IRC log for #devuan on 20180130

00:02.41*** join/#devuan Xiaoman_ (~Xiaoman@unaffiliated/xiaoman)
00:14.14*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@unaffiliated/xenguy)
00:23.09*** join/#devuan antgo (
00:26.12*** part/#devuan antgo (
00:33.14*** join/#devuan Ryushin (
00:40.57*** join/#devuan nighty- (
00:48.17*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
00:55.05*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
01:19.10*** join/#devuan infobot (
01:19.10*** topic/#devuan is Recent (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release || This is the Devuan discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
01:28.34*** join/#devuan theLambda (
02:08.37*** join/#devuan cyteen_ (~cyteen@
02:16.05*** join/#devuan ToffeeYogurtPots (~ToffeeYog@gateway/tor-sasl/toffeeyogurtpots)
02:37.09*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
02:41.08*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
02:51.57*** join/#devuan Humpelstilzchen (
02:59.47*** join/#devuan targz (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
03:02.36*** join/#devuan ToffeeYogurtPots (~ToffeeYog@gateway/tor-sasl/toffeeyogurtpots)
03:17.20*** join/#devuan xohm (~notxohm@
04:17.57*** join/#devuan menip (
04:25.06*** join/#devuan blinkdog (~blinkdog@devuan/developer/blinkdog)
04:43.15*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
04:47.02*** join/#devuan nthrow (~nthrow@unaffiliated/nthrow)
05:00.50*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
05:06.30*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
05:08.52*** join/#devuan ddg (~ddg@unaffiliated/ddg)
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05:35.27*** join/#devuan georg-gast-1 (
06:15.24*** join/#devuan ddg (~ddg@unaffiliated/ddg)
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06:49.07*** join/#devuan karswell_ (
07:28.27*** join/#devuan Irrwahn (
08:17.57*** join/#devuan thaller (thaller@nat/redhat/x-weowvxoovuoegcym)
08:19.40*** join/#devuan thaller (thaller@nat/redhat/x-ssapeywidldymikl)
08:26.46*** part/#devuan Sigyn (sigyn@freenode/utility-bot/sigyn)
08:34.50*** join/#devuan konsolebox (~konsolebo@
09:05.23*** join/#devuan Dogan (5569cc9b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:11.05*** join/#devuan s_kunk (~s_kunk@
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09:27.42*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (
09:30.18Criggiewell that was annoying - couldn't boot an ascii machine because of network problems - kept "waiting for lock on /run/network/ifstate.eth0"
09:30.27CriggieI had to tell grub to boot   init=bin/bash
09:30.40Criggiethen edit /etc/fstab to comment out the NFS mounts
09:30.52Criggieand edit /etc/network/interfaces to remove a vlan interface
09:31.00CriggieOnly then would it boot normally.
09:39.12*** join/#devuan ToffeeYogurtPots (~ToffeeYog@gateway/tor-sasl/toffeeyogurtpots)
09:45.29*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (
09:49.51*** join/#devuan ddg (~ddg@unaffiliated/ddg)
10:05.00amarsh04I've had some problems starting KDE plasma recently (last few days), it starts as a different user ok but still gives a long .xsession-errors file so will see what I can change to reduece the size of the output
10:06.04amarsh04might be because I'm using something from Debian experimental rather then Devuan ascii
10:06.26amarsh04will be experimenting on other machine for a while but will check back in here
10:08.42KatolaZamarsh04: please do not mix repos, unless you really know what you are doing
10:15.11*** join/#devuan chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc08:a00:1054:96fe:3d37:e5e9)
10:16.13*** join/#devuan coyote (~coyote@
10:41.24amarsh04KatolaZ it is a bit painful but I am learning a bit now
10:43.16*** join/#devuan insmodppa (~insmod@unaffiliated/insmodppa)
10:45.08*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
10:51.08*** join/#devuan pydsigner (~pydsigner@unaffiliated/pydsigner)
10:51.27nacellehas anyone gotten devuan installer to boot on uefi32bit machines?
10:51.32nacelle(with 64bit procs)
10:51.56nacellemy usual tricks are failing
10:52.30nacelle(debian installer boots on this machine)
10:54.43KatolaZamarsh04: be careful if you use Debian repos, since you can easily get systemd-related stuff
10:55.06KatolaZnacelle: which installer are you talking about?
10:56.52KatolaZ(nacelle: Devuan version? media? )
11:02.39coyotenacelle, i use only bios, but installer seems working with all
11:08.22*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
11:11.50*** join/#devuan DarkUranium (~DarkUrani@
11:15.07*** join/#devuan system16 (~system16@unaffiliated/system16)
11:22.14*** join/#devuan divansantana (~divansant@
11:41.52*** join/#devuan Ltem (
11:44.38*** join/#devuan markong (~marco@
11:47.50*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
11:48.46*** join/#devuan ToffeeYogurtPots (~ToffeeYog@gateway/tor-sasl/toffeeyogurtpots)
12:03.01*** join/#devuan Achylles (~Achylles@
12:24.06amarsh04KatolaZ my problem seems to be like this report:
12:25.37KatolaZamarsh04: which version of Devuan are you using?
12:41.45*** join/#devuan Achylles (~Achylles@
12:41.54amarsh04KatolaZ mainly the equivalent of Debian's unstable
12:42.08KatolaZamarsh04: what do you mean by that?
13:01.41*** join/#devuan mns` (~Devuan@
13:17.48*** join/#devuan blap (
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13:19.32*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
13:19.54*** join/#devuan blop (
13:20.05blophello, devuan jessie amd64 dvd installed but network card couldn't connect.  uefi system. grub couldn't write (secure boot is off).  managed to boot to devuan from grub2 (old grub install).
13:20.41blopnormally i'd now run grub-install, but 'command not found'
13:20.52blopefibootmgr is also 'command not found'
13:22.45*** join/#devuan nighty- (
13:24.15*** join/#devuan thehornet (~a0225280@
13:24.30blopfound the packages on the live dvd and am installing
13:28.03blopnot sure how to create an efi for devuan.  i can access /boot/efi/EFI and see the previous ones
13:28.31blopneed the bootx64.efi for devuan
13:31.25fsmithredblop, is "uefi" in the filename of the iso?
13:31.28KatolaZblop: there are already DVD images for EFI
13:31.36KatolaZthere you go :)
13:31.42blopno it isn't in the iso :/
13:31.50KatolaZblop: wrong iso then
13:31.54fsmithredcan still fix it if you can connect to internet
13:32.23blopi can ifup eth0 and the route looks good, but no pings
13:32.23fsmithredapt-get install grub-efi-amd64
13:32.54blopoh cool, i can mount the image on /media/cdrom
13:32.56KatolaZblop: is it in a VM?
13:34.19blopis there a default wifi/network manager?  didn't see one in the menu
13:34.21fsmithredblop, you tried pinging a number instead of a name?
13:34.27blopyes tried pinging the router
13:34.50fsmithredmaybe 'dhclient eth0' would work better? That's just a guess.
13:35.15fsmithredwhat's in /etc/resolv.conf?
13:35.52fsmithredI usually just have the router address in that file
13:36.20blopapt-get install grub-efi-amd64 succeeded
13:36.37fsmithredoh! so you are online.
13:36.42blopresolv.conf has my router as nameserver
13:37.02blopi am not online - it installed from installation media mounted on /media/cdrom
13:37.05fsmithredit should pull in everything you need. just run 'grub-install' and 'update-grub'
13:37.17blopwell at least i can't ping
13:37.45bloplooks good
13:38.08blopupdate-grub did give an error
13:38.42blop/etc/grubd./30_uefi-firmware: 34: /etc/grub.d/30_uefi-firmware: arithmetic expression: expecting EOF: " 7f & 1 "
13:39.03fsmithredthat's weird
13:40.17blopwell i have grubx64.efi in /boot/efi/EFI/devuan now
13:40.34blopwicd also didn't get installed
13:40.38fsmithredhope you get a boot menu
13:40.54fsmithredoh, please run 'dpgk -l | wc -l'
13:41.46fsmithredshould be more than 1400 packages installed
13:42.08fsmithredsomething got lost in the install
13:42.38fsmithredyou can check the error log - should be in user's home
13:42.55fsmithredbut probably just contains stupid gtk errors
13:43.24blopi used non-gui install
13:43.37fsmithredthat's ok
13:43.46fsmithredit should do the same thing
13:44.22fsmithredif it didn't get copied to your home, look in /var/log/refractainstaller_error.log
13:45.19blopno such file
13:45.55fsmithredwhere are you looking?
13:46.16blopwicd daemon installed
13:46.19fsmithredhow did you install from a mounted iso?
13:46.49blopwith the installer that came up on booting from the usb stick
13:47.25fsmithredhuh? installer came up on boot? The live isos don't have that.
13:48.05*** join/#devuan Madda (
13:48.22fsmithredoh, that's not a live iso
13:48.40fsmithredyou should be able to install whatever you want from that.
13:48.42blopi find python-wicd and wicd-daemon on the installer iso
13:48.50blopboth are installed
13:48.57blopno wicd-curses or wicd-gtk
13:51.00fsmithredwell, if you have a wired connection now, you can install one or both of those
13:51.13blopdhclient didn't get an address
13:51.39blopi see python-wicd seems to have executables in /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/wicd
13:51.45blophow do i invoke it?
13:52.06fsmithredonly way I know is to run one of those missing frontends
13:53.08*** join/#devuan targz (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
13:54.00blopok then i'll first try the grub boot
13:55.50blopgives me the grub cmdline
13:57.49blop  btw i don't see anything besides amd64_DVD.iso here
13:58.29*** join/#devuan clemens (
13:59.36fsmithredblop, the live isos are in different directories
13:59.56blopdo i want a live iso to install devuan to hard drive?
13:59.57fsmithredand you got grub prompt because there's no grub.cfg since update-grub failed
14:00.04fsmithredeither should work
14:00.23fsmithredif you want lvm or raid, live isos won't do it
14:00.34blopno need for that
14:00.46fsmithredyou still on grub prompt?
14:00.54fsmithredeasy to boot from there
14:02.05blopyeah did it before
14:03.23blopthis time it said error: no suitable video mode found.
14:03.25bloptrying again
14:06.03blopthis is new to me
14:06.43fsmithredtry setting video before set root=(hd...
14:07.12fsmithredset gfx_payload=1024x768  (or the best resolution for your monitor)
14:08.05fsmithreddid you use a network mirror for install, or did you install from the media?
14:09.33blopdidn't like payload 1920x1080
14:10.28blopdownloading the devuan_jessie_1.0.0_amd64_uefi_desktop-live.iso    while i'm at it
14:10.53fsmithredone advantage of the live install is that it's a faster install - about 10 min.
14:11.14blopwell i have about an hour til the iso is downloaded and dd'd
14:11.31blopi'll try 1024x768
14:11.38fsmithredok, I'll go make breakfast. back in a little bit.
14:14.57blopstill blind mode
14:15.33blop*coffee brb
14:21.47blopoh expert install is neat
14:22.48blopthe ethernet is a usb ethernet ax88179_178a eth0 registereed with usbcore.  IPv6 ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP: eth0: link is not ready   says dmesg
14:23.04blop(they actually are building laptops without ethernet now :/)
14:24.08*** join/#devuan sardonico (
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14:26.58fsmithredif it says 'booting in blind mode' then something will come up eventually. At least that's what I get.
14:27.43fsmithredbut since it's uefi, there's no way to predict what it will do.
14:28.00fsmithredis this a laptop?
14:28.20fsmithredbetter question: what kind of computer?
14:28.45blopyes laptop.  i wanted a ryzen so i got an acer swift 3 with ryzen 2500u
14:28.57blopdunno if it's a keeper
14:29.16fsmithredif the laptop is a keeper, the OS is not. YOu need newer kernel.
14:29.31fsmithredI think ryzen needs at least 4.10
14:29.55blopi think ascii has 4.10, don't remember
14:29.57fsmithredI made an iso with ascii and ascii backports kernel that should work
14:30.00fsmithredno 4.9
14:30.49blopyeah well dhcp is not working with this version of the driver at least
14:31.12blopgonna swap cables
14:31.41fsmithredthat's not an official devuan iso - it's a respin, uses only devuan repos
14:32.56*** join/#devuan Crypto (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
14:37.29*** join/#devuan blop (
14:37.36blopyeah was a bad cable
14:40.13blopshouldn't i be able to set bootable flag on my / partition?
14:40.21blopin the installer
14:40.22fsmithredwhat for?
14:40.31fsmithredlinux doesn't need it
14:40.42fsmithredand uefi partition gets esp and boot flags
14:40.43blopforgot that
14:41.12blopwell i'll help test the refracta-test then
14:41.20fsmithredcool, thanks
14:41.51fsmithredI'm curious to know if the wireless works with the backports kernel. I couldn't find wireless firmware in backports
14:42.15blopah devuan takes bitcoin.  that's good.
14:51.39amarsh04KatolaZ the problem was, nothing directly to do with KDE or devuan
14:51.56amarsh04now running again
14:54.00*** join/#devuan justinsm (
15:03.17*** join/#devuan Crypto (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
15:03.31blopthere were recent kernel fixes to kernel bogging down with heavy file i/o
15:03.50blopproblem was around for a decade or so
15:04.22blopi can lock-up this 4.10 box with a find
15:05.59Lydia_Kwhoa, they finally fixed that? I remember when that started I was so upset, it never used to happen.
15:09.56*** join/#devuan Crypto (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
15:12.05bloptrying refracta 4.14
15:12.19blopboots/runs fine
15:12.52blopwhat's root pw fsmithred ?
15:13.26blopoh it seems to run with sudo
15:13.57fsmithredroot:root, user:user
15:14.09fsmithredand yeah, sudo nopasswd for everything while running live
15:14.50blopnot going to encrypt.  don't think i need uuid.  should i leave 'do not install bootloader'?
15:15.08fsmithredgraphical installer?
15:15.24fsmithredthat option is irrelevant
15:15.27bloprunning Refracta installer
15:15.32fsmithredyou'll get asked later about bootloader
15:15.44blopi already have working grub2 on the drive
15:15.58fsmithredthen say no when it asks
15:16.04fsmithredtoward the end of the install
15:16.15fsmithredor continue without bootloader
15:16.38fsmithredthat logic needs to be cleaned up a bit in next version
15:16.45blopok no need to partition, will use /dev/nvme0n1p2
15:17.08*** join/#devuan amarsh04 (~amarsh04@
15:17.08fsmithredok, it will format the partition unless you selected "no format"
15:17.13blopnice this partition list thing
15:17.29fsmithredglad you like it
15:17.56blopsummary says pre-install scripts are disabled.  is that right?
15:18.04bloppost-install scripts are enabled
15:18.19fsmithredpre-install scripts are for locale and tzdata settings
15:18.26blopok i can do that later
15:18.47fsmithredpostinstall removes the installer icon from the desktop, but I didn't put one there, so it won't do anything.
15:19.35fsmithreddamn, I should not have left the pre-install scripts disabled. I must have set that in the config file, because I was testing with the cli installer
15:21.17blopif i don't run 'Install bootloader' then grub2 won't know about the new devuan uefi stuff, right?
15:21.39blopreinstalling bootloader /should/ find the existing partitions, no?
15:21.48fsmithredif you don't run that, then 'grub-install' and 'update-grub' won't run
15:22.11blopwell i don't care about the other os's :) so no harm can be done
15:22.11fsmithredif you have another linux installed, you can boot into that one, run update-grub, and the new install should get added to the boot menu
15:22.24*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
15:22.29fsmithredsounds like you should install the bootloader
15:22.40fsmithredit should find the old linux and add it to menu
15:22.45blopyeah ok ty
15:23.24fsmithredif you don't like it, you can later run efibootmgr and delete the first bootloader
15:23.38fsmithredprevious one should be next in line
15:24.36blop'logout command is not set'.  will reboot from cli
15:24.46fsmithredfrom the panel?
15:24.52fsmithredright-click desktop
15:24.58fsmithredand be warned...
15:25.05fsmithredreboot and shutdown are instant
15:25.08blopah reboot works
15:25.09fsmithredthey don't ask for confirmation
15:25.55blopf12 boot manager doesn't find devuan
15:26.03blopon reboot
15:26.06fsmithredif you want to enable the logout in the panel, you can set it to use one of two scripts found in /usr/local/bin
15:26.23blopnot found
15:26.23fsmithredthat's it
15:26.36DocScrutinizer05parazyd: no progress with ACL? then I gonna implement a botch for fsmithred, ok?
15:26.36fsmithredwhat's not found?
15:26.56bloprefracta not found.  it still sees my old siduction
15:27.22fsmithredweird. grub got installed?
15:27.25blopoh selecting siduction gives me refracta
15:28.06blopi'm in
15:29.07*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
15:29.27fsmithredlol, I don't know what happened there
15:29.49fsmithredlook in /boot/efi/EFI/ to see if there's a refracta dir
15:30.05blopthere is
15:30.25blopupdate & dist-upgrade running
15:30.51blop4.14.0-0-bpo.2-amd64 installed
15:31.18blopshould i try grub-install && update-grub?
15:31.43blopfinished, no errors
15:31.45*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
15:32.04blopefibootmgr reports Boot000* refracta
15:32.13blopbootorder 0000,0002 etc
15:32.23fsmithrednever saw that before
15:32.38bloplooking good, rebooting
15:33.15blopblue screen "Default Boot Device Missing or Boot Failed" // Insert Recovery Media and Hit any key
15:34.10blopf12 and then selecting 'siduction' gives me the refracta grub
15:34.16*** mode/#devuan [+o fsmithred] by ChanServ
15:34.31blopboots fine
15:34.48blopstartx works
15:34.56fsmithredgreat. This is one of the many reasons I hate uefi.
15:35.02blop:) me too
15:35.11blopbut it does allow for more primary partitions so yay
15:35.28fsmithredyou can use gpt with bios boot
15:35.44blopi don't think my bios has an option for legacy bios
15:35.45fsmithredbut have to make a special bios grub partition
15:35.57blopyeah,, acer
15:36.17blopanyway thanks for glorious ascii image
15:36.20fsmithredHP is worse - you have to lie to it and tell it you're booting windows
15:36.49blopnow to blacklist bluetooth
15:37.24*** join/#devuan TemporalBeing1 (~Ben_Meyer@
15:38.09*** mode/#devuan [-o fsmithred] by fsmithred
15:39.10parazydDocScrutinizer05: no, never got a reply
15:41.14DocScrutinizer05try again maybe. email is the wrong approach
15:41.39DocScrutinizer05freenode email all ends in dev/null
15:42.18DocScrutinizer05stats p says one staffer available
15:45.19DocScrutinizer05bigpresh rings a bell, nice person iirc
15:45.39DocScrutinizer05I might be totally wrong though
15:47.06*** join/#devuan ToffeeYogurtPots (~ToffeeYog@gateway/tor-sasl/toffeeyogurtpots)
15:49.26*** join/#devuan fromport (
15:50.06fromportinteresting answer regarding use of systemd and boot times after a quick test:
15:56.56DocScrutinizer05fromport: hehe nice
15:59.15DocScrutinizer05for the "it's easier and faster to write znit files for systemd than to write sysv initscripts" I have my own answer: I can save 10s in typing with unit files, but only after 6h of study how to achieve that. And alas the knowledge learned from systemd unitfile study doesn't stick to my brain so the expense/savings ratio is every time the same
15:59.17blopascii package gkrellm depends on libgnutls-openssl27 but libgnutls30 is available
16:02.16*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
16:02.35gnarfacealso it's probably worth mentioning that if a sysvinit script is that much of an intellectual burden to you, maybe you need to study more.
16:03.30DocScrutinizer05very much unlike unit files, sysvinit files are self explabatory to every moderately educated sysop
16:04.04DocScrutinizer05and don't get me started on debugging (options) - but I guess this whole rant is OT in here
16:04.40WalexDocScrutinizer05: that's a bit optimistic -- many shell scripts are pretty poorly written; bvut the unit file "scripting language" basically forces one to write poor scripts :-)
16:07.05fromporti used to work with miquels (author sysvinit on linux) and he is a real genius in writing scripts ;-)
16:07.23Walexfromport: uhm :-)
16:07.36*** join/#devuan earthnative (~nemo@
16:07.44Walexfromport: of course *my* thesis is that *my* scripts are the most wonderful :-)
16:07.57blopah openbox no support windowmaker dockapps slit.  too bad
16:07.59fromportwithout having seen them: totally agree ! ;-)
16:08.18blopoh maybe it do
16:08.31DocScrutinizer05I'm sure my scripts usually suck, but do about 99% of what they're expected to
16:08.35Walexfromport: many thanks! :-)
16:09.28Walexone of the tragedies of Debian/Debuan is that some pre/port shell script for packages are colossal and spaghetti-like. I think the longest is around 2,000 lines long
16:09.40DocScrutinizer05writing *good* shellscripts is a an art not everybody can master
16:09.49fromportmiquels wrote games for zx81/spectrum back in the days. you had to be fairly creative to make something work back then ;-)
16:10.08Walexfromport: good guy!
16:10.24DocScrutinizer05fromport: hmm, I did as well
16:10.55DocScrutinizer05at least game of life
16:11.03fromportwe must all be old geezers then ;-)
16:11.35Walexfromport: on the other hand I knew a guy who implemented a Lisp interpreter on a 64KiB z80 system and had such a rich set of data type operations (including rational complex numbers on an 8-bit machine) that the largest program it could run was around 50-100 lines long
16:12.01Walexfromport: "veteran UNIX admins" as the label says in the tin :-)
16:12.46blop< old too
16:12.52Walexmy oldest UNIX system home was a 286 running Microport System V.2
16:13.40DocScrutinizer05it wasn't before 386 that I actually installed a linux on a system. Amiga lacked MMU
16:13.59fromportstarted with 6809 with flex and later uniflex ;-)
16:14.22fromporton home made hardware
16:14.26DocScrutinizer05I pondered porting minix to my amiga1000
16:14.58DocScrutinizer05my homegrows stuff never seen anything but Z80 hex codes
16:15.26DocScrutinizer05had a 1kB "NASMON" iirc
16:15.40Walexfromport: Flex was quite nice indeed, good taste
16:16.00Walexold UNIX distribution prices:
16:16.47fromportWalex: too bad it doesn't have a date on it!
16:18.01DocScrutinizer05O didn't buy the BDS tapes back when since I lacked a tape drive ;-)
16:18.47fromport*grin* wonderful! taking us back to memory lane ! ;-)
16:19.12fromportwe bought uniflex with 5 people together since i/we couldn't afford a legal copy back then
16:21.14Walexfromport: the earlier price list must be from end 1989/beginning 1990 because that's when I upgraded to 32 bit ESIX (Microport V.2 was 16-bit for 286s and had virtual memory and worked pretty well).
16:21.31DocScrutinizer05a real pity though dates later: never got around to actually buying a NeXT cube, and even lost the excellent manuals I had bought
16:23.36WalexI wonder sometimes where all the people who did pretty good stuff like Microport or ESIX are now -- I hope they are earning well at google or somewhere like that.
16:24.13DocScrutinizer05pondered applying at Google, a week ago
16:25.31Walexmy impression is that of course Google is non-discriminatory, buthe somehow that people over 35-40 very rarely get hired
16:26.07fromportmiquels (author sysvinit) declined job at google. i think he still regrets that. but we did get to write/adept sysvinit with serial console and were mentioned on the frontpage of nasa. they needed serial console support to boot a computer shot into space so we wrote it ;-)
16:26.09WalexNo country for Veteran UNIX Admins :-)
16:26.58Walexfromport: there is a story that appeared on NeXTMagazine that made me really laugh about careers at big places...
16:27.04DocScrutinizer05fromport: hehe - The Real Programmer
16:28.43Walexfromport: some NeXT developer was moaning that his colleagues who had followed R Rashid (the CTO) at Microsoft were making so much more in stock options than him, because he kept working for NeXT/Apple and at the time Apple stock had not yet ballooned up.
16:28.54*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
16:29.06DocScrutinizer05>>If you can't do it in FORTRAN, do it in assembly language.  If you can't do it in assembly language, it isn't worth doing.<<
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16:30.46DocScrutinizer05>> My first task in the Real World was to read and understand a 2O0,OO0-line FORTRAN program, then speed it up by a factor of two.  Any Real Programmer will tell you that all the Structured Coding in the world won't help you solve a problem like that -- it takes actual talent.<<
16:33.45DocScrutinizer05one of my real tasks was to re-implement a 2 million LOC accounting&statistics program used by national welfare, half of it in Assembler and other in COBOL and no docs other than sourcecode for it. Target was COBOL-only and of course it must be 10 times as fast, and shorter
16:34.06DocScrutinizer05of course I been just one of a team of devels
16:34.47WalexDocScrutinizer05: at least you survived to tell the tale :-)
16:35.01DocScrutinizer05yeah, I left the team eventually
16:36.19Walexsometimes it is the only survival strategy left. I pity our poor equivalents in India that have to do all that maintenance work nowadays...
16:36.20DocScrutinizer05too many totally braindamaged conventions like   77 const-1 value "1"
16:36.51Walexclassic! :-)
16:37.05DocScrutinizer05"No numerical constants in programs AT ALL!" was a rule
16:39.58DocScrutinizer05so a a[3]++ becomes "ADD const-1 TO a INDEX const-3" or somesuch
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17:05.30blophui, i can't build-dep gkrellm either
17:06.05*** part/#devuan sardonico (
17:06.29blopdepends libgtk2.0-dev but not going to be installed.  and manually installing that gets me down a tree of other "not going to be installed" things
17:06.42blopis there an apt-get trick to install those anyway?
17:07.16KatolaZblop: which version of devuan are you using?
17:07.26KatolaZblop: what do you have in your sources.list?
17:07.47KatolaZ(I have just installet gkrellm in my ascii, and it works...)
17:08.12fsmithredKatolaZ, he installed an ascii iso I made with backports kernel
17:08.25fsmithredcheck to make sure backports is commented out in sources.list
17:08.27KatolaZ(meaning that there is no broken dep on gkrellm)
17:08.30blopdeb ascii main contrib nonfree,  and ascii-updates main, ascii-security main, ascii-proposed main, ascii-backports main
17:08.35blopoh ok
17:08.36KatolaZblop: sources.list
17:09.31blopwill do
17:10.58DocScrutinizer05rotfl! Your paste has triggered our automatic SPAM detection filter
17:11.17DocScrutinizer05honestly fsck pastebin
17:11.47blopok now try
17:11.51KatolaZblop: use
17:11.59KatolaZcurl -L -F c=@- </etc/apt/sources.list
17:12.24bloppastebin should work now.. will use in future
17:12.57*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
17:13.20DocScrutinizer05alias paste='nc 9999'
17:15.04KatolaZblop: have you apt-get updated?
17:15.29KatolaZapt-cache policy gkrellm
17:15.41blopyes: unmet dependencies:  gkrellm: Depends: libgnutls-openssl27 (>= 3.0-0) but it is not going to be installed
17:16.35fsmithredit gets weirder than that
17:17.07fsmithredlibgnutls30 v. 3.5.8-6 is installed, and I can't find that in any repo
17:17.17KatolaZblop: you are mixing repos mate
17:17.24fsmithredblame me
17:17.47fsmithredascii-proposed and ascii-updates are enabled, but they shouldn't cause problems, right?
17:18.06gnarfaceupdates and security definitely won't, but i don't know about proposed
17:18.07KatolaZwell, they shouldn't, in this specific case
17:18.38gnarfacethe fact he only has 'contrib' and 'non-free' enabled for main but not updates, or security, is probably a mistake though, even if it's not the cause of this problem.
17:19.00fsmithredgood catch
17:19.08blopdevuan-arm has libgnutls30
17:19.22KatolaZblop: that version of gkrellm is in ascii
17:19.26KatolaZno updates
17:19.29KatolaZno security
17:19.31fsmithredascii has it, too
17:19.31KatolaZno nothing
17:19.36KatolaZit MUST install cleanly
17:19.45KatolaZblop: apt-get install gkrellm
17:19.51fsmithredI'm getting similar error on system that made the iso
17:20.15blopshould i add updates and security to sources.list?
17:20.29blopwell i have ascii-updates and ascii-security main
17:20.49fsmithredyou should add contrib and non-free to those
17:20.54KatolaZblop, please
17:20.58KatolaZapt-get install gkrellm
17:21.09IrrwahnFWIW, gkrellm would install cleanly on my ascii box, with -security, -updates and -proposed enabled.
17:21.11blopi already did KatolaZ
17:21.14KatolaZ(none of the gkrellm deps is outside main, BTW)
17:21.18KatolaZblop: result?
17:21.43blopfsmithred: should i add contrib and non-free to the ascii-proposed line?
17:21.59KatolaZblop: that would be pointless, TBH
17:21.59fsmithrednot sure about that one
17:22.09fsmithredbut hang on...
17:22.22blop17:15 < blop> yes: unmet dependencies:  gkrellm: Depends: libgnutls-openssl27 (>= 3.0-0) but it is not going
17:22.32fsmithredI've got twilight-zone versions of libgnutls30 and mutt
17:22.46blopshould i purge libgnutls30 ?
17:22.58KatolaZblop: hold on
17:23.01fsmithredremove mutt and it should go
17:23.10KatolaZthat unmet dep is VERY strange mate
17:23.16KatolaZwhich arch are you on?
17:23.54KatolaZlibgnutls-openssl27 is present there
17:23.59KatolaZguys, you are mixing repos here
17:24.00bloppurged mutt*, apt-get updated, apt-get install gkrellm same error with libgnutls-openssl27
17:24.09fsmithredno katolaz, I did not mix repos
17:24.45KatolaZblop: have you "apt-get update"?
17:24.57blopKatolaZ: yes,
17:25.06KatolaZblop: I am on ascii
17:25.09KatolaZon amd64
17:25.16KatolaZapt-get install gkrellm installs without problems
17:25.23Irrwahn^^ same here
17:25.30Irrwahnlibgnutls-openssl27 should be 3.5.8-5+deb9u3 for Ascii
17:26.09*** join/#devuan Nematocyst (
17:26.23Irrwahnsame version for libgnutls30, obviously
17:26.46KatolaZblop: is this a new install or have you upgraded from another distro?
17:26.58bloppolicy for libgnutls-openssl27 is
17:27.07fsmithredKatolaZ, he used an iso that I made
17:27.25fsmithredstarted as debootstrap ascii
17:27.59KatolaZblop: that's correct
17:28.06KatolaZthat's why it's impossible that the install fails
17:28.59blophow about i purge the libgnutls-openssl30?
17:29.06*** join/#devuan karswell_ (
17:29.10KatolaZapt-get remove --purge libgnutls-openssl30
17:29.33fsmithredI think you'll need to remove mutt, too
17:29.38fsmithredgot knows what else
17:29.46fsmithredwhere the fuck did these packages come from?
17:29.54KatolaZfsmithred: you should know mate! :D
17:29.59blopunable to locate package libgnutls-openssl30
17:30.04blopmutt is removed
17:30.07KatolaZblop: so it's not installer
17:30.13fsmithredthey are not in jessie, jessie, ascii, stretch, buster, sid or ceres
17:30.24KatolaZblop: as evident from apt-cache policy
17:30.26blopoh it's called libgnutls30
17:30.58blopit wants to remove a lot of stuff, but i think i can do without it
17:31.14blophmm including debootstrap
17:31.14KatolaZblop: hold on mate
17:31.24KatolaZremoving stuff won't solve your problems automagically
17:31.59KatolaZso let's start again
17:32.12KatolaZblop: you just want to install the binary for gkrellm, right?
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17:32.28blopbinary, or later source
17:32.46blopi'd also like to help fsmithred fix up anything wrong with the image
17:32.55KatolaZblop: one thing at a time
17:33.26blopi don't need to do any work tonight :)
17:33.35KatolaZapt-cache policy gkrellm
17:34.23KatolaZ(there is a "please" before each newline, you just don't see it because your teminal is smart ;P)
17:34.49KatolaZapt-get install -s gkrellm
17:34.55KatolaZ(note the "-s")
17:35.13blopsame error: Depends: gnutls-openssl27
17:35.22KatolaZcould you please paste it?
17:35.26KatolaZthe whole thing
17:37.04KatolaZblop: is this the whole thing?
17:37.05blopapt-cache search gnutls shows libgnutls-openssl27
17:37.25KatolaZapt-cache libgnutls-openssl27
17:37.45blopapt-cache search?
17:38.05KatolaZapt-cache policy libgnutls-openssl27
17:39.31KatolaZapt-get install libgnutls-openssl27
17:40.42KatolaZapt-cache policy libgnutls30
17:40.50fsmithredhere's the full list of suspects:
17:40.52KatolaZ(you have a libgnutls30 from backports, almost surely)
17:41.08fsmithredno, I think it's an old version from ceres/sid
17:41.22fsmithredI see some versions in that list from unstable
17:41.27KatolaZok blop
17:41.34Irrwahnfsmithred: right, there should be no version 3.5.8-6 in any of ascci-* AFAICT
17:41.40KatolaZfsmithred: how on earth sid went in there? :D
17:41.45fsmithredthat one is not in any repo now
17:42.00KatolaZapt-get install libgnutls30=3.5.8-5+deb9u3
17:42.11KatolaZit will ask if you are sure you want to downgrade
17:42.23KatolaZfsmithred: see, you were mixing repos mate ;P
17:42.40fsmithredhow can I mix repos other than to add them to sources.list?
17:42.59KatolaZputtong them in /etc/apt/sources.list.d
17:43.14KatolaZblop: ^^^
17:43.21KatolaZapt-get install libgnutls30=3.5.8-5+deb9u3
17:43.23fsmithredit's not in there
17:43.30KatolaZblop: now install gkrellm
17:43.32KatolaZand enjoy
17:43.54fsmithredyou may want to copy that list I pasted, in case you run into other problems with versions
17:43.54KatolaZfsmithred: must have been in backports then
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17:44.25fsmithredthese packages don't have bpo in the version
17:44.42KatolaZfsmithred: then they must come from ceres
17:44.49KatolaZor from some other repo
17:45.01KatolaZthey must have come from somewhere, in the end :D
17:45.04fsmithredfrom a debootstrap install?
17:45.47KatolaZfsmithred: irsii does not come with debootsrtap I guess...
17:46.04KatolaZso dunno
17:46.24fsmithredI added packages, but used ascii repos and for kernel, used ascii-backports
17:46.58blopnow to get alsa+snd working
17:47.54blopty fsmithred KatolaZ
17:48.04fsmithredI'm going to rebuild this one from scratch
17:48.05KatolaZnp blop
17:48.11fsmithredsorry about the trouble, blop
17:48.26blopoh no problem.  here to do what i can to test.
17:48.49blopcan also do another install later.  have a free partition.
17:49.35fsmithredI'm almost always logged in here, so ping me any time and I'll eventually get back to you
17:56.08bloptrying new kernel on pi... bbs hopefully
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21:09.33*** join/#devuan _abc_ (~ruse@unaffiliated/ccbbaa)
21:09.40_abc_Good news for devuan too?
21:09.50*** mode/#devuan [-o fsmithred] by ChanServ
21:09.50_abc_Major distribution stops going the way of wayland
21:11.00_abc_The way I see it, politically, rh was digging itself into future sales with wayland and some poettering emanations, making linux hosts much less remote-friendly.
21:11.41fsmithredomg, I could get in trouble with that release name
21:12.02_abc_Look, it's not <nsfw>, right?
21:13.11_abc_fsmithred: maybe I misunderstood, which release name?
21:13.17_abc_bionic beaver?
21:13.53_abc_on topic: in devuan jessie, is it safe-ish to switch to another window manager from the default?
21:14.14fsmithredyes, I think you understood
21:14.32_abc_<cough> which one. The beaver or the wayland... susan...
21:14.34fsmithredyou can install as many window managers and desktop environments as you want
21:14.39fsmithredas long as you don't want gnome
21:15.02_abc_Okay, noted. kde is in there somewhere? kde4 is grotty but the current default window manager could use some minor polish
21:15.10merzbowopenbox works fine, and is very light
21:15.23_abc_I would like usable with few surprises. Light is not important
21:15.41fsmithredkde in jessie (I think) has some problems
21:15.43_abc_Specifically, things like pressing the power button shortly means I really want it to shutdown, not ask me if I wanna.
21:15.55_abc_Okay, so no kde. We'll find something more configurable
21:15.58fsmithredkde5 in ascii seems ok (with elogind) but I haven't used it much
21:16.11fsmithredand tde will install in jessie and work
21:16.15_abc_Did you ever build the default wm for jessie from source on jessie?
21:16.28fsmithredno, I haven't build any wm
21:16.44fsmithredthere are so many to choose from
21:16.47_abc_this tde?
21:16.59_abc_is it in the package list?
21:17.01fsmithredfork of kde3.5
21:17.15fsmithredno, go to trinity and follow directions for devuan
21:17.18fsmithredyes, devuan
21:17.33_abc_Oh, they have instructions for devuan? Respect.
21:22.52fsmithredS. Wayland is pretty tame. You must have a very strict workplace.
21:24.31_abc_It's not from work, I stumbled into that place a long time ago, remebered (can't unsee) it
21:24.49_abc_ fun, 360 pages of unix hater's handbook, it keeps growing.
21:26.30_abc_The X humor begins at ~pp 161
21:27.25MinceRwow, canonical doing actual work?
21:27.41MinceRor did they get some suckers at debian to maintain it for them? :>
21:28.23_abc_MinceR: I think some ceo political type got fed up of not being able to access his work pc from a tablet while in a business "trip" with palm trees context
21:28.43MinceRif only all that energy was invested into making a better windowing system instead of randing in that book :>
21:29.32_abc_MinceR: the good news is that, once Wayland is waylaid, that book of gripes will be all they have left. Xorg works fine, not without bugs and the occasional kick in the back side, but it works.
21:30.45_abc_See stupidity pp 187 'Shell crash' -- wow did that guy get things wrong.
21:31.13_abc_I think you don't even need to craft a fork bomb into cmd.exe, it just happens naturally as a part of normal operations
21:31.31MinceRwhy do they even use csh in the first place?
21:31.48_abc_Because they can't crash the other shells for demo purposes?
21:32.24MinceRi guess they boot into windows after they're done bashing unix, then
21:32.47_abc_That being said, :(){:;};: is an evergreen in bash. I don't think it's right as I wrote it there
21:32.58_abc_MinceR: *if* they can
21:33.18MinceRthat's fine -- if they can't, that's another thing to bash
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21:58.17vivusIs anybody using LXC on ascii?
22:07.15*** join/#devuan ibanja_ (
22:09.28fsmithredvivus, I'm not sure. It's been discussed here:
22:10.30vivusI wanted to know if anybody has run a systemd image on devuan ?
22:10.50ibanja_I am using lxc on ascii for about 2 months now.
22:10.55vivuseg. ubuntu 16.04
22:11.04vivusibanja_: what images are you using on it?
22:11.05_abc_What is lxc again?
22:11.05ibanja_I have an asterisk server running centos6 as my container
22:12.14ibanja_I also have a gentoo image installed
22:12.40vivusibanja_: if it isn't too much to ask, can you attempt running ubuntu 14.04 on your Devuan machine via LXC?
22:13.21ibanja_sure... give me a few minutes and I will get back to you
22:14.16vivusnp ibanja_ . take your time. no rush
22:16.03ibanja_Just to make sure, that would be ubuntu  trusty, correct?
22:17.37ibanja_I just installed ubuntu  trusty  amd64 and got "lxc_attach: 742 Failed to get init pid."
22:18.17vivusibanja_: you started it and got that error whilst attempting to attach it?
22:18.59ibanja_I attached fine... forgot to start it
22:19.10vivusaah yes, suspected that might be the issue
22:20.18ibanja_networking seems to be working... what problems were you having?
22:20.51vivusibanja_: I just wanted to see if systemd-based containers work, so that I can migrate some of my containers over and they will still work (and not break)
22:22.53ibanja_ok... I was going to migrate a number of containers over from debian stretch and was also wondering if anyone else was having success with the lxc containers... so far I have been fine.  I use the asterisk server as my office phone.
22:24.01vivusibanja_: what do you use your Debian containers for?
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22:26.01ibanja_I have a wiki, asterisk, debian repo for my private scripts, and I am going to containerize my cloud--moving from owncloud to nextcloud
22:26.18ibanja_and an xmmp server
22:27.05vivusinteresting. thanks for checking for me ibanja_ ! I shall update you on my migration of the containers
22:29.41ibanja_no problem... hope your migration goes smoothly.
22:37.16*** join/#devuan Dwarf (~Dwarf@unaffiliated/dwarf)
22:42.58DwarfAlrighty so I installed devuan in a chroot. but I'm getting this errors when running apt update: W: GPG error: jessie InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 94532124541922FB
22:43.07DwarfAny idea what to install to fix that
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22:50.02blinkdoggpg --recv-keys 94532124541922FB
22:54.12KatolaZDwarf: just apt-get install devuan-keyring
22:56.38DwarfThat's the one I was looking for. Thanks KatolaZ.
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23:05.31ibanja_Has anyone else found that jessie-backports causes quit a few dependency problems?
23:05.58fsmithredibanja_, that might depend on how many packages from backports you try to install
23:06.16fsmithredwhat problems are you running into?
23:06.35ibanja_I get messages such as: Depends: libturbojpeg0 (>= 1.4.0) but it is not installable
23:06.49KatolaZibanja_: example please
23:07.29fsmithredthat doesn't seem to be in jessie
23:07.42fsmithred1:1.5.1-2 is in ascii
23:08.02KatolaZwhich is > 1.4.0
23:08.06KatolaZso the dep is satisfied
23:08.15KatolaZin ascii
23:08.33fsmithredibanja_, what are you installing that wants it?
23:09.15ibanja_this time it was xpra, but I have been running into it a lot lately.  I have been assuming it was the back-ports.
23:09.33KatolaZibanja_: are you installing it from a devuan repo?
23:09.49KatolaZthat's pretty strange
23:09.56KatolaZsince backports are normally consistent
23:10.57ibanja_yes, a devuan repo and it was a fresh devuan install... and yes I thought it was strange.  I have used back-ports with no problems befoer
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23:11.11KatolaZibanja_: precise example please?
23:12.11fsmithredthat lib doesn't show up as a dep for xpra here
23:13.11ibanja_sudo apt-get --no-install-recommends install xpra
23:13.14ibanja_The following packages have unmet dependencies:
23:13.14ibanja_E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.
23:13.34KatolaZibanja_: you are mixing repos mate
23:13.51KatolaZapt-cache policy xpra
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23:14.11ibanja_you are right, I don't see it as a dependency...
23:14.17KatolaZapt-cache policy xpra
23:16.04fsmithredis aptitude installed?
23:16.46fsmithredand can you copy/paste a command I give you?
23:18.08ibanja_ok... thanks,  apt-cache policy gave a huge list of options which told me it's not back-ports... It is a debian repo from xpra... I disabled it, now it installs
23:18.52ibanja_The repo works on my ascii install, but not on this jessie install.  Interesting.
23:18.53KatolaZibanja_: one thing is almost sure in De??an: that the repos of a stable/oldstable distro are always consistent
23:19.14fsmithredyeah, debian stable is same as ascii, not jessie
23:19.27TomTheDragonWhat build system does Devuan use? Is it the same as Debian, the wanna-build/sbuild/etc?
23:19.35KatolaZno TomTheDragon
23:19.42KatolaZwe have a ci based on jenkins
23:19.52ibanja_OK, that makes sense...
23:20.15TomTheDragonKatolaZ: hmm, interesting... Am trying to decide whether to track Debian or Devuan with a 486/586 port.
23:21.34KatolaZTomTheDragon: Debian abandoned 586 long ago...
23:21.42TomTheDragonKatolaZ: I think in 2016
23:22.01KatolaZoh, it looked more remote ;)
23:22.14TomTheDragonBut the baseline bump actually happens in stretch, keyed on the release name in the gcc rules file.
23:22.44TomTheDragon486 fell out of support a long while ago, but likely due to no tests. I only have 586 box to test with ;)
23:23.28KatolaZI still must have a 486 board somewhere, but it's not in working order I guess :D
23:24.37TomTheDragonah, I see... it's keyed on the debian release in an inverse way
23:25.07TomTheDragonif the release is etch, lenny it's 486. if squeeze, wheezy, or jessie, it's i586. else it's i686
23:26.12TomTheDragonand debian, is on an else block of "Ubuntu"... so Devuan would be treated as debian (unless the source was changed)
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23:26.39KatolaZTomTheDragon: I guess we haven't forked gcc...
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23:28.37TomTheDragonKatolaZ: It's not really an issue unless you want to avoid bumping the baseline
23:28.58KatolaZTomTheDragon: I guess I am not following
23:29.58TomTheDragonI'm not entirely sure what you meant by not forking gcc
23:30.54ibanja_KatolaZ: concerning the xpra repo.  How likely am I to run into a problem when using an xpra debian-stretch repo with devuan-ascii?
23:31.08KatolaZibanja_: who knows?
23:31.09TomTheDragonAnd I was basically saying it doesn't really matter... after jessie (in debian) the gcc rules specify i686 architecture. So it doesn't really matter.
23:31.32ibanja_:) right
23:31.34KatolaZibanja_: in theory it's not a good idea to mix devuan and debian repos
23:31.50KatolaZin practice, if you are sure that that repo includes only xpra packages
23:31.54KatolaZand nothing else
23:31.59KatolaZthen you should be able to use it
23:32.25KatolaZunless xpra (that I don't have a clue what is) wants systemd-related stuff
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23:33.10ibanja_right... I guess it's a matter of checking out the package and the dependencies it needs and taking a shot.
23:33.29TomTheDragonbasically some kind of desktop forwarding.
23:33.38KatolaZibanja_: I would in any case pin external repos to 100
23:34.11Criggieabc: totally - when I restored my user homedir I got twm back.  Works perfectly for me
23:35.45TomTheDragontwm? I remember I used to use that.
23:35.55ibanja_good point, pinning... BTW xpra is used to run X programs from a remote machine.  The dependencies seem to be a lot of python modules.  I don't think it will have any systemd-less issues, but time will tell. .
23:36.13KatolaZthanks ibanja_
23:36.32KatolaZI have learned something
23:36.55ibanja_Me too... I think using --no-install-recommends and pinning would cut down on possibility of issues.
23:36.56KatolaZ(btw, ssh -X should be enough for that, right?)
23:37.17KatolaZ(I mean for running remote X applications...)
23:37.48ibanja_yes ssh -X works well, but xpra can be used to forward a whole session.
23:37.53TomTheDragonYou don't want to use it just for running remote applications, really.
23:38.20TomTheDragonBut if you want persistent remote applications, and access them from various machines like GNU screen for pty, it can be useful
23:38.48TomTheDragon(for me, I really only care about keeping things like servers, etc running, which are either daemons or in screen sessions)
23:38.52ibanja_I am trying to set up s computer for a conference type situation that I can control from my desktop and this allows that as well.
23:39.52ibanja_I mean control a desktop from my laptop.
23:40.22ibanja_I am in the playing with it stage now
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23:51.30TomTheDragonKatolaZ: would it be a trivial exercise to fire up a Jenkins CI to build Devuan? Just curious.
23:51.50TomTheDragonwith say, alternative configuration of a few packages
23:52.10KatolaZTomTheDragon: it's not sraightforward
23:52.23KatolaZthe problem is not just jenkins
23:52.28TomTheDragonah, so just as straightforward as Debian
23:52.29KatolaZbut the dak install behind it
23:53.02KatolaZwhich is a bit of a hairball
23:53.23TomTheDragonyep, as I've heard. I've kind of avoided dak for my experimentation, though I'm trying to rebuild debian itself
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23:53.55TomTheDragonjust using reprepro and some ksh/perl (from debian ports guys)
23:53.58KatolaZTomTheDragon: why, if I can ask?
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23:54.47TomTheDragontargeting lower baseline for x86
23:56.15KatolaZoh I see
23:56.25KatolaZthat would be cool
23:56.34KatolaZbut maybe too much of a mess
23:56.35KatolaZI mean
23:56.45KatolaZthere is little point into compiling KDE for a 486
23:56.55TomTheDragonKDE5, haha. yeah
23:57.12KatolaZI remember KDE 1 was already a sluggish slug on a Pentium 1
23:57.29TomTheDragonOn 586, 3.5 (TDE) is almost passable
23:57.32KatolaZI think I didn't run anything more than fvwm2 on a 486
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23:58.35TomTheDragonYeah, I might be able to get away with a subset of packages. But that's some work in itself, selecting them all.
23:58.58KatolaZTomTheDragon: jessie has some 42K packages
23:59.03KatolaZascii has 52K+
23:59.17KatolaZsource packages are in the region of 30K, IIRC
23:59.32TomTheDragonYeah, a lot of packages (though not sure how many are noarch)
23:59.44KatolaZyou mean "all"
23:59.54TomTheDragonyeah, all. not any.

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