IRC log for #devuan on 20171230

00:00.31specingrun it under valgrind
00:00.42specingand/or long running bisect with the previous version
00:03.35golinuxI never have to restart Xorg
00:05.45*** join/#devuan polocho (
00:06.22n4dirwondering why i would let X keep running while i am asleep or not at home or such.
00:08.26specingWhy not?
00:09.22n4dirdunno. I always run as little as possible. Might relate to the specs all my computers have
00:10.46n4dirthat. or Pentium4. Or all around those lines.
00:11.32n4dirof course with modern web-browsers you can do whatever you want, you are in trouble ...
00:16.02*** part/#devuan Oldmoss (
00:46.44*** join/#devuan metax (~metax@gateway/tor-sasl/metax)
01:18.38*** join/#devuan infobot (
01:18.38*** topic/#devuan is Recent (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release || This is the Devuan discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
01:21.29*** join/#devuan fugitive (
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02:05.48sirixgnu_srs: maybe:  echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
02:18.56*** join/#devuan paradigm (~paradigm@osuosc/paradigm)
02:22.51paradigmHi!  I've found a number of mirrors to download installation media.  However, I have only been able to find one mirror for sources.list, though: "".  I wanted to make sure I'm not missing anything before I debootstrap a number of systems and hit that URL repeatedly.
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05:36.26*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@devuan/developer/golinux)
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07:03.49CatButtsI feel installing xorg was a mistake
07:04.34CatButtsperhaps something smaller exists
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07:19.56gnarfaceCatButts: heh.  well i'm not sure wayland is any smaller.  pretty much those are your only two choices, and commercial software pretty much only supports xorg so far.
07:20.08gnarfaceCatButts: but a lot of those packages xorg includes are actually optional
07:20.32gnarfaceCatButts: (their dependencies aren't set up as optional, but you can uninstall the drivers for devices you don't own without any consequence)
07:21.07CatButtswould there happen to exist an xorg clone that is tiny and compatible?
07:21.52gnarfacei wouldn't rule it out, but nothing that i know of off the top of my head.  most admins would resort to going headless or just maximizing the framebuffer console features instead
07:22.35gnarfaceframebuffer console drivers that support kms are common these days except for nvidia-official drivers
07:22.48gnarfaceso you can crank the system virtual terminal resolution way up
07:23.05gnarfaceand stuff like svgalib and sdl1/2 can give you video&opengl playback features
07:23.11CatButtsI wouldn't worry about drivers TOO much :P
07:23.16CatButtson the nokia n900
07:23.37gnarfaceand vim and emacs have built-in tiling-style frame/window/terminal handling (and much more in emacs)
07:23.38CatButtsa 2009 spec phone
07:23.43gnarfaceah, i see
07:24.05CatButtsI just want a tiny DE/WM and X server
07:24.16gnarfacehmmm.  wayland may actually not be a bad choice for such a device but i don't know much about it's current status
07:24.54gnarfacemyself, i'd probably just work on optimizing the xorg performance as much as possible by disabling/uninstalling components i wasn't using
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10:12.37WalexCatButts: as to something smaller than 'Xorg'
10:13.05WalexCatButts: there is are a couple of mini-X11 servers that rely on VESA/FB drivers
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16:37.06*** join/#devuan beco (~beco@unaffiliated/beco)
16:37.20becoGood day, forks
16:38.42becoSo many animals, so many body parts... But hello catbutts :)
16:39.04NewGnuGuygood morning
16:39.22NewGnuGuyat least in my timezone
16:39.33beco13h40 here, good morning for you new guy
16:40.10CatButtshello beco, let the bodies hit the floor
16:40.33becopiece by piece
16:41.10CatButtsgibfest \o/
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17:21.32msiismgolinux: have the color codes for the purpy dark theme been finalized now? if so, could you post them on devuan git, so i can adjust the wdm logo (if necessary) and create a logo for xdm?
17:24.45*** join/#devuan RedAcor (~RedAcor@gateway/tor-sasl/redacor)
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17:46.56golinuxmsiism: I suggest you use the colors of the wallpaper not the darkpurpy theme for the logo.
17:48.04msiismgolinux: ok, but the devuan logo in wdm has a light (white-ish) color.
17:48.05golinuxThe theme is a complimentary color to accent the priomanty colors.
17:48.30golinuxDidn't I post all those colors before?
17:48.46golinuxOops primary
17:49.11msiismgolinux: well, you kind of did that. but i just wondered if they are still ccurate
17:49.27golinuxLet me get them again
17:49.52msiismmaybe, could you create a color scheme on standard grey background?
17:50.51golinuxGray isn't in my vocabulary
17:52.04msiismhow is that?
17:52.47golinuxIt is a dead 'non-color'
17:53.36golinux#33313B background
17:53.36golinux#3C3A45 swoosh
17:53.36golinux#4C4A57 logo overlay
17:54.14msiismok, thanks. let me check those.
17:54.34golinuxI need to get the whitish color yet
17:55.12golinuxI would suggest that you use the background color for the dark part of the logo
17:55.40msiismgolinux: yes, i'm already doing that and the values are identical.
17:56.32golinuxThis is the whitish color used in slim and the grub theme #DAD9DC
17:56.58msiismok, same here
17:57.08msiismso, nothing to do for wdm. nice.
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17:57.44golinuxOr you might be able to use the logo color.  But I don;t think that there is enough contrast for a small area especially on a white BG
17:58.07msiismgolinux: right. i had tested that and it didn't really make sense.
17:58.37golinuxThe BG colors only work together in a large area
17:58.56golinuxIt's a bit of an optical illusion.
17:59.23msiismi see
17:59.49golinuxI played around with changing up the colors on the website and I couldn't see a difference between them next to the white of the page
18:00.05golinuxThey all just looked black.
18:02.10msiismi'm just trying to find the meet notes containing the color value for the wdm background, i gave to KatolaZ....
18:02.52msiismor maybe that was on the sprint pad
18:04.34msiismok, found it. it's correct
18:04.38*** join/#devuan Oldmoss (
18:05.55msiismalso, shouldn't the sprint pad be posted to the devuan-dev list and put on the wiki?
18:10.10msiismgolinux: about the xdm logo. the purpy one is #424252. as in xdm, the logo contains the swoosh, we should probably go with the swoosh color there.
18:11.35golinuxI don't think that will work - not enough contrast.
18:12.12golinuxIt will just look like a blackish blog.  Try it and see how it looks.
18:13.29msiismwell, i think, you can pretty much tell #3C3A45 from #000000
18:14.01golinuxBut there won't be any #000000
18:14.13msiismalso, in xdm, everything happens on a light grey background.
18:14.29msiismwell, the devuan_bw xdm logo is #000000
18:16.54golinuxIn the grand scheme of things this is not a priority.  I would suggest using devuan related colors but if you're using #000000 that's not happening so maybe you should just keep using that now and in the future.
18:17.23golinuxThat will look better on the gray anyway.
18:17.31msiismgolinux: i don't get what you're trying to say.
18:17.37golinuxAny color will look out of place.
18:17.56golinuxSo just keep it all grayscale
18:18.06msiismhere's xdm in debian:
18:19.56golinuxAgainst that blue, definitely keep the logo  with #000000
18:20.23msiismok, so we don't theme xdm logos? i'd be ok with that.
18:20.49golinuxI think that's the best solution.
18:21.35golinuxI have a hunch that xdm users won't notice the difference.
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18:22.33msiismwell, still, if anyone wanted to cutomize xdm to fit the releases theme (and then propably also change that blue to black or whatever), we should ship themed logos, i'd say. it's kind of really not so important, though.
18:23.14msiismxdm is very customizable in how it looks
18:23.39golinuxThen let the users "do it their way".
18:23.53golinuxWe don't have to do it for them.
18:24.21msiismbut creating an accurately colored xpm image can be quite a challenge. it was for me.
18:24.53msiismxdm only accepts xpm format.
18:25.38golinuxThe title bar in Xfce also uses xpms.  Been there done that.
18:26.45msiismok, so let's say: no theming xdm logos from our side.
18:29.31golinuxNot unless ALL of xdm is themed.  Leave it to the users if it's so customizable.
18:31.05msiismalright, i'll remove devuan-logo-xdm-purpy.xpm from devuan git then.
18:33.02*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e35:8a99:e90:1202:b5ff:fe91:e4ca)
18:40.22msiismgolinux: ok, there's a merge request for devuan-art on g.d.o now.
18:51.52DocScrutinizer51fsck KDE systray with its grayscale-only icons that are illegible even to persons without the slightest issues with vision. Leete designers with No Clue about usability and ergonomy
19:05.52fsmithredChrome's disease
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19:26.52golinuxmsiism: done
19:27.51msiismgolinux: thanks.
19:30.29*** join/#devuan Akuli (~Akuli@2001:999:42:8156:cc09:196f:a51b:7c42)
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20:54.14fsmithredn4dir, want to be a guinea pig and try refractainstaller in German? msiism, you too.
21:06.06n4diri can try that. ping me again (or i will ping you), but right now i am on my way out. exactly now :-)
21:06.33n4dirdownload link is at ? the new thread?
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21:09.28n4dirok later
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21:42.54DocScrutinizer51hmm, english->german is one of my stronger skills
21:44.04fsmithredDocScrutinizer51, if you feel like filling in any missing message strings, I can send you the files (.pot and partially translated .po)
21:44.09DocScrutinizer51but no way to do anything to that in the next 2 2eeks
21:44.28fsmithredyeah, that's fine. This is a slow process.
21:44.31DocScrutinizer51hmm, that might work
21:44.33debdogoy! I am about to finish the translation
21:44.40fsmithredoh cool
21:44.42DocScrutinizer51low volume
21:44.43fsmithreddid you get my email?
21:45.40DocScrutinizer51I'm in the internet outback here
21:45.52debdogbut I certainly like to get some feedback! Typos, grammar and most importantly, things that I might have translated wrong because of misunderstanding what's happening
21:46.08debdogfsmithred: yes, just read it. thanks for the elaborations!
21:47.35DocScrutinizer51fsmithred: actually nevermind, translate jobs fail epically without the proper context, read: running the installer
21:47.38debdoga git thingy woiuld be nice to have here. so more people could parttake
21:48.11fsmithredI'll update at soon
21:48.20debdoghehe, DocScrutinizer51, true. mostly I had to rely on the script itself to make a proper translation
21:48.21fsmithredand those files will be there
21:48.46DocScrutinizer51usually I fix the english original texts too while translating them ;)
21:49.02debdogI was tempted to
21:49.07fsmithredDocScrutinizer51, do you run de locale? I noticed a weird thing with mke2fs
21:49.37fsmithredif you try to format a partition that already has a filesyste, you get a warning, and it asks for y/N answer, but it responds to j/N
21:49.39DocScrutinizer51I run maemo right now ;P
21:50.05DocScrutinizer51it spanish exil, on 3G
21:50.22debdogi have fresh pendrive here, I can check rigth now....
21:51.10DocScrutinizer51fsmithred: j vs y is a long known nasty stupid bug in a lot of programs
21:51.33debdogthe past few years gparted was the tool of choise, so might take a bit dig up that knowledge agin
21:51.38fsmithredok, well that's reassuring - people will be used to it.
21:52.18fsmithredwell, the installer formats the partition even if you already did it with gparted. You can turn that behavior off in the config file.
21:54.25fsmithredI'm afk for a bit.
21:54.51*** join/#devuan beco (~beco@unaffiliated/beco)
22:01.30debdogTrotzdem fortfahren? (j,n) j
22:01.39debdogprints j,n here
22:02.09debdogand works with "j" as command
22:02.17debdogmke2fs 1.42.12 (29-Aug-2014)
22:17.09*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
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22:24.28DocScrutinizer51fsmithred: (and @all) actually that j vs y thing id just one of the reasons to run root shells always with locale C
22:25.44msiismfsmithred: after downloading and installing the deb package (not that i've done it yet), what would i do to test this?
22:26.18DocScrutinizer51all your scripts and system() calls etc *shall* be agnostic to locale, alas the smaller part of them _really_ is
22:28.31nemoheh.... our game confirm dialog is still broken in that fashion AFAIK... have had reports of that for years
22:29.43nemohm... but it prints j - so it actually works perfectly?
22:31.51debdogmsiism: ideally try in a vm. boot a live ISO with the refracta installer installed. then run it
22:33.09debdogthe script's name is "refractainstaller"
22:33.44DocScrutinizer51actually I think the problem is with a lot of locales, e.g. italian too (si), no idea about french (oui?) - and it either prints 'yes\No' but reacts to 's' or 'j' according to locale. Or it asks 'ja/Nein' but only knows Y(es) No as answer
22:38.42DocScrutinizer51because of those bugs every sane sysop runs root accounts/shells with locale C, and since thats the situation it is more likely that commands of group 8 are those where that bug lingers on for decades without ever hetting fixed
22:39.17fsmithreddoes the locale change with 'su' or 'su -'?
22:39.45DocScrutinizer51with su - it should, without - not
22:41.33fsmithredI was testing by booting a live iso and then using sftp to get the deb and install the new version
22:42.10DocScrutinizer51ideally you init each script with export LOCALE=C amd each system call with leading LANG=C command
22:42.32fsmithredif you have a live usb set up with persistence, you can copy the package to the persistent partition
22:42.39DocScrutinizer51attention with maemo, it has no C locale :-S
22:43.02fsmithredwell, if I set the locale to C, then it won't get translated, and it's a very chatty script.
22:43.22fsmithredthat must run as root
22:43.51DocScrutinizer51its always a PITA
22:44.18DocScrutinizer51ideally scripts sanitize all user input
22:44.39fsmithredsanitize how?
22:44.57fsmithredI do test for a lot of incorrect input
22:45.08DocScrutinizer51never feed user input directly to a command in your scropt... IDEALLY
22:45.22debdogfsmithred: at the end of the script: "If you want to change the user name, then run    change-username after reboot." what's this change-username thingy? cannot find that command. or is it some GUI thingy?
22:45.54fsmithredno, that's an old script that does what the installer does to change the username
22:46.05*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
22:47.05fsmithredI don't think that script gets installed anymore
22:47.26debdogI see. just tested on the vm and it is there
22:48.06fsmithredyeah, I see that now
22:48.09fsmithredI think it still works
22:48.20debdogok, so I translate as is
22:49.00fsmithredyeah, that script does not get translated, and neither does the readme
22:49.19fsmithredif someone is ambitious, I can include the readme
22:49.19DocScrutinizer51you could store locale env to old_locale, then set local locale in script to C and only run commands like yesno with "reply=$(LANG=$old_locale yesno 'do you agree?') "
22:49.55fsmithredoh yeah, that would work. Right now, it's only mke2fs that causes the problem
22:51.42DocScrutinizer51yeah, still a PITa though
22:51.58fsmithredI changed all the answers to my questions to numbers instead of letters
22:52.40fsmithredalthough I left it so that y/n still work
22:53.01fsmithredbecause I've run the thing so many times, that's where my fingers go
22:53.13DocScrutinizer51also works fine for 1/9 instead true/false which has similar issues
22:53.24DocScrutinizer511€0 even
22:54.56fsmithredi suppose using special characters for answers would be a really bad idea.
22:58.42fsmithredhas been trapped in a foreign keyboard more than once
23:00.00DocScrutinizer51I did"t suggest any foreign chars, was a typo
23:00.31DocScrutinizer51I meant 1/0
23:02.17fsmithredsome are 1/2 some are 1/2/3/4 and some are ENTER for default or 1 for something else
23:03.55DocScrutinizer51Uve been trapped in UIs that e.g. offer all language names for language selection in currently active language, so "German" or "alleman" or even some chinese or cyrillic letters. Why canmt those dialogs use genuine names for each country\lang, like "Deutsch"
23:05.14DocScrutinizer51"francais" instead "french", etc
23:06.34DocScrutinizer51*getting there* where you choose languages is a topic of its own, though closely related
23:07.27DocScrutinizer51old nasty prank: change feature phone settings of friend's phone to arab or japanese
23:08.12DocScrutinizer51try to find the menu where zou reset that, when all menus are kanjii
23:16.04DocScrutinizer51make first screen after boot a menu "bitte fruecken sie RETURN wenn dies ihre bevorzugte Sprache ist \n please press RETURN when you want english language ..." and highlight one line/entry after the other automaticallt for 1s. Maybe read out the text in sync via audio
23:16.50DocScrutinizer51allow up/down cursor keys nevertheless
23:17.16DocScrutinizer51stopping the automatic mode when up or down pressed
23:20.02debdogtranslation done. on the old file, though. now wrap head around how to merge...
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23:26.46fsmithredmsgmerge  -o de.po-new de.po refractainstaller-base.pot
23:27.13fsmithredwait, that might not work right
23:27.57fsmithredwhat the hell, try it and send me de.po-new
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23:28.25DocScrutinizer51well, tou always keep a backup copy of all files, right? ;) so just try
23:28.50fsmithredit makes a new file with that and doesn't change the original
23:29.26DocScrutinizer51I don't trust any such assertions ;-P
23:29.29fsmithredmost of the changes are just the line numbers
23:29.29*** join/#devuan AntoFox (~Thunderbi@
23:29.54DocScrutinizer51I only used Qt translator so far
23:30.08DocScrutinizer51worked reasonably nice
23:30.47DocScrutinizer51see twinklephone
23:31.35DocScrutinizer51I think the twinkle german locale is 4 times the size of the english one ;-P
23:33.12DocScrutinizer51would prolly be worth it to translate the german back to english, LOL
23:34.59fsmithredI thought german had fewer words, but they were all longer words.
23:35.27fsmithredbrb, need food
23:36.25DocScrutinizer51my translations were not thhat, it rather was a all new UI, test wise
23:38.53DocScrutinizer51when original was 'own IP', my translation had 'you either leave this empty for automatic mode, or you fill in your *publc* IPv4 addr or your DynDNS URL'
23:39.32DocScrutinizer51of course in German
23:40.38DocScrutinizer51that's why I said mere translation without the app running for gathering the context results in crap translations
23:42.01fsmithredmaybe the english needed to be translated to english in that case.
23:43.24DocScrutinizer51quite possible, Michel deBoer (twinkle main devel and IETF SIP RFC author) is a Dutchman
23:44.02DocScrutinizer51or netherlands
23:44.36fsmithredoh, I wasn't even considering that. I've seen plenty of examples of docs that were written by people who knew what they meant, but it's not clear to anyone else.
23:49.39debdogoopsie, got sidetracked in another #channel
23:50.02debdogfsmithred: translation wise it worked. not sure 'bout the line numbering
23:50.42fsmithredI did a diff on the original you sent me and the converted one I made, and they were mostly the same
23:52.30debdogfsmithred, msiism:
23:55.26debdoghum, issues with special characters, it seems
23:56.48debdogat least in my browser
23:56.58debdogwget works
23:57.20rrqthinks all characters ar equal -- though perhaps some are more equal than others
23:57.34fsmithredoh, I just saved the file in the browser
23:58.19fsmithreddid you run msmgmerge, or is this just the same file you've been working on?
23:58.23debdogthe first one is in line 45
23:58.50debdogfsmithred: I ran  msgmerge  -o de.po-new de.po refractainstaller-base.pot as told

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