IRC log for #devuan on 20180131

00:00.14KatolaZwell, it's not difficult to find out ;)
00:01.37TomTheDragonOh? I'm curious if there's a way to do an apt-cache (or similar) query to pull all packages for a given profile (like "sbuild")
00:01.42TomTheDragonor just base system
00:01.52TomTheDragonspecifically source package
00:02.00KatolaZTomTheDragon: 52K are the binary packages
00:02.10KatolaZbinary-all are about 24K
00:02.42KatolaZso in total you get something like 76K
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00:08.00TomTheDragonis there a way of finding the actual sources list for base system?
00:09.38KatolaZTomTheDragon: what do you mean?
00:09.44KatolaZdefine "base system"
00:11.47TomTheDragonlike a debootstrap variant of minbase, or buildd, etc
00:13.36KatolaZyou just select all the packages with priority "Standard" or "Essential" or "Important" i guess
00:15.47TomTheDragonwill try that... trying to build 52K packages before I even know my gcc modification works, is kind of painful to think about
00:16.32KatolaZsorry TomTheDragon
00:16.38KatolaZit's "Required" and "Important"
00:16.47KatolaZ"Standard" gets you something more, actually
00:16.59KatolaZbut still, that's what you would get on a base install
00:17.05KatolaZ+ "Standard Systems Utilities"
00:17.10TomTheDragonLooked at what minbase is and I don't want that... no init system.
00:17.14KatolaZ(just checked in tasksel's source)
00:17.19TomTheDragonI see
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00:25.22TomTheDragonAha, aptitude search ~prequired ~pimportant -F%e will do it
00:25.43TomTheDragonDid not know there was a way to customize how the packages were displayed, and one of the options is the source pkg
00:27.21KatolaZTomTheDragon: you can also just grep the packages files in /var/lib/apt/....
00:28.03KatolaZgrep -E "^Priority: *(required|important|standard)"
00:28.13KatolaZshould almost do the trick
00:28.22KatolaZmaybe with -C 10
00:28.28TomTheDragonyeah... and then have to look up the source packages for them all.
00:29.02TomTheDragon71 pkgs seems a bit small though.
00:29.08TomTheDragonfor required and important
00:29.29TomTheDragonI guess coreutils contains most of the stuff
00:31.15KatolaZI got 109, tbh
00:33.22KatolaZwith 'standard' you get around 190
00:33.38TomTheDragonHmm, well this is debian itself right now.
00:34.14gnarfacehow much space?  shouldn't be much less than 480MB installed for amd64 i think
00:34.53gnarfaceif you're looking at an amd64 install of less than 300MB you're definitely missing stuff that is supposed to be there, even in a minimal install
00:36.00TomTheDragonWith no kernel/modules yet, mind you.
00:36.46gnarfacewell that's... two more packages
00:37.00TomTheDragonthose are some of the bigger ones.
00:39.21TomTheDragonJust realized I'll need to rework my ksh "fake bootstrap" to fixup certain packages' rules files. Is there a way of telling sbuild to patch a rules file? Or will I have to manually "apt-get source pkgname" and patch the like that, then run sbuild?
00:39.46TomTheDragonThe latter is what I did for my manual compile of gcc, but I don't want to have to keep doing that.
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00:39.59gnarfacehas never heard of sbuild
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00:41.09TomTheDragongnarface: it's debian's utility for building a package in clean environment
00:41.44gnarfaceah hmmm
00:41.55gnarfacei've just been using dpkg-buildpackage
00:42.34KatolaZTomTheDragon: why not gbp pbuilder?
00:43.45gnarfaceTomTheDragon: a while back though, i did go looking for an easy way to "gentoo" a debian system; basically a 1-line command that would download, rebuild, and install all the source packages at once with some trivial compilation flag change (-O3 instead of -O2 or something) but i never found one.  ended up just rebuilding one package and calling it a day.  if you come up with something easy for this, i'd sure like to know
00:43.45gnarfaceabout it
00:44.14TomTheDragongnarface: yeah, pretty much what I am trying to do
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00:50.07gnarfacethe general feedback i got from #debian on the matter was that gentoo wouldn't exist if it wasn't easier to just make a whole new distro from scratch than to do that to debian
00:50.07TomTheDragongnarface: except it's actually -march=i586 but that's not enough... the "default arch" of gcc bleeds through a lot.
00:50.18TomTheDragonyeah, pretty much
00:50.51TomTheDragonKatolaZ: I found documentation for sbuild a little clearer
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01:18.37*** topic/#devuan is Recent (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release || This is the Devuan discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
01:23.58*** join/#devuan nighty- (
01:24.38blopso #hase game is running a bit slow
01:25.32blopit is rotating a fairly big bitmap in real time but that can be done pretty fast with two shifts
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02:53.14TomTheDragongnarface: eventually I'll have some crazy hacked together mess built from ksh, perl, and sqlite
02:58.14Criggiesounds production quality to me!
03:03.12TomTheDragonCriggie: then again, Arch is just a bunch of makefiles pretty much.
03:05.02Criggieyeah - I mean all OSs are just bytes on disk.
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09:41.21toprohi there, anyone using sddm/kde on devuan ascii? I'm having a hard time to figure out how to get shutdown/reboot options for kde users back working again after upgrading from devuan jessie to ascii
09:42.17fsmithredtopro, did you install elogind?
09:42.21toprotried lots of polkit rules (login1 which is obviously not in use, but also consolekit) nothing helped me out
09:42.52toprofsmithred: no, didn't know about that
09:43.01toprolet me have a look
09:43.08fsmithredit's in experimental and ascii-proposed
09:43.30fsmithredwhat repo you using? auto.mirror or pkgmaster?
09:44.24fsmithredchange to
09:44.42toproin sources list i just saw that for some reason i deactivated ascii-proposed for some reason, just can'T remember why :/
09:44.58fsmithredoh, good
09:45.05toprowon't I get it through auto.mirror?
09:45.07fsmithredI was looking for the line to paste it
09:45.19fsmithredyeah, you can, but pkgmaster updates more often
09:45.39fsmithredyou can leave it for now, just uncomment that line
09:46.03toproI read about pkgmaster before. will it eventually take over auto.mirror? i think its amprolla3 driven, right?
09:46.14fsmithredto both will replace auto.mirror
09:46.55fsmithredand select a nearby mirror for you
09:47.31toprothere still is no package called elogind :/
09:47.37fsmithredapt-get update
09:47.57toprodid so
09:48.08fsmithredoh, then change it to pkgmaster
09:48.32toprodeb ascii-proposed-updates main contrib non-free
09:48.58toprothats what I have. i also have ascii-updates which IMHO should have more than proposed-updates or am I wrong?
09:48.58fsmithreddeb ascii-proposed main
09:49.12toproahh, I see
09:49.37toprobut there also is a ascii-proposed-updates. is that correct/intended to have both?
09:49.57fsmithredyeah, I guess so
09:50.11fsmithredI have it, and I don't get errors on update
09:50.24fsmithredbut elogind is in ascii-proposed
09:50.31topro404 on ascii-proposed, will try pkgmaster
09:50.35fsmithredand experimental
09:50.53fsmithreddeb experimental main
09:51.03fsmithrednote that it's /devuan not /merged
09:51.20fsmithredon ascii-proposed
09:51.27toprowhen to use /devuan and when to use /merged. don't get it
09:51.43fsmithredthe /devuan will pull stuff that's only in devuan
09:52.02fsmithredthe /merged merges devuan with debian (and filters out the stuff we don't want)
09:52.37fsmithredI haven't figured out a way to remember it all, so I just look at my sources.list
09:53.10fsmithredany luck?
09:53.12toproso from my understanding it should work with /merged. or is there simply no /merged for ascii-proposed as in contrast to ascii-proposed-updates there is no such thing in debian?
09:54.00fsmithredwait, which one does debian not have?
09:54.10toproyes, got elogind. will sddm/kdm use it automatically instead of consolekit on next boot or is there some manual intervention needed?
09:54.43fsmithrednot sure. I added kde5 on ascii and got elogind automatically.
09:54.52toproI think ascii-proposed (which would be stretch-proposed) is not there in debian. ascii-proposed-updates (which would be stretch-proposed-updates) is in debian
09:55.03fsmithredonly intervention was when slim asked if I wanted to use sddm or slim
09:55.48fsmithredthat corresponds with what I have here: a-p-u is merged, a-p is devuan
09:56.37toprook, so a-p is a devuan-only thing I suppose
09:57.24fsmithredand I'm firing up my kde to see what I've got
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09:59.04toproI checked dependencies. elogind is required by a libpam-elogind plugin, which in turn provides libpam-systemd which in turn is also provided by consolekit
09:59.40toproso I think I would have to remove consolekit an in turn install libpam-elogind, which pulls elogind
09:59.56toproand then pam should do the glue
09:59.58toproI'll see...
10:00.25topromight be offline due to some testing logging in/out/reboot
10:00.42toprofor the time being... thank you!
10:01.30KatolaZtopro: the elogind + consolekit + policykit stuff in ascii is under heavy testing
10:01.47KatolaZyou might want to have a look at the latest posts of Irwhann on devuan-dev
10:02.31toproKatolaZ: mailing list? I'll hve a look. thank you
10:02.39KatolaZit's publicly archived btw
10:02.47fsmithredI still have consolekit installed with elogind
10:03.21KatolaZfsmithred: it depends which version you have
10:03.36fsmithredmine is over a week old
10:03.37KatolaZthe version in experimental provides libpam-systemd, IIRC
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10:04.41toprothe one in ascii-proposed which I just installed provides libpam-systemd as well. its 234.4-1+devuan1
10:05.06fsmithredthat's the version I have, and I got it from same place
10:05.11toprobut removin consolekit doesn't look like a good idea right now, would remove too many needed packeges from kde
10:05.44toprowould even remove policykit
10:05.52KatolaZguys I have no idea
10:05.55toproso I will leave it installed in parallel
10:06.09fsmithredyeah, they seem happy on my system
10:06.23KatolaZthose seem to me just an avoidable clusterfuck, TBH :)
10:06.31fsmithredall the logout options work, lock screen works (and especially unlocking it works)
10:06.42KatolaZ(and an easily avoidable one, for that matter :P)
10:08.45toprounlock and lockout is working here just with consolekit. shutdown and reboot are missing. will now test what elogind can do for me. just have no idea if I have to give any configruation to sddm/kde to actually use it or if just providing that libpam-elogind will do the job
10:09.25toprobb, will do some login/logout/reboot testing
10:10.06fsmithredlet us know
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10:10.46toprobtw I even got usb stick mountig working before by providing a polkit udisks rule. just shutdown wont work. I'll let you know... cu
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10:16.39toprowant to know? :D
10:17.29toproso the only thing I did was installing libpam-elogind which pulled elogind. after reboot and login now I got shutdown and reboot actions in KDE
10:18.02toproI think I should tell Irrwahn...
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10:22.08Irrwahntopro: Just got highlighted, but only skimmed over the discussion so far. Please be aware (as KatolaZ already mentioned) that the whole elogind/policykit/consolekit stuff is still highly experimental.
10:22.19IrrwahnI would argue against using it in production.
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10:22.53toproI got that. What would you think could be the wost thing happening?
10:23.05IrrwahnFor example, there is no version of policykit yet, which allows to remove consolekit in favor of elogind.
10:23.06toproig elogind fails
10:23.38IrrwahnHard to tell. If I am to have a guess, you might lose session management completely.
10:23.52IrrwahnHowever, you should always be able to restore it
10:24.15Irrwahnto some degree by going back to classic consolekit/polcykit combo
10:24.44IrrwahnIt wouldn't render a system unbootable, if that's a concern.
10:25.00toproIrrwahn, I saw that removing consolekit while having libpam-elogind would remove too many packages. But for the moment it seems I can live with it. Will try with brave users ;) won't blame you...
10:25.51toproHave been using CephFS in production since bobtail version (if that rings a bell) so I'm used to some degree of pain
10:25.55Irrwahntopro: right, that is because policykit still depends hard on consolekit, so removing the latter will take half your system with it (exaggerating a bit)
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10:26.51IrrwahnNever run across cephfs, so no sorry, no. BNut pain I can relate to. ;-)
10:27.00toproI'll do some testing on a couple of machines, will let you know if anything arises. Btw. thank you for all the effort
10:27.25*** join/#devuan Crypto (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
10:27.59IrrwahnI'm just a guinea pig, aka tester, too. The really hard work is done by the coders and package maintainers!  :)
10:28.40KatolaZtopro: please report anything (good or bad) to Irrwahn, or to devuan-dev
10:28.48KatolaZtopro: any help with testing is much appreciated
10:28.59toprodon't unserestimate the value of testing. I'll be off for lunch (and some more rebooting)... bb
10:29.08toproKatolaZ: I will
10:29.12IrrwahnI'd prefer devuan-dev, because you'll get a wider audience immediately.
10:31.27IrrwahnHm. elogind making the rounds could turn out great, could lead to disaster as well. Well, as long as we clearly point out it being experimental we should be fine.
10:33.24IrrwahnKatolaZ: Just read your daily update on ddev, good to see you're making progress on fixing the crystal shop! ;-)
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11:45.15toproIrrwahn: seems we're not there yet. while I do get shutdown/reboot actions in kde now with elogind installed, when using them it won't actually shut down, only log out.
11:45.20topronothing in syslog or dmesg
11:45.29toproany idea on how to debug?
11:46.22Irrwahntopro: di you actually activate elogind and deactivate consolekit with pam-auth-update?
11:47.04Irrwahnthe current elogind package does not auto-activate, AFAIK
11:47.20toprodespite installing libpam-elogind I did not do any configuration. how to check?
11:47.40Irrwahnrun pam-auth-update as root
11:48.04toproI just did while you were typing. quite self-explainig :)
11:48.12toproI will do another test..  bb
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12:15.55toproIrrwahn: nope. activated elogind, tested, failed; additionally deactivated consolekit, tested, failed. whenever I use shutdown action from kde session, i will drop to sddm login screen. interresting is that sometimes (not always) shutdown button in sddm login screen then works
12:16.10*** join/#devuan thaller (thaller@nat/redhat/x-gcxysabwqcxgjvoa)
12:16.38Irrwahntopro: Ah, your're using sddm. Your results are consistent with what I noticed in a quick test.
12:16.52toproat least then ;)
12:17.02Irrwahntopro: I replaced sddm with lightdm and got everything working, FWIW.
12:17.02toproso no hope for me today?
12:17.25Irrwahnsddm seems to be paticularly picky, somehow.
12:17.45IrrwahnOther DMs work (slim, sddm, xdm, ...).
12:17.57Irrwahnargh not sdd, lightdm of course
12:18.23toprowell, i used lightdm during early ascii days when it was totally broken in devuan. yet looks so 90'-ish
12:18.37IrrwahnHowever, if you insist on sddm, I'm afraid I cannot be of help, until the issue is investigated and fixed.
12:19.08IrrwahnWell ... how long do you stare on the login screen?  (not meant to offend you, mind you.)  ;o)
12:19.22topronever mind. I very much appreciate. I'll have a look at lightdm. Is it somehow customizable to not make it look like amiga 500?
12:19.59Irrwahntopro: IFAIK it's fully themeable. the greeter, that is, i.e. the thing you actually look at. :)
12:20.44toproits not me, but I have to keep users happy. and such nuances contributes to the overall feel of a workplace
12:20.45amarsh04is still using an old lxdm from Debian
12:21.11Irrwahntopro: I see, that is a different matter then.
12:21.49IrrwahnISTR I once did a really fancy themed lightdm-greeter setup with custom input fields etc. Somehow lost it along the wayy, though.
12:23.27IrrwahnPlus, there are a lot of configuration options in /etc/lightdm config files.
12:23.40toproi'll have a look
12:24.07IrrwahnIt even allows for a display setup script, a feature I still use on may machine to handle my messy screen setup.
12:24.26IrrwahnHmm, fast quitter. ^.^
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12:28.39toproIrrwahn: yes, lightdm does the trick!
12:28.48Irrwahntopro: Great!
12:29.50toprothank you for your help. I'll stick with it for the moment. If something else appears during my testing I'll keep you updated!
12:30.15Irrwahntopro: you're welcome, and please do! :)
12:32.29KatolaZtopro: also success should be reported mate ;)
12:32.58KatolaZ(it helps dealing with the many other cases when we fail)
12:33.01toproKatolaZ: thats what I just did, isn't it? ;)
12:33.41KatolaZyep :)
12:41.14FlibberTGibbetplease can anyone recommend a decent (affordable!) vps provider where I can host devuan? tearing my hair out trying to get letsencrypt working in AWS lightsail in deb 8  :(
12:41.27FlibberTGibbethopefully in europe...
12:55.57*** join/#devuan blinkdog (~blinkdog@devuan/developer/blinkdog)
12:57.15KatolaZFlibberTGibbet: ?
12:57.28KatolaZwhat do you mean by "i can host devuan"?
12:58.50FlibberTGibbetsorry. meant "i can RUN devuan"
13:01.41FlibberTGibbetjust bit the bullet and paid for linode vps -- they have devuan jessie in their iso library so it should (!) be much like my home server/s
13:05.12KatolaZI have used digitalocean
13:05.17KatolaZthey have debian jessie
13:05.23KatolaZdunno if they offer devuan now
13:05.25KatolaZmaybe yes
13:05.34KatolaZbut I went through the obvious upgrade path
13:05.59FlibberTGibbetindeed, had forgotten that upgrades from debian were that straightforward
13:06.35FlibberTGibbetinstall is asking about sofware selection -- shouldn't really need the desktop environment?
13:09.08blinkdogOn a VPS? Probably not, unless you already had plans to remote into X for some reason
13:09.15FlibberTGibbetnot in the least
13:09.34FlibberTGibbetthe webserver as installed by tasksel -- is it apache?
13:09.37KatolaZFlibberTGibbet: I guess datacenterlight offers devuan
13:09.53FlibberTGibbetah, i'd forgotten their name. thanks KatolaZ
13:10.20FlibberTGibbetactually told a lie earlier -- had selected vultr rather than linode, so it's vultr who have devuan in their iso library
13:10.32FlibberTGibbetsigned up so fast i wasn't really paying attention :)
13:13.19FlibberTGibbetah, it's rebooted from install and working nicely :)
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14:52.19bloplibexpat1-dev : Depends : libexpat1 (= 2.2.0-2+deb9u1) but 2.2.1-1 is to be installed.  // libexpat is already the newest version (2.2.1-1)
14:52.23blopascii amd64
14:53.16blopi'm going to learn how to deal with these, i promise.  how do i fix?
14:54.49blopping me if you reply please, multitasking
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15:09.32fsmithredblop: apt-get install libexpat1=2.2.0-2+deb9u1 libexpat1-dev=2.2.0-2+deb9u1
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15:11.04blopaha so i can generally force the version that depends: tells me to install
15:11.06fsmithredand in case you missed it, here's the list with the rest of the screwed-up packages on your system:
15:11.20fsmithredit will ask you to confirm a downgrade
15:11.55blopoh that's fairly short
15:12.19bloptoday i figure out why alsa/sound broken
15:14.21blopso i can get sounds
15:14.33fsmithredlol, how was it broken?
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15:14.42fsmithred*in what way*
15:14.42blopi don't know, never worked
15:14.51fsmithredoh, future tense
15:14.52fsmithredgot it
15:14.54fsmithredgood luck
15:15.07fsmithredI broke my sound by trying firefox-57
15:15.26blopi have snd module loaded
15:15.49*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
15:16.01fsmithredif you have more than one device, the wrong one might be first
15:16.06fsmithredaplay -l
15:16.24fsmithredwill list them.
15:16.58blopyes i'm getting the list
15:18.46*** join/#devuan menip (
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15:21.56blopok fixed
15:22.08*** join/#devuan amphi (~amphi@unaffiliated/amphi)
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15:22.37fsmithredsound fixed?
15:22.45fsmithredwhat did you do?
15:22.56fsmithrednobody fixes alsa that fast
15:23.00blopmade /etc/asound.conf to make card 1 default
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15:24.15blopthanks for the list btw
15:25.03fsmithredI took that iso down so nobody else gets into the same trouble
15:27.25*** join/#devuan coyote (~coyote@
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15:32.04blopnow to get opengl running on the Vega 8 gpu
15:32.12blopthis is not a devuan issue
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15:53.46blopi might need to build the amd-staging kenrel for newest amdgpu support
15:54.13blopfsmithred: can you share your kernel config?  it seems to be good otherwise here
15:54.50fsmithredhang on a minute - I just installed 4.14 and it just rebooted
15:55.43blopbleeding edge laptop, bleeding blop :)
16:03.17blopwill be helpful
16:03.29blop<Han Solo> Here goes nuthin.
16:04.48*** join/#devuan skyroveRR (~skyroveRR@unaffiliated/skyroverr)
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16:29.01blopThe bulk of the new code addition in Linux 4.15 is due to AMDGPU DC finally having been merged.
16:29.01blopThis new display stack for the AMDGPU DRM driver added more than 130k lines of code
16:29.43blopso yeah 4.15 is needed for this lappy
16:31.52fsmithred4.15 isn't in backports yet
16:32.15fsmithredyou want the link to debian kernel compile howto?
16:32.24blopyes pls
16:32.37fsmithred1 min
16:34.17KatolaZblop: just 'make deb-pkg'
16:35.01KatolaZblop: imperial college press
16:35.07KatolaZbad paste
16:36.06blopyes a package would be very nice
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18:27.08ServiceRobothello everyone! just wanted to say I got devuan up and running with very few hiccups! my LEMP setup working together nicely
18:27.47gnarfaceclaps excitedly
18:28.09gnarfacethat wasn't sarcastic!
18:28.53ServiceRobotmind you, there are a few things that make the devuan experience a bit restrictive, but I beat that into the ground already on the forum
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18:30.57gnarfacewell, it probably seems like manual permissions management is a lot more primitive
18:31.06gnarfacebut it teaches you critical security skills that way
18:31.25ServiceRobotmanual permissions? only thing I really needed to change was web server files
18:34.10golinuxServiceRobot: That is good news!
18:34.53ServiceRobotbut like I said, I still have a few problems, but it's more of a personal matter than a bug or something missing
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18:35.36ServiceRobotI decided to just say "screw it" for now and stick with sysvinit. I assume multiple init functionality will improve after the ascii release or something like that
18:35.48golinuxIt takes a while to personalize a new setup
18:36.10*** join/#devuan sedrosken__ (
18:36.18ServiceRobotI've tried several different distros, and personalizing an init is a no go most of the time
18:36.36ServiceRobotyou either stick with what they give you, or have fun with an unbootable system
18:37.40golinuxThe init situation will change as more users test other options and figure out a way to do it.
18:38.16golinuxDid you ever read Steve Litt's stuff on inits?
18:38.23ServiceRobotyeah, it feels like I jumped into the linux scene on the verge of systemd takeover. the whole community feels split
18:38.27ServiceRobotya, I read it
18:38.32golinuxAnd was it at all helpful.
18:38.58ServiceRobotsure, but it won't solve the problems I have with devuan until more packages are added and the dependencies are less twisted
18:39.01golinuxWhat about the supervision list?
18:39.38ServiceRobotdon't think I read that part?
18:40.27golinuxThe supervision list discusses inits
18:40.41ServiceRobotbut I've experimented with devuan for a while. sysvinit is deeply integrated with many packages. a lot of packages include their own /etc/init.d scripts
18:40.54golinuxYou might want to poke around the archives
18:40.56ServiceRobotnot much I can do about it
18:41.25golinuxYou could add alternate options to those packages
18:41.45golinuxIf that's possible
18:41.50ServiceRobotI was thinking of patching the packages myself, or hosting a repo with void's runit.
18:42.13ServiceRobotobviously it would be modified to fit devuan
18:42.13golinuxIs there a way to port that to Devuan?
18:42.24ServiceRobotyes, I got it working under devuan by manually compiling it
18:42.28golinuxThat sounds like a useful project
18:42.50ServiceRobotif you read my dev1galaxy post, I gave some detail into the problem
18:42.58golinuxIf you get the ball rolling, I bet others would jump onboard
18:43.07golinuxI read it and forgot it.
18:43.12ServiceRobotyou may be right about that. heh
18:43.44golinuxI have to keep track of a lot of stuff.  No room for it all to stick.
18:44.13ServiceRobotthat I can understand. you guys are going against one of the most popular distros
18:44.34ServiceRobotI'm impressed at how easy it was to setup everything though
18:44.51ServiceRobotI did a debootstrap install. I don't think I missed anything
18:45.09golinuxWe're serious about providing a quality option.
18:45.52golinuxI need a break.  Nice that I caught you.  Haven't seen you in a while.
18:46.06ServiceRobotright now, 2 big issues I have: init-system-helpers and sysvinit and runit being too closely tied. I thought of some ways to fix it
18:47.01ServiceRobothost modified packages that remove the need for init-system-helpers, and void's runit along with services ported over from void inside their own packages
18:47.15ServiceRobotthat I would obviously need to handle myself for now
18:48.35ServiceRobotone other issue is, if I do succeed in my endeaver, there's still the issue of /etc/init.d being cluttered with scripts that wouldn't even be used
18:49.00ServiceRobotthen I would need to repackage everything that includes an initscript.
18:49.18ServiceRobota bit overkill, but I like going all the way
18:49.43ServiceRobotanyway, glad we talked. keep up the good work!
18:51.44*** join/#devuan ServiceRobot (~ServiceRo@
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19:39.51toprohi there, got an issue with network interface naming. first devuan kernels began naming interfaces like enpXsY to get rid of /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules a wile ago which was just fine, but recent kernels stopped doing so using ethX again, and I cannot get the persistent rules working again to get stable end reliable ethX naming
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19:42.26toprohow can I eiter activate enpXsY or get persistent mac address based assignemt back working?
19:46.32gnarfacetopro: it's just a kernel command-line parameter to change the device naming mode
19:47.01toprognarface: do you know which one that would be?
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19:48.18gnarfacetopro: stackexchange suggests "net.ifnames=1 biosdevname=1"
19:48.47toproi just found the first one, will try with both, thank you
19:49.04gnarfacei'm pretty sure that if you know enough about udev rule customization you can get mac-address based device name assignment with either naming convention
19:49.29toprowell, then ...  ;)
19:51.24gnarfacesorry, i don't know udev rule customization well enough to give you anything more specific than that
19:51.42gnarfacebut if you've got a steam controller i can help with the rules for that no problem :)
19:52.53topro:) nevermind, I'll first try the kernel parameters
19:53.05*** join/#devuan NewGnuGuy (~NewGnuGuy@
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19:59.07toprognarface: no, sticks to (wrong order) ethX naming
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19:59.56toproI got quite some devuan clients and all of them show this exact behaviour when upgrading to ascii
20:00.20toprodid I mention ascii before?
20:01.30gnarfacenot since i've been paying attention
20:01.57gnarfaceit doesn't matter in this case; you're describing expected behavior
20:02.10gnarfacei just don't remember how to put it back
20:02.36gnarface(most of us had legacy configurations that depended on the old style so we only noticed when it changed the first time)
20:03.42toproI would not mind having  enpXsY but I just don't why it stopped doing so as I think this is default behaviour in nowadays kernels
20:04.35gnarfacewhat problem did you have with the persistent rules file?
20:05.24gnarfaceyou should be able to change /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules to represent whichever devices you want
20:05.43toproi still have it in place since before the swap to enpXsY. now that kewrnel returned to naming ethX it just ignores that file obviously
20:06.04gnarfaceyou sure about that?
20:06.24toproI have those rules for those mac addresses but it names interfaces exactly in opposite/random order
20:06.28toproquite sure, yes
20:06.35topronot only one machine affected
20:06.53gnarfacedid you make sure to remove lines from ethernet devices no longer attached to the machine?
20:07.41toprogot a paste service? I'm still used to the debian pastebin but it feels wrong to use that here ;)
20:07.55gnarfaceworking on that one still
20:07.58gnarfacejust use the debian one for now
20:08.33topromy persistent net rules file
20:08.39blinkdogyou can still use it; Debian and Devuan aren't enemies
20:08.53toproand there are exactly those two interfaces on that machine, but will get named the opposite way
20:10.14toprocould it be that those rules have some legacy attributes no longer supported to make those rules invalid to current version of udev?
20:10.57toprobut on the other hand, when removing those lines, the net generator rule should create new entries for me like it used to do back in the days, right? it will not do so either
20:11.01Irrwahntopro: Since you updated to Ascii I assume you have eudev instead of udev. Don't know if/how eudev handles /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules.
20:11.22toprohi Irrwahn :)
20:11.27IrrwahnHi. :)
20:11.28toproyes, its eudev
20:11.31gnarfaceif it doesn't, then it's probably in error...
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20:12.17IrrwahnEudev is new to me too, so I don't think I can be of much specific help, but I suspect it's related to the udev -> eudev transition.
20:12.17*** join/#devuan blitzed (~blitzed@
20:13.22gnarfacetopro: test something for me; remove ATTR{dev_id}=="0x0" from the second line, see if it obeys it then
20:13.42blinkdogbrb relog
20:13.46toprognarface: just from the second line?
20:15.35*** join/#devuan blinkdog (~blinkdog@devuan/developer/blinkdog)
20:17.24gnarfacetopro: maybe even both
20:17.37toproremoved both, rebooting...
20:18.55IrrwahnFun fact: If I manually call: export INTERFACE=eth0; export MATCHADDR="54:04:a6:38:60:d1"; /lib/udev/write_net_rules
20:19.05Irrwahnit generates a line like that: SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="54:04:a6:38:60:d1", KERNEL=="eth*", NAME="eth0"
20:19.10toprognarface: no luck
20:19.25IrrwahnNote: no ATTR{dev_id}=="0x0", ATTR{type}=="1"
20:19.45toprook, will retry with even removing type
20:20.35Irrwahn(Haven't had a 70-persistent-net.rules on this machine for ages, but have only one interface either. ^.^)
20:22.09IrrwahnOn my bootstrapped Ascii VM the /etc/udev/rules.d dir is empty, FWIW.
20:22.54gnarfacei'm not sure omitting type will matter
20:23.21IrrwahnDitto, just thought I mention the differences.
20:25.44toprono, it doesn't. so for the moment I will stick to swapping names in /etc/network/interfaces as at least wrong naming at least seems stable. need to get some rest now. thank you! cu
20:26.11Irrwahnyw, cu
20:26.50toprobtw. will keep you informed about elogind. currently looks promising with lightdm
20:27.02Irrwahntopro: great, thank you! :)
20:27.43gnarfacewho is working on eudev again?
20:28.25IrrwahnCould it be parazyd? Not sure.
20:28.26gnarfacei'd like to know if /etc/udev/rules.d is being ignored by design or if this is a bug
20:28.51gnarface(or some other userspace mistake)
20:29.09IrrwahnYeah, would be good to know.
20:31.21IrrwahnLooking at the upstream repo for eudev it at least has the generator scripts.
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22:01.46gnarfacewell i'm 0/3 today
22:01.51gnarfaceanyone have any problems i can actually solve?
22:02.30golinuxgnarface: Try a walk on the beach
22:03.41gnarfaceheh, not a bad suggestion
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22:09.54blopthings seem quite happy here. ty devuan!
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22:12.51fsmithredgnarface, I have audio problems on one box, but I don't have time to deal with it right now. If you're at the beach, maybe when you get back I'll be done what I'm doing.
22:14.13fsmithredProblem is no microphone in video chat (in ascii) in firefox and chromium, I think it started when I installed the new kernel with the meltdown patch, but it might have happened a few days before that when I tried firefox-57 with apulse.
22:14.50fsmithredMic works if I want to record something with audacity. Speakers work. Mic works in chromium and firefox-esr in jessie on the same box.
22:15.12fsmithredI remove apulse, and that didn't help.
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22:55.59gnarfacefsmithred: i'm here, i'm just doing laundry
22:56.08gnarfacefsmithred: my guess is it's the kernel
22:56.50gnarfacelemme know if further testing doesn't back that up
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23:32.32fsmithredgnarface, booting into the old kernel does not help
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23:40.30gnarfacei was just a guess based on the fact i had problems with alsa in the newer kernels too
23:40.56gnarfacemust be firefox then
23:41.23gnarfaceok i couldn't get recording working with apulse either, but i had assumed it was a problem with steam
23:42.12gnarface(or user error on my part)
23:42.25gnarfaceshould i have pavucontrol for apulse or something like that?
23:47.57fsmithredI can record. Mic fails only in browsers (ff and chromium)
23:48.35gnarfacedoes that chromium also need apulse?
23:48.47fsmithredff-esr doesn't need it, either
23:49.06fsmithredI only tested ff-57 for one day and had no sound with it (with apulse)
23:49.07gnarfaceon, on ascii, firefox-esr doesn't have mic either?
23:49.24fsmithredused to until recently
23:49.35gnarfacebut going back to kernel 4.9 doesn't fix it?
23:49.49fsmithredarecord -d 5 -f dat test-mic.wav
23:49.49fsmithredALSA lib pcm_asym.c:106:(_snd_pcm_asym_open) capture slave is not defined
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23:50.22gnarfacewell that doesn't look right
23:51.49*** join/#devuan Drugo (
23:51.58gnarfacefsmithred: did you customize any alsa configs or add a ~/.asoundrc?
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23:54.21gnarfacealso, if arecord doesn't work, how the hell could audacity work?
23:54.44blophmph recipe for target .../objtool/arch/x86/decode.o' failed
23:54.45gnarfaceoh i wonder if it's just the wrong soundcard
23:54.46fsmithredno customizations
23:55.01fsmithredno clue about why audacity works, but I just tested again
23:55.08gnarfacemaybe they came up in a different order
23:55.11fsmithredtwo devices are called card 0
23:55.35fsmithredwell, they're both Intel PCH
23:55.51gnarfaceis it actually two?  it might just be multiple devices on the same one
23:55.55fsmithredone is ALC269VB other is HDMI
23:56.20blopoh getting further now with make deb-pkg
23:56.46blopaha figured it out
23:56.48gnarfacefsmithred: i wouldn't expect the HDMI one to have an input
23:57.00fsmithredoh, good point
23:57.17gnarfacefsmithred: if it's coming up first now, but audacity is configured to the other one specifically, that would explain the arecord failure above
23:57.41fsmithredaudacity works when configured to sysdefault
23:57.52fsmithreddidn't work when I had it set to hw:something
23:58.04gnarfacewell it matters with hw: something
23:58.17gnarfaceand probably it won't work while you're also playing
23:58.33fsmithredmaybe. didn't try that.
23:58.50gnarfaceif you need to capture while playing you probably need to use dsnoop
23:59.03*** join/#devuan fugitive_ (~fugitive@
23:59.25fsmithredI don't need that. Nothing fancy. Just need mic in video chat.
23:59.45gnarfacefsmithred: if you compare the output of arecord -l and aplay -l, you can see that only inputs show up in arecord's output

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