IRC log for #devuan on 20171226

00:02.56*** join/#devuan etech3 (~root@unaffiliated/etech3)
00:04.34*** part/#devuan Oldmoss (
00:08.22*** join/#devuan etech3 (
00:08.22*** join/#devuan etech3 (~root@unaffiliated/etech3)
00:13.43*** join/#devuan etech3 (
00:13.43*** join/#devuan etech3 (~root@unaffiliated/etech3)
00:19.05*** join/#devuan etech3 (~root@unaffiliated/etech3)
00:24.32*** join/#devuan etech3 (~root@unaffiliated/etech3)
00:29.55*** join/#devuan etech3 (
00:29.58*** join/#devuan etech3 (~root@unaffiliated/etech3)
00:30.06*** join/#devuan nighty- (
00:35.15*** join/#devuan etech3 (~root@unaffiliated/etech3)
00:39.14*** join/#devuan ipem (~ipe@2001:14b8:180f:264a:f082:77f6:e321:24cc)
00:40.37*** join/#devuan etech3 (
00:40.37*** join/#devuan etech3 (~root@unaffiliated/etech3)
00:45.57*** join/#devuan etech3 (
00:45.57*** join/#devuan etech3 (~root@unaffiliated/etech3)
00:51.19*** join/#devuan etech3 (
00:51.19*** join/#devuan etech3 (~root@unaffiliated/etech3)
00:56.40*** join/#devuan etech3 (~root@unaffiliated/etech3)
01:02.01*** join/#devuan etech3 (
01:02.01*** join/#devuan etech3 (~root@unaffiliated/etech3)
01:07.50*** join/#devuan etech3 (~root@unaffiliated/etech3)
01:10.04*** join/#devuan Guest37571 (
01:12.20*** join/#devuan matlock_ (
01:13.12*** join/#devuan etech3 (
01:13.12*** join/#devuan etech3 (~root@unaffiliated/etech3)
01:19.04*** join/#devuan infobot (
01:19.04*** topic/#devuan is Recent (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release || This is the Devuan discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
01:23.07*** join/#devuan minnesotags1 (
01:26.06*** join/#devuan KittenNIX (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
02:05.31*** join/#devuan etech3 (
02:05.31*** join/#devuan etech3 (~root@unaffiliated/etech3)
02:16.10*** join/#devuan etech3 (~root@unaffiliated/etech3)
02:29.42*** join/#devuan Humpelstilzchen (
02:55.14*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
03:12.47*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
03:20.51*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
03:26.27*** join/#devuan konsolebox (~konsolebo@
04:08.29*** join/#devuan etech3 (~root@unaffiliated/etech3)
04:14.18*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
04:45.53*** join/#devuan KittenNIX (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
05:33.25*** join/#devuan minnesotags1 (
05:40.42*** join/#devuan manchot (~user@
06:12.59*** join/#devuan orion (
06:46.00*** join/#devuan saptech (~saptech@unaffiliated/saptech)
06:47.30*** part/#devuan saptech (~saptech@unaffiliated/saptech)
07:27.05*** join/#devuan konsolebox (~konsolebo@
07:34.51*** join/#devuan konsolebox (~konsolebo@
07:53.44*** join/#devuan KnoP (
08:00.06*** join/#devuan konsolebox (~konsolebo@
08:31.08*** join/#devuan asbesto (
09:01.53*** join/#devuan xes_ (~xes@unaffiliated/xes)
09:07.04*** part/#devuan penelopa (
09:25.40*** join/#devuan turkishc972 (
09:25.51turkishc972▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT jeoxitbaa: LeoTh3o metax s_kunk fsmithred minnesotags skyroveRR targz Keziolio tsuggs Guest37571 etech3 sokan zer0def infobot blitzed nighty- OmegaPhil Hoshpak olufunmilayo hgunth Ryushin Thaolia djph matlock_ DeFender1031 gattuso Centurion_Dan pydsigner a
09:25.56turkishc972▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT kzjtwoh: matlock_ OmegaPhil Humpelstilzchen LeoTh3o etech3 Guest37571 minnesotags Hoshpak furrywolf MinceR amphi_ dsn gattuso Besnik_b konsolebox devil_ infobot sixwh
09:26.01turkishc972▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT dalpoagu: Ryushin matlock_ OmegaPhil Demosthenex KittenNIX ephemer0l amphi_ ipem R0b0t1 zer0def sokan GoldenBear DocScrutinizer51 sixwheeledbeast pydsigner konsolebox Centurion_Dan dsn tsuggs MinceR skyroveRR sunshavi nighty- KnoP Besni
09:26.06turkishc972▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT xgayx: nighty- fsmithred devil_ Demosthenex dsn konsolebox DocScrutinizer51 sn0wmonster Centurion_Dan KittenNIX Guest37571 KnoP metax bwn R0b0t1 Thaolia etech3 Humpelstilzchen skyroveRR Besnik_b o
09:26.11turkishc972▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT wzusu: ephemer0l fsmithred Demosthenex zer0def OmegaPhil hgunth DocScrutinizer51 LeoTh3o Thaolia Centurion_Dan R0b0t1 blitzed djph matlock_ Guest37571 dsn etech3 konsolebox sokan MinceR furrywolf KnoP sixwheeledbeast s_kunk Hoshpak metax amarsh04 nighty- p
09:26.16turkishc972▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT bffcg: minnesotags Besnik_b targz Centurion_Dan konsolebox sn0wmonster OmegaPhil tsuggs sixwheeledbeast zer0def pydsigner infobot Demosthenex DeFender1031 KnoP s_kunk skyroveRR blitzed GoldenBear amphi_ Humpelstilzchen MinceR LeoTh3o djph matlock
09:26.16*** part/#devuan zer0def (~zer0def@
09:26.21turkishc972▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT bhmtufomjc: skyroveRR bwn konsolebox sixwheeledbeast ephemer0l Hoshpak OmegaPhil etech3 Demosthenex DocScrutinizer51 Besnik_b pydsigner minnesotags dsn KittenNIX nighty- Guest37571 hgunth xes_ Thaolia GoldenBear Kezi
09:26.26turkishc972▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT zgebwq: R0b0t1 zer0def olufunmilayo konsolebox Ryushin metax DeFender1031 Thaolia MinceR dsn GoldenBear ephemer0l Humpelstilzchen s_kunk LeoTh3o sokan Guest37571 etech3 hgunth OmegaPhil
09:26.31turkishc972▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT vjvpbdcrho: bwn devil_ sn0wmonster amphi_ ipem dsn hgunth LeoTh3o ephemer0l Hoshpak MinceR zer0def DeFender1031 tsuggs infobot Ryushin etech3 Demosthenex olufunmilayo nighty- Guest37571 OmegaPhil
09:26.36turkishc972▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT ehegohg: dsn tsuggs olufunmilayo infobot nighty- skyroveRR furrywolf devil_ KnoP matlock_ DeFender1031 s_kunk KittenNIX zer0def Besnik_b konsolebox hgunth amphi_ Centurion_Dan R0b0t1 LeoTh3o DocScrutinizer51 Humpelstilzchen blitzed sn0wmonster Demosthenex
09:26.41turkishc972▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT ghaynjqsjy: minnesotags DeFender1031 ephemer0l DocScrutinizer51 etech3 KnoP gattuso targz xes_ s_kunk Hoshpak dsn devil_ matlock_ fsmithred infobot Keziolio tsuggs ipem Thaolia Guest37571 amarsh04 Humpelstilzchen OmegaPhil Centurion_Dan GoldenBea
09:26.46turkishc972▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT pptxu: amphi_ sixwheeledbeast infobot metax LeoTh3o minnesotags sn0wmonster pydsigner konsolebox gattuso targz Keziolio Hoshpak devil_ Humpelstilzchen xes_ matlock_ OmegaPhil KittenNIX nighty- bwn
09:26.51turkishc972▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT iikvqnsb: s_kunk nighty- furrywolf metax fsmithred blitzed Keziolio LeoTh3o amarsh04 Humpelstilzchen tsuggs Besnik_b Demosthenex OmegaPhil MinceR olufunmilayo Hoshpak sixwheeledbeast R0b0t1 zer0def pydsigner sn0wmons
09:26.56turkishc972▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT nihis: bwn Humpelstilzchen sunshavi DocScrutinizer51 ipem konsolebox GoldenBear metax fsmithred olufunmilayo Demosthenex Thaolia Ryushin blitzed xes_ amarsh04 Besnik_b devil_ minnesotags skyroveRR
09:27.01turkishc972▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT xmltoyq: sokan GoldenBear ipem Keziolio dsn Besnik_b OmegaPhil zer0def targz skyroveRR KittenNIX furrywolf gattuso nighty- infobot amarsh04 sunshavi sn0wmonster fsmithred blitzed LeoTh3o Guest3757
09:27.06turkishc972▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT gdmocc: KnoP GoldenBear metax xes_ targz olufunmilayo Centurion_Dan Besnik_b gattuso R0b0t1 sn0wmonster zer0def Thaolia bwn DeFender1031 djph nighty- etech3 Demosthenex dsn amarsh04 amphi_ MinceR
09:27.11turkishc972▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT jgwqhipn: nighty- etech3 hgunth Hoshpak Thaolia metax olufunmilayo amarsh04 blitzed gattuso infobot bwn s_kunk ephemer0l Keziolio tsuggs Humpelstilzchen pyd
09:27.16turkishc972▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT ihygsf: ephemer0l matlock_ KittenNIX nighty- djph devil_ furrywolf pydsigner tsuggs Hoshpak Centurion_Dan KnoP amphi_ Demosthenex metax sunshavi gattuso DeFender1031 skyroveRR
09:27.21turkishc972▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT jhovcl: bwn DocScrutinizer51 infobot LeoTh3o DeFender1031 etech3 KittenNIX Besnik_b Demosthenex zer0def metax sunshavi targz tsuggs amarsh04 nighty- blitzed hgunth olufunmilayo Keziolio djph Hoshpak sokan minnesotags xes_ Centurion_Dan skyroveRR
09:27.27turkishc972▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT yidtrejggh: Keziolio tsuggs konsolebox metax etech3 amphi_ targz gattuso Guest37571 infobot blitzed olufunmilayo ephemer0l OmegaPhil bwn DocScrutinizer51 amarsh04 skyroveRR zer0def pydsi
09:27.31turkishc972▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT jtbsc: Hoshpak dsn Guest37571 devil_ KittenNIX sn0wmonster s_kunk sunshavi Thaolia sixwheeledbeast DeFender1031 MinceR amarsh04 matlock_ targz GoldenBear LeoTh3o olufunmilayo gattuso amphi_ DocScr
09:27.36turkishc972▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT vxolwrfyb: hgunth KittenNIX olufunmilayo Guest37571 R0b0t1 matlock_ xes_ Humpelstilzchen amarsh04 Centurion_Dan fsmithred Hoshpak Thaolia nighty- etech3 sn0wmonster tsuggs blitzed ephemer0l infobot targz DeFender1031 bwn dsn i
09:27.41turkishc972▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT mjzyxfubc: nighty- KittenNIX devil_ gattuso pydsigner skyroveRR Thaolia amphi_ R0b0t1 targz Besnik_b minnesotags GoldenBear xes_ Centurion_Dan Hoshpak DeFender1031 fsmithred metax Guest37571 matlock_ KnoP hgunth sixwheeledbeast Ryushin ephemer0l zer0def ip
09:27.46turkishc972▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT ngckplmfwo: xes_ s_kunk bwn ephemer0l amarsh04 matlock_ metax Hoshpak Centurion_Dan R0b0t1 pydsigner blitzed GoldenBear nighty- furrywolf olufunmilayo DocScrutinizer5
09:27.51turkishc972▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT ueqvpwv: gattuso dsn MinceR s_kunk Besnik_b Thaolia Hoshpak GoldenBear xes_ amphi_ R0b0t1 tsuggs ipem Humpelstilzchen minnesotags LeoTh3o Ryushin etech3 KittenNIX furrywolf pydsigner KnoP infobot Demosthenex Keziolio djph OmegaPhil Cent
09:27.56turkishc972▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT fcrojqqbtc: sunshavi xes_ Besnik_b targz etech3 LeoTh3o MinceR blitzed infobot Guest37571 Centurion_Dan DeFender1031 djph skyroveRR dsn Thaolia OmegaPhil Do
09:28.01turkishc972▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT bvrkth: LeoTh3o Humpelstilzchen sn0wmonster KittenNIX fsmithred Besnik_b ephemer0l Guest37571 bwn s_kunk KnoP GoldenBear devil_ skyroveRR MinceR zer0def amarsh04 infobot etech3 sunshavi
09:28.06turkishc972▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT xfdwnveh: konsolebox LeoTh3o metax ephemer0l nighty- zer0def MinceR DocScrutinizer51 etech3 Besnik_b Humpelstilzchen KittenNIX furrywolf targz skyroveRR OmegaPhil pydsigner inf
09:28.11turkishc972▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT mpecrih: gattuso Hoshpak Keziolio DocScrutinizer51 blitzed furrywolf LeoTh3o Thaolia dsn sn0wmonster olufunmilayo OmegaPhil s_kunk KnoP Guest37571 devil_ metax skyroveRR sixwheeledbeast Humpelstilzchen fsmithred hgunth Ryushin ipem zer0def bwn etech3 Besni
09:28.16turkishc972▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT tepxf: sunshavi Hoshpak konsolebox GoldenBear hgunth gattuso etech3 infobot LeoTh3o ipem MinceR blitzed olufunmilayo sokan Guest37571 Keziolio sn0wmonster Besnik_b targz minnesotags OmegaPhil djph ephemer0l Demosthen
09:28.21turkishc972▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT upzmg: Guest37571 matlock_ etech3 sokan sn0wmonster tsuggs fsmithred ephemer0l amarsh04 zer0def blitzed KnoP skyroveRR xes_ infobot LeoTh3o GoldenBear devil_ gattuso Humpelstilzchen targz nighty- dsn olufunmilayo sunshavi minnesotags DocScrutiniz
09:28.26turkishc972▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT laphbh: R0b0t1 zer0def sunshavi xes_ tsuggs sokan Demosthenex gattuso djph Hoshpak skyroveRR amphi_ nighty- sixwheeledbeast etech3 MinceR metax sn0wmonster
09:28.31turkishc972▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT pjijfuiqxk: skyroveRR metax KittenNIX sixwheeledbeast amarsh04 ephemer0l devil_ Hoshpak MinceR tsuggs Ryushin R0b0t1 Demosthenex sn0wmonster gattuso s_kunk djph zer0d
09:28.36turkishc972▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT nmbkstfh: MinceR olufunmilayo gattuso Keziolio Demosthenex sunshavi amphi_ skyroveRR s_kunk blitzed sixwheeledbeast devil_ tsuggs Thaolia ipem LeoTh3o matlock_ zer0de
09:28.41turkishc972▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT iganu: pydsigner bwn nighty- hgunth sokan KittenNIX sunshavi Thaolia amarsh04 olufunmilayo Centurion_Dan tsuggs xes_ konsolebox devil_ zer0def KnoP skyroveRR R0b0t1 furrywolf a
09:28.46turkishc972▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT axzamv: KittenNIX bwn Guest37571 DeFender1031 infobot R0b0t1 sixwheeledbeast Besnik_b matlock_ xes_ metax hgunth sokan Centurion_Dan LeoTh3o devil_ tsuggs nighty- OmegaPhil dsn Ryushin olufunmilayo gattuso KnoP GoldenBear sn0w
09:28.51turkishc972▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT huqndpfha: sixwheeledbeast amphi_ amarsh04 Ryushin xes_ Besnik_b etech3 pydsigner GoldenBear s_kunk Keziolio sokan infobot matlock_ targz minnesotags Demosthenex metax KnoP sn0wmonster Hoshpak OmegaPhil LeoTh3o blitzed skyroveRR fsmithred Guest37571 MinceR
09:28.56turkishc972▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT xxfmugu: hgunth s_kunk devil_ Hoshpak sunshavi infobot DocScrutinizer51 konsolebox Keziolio dsn amarsh04 skyroveRR MinceR Centurion_Dan Demosthenex KnoP matlock_ minn
09:29.01turkishc972▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT wpaac: amarsh04 hgunth fsmithred Demosthenex matlock_ furrywolf Centurion_Dan Ryushin KnoP Besnik_b KittenNIX Hoshpak Humpelstilzchen sixwheeledbeast skyrov
09:29.06turkishc972▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT ehnqndxa: Humpelstilzchen amarsh04 Hoshpak KnoP OmegaPhil Guest37571 konsolebox nighty- sn0wmonster GoldenBear devil_ hgunth infobot gattuso zer0def xes_ sixwheeledbeast furrywolf etech3 bwn LeoTh
09:29.11turkishc972▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT jqhtrjks: devil_ Hoshpak LeoTh3o etech3 sixwheeledbeast ipem olufunmilayo Keziolio sn0wmonster blitzed hgunth djph minnesotags furrywolf dsn GoldenBear Thaolia fsmithred zer0def infobot bwn matlock_ pydsigner ephemer0l amarsh04 gattuso DeFender10
09:29.16turkishc972▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT tojmnd: targz konsolebox blitzed LeoTh3o amphi_ Besnik_b GoldenBear etech3 Ryushin sn0wmonster matlock_ hgunth olufunmilayo ephemer0l amarsh04 R0b0t1 Centur
09:29.21turkishc972▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT anhwa: sn0wmonster Thaolia amarsh04 skyroveRR DocScrutinizer51 Hoshpak LeoTh3o pydsigner olufunmilayo furrywolf dsn ipem blitzed matlock_ sokan DeFender1031 Demosthenex fsmithr
09:29.26turkishc972▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT hbicmk: amarsh04 skyroveRR s_kunk fsmithred dsn olufunmilayo KnoP gattuso tsuggs Humpelstilzchen KittenNIX Demosthenex matlock_ amphi_ konsolebox targz DocScrutinizer
09:29.31turkishc972▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT ozzptxvyw: DeFender1031 DocScrutinizer51 Ryushin pydsigner amphi_ sokan Centurion_Dan sixwheeledbeast Humpelstilzchen sunshavi olufunmilayo etech3 targz tsuggs blitzed bwn MinceR skyroveRR gattuso Guest37571 s_kunk O
09:29.36turkishc972▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT dvrbaruz: olufunmilayo bwn furrywolf gattuso infobot sn0wmonster dsn R0b0t1 ipem sokan fsmithred Thaolia Besnik_b tsuggs hgunth blitzed DeFender1031 MinceR matlock_ minnesotags
09:29.41turkishc972▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT jydkxhl: hgunth tsuggs sunshavi Keziolio skyroveRR sixwheeledbeast konsolebox gattuso amarsh04 bwn ipem R0b0t1 infobot dsn Thaolia KnoP olufunmilayo minnesotags Humpelstilzchen matlock_ xes_ KittenNIX devil
09:29.46turkishc972▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT fryelafsr: djph matlock_ Guest37571 blitzed furrywolf olufunmilayo DocScrutinizer51 Humpelstilzchen xes_ LeoTh3o bwn R0b0t1 sixwheeledbeast Keziolio ephemer0l tsuggs DeFender10
09:29.51turkishc972▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT qeyii: OmegaPhil Keziolio devil_ Demosthenex KittenNIX infobot Thaolia Hoshpak DeFender1031 amarsh04 DocScrutinizer51 s_kunk Ryushin etech3 tsuggs sn0wmonster hgunth ephemer0l metax Humpelstilzchen dsn Centurion_Dan olufunmila
09:29.56turkishc972▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT uionahehxz: metax sn0wmonster furrywolf KnoP Besnik_b skyroveRR xes_ Ryushin amarsh04 s_kunk ipem konsolebox sixwheeledbeast Thaolia Hoshpak blitzed GoldenBear gattuso sunshavi
09:30.01turkishc972▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT coozv: OmegaPhil sokan LeoTh3o gattuso sunshavi fsmithred Demosthenex dsn sixwheeledbeast R0b0t1 Thaolia KnoP Ryushin etech3 Guest37571 nighty- pydsigner infobot skyroveRR ipem matlock_ amphi_ furrywolf metax s_kunk devil_ kon
09:31.36*** join/#devuan asbesto (
09:36.33m712freenode staff are failures
09:36.50*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
09:37.00m712how fucking hard is it to introduce a server-side nickspam filter
09:37.16m712it works perfectly for rizon
09:37.31m712my phone is exploding with pings
09:37.50m712id post on #freenode if it wasnt for the fact that they quieted me for stupid shit
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12:00.52edbarxDist-upgrade of Jessie to ASCII: apt-get -f install wants to remove a huge list of packages!
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12:19.07fsmithrededbarx, it should be around 100 packages to remove if I remember correctly
12:20.18edbarxSo, they are not removed automatically?
12:22.00fsmithredif you use aptitude, they get removed automatically; if you use apt-get they do not
12:22.48fsmithredapt-get -f install wants to remove?
12:23.07fsmithredor just tells you that they are no longer needed and should be autoremoved?
12:23.48edbarxshould be autoremoved
12:24.07fsmithredok, that sounds normal
12:24.25fsmithredprobably a good idea to review the list first
12:24.33fsmithredin case you do want to keep something
12:24.43*** join/#devuan kieallo (~user@
12:25.17edbarxThat is what I usually do. Thanks.
12:39.07*** join/#devuan Katnija (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
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12:56.11edbarxASCII's unneeded packages removed with 'apt-get autoremove'. After rebooting installation looks intact.
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13:57.22DocScrutinizer05m712: freenode have policies, one of then is to NOT "spy on communication", for the bad or the good
13:58.03DocScrutinizer05I can see why you might be quited on #freenode
13:59.10*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
13:59.38DocScrutinizer05m712: the server side filtering has been discussed a lot lately and is not an option due to the total "no spying" freenode policy
14:00.03DocScrutinizer05freenode staff is weay smarter than you suggest they were
14:08.17*** join/#devuan etech3 (~root@unaffiliated/etech3)
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14:16.41MinceRcalling automatic reaction to spam that was seen by many people many times already "spying" is a bit of a stretch
14:30.44*** join/#devuan nighty- (
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15:12.25DocScrutinizer51MinceR: they simply don't tap any conversation. they have automatic reaction by sigyn
15:13.05DocScrutinizer51sigyn cant join ALL channels though
15:13.20DocScrutinizer51/whois sigyn
15:13.38MinceRit doesn't have to be implemented in sigyn
15:13.51MinceRthough maybe we should invite sigyn here, if that would help
15:14.10DocScrutinizer51there is no oyjer policy compliant way
15:14.29DocScrutinizer51yes, might help
15:14.44DocScrutinizer51or get our own bot
15:15.07DocScrutinizer51*no other*
15:16.24*** join/#devuan bill-auger (
15:16.41DocScrutinizer51I already rub a autokick script but in here I lack acl flags to use chanserv akick
15:18.58DocScrutinizer51also the concept is too simplistic, triggeriing on simple regex onlt
15:19.30MinceRthen again, maybe someone on better terms with staff should handle sigyn :>
15:19.48*** join/#devuan zer0def (~zer0def@
15:21.26DocScrutinizer51sigyn IS handled by staff and they say they wont join her to new channels because of the recent spam, since they would have yo join her to ALL chan
15:23.18DocScrutinizer51get eggdrop or wgatever, assign a few savvt bot ops, give her acl flags to do whats needed
15:23.31MinceRwe won't be able to kline abusers though
15:23.43DocScrutinizer51thats right
15:23.54MinceRor make the ircd shun them and suppress the messages before they're received
15:24.12DocScrutinizer51might want to discuss that with staff
15:24.40DocScrutinizer51I discussed the latter, out of scope
15:25.42DocScrutinizer51even a short ringbuffer yo allow 2s retroactive msg killing of klined user's msgs no way
15:27.28MinceRwell, at least one ircd manages to do that fine
15:28.18DocScrutinizer51I wonder how freenode staff justifies the +C no-color chanmode flag ;-P Its 'spying' on conversation
15:28.41MinceRyeah, to the same extent the above would be "spying"
15:28.55MinceRi wonder if checking the sender of a message is "spying" as well
15:29.10DocScrutinizer51I'm not arguing, just parrot staff statements
15:29.40MinceRlooks like we all would be quieted on #freenode :>
15:30.05DocScrutinizer51almost been for exactly that
15:30.25DocScrutinizer51been there bitched about it
15:30.56DocScrutinizer51I appreciate they got grannite solid policies though
15:31.23MinceRi would not take that for granite.
15:31.38DocScrutinizer51and I understand this is a recurring topic of their internal discussions
15:32.16DocScrutinizer51so they get pissd hearing same suggestions again from 'aliens'
15:32.58DocScrutinizer51whatever, Imm in holiday and on sick leave. AFK cheers o/
15:34.09DocScrutinizer51maybe eventually we can fix ACL to allow me chanserv akick
15:35.52*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
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16:08.39DocScrutinizer51or already get a eggdrop bot or whatever installed on a devuan server - or convince freenode staff to change sigyn to a proper services bot lik chanserv so it can join each and very chan on chanop command
16:09.57*** join/#devuan menip (
16:12.18DocScrutinizer51hell, they *could* even merge sigyn into chanserv completely
16:13.20DocScrutinizer51/msg chanserv #devuan sigyn on
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16:34.45DocScrutinizer51/msg chanserv set #devuan sigyn on; actually
16:38.22*** join/#devuan etech3 (~root@unaffiliated/etech3)
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16:50.21edbarxIs it safe to  use "apt-get dist-upgrade" on an system that has already been upgraded?
16:50.21*** join/#devuan fugitive (~fugitive@
17:01.01Ferviif you can do dist-upgrade, your system wasn't upgraded edbarx
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18:17.57jonadabWell, there's "has been upgraded" and then there's "has been upgraded since the most recent update became available."
18:18.28jonadabI once briefly contemplated putting apt-get update ; apt-get dist-upgrade -y on a cron job.   But in the end I didn't.
18:18.58*** join/#devuan cyteen (
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18:32.11*** topic/#devuan is Recent (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release || This is the Devuan discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
18:37.32*** join/#devuan infobot (
18:37.32*** topic/#devuan is Recent (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release || This is the Devuan discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
18:45.51*** join/#devuan Scartozzo (
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19:08.41*** join/#devuan edbarx (~edbarx@ How do I post questions to the pad?
19:20.38fsmithrededbarx, I think you can just edit on the left side.
19:21.21fsmithredgets a little tricky if two people try to edit at the same time. I just type it out in a text editor and copy/paste, but others have had trouble with copy/paste
19:22.45edbarxSo I type at the end of text and start my post with #edbarx?
19:27.09golinuxedbarx: I just inserted a place for you to post.
19:27.27edbarxgolinux: thanks.
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22:20.57nemowhich ISO should I use for a booatable 64 bit USB stick?
22:23.12g4570namd64 version
22:25.48*** join/#devuan tsuggs (~tsuggs@
22:29.50nemog4570n: desktop-live or installer
22:30.22nemodoes it matter? Just want something I could ideally just dd to the USB device
22:30.32nemowithout having to fiddle too much
22:31.34g4570nnemo: desktop-live, there is also a minimal-live without a desk
22:31.57nemoaaaalrighty. let's see what happens
22:32.22nemohmmm uefi I guess, for a uefi machine...
22:32.42fsmithrednemo, what do you want to do with the usb?
22:32.58fsmithredyou want to install devuan or run it from usb?
22:33.22nemofsmithred: but install from usb would be first thing to do
22:33.29nemoit's just more comfortable when the installer is in a desktop
22:33.34nemoin case I have to do some initial setup first
22:33.39nemoinstallers tend to be rather barebones
22:33.44fsmithredthe live isos don't have the debian installer
22:33.52fsmithredthey have refractainstaller
22:34.11fsmithredwhich copies the running live system to disk (including any changes you make)
22:34.19fsmithredand then adds a bootloader if you want it
22:34.35nemoI tried using ubuntu's bootable USB stick creator against the ./installer-iso/devuan_jessie_1.0.0_amd64_DVD.iso  and stupid thing errored with An uncaught exception was raised: Invalid version string 'GNU/Linux'
22:35.08nemounfamiliar w/ that refractainstaller, but sounds pretty harmless.
22:35.25nemoso ./desktop-live/devuan_jessie_1.0.0_amd64_uefi_desktop-live.iso it is, I guess
22:35.36nemofsmithred: can just dump the image straight to the stick right
22:35.36fsmithredit works well for typical desktop install
22:35.54nemofsmithred: I like ubuntu's thingy when it actually works, but whatever.
22:35.57nemonot important in this case
22:36.02fsmithredbut if you want to use it as a live system...
22:36.11fsmithredyou might want to do it differently later
22:36.16nemonaw. installing is priority for now
22:36.21fsmithreddd to stick won't allow you to have persistent volume
22:36.42nemoyeah. that's the neat thing the ubuntu startup disc creator does, it sets up the fusion fs automatically
22:36.50nemoit just has had bugs for years with debian
22:36.58nemoprobably due to apathy/hostility
22:37.13fsmithredI've never used it
22:37.44fsmithredfor installers, I just dd the iso. For a live-usb I use refracta2usb
22:38.00fsmithredmakes a multi-boot usb
22:45.15*** join/#devuan aitor (
22:46.45fsmithredhi aitor
22:47.03fsmithredhow you doing?
22:48.31aitori finished the popupmenu for jessie (it also works in ascii)
22:48.41aitori'll not add more news for jessie
22:48.44g4570nhi aitor
22:49.06aitorhi g4570n, i'm in #devuan-mx
22:49.26g4570naitor: ok
22:49.59aitorfsmithred, i'll try to work on uefi images
22:50.13fsmithredhow's your leg?
22:50.56aitorbetter than my finger
22:51.23*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~randyg@
22:51.47aitorfsr: i'm multitasking
22:51.58fsmithredso am I
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23:26.09joerg_cf29MinceR: around? please +o and try /invite sigyn
23:26.22*** mode/#devuan [+o MinceR] by ChanServ
23:26.27*** join/#devuan Sigyn (sigyn@freenode/utility-bot/sigyn)
23:26.38*** mode/#devuan [-o MinceR] by MinceR
23:26.56joerg_cf29Sigyn: welcome :-)
23:27.01MinceRwhat will sigyn do for us?
23:27.14joerg_cf29k-line spammers
23:27.23MinceRis it ok to invite it to #debianfork as well?
23:27.34joerg_cf29dunno, try it
23:27.53MinceRworked :)
23:28.47*** join/#devuan dani2 (~dani@
23:29.04joerg_cf29that's totaly new to me but allegedly worked since sigyn's birth
23:29.35joerg_cf29I'm absolutely sure I tried in here or in #maemo and it didn't do anything
23:29.49joerg_cf29I guess she has the usual 40chan limit
23:30.05joerg_cf29maybe triple that
23:30.23joerg_cf29but for sure not unlimited channels
23:31.18joerg_cf29setting all my channels to "everybody can invite"?
23:31.54joerg_cf29so users could /invite sigyn; just in case
23:32.29*** mode/#devuan [+o joerg_cf29] by ChanServ
23:33.18joerg_cf29ohmy, that's ACL? not cmode?
23:33.27*** join/#devuan tsuggs (
23:33.43MinceRthat's a cmode
23:33.44*** mode/#devuan [-o joerg_cf29] by ChanServ
23:37.30joerg_cf29MinceR: what is it, cmode +i or ehat?
23:38.43MinceRi'm on too many networks to confidently remember what cmode means what for each of them
23:39.01MinceRor even to guess the help category for it on first try
23:39.09MinceRooh, i got it this time
23:39.13MinceR/quote help cmode
23:39.14joerg_cf29daunting how half of my intelligence is in bookmarks and shortcuts
23:39.24MinceR+i is invite only
23:39.30MinceRprosthetic knowledge :>
23:41.30joerg_cf29/invite joerg-neo900   --> [Error] You need to be a channel operator in #devuan to do that.
23:41.53joerg_cf29so ACL if anything
23:41.57MinceR+g is "free invite"
23:42.23*** mode/#devuan [+o joerg_cf29] by ChanServ
23:42.35*** mode/#devuan [+g] by joerg_cf29
23:42.36nemospeaking of ugh...  I did the "DVD" install at suggestion of someone here for the USB - I guess that was bad idea.  was hoping at some point the installer would let me manipulate the discs
23:42.43*** mode/#devuan [-o joerg_cf29] by ChanServ
23:42.51*** join/#devuan Joerg-Neo900 (~office@neo900/coreteam/joerg)
23:42.56nemoseems no.  the debian installer does not have much in way of moving partitions around on install ☺
23:43.12MinceRmanual install is nice
23:43.14nemosooooo guess I'm starting over and writing that "desktop live" to the usb drive
23:43.26joerg_cf29MinceR: I've set +g, works
23:43.32MinceRthis one:
23:44.04joerg_cf29so a geberic advice to all users: in case of SPAM, try /invite sigyn
23:44.04gnarfacenemo: try expert mode?
23:44.15joerg_cf29generic even
23:44.17nemognarface: does it include gparted? ☺
23:44.30nemognarface: I went to "manual" at the layout and all it had was selecting partitions, not moving 'em.
23:44.41gnarfacenemo: no but if you use expert text mode you can alt+f4 and get a terminal and run gparted from a mounted disk
23:44.45nemognarface: I shrank all the windows partitions, but it leaves gaps.  I could use one gap for /home
23:44.57nemognarface: oh. hm. gparted is on the dvd eh
23:44.58gnarfacenemo: it's easier if you just run gparted from a livecd though
23:45.09nemognarface: yeah. I'll just do that - that's why I prefer those as an installer
23:45.15*** join/#devuan vivus (~vivus@unaffiliated/vivus)
23:45.38nemognarface: this gui interface doesn't seem to have a way to jump to a terminal to see if I can fire up gparted. meh
23:45.48nemopretty sure ubuntu installer lets me do this 😉
23:45.52gnarfacenemo: wait try ctrl+alt+f4
23:46.05nemoI'd forgotten Fn+
23:46.07nemogotta fix that too
23:46.07vivusHas anybody updated Devuan Jessie to Devuan ascii?
23:46.14nemogonna go in BIOS and swap how those keys work
23:46.18MinceRi really doubt +g is a good idea though, as it allows bans to be overridden by anyone
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23:46.23gnarfacevivus: yes
23:46.26*** mode/#devuan [-g] by MinceR
23:46.29*** mode/#devuan [-o MinceR] by MinceR
23:46.29gnarfacevivus: lots of people have done that
23:46.49vivusgnarface: should I download Devuan minimal, update it and then install my desktop environment?
23:47.03gnarfacevivus: yes
23:47.07nemognarface: hum. just busybox...
23:47.37nemoand a /cdrom mount, but just packages there...
23:47.47nemognarface: yeah, I think starting over and using desktop live is just cleaner
23:48.04gnarfacenemo: is the issue that you only have that one usb key?
23:48.59nemothat's why I came here to ask what image to use first ☺
23:49.00gnarfacei think there's a way to boot the installer from a partition
23:49.11gnarfacei mean a harddrive
23:49.11nemotakes a long time to write all that data
23:49.25vivusgnarface: this one here: ?
23:49.27nemoehhhhhh I'll just redo the live thing and make dinner while I wait
23:50.26nemoI guess
23:51.19gnarfacevivus: no, use /devuan/devuan_jessie/installer-iso/devuan_jessie_1.0.0_amd64_NETINST.iso or /devuan/devuan_jessie/installer-iso/devuan_jessie_1.0.0_i386_NETINST.iso
23:51.47vivusgnarface: so I burn that ISO to a USB and then perform the install?
23:52.13gnarfacevivus: well, if you want gparted you'll have to install alot of stuff, and from a live image you're limited by ram
23:52.49vivusbecause it has to load the entire contents into RAM?
23:52.59gnarfacevivus: ignore last statement, i got you confused with nemo
23:53.04gnarfacenemo: you're sure you have uefi right?
23:53.56gnarfacevivus: yea you just burn that image to usb and boot it.  when it asks you what you're gonna do with the computer, just uncheck everything and it'll be a minimal install
23:54.48gnarfacenemo: do be sure you'll have enough ram to install whatever the livecd is missing for gparted
23:55.44gnarfacevivus: if you want lots of options, choose expert mode
23:56.02vivusgnarface: I just want to get from Jessie to ascii first
23:56.08vivusand then install xfce
23:56.13g4570nSigyn left
23:56.27gnarfacevivus: i mean choose expert mode at the installer's boot menu, if you want more options
23:57.44MinceRquit, even
23:59.03fsmithredthe desktop live isos have gparted installed already. No need to add anything.

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