IRC log for #devuan on 20180114

00:05.39merzbowokay, this makes way more sense... thank you again *bows*
00:50.27*** join/#devuan cyteen__ (
00:59.02*** join/#devuan sedrosken (
01:20.29*** join/#devuan infobot (
01:20.29*** topic/#devuan is Recent (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release || This is the Devuan discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
01:28.24*** join/#devuan sedrosken_ (
01:38.40*** join/#devuan tsuggs (
01:39.19*** join/#devuan jback (
01:41.35*** join/#devuan sedrosken_ (
02:09.39*** join/#devuan Humpelst1lzchen (
02:24.53*** join/#devuan thaller_ (~thaller@2001:a61:405:5600:2563:86a2:b7a4:332a)
02:25.01*** join/#devuan menip (
02:35.04*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
02:47.56*** join/#devuan data (
03:02.26*** join/#devuan ToffeeYogurtPots (~ToffeeYog@gateway/tor-sasl/toffeeyogurtpots)
03:35.00*** join/#devuan hgunth (~hgunth@gateway/tor-sasl/hgunth)
03:35.41*** join/#devuan ToffeeYogurtPots (~ToffeeYog@gateway/tor-sasl/toffeeyogurtpots)
03:46.00*** join/#devuan sedrosken_ (
04:37.54*** join/#devuan hgunth (~hgunth@gateway/tor-sasl/hgunth)
05:12.30*** join/#devuan sedrosken_ (
05:55.01dethasorry, wrong window
05:58.41*** join/#devuan nighty- (
06:14.08*** join/#devuan konsolebox (~konsolebo@
06:27.13*** join/#devuan nighty- (
06:51.03*** join/#devuan chillfan (~chillfan@unaffiliated/chillfan)
07:18.35*** join/#devuan coyote (~coyote@
07:43.47*** join/#devuan sedrosken__ (
08:20.59*** join/#devuan amarsh04 (~amarsh04@
08:25.16*** join/#devuan bill-auger (
08:32.59*** join/#devuan xes (~xes@unaffiliated/xes)
08:33.17*** join/#devuan Irrwahn (
08:44.53*** join/#devuan thaller_ (~thaller@2001:a61:405:5600:2563:86a2:b7a4:332a)
08:46.08*** join/#devuan clemens3 (
09:01.02*** join/#devuan thaller_ (~thaller@2001:a61:405:5600:29fd:5b09:d1cb:6cec)
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09:06.02*** join/#devuan hgunth (~hgunth@gateway/tor-sasl/hgunth)
09:16.35*** join/#devuan coyote (~coyote@
09:22.02*** join/#devuan thaller_ (~thaller@2001:a61:405:5600:4895:f63:f2a0:24c8)
09:30.02*** join/#devuan thaller_ (~thaller@2001:a61:405:5600:18c1:2067:62b8:ca83)
09:38.34*** join/#devuan thaller__ (~thaller@2001:a61:405:5600:3d88:7480:241f:f1a)
09:46.33*** join/#devuan thaller_ (~thaller@2001:a61:405:5600:75eb:5d06:c736:da05)
09:48.08*** join/#devuan Wizzup (~Wizzup@
09:48.29WizzupAre there ascii rc/beta images yet?
09:58.45*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
10:00.40*** join/#devuan Fervi (
10:03.00*** join/#devuan clemens4 (
10:08.53CriggieWizzup: don't think so - you can install jessie and then edit /etc/apt/sources, replace all jessie with ascii then do an  apt update && apt-get dist-upgrade
10:09.01Criggiefunctionally the same
10:09.20*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
10:09.44Wizzupfreemangordon: ^^
10:21.34CriggieI am very slightly tempted to upgrade my ancient debian server... it started as slink and has been dist-upgraded since 2001.  All the hardware has been swapped out over time.
10:21.48CriggieI think it started as a P75
10:22.02*** join/#devuan thaller_ (~thaller@2001:a61:405:5600:d696:2bec:22e0:b9d1)
10:22.43*** join/#devuan bill-auger (
10:34.41*** join/#devuan finwevi (
11:04.35amarsh04this Devuan was upgraded from a Debian originally installed in June 2004, with several changes of hardware but no reinstallation
11:11.04*** join/#devuan DarkUranium (~DarkUrani@
11:24.18*** join/#devuan level7_ (~quassel@
11:33.47*** join/#devuan coyote (~coyote@
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11:51.35*** join/#devuan hgunth (~hgunth@gateway/tor-sasl/hgunth)
12:03.17*** join/#devuan eliasr (uid27497@gateway/web/
12:12.33*** join/#devuan markong (~marco@
12:17.37*** join/#devuan Fervi (
12:43.09*** join/#devuan justinsm (
12:50.56*** join/#devuan Oldmoss (
13:04.43*** join/#devuan zer0def (~zer0def@
13:17.19*** join/#devuan pillepalle (
13:20.12*** join/#devuan Veyrdite (~valentine@unvanquished/developer/veyrdite)
13:24.40VeyrditeHow active is the Devuan community?
13:24.56VeyrditeIs there a dominant time zone?  America or Europe?
13:38.52*** join/#devuan Kruppt (~Kruppt@
13:39.06*** join/#devuan ddg (~ddg@unaffiliated/ddg)
14:18.37*** join/#devuan squeakypancakes (
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14:33.56*** join/#devuan Digit (~user@fsf/member/digit)
14:34.57Digithi.  twice i've upgraded now, expecting to see a kernel that looks like it has a number that's said to be patched for meltddown n spectre, but doesnt look like it yet.  or am in in error, n the kernel i've gotten from ceres is good now?
14:35.48Digitthis doesnt look right, does it?: 4.14.0-1-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.14.2-1 (2017-11-30) x86_64 GNU/Linux
14:39.44fsmithredno, 11-30 is too old
14:40.56Digitrunning full-upgrade, n sees kernel image is included
14:41.09Digitdoes apt-get upgrade not do the kernel?
14:41.21fsmithredI can't even find those versions
14:41.35fsmithredif you have the kernel metapackage installed, you'll get the newest available
14:41.42fsmithredif no,you have to specify
14:42.36*** join/#devuan targz (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
14:42.55fsmithredlinux-image-4.14.0-3-amd64 is the package name you want
14:43.19fsmithred4.14.12-2 is the actual kernel version (uname -a to see it)
14:43.35*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
14:44.43Digiti see in my /etc/apt/sources.list i have unstable-security/volatile commented out, and ceres added in.  i wonder if that had impact on it.
14:45.17fsmithredno, there is no ceres-security
14:45.24fsmithredthe package is in ceres
14:49.43*** join/#devuan zer0def (~zer0def@
14:52.39*** join/#devuan n4dir (
14:59.06*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
14:59.44*** join/#devuan Ltem (
15:00.58Digitwell, looks like this should be it, after doing apt full-upgrade, rather than apt-get upgrade.   * rebooting ~ bbialb *
15:04.47*** join/#devuan hunger (~quassel@kde/developer/hunger)
15:09.17*** join/#devuan Oldmoss (
15:14.43*** join/#devuan Digit (~user@fsf/member/digit)
15:17.03Digit:)  4.14.0-3-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.14.12-2 (2018-01-06) x86_64 GNU/Linux much better.  thnx for the pointers.  did realise i manage my grub from a bedrocklinux-hijacked gentoo.  i'll need to look into updating it through chroot if i wanna avoid convoluted rebooting n rebooting to upgrade bootloader.  :)   all is well now.  :)
15:23.29*** join/#devuan Wonka (produziert@madwifi/support/wonka)
15:33.43*** join/#devuan level7 (~quassel@
15:42.00*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@unaffiliated/xenguy)
15:45.14*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
15:52.54*** join/#devuan metax (~metax@gateway/tor-sasl/metax)
15:57.11*** join/#devuan blap (
15:57.29*** part/#devuan blap (
16:00.22*** join/#devuan metax (~metax@gateway/tor-sasl/metax)
16:12.58*** join/#devuan Wizzup (
16:17.19*** join/#devuan metax (~metax@gateway/tor-sasl/metax)
16:21.07*** join/#devuan avbox (d5a03e0d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:24.48*** join/#devuan Levure (
16:46.13*** join/#devuan Ipe (
17:02.05*** join/#devuan xes (~xes@unaffiliated/xes)
17:02.07*** join/#devuan attos (
17:10.59*** join/#devuan sokan (~Henry@unaffiliated/totaloblivion)
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17:44.04*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
17:48.06*** join/#devuan amarsh04 (~amarsh04@
18:54.33*** join/#devuan earthnative (~nemo@
18:55.50*** join/#devuan Xenguy_ (~Xenguy@unaffiliated/xenguy)
18:58.28*** join/#devuan reetspetit (
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19:46.23*** join/#devuan thaller_ (~thaller@2001:a61:405:5600:a5ed:2980:7870:e917)
19:53.15*** part/#devuan Oldmoss (
19:54.11*** join/#devuan blitzed (~blitzed@
19:56.24*** join/#devuan thaller_ (~thaller@2001:a61:405:5600:f8f1:b154:434f:767)
20:01.32*** join/#devuan Drugo (
20:02.24*** join/#devuan thaller_ (~thaller@2001:a61:405:5600:583f:8087:a65f:6a08)
20:11.39*** join/#devuan _abc_ (~ruse@unaffiliated/ccbbaa)
20:16.04DocScrutinizer05answer: yes, absolutely
20:16.35_abc_Anyway, interesting answers as usual
20:16.57DocScrutinizer05is it even worth checking which answer slashdot found?
20:17.42*** join/#devuan Oldmoss (~Oldmoss@
20:18.01_abc_ quite pertinent comment...
20:18.59*** join/#devuan sokan (~Henry@unaffiliated/totaloblivion)
20:19.53*** join/#devuan thaller_ (~thaller@2001:a61:405:5600:e475:3d42:47f3:99fe)
20:26.07_abc_is this guy on here? If not, invite him?
20:30.54*** join/#devuan thaller_ (~thaller@2001:a61:405:5600:a543:8b2d:8b96:b529)
20:31.27*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
20:34.02golinux_abc_: Thanks for that second link.
20:36.47fsmithredyes, he's already with us
20:39.29*** join/#devuan MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer)
20:39.42_abc_re: -- I do not agree with "-Bolt simple paralellization..."
20:40.34_abc_one reason:
20:41.14_abc_booting machines is not a speed contest, if someone really needs to boot at lightning speed, simply implement sleep to disk and restore the ram image as is, restore hw registers, re-enter running system
20:41.46_abc_because of the idiotic way systemd waits on network on booting, non systemd devuan etc already beat it there.
20:42.23_abc_Very similar things happen to old machines with low ram (my case!)
20:42.47_abc_On the bright side, they are so old, sledgehammer et al do not affect me. yay.
20:43.42Digitgets sledgehammer tune (and video) in his head, from merely reading the word "sledgehammer"
20:44.52_abc_Digit: ye shall not diss the best repair tools in existence
20:46.26Digithad not drempt of it.   was just lost in peter gabriel nostalgic reverie.  Playing: ytdl://OJWJE0x7T4Q (without pausing latenightlinux podcast n_n)
20:46.50*** join/#devuan Ltem (
20:47.19_abc_And I did mean spectre, not sledgehammer, as any astute observer would have noticed.
20:48.07AlexLikeRockwhat port need open  command "mail"   to send  mail  by PHP ?
20:48.39_abc_php can send mail usually to a mta at port 25 of some server
20:48.57_abc_AlexLikeRock: rephrase: you run some php process and it needs to send email?
20:49.36_abc_AlexLikeRock ? :/
20:52.01_abc_okay, there are 2 different ways: a) there is a mta running on the system where the php process runs, in this case, email is sent locally to the server using a command like 'mail' b) there is a mta on some server elsewhere, in which case you send mail ...
20:52.05_abc_... with php using some other command than 'mail'
20:53.21_abc_the other command can be 'ssmtp' for example
20:54.12_abc_note that using things like ssmtp for authenticating servers can be hard to configure
20:54.35_abc_but less hard than running exim just for this
20:55.03AlexLikeRocki like a)
20:55.53_abc_I just told you a) has problems. Big ones.
20:56.07AlexLikeRocki wan take all control
20:56.08_abc_to send with ssmtp it's much easyer
20:56.12_abc_MUCH easyer
20:56.20_abc_b! b!
20:57.09_abc_Keeping exim properly configured and secure is really hard. I know, I maintain something like this on and off. It takes 2 weeks until the spammers get through again.
20:57.27*** join/#devuan Veyrdite (
20:59.48_abc_ B)
21:02.54_abc_ other ways, all B) :)
21:05.40Criggiessmtp rocks - it just does one simple thing and does it well.
21:11.21KatolaZmsmtp is even more simple
21:11.40Criggienever heard of it - how can it be more simple than ssmtp ?
21:37.09*** join/#devuan hgunth (~hgunth@gateway/tor-sasl/hgunth)
21:37.30*** join/#devuan menip (
21:42.41AlexLikeRocki want to learn
21:42.55AlexLikeRocki dont want  easy way
21:42.59AlexLikeRocka)  please
21:44.40*** join/#devuan ddg (~ddg@unaffiliated/ddg)
21:45.13CriggieAlexLikeRock: eh?  sorry I missed your question.
21:47.34*** part/#devuan Oldmoss (~Oldmoss@
21:52.10KatolaZCriggie: no server
21:52.17KatolaZonly the msmtp executable
21:52.24KatolaZwith the same interface as sendmail
21:52.50AlexLikeRocki have server
21:53.30*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
21:53.46KatolaZAlexLikeRock: ?
21:53.55CriggieKatolaZ: oh okay - msmtp seems slightly more complex than ssmtp to me.
21:54.17CriggieAlexLikeRock is saying that he has a physical server, and wants to send emails from a PHP process
21:54.35CriggieAlexLikeRock: does your ISP provide an email relay for your use?
21:54.41gnarfacephp just calls /usr/bin/sendmail
21:54.52KatolaZCriggie: php uses sendmail
21:55.16KatolaZyou don't need to have a server for that
21:55.22gnarfacesending shouldn't be the problem, you should be able to configure php to send mail without the threat of also handling inbound mail.  getting commercial email hosts to accept email generated this way is another story though...
21:56.01gnarfaceif it's just system message relays between your own machines though it's not really a problem
21:56.45CriggieAlexLikeRock: do you need to send emails to people through the internet ?
21:57.22KatolaZCriggie: what is the difference?
21:57.33KatolaZI mean, LAN or internet, the protocol is the same
21:58.43gnarfacelike i said, the primary difference is in getting other people's servers to actually accept your spam
21:59.01gnarfaceusually that's more of a DNS trick though
21:59.48gnarfacethreat level is only different if you have to also receive the mail, or if you're forwarding/sending mail at user's requests
22:02.56*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
22:04.15AlexLikeRockCriggie,  yes ,
22:12.57KatolaZCriggie: consider that ssmtp looks to be unmaintained
22:13.04KatolaZalso the Arch page suggeste to use msmtp instead
22:13.12KatolaZwhich is pretty similar in terms of features
22:20.20*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@unaffiliated/xenguy)
22:25.43*** join/#devuan Veyrdite (
22:26.01*** join/#devuan Veyrdite (~valentine@unvanquished/developer/veyrdite)
22:36.43*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
22:52.54*** join/#devuan clemens4 (
23:17.51AlexLikeRock:)  reading...
23:18.30AlexLikeRockgmail , no way
23:19.30AlexLikeRockGmail has recently started blocking emails from senders that do not authenticate using OAuth
23:30.06jellyAlexLikeRock: so previously working app-specific passwords do not work for smtp auth any more?
23:36.56SchoumiHum weird, apt-file update make an apt update
23:37.18Schoumiinstead of updating apt-file cache
23:53.43KatolaZSchoumi: ?!?
23:57.18KatolaZSchoumi: apt-file update is an alias to apt update IIRC
23:57.50KatolaZapt-file cannot properly update the Contents.gz files without an apt-get update
23:58.28KatolaZhence, I guess apt-file update just performs an "apt-get update" or "apt-update"

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