IRC log for #devuan on 20180113

00:06.03*** join/#devuan sedrosken (
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00:16.54*** join/#devuan targz (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
00:26.32*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@unaffiliated/xenguy)
00:39.30*** join/#devuan metxn (~metax@gateway/tor-sasl/metax)
00:40.45*** join/#devuan chillfan (~chillfan@unaffiliated/chillfan)
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00:46.47*** join/#devuan sedrosken__ (
01:08.19*** join/#devuan sedrosken_ (
01:10.01*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
01:13.12*** join/#devuan zjason (
01:16.53Criggiejota:  why are you still running a P4 ?
01:17.02Criggiethe power savings alone would pay for a better machine.
01:20.22*** join/#devuan infobot (
01:20.22*** topic/#devuan is Recent (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release || This is the Devuan discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
01:26.49*** join/#devuan menip (
01:32.28*** join/#devuan sunshavi (~user@
01:37.49CriggieI fixed anyconnect (cisco vpn client used for remoting into a cisco ASA)
01:38.40Criggieturns out it was fine, but I'd forgotten that I used dnsmasq to do the resolution locally, and disallowed the VPN software permission to rewrite /etc/resolv.conf which was unhelpful.
01:39.11Criggiechattr +i /etc/resolv.conf        barred any changes - cos it runs as root, it was still changing the resolver config.
02:08.44*** join/#devuan captain_fixerpc1 (~captainfi@
02:11.48*** join/#devuan sedrosken_ (
02:14.11*** join/#devuan bwn (
02:15.59*** join/#devuan captainfixerpc14 (~captainfi@unaffiliated/captainfixerpc14)
02:17.08*** join/#devuan Humpelstilzchen (
02:36.12*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
02:59.22*** join/#devuan qasar (
03:00.25*** join/#devuan Gup (
03:14.23*** join/#devuan captain_fixerpc1 (~captainfi@
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03:25.49*** part/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
03:42.39*** mode/#devuan [+o DocScrutinizer05] by ChanServ
03:42.51*** join/#devuan Sigyn (sigyn@freenode/utility-bot/sigyn)
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04:22.24*** join/#devuan sedrosken_ (
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04:45.21*** join/#devuan earthnative (~nemo@
05:39.46*** join/#devuan konsolebox (~konsolebo@
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05:54.29*** join/#devuan chillfan (~chillfan@unaffiliated/chillfan)
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07:34.15*** join/#devuan earthnative (~nemo@
07:35.08*** join/#devuan pillepalle (
07:35.12*** join/#devuan coyote (~coyote@
07:51.09*** join/#devuan Irrwahn (
07:58.18*** join/#devuan thaller__ (~thaller@2001:a61:405:5600:e80f:e896:bc73:d42d)
08:07.48*** join/#devuan thaller__ (~thaller@2001:a61:405:5600:6c3b:db64:e33d:a89)
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08:11.00*** join/#devuan clemens3 (
08:22.18*** join/#devuan thaller__ (~thaller@2001:a61:405:5600:2802:f588:4472:c4ea)
08:22.28aynah[m]sent a long message: aynah[m]_2018-01-13_08:22:28.txt <>
08:23.32aynah[m]sent a long message: aynah[m]_2018-01-13_08:23:31.txt <>
08:26.58*** join/#devuan ToffeeYogurtPots (~ToffeeYog@gateway/tor-sasl/toffeeyogurtpots)
08:27.46KatolaZaynah[m]: did you apt-get update after adding i36?
08:29.03aynah[m]I think so, yes.
08:29.54aynah[m]could I have installed i386 packages without that? if no, then I did. I don't remember.
08:30.46KatolaZaynah[m]: you must remove and purge all i386 pkgs before removing the arch
08:32.05aynah[m]How do I confirm that all the packages have been purged?
08:32.05aynah[m]if `apt list --installed | grep i386` returns nothing, is that a good indicator?
08:35.32*** join/#devuan Fervi (
08:37.59aynah[m]Okay, I did `sudo apt-get purge *:i386` and it hunted and purged some i386 packages not listed by `apt list --installed`
08:39.27aynah[m]I no longer get tab autocompletion when installing packages from apt-get.
08:39.38coyotei would remove so: apt-get purge `dpkg --get-selections | egrep .+:i386 | cut -f1`
08:39.49*** join/#devuan thaller_ (~thaller@2001:a61:405:5600:b16f:f903:282d:ad6e)
08:40.00coyotei think it does same
08:41.37*** join/#devuan amarsh04 (~amarsh04@
08:41.48coyoteyou want to remove multilib, i understood?
08:43.12aynah[m]I don't know what multilib is. No. I wanted to remove i386 architecture, which I enabled to run a 32 bit binary.
08:43.51coyotealso do this: sudo dpkg --remove-architecture i386
08:44.01coyoteit removes i386 packages installing
08:44.04aynah[m]Yeah, I did that. Thanks.
08:46.15amarsh04brb, new kernel
08:50.24*** join/#devuan amarsh04 (~amarsh04@
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08:52.18*** join/#devuan thaller_ (~thaller@2001:a61:405:5600:2050:752e:80c0:d9ff)
08:58.49*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
08:59.18*** join/#devuan thaller_ (~thaller@2001:a61:405:5600:b521:f6e4:d311:167f)
09:10.00*** join/#devuan ToffeeYogurtPots (~ToffeeYog@gateway/tor-sasl/toffeeyogurtpots)
09:25.08*** join/#devuan coyote (~coyote@
09:55.45*** join/#devuan eliasr (uid27497@gateway/web/
10:10.47*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
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10:32.44*** join/#devuan knidos (~knidos@
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11:33.38Guest38505is taking a coffee
11:34.07Guest38505parazyd, are you there?
11:34.34Guest38505is asking for parazyd
11:39.30Guest38505wants to change his nickname
11:44.52Guest38505i've some issues in simple-netaid-gtk on jessie:
11:45.03Guest38505from /home/aitor/SIMPLE-NETAID-GTK/simple-netaid-gtk/src/mysingleton.cpp:19:
11:45.22Guest38505usr/include/c++/4.9/bits/c++0x_warning.h:32:2: error: #error This file requires compiler and library support for the ISO C++ 2011 standard. This support is currently experimental, and must be enabled with the -std=c++11 or -std=gnu++11 compiler options.
11:46.31Guest38505but -std=gnu++11 is included in the CMakeLists.txt:
11:46.43Guest38505set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-Wall -g -o -Wc++0x-compat -std=gnu++11 -lpthread -I../include" )
11:46.56Guest38505set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG "-Wall -g -o -Wc++0x-compat -std=gnu++11 -lpthread -I../include" )
11:47.24Guest38505i also get the following errors:
11:47.33Guest38505error: ‘thread’ in namespace ‘std’ does not name a type std::thread *m_WorkerThread;
11:47.43Guest38505error: ‘mutex’ in namespace ‘std’ does not name a type mutable std::mutex m_Mutex;
11:48.03Guest38505seems to be related with the version of g++
11:51.45Guest38505i'm doing some improvements in the popupmenu, and the packages will be availabe today
11:54.48Guest38505it works both in jessie and ascii using a WM, but it fails in a DE getting a pointer error even disabling the XDG_MENU_PREFIX system variable:
11:56.28Guest38505it has been tested in openbox; i downloaded "heads" with awesome, but still didn't test the popupmenu there
11:57.11*** join/#devuan pillepalle (
11:58.51Guest38505it uses the menu-cached daemon:
12:02.14*** join/#devuan markong (~marco@
12:03.41Guest38505will be back shortly
12:04.10*** join/#devuan captainfixerpc14 (~captainfi@unaffiliated/captainfixerpc14)
12:04.18Guest38505will translate to spanish at the request of chillfan
12:08.54*** join/#devuan rsx (
12:19.08*** join/#devuan thaller_ (~thaller@2001:a61:405:5600:b521:f6e4:d311:167f)
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13:21.35*** join/#devuan pillepalle (
13:34.10*** join/#devuan coyote (~coyote@
13:34.13*** join/#devuan ToffeeYogurtPots (~ToffeeYog@gateway/tor-sasl/toffeeyogurtpots)
13:45.04*** join/#devuan Oldmoss (
14:03.05*** join/#devuan Ipe (
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15:18.34*** join/#devuan metxn (~metax@gateway/tor-sasl/metax)
15:30.20*** join/#devuan sokan (~Henry@unaffiliated/totaloblivion)
15:49.45*** join/#devuan msiism (
15:49.59*** join/#devuan Kruppt (~Kruppt@
15:57.52*** join/#devuan DeFender1031 (
16:30.19*** join/#devuan metxn (~metax@gateway/tor-sasl/metax)
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16:35.27*** join/#devuan blinkdog (~blinkdog@devuan/developer/blinkdog)
16:53.21*** join/#devuan Katnija (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
16:58.54*** join/#devuan KittenNIX (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
17:11.38*** join/#devuan cyteen_ (
17:16.42golinuxGuest38505 [06:02:25] will translate to spanish at the request of chillfan
17:18.27*** join/#devuan OmegaPhil (~kvirc@
17:18.27*** join/#devuan OmegaPhil (~kvirc@fsf/member/OmegaPhil)
17:18.31golinuxI think he means for you to translate the install guide on, not itself.
17:19.30*** join/#devuan Katnija (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
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17:22.18*** join/#devuan KittenNIX (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
17:38.06*** join/#devuan aitor (
17:38.18aitorgolinux: ok
17:38.39Guest72004he explains it in the wiki: *Translations we already have need to be improved/updated before being pushed to But there are some new additions to the wiki that could use translations as well.*
17:39.55Guest72004i'll begin translating the mentioned pages
17:44.17msiismGuest72004: and these are?
17:49.45Guest72004msiism: i translated one of them in the past
17:49.59Guest72004and Linuxito too (Emiliano Marini)
17:50.54msiismGuest72004: nice. i just didn't really get what you ware going to work on.
17:53.39Guest72004i was also working on the transation of the little purpy book of devuan, but currently these translations are not available in due to some upgrades in the server
17:54.02*** join/#devuan attos (
17:54.26Guest72004some changes are needed in the htaccess file
17:54.32msiismGuest72004: ok.
17:56.14msiismGuest72004: ok, and what exactly are you going to be working on now?
17:56.27Guest72004the content still is there, as i explained to chillfan in #devuan-dev, but my hosting provider did some changes in the system and the whole was not available
17:56.37Guest72004so, i changed the htaccess
17:57.02*** join/#devuan menip (
17:57.04msiismGuest72004: so you're the one releasing gnunios?
17:59.43Guest72004it'll be released in a few days, but i'm also working on ascii at the same time
18:02.03Guest72004indeed, the blend of gnuinos for the live-sdk works in ascii, including debian installer
18:08.42Guest72004a patch in the kernel of debian is needed if you want to use a custom one in the live-sdk, in order to avoid the message *Abort removing the running kernel*
18:09.08Guest72004something like:
18:09.19Guest72004if [ -z "$(ps)" ] > /dev/null
18:09.27Guest72004then continue
18:10.47Guest72004avoid to remove the running kernel, because we are not in a chroot jail
18:12.06Guest72004as i explained in this channel, no running proccess is detected within the live-sdk
18:12.55Guest72004i used this trick for the installation of simple-netaid and vdev
18:14.28Guest72004simple-netaid asks some questions to the user during its installation, but there is not any interacction between with the user; so, the installation of simple-netaid is skipped
18:15.30Guest72004so, i did the following change:
18:15.49Guest72004if [ -z "$(ps)" ] > /dev/null
18:15.53Guest72004then continue
18:16.02Guest72004do the questions to the user
18:16.42Guest72004something similiar happens in the case of vdev
18:16.57*** join/#devuan system16 (~system16@unaffiliated/system16)
18:18.24Guest72004for security reasons i added a script named vdev-assistant in such a manner that you can only install vdev via "vdev-assistant"
18:20.19Guest72004that is:
18:20.21Guest72004if pgrep -x "vdev-assistant"
18:20.32Guest72004then continue with the installation of vdev
18:20.46*** join/#devuan kelsoo1 (~kelsoo@dragora/developer/kelsoo)
18:20.55Guest72004***   Warning !!  ***
18:21.05Guest72004For security reasons, vdev only can be installed using the vdev-assistant tool.
18:21.16Guest72004Please, install this package and follow the instructions.
18:22.02Guest72004Oooh!!! But the vdev-assistant running procces is not detected within the live-sdk!!!
18:22.25msiismi don't quite follow, but i'm sure others so.
18:22.30msiismso -> do
18:22.34Guest72004so, we need to change:
18:22.42Guest72004if pgrep -x "vdev-assistant" > /dev/null
18:22.46Guest72004if pgrep -x "vdev-assistant" || [ -z "$(ps)" ] > /dev/null
18:23.04Guest72004that is:
18:23.48Guest72004if vdev-assistant is running OR no proccess is running, then continue
18:24.53Guest72004need to go, see you :)
18:25.11enyc/w ha
18:26.12Guest72004quote: i needed the vdev-assistant script in jessie because there was no udev dummy package
18:26.24Guest72004dev1devs added it in ascii :)
18:27.05Guest72004golinux: here you are my translation of the whole
18:30.30*** join/#devuan system16 (~system16@unaffiliated/system16)
18:30.51golinuxGuest72004: that is a duplication of
18:31.47golinuxI find devJuan quite confusing.
18:33.41golinuxBesides it doesn't even work here at all.
18:37.18*** join/#devuan chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc08:a00:9dc9:1df3:6a38:1d59)
18:37.33*** join/#devuan Keziolio (
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19:41.05*** part/#devuan msiism (
19:41.41*** join/#devuan thaller_ (~thaller@2001:a61:405:5600:fc4e:edbf:c4d8:5b7f)
19:46.23*** join/#devuan chillfan (~chillfan@unaffiliated/chillfan)
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19:53.19*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
19:54.28*** join/#devuan _abc_ (~ruse@unaffiliated/ccbbaa)
19:55.08_abc_Hello. People here now? I have some trouble writing devuan_jessie_1.0.0_amd64_DVD.iso to disk, the sha256 checked out (from the site I got it, .it mirror)
19:55.28_abc_The image I got is non EFI apparently. Yet the hybrid image shows an EFI partition.
19:56.05*** join/#devuan davec1 (
19:56.05_abc_When mounting the 1st partition (devuan) on the host I wrote it on, I see README.txt and README.html are both binary files. Is this the way it should be?
19:56.25*** join/#devuan doomcup (
19:57.25_abc_I assume something is amiss with my write to usb stick. The partition tables were generated in the right place, so I assume that is right, at least.
19:57.58_abc_Yeah so all files are garbled somehow
19:59.23_abc_Is this some codepage thing? I mount on a linux system, it auto mounts as iso9660, no special options, ro
20:01.46gnarfacedoes it fail to boot then?
20:01.57gnarfacei haven't tested that image, but the NETINST one should work
20:02.03_abc_I have no way to try that here and now, this is on another machine, prepping media for install later Monday
20:02.31_abc_This is about verifying the written image. Does one normally mount it and see text files in it etc? I used to do that and it worked.
20:02.41unixman_homeWhat exact command did you use to write to the USB?
20:02.52*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
20:03.00_abc_dd if=theimage.iso of=/dev/sdc bs=8M
20:03.04_abc_&& sync
20:03.20gnarface_abc_: it could be a codepage thing.  hard to say
20:03.30_abc_The directory structure looks fine, the file contents are garbage
20:03.39_abc_If it is a codepage issue, which codepage would that be?
20:04.04gnarfacemost likely iso8859-1, or utf-9
20:04.07gnarfacei mean utf8
20:04.27_abc_Would the codepage not also mess up boot operation?
20:04.50_abc_Also the EFI, why is it there? I intend to use this on non EFI, will it boot normally on non EFI bios?
20:04.59gnarfacepresumably it has it's own, but maybe windows does not
20:05.11_abc_there is no windows involved
20:05.13nepugiaEFI partition doesnt hurt aslong as it also has the mbr specific stuff afaik
20:05.19_abc_nepugia: ok
20:05.23unixman_homeHrm, last time I wrote one I just used 'dd if=the.iso of=/dev/(SOMEUSB)'. Did seem to work fine.
20:05.26_abc_nepugia: UTF-32 is for real?
20:05.34_abc_bs=xx helps with speed a bit
20:05.42_abc_otherwise no changes
20:05.46_abc_and yet...
20:06.01nepugia_abc_ it is a real encoding, i doubt it was used though :p
20:06.32_abc_UTF-8 covers ascii 7 bit so most simple things like autorun.inf etc should be readable
20:06.53_abc_I verified that the 1st 256MB of the image and of the written usb stick are identical.
20:07.10_abc_So the root dir should be in it, and the 1st files. And the sha256sum matched
20:07.20chillfanremember also to use after dd: sync
20:07.33_abc_Any ideas where to look? Could anyone loop mount the iso and see what it looks like there?
20:08.34chillfansync flushes buffers to disks
20:08.50gnarfacehow did you verify the text files were corrupted, _abc_?
20:08.52unixman_homechillfan, [20180113 11:03:04] <_abc_> && sync
20:09.14chillfanyea, sync will make sure the disk has been written to OK
20:09.46_abc_chillfan: I did && sync
20:09.58rodney_thanks to the devs .. installed duvean on a laptop that ubuntu would LOCK up using virtualbox. running like a champ and no SystemD
20:10.00_abc_gnarface: open with less/vi/etc
20:10.37nepugiawhat does sync do?
20:10.50chillfansync (1)             - Synchronize cached writes to persistent storage
20:11.42_abc_I have no idea where to look
20:12.27_abc_Will check the sha256sum from another site, unlikely it is different
20:12.52_abc_can someone please mount their .iso image with loop and look in the mounted /md5sums.txt for example with vi?
20:13.12_abc_Just for sanity I tried -o remount,iocharset=utf8 did not help
20:15.14gnarfaceyour system has utf8 support setup already, right?
20:15.25gnarfacei really assumed they were latin1 though
20:16.08fsmithredthat file looks fine to me
20:18.15gnarface_abc_: what error did you get, exactly when opening them?  did vi complain about it being a binary file, or did it just look like some characters were wrong?
20:20.55_abc_gnarface: no error, file contents are binary instead of text
20:21.14_abc_just a few discernible characters, looks more like a virus heh
20:21.17*** join/#devuan Fervi (
20:21.20_abc_re-checking sha256 etc
20:21.55gnarfacemaybe the copy just didn't complete because you forgot to sync afterwards.  i think they changed something in the kernel so even dd is subject to writeback caching
20:22.45gnarfacewell it's happened to me before
20:22.58chillfanDid you verify the sha256 sums with the signing key from If it passes it will eliminate problems with the iso at least
20:26.38gnarface_abc_: any chance for a screenshot?
20:27.29gnarfacethe description of your problem can also fit a common video ram failure case
20:27.38_abc_gnarface: I can pastebin them after re-writing them. Just a few minutes
20:27.43_abc_gnarface: unlikely
20:28.19gnarfacetypically you'd see other corrupted text glyphs and textures in other places, but where exactly depends on many factors.
20:28.30gnarfacesometimes it's non-obvious
20:29.05_abc_The sha256sums on match the images I have
20:29.37_abc_in addition to the sha256sums matching the sha256sums file on the d/l mirror which is in this case
20:29.54fsmithredalso matches what I get here
20:30.04_abc_gnarface: the answer is no. I am runnng old kde konsole and there are no other problems
20:30.08fsmithredon an iso that's been on my hard drive since May
20:30.14_abc_fsmithred: thanks
20:30.34_abc_fsmithred: what happens if you loop mount the 1st partition and look inside as it is default mounted on linux?
20:30.40gnarfacefsmithred: so, he thinks the README.txt and README.html on devuan_jessie_1.0.0_amd64_DVD.iso are both corrupted, but not the rest of the image itself, necessarily.  you've verified those two files specifically, the copies on the DVD iso, right?  (i don't have a copy downloaded here)
20:31.24fsmithredoh, I only looked at the md5sums.txt
20:31.26fsmithredhang on a sec
20:31.45gnarfaceif they're actually wrong on the DVD iso, that would explain this.  but not much else can.
20:31.54_abc_well if you can read md5sums.txt in the loop mounted image then there's soemthing amiss here. Which is very likely
20:32.44_abc_I bounght a new hama usb stick for this devuan project today, it might suck a bit. I will test it more.
20:33.04_abc_mumbles unprintable stuff about virused usb sticks and the like
20:33.21fsmithredREADME.* are good, too
20:33.25_abc_fsmithred: should the 1st partition have a windows autorun.exe etc?
20:33.37gnarfacei've had some usb sticks object to using block size greater than 1MB
20:33.51_abc_Okay, I will try some things here. fsmithred the auto mounted loop iso9660 has what options?
20:34.01_abc_ro,nodev,nosuid ?
20:34.05chillfanright, so have a try with using bs=1M or bs=4M
20:34.10fsmithredway easier than that
20:34.22_abc_I tried bs=8M before, did not go well
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20:34.37_abc_fsmithred: what's the offset in the file of the 1st partition? I need to spec if to loop
20:34.42fsmithredmount devuan-1.0-final-amd64-DVD-1.iso spme-mountpoint
20:34.53chillfanYeah so limit to 1 or 4 and see what happens
20:34.54fsmithredoh, you want to mount an image made from the usb?
20:35.04_abc_fsmithred: my ancient install does not take that kind of thing, I need to specifiy manually
20:35.19_abc_fsmithred: the iso . Just a sec
20:35.20fsmithredmount -o loop whatever.iso mountpoint
20:35.31chillfanit's likely a blocksize thing, or the usb may be DOA but that's less likely
20:35.40fsmithreduse -o loop,iso9660
20:35.55fsmithredI think. Been a couple years since I've done that
20:36.10gnarfacei haven't really noticed any speed benefit increasing block size on most cheap usb flash for writes anyway
20:36.11chillfanmount -t iso9660 -o loop <filename> <mountpoint>
20:37.03fsmithred_abc_, use chillfan's command
20:37.03_abc_I confirm the mount on loop works fine, files are readable
20:37.12_abc_mount from ub stick /dev/sdc1 causes the problems
20:37.22fsmithredis that the correct partition?
20:37.35_abc_Yes. The /dev/sdc1 is devuan and /dev/sdc2 is EFI
20:37.42_abc_I will not be using EFI
20:37.50_abc_I think this new usb stick has some surprizes.
20:38.02_abc_Will test it more with random data scripted tonight.
20:38.03fsmithredwhat kind of usb stick?
20:38.15_abc_Sorry for the noise, this is not a devuan bug ;)
20:38.32_abc_fsmithred: Hama 8GB blister pack cheap stick, 10MBps write
20:38.51_abc_I bought it from a walk in reputable shop with warranty, and look what I got.
20:39.00fsmithrednever heard of it. And that's how people say "hammer" around here.
20:39.02_abc_We'll see I still have hope
20:39.21gnarfaceit might be fine.  try bs=1M or bs=512, and remember to && sync && sync && sync
20:39.21_abc_Hama is a well known accessories maker in Europe.
20:39.38_abc_I am writing it without the bs= arg and with && sync
20:39.39fsmithredoh, ok. Other continent.
20:39.47_abc_"Others". Run.
20:39.54_abc_[Lost reference] :)
20:39.54chillfanI usually go with sandisk for cheap stuff, they are ok
20:40.19_abc_Sandisk is horrible here, they bundle those strange secret partitions and stuff and it gave me no end of grief
20:40.59chillfanI'll have to look into that then
20:41.06_abc_It does write QUITE slowly for a 10MBps advertised speed device
20:41.11chillfanjust so I can trust my devices heh
20:41.36_abc_I'm okay with that as long as it does not mod the data. dmesg shows no errors on write.
20:42.48_abc_ this is the exact product I have
20:43.25_abc_can someone remind me where can one look to see data being written, blocks progress, with dd?
20:43.58_abc_Note my device says 10MB/s on the back of the blister pack
20:44.12gnarfacethat's usually burst rate figures, irrelevant to dd
20:44.20gnarfacealso usually they assume fat32 filesystem for it
20:44.30_abc_I know
20:44.37gnarfaceyou can get progress from dd if you send it SIGUSR1
20:44.41fsmithred_abc_, you can use pv with dd to see progress
20:45.14_abc_fsmithred: ah pipe pv into dd?
20:45.34chillfanwwhat is pv?
20:45.41fsmithredyeah, pipe the if to pv and then pipe pv to dd
20:45.47chillfanit sounds useful..
20:45.48fsmithredand you need to feed pv the size
20:45.58fsmithredhang on and I'll show you an example
20:46.50_abc_nice it works, no need
20:46.59_abc_Did not think of pv, it's so useful :)
20:47.02_abc_thanks for the tip
20:47.21_abc_without bs= pv says it writes at ~3.6MBps
20:47.34_abc_not bad for the price I paid ($6 or so)
20:48.04_abc_except it freezes from time to time
20:48.38_abc_well, $6 worth of operation ;)
20:48.48_abc_Let's see if the read data is okay, then we talk
20:48.57_abc_So the EFI partition can be deleted if not used, right?
20:49.54gnarfacean interesting hypothesis
20:50.14chillfanI would leave it as is, and try that later if everything is working
20:50.32chillfanif it aint broke don't fix it :)
20:50.39fsmithredyeah, I would leave it there. It shouldn't do anything on a bios boot
20:53.00_abc_I just use to put data on /dev/sdc2 etc... the usb stick is poorly used if half is empty
20:53.28_abc_I talked about enabling auto detection of 'signed' additional partitions before, here, and using them as live session data store
20:53.56_abc_[some day]
20:54.07fsmithredsigned how?
20:54.44_abc_The source drive cannot be the problem, it's a usb3.0 scorcher
20:55.11_abc_fsmithred: simply place a file with a suitable uuit name in the / of that partition usually
20:55.49_abc_scripts look for it, mounting each found partition in turn, and if, they find it, use that partition as live session store somehow.
20:56.31_abc_This is what I did in the past. Requires adding a suitable seeker script to /etc/init.d or /etc/rc or similar
20:57.02*** join/#devuan Schoumi (
20:58.05_abc_unplugging the mouse did not help. This drive IS sick inside
20:58.07fsmithredDon't you need to mess with the live-config scripts to make the live partition writeable?
20:58.10_abc_Stalls quite frequently
20:58.42_abc_fsmithred: you can try several things, I have tried none with devuan yet, did that with netbsd more than 10 years ago and more recently with slackware
20:58.58_abc_the live partition is not "writable" but it's overlay mount can be
20:59.09*** join/#devuan ThurahT (
20:59.22SchoumiHi, is a kernel has been released for ceres with patch for meltdown?
20:59.36chillfanceres is patched
20:59.39_abc_In my case in the past I preferred to treat the extra data partition like a mtd device on openwrt, getting config data and pathcing it into the live system
20:59.51fsmithredyeah, I normally use a second partition or loopfiles on the second partition for that
20:59.54AlexLikeRock_and jessie ?
21:00.16AlexLikeRock_when ?
21:00.21chillfanJessie I think may be as well, just for reference.. we track the Debian kernel and don't make changes of our own there
21:01.02fsmithredAlexLikeRock_, 3.16.0-5-<arch> in jessie-security
21:01.37chillfanand 4.14.0-3-<arch> for ceres
21:01.43fsmithredyou have to install it. If you just upgrade, you'll probably just get 3.16.0-4
21:01.53Schoumiok thanks
21:02.02fsmithrednote the -5 instead of -4
21:04.01chillfanfor reference:
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21:04.14chillfanyou'll have to check the cve's to see what relates to meltdown
21:04.45SchoumiThanks for your work on devuan, i switch from debian since a reinstall on a new hard drive. Time to change :)
21:05.42AlexLikeRock_fsmithred, yes , they  are  at  DEBIAN REPOS, but  at  jessie  repos ?
21:05.43chillfanGreat, let us know if you run into any problems
21:06.11AlexLikeRock_by  apt upgrade  @  terminal on devuan repos
21:06.12fsmithredAlexLikeRock_, yes, jessie is fixed. It's in jessie-security
21:06.16AlexLikeRock_when ?
21:06.26fsmithredAlexLikeRock_, no, read what I wrote above about the version
21:06.34AlexLikeRock_ook,  fine
21:06.35fsmithredlike two days ago
21:06.55chillfanSo apt won't grab the latest version unless it's specified?
21:07.19fsmithredit might if you have the kernel metapackage installed, but I'm not certain
21:07.21chillfanI guess it should with the virtual linux-image-<arch>
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21:07.53fsmithredyeah, I might start installing that
21:09.11*** join/#devuan thaller_ (~thaller@2001:a61:405:5600:acd0:ab30:f086:544e)
21:10.13chillfanhoping intel get their act together soon, for now holding off buying new hardware until there's a risc v port
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21:20.26_abc_we have liftoff. The usb stick was written and now the text files work too
21:20.36_abc_I am stumped as to why it did not work 1st time
21:20.53_abc_Maybe bs=8M was overdoing it. It did make the write 3 times faster
21:20.58_abc_(but also fail).
21:21.20_abc_Anyway, I'll use this Monday, then see what next next week.
21:21.35_abc_Thanks for the ideas, moving on.
21:21.43*** part/#devuan _abc_ (~ruse@unaffiliated/ccbbaa)
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22:11.45aitorhi again
22:12.20Guest7481is trying to rescue its real name as an nickname, but he can't :(
22:13.38Guest7481as a* nickname
22:14.34Guest7481a few hours ago i said: "no running proccess is detected within the live-sdk"
22:14.48Guest7481i rectify:
22:15.15*** join/#devuan Andrea993 (
22:15.41Guest7481no running proccess is detected within the live-sdk, *DURING* the installation/removal of a package
22:16.46Guest7481in other words: the $ps variable will be NULL in all the *.preinst, *.postint, *.prerm and *.postrm files
22:17.38Guest7481only within the live-sdk
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22:22.40Guest7481brb :)
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23:22.58merzbowhey, when I dpkg -l, some packages are marked for removal with iF, how I do I change this flag?
23:23.08merzbowhow do I**
23:26.27merzbowhey, when I do dpkg -l, some packages are marked for removal with iF, how do I change this flag?
23:26.55KatolaZmerzbow: ?
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23:28.33KatolaZmerzbow: if the flag is F it means that the package is half-configured
23:29.00KatolaZjust look at the first few lines in the output of "dpkg -l"
23:29.07KatolaZthat explains the flags
23:30.39KatolaZF means that the package failed to finish it's configuration
23:30.58KatolaZyou should probably "dpkg-reconfigure PKGNAME"
23:32.37fsmithredmaybe 'apt-get -f install'
23:33.26merzbowI accidentally marked some stuff with remove, now any time I want to do anything else in synaptic it wants to remove these
23:33.39merzbowi'll try reconfiguring
23:34.08merzbowaptitude keep-all still wants to remove them
23:34.21merzbowpackage management has been a wild ride so far ;_;
23:35.16fsmithredto remove something from the autremoval list, 'apt-get install <package>'
23:35.48fsmithredI don't know if that affect synaptic
23:36.34gnarfacei don't think they play nice
23:36.36KatolaZmerzbow: apt-get -f install
23:36.40gnarfacei don't know for sure
23:36.50KatolaZmerzbow: are you mixing repos?
23:37.48merzbowI did not mix repos this time lol
23:39.18merzbow-f install wants to remove essential packages.. and hexchat..
23:39.25merzbowmaybe a good thing for you guys heh
23:39.51KatolaZwhat do you mean by :essential packages"?
23:41.05KatolaZmerzbow: you must have screwed up things badly
23:41.13merzbowlook, idk how to get build-essential without the debian repo
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23:42.14fsmithredget it from devuan repo
23:42.21KatolaZmerzbow: are you kidding?
23:42.25fsmithredapt-get install build-essential
23:42.34KatolaZmerzbow: please paste your sources.list somewhere
23:43.01fsmithredusing debian repos is like drinking water from the river that did not go through the treatment plant
23:43.53nepugiai found third party repos targeting debian to work on devuan nicely though
23:43.54nepugiae,g the winehq packages
23:44.24merzbowthis is why the year of the linux desktop is far away :(
23:44.48merzbowi didnt add the debian repo to my sources.list because that broke my last install
23:44.58merzbowbut I wanted to get gcc and make
23:45.08fsmithredapt-get install build-essential
23:45.25fsmithredapt-get install $(uname -r)
23:45.30KatolaZmerzbow: gcc and make ARE in Devuan
23:45.30fsmithredfor the kernel headers
23:45.49KatolaZmerzbow: could you please post your sources.list somewhere (not here, a pastebin maybe)
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23:47.35merzbowI have jessie-update and jessie-security
23:47.46merzbowis there more I'm unaware of?
23:47.56merzbowsorry guys, this is not clearly documented anywhere
23:48.30KatolaZmerzbow: please paste your sources.list somewhere
23:50.01KatolaZmerzbow: everything is documented on the Devuan website
23:50.21KatolaZmerzbow: scroll down until "Packages"
23:50.48fsmithredshould be a line for jessie, too
23:51.23merzbowty guys
23:52.36fsmithreddid you install without a network mirror?
23:53.21merzbowWith this install I just did from disc without network, then added updates and security and updated kernel
23:53.30merzbowit wasn't obvious to add jessie
23:53.52fsmithredyeah, that's a problem
23:54.25fsmithredwould be nice if we could put it there, commented out
23:55.39merzbowthat would help a lot I think
23:55.47merzbowI thought this distro had a skimpy repo lol
23:56.08merzbowwow, now we're cookin
23:56.11fsmithredonly for the packages that have been changed. The rest comes from debian.
23:56.27fsmithredbut you gotta let it run through the filter
23:56.28KatolaZmerzbow: that's a known issue

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