, maybe i should just restart the box? it's not holding the world up or anything
02:13.31gnarfaceprobably won't help but it won't hurt either
02:13.42gnarfacemost likely you just have to make it load that intel driver
02:14.00gnarfacei'm sure debian's wiki had a page on how to set up intel graphics
02:14.25zyliwaxhopefully it all works out once i get back in here
02:14.33zyliwaxor after rebuilding my initramfs
02:15.02gnarfaceit could matter... i think that driver has a kernel component ...
02:18.59gnarfacesorry, if i had known you were messing with the kernel too, i would not have said that a reboot probably won't help
02:19.40zyliwaxactually, reboot potentially made things slightly better, it's no longer returning errors when trying to load some drivers but i'm still denied access to set mode
02:20.31gnarfaceyea ignore the mode set error
02:21.02gnarfacework on making the right video driver for the i915 load and the modeset error will probably just disappear
02:21.15gnarfaceyou should only need a small bit of the xorg.conf
02:21.38gnarfacethere is even a manpage for it
02:21.54gnarface("man intel" and "man xorg.conf" both exist)
02:21.55zyliwax :)
02:22.53gnarfacewell i'd write it for you but i have to get cleaned up for dinner
02:22.58gnarfaceit's like 4 lines you can do it
02:23.23zyliwaxoh i wouldn't ask you to do so anyway but that's very kind of you (in addition to all your help just now!)
02:23.41zyliwaxi really should know what i am doing here, and yeah i doubt it's going to be hard to set up
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02:58.52blopstabs amdgpu some more for good measure
03:00.08blopdark background light text ffox plugin stopped working... t.f.
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04:04.27zyliwaxgnarface: looks like adding those four lines did the trick, thanks again for your help!
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06:46.54gnarfaceno problem zyliwax
06:46.59gnarfaceglad it works
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07:20.48zyliwaxi suppose i should find out how broken my system is after it refused to run all those scripts in /tmp
07:22.28gnarfacemaybe you can grep the output of `dpkg -l` for packages that have a bad status
07:22.41gnarfacethat left column is the status
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08:20.35mns``good morning!
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08:24.18Dantalionmorning all
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08:30.46zyliwaxseems i sneezed in the channel, pardon me
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11:57.15mhcFYI - im very happy with my Devuan box. I retrieved some nearly 20 year old hardware from the shed, which after many years of tempuratures over 40 degrees C, still runs Devuan nicely.
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12:28.40quadAnyone know how to install npm on Devuan Ascii? dist-upgraded from Jessie since I need Ascii to get the minimum node version that Ghost officially supports.
12:29.03quadBut now I can't find out how to install npm since the "nodejs" package only includes the binary. Node doesn't get very far without npm
12:29.44djphquad: apt-cache search turn up anything?
12:30.14quadI only found a weird package called "node-npm-run-path", but installing that didn't do anything in particular
12:31.10quadI thought it was some weird thing that adds npm to the path, but it seems to add npm stuff to your path instead
12:31.28KatolaZquad: what is npm?
12:31.57quadKatolaZ: Node.js' package manager. 99% of the stuff you'd run with node is probably installed via npm
12:32.05KatolaZit's not in stabe
12:32.09KatolaZDebian stable
12:32.17KatolaZand it's not in Debian testing either
12:32.19Irrwahn"package manager for Node.js" - I can only see it in Debian  unstable.
12:32.21KatolaZhave a look here:
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12:32.45KatolaZthe package seems to be effectively orphaned
12:33.16quadWell that's unfortunate. I wonder if I can get the nodesource debian repos to work with devuan ascii then
12:33.26quadProbably not the most stable solution though
12:33.31djphdon't see why you can't just build it from source
12:33.33KatolaZquad: it's not in stretch
12:33.50KatolaZthe latest version available il debian is 1.4.21
12:33.59KatolaZthe latest upstream is 5.something
12:34.22KatolaZquad: have a look at the link to tracker I posted above
12:34.39quaddjph: Because I've heard node stuff takes ages to compile
12:35.08quadKatolaZ: Yeah, I saw the tracker link
12:35.17djphkids these days and their instant gratification ...
12:35.21quaddjph: I am a lazy man. But if that's the only option I have then I'll have to do it
12:35.36quadAlso I've only got 512MB ram on the VPS so hopefully that's enough, node is probably large
12:37.32KatolaZI guess the reason it has been removed from Debian is that node.js is a target without rest
12:38.00KatolaZI mean, in the 1.5 years of a testing release, they could break the same thing 4 or 5 times
12:38.16KatolaZso I am not surprised at all
12:38.30quadFrankly I'm not a fan of node at all. I should bother migrating my blog to a site generator or something one day
12:39.03djphor use php?
12:39.09KatolaZor golang
12:39.32djphI mean, isn't that the whole point of stuff like joomla / wordpress (or that shitty python one ... what was it jango?)
12:39.48quadDjango is pretty mediocre imo
12:40.06quadI use a lot of flask, and I wrote a blog in it once. Maintaining it and adding features was just more work than it was worth for a blog
12:40.16quadEspecially once I tried to implement tagging of posts
12:40.41djphquad: yes, it is; hence my "that shitty python one"
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13:24.18jaromilahoy, yesterday I installed Devuan Jessie on a super-fancy Lenovo X1 Carbon and I was sooo happy to see *everything* worked
13:24.34jaromilwifi, monitor high res. wow. then upgraded to ascii and 4.14 kernel also smooth
13:24.56jaromilamazing we can support so well also most recent laptops. at the time of dyne:bolic this would have been a nightmare
13:25.08jaromilalso golinux your styling looks very well even on such huge monitors
13:30.50coyotewhat blocks the ascii to release?
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13:40.40MinceRjessie didn't like my x270 that much
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13:53.50jaromilcoyote: its about updating the d-i for the iso installers. on devuan-dev we have daily updates
13:54.12jaromiland there is already an installer published there for those who want to test and give feedback
13:54.33jaromilfor the rest, ascii is already dist-upgradable and works
13:55.08jaromilbut for the installer I think all this attention is worthed. the effort is lead by KatolaZ and will lead to a rather perfect installer just like we have in jessie. I think is very important
13:55.54*** join/#devuan Achylles (~Achylles@
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14:01.40jaromilyou are welcome. anyone willing to help with some weekly or monthly news is very welcome, we have a lot of people asking but the progress does not gets communicated out of the development channel
14:04.08coyotei think it's hard to make deb packages?
14:04.40coyotehas debian/devuan a handbook about itself?
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14:16.53blop'hard'... no. but it takes some learning.  maybe a page or two worth of stuff to absorb.
14:17.09blopif you're going from a base package that's similar to your project
14:21.28*** join/#devuan aesin (~aesin@
14:22.19jaromilwe'll have soon a developer's manual including instructions for packaging and for making derivatives using our SDK
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14:53.28fromportafter update on ceres, my audio stopped working. anyone any idea where to start looking ?
14:54.07KatolaZfromport: alsamixer :)
14:54.28coyote$ alsactl init
14:54.38infobot1 packet transmitted, 1 packet received, 0.0% packet loss
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14:56.26fromportFound hardware: "HDA-Intel" "Cirrus Logic CS4206" "HDA:10134206,106b5c00,00100302" "0x8086" "0x7270 Hardware is initialized using a generic method
14:57.10fromportdoes that seem normal ?
14:57.18fromportsorry for the double post
14:57.31KatolaZspeaker is muted...
14:57.59KatolaZ(I guess it is muted, since the icons on top are white, not green)
14:58.12KatolaZ(sorry but I normally use the TUI version)
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15:03.06fromportaudacious isn't playing because of this error: ALSA error: snd_pcm_open failed: Device or resource busy.
15:04.11KatolaZfromport: do you have PA installed?
15:05.36golinuxquad: If you ever see blinkdog in this channel, talk to him about nodejs.
15:07.15golinuxjaromil: Good to know that the theme is working OK.  Thanks for letting me know.
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16:36.00coyotei tried an upgrade to ascii
16:36.05coyote>After this operation, 1587 MB of additional disk space will be used.
16:36.13coyoteis it normal?
16:37.34coyote>1345 upgraded, 466 newly installed, 258 to remove and 2 not upgraded.
16:44.25KatolaZcoyote: do you have "recommends" and "suggests" ebabled?
16:45.02KatolaZ(well, whether it's "normal" depends only on the type and amount of packages you currently have installed in your system...)
16:45.31KatolaZcoyote: also consider that this is a dist-upgrade, not just an upgrade...
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16:58.06golinuxcoyote: Do you have backports enabled?
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17:06.36flrncoyote: to be sure, i'd run apt-get update once more and look for errors...
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17:11.33coyotesorry for afk
17:11.40coyoteok, thanks
17:11.53coyotei just try
17:11.58coyotenot really upgrading
17:12.48coyotejessie will be supported till 2020, it's very long
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17:28.01unixman2020 is not that far off actually. Better plan ahead. ;)
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17:34.45coyoteunixman, in 2020 windows will die
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17:38.31jaromilwell, microsoft has been making so many profits that I'm afraid they can bail out the death of any OS they do and feed us with zombies
17:38.43unixmanOther than your assertion here, coyote, where is that predicted?
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17:39.17coyoteunixman, windows 7 will not be supported after 2020
17:39.27coyotewindows 7 is the last usable windows
17:39.45jaromilwell, meanwhile windows 10 uses you
17:39.52jaromilmaybe people get used to getting used
17:41.52jaromilbtw this was in the installer of windows 8 "use People!"
17:42.08unixmancoyote, so, Dell / HP / Lenovo / (MostOtherPCSellers) will stop selling systems with Microsoft preloaded because Windows 7 is dead? I don't see that happening.
17:42.35coyoteunixman, it's hard to support 11-year system
17:42.43coyotexp will be 18 aged
17:42.54coyoteand i think it'll be alive
17:43.17coyoteWindows 98SE is the best
17:45.43unixmancoyote, you miss my point. As long as vendors sell PC systems with a Microsoft OS preloaded, people, who do not care one bit about the things you and I care about, will buy them off the shelf. "Windows" will not be dead in 2020 unless there is a reason for vendors to not preload a Microsoft OS.
17:46.12coyoteis it possible to make immortal OS...
17:46.33coyoteunixman, not for people, for me
17:47.27unixmanOh, in that case, Windows has been "dead" for me for many years. Since ... hmmm ... about 1998. :)
17:48.15coyotei didn't really used windows for long
17:48.51coyotewhen i was 1-class-schoolcoyote, i used an old computer on Windows XP for games for 1 year
17:49.12coyoteand on my first notebook windows 7 worked only for 3 years
17:49.20coyotenow everywhere i use only linux
17:50.24*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
17:50.43jaromilwell welcome to the club. from loving where you are to thinking all the rest of the world will disappear.... there is a lot of wishful thinking :^) happyness is that we do have a space where to be ourselves
17:52.17coyotei wanna haiku-os
17:56.42unixmanSo, do it. :)
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18:01.33gnarfacei'm confused, haiku is already an os
18:02.17gnarface(community fork of BeOS)
18:02.21coyoteand it works
18:02.26coyotei used it in virtualbox
18:03.46freemHello. I have an annoying issue in Devuan ascii with xbacklight: it says that no outputs have backlight property, but I can achieve the same result by echoing as root some values in /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight. Is there is a way to avoid being root to control that?
18:05.08freemoh, I forgot to mention, I have this issue on 4.14 kernel (backport), but I think it also happens on the 4.9 one
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18:08.24gnarfacefreem: do you have to change it alot, or is it sufficient to set it once at boot?
18:08.38freemit depends on the light around :)
18:09.12gnarfacefreem: the startup scripts run as root.  you could just add the command to /etc/rc.local and that would work around the problem unless you had to change it again
18:11.36freemTo be honest, this is not a problem when I do not move with my computer, but when I do (by train, for example) then it becomes quite annoying to not be able to control that with the XF86MonBrightness[Up/Down] keys
18:12.16freemthis is why I asked if someone would know a way to fix that, maybe it is something on my configuration
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18:13.18freemI still have the option of running a netcat as root that just echoes in that file, but that would be quite ugly.
18:16.48gnarfacefreem: well i can think of a few ways to hack around it, but perhaps you're just missing a package?
18:17.19gnarfacefreem: some brands of laptops need you to run a daemon for those controls.  then the daemon can run as root so you don't have to.
18:18.43gnarfaceof course, if there isn't one for yours, it would be easy to just make a binary that's suid root you can run yourself as anyone, or setup sudo for it, or numerous other variations on one of those approaches... but it begs the question "why hasn't anyone done this already?"  often the answer is that someone in fact has
18:18.55freemwell... if I lack a package, I can't find which one. Also, AFAIK, on void linux this works well with xbacklight, and I don't remind having seen a special dependency in aptitude
18:19.29gnarfacedoes void linux use systemd?
18:19.32freemyep, I can easily build that kind of things myself, but I'm sure there *is* something :)
18:19.46freemgnarface: nope. They use runit.
18:20.07gnarfacewhat groups are you in currently?
18:20.30n4diri think void linux uses runit init system
18:20.42n4dirduh, too late. sorry
18:20.56freemrunit, musl, libressl. Pretty cool things, but I really like to know my packages won't have new features and bugs randomly, and aptitude'curses interface is quite useful too.
18:21.16freemgnarface: my groups: <user> tty cdrom audio video staff games input
18:21.31gnarfacehmmm, should be right
18:21.41gnarfacelaptop brand?
18:22.22freemI'm not really sure it have a special brand... if I understand the term correctly.
18:22.55gnarfacewell some toshibas and dells for example need special non-stock userspace utils
18:22.57gnarfaceand kernel support
18:23.13gnarfacetuff that may have been installed for you automatically on void linux (though i don't know)
18:23.50gnarfacethe kernel support should be in the stock kernel but the modules may not automatically load unless you tell them to
18:24.11gnarfaceand the packages should be in the official repos, but probably in contrib or non-free
18:24.57gnarfacealso, what window manager are you using?
18:25.03freemthere is no GPU inside that computer, only an intel chip, i5
18:25.14freemi3 4.13
18:25.48gnarfacee17 for example has built-in support for a bunch of hardware buttons like brightness/sleep/volume etc
18:26.27gnarfacealso it is no longer the default that Xorg run suid root, so that could be screwing with you, too
18:27.40gnarfaceyou're sure you're actually loading the intel driver for xorg, right?
18:27.46freembut I used the xorg-legacy package, so I would suppose this would not be a problem: Xorg is running as root.
18:27.59freemI think. How can I check?
18:28.07gnarfacethe Xorg.0.log should say
18:28.34gnarfaceif you're running xorg suid root, it should be in /var/log, but if not it goes in ~/.local/share/xorg (i think)
18:29.33gnarfaceyou wouldn't be the first person to come in here who was getting weird permissions errors because Xorg loaded some old unmaintained generic framebuffer driver instead of the intel one
18:30.15gnarfaceyou say there's "no gpu" but i assume by that you mean just that you're using the onboard i915 gpu
18:30.32freemyep, it's in /var/log, I'm trying to get the info on graphic module loaded
18:30.42freemyes, that's what I meant
18:30.52gnarfacepay special attention to lines with "(EE)" on them
18:30.55freemthere is no gpu, only the i5's chipset
18:31.16gnarfacewell, it's still a GPU, it's just integrated
18:32.00freemwell, no error line except for fbdev, vesa, and a ton a dbus ones. TODO: hunt the thing that wants to use dbus that much and kill it.
18:34.18*** join/#devuan ymasson (
18:34.49gnarfacefreem: looks like you've got the same basic issue zyliwax had yesterday then
18:35.06freemthose lines seems to say that graphics works:
18:35.09gnarfacezyliwax: any chance you could pastebin that "4-line" xorg.conf
18:35.32gnarfacefreem: lemme guess... it succeeds on loading vesa, never mentions the intel driver?
18:36.42freemnope, it fails loading vesa (no module found... and.... huh... I may have found the answer, it seems I have no xserver-xorg-video package installed at all...sounds strange
18:37.36freemhow can I have graphics working without    such packages... I don't remember having installed a package from source
18:38.41freemalso, 3D acceleration works pretty well, does not sounds likely without somehting installed
18:41.29freemfrom what I understand, Xorg loads the graphic driver from the kernel (kms) and generates a display section, somewhere.
18:42.26freemif so, I guess the solution might be to find that file, copy it, add it some informations for backlight, and restart Xorg, but where might that file be?
18:50.09KatolaZfreem: ?
18:50.14KatolaZfreem: what is the problem?
18:53.23gnarfaceKatolaZ: his original problem was that xbacklight works in void linux but not devuan.  but he can still control the backlight directly as root by echoing to /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight
18:54.11gnarfaceKatolaZ: my diagnosis was that it must be missing the intel driver or at least just not loading it.  how he could have video without *any* drivers is a mystery to me...
18:54.18freemAlso, the xbacklight application works on void linux. I can't remember if it worked on devuan before ascii.
18:54.39KatolaZfreem: never used xbacklight
18:54.47KatolaZI have a script called by acpid
18:54.58KatolaZlinked to events on Fn+something
18:55.21freemI have to admit I never played with acpid
18:55.30KatolaZit's super-easy mate
18:56.02KatolaZjust choose which buttons you want to use to control brightness
18:56.12KatolaZusing acpi_listen
18:56.16freemWell, if it is, I would be glad to take some pointers to start things with. I suppose it would make me less dependent to Xorg, right?
18:56.18*** join/#devuan Irrwahn (
18:56.41KatolaZfreem: I should put this stuff somewhere, indeed
18:56.47KatolaZthis is a good opportunity, mayne
18:57.10KatolaZI will put a bit of doc online if you agree to act as a beta tester :)
18:57.19KatolaZfreem: would you?
18:57.36KatolaZ(you'll see it's super-easy, but maybe other people will find it useful as well)
18:57.52KatolaZok then
18:57.54KatolaZlet's do it
18:58.04freemthis won't be as painful as searching how to retrieve a pid from an unix socket, I hope
18:59.16blop:( kernel/built-in.o scripts/package/Makefile:86: recipe for target 'deb-pkg' failed   make: *** [deb-pkg] Error 2
18:59.19blopthis is new to me
18:59.45freemblop: it's all there is to the error?
18:59.58blopMakefile:1345: recipe for target 'deb-pkg' failed
19:00.19blopi'll look at 1345
19:00.39KatolaZI am writing there
19:00.42*** join/#devuan rigelk (~acentau@unaffiliated/rigelk)
19:00.52blopMakefile:1345: recipe for target 'deb-pkg' failed
19:01.02freemKatolaZ, ok
19:01.05blop%pkg: include/config/kernel.release FORCE
19:01.59freemblop: that simple line shows why I really hate makefiles.
19:02.34blopi guess i could echo those variables maybe
19:02.54*** join/#devuan sag3 (~O@
19:03.33blopcan't be a perms issue, am root
19:03.45freemKatolaZ: if this solution does not even rely on X11, saying explicitely that it will work without Wayland or X11 (aka, on TTYs) could be of some uses)
19:04.00KatolaZfreem: sure
19:04.13sag3sorry :D
19:04.48blopah found it
19:10.13blopdo i need X509_CERTIFICATE_PARSER to do webstuff or can openssl do it in userspace?  don't care about speed.  sorry if ottopic.
19:10.34zyliwaxgnarface: late is better than never right?
19:10.44gnarfacezyliwax: heh, yea, thanks
19:11.37freemzyliwax, looking at it, thanks
19:11.43zyliwaxgnarface: my pleasure, just got back to my keyboard and saw the highlight
19:11.48zyliwaxfreem: good luck!
19:12.38freemsounds like I'll need it, but maybe KatolaZ's solution will be easier to put in place and have less pre-requisites
19:12.40gnarfacefreem: even if KatolaZ acpid fixup works, it might benefit some things to be using intel's driver
19:12.57gnarfacefreem: (opengl performance most notably)
19:13.24freemon the other hand, I do have opengl working, I could not play mordheim or redeclipse otherwise
19:13.52freem(even if mordheim only works through wine)
19:14.01gnarfacewell, with mesa installed, it should always "work"  - even if only in software rendering mode.
19:14.22gnarfacethe question is more about framerate capacity
19:14.35freemI had problems with the software rendering mode, I think it's why I moved to ascii.
19:15.19gnarfaceit can vary a lot depending on the content
19:16.16freemgnarface: this is what mordheim looks like:
19:16.51gnarfaceoh, looks pretty complex
19:16.58freemand on the technical point of view, it is **not** optimized correctly, AFAIK
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19:17.32freemI don't know a lot about GL stuff, but enough to programming to notice that kind of things :)
19:17.48freemso, I think my hardware is working correctly, now
19:18.42gnarfacethey say not to use glxgears for benchmarking, but it's an easy way to see if direct rendering is really working
19:18.56blopfixed it
19:20.16freemgnarface: no, but I can't imagine a CPU doing all that work, especially considering I didn't took a beast (because, I knew it would not be that useful to me)
19:20.47freemgnarface, glxgears always works, even with software rendering.
19:20.56blopwith rss-glx screensaver 'lattice' you can increase depth -D to high values to burden your GLX
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19:22.02freemusually, I simply ask to glxinfo and try to guess what things means :)
19:22.47freemthings like: direct rendering, accelerated, for example
19:23.09freemOh, I remember why I removed xorg-.*-intel drivers now
19:23.36gnarfacei just unlock vsync on glxgears and look at the framerate.  below 2000; software rendering.   above 25,000; hardware rendering
19:23.39freemthey actually were forcing Xorg to use gallium, which is... just not ready, and result in software rendering
19:24.16freemgnarface, how do you disable vsync on gears?
19:24.33gnarfacefreem: i'm using nvidia so it's different for me.
19:24.33freemwell, at least, it's my interpretation of why things where that damn slow
19:24.49blopmy glxgears doesn't allow disabling vsync
19:24.52freemof course it is. By curiosity: nouveau or nvidia?
19:25.07gnarfacevblank_mode=0 glxgears
19:25.12blopoh ty
19:25.39gnarfaceglxgears doesn't get to choose.  it inherits the value from mesa for you guys.  vblank_mode should be honored for any opengl program *by your driver*
19:26.01gnarface(for nvidia proprietary the equivalent is __GL_SYNC_TO_VBLANK=0)
19:26.23blopit's a bit slower on the pi3 :)
19:27.15freemthanks for info gnarface
19:27.22gnarfacefreem: i vaguely recall running into forum posts about some conflict with dri2 vs dri3 on different bits of hardware that all use that intel driver.  there might be some other way for you to get the intel driver to stop sabotaging direct rendering
19:27.45freemI'm a little under 2000 on a i5 CPU, I think it's good enough but...
19:28.01gnarfaceit didn't seem like it was all well understood due to various subtle differences in chips sold with the same names
19:30.05freemok. But, to be honest, for now I consider that this computer works well enough: it does not have a true GPU, and the CPU is not a high-end one
19:30.22gnarfacealright, well if you're happy that's good.
19:30.29freemI bought it to do some programming, and eventually some low polly models
19:30.49freemfor now, there are more important things that does not work :)
19:30.51gnarfacejust know there *might* be a way to squeeze a little more opengl performance out of it... it might not be worth the trouble though, i admit.
19:31.27freemthe problem is that, from my knowlegde, all the 3D stuff is pretty messy, and even people specialized in it does not seems to really understand everything
19:32.15gnarfaceyea, there are few people who understand the differences between Nvidia's implementation and Mesa well enough to support both equally
19:32.20freemso, considering that I don't even know how to recompile a kernel by understanding options, and am pretty new to opengl programming, I don't think I could fix that kind of problems easily
19:32.50freemAt least, NVidia *does* provide a good support for linux users.
19:33.15freemI have an amd gpu at work, and... huh... my screens change their names randomly.
19:33.24gnarface*most* commercial games on linux only really support Nvidia
19:33.38gnarfacethough that's starting to slowly change now that Intel and AMD have both been cooperating on MESA
19:33.44freemwhich result in me having to regularly switch lines in my conf files
19:34.45freemI doubt intel can compete for "serious gaming"
19:35.12gnarfaceyou're right, it can't, but they did improve their linux performance a lot this last year
19:35.36freempretty good news
19:37.08freembut to be honest, I think having something which works is the minimum. Intel have reached it, even if perfs are not terrible. AMD did not.
19:37.37freemuntil that new job, I had only rumors, but now I'm experimenting them myself :)
19:37.43gnarfacewell... in some places AMD did, their per-hardware support is a lot less uniform
19:38.22gnarfaceAMD is trying hard too now, but they're mostly only focused on their new hardware
19:38.23*** join/#devuan clemens3_ (
19:38.52freemFrom my point of view, the simple fact that NVidia provides a driver good enough to be packaged by Debian (and so, devuan I guess, I didn't checked) in non-free. I did not noticed one amd?
19:39.26freemoops... I meant, the simple fact [...] is a huge difference
19:40.06gnarfacei'm not sure about amd's non-free version (AMDGPU-PRO) but the regular open source one is definitely in the repos now
19:40.21gnarfacemaybe just not in jessie
19:40.29gnarfacei'm running ceres over here
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19:40.44gnarfaceand you're right it's nice they package nvidia drivers for it, but frankly they break frequently
19:41.10freemyes, but it is quite buggy on the GPU I have at work, which is less than 6 months old. I did not tried the blob
19:41.35gnarfaceone of those RX 480's?
19:41.47gnarfaceoh, but on jessie?
19:41.55freemReally? I had a desktop with NVidia stuff, and I can remember any problem with the package, in Debian stable/testing
19:42.05gnarfaceyea, you know what your problem is, the stable version of mesa is ancient
19:42.19gnarfacethere is one in backports that's better behaved
19:42.27freemyes, I use Debian's Jessie and Stretch at work. It's work, I don't wan't to play :)
19:42.47gnarfacethe mesa currently in jessie is from *before* most of the newly funded developments by Intel and AMD
19:42.55gnarfacei think it's 10.x or 12.x?
19:43.05gnarfaceyou want the 17.x from backports (and at least kernel 4.9)
19:43.14freemI moved the computer to stable recently, so, Stretch
19:43.26gnarfaceoh, i couldn't say then
19:43.32freemand, quite interesting, the bacported kernel just does not run :)
19:43.50gnarfacei wonder what that's about
19:44.49freemyep, on Debian Stretch, at work, the backported kernel freezes because it seems it can't find root filesystem. Also, usually, I would have had access to the tty, but even if I can see there is a shell, I can't use it: keyboard does nothing.
19:45.12freemNot enough time to investigate it from now. Maybe it's sysV related.
19:45.35gnarfacesounds like a driver problem, if it can't find the root fs
19:45.51gnarfacemaybe just the initrd.img failed to generate right or something
19:46.02freemI mean, I do not use systemd, even at work (it makes things so slower...) so maybe it's related to something not loaded as usual by pid 1. Would be sttrange, but I've seen enough.
19:46.25freembut then, keyboard would reply, or dpkg fail
19:46.49gnarfacewell, missing fstab, or basic permissions are common pitfalls when switching from systemd, but that shouldn't affect the kernel's ability to mount /
19:47.09freembut no, I have to use the power button to shutdown and select the classic kernel on boot
19:47.25gnarfacethat definitely sounds like a bug worth reporting
19:47.33freemmissing fstab? It is here, otherwise the older would not boot either
19:48.04gnarfacethat might be true, but with the latest kernels i think it is supposed to be able to at least mount / even without a fstab
19:48.06freemI would like to have time to spend on it, too
19:48.11*** join/#devuan blitzed (~blitzed@
19:48.15KatolaZfreem: half-way through
19:48.19KatolaZbear with me
19:48.44freemI'm still looking from time to time, KatolaZ, I'm simply putting remarks on a file, to not bother you :)
19:50.33freemKatolaZ, so far, I have: ~                                                         1 Root rights mandatory?
19:50.47KatolaZfreem: ?
19:50.53KatolaZservice might not be available
19:50.54freemoups, forgot to :nonu before copy. Those are my remarks
19:50.56KatolaZps is always there
19:51.22KatolaZno root right anywhere, except for installing packages
19:51.50freemnice. WIll be a nice argument over X11.
19:54.09freemgnarface, I think it's not really the fstab that indicates the / partition anyway, since that info is provided by boot manager (grub, lilo or in my case syslinux)
19:54.47gnarfacewell it won't hurt if it's in there
19:54.51gnarfaceit *used to* be required
19:55.01gnarfacemaybe not for a long time now though, i'm not sure
19:55.59freemI think it is mandatory, but for moving from the initramfs to the real kernel, maybe?
19:56.35freemthere are things in boot process I still do not understand. Especially about the point of having an image which then load the real stuff...
19:57.14gnarfaceoh, initramfs may change stuff, yea
19:57.51freemsomeday I would like to be able to boot without any initramfs, just for the knowledge I would earn
19:58.01gnarfacethe only point of the initramfs is to have some place to load critical drivers like networking and filesystem support from without having to compile them statically into the kernel
19:58.30gnarfaceyou can definitely do without it if you build your own kernel
19:58.35freemI'm not sure I like this approach
19:58.41KatolaZfreem: if you compile the relevant modules in the kernel, you don't need an initramfs
19:58.45freemI mean, r
19:58.57freemthe initramfs approach.
19:59.18freemsure, but understanding kernel compilation is still on my todo list :)
19:59.39KatolaZfreem: there is little to understand there
19:59.46KatolaZcompiling is quite straightforward
19:59.49KatolaZand automatic
20:00.05KatolaZnot forgetting to include something is not as simple
20:00.07freembut writing a tool lazier than aptitude but able to install packages for any distro is higher on my TODO list than compiling kernels
20:00.20freemyeah, that's the point, KatolaZ.
20:00.23KatolaZfreem: there are already such tools
20:01.08freemYou mean, a tool with an interactive interface that does not try to resolve conflicts but still signals them?
20:01.21freemAnd able to work with any package system?
20:02.04freemHum... In interactive, I do *not* include printf/scanf way.
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20:03.24freemI am really, really interested by the name of those tools, KatolaZ. Especially if they can run through ssh.
20:05.45freemI'd be quite happy to find such a tool, even if it does need graphics,
20:17.13*** join/#devuan devvuan (490b924c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:17.16devvuanPlease help. How do I restart DHCP?
20:18.24gnarfacedepends on which dhcp you installed
20:18.41gnarfacebut it's usually something similar to: /etc/init.d/dhcpcd restart
20:19.44devvuanhow do I install dhcpcd? apt-get install won't work
20:20.23gnarfacedid you never have any of them installed?
20:20.46gnarfacethere are more than one but none are named "dhcpcd" literally
20:21.01gnarfacei like isc-dhcp-client
20:21.18gnarfaceyou could also try dhcpcd5
20:21.42gnarfacethere are a few others
20:21.49devvuanJust looked. I have isc-dhcpcd-server .
20:21.54gnarfacetry searches like: apt-cache search dhcp.*client
20:22.13gnarfaceoh ok, no problem
20:22.32gnarfaceif you already have one installed the init script will probably show up with:  ls -l /etc/init.d/*dhc*
20:22.33zyliwaxyeah i use dhcpcd from the dhcpcd5 package
20:23.01zyliwaxit's a nice choice if you need a dhcp client
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20:24.27devvuanCool. So how do i restart isc-dhcpcd-server?
20:25.01gnarfaceok one more time, run this: ls -l /etc/init.d/*dhc*
20:25.07devvuannvm i see your reply
20:25.30gnarfaceif it doesn't show up, let me know.  i didn't memorize the name of the script and i haven't actually used it in years
20:25.45devvuanit shows up at /etc/init.d/isc-dhcp-server
20:25.56gnarfaceok, that's the server though
20:26.05gnarfacedo you also have an isc-dhcp-client?
20:26.23gnarfaceyou *probably* only actually want one or the other of those
20:26.30devvuani'm making a router/server for reference
20:26.51gnarfaceoh, then you might need both, but i'll have to assume you'd know whether that is the case or not
20:26.52devvuana router of sorts on a pi
20:27.24gnarfacesorry i guess i assumed when you asked about DHCP you meant the client, not the server
20:27.30gnarfacebut the instructions should be the same for either
20:27.37gnarfaceat least, the part about how to restart it
20:27.46gnarfacethat's general for pretty much any system service
20:28.06devvuanI'm still clueless about how to restart it
20:28.17devvuando i execute the file in /etc/init.d/ ?
20:28.22freemmaybe it is actually running?
20:28.48freemcould you send us a copy/paste on pastebin (for example) of the command "ps aux" ?
20:29.50devvuanGot it! /etc/init.d/isc-dhcp-server is an executable. I simplye run ./etc/.../isc-dhcpd-server and give the argument of 'restart'. Thanks all!
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20:32.33gnarfacedevvuan: yea, sorry on the slow response, you got it.  those are all just shell scripts in there.  if you know a little BASH you can just open them with a text editor to see what they're actually doing.
20:33.27gnarfacedevvuan: they should *all* at minimum support at least [stop] and [start] but most also support [restart] and a few support other stuff like [status]
20:36.21zyliwaxi'm a little confused whether there is an official way to "enable" a service? i've worked with systemd and openrc which both have this feature
20:36.40zyliwax(say no to systemd, kids)
20:37.33gnarfacethis version of sysvinit supports LSB headers, which are documented on the debian wiki, but still supports the old style /etc/rc?.d/ symlinks as an override mechanism
20:38.26gnarfaceeverything you install should be enabled by default though
20:38.50gnarfaceyou probably won't need to mess with it unless you want to *disable* something
20:38.57freemAFAIK, sysVinit services can be started and stopped with /etc/init.d/<service_name> [start|stop] at least, as gnarface said, but there is also a service command that often does the job. I'm not qualified enough to say always, but I mean it.
20:40.10gnarfacefreem: yea, i think that "service" script is from redhat.  it's basically just a cheesy wrapper so you don't have to type the "/etc/init.d" part, but it's in the devuan repo too.  i don't know what depends on it so i rarely bother assuming it is present.  it doesn't always get installed.
20:40.54gnarfacealso i forget what the package name for it is...
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20:41.28gnarfaceah, on ceres anyway it's in the package called "init-system-helpers"
20:41.31freemgnarface, I have to say I do not really know that many distros, but I've almost always seen service in Debian, and when I started seeing it, it was present for every service
20:41.49devvuanHow do I 'list units' a la systemctl?
20:42.09gnarfacefreem: it might be missing from minimal or debootstrapped installs)
20:42.11freemisn't units a systemd's term?
20:42.30gnarfacedevvuan: what does it do?
20:42.30enycfreem: probably is, i hope devvuan is basicalyl saying 'whats the equivalent'
20:42.35devvuanI'm trying to see if I have a DHCP server running alraedy
20:42.48gnarfacedevvuan: ps aux --forest
20:42.48freemgnarface: I tend to remove everything I don't see the point, and can't remember breaking that. Maybe the package is marked as essential?
20:42.50devvuanor anything DHCP related running
20:43.17KatolaZnetstat -ltun
20:43.31gnarfacefreem: yea, my copy is, here, but i can't say whether that was always the case
20:43.32KatolaZor maybe
20:43.36KatolaZnetstat -ltu
20:44.00KatolaZ(-n shows port numbers instead than "guessed" services)
20:44.36KatolaZdevvuan: ^^^
20:45.04freemgnarface, I'm an humble dev, and only on Debian and alike systems since maybe 6 years, I can't say
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20:45.58freemI even learned only that week that processes can pass file descriptors through sockets....
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20:46.54freemit's good to have reminders that there are still so many things to learn :)
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20:57.58gnarfaceah yes, i don't know much about unix sockets except that they're awesome
20:58.04gnarfacelately i've been having fun with fifos
20:58.55gnarface(which if you don't know are a really neat sort of thing that is like a file and a pipe at once)
20:59.17freemin a way, sockets are fifos, but full duplex :)
20:59.26gnarfacethat makes sense
21:00.17freemplaying with af_unix sockets a lot those times, to avoid relying on hard to maintain multi-threading
21:00.54freemthis provides better perfs than IP sockets, which is good enough for my application
21:01.46freemand I was quite astonished while reading the manpages that you can even pass a file descriptor from a process to another through sockets
21:02.48freemI must admit I have never played with FIFOs other that sockets for IPCs
21:04.56freemjust in case that might interest you: this link seems to be quite nice for learning socket stuff ( I've only read the part on credentials and file descriptors, since it was the only part that interested me
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21:13.08KatolaZshould be done
21:13.10freemKatolaZ, there is a quick (for someone with a disconnected brain) that the file /etc/acpi/events/lenovo-brightup must exists
21:13.27KatolaZfreem: please read the last version
21:14.02freemI was writing when you mention it was finished :)
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21:16.11freemKatolaZ, also, why do you append to ${BRIGHT_FILE}? It is probably not important, but I'm curious
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21:16.25KatolaZfreem: ?
21:16.28KatolaZin the script?
21:16.41KatolaZit doesn't really matter whether you append or write
21:16.46KatolaZit's not a real file
21:17.16freemalso, the script is executed by acpid, right?
21:18.20freemand acpid is running as root? So, why chmod 755 and not 700? Not important too, but one might question the unneeded rights for all users
21:18.45KatolaZfreem: all the scripts in /etc/acpi are 755
21:18.47KatolaZthat's why
21:18.52KatolaZ"consistency" :)
21:18.58freemok ok :)
21:19.08KatolaZfreem: even if you run it as a user
21:19.13KatolaZyou can't write on /sys
21:19.21KatolaZonly root can
21:19.29freemyep, that's why I said "not important too"
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21:23.46freemKatolaZ: ok, I think it covers all the questions I might have, except, that the script's does not always exists
21:24.09freemIf I'm not wrong, all files are executed? In which order?
21:24.26KatolaZwhich script?!?
21:24.44KatolaZevents files are not executed
21:24.46freemSuppose that more than one file have a hook on the same event, how does acpid behave?
21:24.59freemsorry, true,
21:25.36freemstill, the event might be already registered in a file
21:26.17freembut it's a good explanation for me, anyway, I can understand quickly how to do things, and I have the pointers to understand and learn more, thanks a lot
21:27.14KatolaZfreem: I think all of them are executed, one after the other
21:27.22KatolaZI think the order is unspecified
21:28.00KatolaZI had to put that stuff online since long
21:28.00freemthen, to avoid problems, maybe advise doing a grep to ensure that the event is not already listened to?
21:28.41freemI mean, it depends who is the target. For someone like me, it will be obvious, but I no longer consider myself a pure beginner :)
21:29.15KatolaZfreem: yep
21:29.26KatolaZbtw, gotta go
21:29.29KatolaZbbl, maybe
21:29.36freemgood night then, and thanks again
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22:50.15VallHello everyone, I'm in a bit of a pickle and could use some (hardware-related) help. I know this is not the right channel, so please if you don't know the answer, please point me in the right direction, OK?
22:50.57VallThe question: could a *normal* (ie, standard 1.5V voltage) DDR3 memory module be used in a motherboard that specifies 1.35V low-voltage modules?
22:51.46gnarfaceare you sure the connectors are even the same?
22:51.50VallTo be more specific, the motherboard is an Intel S1200V3RPL and the memory is a Samsung M391B1G73BH0-CK0
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22:52.24Vallgnarface (presuming you are talking to me): yes, the (DIMM memory-module) connectors are exactly the same.
22:52.58gnarfaceok, yes
22:53.08gnarfacei mean yes, i was talking to you
22:53.12gnarfacei don't know if the ram will work
22:53.25gnarfaceit should be safe to try, since you're going *down* in voltage
22:53.30gnarfacemight even work
22:53.52Vallfrom the point of view of the mobo, I'm going *up*
22:54.04VallDo you think it could damage the mobo?
22:54.11Vall(not too worried about the modules)
22:54.26gnarfacei don't think it will damage either in this case, but it simply might not be able to post the ram
22:54.28freemvall: the ram can support more than the motherboard can provide, so this imho should be safe for hard
22:54.51gnarfaceVall: did you check the bios?  usually they actually support a range of voltages
22:54.59VallI researched and it seems the Skylake processors could be damaged by using non-LV RAM:
22:55.08gnarfaceVall: you might be able to specify 1.5v in the bios
22:55.14freemI agree with gnarface: I think the highest risk will be crashes, so a crash test should infirm or confirm that
22:55.20VallBut the processor I'm using is Haswell, not skylake, and so is the mobo.
22:55.59gnarfaceVall: well that's the first i've heard of it, but i guess i haven't tried it myself so there's that
22:56.13Vallfreem, gnarface: many thanks, you folks lifted a weight from my shoulders.
22:56.36VallI will proceed, and after the machine is running, will do a throughout burnin test
22:56.44gnarfaceVall: do check the bios first
22:57.00VallOK, but I can't check the BIOS without booting the machine with that RAM ;-)
22:57.06gnarfaceVall: if it actually has a way to specify the voltage, you'll have better stability setting it to the right value
22:57.13gnarfaceoh i see, that's your only ram
22:57.14VallShould be safe at least to enter BIOS, right?
22:57.25freemvall: yes, double or tripple check my informations, do not take them for truth
22:57.49VallOK, but the consensus is that the mobo should not be damaged, right?
22:57.56freemit's more opinion from someone with an old electronic skill than real info
22:58.07VallAt worst the RAM will be unstable?
22:58.27freemnothing should be damaged imho, because RAM can support higher voltage than what mobo can provide
22:58.43VallThe fact is that the RAM *needs* more voltage
22:58.46freembut you didn't mentioned frequencies
22:58.52VallIt won't work with less voltae
22:58.54freemexact, to function properly
22:59.11freemso, if you don't use too much, it might work
22:59.15VallThe LV RAM works both with more *and* with less voltage
22:59.22VallGoing ahead them
22:59.32Vallthanks again for your 2-cents, freem and gnarface.
22:59.36VallI will check the BIOS.
22:59.54freemremember that we are speaking about dynamic RAM, which means cells need to be refreshed regularly
23:00.12freemI am unsure about how the mobos optimize that
23:04.12gnarfaceVall: no problem. i think the thing is that the voltage regulator should take care of that in general...  two things to keep in mind though;  1) going in the other direction, running ram at higher voltage than rated, will damage it, and  2) the ram will make more heat, so you need to make sure your cooling is sufficient... perhaps this is the real cause of the damage reported in that article you linked?  (i didn't
23:04.12gnarfaceactually read it)
23:05.09gnarfacepeople do specifically undervolt ram when they're trying to save a little power/cooling effort
23:06.00gnarfacei guess depending on how it runs at 1.35 there might be an argument for running it somewhere between that and 1.5, if the bios allows it
23:06.11gnarfacei mean
23:06.16gnarfacecorrupting your install is a real possibility
23:06.20freemgnarface, the problem is not only about voltage, but generally about power consomption. And, power is not P=UI but depends on frequency
23:06.42VallThe memory is ECC, so if things go south, I expect to get ECC errors and not silent corruption
23:06.55VallThe only thing I can't afford is for the RAM to damage the board
23:07.18gnarfacewell, is it too late to return it and get something known to work?
23:07.44gnarfacethe motherboard manual should list a few dozen approved models, specifically
23:07.58gnarfacethough usually it's only a small subset of what will actually work
23:09.32Vallthe motherboard manual says to check the Intel THOL (Tested Hardware Options List) online
23:09.35Vallit's here:
23:09.43freemVall: if you *can not affort at all* to damage, do not take the risk
23:10.39freemjust in case, run your mobo diskless, so that there is no risk at all to loose data (in theory, there is no risk, but theory and real world are different things)
23:10.46Vallfreem: the problem is, I'm outside the US and getting the exact memory would take 2-3 weeks
23:11.01Vallwould completely f*ck-up my schedule
23:11.18gnarfaceVall: another option i've often used is to "just buy whatever the web tool recommends for that model"
23:11.28gnarfacemaybe crucial can ship to you quicker?
23:11.41freemwhat is crucial?
23:11.46VallI ve checked and this memory is exactly identical to another one indicated in the THOL, *but* for the LV bit
23:11.52freemI mean, is a real website?
23:12.00gnarfaceyea i guess they're like an OEM
23:12.04Vallgnarface: no go, minimum shipping is 2 weeks or more
23:12.36VallI'm going ahead with this RAM, since the consensus is that there *should* be no hardware damage, specially no mobo damage.
23:12.53Vallthe responsibility is mine, but I thank you all for your input, my friends
23:12.59gnarfacei would say unless there's some known weakness in the voltage regulator...
23:13.09gnarfacegood luck
23:13.24Vallplease pray for my soul
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23:13.32gnarfacemost likely all that will happen is the POST message will say there's no ram found
23:13.49freemI trust my electronics notions from 10 years ago... I hope.
23:14.17freembut still, I don't like playing with high frequency hardware
23:14.43freemwell, I do like *playing* but he is not :)
23:15.44freemif ram does not receive enough power, I think either the capacitors will be randomly charged, or it will not be detected at all
23:16.27specingcrucial is a front for micron
23:21.23freemspecing, what is micron?
23:21.40freemI'm sorry, I don't know a lot about US stores :)
23:22.09gnarfacewell they make chips
23:22.13gnarfacei guess mostly ram and flash
23:22.40gnarfacemaybe for brands other than crucial too, i don't know
23:23.30freemok, it's a shop that tends to deliver quickly in the US?
23:23.56gnarfacewell, quicker than 2 weeks
23:24.27gnarfacebut i also had the notion he could go on there and get the serial # for the recommended ram and maybe just buy it at a local shop
23:24.34gnarfacewhich i guess works fine here but maybe not where he is
23:30.22freemok, thanks for the info. I'll remember the reference now, it may become useful, even if I don't live in america :)
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23:30.31freemknowledge can always be.
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23:44.25greenjeansHappy Imbolc friends!
23:44.53freemwhat's imbolc?
23:45.05greenjeansNew Vuu-do up just now:
23:45.33greenjeansImbolc is an old pagan holiday dedicated to the goddess Brigit
23:47.06Xenguymerry Imbolc greenjeans
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