IRC log for #devuan on 20180102

00:11.03*** join/#devuan cyteen (~cyteen@
00:15.10*** join/#devuan gtfobot (
00:33.28VallOne question: I have an old RPi 1 Model B here which I would like to run Devuan on, just for kicks.
00:33.30VallIs Devuan NOOBS compatible, so I can dual-boot it with LibreELEC for example?
01:12.57*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
01:20.13*** join/#devuan infobot (
01:20.13*** topic/#devuan is Recent (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release || This is the Devuan discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
01:21.30*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
01:26.38*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
01:27.45*** join/#devuan ServiceRobot (~ServiceRo@2601:45:4001:d25f::e654)
01:27.50ServiceRobothello everyone
01:28.21AlexLikeRockyou are human
01:28.38ServiceRoboton the internet, nobody knows you're a human
01:29.04ServiceRobotalso happy new year
01:29.30*** join/#devuan Schallaven (
01:30.31ServiceRobotI've been following along with some of these anti-systemd projects for a while now. I've settled into the distro I wanted for desktop usage, but not server usage
01:31.00ServiceRobotso I've been trying to find a stable distribution that can provide me with alternative init systems
01:31.31ServiceRobotDevuan runs sysvinit out-of-the-box, but I've yet to figure out if it can properly run runit yet
01:32.09*** join/#devuan Fervi (
01:32.12ServiceRobotDevuan had its first release not too long ago if I'm not mistaken
01:33.28ServiceRobotso I'm wondering if Devuan is a viable option right now for server hosting?
01:33.41ServiceRobotor should I wait for it to catch up to Debian?
01:34.25Fervi@ServiceRobot : It depends, Devuan Jessie is oldstable, but still have some updates
01:34.37Fervior Ascii, hmm
01:35.01ServiceRobotit's still running Debian 8.0, right? I just gave it a whirl with the installer, and it worked perfectly
01:35.16ServiceRobotwas able to partition everything to how I wanted, etc
01:36.02ServiceRobottried to replace grub-common with refind though. that proved to be difficult. refind provides .deb files, but also has a ubuntu repo. not for jessie though
01:36.24Fervi@ServiceRobot : Ascii is some paradox. It should be Debian 9
01:36.31Ferviand maybe it is
01:36.51ServiceRobotI'm a bit confused about the naming. Ascii is the next release, Devuan 9?
01:37.36fsmithredDevuan 2, based on Debian 9 (ascii=stretch)
01:38.38ServiceRobotthe latest release for Debian is "Sid", aka Ceres. which version should I use where I won't have problems with added repositories?
01:39.41fsmithredjessie is still our stable, ascii is mostly ready
01:40.23ServiceRobotbut is it ready enough where I won't have too many problems?
01:40.34fsmithreddepends on what you want to do
01:41.00ServiceRobotset up a LEMP solution with runit as the init system and refind as the bootloader
01:41.02fsmithredthere are people using it one servers and desktops
01:41.13FerviServiceRobot : I using ceres (unstable) and it's really stable :D
01:41.21fsmithredyou could be the first
01:41.24Fervion server i have ascii and works nice
01:41.32fsmithredtell us how it works out
01:41.44ServiceRobotmy BIGGEST question is, does Devuan only have real support for sysvinit at the moment?
01:41.52fsmithredthere are a few other people experimenting with runit
01:41.53ServiceRobotI want to give runit a swing. it looks so simple
01:42.09fsmithredI think runit is in the repo
01:42.20ServiceRobotit is, but lacks scripts
01:42.29*** join/#devuan blinkdog (~blinkdog@devuan/developer/blinkdog)
01:42.29fsmithredif it's in debian, it's in devuan, unless it needs systemd
01:42.31ServiceRobotmind you I can write them myself, or just grab them from void's repos
01:43.14ServiceRobotwhat's the release cycle like currently? I understand it's a small handful of people
01:44.53fsmithredwe released jessie in May
01:45.02fsmithredwe will release ascii next
01:45.42fsmithredsometime in the near future we'll start tracking debian testing (buster) as beowulf
01:46.02fsmithredwhich will be the next release after ascii
01:46.18fsmithredall on a "when it's ready" schedule
01:46.28ServiceRobotthat's a pretty sick name actually
01:46.50fsmithredwhich? They're all minor planets.
01:47.04ServiceRobothe saves the day
01:47.34*** join/#devuan gtfobot (
01:47.42ServiceRobotanyway, I think I'll give ceres a try, if it's available. can't find a download anywhere
01:48.08fsmithredyou can either install jessie and upgrade your way there or do a debootstrap install
01:48.28*** join/#devuan early (
01:48.56ServiceRobotwhat does that entail?
01:49.29ServiceRobotdeboostrap install
01:49.59fsmithredbuilding a system in a chroot
01:50.45ServiceRobotah, so you mean from the command line?
01:51.01*** join/#devuan gtfobot (
01:51.30fsmithredif you want to read about it, there are instructions for doing it in debian. Procedure would be the same in devuan.
01:52.11fsmithredupgrade is easy, though. just change sources and do apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade
01:52.16ServiceRobotright, but if ceres is unavailable, how would I obtain the packages? or is there just not a release?
01:52.45fsmithredthere are no installers available for ceres. There's a repo.
01:53.00ServiceRobotah, good enough. I just need to add it then
01:53.12fsmithredbut you can't run sid/ceres and not expect problems
01:53.32ServiceRobotconsidering it's unstable, I'm fully aware
01:53.48ServiceRobotwould you consider I hold off then?
01:54.01fsmithredthat's up to you
01:54.35ServiceRobotmeh, I might as well so package installation from 3rd party repos isn't a pain
01:54.41fsmithredI've got two jessies and one ascii that I use, and I just haven't gotten around to upgrading or reinstalling #2
01:55.05fsmithredwhat 3rd party repos do you need to use?
01:55.52ServiceRobotwell, if I DO decide to use Devuan for desktop use, probably openrazer. for server usage, just refind (bootloader) for now
01:56.03ServiceRobotI don't think refind is available in the debian or devuan repos
01:56.13fsmithredit is. I was looking at it today
01:56.21ServiceRobotoh? so just not in jessie then?
01:56.49fsmithredyou're right. ascii and up
01:57.02ServiceRobotah. that explains the confusion
01:57.26ServiceRobotmy issue is if down the line I need to add other repos, they may not be available for debian 8/jessie/devuan, if you catch my drift
01:58.38*** join/#devuan Leander (~Leander@
01:59.19ServiceRobotin any case, my major concern is getting runit working
01:59.25*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
01:59.55*** join/#devuan n4dir (
02:01.23ServiceRobotI don't want to use it alongside sysvinit, just on its own
02:02.45ServiceRobotI've tested it on a different distro, but not sure how well it would fair on Devuan
02:03.14ServiceRobotI also want to remove sysvinit, not just have it superseded by runit
02:08.08ServiceRobotwell, actually, Ascii might be more than sufficient for my needs
02:08.20ServiceRobotI assume that Ascii is also in a separate repo?
02:09.30fsmithredinstall jessie, edit sources.list to change jessie to ascii, and change to, update, dist-upgrade
02:09.55fsmithredbefore you change sources.list, install devuan-keyring
02:10.55ServiceRobotright. I plan to do a manual install this time around
02:11.55fsmithredif you're familiar with debian, you'll feel at home
02:12.39ServiceRobotI'm not exactly familiar with Debian per say, but I am familar with aptitude, adding ppas, upgrading, etc
02:14.01ServiceRobotI was considering Void Linux as well, but rolling release and server hosting... eeeeeh not sure that's a good idea
02:16.08ServiceRobotheck, I still haven't found a viable vps.
02:16.28*** join/#devuan ServiceRobot (~ServiceRo@2601:45:4001:d25f::30c2)
02:19.03*** join/#devuan Humpelst1lzchen (
02:21.09n4dirthe first thing you will have to learn is to forget about ppa's, as far debian is concerned.
02:21.27n4dirbut the rest should suffice
02:27.40*** join/#devuan bill-auger (
02:46.54*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
03:06.49*** join/#devuan targz (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
03:20.54*** join/#devuan ServiceRobot (~ServiceRo@2601:45:4001:d25f::e654)
03:21.09ServiceRobothello again
03:23.33ServiceRobotso I'm attempting to install devuan ascii to /target using debootstrap. I realize it's similar to pacstrap
03:23.50ServiceRobotbut I'm getting a gpgv signature error
03:25.08gnarfacemake sure you have devuan-keyring
03:25.43ServiceRobotthat's what I was thinking, but don't I need to debootstrap install it first?
03:27.03*** join/#devuan Nematocyst (
03:32.53*** join/#devuan gtfobot (
03:33.14ServiceRobothow do I install devuan-keyring first?
03:33.22gnarfaceServiceRobot: you need to add devuan-keyring in the parent system
03:34.02gnarface(the re-run apt-get update)
03:34.13ServiceRobotwithin the chroot?
03:34.23gnarfaceno on the parent system
03:34.36ServiceRobotso the usb or the mounted partition?
03:35.17gnarfacejust add it everywhere if you're confused
03:35.22ServiceRobotI just found the apt-get update solution online but apt-get is not available on the root
03:35.43gnarfaceis the parent system debian?
03:35.46gnarfaceor also devuan?
03:36.11gnarfacedo this:  dpkg -l |grep keyring
03:36.19gnarfacewhat packages does it list?
03:36.55*** join/#devuan mubarak (~mubarak@
03:37.39ServiceRobothang on, something tells me I'm missing a step
03:38.05gnarfaceit seems to me like you may be confusing the parent system and the chroot target
03:38.20gnarfacethey'll both ultimately need the devuan-keyring package
03:38.30ServiceRobotwell the parent system lacks apt-get and dpkg
03:38.55gnarfacewell that's definitely a problem...
03:39.10ServiceRobotI think I may know why
03:39.35gnarfacethey should definitely be there if it's actually a devuan install, unless something has gone very wrong
03:39.45ServiceRobotthis is the iso I used, which lacks the needed packages on the parent filesyste,?
03:40.18ServiceRobotperhaps I need devuan_jessie_1.0.0_amd64_CD.iso instead?
03:40.36gnarfaceno, a complete installation from either one of those ISOs should include apt-get and dpkg unless something went very wrong during install
03:41.13gnarface(so wrong that i'm surprised it even boots...)
03:41.37ServiceRobotwell that's just weird then. I used the netinstall iso, and the graphical installer gets everything needed
03:42.06ServiceRobotI'm doing this from a usb
03:42.45blinkdogdo you need the udeb version to be used during install time?
03:42.51ServiceRobotsorry if I'm being an idiot. this whole process is actually relatively simple from reading the directions
03:43.33gnarfacehow did you verify that apt-get and dpkg are missing?  `ls -l /usr/bin/apt-get`
03:43.39gnarfacetry this one^
03:43.53blinkdogalso these: `which dpkg` and `which apt-get`
03:44.00gnarfaceServiceRobot: at least it has "ls" installed, right?
03:44.42ServiceRobothere's what I did. I downloaded the latest stable from the magnet link, put it on my usb, booted into the installer, then followed these directions
03:45.16ServiceRobotthen alt+F2'd to an active tty
03:45.28ServiceRobotls does indeed work
03:45.29gnarfaceyou never completed the installer
03:45.35gnarfaceok now i get it
03:45.39ServiceRobotthe directions said not to?
03:45.43ServiceRobotnow I'm confused
03:45.59gnarfacethe directions are just bad that's all
03:46.20blinkdogyeah, it references an alpha 4 install image
03:46.39blinkdogi'll put updating/removing that page on the pad for tomorrow's meet
03:46.45ServiceRobotare there better directions, or are you guys my best hope?
03:47.07gnarfacesorry about that ServiceRobot, to get a minimal install from expert mode it's easiest just to complete the install normally and just uncheck all the options when it asks you what the system is for at the tasksel stage
03:47.19gnarfacethen you would in theory not run into this
03:47.28ServiceRobotthere's also a "choose mirror" option I noticed
03:47.32ServiceRobotcouldn't I just do that?
03:47.49gnarfacethe installer will work
03:48.03gnarfacethen you can do a regular upgrade to ascii afterwards
03:48.18ServiceRobotthing is, I don't want to install jessie than upgrade. I'd like to save time and just install ascii
03:48.18gnarfacei should say, the installer will *probably* work since you booted it successfully
03:48.30blinkdogthere are no ascii installers yet
03:48.34ServiceRobotI tested it already with jessie
03:48.35blinkdogthey are coming soon
03:48.37ServiceRobotit worked perfectly
03:48.41gnarfaceServiceRobot: i hear where you're coming from, but this is not a way to save time if you don't already know how to manage your gpg keyring manually.
03:49.27ServiceRobotI can easily learn it. I was just confused by the directions. thanks for clearing things up guys
03:49.57gnarfaceServiceRobot: basically the issue you're running into is you need to add the gpg keyring to the *installer's* shell but the tools to do that weren't included
03:50.19gnarfaceServiceRobot: initially i thought you were doing this from a completed devuan install, not the busybox shell
03:50.39ServiceRobotya, I realize I wasn't quite clear
03:50.55ServiceRobotI think I can figure this out though
03:51.10gnarfaceyou should in theory be able to find a updated copy of devuan-keyring and get the gpg key from it and put it in manually
03:51.58gnarfaceonce you finish debootstrapping then chroot into the directory you made, that install will also need the keyring but in theory it should get it automatically
03:52.26gnarfacebut like i said, it's easier to just complete the expert install normally and just uncheck all the options at tasksel
03:52.38ServiceRobotso what I'm getting at is if the busybox shell had the tools to install the keyring, debootstrap would work without errors?
03:53.02ServiceRobotbecause it lacks quite a bit of packages like aptitude
03:53.31gnarfaceyea, if you were doing that debootstrap command from a regular installation or even a livecd, you wouldn't be having this problem
03:53.51ServiceRobota livecd you say? would it work from a usb?
03:54.17gnarfaceyea, the live images are hybrid-iso; they'll also work on usb
03:54.28ServiceRobotah, then that's what I'll try
03:55.27ServiceRobotI assume what I'm looking for are the minimal-live isos?
03:55.31gnarfacedoing a debootstrap install from there will be a lot easier.   you'll have bash, gpg, apt-get, dpkg and a graphical environment
03:55.45gnarfaceactually the minimal-live iso doesn't come with a graphical environment
03:55.48gnarfaceso it's up to you
03:55.58ServiceRoboteh, I'm used to that for installing
03:56.16ServiceRobotif I have mkfs and the ability to mount, I can figure out the rest
03:56.56gnarfacewell, you might want to try one of the regular ones (/devuan/devuan_jessie/desktop-live/) first
03:57.26gnarfacei don't see any special reason to make it harder on yourself by using the minimal-live image
03:57.31ServiceRoboteh, sure, doesn't matter. as long as I have the tools
03:58.10ServiceRobotwell, I like doing things straight up manual. that way I know exactly what's going on. I've been using Arch, so that's where I picked up that habit >_>
03:58.39*** join/#devuan gtfobot (
03:59.24ServiceRobotalso, one of you mentioned something about a meet-up? out of curiosity, do you guys have frequent online meetings on devuan updates, etc?
03:59.28ServiceRobotif that's what you mean
04:00.58blinkdogyes, the developers meet weekly on a web video chat
04:01.15ServiceRobotoh, that's neato
04:01.16blinkdogit isn't tomorrow, but rather Wednesday (2:30 PM Central US)
04:03.28ServiceRobotso neither of the live isos are booting for me unfortunately
04:04.35gnarfacetry safe mode?
04:04.54gnarfaceif you were able to boot the jessie installer, it's kinda a surprise that the live isos aren't working
04:05.21ServiceRobotdo the live isos lack a bootloader? I thought they were just for virtualization?
04:05.37gnarfacethere's a boot loader
04:05.44gnarfaceit might not be grub though
04:05.48gnarfacei think it's syslinux
04:06.07gnarfacei might be wrong
04:06.35blinkdogI think there is one for UEFI and one for BIOS
04:06.48blinkdogand you have to get the right one, is fsmithred around?
04:06.49ServiceRobotthat might be it. I'm booting from a UEFI system
04:06.50gnarfacetry the normal safe mode options at the kernel command-line; noapic nolapic acpi=off
04:07.07gnarfaceyea make sure you use the one with uefi in the file name
04:07.16gnarfacethat's a definite
04:07.58ServiceRobotthere's only 2 isos in minimal-live, amd64 and i386
04:08.14ServiceRobotoh, in desktop-live, there is a _uefi_ iso
04:08.18gnarfaceyea, that one
04:09.12ServiceRobotI guess minimal doesn't support uefi at the moment?
04:09.34gnarfacei guess not :(
04:09.41gnarface(haven't even tried that one myself)
04:09.44ServiceRoboteh, whatever.
04:11.17gnarfacei'm wandering away for the moment, but i'll be back later
04:11.23ServiceRobothurray, it boots!
04:12.17ServiceRobotyep, and it has everything I'll need. I'll give you guys a progress report when I succeed, or fail miserably
04:13.08*** join/#devuan gtfobot (
04:23.48*** join/#devuan mick_ (~mick@2a01:e35:87eb:7d30:6dc5:bdaf:e308:7a6c)
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06:08.14*** join/#devuan bill-auger (
06:09.48*** join/#devuan n4dir (
06:13.39ServiceRobotgood news everyone
06:13.51ServiceRobotI got ascii booting just how I wanted
06:17.37sicknessnice :)
06:18.10ServiceRobotmind you I installed it in a non-traditional way so I kind of need to do some more manual tweaking
06:19.32sicknesswill you release an howto?
06:20.12ServiceRobotone that's better than the current debootstrap tutorial? if I can make sure mine is actually better, maybe
06:20.23ServiceRobotI'm not an expert by any means
06:35.58ServiceRobotwell then, experimenting with networking just made me realize why I was having a different problem earlier
06:36.40ServiceRobotnetworkmanager was giving me connection refused messages on my testing machine due to an incorrect /etc/resolv.conf
06:36.49ServiceRobotbecause I didn't install everything I needed
06:51.05gnarfacehey, great to hear it worked, ServiceRobot
06:51.24gnarfacefor a regular devuan install, i think wicd is the default in place of network-manager, just fyi
06:51.49gnarfacebut yea, neither will work on modern hardware without wpasupplicant
06:52.00gnarfaceat least for wifi, that is
06:52.00ServiceRobotI got network-manager working. while I did like wicd when I tried it with the installer, it's not being actively developed
06:52.28ServiceRobotI looked on the launchpad page. it's been left in the cellar for at least a year
06:52.36gnarfaceheh, fair enough but most the "active development" on network manager in devaun i think consists primarily of just removing systemd dependencies
06:53.13ServiceRobotI'm aware that network manager is a bloated insecure mess, but it handles network connections better than the alternatives
06:53.28gnarfaceit just bears remembering that "no updates" isn't necessarily a sign of abandonment.  sometimes stuff is actually finished and nobody can think of good excuses to keep changing it.
06:53.43ServiceRobotwhile connman is more updated, the frontends for it are either outdated, or lack features
06:53.55gnarfacepersonally i don't use either solution.  i prefer to just edit the /etc/network/interfaces file by hand.
06:54.28*** join/#devuan pillepalle (~Thunderbi@
06:54.33ServiceRobotyes, but managing networks is a very important piece to the machine, if you will. security updates/fixes are important for something like that
06:54.45ServiceRoboteh, depending on the situation, I use a gui or terminal
06:54.50ServiceRobotit depends
06:55.32ServiceRobotconnman with cmst is the best alternative I've found, but it does a horrible job connection to wpa2 enterprise/eurodam networks
07:01.46ServiceRobotthis is going to take some getting used to
07:02.43gnarfacejust remember to resist the urge to ditch software just because of it's age and nothing else.  sometimes it's not updated because it's just finished.
07:03.02gnarfacesoftware being finished is actually a real thing
07:03.14ServiceRobotit depends on what the software is. was wicd ever declared finished?
07:03.52gnarfacei dunno anything about wicd specifically, but in general i'm more skepitcal about software that seems to keep getting updates that are excuses for themselves
07:04.19ServiceRobotthrowing dust at Gnome I see?
07:04.27gnarfacelike firefox for example.  at a certain point it becomes apparent they're just rearranging deck chairs on the titanic
07:04.42n4dirfirefox came to my mind too.
07:04.57ServiceRobotya, firefox has some other problems too.. which is why for now I've switched to Waterfox
07:05.09gnarfaceheh, that's a new one i hadn't heard about
07:05.19gnarfacelots of people are jumping to palemoon i hear though
07:06.54ServiceRobotpale moon is not a good idea from some of the things I've read. the developer blocked the adnausuem extension on his own grounds
07:07.14ServiceRobot"we are strictly against allowing extensions that cause direct damage (including damage to third parties). There is a subtle but important difference between blocking content and generating fake user interaction."
07:07.22n4diri looked at qupzilla. It seemed ok. (can't install it on slackware, which is my daily ride, hence i can't say much more)
07:07.38ServiceRobotI tried qupzilla. very sleek, but the lack of extensions is a turnoff for me
07:08.11n4diryeah, but now that firefox version shit-knows is there, most of the extensions seems fubar anyway
07:08.30n4dirwas the main reason i sticked to firefox.
07:09.12ServiceRobotright now, Firefox and Chrome are the big two. if it weren't for all that extension support, I'd be willing to try others
07:10.39n4diryou know any good replacement for cookie-monster (cookie-monsters, something like that) ?
07:10.50ServiceRobotfor what?
07:11.01n4dirwhat i want is a) disable cookies in general and b) allow them on the sites where i need them might have something
07:11.25n4dirall extensions i find help to delete cookies, i don't want to allow them in the first place
07:11.53ServiceRobotdoes this help you at all?
07:12.19n4dirthat's what i used. I think it doesn't work with the new ff-version anymore
07:12.33ServiceRobotit was discontinued
07:12.43ServiceRobota lot of the alternatives seem to have been as well
07:13.44n4diroh my.
07:28.01ServiceRobotis dbus-user-session not available in the repos?
07:28.06ServiceRobotgetting a lot of issues without it
07:30.37ServiceRobotoh, I see the issue now
07:37.06gnarfacepermissions will be a little different without systemd; the local console user doesn't automatically get full access to all the devices
07:37.22*** join/#devuan Irrwahn_ (
07:37.52gnarfacea default install should set it up right for you, but if you're doing this all yourself from a debootstrapped install, you'll probably have to add yourself to a number of groups manually for basic expected behavior (input, audio, video)
07:38.15ServiceRobotI was trying to run a third-party repo for testing purposes. they probably don't support non-systemd setups
07:38.28ServiceRobotI'll just avoid it for now
07:38.36gnarfaceah, yea some of the package dependencies will have changed.  anything expecting debian's might make a mess.  definitely don't mix repos.
07:38.49ServiceRobotjust learned that >_>
07:39.03golinuxEspecially Ubuntu/ ppas
07:39.37gnarfaceif that repo provides a source package though, ServiceRobot, there might be an easy way to rebuild it to be devaun-safe
07:39.48ServiceRobotI plan to use devuan mainly for servers. I'm just screwing around with it at this point
07:40.01ServiceRobotyes, it provides sources
07:40.06ServiceRobotever heard of Yunit?
07:40.09ServiceRobotUnity 8 fork
07:40.14gnarfacehmm. news to me
07:40.35ServiceRobotya well, it definitely won't work with devuan, at least through my testing
07:40.54ServiceRobotit's not even released yet.
07:45.40gnarfacea dependency on systemd-logind or something like that?
07:45.55ServiceRobotdbus-user-session. openrazer has the same issue
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13:20.59*** join/#devuan Vall (
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13:33.54VallOne question: I have an old RPi 1 Model B here which I would like to run Devuan on, just for kicks.
13:33.56VallIs Devuan NOOBS compatible, so I can dual-boot it with LibreELEC for example?
13:35.38fsmithredwhat's LibreELEC?
13:38.16jellya distro for htpc/set top boxes
13:39.16fsmithredif it's linux, then grub should see it and add it to the boot menu
13:40.16fsmithredoh, NOOBS is something, too. For rpi. In that case, I don't know.
13:41.03fsmithredVall, is debian NOOBS compatible?
13:42.09*** join/#devuan vahe (~vahe@unaffiliated/vahe)
13:42.14Vallfsmithred: not sure about pure Debian, but Raspbian (Raspberry Pi's manufacturer especific distro) is:
13:43.30fsmithredhow do you dual-boot rpi? I thought you just put a disk image on the card.
13:43.43fsmithredif that's the case, you'd have to roll your own image.
13:44.12*** join/#devuan hunger (~quassel@kde/developer/hunger)
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13:59.36Vallfsmithred: I don't have the faintest idea
14:00.03fsmithredpretty sure the embedded images just get copied to the sdcard with dd
14:00.23fsmithredso you'd need to make another partition, put the second os on it and adjust the bootloader
14:01.32fsmithredmy gut instincts tell me that someone who does something like that probably shouldn't be running an os called "noobs"
14:01.53jellyit's a boot loader called noobs judging by the context
14:02.51Valljelly: I think you are correct
14:03.11VallI will try installing Rasbian plus LibreELEC on NOOBS and then report back here, OK?
14:03.19jellyVall, the web page says it's an installer.  So ask the NOOBS people whether it's possible to make a dual-boot setup
14:03.44Valljelly: I think it's an installer *plus* a multiboot system
14:03.49fsmithredok, I see multiple operating systems listed in the noobs window
14:04.20VallI will try installing Rasbian plus LibreELEC on NOOBS and then report back here, OK? Hopefully the experience will be enlightening ;-)
14:04.47*** join/#devuan hunger_ (~quassel@kde/developer/hunger)
14:05.07fsmithredinteresting. It comes with raspian installed, and you can add others
14:08.01*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
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14:11.37nemofsmithred: oh hey. did you notice my message last week about your image?
14:12.01fsmithredwhich message?
14:12.24nemoso. you sent me that ISO.  I noted it booted fine, with no UEFI corruption, but was hard to tell if it was using UEFI at all since I have legacy boot enabled
14:12.35nemofsmithred: was it a UEFI image?
14:12.46fsmithredit should work both ways
14:12.56fsmithredare you using gpt with legacy boot?
14:13.45fsmithredto check if you booted uefi or not, look for /sys/firmware/efi
14:13.50fsmithredif it exists, it's uefi boot
14:14.07nemowill check for that when I get home I guess - but it would have used uefi if it was available right
14:14.22fsmithredother way to tell: uefi boots with grub, legacy boots with isolinux
14:14.28fsmithredthe boot menus look different
14:14.48*** join/#devuan Ltem (
14:15.03fsmithredit will boot whichever way you have your computer set to boot
14:15.34fsmithredwhich iso are you using?
14:15.53nemothe one you'd linked me to last week
14:15.54fsmithrednox or snapshot-ascii?
14:15.59nemosnapshot ascii
14:16.29nemofsmithred: I booted using boot device menu - which I thought would use legacy if it was enabled in bios and that's how the device was setup
14:16.33fsmithredyou should probably download the newer installer, too. There are a couple of bugs
14:17.26fsmithredone of them is that if you boot legacy and install the system, grub won't get installed
14:17.30nemofsmithred: well... I already have her machine setup, I just need to fix the wifi which seems to crash/reset every few minutes ( a problem I experienced last year with a devuan install, so if I can just remember where I found the drivers to fix it... )
14:17.40nemofsmithred: and, the touchpad broken, which is less critical
14:17.41fsmithredgrub-pc will get installed, but the bootloader won't
14:18.01nemofsmithred: also the fact that the 4.9 kernel in backports completely crashes and corrupts the machine, but I already removed that ☺
14:18.28fsmithredyou're using 4.13 now?
14:18.36nemofsmithred: I mostly used your snapshot at your suggestion, to see if the UEFI corruption had been fixed
14:18.38fsmithredthe iso has 4.12 I think
14:18.59nemobut. I wasn't sure if it was using UEFI or not, thus the question last week, but I guess you were AFK for celebrations ☺
14:19.14fsmithredyeah, I just stay logged in
14:19.18nemoI'll reboot onto it this evening and look for that /sys/firmware/efi
14:19.21fsmithredcould be anywhere
14:19.33nemoguess I should have done a /msg for persistence, but some people dislike that
14:19.36fsmithredlook at the boot menu, too
14:20.07nemobasically, if "ascii" works without corruption, it might be worth moving her machine onto that, instead of the stable jessie she's on now?
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14:20.17nemoor is that too risky in terms of full desktop experience
14:20.23fsmithredyeah, ascii is close to stable
14:20.32fsmithredor mostly stable, depending on how you look at it
14:20.42fsmithred99% debian stretch
14:21.41fsmithredis she going to use synaptic to install packages?
14:22.01*** part/#devuan vahe (~vahe@unaffiliated/vahe)
14:22.22nemofsmithred: in theory.
14:22.29nemofsmithred: in practice it's usually me doing that
14:22.33fsmithredit probably won't start from the menu
14:22.51fsmithredall the apps that start with pkexec don't work, and that seems to be a debian thing
14:22.59nemointerestingly, my mom was more adventurous on that front.  although, gotta say, the ubuntu software centre made it a lot easier and safer, even if it screwed up stupid stuff, like install license prompts
14:23.09fsmithredoh, they work if you're set up to use sudo instead of a root account
14:23.21nemofsmithred: yeah, using sudo, so that's not a problem
14:23.23fsmithredand that behavior might be fixed in devuan soon
14:23.40nemoI've pretty much given up on root password on all my debian/ubuntu machines - only a few of the older gentoo still have it
14:23.45nemoprobably shouldn't have it on them either
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14:24.05nemoavoids accidentally exposing it to remote authentication
14:25.35fsmithredhow would it get exposed?
14:27.42*** join/#devuan Sigyn (sigyn@freenode/utility-bot/sigyn)
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14:33.57nemofsmithred: oh, dunno, bad ssh setup, bad postfix setup...
14:34.01nemothese things happen!
14:34.09nemoreally really stupid ftp setup... ☺
14:34.25nemofsmithred: oh. not actually exposing what password is, but letting them guess it at all.
14:34.34nemoactually exposing /etc/shadow would be pretty bad
14:35.02DocScrutinizer05Sigyn: welcome
14:36.05DocScrutinizer05grumble: when I would /kick her, could I /invite her again? and how would I proceed when she gets trigger-happy in here?
14:39.01grumblewhile opped, you can "/msg sigyn unkline nickname" for recent trigger-happy false positives
14:41.57fsmithredponders the meaning of the name, Sigyn
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14:45.16DocScrutinizer05fsmithred: norsk iirc
14:45.28DocScrutinizer05norsk name
14:45.57DocScrutinizer05grumble: that's awesome :-
14:46.31DocScrutinizer05MinceR: ^^^
14:48.10DocScrutinizer05is gtfobot still alive?
14:48.33DocScrutinizer05need to ponder what to do about it, whether to keep it or not
14:48.46fsmithredI don't know. I wasn't here much yesterday.
14:49.31DocScrutinizer05anyway, seems this is a good moment for me to call it "an afternoon" and go afk/offline
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15:02.50DocScrutinizer05a warning to all users (from sigyn devels) - refrain from huge pastes or you might (and prolly will) get klined! in such case, try to contact chanops immediately using webchat or whatever) to get un-klined
15:03.21*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~randyg@
15:04.13DocScrutinizer05if you fail to do so, you'll probably have to go the official generic way to send a mail to freenode staff asking to unban you
15:04.53fsmithredanother user name won't work?
15:05.06DocScrutinizer05will, if you also change IP
15:05.18fsmithredok, that's what I was wondering
15:05.51DocScrutinizer05but chanops only can unkline *recent* bans
15:07.49*** join/#devuan n4dir (
15:07.55nemohm. what do you guys consider huge pastes? I mean, I'm not likely to, but... 3 lines is fine surely?
15:08.02nemodon't want to trigger klines
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15:22.01djph2-3 lines  (as in <nemo> line1 \n <nemo> line2 \n <nemo> line3) is usually a good limit.  I've got my client questioning if I have two lines, just in case
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15:28.41FatPhilis there a RasPi (B+) live ISO somewhere. I see mention of it on the web, but then I hit 404s
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15:29.42FatPhiloooh the "embedded" directory...
15:30.32FatPhilis the image a live one? without external storage, I can't really "install" devuan.
15:32.11KatolaZ_FatPhil: you simply flash the image on a sd card
15:32.37FatPhilKatolaZ: how does it manage partition sizes?
15:32.53KatolaZyou adjust those afterwards
15:34.26FatPhilhoxdox. foolishly, I'm doing this from my raspi. need to go back to a real computer to actually grab the image and flash, herp derp
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15:55.22KatolaZFatPhil: or just plug a USB  sd-card reader :)
15:58.20FatPhilKatolaZ: my RasPi reboots when I plug in USB devices, power draw too high :(
16:01.15KatolaZFatPhil: uh?
16:01.32KatolaZFatPhil: you probably need a better power source :)
16:03.05DocScrutinizer51wait? dang
16:04.42DocScrutinizer51MinceR: golinux: are there any commitbots or the like reporting in this chan that I got on /ignore and thus forgot to get on sigyn's whitelist?
16:07.01DocScrutinizer51if so, please tell grumble
16:07.07MinceRi'm not aware of it
16:07.19MinceRbut that doesn't mean much
16:09.45DocScrutinizer51well, worst case they get klined and we can unkline and tackle the subject when due
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16:11.49DocScrutinizer51another info: chanops ae immune, but only while actually op'ed
16:29.03FatPhilKatolaZ: OK, booted afresh. How do I do the live repartition? Is it just this:
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16:58.28FatPhilug, aptitude is giving me 404s for various packages that I need from IP 2a04:4e42:14::204
17:09.00jonadabFatPhil: When was the last time you did apt-get update?
17:13.43FatPhiljonadab: never. I only downloaded the mmc image a couple of hours ago
17:17.57jonadabFatPhil: Ok, so it's possible that the package versions apt knows about are out of date and no longer present on the server.
17:18.34FatPhilyikes, aptitude is misbehaving, I just tried to update from within that.
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18:06.17FatPhilyeah, aptitude's locking up midway through the update, seems reproducable. as it's curses, the screen clears, there's no error message on screen
18:08.55KatolaZFatPhil: have you tried with a simple "apt-get update"?
18:12.02DocScrutinizer05FatPhil: long time no see! :-)
18:13.52DocScrutinizer05how's kernel business?
18:14.42DocScrutinizer05or am I mistaken for your nick?
18:17.27FatPhilDocScrutinizer05: 'tis me, but I've not been in kernel space for many years
18:17.48FatPhilKatolaZ: aptitude takes so much time to start and stop, now I'm in, I'm not leaving!
18:18.02KatolaZFatPhil: apt-get update
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18:18.47DocScrutinizer05FatPhil: happy new year, nice to have you around
18:19.40FatPhilyou too
18:21.13KatolaZFatPhil: but what rpi are you using?
18:21.23KatolaZI mean, devuan is not that slow on mine
18:21.36KatolaZand I have both a 2B and a 3
18:22.36KatolaZand a zero
18:22.41KatolaZand all of them run devuan fine
18:23.44FatPhiloriginal B+, with a shitty shitty memory card
18:24.01DocScrutinizer05here we go, wasn't trivial without adding 'maemo' to search:
18:24.21FatPhilupdate worked when I split teh update into 2
18:24.24KatolaZFatPhil: should be a very shitty mmc then :)
18:26.27FatPhilHmmm, why hasn't ntpd updated the date, I'm stuck in 1970
18:26.50DocScrutinizer05boggles when time diff too large
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18:27.28DocScrutinizer05without flags only handles a 10min adjust iirc
18:28.35DocScrutinizer05gaaawd this VNC SUUUUUCKS
18:29.02DocScrutinizer05or is it the CF-29 ndisplay that does?
18:29.23DocScrutinizer05or the "LTE" that isn't
18:29.24fsmithredwhich vnc and what's it doing?
18:29.47DocScrutinizer05lags like hell, dorps keypresses and renders like a pig's anus
18:30.25fsmithredI only have one and a half of those - ugly and when I type ( I get nothing
18:30.31DocScrutinizer05felt RTT: 500ms, even for mouse moves
18:31.14DocScrutinizer05and default fontsize on my home workstation renders to 2PT on CF-29
18:31.25DocScrutinizer05with funny atrifacts
18:32.01fsmithredyou can fit a lot more text that way.
18:32.19DocScrutinizer05a nd read none of it
18:32.49DocScrutinizer05anyway greetings from costa de la luz
18:33.06fsmithredyou on vacation?
18:33.15DocScrutinizer05which has a pretty much fitting name
18:33.21DocScrutinizer05sick leave
18:33.39fsmithredsorry to hear you're sick, but it sounds like you're in a nice place
18:33.50DocScrutinizer05burnout and HAHAHAHA internet adiction I guess
18:34.04fsmithredum, the cure isn't working
18:34.14DocScrutinizer05not really, no
18:35.18DocScrutinizer05though this "LTE" annoyance and the 10G/mo helps a lot
18:35.59fsmithredback in a few. It warmed up to 11F, so I need to see if my car will start.
18:36.24DocScrutinizer05eeeew, 12 to 16C here, love it
18:36.42DocScrutinizer05felt 18C in sun
18:36.53DocScrutinizer05not bad for winter
18:38.02DocScrutinizer05jaromil: could you please either give me permissions or set Sigyn ACL +V?
18:41.08DocScrutinizer05'voice' as "officially approved" tag, might also aply to infobot
18:46.00DocScrutinizer05fsmithred: oooh now I see it - you say you get no ) ? Same here, it always eats those when I don't press the key for 1s. (which isn't a problem since autorepeat doesn't work anyway)
18:47.11DocScrutinizer05my typing looks even more lobotomized than usual, half of that thanks to VNC eating keypresses
18:48.14*** join/#devuan vivus (~vivus@unaffiliated/vivus)
18:49.04DocScrutinizer05fsmithred: If I'd feel venturous, I'd update this antique fedora crap on this CF-29 right away. Just when it breaks, I'm totally lost without access to my email etc
18:50.12DocScrutinizer05plus, 6 of the 10GB/mo left on my dataplan
18:53.16DocScrutinizer05fsmithred: I could download a recommended devuan image when I next time get to a free hotspot. What exactly should I get for a Panasonic CF-29?
18:54.19DocScrutinizer05I got a sufficiently large USB stick to boot from
18:54.58DocScrutinizer05some devuan live?
18:56.32fsmithredDocScrutinizer05, I'm not familiar with that hardware
18:57.05DocScrutinizer05nothing special, a centrino CPU
18:57.49fsmithred256M ram?
18:58.37DocScrutinizer05[root@cf29 ~]# uname -a
18:58.38DocScrutinizer05Linux cf29.fedora.local 3.9.10-100.fc17.i686 #1 SMP Sun Jul 14 01:40:11 UTC 2013 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
18:59.38DocScrutinizer05SOMESUCH, YEAH
18:59.48DocScrutinizer05ARRGH CAPSLOCK
18:59.56fsmithredxfce will run, but you might not be able to use a browser
19:00.01fsmithredwell, not ff
19:00.16*** join/#devuan pillepalle (~Thunderbi@
19:00.51fsmithredif you just want to get full desktop on it without anything fancy like lvm or raid, desktop-live (non-uefi) would work.
19:01.21fsmithredIf you want to use a wm, get the netinstall or DVD, install base and then add stuff
19:02.03*** join/#devuan cyteen (~cyteen@
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19:03.19fsmithredturn on caps lock to turn it off
19:03.26fsmithredI ran into that a few days ago
19:03.36DocScrutinizer05DOESN'T HELP
19:04.13*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
19:04.15dethawith VNC shift state can get out of sync to a degree that only restarting the entire X server fixes it
19:04.25DocScrutinizer05disconnect and connect with local capslock disabled fixes it
19:04.42fsmithredyeah, I think that's what I had to do
19:04.53*** join/#devuan Martin89 (
19:05.45DocScrutinizer05though I somehow managed to SET dang capslock around >>[2018-01-02 Tue 19:57:05] <DocScrutinizer05> nothing special, a centrino CPU<<, without reconnect
19:06.12DocScrutinizer05there's a trick I didn't find yet
19:07.28DocScrutinizer05ok, no FF sounds nasty. Though the FF I got running now is also so rotten and old it doesn't even connect to some https sites due to "no interleaving encryptions"
19:08.00fsmithredI suggest something very light, like jwm or icewm
19:12.13DocScrutinizer05KDE running moderately fine on this tank mine
19:12.59DocScrutinizer05RAM: 984MB
19:13.06fsmithredoh, no problem
19:13.40DocScrutinizer05oops nope, that's my WS
19:13.55DocScrutinizer05VNC ;-P
19:15.08DocScrutinizer05FF22.0 *cough*
19:15.31DocScrutinizer05tried update, no dice. missing libs
19:15.55fsmithredyeah, your kde is older than what's in jessie
19:16.07DocScrutinizer05way older
19:16.18fsmithredI think I have a ff-3.x package if you want it
19:16.24DocScrutinizer05see uname ^^^
19:16.44fsmithredso how much ram?
19:17.06DocScrutinizer05994 says systray
19:17.43fsmithredok, you're allowed to have kde
19:19.11fsmithredand don't use the desktop-live, because you only get xfce with that
19:19.28DocScrutinizer05model name      : Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1.40GHz
19:20.47FatPhilis there a devuan package contents search webpage, or should I just use debian's?
19:20.59DocScrutinizer05so which devuan image to DL and dd to usb stick?
19:21.44DocScrutinizer05FatPhil: not sure but I think no such devuan page yet
19:21.55fsmithrednetinstall is probably good choice
19:22.29DocScrutinizer05prolly not since I'm only at hotspot for a very limited time
19:22.40fsmithredthen dvd
19:22.55fsmithredbut not CD, unless you want to use it for netinstall
19:23.33infobothmm... #devuan packagelist is on our gitlab's group
19:24.24DocScrutinizer05FatPhil: ^^^
19:28.19DocScrutinizer05FatPhil: aiui all that's NOT in this list is identical to debian
19:28.55fsmithredthere are also package lists with the isos
19:29.22DocScrutinizer05yeah, I forgot the apt command to search them
19:29.33DocScrutinizer05apt-files ?
19:30.12fsmithrednot sure if that's working in jessie
19:31.22fsmithredFatPhil, is there something specific you want to look for?
19:36.50FatPhilI was just wondering who wrote to /etc/mailname. It's not really owned by any one package.
19:40.10fsmithredin ascii, I get: apt-file find mailname
19:40.10fsmithredmanpages-fr: /usr/share/man/fr/man5/mailname.5.gz
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19:46.36DocScrutinizer05!seen jaromil
19:46.37infobotjaromil is currently on #devuan, last said: 'i mean main devuan repos'.
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21:05.37greenjeanshappy new year Devuan'ers!
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23:22.18bozoniusgetting a lot of these lately:  "WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!"
23:22.45bozoniusAnd why not?  Never had an issue until recently.
23:23.34bozoniusoh, I did add backports to sources, so maybe... ?
23:24.16djphbackports would be a good bet - you don't have the key, or they have a "weak signature" on the package
23:26.08bozoniusjust ran apt-get update, then re-ran the install attempt, and this time, no issues.  in fact, it took off from where it was giving me the warning.
23:26.11bozoniusboy it is smart
23:26.59bozoniusI think I know the problem.  I've been using the pacapt (pacman) script a lot lately, and it may not be doing the update step when needed.
23:27.15bozoniusSo a manual update seems to have been needed.
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