IRC log for #devuan on 20180128

00:19.07*** join/#devuan gnu_srs (
00:31.23MinceRare there any ascii installer isos somewhere?
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01:04.53*** join/#devuan hannes1 (
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01:11.22*** join/#devuan Oldmoss (
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01:21.54*** topic/#devuan is Recent (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release || This is the Devuan discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
01:29.35*** join/#devuan Irrwahn (
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01:38.41*** join/#devuan zyliwax (~zyliwax@unaffiliated/zyliwax)
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02:08.24*** join/#devuan VH (47ffb58c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:16.29VHHello I have question about sources.list on devuan jessie
02:17.46VHOn debian, in order to get packages that are not completely FOSS, you add contrib and non-free repositories in sources.list
02:18.17VHbut when I looked at source list for devuan, I am not sure what to do.
02:20.23VHI am talking about this site:
02:21.41VHis "backport" and "experimental" in devuan similar as "contrib" "non-free" or something else completely?
02:22.45VHI am trying to add additional font, media codec and other software packages on my machine.  In order to do that, I need to add repositories that are not completely FOSS
02:22.54VHDoes anyone have any ideas?
02:23.24blinkdogHi VH. backport and experimental are different than contrib non-free etc
02:23.45VHHello again blinkdog.  I see.
02:24.09blinkdogbackport is when a future version of something is made available to an earlier release
02:24.35blinkdogfor example, if foo v4 was the latest when Devuan Jessie came out, then you might find foo v5 in the backport repository
02:25.01VHWhat should I do in order to add contrib & non-free repository?  Because on Devuan site it says that I should not mix with Debian repository in sources.list
02:25.01blinkdogit's the later version of foo that is compiled/packaged to be compatible with Devuan Jessie
02:25.09VHI see.
02:25.32blinkdogso when they mean "don't mix Debian repository" they mean, use   but DON'T add Debian hostnames
02:25.51blinkdogbecause you'll start using their repos, which might pull in systemd and systemd depending packages
02:26.07blinkdogyou can just add "contrib" "non-free" at the end
02:26.12blinkdoglike you would for Debian
02:26.30blinkdogas long as the beginning is   it's OK, because it's still the Devuan repos
02:26.34blinkdogjust different sections
02:27.33blinkdogyou can use our contrib and non-free ... just not Debian's ;-)
02:28.22VHso would it look something like this, "deb jessie contrib"  ?
02:30.27VHBy the way, I installed virtualbox on my machine and added this line to sources.list
02:30.29VHdeb jessie contrib
02:30.57VHit has word debian on it.  So should I change it to word devuan?
02:31.22VHsorry if I am not making sense because this is all new to me.
02:31.22blinkdogyeah, those should be OK ... no, don't change debian there because it's part of the URL (where decided to put their files)
02:31.40VHoh ok. probably didn't make a special place for Devuan .. maybe we'll convince them in the future :-)
02:32.52blinkdogThis one can work too:     deb jessie main contrib non-free
02:33.02VHso if I install a package named thispackage1 and it also says that it wants me to add somthing then I should leave word debian alone
02:33.08VHI see
02:33.39*** join/#devuan gnu_srs (
02:33.53blinkdogWell, if you add custom repositories like that (like the Virtualbox one) there is a risk you'll pull in a package that isn't totally compatible with Devuan
02:34.17VHof course...
02:34.19blinkdogsome things it'll make no difference; Devuan is mostly Debian
02:34.55blinkdogother things the package may specify a dependency like systemd, but Devuan won't be able to find systemd in its repos (this is by design), so the package might not install
02:35.17VHso you never know that is.  And I have to take the risk of something is going wrong when I use it, but since devuan is mostly debian, just use it I guess.
02:35.50blinkdogYeah. It's best to check if the package is already in the Devuan repo
02:36.18blinkdogif it is, it's best to use that one, unless you really can't live without some feature
02:36.57blinkdogThere are commands to help show you where packages are coming from, but I'm not such an expert at them
02:37.23VHwell I'll search it on internet.
02:37.56blinkdogfsmithred or KatolaZ would probably know off the top of their heads, but I'm like you, I'd need to search for it
02:38.20VHThat's it for now I suppose.
02:38.53VHAgain, thanks a lot for your help!  Appreciate much.
02:39.26fsmithredapt-get -s install foo
02:39.34fsmithredwill tell you what it wants to do
02:39.45*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
02:39.57VHGreat.  Thanks a lot.
02:39.58fsmithred(how not to burn your hand)
02:40.41VHok thank you.  goodbye.
02:40.50fsmithredhave fun
02:42.09fsmithredhow do I use apt-transport-tor? I first installed apt-transport-https and changed sources to https. All was good. Then I added apt-transport-tor and changed to onion address. I can't update the cache due to errors.
02:43.14fsmithredIf I just run apt-get update, I get: W: Failed to fetch tor+https://devuanfwojg73k6r.onion/merged/dists/ascii/InRelease  Can't complete SOCKS5 connection to
02:45.19fsmithredand running 'torsocks --shell' followed by apt-get update also gives me "failed to fetch" along with "FailReason: ConnectionRefused"
02:47.17blinkdoghmmm, seems like that address might not be working
02:47.33fsmithredyou tried it?
02:47.49blinkdogtry this
02:48.33blinkdogoh, hey it works
02:48.49blinkdogso the onion address is OK, but your connection to tor isn't working
02:49.35blinkdogthis is probably a stupid question, but did you    apt-get install tor   at all?
02:49.49fsmithredClearsigned file isn't valid, got 'NOSPLIT' (does the network require authentication?)
02:50.13fsmithredit is installed
02:51.13fsmithreddo I need to do some configuration, or does this normall work ootb?
02:52.00blinkdogGPG says: gpg: requesting key 61FC752C from hkp server
02:52.00blinkdoggpg: key 61FC752C: public key "Devuan Repository (Amprolla3 on Nemesis) <>" imported
02:53.10blinkdogas far as I know it should work ootb
02:53.13blinkdoglemme see
02:55.21fsmithredI do have that key
02:56.19*** join/#devuan Humpelstilzchen (
02:58.04blinkdogah ha! the magic incantation is:   torify wget https://devuanfwojg73k6r.onion/merged/dists/ascii/InRelease
02:58.28blinkdogwell, maybe.. at least for me it didn't fail immediately
02:58.34blinkdogit hasn't succeeded yet either though :-(
02:59.08fsmithredconnection refused
03:04.25*** join/#devuan zyliwax (~zyliwax@unaffiliated/zyliwax)
03:09.51blinkdogWow, okay, I'm a little shocked at how hard it is to make this work
03:11.36fsmithredI saw two sets of instructions for doing this on debian, and there was no setup involved.
03:11.53fsmithredinstall, change sources and run
03:16.53blinkdogoh, OK
03:17.04blinkdogwhat does   echo $http_proxy  give you?
03:18.18*** join/#devuan menip (
03:19.16blinkdogInteresting,   torify wget http://devuanfwojg73k6r.onion/merged/dists/ascii/InRelease    works just fine, but   https   does not
03:23.57fsmithredoh, that worked here, too
03:24.16fsmithredbut apt-get update still doesn't work
03:38.39*** join/#devuan knidos (~knidos@
04:08.40*** join/#devuan gnu_srs (
04:20.09blinkdogit's the   tor+https   if you change that sources line to   tor+http   it works
04:20.32blinkdogand if you look on our devuan page, it's that way too (tor+http):
04:21.04fsmithredoh, I changed https:// to http://
04:22.02blinkdogand your  apt-get update   still doesn't work?
04:23.49fsmithredI'm lost
04:23.59fsmithreddeb tor+http://devuanfwojg73k6r.onion/merged jessie          main
04:24.11fsmithredthat's what I copied from
04:24.19fsmithredI've tried it with jessie and with ascii
04:24.36fsmithredtook the -updates and -security, too
04:25.17fsmithredand I tried the one you gave me, with and without the s
04:25.40blinkdogand has that sources line worked for you, with jessie and/or ascii?
04:26.15fsmithredlooks like it's working now
04:26.17blinkdogSee I just got a fresh Jessie VM to use tor+http without trouble
04:27.03fsmithredtor+ ascii is working
04:28.37*** join/#devuan mhc (
04:30.06fsmithredW: The repository 'tor+ ascii Release' does not have a Release file.
04:30.49blinkdogoh sorry, I think I said something confusing
04:31.15blinkdogthe thing is a normal -> Tor gateway site, so you can use a regular old http to pull something out of the tor network
04:31.37blinkdogi used it to check to see if that devuan onion address was reachable in the tor network
04:32.11blinkdog(i.e.: ignore any local configuration f***-ups, just check tor)
04:33.02blinkdogI was able to get the InRelease file from that and the signature checked out with that key I mentioned
04:33.14blinkdogso I was trying to make tor+https work, thinking that was the thing
04:33.23blinkdogthen I double checked, and it's just tor+http
04:33.34blinkdogonce I used that line, now everything works for me with    apt-get update
04:33.40fsmithredwouldn't it make more sense for it to be https?
04:35.26blinkdogprobably, but I'm not sure if it's supported by that apt-transport-tor or not
04:40.32blinkdogoh oh oh ... I think apt-transport-tor supports https, but, I'm not sure our onion site is configured for it
04:40.55*** join/#devuan bill-auger (
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22:22.09*** join/#devuan quiquedomonte (4f9d2788@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:30.43quiquedomonteI have a problem with a recently installation of Devuan
22:30.58quiquedomontemaybe anyone can help me?
22:31.46gnarfacequiquedomonte: it is customary to specify the actual problem before asking
22:32.25quiquedomonteYeah, The problem is with the desktop environment, when I type "startx" it freezes the screen
22:32.35gnarfacewell that's bad
22:32.49gnarfacewhich video card?
22:33.11quiquedomonteI've installed 3 times, and the last one, I've installed it without DE
22:33.33gnarfaceyea, that was a waste of time, this isn't windows
22:33.42gnarfaceyou should have asked right away
22:33.47quiquedomonteIt's an old PC, The graphic card is AMD/ATI Rage 128 PRO AGP 4x
22:34.13quiquedomonteI know this is not windows
22:34.20gnarfacecan you go into more detail about the freeze?   does it just go black?  does the text stay on the screen?  does the desktop actually render first?  any mouse movement?
22:34.54gnarfaceby any chance did you pick KDE as the desktop?
22:35.29gnarfaceit's important to find out if the whole machine froze or if it's just Xorg; see if you can "ctrl+alt+F2" out to a virtual console after it freezes
22:35.31quiquedomonteIt freezes and the only tihing I can do is puss the reset button of the computer. Keyboard don't work, mouse don't work,
22:36.04quiquedomonteno, I wanted to install a light DE like openbox
22:36.14gnarfacedid you try these sequences?  ctrl+alt+f2   alt+printscreen+R+E+I+S+U+B
22:36.30quiquedomonteI can't, keyboard don't work after freezed
22:37.06gnarfacejust because it doesn't type on the screen doesn't mean it's not listening
22:37.14quiquedomonteIf I enter on CLI, I have no problem, but when I type "startx" is when I have the problem
22:37.17gnarfaceXorg can be frozen with or without freezing the I/O
22:38.08quiquedomontewell, when the screen freezes, keyboard don't rule, I've just tried with another keyboard and the same result
22:38.14gnarfacesee if the Xorg.0.log has a clue
22:38.24quiquedomonteMaybe I could try with another graphic card...
22:38.36gnarfaceif you have the option to ssh in from another machine, or even ping it while frozen, that may also be a valuable clue
22:38.51*** join/#devuan ddg (~ddg@unaffiliated/ddg)
22:38.59gnarfaceanother graphic card is unlikely to be necessary unless that one is actually faulty
22:39.01gnarfaceit's known to work
22:39.26gnarfacewhat's more likely is you're running into a compositing problem
22:39.31gnarfaceor a power management problem
22:39.47gnarface(again - assuming it's not dead vram or something like that)
22:39.51quiquedomonteWell, I'll try with Xorg.o.log
22:40.54gnarfaceis the rest of the machine as old as the video card?
22:41.11gnarfacethere are other possibilities
22:41.32gnarfacei didn't give you a set of random guesses; i gave you a checklist of things i need to know to narrow in on the problem for you, just fyi
22:41.32quiquedomonteNo, I think the machine is newer than the video card
22:41.37g4570nif you try to load the system from a live cd / usb, does the video work?
22:41.57quiquedomonteyes, It works well
22:42.06gnarfaceif you ignore parts of my suggestions, or even just don't report everything i ask, it significantly limits my ability to help deductively
22:42.29quiquedomonteI'm looking the log Xorg.0.log
22:42.47quiquedomontesorry, I'm looking the other computer
22:42.50gnarfaceif it's a newer machine and you're using jessie, there is also a potential for kernel problems
22:43.19gnarfacebut if it turns out to be a kernel issue, there's a newer kernel available in backports that should work for the known issues (something wrong with Intel Skylake hardware, i don't really know what)
22:44.09quiquedomonteThere is something in that log that repeats a lot:
22:44.21quiquedomonteIdle timed out, resetting engine...
22:44.38gnarfacemight be related, not sure
22:44.44quiquedomonteR128CCEWaitForIdle: CCE stop -9
22:44.54gnarfacepay special attention to any lines with (EE) on them
22:44.58quiquedomonteR128CCEWaitForIdle start -9
22:45.04gnarfacewe're mostly looking for "(EE)"
22:45.08quiquedomonteyes, this 3 lines are EE
22:45.26gnarfacedoes it say it's loading the r128 driver, or some framebuffer driver?
22:45.29gnarfaceor maybe vesa?
22:45.48gnarfacei'm not familiar with openbox so i don't know if it enables compositing by default
22:45.51quiquedomonteI don't know, maybe it will try to load driver again and again
22:46.05gnarfacecan you pastebin the log?
22:46.43quiquedomonteNo, I'm writting u from another computer
22:47.11gnarfacewell, you could try another window manager just to be sure
22:47.15gnarfaceblackbox should work with everything
22:47.57gnarfaceand e17 will ask you whether you want to enable compositing the first time you start it, so you can say no, or just tell it to use cpu instead of opengl
22:48.33quiquedomonteThe problem is not the kind of DE, in the first installation, I choose Mate, on the second XFCE, and the problem was the same
22:48.38gnarfaceit's an old enough video card there really shouldn't be many things that could be a problem
22:48.46gnarfacethe drivers should be pretty stable for that card by now
22:49.11quiquedomonteI think is the driver. I'll try with anoter one. Thanks for your help
22:49.25gnarfacealright, well good luck...
22:49.48quiquedomonteAnother thing, the same video card works fine on Debian 8.3, installed on another partition on the same machine
22:49.51gnarfacei think your testing methodology lacks scientific rigor but if you have other video cards to test you might as well try it
22:50.21gnarfacethe devuan and debian kernels are literally the same
22:50.39quiquedomonteI'm just wanted to try devuan in that computer, that's all
22:50.48gnarfacebut i'm telling you that's a big deal
22:50.56gnarfaceif it works in debian it should work in devuan unless you did something wrong
22:51.09gnarfaceusually a permissions error...
22:51.16gnarfacethis doesn't sound like that but i dunno
22:51.25gnarfaceyou didn't mix any 3rd party repos or packages in, did you?
22:51.48gnarfaceif you have a static xorg.conf for that debian box, maybe copy it over
22:51.50quiquedomonteNo, I didn't do anything except the basic installation from a CDROM
22:52.03quiquedomontemmmm that's a good idea!
22:52.24gnarfacethat should also cover "loading the wrong driver" problems
22:54.07gnarfaceauto-detect fails in all kinds of bizarre ways, i've found
22:54.35gnarfacebut also, systemd gives permission to everything by default to whatever user happens to be logged in
22:55.03gnarfacesysvinit doesn't do that, so it's common for users to run into problems by forgetting to add themselves to certain key groups like "video", "audio" and "input"
22:55.36golinuxquiquedomonte: Maybe you could try to boot one of the desktop-live isos to see if your graphics work there.
22:55.53golinuxIf they do you could install from that iso.
22:56.21gnarfacegolinux: he managed a text-mode install, he just can't get Xorg working
22:56.29golinuxAnd you are on Devuan Jessie, right?
22:56.45gnarfacequiquedomonte: ^
22:56.50golinuxIf the live-disk works it's not his hardware.
22:56.59gnarfacewell he also says it works in debian
22:57.19quiquedomonteyes, devuan jessie
22:57.25gnarfacequiquedomonte: on the debian install, are you using the stock kernel there, or a backport kernel?
22:57.39golinuxIf he used the net install . . . it is a bit crippled.
22:58.03golinuxIf he's on ascii he needs a window manager for X to work.
22:58.18quiquedomontei've just downloaded an iso image and burn it on a cdrom
22:58.27quiquedomontefrom the official webpage
22:58.53golinuxGood! Hope that can eliminate some possibilities
22:59.30golinuxYou downloaded from here?
23:00.40quiquedomonteNo, it was from here
23:02.12gnarfacethose should be fine too
23:02.30*** join/#devuan Oldmoss (
23:02.32gnarfacequiquedomonte: you updated when it was finished installing, right?
23:02.42gnarfaceapt-get update && apt-get upgrade?
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23:03.54quiquedomonteThis is the iso I have:
23:07.32*** join/#devuan quite (quite@unaffiliated/quite)
23:12.39quiquedomonteIt works with another video card.
23:13.06*** join/#devuan stanz (
23:13.09*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
23:14.40quiquedomonteThanks for your help!
23:14.48golinuxAs I said above . . . the CD iso is a bit crippled.
23:15.40quiquedomontewhat's the meaning of crippled?
23:16.01golinuxIt is very minimal to fit in a CD.  The desktop-live would allow you to boot into a working system from the iso to check you video hardware.
23:16.19fsmithredquiquedomonte, did you use a network mirror when you installed?
23:16.37quiquedomontemaybe, I don't remember
23:16.41golinuxWell at one point it required a wired connection.
23:17.09quiquedomonteI'm connected with a wire, that's not the problem
23:17.15golinuxAnd the applications included are minimal.
23:17.25fsmithredthen it doesn't matter that you used the CD
23:17.34quiquedomonteDon't worry, I've change video card and now it works
23:17.46fsmithredif it was a network install, you should have gotten everything
23:17.49golinuxHardware can be a bitch
23:18.00quiquedomonteyes, I know
23:20.10gnarfacehe installed from CD though, not a netinstall disk
23:21.16quiquedomonteyes, It was from CD
23:21.44fsmithredbut if you choose a network mirror you get everything from the repo (except the installer bits)
23:22.24fsmithredquiquedomonte, run this:
23:22.36fsmithreddpkg -l |wc -l
23:22.59fsmithredit'll tell how many packages are installed
23:23.09fsmithredshould be more than 1400
23:32.48*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@unaffiliated/xenguy)

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