IRC log for #devuan on 20180115

00:14.20*** join/#devuan Drugo (
00:35.32*** join/#devuan kelsoo (~kelsoo@dragora/developer/kelsoo)
00:43.30*** join/#devuan xes (~xes@unaffiliated/xes)
00:44.45fsmithredAlexLikeRock, did you get it working?
01:12.19*** join/#devuan amphi (~amphi@unaffiliated/amphi)
01:21.33*** join/#devuan infobot (
01:21.33*** topic/#devuan is Recent (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release || This is the Devuan discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
01:36.27AlexLikeRockno,  i go to eat
01:36.29*** join/#devuan Schallaven (
01:36.47AlexLikeRockother  day  i will try again
02:03.04*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
02:04.02SchoumiKatolaZ: <-- result of apt-file update and apt-file search glxinfo
02:06.48Schoumiperform apt update before this don't do anything more
02:12.45*** join/#devuan Humpelstilzchen (
02:26.13*** join/#devuan chillfan (~chillfan@unaffiliated/chillfan)
02:26.36*** join/#devuan squeakypancakes (
02:36.47*** join/#devuan Veyrdite (
02:42.04*** join/#devuan tarbz2 (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
02:44.59*** join/#devuan quite (quite@unaffiliated/quite)
02:50.31*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
02:53.04*** join/#devuan tsuggs (
03:30.25*** join/#devuan Gup (
03:40.31*** join/#devuan Gup (
03:49.55*** join/#devuan krzych (
04:47.08*** join/#devuan GoatAvenger (~GoatAveng@unaffiliated/goatavenger)
04:50.09*** join/#devuan captain_fixerpc1 (~captainfi@
04:52.18*** join/#devuan nighty-- (
05:11.04*** join/#devuan sedrosken__ (
05:26.26*** join/#devuan ToffeeYogurtPots (~ToffeeYog@gateway/tor-sasl/toffeeyogurtpots)
05:28.15*** join/#devuan ToffeeYogurtPots (~ToffeeYog@gateway/tor-sasl/toffeeyogurtpots)
06:06.24*** join/#devuan chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc08:a00:9dc9:1df3:6a38:1d59)
06:14.28*** join/#devuan ToffeeYogurtPots (~ToffeeYog@gateway/tor-sasl/toffeeyogurtpots)
06:31.28*** join/#devuan quad (
06:33.13*** join/#devuan chillfan (~chillfan@unaffiliated/chillfan)
06:39.32obeardlyFor what it's worth, I finally got Devuan installed on my new laptop.(Dell XPS 15 9560)  Still working on getting the wireless functional, but everything else seems good to go.
06:40.21KatolaZgreat obeardly
06:40.56KatolaZlet me know when you are ready with the mirror thing
06:42.11obeardlyGot the hardware I needed yesterday.  It's put together, but I haven't booted it yet. Was planning on doing in the AM at work.
06:47.28obeardlyKatolaZ: It's almost 02:00.  I gotta get some rack.  Is tomorrow okay for that server?  If you need it now, I'll get it up tonight?
06:49.00KatolaZobeardly: go to sleep mate
06:49.09KatolaZI didn't mean "now" :D
06:49.13obeardlyNo worries.
06:49.28obeardlyIf I didn't have to order hardware it would have been up yesterday.
06:49.36obeardlyBut I needed hard drive brackets.
06:49.56KatolaZobeardly: no rush
06:50.00obeardlyHow much disk space? Will 600GB be enough?
06:50.13KatolaZmore than enough atm
06:50.24KatolaZthe mirror will take about 10GB atm
06:50.29obeardlyIt's 600GB on Velociraptor 10K SATA in a RAID10
06:50.30KatolaZwill grow in the future
06:51.00obeardlyThe problem was I physically ran out of room for more disk.
06:52.07obeardlyBut I've got 4x300GB WD Velociraptors running on an Areca 5030 hardware RAID in RAID10.
06:52.14obeardlyIt should make a nice mirror.
06:53.55obeardlyIt's only a quad-core AMD Phenom with 8GB RAM.  I hope that's enough.
06:54.11obeardlyThe original amprolla server has 16GB RAM.
06:55.19golinuxobeardly: Did you use the refracta-nox to istall?
06:55.39obeardlyNope, used a standard Devuan UEFI ISO.
06:56.16golinuxSo you figured out why is wasn't seeing the drive
06:56.16obeardlyHad to get into the shell during install, chroot into the enviroment, manually install GRUB on the disk, then go into the BIOS and manually add an EFI record, and then all was good.
06:56.55golinuxIt shall remain a mystery.
06:56.57obeardlyI just downloaded the most recent UEFI ISO
06:57.51obeardlyNow if I could just my wireless working on it, it would be perfect.
06:58.53*** join/#devuan thaller_ (~thaller@2001:a61:405:5600:a543:8b2d:8b96:b529)
07:00.06KatolaZobeardly: mirrors need bandwidth more than RAM
07:00.47obeardlyWell, my data center has two 50Mbps fiber connections, dual-homed for redundancy, one through ATT, one through WOW.
07:01.01obeardlyThat's 50Mbps full-duplex.
07:01.09KatolaZshould be enough :)
07:01.34KatolaZmost of the mirrors have between 50Mb/s and 1GB/s
07:02.06obeardlyAre they over dedicated fiber?
07:04.50obeardlyWe needed redundancy and stability more than speed.  We could have done 1Gbps metro-ethernet for about the same price, but it wouldn't have been near as stable.
07:05.24KatolaZobeardly: varying mileage
07:05.34KatolaZsome of them are uni mirrors
07:05.45KatolaZsome other are providers
07:05.47obeardlyThat's a nice land
07:18.24*** join/#devuan thaller_ (~thaller@2001:a61:405:5600:6d41:aecc:5dfd:5f76)
07:20.50*** join/#devuan xes (~xes@unaffiliated/xes)
07:31.54*** join/#devuan thaller_ (~thaller@2001:a61:405:5600:c801:6101:bc0d:8136)
07:47.55obeardlyWhat is evbug and why is it spamming my syslog?
07:49.16*** join/#devuan thaller (~thaller@2001:a61:405:5600:e400:7674:af4:3202)
07:59.23*** join/#devuan thaller (~thaller@2001:a61:405:5600:6410:dc6f:e0a8:d414)
07:59.43*** join/#devuan ginphreak (
08:01.08*** join/#devuan yang|work (~yang@
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08:08.24*** join/#devuan clemens4 (
08:08.56*** join/#devuan Irrwahn (
08:12.21*** join/#devuan markong (~marco@
08:18.22*** join/#devuan thaller (~thaller@2001:a61:405:5600:b8f4:a1a2:d697:169)
08:22.23*** join/#devuan thaller (~thaller@2001:a61:405:5600:9c01:7361:9020:dbfa)
08:22.37*** join/#devuan JohnnyRun (
08:32.23*** join/#devuan thaller_ (~thaller@2001:a61:405:5600:dfc:5aa3:3abc:52c6)
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09:01.32*** join/#devuan amarsh04 (~amarsh04@
09:03.53*** join/#devuan amarsh04 (~amarsh04@
09:14.04*** join/#devuan Fervi (
09:16.32*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (
09:17.18*** join/#devuan thaller_ (thaller@nat/redhat/x-fghpungjzniqnfsn)
09:28.36*** join/#devuan s_kunk (~s_kunk@unaffiliated/s-kunk/x-5139101)
09:29.49*** join/#devuan ferdy- (~ferdy@funtoo/contrib/ferdy-)
09:30.08*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
09:43.50*** join/#devuan Drugo (
09:54.20*** join/#devuan attos (
10:13.34*** join/#devuan Dantalion (
10:34.13*** join/#devuan coyote (~coyote@
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10:44.00*** join/#devuan sokan (~Henry@unaffiliated/totaloblivion)
10:49.34*** join/#devuan level7 (~quassel@
10:54.42*** join/#devuan bluemarlin (~bluemarli@unaffiliated/bluemarlin)
10:55.47l41f3nI have theses repo on my devuan jessie
10:56.02l41f3n# deb jessie main
10:56.05l41f3ndeb jessie main
10:56.06l41f3ndeb-src jessie main
10:56.09l41f3n# jessie-security, previously known as 'volatile'
10:56.11l41f3ndeb jessie-security main
10:59.10*** join/#devuan ericnoan (~en@unaffiliated/ericnoan)
11:10.05*** join/#devuan level7_ (~quassel@
11:27.28coyoteyou should use deb and deb-src repos in pairs
11:28.00coyotebut it's not necessarily
11:31.08*** join/#devuan ToffeeYogurtPots (~ToffeeYog@gateway/tor-sasl/toffeeyogurtpots)
11:31.25*** join/#devuan sn0wmonster (~yeti@taskhive/lead/sn0wmonster)
11:31.56bluemarlincoyote: i think he didn't finish the question - got marked as spam and kicked
11:37.16FoxMuldV6yeah it seems the only ones freenode doesn't kill nowadays are real spammers - but they kill plenty of normal users.
11:46.59*** join/#devuan nighty- (
11:52.20*** join/#devuan sedrosken__ (
11:55.19*** join/#devuan cyteen (
12:53.46*** join/#devuan DarkUranium (~DarkUrani@
13:08.28ryuujinFoxMuldV6: just paste a punch of urls and yout flagged as spam by freenode
13:13.37*** join/#devuan coyote (~coyote@
13:14.59MinceRshould have used a pastebin
13:23.56*** join/#devuan nthrow (~nthrow@unaffiliated/nthrow)
13:33.33FoxMuldV6he should have, yes, but that newbie-mistake certainly isn't enough to warrant an automatic kill.
13:39.32*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
13:45.32*** join/#devuan justinsm (
13:49.15*** join/#devuan DarkPlutonium (~DarkUrani@
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13:59.35*** part/#devuan thehornet (~a0225280@
14:03.30*** join/#devuan thehornet (~a0225280@
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14:55.17*** join/#devuan chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc08:a00:9dc9:1df3:6a38:1d59)
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15:20.18*** join/#devuan skyroveRR (~skyroveRR@unaffiliated/skyroverr)
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15:50.37*** join/#devuan Pixelz (
15:51.36*** join/#devuan danielinux (
16:03.00*** join/#devuan chillfan (~chillfan@unaffiliated/chillfan)
16:12.36*** join/#devuan sokan (~Henry@unaffiliated/totaloblivion)
16:14.33*** join/#devuan chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc08:a00:9dc9:1df3:6a38:1d59)
16:23.01*** join/#devuan jathan (
16:24.28*** join/#devuan targz (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
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16:30.06*** join/#devuan Ltem (
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16:43.23*** join/#devuan kelsoo (~kelsoo@dragora/developer/kelsoo)
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16:58.08*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
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17:24.37*** join/#devuan hgunth (~hgunth@gateway/tor-sasl/hgunth)
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17:53.33*** join/#devuan konsolebox (~konsolebo@
17:59.32*** join/#devuan amarsh04 (~amarsh04@
18:09.02*** join/#devuan TotalOblivion (~Henry_D@unaffiliated/totaloblivion)
18:21.08*** join/#devuan ToffeeYogurtPots (~ToffeeYog@gateway/tor-sasl/toffeeyogurtpots)
18:24.29*** join/#devuan knop_ (
18:28.52*** join/#devuan sokan (~Henry@unaffiliated/totaloblivion)
18:43.16*** join/#devuan danielinux (sbnc@fosdem/staff/danielinux)
18:43.53*** join/#devuan nmollerup (~nmo@
18:52.37*** join/#devuan Oldmoss (
18:52.49*** join/#devuan Katnija (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
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18:55.20*** join/#devuan s_kunk (~s_kunk@unaffiliated/s-kunk/x-5139101)
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19:01.08*** join/#devuan thaller (~thaller@2001:a61:405:5600:84dd:5022:2277:ab4d)
19:04.57*** join/#devuan clemens4 (
19:11.13*** join/#devuan Wonka (
19:11.14*** join/#devuan Wonka (w@madwifi/support/wonka)
19:19.47*** join/#devuan thaller (~thaller@2001:a61:405:5600:8863:1ec3:9adc:fdc3)
19:25.42*** join/#devuan Drugo (
19:26.51*** join/#devuan clemens4 (
19:30.51*** join/#devuan ToffeeYogurtPots (~ToffeeYog@gateway/tor-sasl/toffeeyogurtpots)
19:31.31*** join/#devuan pillepalle (
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19:50.18*** join/#devuan thaller (~thaller@2001:a61:405:5600:b0d1:e776:746b:1668)
19:52.18*** join/#devuan thaller (~thaller@2001:a61:405:5600:c4b7:3f9b:eb6f:cc3d)
19:59.47*** join/#devuan thaller (~thaller@2001:a61:405:5600:969:af39:4754:a9c8)
20:00.49*** join/#devuan KnoP (
20:07.19*** join/#devuan fugitive (
20:08.17*** join/#devuan thaller (~thaller@2001:a61:405:5600:94a9:fe5d:9ce7:4eb7)
20:08.50fugitivehey ppl. Can someone advice how to burn Winblow$ iso on thumb drive? Can it be burned via dd?
20:12.56fsmithredI've seen instructions for making a windows install usb. Google around and you'll find it. You do not use dd.
20:17.44fugitivethanks unixman
20:19.16unixmanYou're welcome.
20:40.19*** join/#devuan Wonka (
20:40.19*** join/#devuan Wonka (produziert@madwifi/support/wonka)
20:46.21*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (
20:49.03*** join/#devuan thijso (
20:56.54Criggiebluemarlin: yeah he posted too many http:// links in a row
20:57.51Criggieobeardly: velociraptor?  Thats a name I've not heard for a long time.
20:58.09CriggieShame they didn't call the SSD line velociraptor too
21:02.17*** join/#devuan thaller (~thaller@2001:a61:405:5600:cc07:b88c:c928:4f28)
21:07.03*** join/#devuan zomaar (~jonathan@
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21:13.04*** join/#devuan FoxMuldV6 (~fox@2001:a62:1409:7901::1)
21:15.04*** join/#devuan GoatAvenger (~GoatAveng@unaffiliated/goatavenger)
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21:31.47*** join/#devuan thaller (~thaller@2001:a61:405:5600:b05:28f9:19a6:a7f9)
21:33.19*** join/#devuan sedrosken__ (
21:37.34*** join/#devuan fugitive (
21:42.43*** part/#devuan Oldmoss (
21:55.17*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~randyg@
21:57.28*** join/#devuan gnu_srs (
22:00.08*** join/#devuan pillepalle (
22:06.06*** join/#devuan thomascovenant (~qt_junkie@fsfe/thomascovenant)
22:33.20*** join/#devuan _AleX_ (~alex@2a03:7220:8081:ad01:215:e9ff:feda:6652)
22:33.20*** join/#devuan TemporalBeing1 (~Ben_Meyer@
22:38.36*** join/#devuan zomaar (~jonathan@
22:39.31zomaarBeen reading some slackdot and the register, I am surprised by much more 'sane' (from my perspective) attitudes about systemd than I expected from my linux experience
22:39.59zomaarIe. I mean that most people actually do not have very positive attitudes about systemd.
22:40.44zomaarWhen you only hop around in the Debian/Ubuntu crowds it appears to be the resverse
22:41.13*** join/#devuan kelsoo (~kelsoo@dragora/developer/kelsoo)
22:42.50zomaarOne person mentioned on Ubuntu Xenial using the recovery mode and having Systemd pipe in with the emergy mode at the same time, rendering the entire thing completely unusable, which is my experience exactly.
22:43.27zomaar(Just happy to not be crazy here)
22:45.10*** join/#devuan eliasr (uid27497@gateway/web/
22:45.32zomaarI mentioned this on the Ubuntu user list and I remember everyone thinking I am an idiot for having a problem with a dysfunctional recovery mode.
22:46.20*** part/#devuan zomaar (~jonathan@
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23:00.52*** join/#devuan guru----- (~guru@2601:196:8700:dfe:3252:cbff:fec5:6f94)
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23:09.16*** join/#devuan unixman_home (~unixman2@unaffiliated/eracc)
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23:26.11*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
23:30.41*** join/#devuan msiism (
23:32.18Pixelzprobably because it was written for kids with laptops who don't do anything other than install ubuntu and use the web browser
23:32.26Pixelzobviously the init isn't gonna matter one bit to them
23:33.48msiismpwd is a shell builtin. so why is there /bin/pwd?
23:34.05msiismthere's no /bin/cd, for example.
23:34.46*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@unaffiliated/xenguy)
23:38.32*** join/#devuan FatPhil (
23:38.52Pixelz/bin/pwd is a separate thing
23:38.55Pixelznot part of the shell
23:42.17msiismPixelz: right. but why is it needed and what is being executed when i run `pwd` in bash?
23:43.19Pixelzafaik, /bin/pwd just calls getcwd()
23:43.34Pixelzso it's what the shell initially uses to figure out which working dir it's in
23:43.52Pixelzafter that it keeps track on which directory you're in as you move around
23:45.02msiismok, i'll test that
23:45.49msiismok, i probably understodd that wrong
23:46.30msiismyou weren't implying that the output of /bin/pwd and pwd of a perticular shell would fiffer if you cd into another directory, right?
23:47.55Pixelzwhen the shell launches, or any program, it doesn't know which working directory it's in
23:48.02Pixelzso there's a system call that tells you
23:48.18Pixelzand /bin/pwd just does the same thing
23:49.31Pixelzat least that's my understanding of it
23:50.33Pixelzof course, what we would really need is a more modern way of doing this
23:50.41Pixelzsomething like, say, systemd-getpwdd
23:52.54msiismPixelz: ok, i see.
23:52.54msiismbut why would we need a more modern way?
23:53.35Pixelzthat part was sarcasm :p
23:54.07*** join/#devuan INLinuxdude (

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