IRC log for #devuan on 20180120

00:02.24*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
00:19.09*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
00:40.49*** join/#devuan oaiudasd (~weowj@
00:41.14*** part/#devuan oaiudasd (~weowj@
00:56.50*** join/#devuan Achylles (
01:09.41*** join/#devuan weow (~weowj@
01:10.53*** part/#devuan weow (~weowj@
01:22.34*** join/#devuan infobot (
01:22.34*** topic/#devuan is Recent (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release || This is the Devuan discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
02:12.24*** join/#devuan Achylles (~Achylles@
02:49.02*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
02:51.40*** join/#devuan bpmedley (
03:02.35*** join/#devuan ToffeeYogurtPots (~ToffeeYog@gateway/tor-sasl/toffeeyogurtpots)
03:03.54*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock_ (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
03:04.14*** join/#devuan Humpelstilzchen (
03:10.33*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
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03:29.45*** join/#devuan agent551 (~uid1@
03:31.38*** join/#devuan hgunth (~hgunth@gateway/tor-sasl/hgunth)
03:40.45agent551Hi. I'm not a very experienced Linux user. Seem to have an issue running commands which require elevated privelages from the GUI. Attemping to mount partitions from eSATA drive give 'failed to moun "name". Not authorized to perform operation." Trying to run Synaptic from Applications Menu fails silently. I have added myself to the sudo group, and can run commands from bash. Any thoughts?
03:42.38agent551Forgot to mention, running XFCE 4.10 on x86 64
03:44.27*** join/#devuan bill-auger (
03:48.20*** join/#devuan hgunth (~hgunth@gateway/tor-sasl/hgunth)
03:49.06golinuxagent551: sudo is not enabled by default in Devuan. Try su to get to root in a terminal
03:50.57golinuxThe synaptic issue is a known one.  Try gksu synaptic from a user terminal.  It will ask for your root PW to continue
03:53.00agent551Hi golinux. I can use su and sudo in a terminal. However, when using the gui, I had expected to be prompted for a password to run tasks requiring elevated privileges. To mount a drive in Thunar, I had expected a password prompt. Perhaps I have to enable something first. I can run Synaptic from a terminal with no problems.
03:55.10agent551Is running Synaptic from the gui likely to be unrelated to a privilege prompt when mounting a partition from Thunar? I was just guessing they were related behaviours.
03:57.40agent551When I run gksu synaptic i get the following response: (gksu:9318): GConf-WARNING **: Client failed to connect to the D-BUS daemon:
03:57.41agent551Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.
03:57.57agent551GConf Error: No D-BUS daemon running
04:00.44golinuxSynaptic is broken in the main menu
04:01.41golinuxYou can search the botbot logs for this channel.  I don't remember the details.
04:01.55agent551ok, thanks
04:02.03agent551will look around
04:02.18golinuxOr maybe someone will pop in to explain it better
04:03.31golinuxIf gksu didn't work, it sounds like something else is going on.
04:04.12agent551synaptic ran, but the response appeared in the terminal
04:04.41golinuxCan you launch from alt + F2?  That works here.
04:05.19agent551I was more interested in the partition mounting though, just as a matter of convenience. didn't want to mount from terminal every time.
04:05.48agent551is alt f2 to enter runlevel 2?
04:06.20golinuxAt least I got a prompt.  Why not put the partitions in fstab?
04:06.41golinuxNot ctrl + alt + F2
04:06.51golinuxJust alt + F2
04:07.05golinuxApplication finder shortcut
04:07.19agent551i have put partitions in fstab for frequently used drives, but not for others
04:07.36agent551ah, thanks, didn't know about that.
04:07.58golinuxI've got to go.  Be back later
04:08.12agent551sure, thanks for your help
04:15.01*** join/#devuan jelly-home (jelly@pdpc/supporter/active/jelly)
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04:29.15*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
04:50.31*** join/#devuan agent552 (~uid1@
04:53.05*** join/#devuan konsolebox (~konsolebo@
04:56.15agent551Hi, just checking back having resolved an issue elevating privileges from the GUI I mentioned earlier. I added the line 'username ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL' to the /etc/sudoers file with visudo. GUI works as expected now.
04:57.04agent551Forgot about that earlier when setting up sudo.
05:09.47*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
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05:19.51*** join/#devuan jelly-home (jelly@pdpc/supporter/active/jelly)
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08:02.36*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
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08:24.44Guest6924agent551: you can also add your name to the sudo group in /etc/group
08:25.57Guest6924if you leave in blank root's password during the installation of devuan, debian-installer will give you sudo permissions and then you'll be able to use gksudo instead of gksu
08:27.00Guest6924additionally, you can also give a password for root after the installation; in that case, both gksudo and gksu will work
08:28.16*** join/#devuan xes (~xes@unaffiliated/xes)
08:30.37Guest6924as i said some days ago, i added a suid binary to the popupmenu fixing this issue:
08:30.55Guest6924i need coffee, bbl :)
08:32.09*** join/#devuan thaller_ (~thaller@2001:a61:425:9200:6807:3471:3795:1003)
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08:41.55*** join/#devuan gnu_srs (
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08:47.42aitor_hi again
08:51.32amarsh04things to overheat your room: compiling a kernel on a machine with an Intel Prescott CPU
09:00.12*** join/#devuan ddg (~ddg@unaffiliated/ddg)
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09:55.33*** join/#devuan Fervi (
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10:38.33*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
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11:07.07aitor_i pushed the definitive sources of the popupmenu:
11:16.47*** join/#devuan maurizio1 (~maurizio@
11:19.02*** join/#devuan Achylles (~Achylles@2804:431:d725:b963:ba86:87ff:fe53:d811)
11:22.47*** join/#devuan markong (~marco@
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12:12.33*** join/#devuan thehornet (~a0225280@
12:42.15*** join/#devuan konsolebox (~konsolebo@
12:51.12aitor_you can build the popupmenu by the following way:
12:51.14aitor_git clone
12:51.42aitor_cd popupmenu
12:52.16aitor_pristine-tar checkout ../popupmenu_0.1.1.orig.tar.xz
12:53.20aitor_and the use git-buildpackage
12:56.06aitor_git-buildpackage -j4 -tc -k64CF1949 --git-export-dir="../build-area" --git-pristine-tar --git-tag --git-ignore-branch
12:56.39aitor_you need the arg --git-pristine-tar; otherwise, you'll get something like:
12:57.33*** join/#devuan Levure (~quassel@
12:57.36aitor_one sec
13:00.46aitor_i was assuring..., you will get something like:
13:00.47aitor_gbp:error: upstream/0.1.1 is not a valid treeish
13:01.10aitor_you need libmenu-cache-dev
13:02.56aitor_once you've installed it in openbox, replace the root-menu in your ./config/openbox/rc.xml by the following lines:
13:02.57aitor_<mousebind button="Right" action="Press">
13:03.12aitor_<action name="Execute">
13:03.36aitor_<execute>popupmenu terminator thunar medit </execute>
13:05.26aitor_you can choose your own args in the command line, they will be the apps in the header of the popupmenu, the static part
13:06.09aitor_hope you like it, need to go :)
13:06.17fsmithredaitor_, could you please post this information somewhere like a ml or forum?
13:06.38*** join/#devuan aitor (
13:06.42fsmithredwhere it will be easier to find
13:07.06fsmithredwhen you post instructions here, they get lost in the past
13:07.18Guest94266yes, fsmithred, ill post in the DNG and in the d1g
13:07.53Guest94266serpentine Guest94266 is gone
13:15.18*** join/#devuan knidos (~knidos@
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15:43.47DPAHello everyone, long time no see. Debians Buster will correspond to devuans Beowulf in the future, right? I'm asking because I just noticed that there is a debian beowulf as well, which could cause some confusion in the future.
15:49.38*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
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15:55.16*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
15:55.36DPAYes, that's it.
16:06.13*** join/#devuan KnoP (~andreas@
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16:18.26*** join/#devuan agent551 (~uid1@
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16:22.13agent551Hi. I am running devuan with xfce 4.10 and having an issue with polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1 not starting automatically. Does anyone have a reliable fix? Anyone else experiencing this? If I start it manually, it seems to work as expected.
16:29.17*** join/#devuan KnoP (
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21:27.06golinuxAlexLikeRock: Hi
21:29.21fsmithredAlexLikeRock, did you get your mail figured out?
21:29.40AlexLikeRockhi,  fsmithred
21:29.46AlexLikeRockchecking ...
21:35.07*** join/#devuan freemangordon_ (
21:36.01AlexLikeRockthe mail server !!
21:36.22AlexLikeRocki have alot  work,
21:36.34AlexLikeRockmaybe  y decline to Gmail SMTP
21:36.49AlexLikeRockor YAHOO
21:36.58KatolaZAlexLikeRock: are you using your own?
21:37.20AlexLikeRockyes , last week , i try   my own   mail server
21:37.29AlexLikeRockKatolaZ,   yes
21:37.44KatolaZand what is the issue about?
21:37.49AlexLikeRockjust  for a  "CONTANTAC"    at  some web page
21:38.25AlexLikeRocki try PHP,  send  "anomimous" mail  to   one  coustomer
22:08.47*** join/#devuan _AleX_ (~alex@2a03:7220:8081:ad01:215:e9ff:feda:6652)
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22:53.52merzbowhey, is there a devuan repo with the packages glib-2.0 and alsa somewhere?
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22:56.20fsmithredmerzbow, should work
22:56.43fsmithredthere's no packages by those names, though
22:57.14fsmithredI don't know what glib pkg you really need. What are you trying to do?
23:00.02merzbowI'm trying to get pulse audio to work in browser without pulse by installing this program called apulse, and cmake is telling me that glib-2.0 and alsa are missing
23:00.30merzbow this site says devuan has the glib package in the repo, but no links to said repo
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23:04.25fsmithredinstead of cmake, you know you could use apt-get install apulse
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23:04.48fsmithredand apt will automatically install anything else you need with it
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23:05.43fsmithredfor jessie, you need to get apulse from experimental
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23:06.38fsmithreddeb experimental main
23:06.59merzbowoh man, that's way better
23:07.16fsmithredapt-get -t experimental install apulse
23:07.26fsmithredafter you add that line to sources.list and 'apt-get update'
23:08.59merzbowtime to experiment :)
23:15.32golinuxmerzbow: Do report on your adventures.
23:26.14merzbowWell, I followed this guide and sound now works in basilisk, but I may need additional tweaking for tor
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23:57.42Guest74868fsmithred: instead of cmake, you know you could use apt-get install apulse?
23:58.14fsmithredit's easier
23:59.24Guest74868another aberration: when you post instructions here, they get lost in the past
23:59.57Guest74868my posts lose in the future, not in the past

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