IRC log for #devuan on 20180119

00:05.56*** join/#devuan Olufunmilayo (~Olufunmil@unaffiliated/olufunmilayo)
00:06.37*** part/#devuan msiism (
00:09.03*** join/#devuan NotInTheMood (~NotInTheM@unaffiliated/olufunmilayo)
00:25.02*** join/#devuan Drugo (
00:42.34*** part/#devuan sztelke (~KiwiIRC@unaffiliated/sztelke)
00:49.51*** join/#devuan obeardly (~obeardly@
00:56.34*** join/#devuan merzbow (~bat@
00:59.39*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@unaffiliated/xenguy)
01:04.45*** join/#devuan obeardly (~obeardly@
01:05.58*** join/#devuan vivus (~vivus@unaffiliated/vivus)
01:10.17*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
01:20.28*** join/#devuan infobot (
01:20.28*** topic/#devuan is Recent (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release || This is the Devuan discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
01:23.03*** join/#devuan D-HUND (
01:28.36*** join/#devuan debdog (~debdog@2a02:8070:4198:100:7a24:afff:fe8a:d04d)
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02:50.10*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
03:01.07*** join/#devuan Humpelst1lzchen (
03:42.15*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
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06:08.55*** join/#devuan Irrwahn (
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07:17.50*** join/#devuan ToffeeYogurtPots (~ToffeeYog@gateway/tor-sasl/toffeeyogurtpots)
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07:50.31*** part/#devuan attos (
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08:36.30*** join/#devuan Criggie (~Criggie@2400:6900:ffff:1::1:32)
08:55.09*** join/#devuan nighty- (
09:00.10*** join/#devuan qtXiao (~Xiaoman@unaffiliated/xiaoman)
09:01.09*** join/#devuan Xiaoman (~Xiaoman@unaffiliated/xiaoman)
09:03.04*** join/#devuan fugitive_ (
09:18.15*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
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10:01.14*** join/#devuan Fervi (
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10:08.53*** join/#devuan fugitive_ (
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10:49.42*** join/#devuan coagen (~coagen@unaffiliated/coagen)
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11:05.34*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
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11:37.32*** join/#devuan Achylles (~Achylles@
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11:45.23*** join/#devuan markong (~marco@
11:48.57*** join/#devuan hgunth (~hgunth@gateway/tor-sasl/hgunth)
11:57.18*** join/#devuan maurizio1 (~maurizio@
11:58.24*** join/#devuan konsolebox (~konsolebo@
11:59.57maurizio1Hi all, I turned the pc on yesterday evening, and magically...there's no audio. I didn't make any changes since last time when it was working, and alsamixer shows the volume is on and max. I don't have pavucontrol installed. Dooes anyone have any suggestion?
12:00.40maurizio1by the way I am running Devuan testing on a laptop lenovo T60
12:13.44nepugiai used to have problems with alsa selecting hdmi out as default soundcard instead of the actual speakers (or headphones)
12:14.03nepugiathough dunno if that applies, unless you installed another kernel version
12:23.23*** join/#devuan sokan (~Henry@unaffiliated/totaloblivion)
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12:25.09maurizio1hi nepugia, no, it doesn't apply, I am not using hdmi
12:26.44*** join/#devuan eliasr (uid27497@gateway/web/
12:27.18*** join/#devuan amarsh04 (
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12:28.02*** join/#devuan buZz (~buzz@unaffiliated/buzz)
12:28.40nepugiai wasn't using mine either ;)
12:29.00*** join/#devuan zyliwax (~zyliwax@unaffiliated/zyliwax)
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12:29.03*** join/#devuan Criggie (~Criggie@2400:6900:ffff:1::1:32)
12:29.20nepugiaMaybe you have muted a needed channel in alsamixer?
12:29.26*** join/#devuan thomascovenant (~qt_junkie@
12:32.53*** join/#devuan _systemd_is_evil (~NOsystemd@unaffiliated/mailjesus)
12:34.10maurizio1I tried to do 'amixer set Master unmute', but no luck
12:36.44*** join/#devuan Fervi (
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12:43.37nepugiaalsamixer also shows the mute status at the botom (either a number for volume or M for muted afaik)
12:44.03*** join/#devuan DarkUranium (~DarkUrani@
12:44.21maurizio1mine shows '00', not 'MM'
12:44.59maurizio1but the volume is '100'
12:49.33*** join/#devuan hgunth (~hgunth@gateway/tor-sasl/hgunth)
13:05.04fsmithredmaurizio1, how many sound cards does 'aplay -l' show?
13:05.49*** join/#devuan Oldmoss (
13:05.59maurizio1looks like it's only one, but it lists it twice.
13:06.24maurizio1card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: AD1981 Analog [AD1981 Analog]
13:06.32fsmithredyeah, that's normal
13:07.55fsmithredsometimes the hdmi shows up as a second card.
13:08.13maurizio1actually there's no hdmi in this laptop
13:08.24fsmithredbut it would be listed as card 1
13:09.27maurizio1what's strange is that I was also getting some bips, like when I unplugged the cable. Now I don'get the bips either
13:09.45fsmithredis pulseaudio installed?
13:09.49maurizio1The other entry is:card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 1: AD1981 Digital [AD1981 Digital]
13:09.57maurizio1no, pulseaudio is not
13:10.14fsmithredthat simplifies things a bit
13:10.36maurizio1it's a netinstall
13:11.38fsmithreda netinstall in which you unchecked the desktop stuff, I guess
13:12.12maurizio1then I installled i3-wm
13:12.26fsmithredyou're using in sources.list?
13:12.39maurizio1let me check
13:14.47maurizio1deb ascii main contrib non-free
13:14.50maurizio1deb-src ascii main contrib non-free
13:14.52maurizio1# jessie-security, previously known as 'volatile'
13:14.54maurizio1deb ascii-security main contrib non-free
13:14.56maurizio1deb-src ascii-security main contrib non-free
13:14.58maurizio1# jessie-updates, previously known as 'volatile'
13:15.00maurizio1deb ascii-updates main contrib non-free
13:15.02maurizio1deb-src ascii-updates main contrib non-free
13:15.04maurizio1#jessie backports
13:15.05fsmithredyou might get bounced
13:15.06maurizio1deb ascii-backports main
13:15.08maurizio1deb-src ascii-backports main
13:16.04fsmithredSigyn, undo
13:28.14*** join/#devuan Oldmoss (
13:30.00*** join/#devuan qt_junkie (~qt_junkie@fsfe/thomascovenant)
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13:42.12*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
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13:56.23*** join/#devuan jback (
14:14.23*** join/#devuan parazyd (
14:14.24*** join/#devuan parazyd (~parazyd@devuan/developer/parazyd)
14:15.03*** part/#devuan Oldmoss (
14:19.35*** join/#devuan Ltem (
14:31.15*** join/#devuan Drugo (
14:41.13*** join/#devuan Guest59264 (
14:47.21fromportfsmithred: maurizio got klined ? I think he just needed the remark you gave me "apt-get install apulse"
14:53.03*** join/#devuan TemporalBeing1 (~Ben_Meyer@
14:59.47*** join/#devuan flrn_ (
15:01.29*** join/#devuan Oldmoss (
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15:08.10*** join/#devuan freemangordon (~ivo@
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15:22.37*** join/#devuan vivus (~vivus@unaffiliated/vivus)
15:31.07*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
15:34.58*** join/#devuan Nematocyst (
15:39.14sokanDoes devuan have a good support with docker?
15:39.42sokanI'm going to get me a server at some point and thinking of dev1 for it. But since some packages I want aren't on dev1 main repo I could go with docker.
15:41.26*** join/#devuan konsolebox (~konsolebo@
15:41.37*** join/#devuan level7 (~quassel@
15:46.52fromportGet:1 unstable/main amd64 docker amd64 1.5-1+b1 [12.8 kB]  <- docker seems supported
15:53.26*** join/#devuan bill-auger (
16:00.47*** join/#devuan Digit (~user@fsf/member/digit)
16:03.20*** join/#devuan konsolebox (~konsolebo@
16:04.04*** join/#devuan XeroSRS (02dee740@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:05.13*** join/#devuan saturn11 (5605bde0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:06.42sokanGood to know :)
16:06.44sokanthanks fromport
16:21.45*** join/#devuan cyteen__ (
16:22.42vivusis a lot of end-user software adopting systemd ?
16:24.50jonadabWell, Gnome did, but Gnome had already been hemorraging userbase for some time and is rapidly approaching complete irrelevance.
16:26.11nepugiaWell, gnome doesn't neccesarily depend on systemd, seeing as it can run on FreeBSD just fine
16:29.28*** join/#devuan LeoTh3o (~LeoTh3o@
16:32.45jonadabYeah, it just, umm, integrates with it, or something.
16:33.08jonadab(And poetteringed distros tend to compile it in a way that causes it to rely on it.)
16:33.48*** join/#devuan Guest59264 (
16:47.09*** join/#devuan Kruppt (~Kruppt@
16:52.25*** join/#devuan minnesotags (
16:57.43*** join/#devuan konsolebox (~konsolebo@
17:04.41*** join/#devuan pillepalle (
17:11.32*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
17:11.43*** join/#devuan Nematocyst (
17:18.21*** join/#devuan ericnoan (~en@unaffiliated/ericnoan)
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17:53.40*** join/#devuan s_kunk (~s_kunk@unaffiliated/s-kunk/x-5139101)
18:04.53*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
18:07.44*** join/#devuan LeoTh3o (~LeoTh3o@
18:14.45*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
18:37.31*** join/#devuan ToffeeYogurtPots (~ToffeeYog@gateway/tor-sasl/toffeeyogurtpots)
19:37.02*** join/#devuan Achylles (
19:43.26*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e35:8a99:e90:1202:b5ff:fe91:e4ca)
19:53.04*** join/#devuan targz (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
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20:39.38*** join/#devuan merzbow (~bat@
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21:10.42*** join/#devuan s_kunk (~s_kunk@unaffiliated/s-kunk/x-5139101)
21:13.20*** join/#devuan MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer)
21:14.33*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
21:15.23*** join/#devuan vivus_ (~vivus@unaffiliated/vivus)
21:19.41*** join/#devuan blitzed (~blitzed@
21:24.24*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
21:26.18*** join/#devuan Oldmoss (~Oldmoss@
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21:59.37vivusalright, so long as I can use most of the basic software, I will just run on Devuan testing to have the latest packages
22:01.31golinuxvivus: The currently is no Devuan "testing"
22:01.39golinuxie "Buster"
22:02.00vivussome guy wrote a bad review about Devuan and how stable is so outdated
22:02.07golinuxAscii = stretch - current Debian stable.
22:02.43golinuxBeowulf = Buster and it's not set up yet.
22:03.24golinuxEveryone is entitled to an opinion.  We're about stability.
22:05.32vivusgolinux: this was the review:
22:07.14*** join/#devuan blitzed (~blitzed@
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22:10.58KatolaZvivus: it had 0 comments....
22:11.04KatolaZlooks like a solitary rant to me :)
22:11.10KatolaZbtw, second golinuc
22:11.23KatolaZeverybody is entitled to an opinion
22:12.49golinuxI liked that that rant said this: Even the first impression upon visiting the website is that of professionalism
22:13.08golinuxNice screenshots too!
22:14.34golinuxIt's been up for a month and gotten zero traction.  We've certainly had quite a few new users in the last month.
22:15.55golinuxAnd for the love of readability . . . never use a serif font on a website.  Serif works on paper just fine but not so well on pixels.
22:16.14golinuxSo seems to be clueless on several counts
22:27.54*** join/#devuan chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc08:a00:58b1:6660:ccd2:ffd)
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22:44.06golinuxHi aitor!
22:44.36g4570nhi aitor o/ Guest63007!
22:45.03Guest63007hi :)
22:45.22g4570nnew nick? :D
22:46.02Guest63007I like GuestXXXXX :)
22:46.13Guest63007nobody talked here about newlisp :(
22:48.06Guest63007newlisp is related with vdev, but nobody talked here about it
22:50.51Guest63007rrq's scanner doesn't work, i seem to remember
22:53.37Guest63007i've to add another package to vdev: that is "vdev-tools"
22:54.21fsmithredaitor, I got my scanner working in vdev, but that was over a year ago
22:54.45fsmithredGuest63007, ^^^
22:55.42Guest63007fsmithred: you are form Boston, not from Australia; so, you are not Ralph
22:57.39Guest63007vdev-tools will include the udev2vdev binary, in c++
22:57.43fsmithreddid you solve it for him?
22:57.56fsmithredwhat's that do?
22:59.09Guest63007udev2vdev compiles udev *.rules for vdev
23:00.00Guest63007i'll explain it better tomorrow
23:00.22fsmithredgood idea. Lot of people will be happy about that.
23:03.57Guest63007there is a *.rules related with cdrom_id (maybe?), and i had an issue with that in live boots, do you remember?
23:05.50Guest63007tomorrow i'll build newlisp and try to apply it to the squashfs.hwdb
23:06.34Guest63007bye :)
23:06.53g4570nGuest63007: bai :)
23:07.26Guest63007bai means yeas in basque
23:07.45fsmithredwhite in Chinese
23:07.55Guest63007goodbai :)
23:08.42g4570nchau, then
23:10.41*** part/#devuan msiism (

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