IRC log for #devuan on 20171229

00:05.32bozoniusfsmithred:  OK, I now have the backport of jre 8.  Do I need to do anything else to make "java" call this in?
00:05.46fsmithredI have no idea
00:06.16bozoniusok. thanks
00:24.09Xenguyfsmithred: My bad:  $  which imagemagick
00:24.58XenguyHaving said that, it would appear the patch hasn't arrived in Wheezy yet
00:25.15XenguyBut that's neither here nor there in this channel
00:27.14Xenguyheh, double my bad, imagemagick *is* installed
00:28.02Xenguyfsmithred: So to answer your original question:  8:
00:40.08*** join/#devuan minnesotags (~herbgarci@2603:3016:1e01:7500:120b:a9ff:fea4:f3c0)
01:19.03*** join/#devuan infobot (
01:19.03*** topic/#devuan is Recent (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release || This is the Devuan discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
01:22.18*** join/#devuan ddg (~ddg@unaffiliated/ddg)
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01:45.53sirixhi there and happy hollydays
01:49.24blinkdoghappy holidays sirix
01:55.10*** join/#devuan petris (sid19918@gateway/web/
02:00.09*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
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04:05.36*** join/#devuan vahe (~vahe@unaffiliated/vahe)
04:05.43vahehi #Devuan
04:06.23vaheI need help I'm trying to install the OS on N900
04:06.25AlexLikeRocketech3,   you have bad conetion , please  check out
04:07.22vahe  how to extract img in sdcard ?
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04:08.43vahedd if=n900.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=64K ; sync
04:09.07vahebut the OS in the boot menu don't see
04:09.48AlexLikeRockdo you  extract  from  .XZ   ???
04:09.56vaheyes :)
04:10.15vahein the inside the same img
04:12.51AlexLikeRockdd bs=4M if=2017-11-29-raspbian-stretch.img of=/dev/sdX conv=fsync
04:12.52AlexLikeRockPlease note that block size set to 4M will work most of the time. If not, try 1M, although this will take considerably longer.
04:14.11vaheok thanks AlexLikeRock
04:14.12*** join/#devuan etech3 (
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04:14.15vahei try now
04:19.26*** join/#devuan etech3 (~root@unaffiliated/etech3)
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04:29.44nacellecat 2017-11-29-raspbian-stretch.img > /dev/sdX
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04:30.01nacelleconv=fsync == takes considerably longer!
04:30.02AlexLikeRocketech3,  stop
04:30.09AlexLikeRockbad conetion
04:33.09*** join/#devuan sunshavi (~user@
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04:35.44AlexLikeRock!admins  etech3   flood
04:35.55AlexLikeRock!spam etech3
04:35.55infobotACTION subscribes etech3 to every possible mailing list he can find on the 'net AND arranges for etech3 to get at least 50 snail mail spams a day
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05:33.34AlexLikeRockArtemis3,   could you make a BAN  to etech3  ?
05:33.46AlexLikeRockthey make a flod
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05:44.53nacelleAlexLikeRock: fwiw, a bunch of accounts have been coming in and spaming the channels of freenode and other irc networks as of late.
05:45.13nacellebest you can do in the short term is to /ignore them with your local client
05:45.29nacellein addition to setting +R on yourself so you only see registered clients
05:45.57nacellebut that doesnt solve it entirely, they occasionally get on with a registered account and go to town too
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07:21.44*** join/#devuan de222 (~de225@2601:196:8700:dfe:1acf:5eff:fe40:f871)
07:22.46de222I'm running mate\slim (devuan ascii). When I shut down\restart the screen almost always goes black and the power button stays lit. If I shut it down with the power button forcefully and power it back up the screen is still blank and the button is lit. I have to turn it off again to power it back up.
07:22.54de222This never happened when I had another os on here
07:23.39de222Any idea where the slim shutdown logs are?
07:24.58de222maybe its the power management
07:25.00*** join/#devuan thaller__ (~thaller@2001:a61:406:7800:ed15:6c3c:8bbf:3fd)
07:25.38de222found pm-powersave.lgo
07:27.26de222 seems similar
07:31.51de222i'll add acpi=force to /etc/default/grub maybe
07:36.51*** join/#devuan de222 (~de225@2601:196:8700:dfe:1acf:5eff:fe40:f871)
07:37.02de222didn't work i have to power the laptop on and off like 3 times just to boot
07:37.07*** join/#devuan Irrwahn_ (
07:46.00*** join/#devuan thaller__ (~thaller@2001:a61:406:7800:a9b8:6cff:ab2e:bd3d)
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10:55.23*** join/#devuan vahe (~vahe@unaffiliated/vahe)
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12:20.45vahe nokia n900 on devuan :)
12:26.13*** join/#devuan DarkUranium (~DarkUrani@
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13:49.23CatButts[14:20] <vahe> nokia n900 on devuan :)
13:49.40CatButtsyes, now to get the bloody fucker all pretty and graphical
13:52.08CatButts...once I get off me bum
13:57.56*** join/#devuan thehornet (~a0225280@
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14:09.43CatButtsI need to shop around for window managers
14:09.52CatButtsthat is, windowshopping!
14:13.30*** join/#devuan sunshavi (~user@
14:20.24CatButtswindow managers... desktop environments...
14:20.30CatButtsmy head is spinning
14:24.23gnarfaceCatButts: i like e17
14:28.00msiismCatButts: if you want a no-nonsense window manager that is really just a window manager (except for its neat little menu), i recommend openbox.
14:29.14*** join/#devuan giancarlogiuffra (5d223191@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:30.02giancarlogiuffrahello everyone, I hope someone can help me out
14:30.37giancarlogiuffrai was trying to install virtualbox-5.1 in a devuan ascii
14:31.18giancarlogiuffrabut there were some dependencies that were not installable
14:31.43giancarlogiuffratwo in particular: libvpx1 and libpng
14:32.03g4570nyou have the ascii-backports repos in the sources.list?
14:33.06giancarlogiuffrano that one i'm missing
14:33.41g4570ntry it, and apt update
14:34.42giancarlogiuffrai'm new to devuan and linux in general, do you know a good starting guide to understand better the structure of repositories for sources.list? i'll start there for now
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14:35.18giancarlogiuffraand thank you, i will add it and try the ascii-backports repo
14:36.19nemofsmithred: so. your 4.12 snapshot does *not* have the uefi memory corruption bug - is it doing any uefi anything at all?
14:37.26*** join/#devuan Ryccardo (~ryccardo@
14:37.34g4570ngiancarlogiuffra: you can start here
14:38.02*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
14:38.10CatButtsthat rings a bell
14:39.37CatButtsis it this kinda of enlightenment?
14:39.43nemoCatButts: I'm pretty much habituated to MATE, it's not sexy, but, eh, I've got it configured the way I like it
14:39.56CatButtsoh, forgot to mention
14:40.03CatButtsn900 mobile phone
14:40.23nemohm. ubuntu had some window manager for mobile no?
14:40.27CatButtsno right click, no middle click, any pointing is always a click
14:41.08nemothat's why I like the note 4. the stylus has a right click button ☺   and hover.
14:44.41giancarlogiuffrag470n thanks
14:49.45*** join/#devuan debdog (~debdog@2a02:8070:41cd:5a00:7a24:afff:fe8a:d04d)
14:51.28CatButtstee hee
14:57.39nemohm. ok. new question. does anyone know where I would find the sources for the jessie backport 4.9 kernel?  Guess I need to try patching this one by hand
15:01.39nemohm. this isn't promising for the touchpad ☹
15:04.29*** join/#devuan Ltem (
15:15.46g4570nnemo: here is not the source for that kernel?
15:17.59*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
15:20.17nemog4570n: hm. I guess thanks. now I just need to ask someone how one goes about setting up package build, but can wait, gotta get kid to doctor
15:26.38gnarfacenemo: you just need to also add the deb-src line for backports, then apt-get source instead of apt-get install
15:27.18*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
15:27.21nemothe touchpad thing is worrying, but getting the wifi working reliably might be good enough for now
15:47.13CatButtswhat a curious little thing
15:48.33*** join/#devuan aqu4 (~aqu4bot@unaffiliated/subsen/bot/aqu4)
15:49.29gnarface216KB not bad
15:51.28CatButtsI know of it because of FLTK
15:51.58CatButtsmiwm is the other one
15:52.28*** join/#devuan sunshavi (~user@
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15:53.38gnarfacefor a minimal WM i like blackbox
15:54.01CatButtsI use bblean on windows
15:54.21CatButtsderived of bb4win
15:54.29*** join/#devuan NewGnuGuy (~NewGnuGuy@
15:59.29gnarfacei3wm seems to be gaining popularity recently
15:59.39gnarfacei'm not sure i'm into the whole tiling thing though
16:02.22pydsignerYou don't have to tile though
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16:36.48hyperion_hey guys
16:36.52hyperion_is someone in here
16:36.57hyperion_I need help with something
16:37.12NewGnuGuyjust ask
16:37.15hyperion_is possible to have somekind like nm-applet running on devuan?
16:37.25hyperion_I got a problem with wicd
16:37.34CatButtsI only know about Java applets
16:37.44hyperion_CatButts is troll?
16:37.59hyperion_so NewGnuGuy
16:38.09hyperion_I know the default for the distro is wicd
16:38.29hyperion_but wicd doesnt automatically connect when you connect a Rj45 cable to the PC/laptop
16:38.50hyperion_I installed NetworkManager
16:39.03hyperion_and I am trying to figure out how to get that functionality
16:39.12hyperion_so man?
16:39.21hyperion_I was searching in the Dev1 forums
16:39.25NewGnuGuyIsn't wicd focused on wireless?
16:39.35hyperion_but there's no help about GUI on NetworkManager
16:39.55hyperion_I need Gui for NetworManager and automated RJ45 connection after plugging the cable.
16:40.31g4570nI connect by cable automatically using wicd without problems
16:40.40NewGnuGuyI haven't researched network GUIs
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16:41.08hyperion_well in my computer doesnt
16:41.23hyperion_I need to open the GUI and connect manually
16:41.28djphwhat's wrong with setting /etc/network/interfaces?
16:42.00hyperion_multiple offers connections?
16:42.05hyperion_mutiple configurations?
16:42.14hyperion_using laptop or computer for configuring endpoints'
16:42.23hyperion_I need three sets.
16:42.45hyperion_192.168.0.1, and and sometimes and automatic DHCP too.
16:42.52g4570nyou use DHCP o static ip?
16:43.01hyperion_depends on the case
16:43.21hyperion_my computer is not a stranding whale is a living tool for configuring endpoints, I repeat.
16:43.41hyperion_I need all those configurations avaliable for fast change
16:46.11g4570nin the preferences - general settings - wired interface, is setup: eth0 ?
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16:49.42hyperion_I did install a deb of nm-applet
16:49.48hyperion_and it only required 1 dependency
16:49.50hyperion_thanks folks
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19:26.17CatButtsoh hey, I can get xwayland on this thing
19:26.22CatButtsinstead of xorg
19:26.28CatButtsbut to what avail
19:28.24*** join/#devuan fleeky (~fleeky@
19:29.00NewGnuGuyis still waiting for a compelling benefit of using wayland rather than xorg
19:35.31WalexNewGnuGuy: soon you won't have a choice...
19:36.15*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e35:8a99:e90:1202:b5ff:fe91:e4ca)
19:36.52NewGnuGuyWalex: not if I don't stop using the software I'm using
19:37.28WalexNewGnuGuy: ah yor optimism is so refreshing. Youu will also have to not stop, using the GPUs you are using...
19:37.42CatButtsrolls on his cat butt pondering his next step
19:38.34WalexNewGnuGuy: at some point only the Wayland drivers will get updated for new GPUs and the only Xorg driver remaining will be the Wayland one.
19:39.36WalexNewGnuGuy: the X11/Wayland/Weston story is far crazier than either side has described.
19:39.48NewGnuGuyxorg devs will keep on developing xorg for the foreseeable future
19:40.25*** join/#devuan Gup (
19:41.38WalexNewGnuGuy: there are not enough xorg devs to develop drivers for both 'Xorg' and 'weston'.
19:41.55WalexNewGnuGuy: indeed driver development for both has been very very slow.
19:42.20WalexNewGnuGuy: that's what Mir was designed to solve. But people hate on Canonical "just because.
19:42.45*** join/#devuan thaller_ (~thaller@2001:a61:406:7800:4954:5940:3a7d:94d8)
19:43.22WalexNewGnuGuy: plus one of the four worsemen (as in: worse is better) of the Linux apocalypse, Keith Packard, has been working hard to promote Wayland and Weston.
19:46.15*** join/#devuan thaller_ (~thaller@2001:a61:406:7800:a8da:5920:dc4f:ded0)
19:47.02golinux<NewGnuGuy> Isn't wicd focused on wireless?
19:47.23golinuxI have never used wireless and wicd works fine.
19:48.20*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@unaffiliated/xenguy)
19:50.49CatButtsso between all this xorg and wayland
19:51.03CatButtswith my 2009 n900 doohickey phone
19:51.09CatButtswhere do I stand
19:51.37WalexCatButts: on a tightrope.
19:52.26WalexCatButts: perhaps you should switch like I did to Ubuntu Phone it still has an active community.
19:52.46WalexCatButts: but likely not to work on an N900.
19:52.55CatButtssod it then
19:53.01*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
19:53.05CatButtsxorg it is
19:53.20WalexCatButts: the difficulty as I was saying is GPU drivers.
19:53.53WalexCatButts: the Unique Selling Point of Mir was/is that it can use Android drivers.
19:53.57CatButts"I hope my body can take it"
19:54.16WalexCatButts: "I can stop doing it anytime"
19:55.27Walexthe big deal with non-IA32/AMD64 platforms is that they are not standardized, every one is "mystery meat" which requires customization. Except for POWER. :-)
19:55.52Walexand arguably SPARC64
19:57.01CatButts>mystery meat
19:57.02WalexBut I don't hold many hopes for POWER and SPARC powered mobile phones or PCs in the near future.
19:57.42*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
19:59.34Walexjust about every ARM or MIPS system from Guangdong etc. requires a custom kernel...
20:12.23*** join/#devuan cyteen_ (~cyteen@
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20:16.31CatButts10:15 PM] Chocobo13: I wonder what init system Devuan uses
20:16.31CatButts[10:16 PM] CatButts: I can ask(edited)
20:16.31CatButts[10:16 PM] Chocobo13: That would be helpful
20:16.43CatButtshere be the question
20:17.40CatButtsdrunkenly brings /topic closer
20:18.04CatButts>Devuan GNU+Linux is a fork of Debian without systemd.
20:18.38CatButtsthat's a start
20:20.18CatButts>By default Jessie runs with the same init system as Debian Wheezy, the venerable sysvinit.
20:20.48CatButts10:20 PM] Chocobo13: Sounds like research time
20:23.25WalexDevuan is for "init freedom". Like in UNIX dammit
20:39.16*** join/#devuan sokan (~Henry@unaffiliated/totaloblivion)
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20:51.53AlexLikeRockF**K yeah!
20:55.52*** part/#devuan Oldmoss (~Oldmoss@
21:00.01CatButtsFUCK YEAH
21:03.45*** join/#devuan thaller_ (~thaller@2001:a61:406:7800:6447:14dd:dd93:1b1a)
21:04.59AlexLikeRockF**K yeah!
21:16.15*** join/#devuan thaller_ (~thaller@2001:a61:406:7800:2c00:7d06:86a7:887f)
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21:27.53nemog4570n: I switched her laptop to nm-applet too
21:28.01nemoI like the interace better
21:36.32g4570nnemo: Wicd worked well for me, so that's why I did not need to install NetworkManager
21:39.33nemog4570n: eh.  In the end I don't like surprising family members too much, so I'm trying to maintain the interface they are familiar w/
21:39.48nemog4570n: gnome2/MATE hasn't changed on 'em nearly as much as, oh, windows ☺
21:45.15*** join/#devuan thaller_ (~thaller@2001:a61:406:7800:e1ef:1c62:bae5:aae2)
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23:58.31gnu_srsHi, anybody has an idea on how to find the memory-leak of Xorg? Now it is more than 14.5% of 16G (and increasing)
23:59.30gnu_srsRebooting (restarting X) every 10-20 days is not a good solution :(

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