IRC log for #devuan on 20171221

00:00.19*** join/#devuan targz (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
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00:42.07*** join/#devuan blinkdog (~blinkdog@devuan/developer/blinkdog)
00:46.50jonadabDunno what proxmox is, but I don't think most virtualization software requires systemd.
00:47.23*** join/#devuan cyteen_ (~cyteen@
00:52.40koollmanproxmox does require it. It's not made to run on anything but debian, so they started using systemd when debian did
01:00.19*** join/#devuan hgunth (~hgunth@gateway/tor-sasl/hgunth)
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01:20.52*** topic/#devuan is Recent (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release || This is the Devuan discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
01:21.39*** join/#devuan msiism (~devdoc@
01:26.10*** join/#devuan nighty-- (
01:27.39msiismgolinux: i'm going to create a dark purpy variant of the devuan logo for XDM as well. i'm just not sure, which color to use. both, the swoosh and the background color would make sense.
01:33.24fsmithredmsiism, nobody is sure which color to use. She keeps changing it.
01:34.25msiismwell, as far as i can see, values haven't changed.
01:35.44fsmithredI keep getting new sets of images. There might be one more waiting for me when I get up tomorrow.
01:35.51msiismwhich is a bit starnge, since it is mentioned in the meet notes from this week that the swoosh color has been slightly adjusted (probably a link to the wrong file then, or the adjustment already happened a while back).
01:36.53msiismok, i'll just wait for the final product then.
01:37.17fsmithredI really think the tweaking will be done by tomorrow.
01:37.25msiismok, fine
01:38.00fsmithredI just keep replacing them on git every time I get a set.
01:38.46fsmithredonce we're done I can delete all the files that are no longer relevant.
01:39.07fsmithredhave to say it does look good
01:39.19fsmithredI like this one better than the last one
01:39.25msiismme too
01:49.17*** join/#devuan nighty-- (~nighty@
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02:07.13*** join/#devuan stalkerr (~KiwiIRC@unaffiliated/sztelke)
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02:08.35fsmithredEvilham, welcome back
02:09.09*** join/#devuan aditya3098 (~aditya309@2001:19f0:4400:47e3:5400:ff:fe78:8282)
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02:47.05fsmithredI need a reality check. Is a symbolic link a regular file?
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02:52.00msiismfsmithred: what does find say?
02:53.56koollmanfsmithred: it is, and is not. Why do you ask ? :)
02:54.45koollmanfsmithred: it is regular in the sense that is not a directory or a device
02:55.07fsmithredwhy does test -f say that symbolic links are regular files?
02:55.15koollmanit does not. it's subtle
02:55.21koollmanit dereferences them :)
02:55.38fsmithredwhat do you mean?
02:55.45koollmanln -s notthere mysymlink
02:55.52koollmantest -f mysymlink && echo ok
02:56.19fsmithredI did: for i in * ; do if [ -f "$i" ]; then ls -l "$i" ;fi;done
02:56.29fsmithredand it listed files and symlinks
02:56.48fsmithreddidn't expect that
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02:57.24koollmancompare the two previous commands I did to : touch somefile ; ln -s somefile somesymlink ; test -f somesymlink && echo ok
02:57.48koollmanin this case, test is not testing wether the symlink is a regular file, but wether it points to one
02:58.16fsmithredso it won't find dead links
02:58.34koollmanor symlinks pointing to directories or devices
02:58.45fsmithredah, ok
02:59.09koollmanbut, if it is a symlink to a regular file, then test returns true
02:59.22koollmanbecause, well, reasons. But mostly because you can use it as a regular file
02:59.31fsmithredthat makes sense
03:00.14fsmithredyou just saved me from posting on dng
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03:00.32fsmithredalthough I was considering taking bets on how long the discussion would run
03:01.24koollmanif you need special treatment of symlinks there is -L
03:01.33fsmithredyeah, I know -h
03:01.40fsmithreduh, they are the same, right?
03:02.00koollmanyes. but -h is older and maybe deprecated in some unixes
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03:02.18fsmithredok, I just remember it because it's so non-memorable
03:02.51fsmithredbut maybe you know why h?
03:02.58koollman although both are there. And seem very very identical :)
03:03.58koollmanI do not know why
03:04.36koollmanL makes more sense. h was probably something in early unix to keep using lowercase
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03:10.53fsmithredI got stuck reading the bottom of that page
03:13.07koollmanstandards are 'fun'
03:13.53fsmithredit got a little better when I put on my glasses
03:14.07koollmanfsmithred: what I get from this is "one member of the standard group used test -h, another used test -L, and neither wanted to change it so we added both"
03:15.02koollman(it was added in the same 'issue' of the standard)
03:15.29fsmithredI think I just did something similar to that.
03:15.50fsmithredI changed letter answers in an interactive script to number answers for easier translation
03:15.56fsmithredbut the letters still work
03:16.14fsmithred'cause that's what I'm used to.
03:16.16koollman is a nice reference
03:17.29koollmanso, strictly identical since they are in the same case handling, but one was, at the time of the writing of the code, 'undocumented', for this shell at least. ended up in the standard anyway :)
03:19.25fsmithrednice, thanks
03:20.10koollman(so, the member with -h was probably AT&T or Bell Labs. I do not remember when they were bought)
03:21.37koollmanor maybe it is the opposite since they thought it would go away. I wonder if there are archives of the meetings :)
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04:18.42*** part/#devuan msiism (~devdoc@
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09:00.29ZUEHwhat can I do against USB mouse lag in jessie? it must be related to either X or the usb configuration, as the trackpad has no lag
09:06.26*** join/#devuan ToffeeYogurtPots (~ToffeeYog@gateway/tor-sasl/toffeeyogurtpots)
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10:54.25fugitivenrx: maybe openvz? we have it running on cent6, debian is supported. Probably devuan as well.. Havent tested it
10:57.38*** join/#devuan Fervi (
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16:29.04fromportpreaching to the choir:
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16:45.16vivusCan I burn Devuan directly onto an HDD? Or should I go via the USB root?
16:45.37KatolaZvivus: ?
16:45.54fsmithredthat would be weird
16:46.25jonadabBurn it directly into your cerebral cortex.
16:46.38vivusI have bought a new HDD and I am wondering if I can somehow install Devuan onto the HDD
16:46.43fsmithredif you "burn" it to hdd, then you're using isohybrid, and you won't have normal partitions
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16:47.12fsmithredif you image one hard drive like a usb, you can probably install to the other hard drive
16:47.24fsmithredbut they'd both need to be blank (or nothing important on them)
16:47.26jonadabInstalling to a hard drive is the normal course; but you usually _do_ that by booting from the netinstall CD.
16:48.25vivusso I'll burn the ISO to USB and install that way. thanks
16:48.35fsmithredyes, easy.
16:52.55*** join/#devuan avis- (~ident@pdpc/supporter/student/avis)
16:53.03msiismwas just dealing with
16:55.02msiismif i have time, i'll put up a machine with 2 hhds, writing the image to one of them and then boot that to install it to the other one. i mean, that sure works with usb-connected hdds.
17:00.32*** join/#devuan metxn (~metax@gateway/tor-sasl/metax)
17:03.13fsmithredit's also possible to do hd-media install if you can find the files.
17:03.26msiismgolinux: have the dark purpy color codes been finalized? if so, are they any different from those you've given me on git?
17:03.46msiismfsmithred: what do you mean by that?
17:05.14fsmithredFound them:
17:05.31fsmithredmsiism, I got a new set of background images this morning
17:05.43fsmithredI didn't look to see how different they are
17:06.38fsmithredyou want them?
17:06.42msiismfsmithred: ok. well, if values have changed, i'll also have to adjust the wdm logos.
17:07.12msiismfsmithred: well, i think i can just go aith the numbers. but if you have links, i'd still be interested.
17:08.06fsmithredI have a zip file. About to email it to you.
17:08.14msiismfsmithred: ok.
17:08.36msiismfsmithred: this hd-media image, how is that supposed to work?
17:08.56fsmithredit's just desktop backgrounds. The grub, isolinux and slim backgrounds need adjustment.
17:09.52fsmithredI don't remember the details of hd-media install. I think you unpack the tarball to get the base system, but I'm not sure what you have to do after that.
17:10.27msiismreminds me of gentoo. so this is not using the debian installer?
17:11.23fsmithred Last section - you need to copy a CD image, too.
17:11.42fsmithredI've never done one
17:12.18msiismok, i see
17:14.58msiismfsmithred: got the image pack, thanks
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22:46.26*** join/#devuan VH (47ffb31a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:47.12VHI am new in devuan
22:48.28VHI just installed devuan and I cannot seem to configure network.
22:48.42VHcan anyone help?
22:49.29fromportwired of wireless ?
22:49.42*** join/#devuan tsarompy (~stompykin@2600:8804:7003:5400::b)
22:50.50fromportdmesg |grep eth   does that show anything ?
22:51.12VHhold on please
22:51.20fromportas root btw
22:51.46fromportor when you do "ifconfig -a" does that show any interfaces apart from "lo" ?
22:52.07VHyes I am on root #
22:52.26VHdmesg |grep eth    <--this doesn't show anything
22:52.49fromportdo you know what brand ethernet card you have ?
22:52.54VHit shows wland0
22:53.03fromportis "lspci" installed ?
22:53.27fromportso you have a wireless available
22:53.37fugitivetry with lspci -nn | grep -i net
22:53.46VHyes lspci is intalled, it sput out a bunch of system info
22:54.07fromportsorry to cut you short, but i _need_ to run an errand, and will be afk for almost 2 hours.
22:54.36fromportif you haven't fixed it in 2 hours, will be more than happy to debug further
22:55.56fugitiveVH: what lspci outputs?
22:57.52VHIT's Qualcomm Atheros AR9462 wireless network adpater [168c:0034] (rev 01)
22:58.17VHyou mean the entire lspci...
22:58.40fugitiveDoes it outputs any NIC except wireless ?
22:58.50*** join/#devuan MatrixTraveler[m (voyagert2b@gateway/shell/
22:58.54VHhold please
23:02.13VHoh god it's not even recognizing thumb drive...
23:02.26fsmithredwhat/how did you install? netinstall, cd, dvd, live, and what desktop if any?
23:02.41VHI was going to copy the output to thumb drive and copy over here but I guess I can't
23:02.47fsmithredguess CD
23:03.00VHCD image to thumb drive
23:03.08fsmithredbad choice, but no way for you to know that
23:03.21VHok, what would be the best choice?
23:03.26fsmithredI think you can install firmware-atheros
23:03.29fsmithrednetinstall or dvd
23:03.46VHok...  I am going to install again using those.
23:03.51fsmithredyou probably don't even have synaptic package manager in the menu (under system)
23:03.58VHwould you recomend that?
23:04.06VHthat's what it seems like
23:04.09fsmithredI recommend that we fix what you have
23:04.16fsmithredthis will be ok
23:04.21VHok let me download and install again
23:04.54fsmithreddpkg -i /firmware/firmware-atheros-whatever
23:05.07fsmithredthere's a /firmware directory in the root of the CD
23:05.17fsmithredit has packages in it
23:05.23fsmithredyou can get the wireless working
23:05.31fsmithredthen you can get anything you want
23:07.43*** join/#devuan Kaboutur (~user@
23:09.04VHuhm, there seems to be no firmware directory in root
23:09.06tsarompyi have the same card and had no issues
23:09.11tsarompyare you connecting with wicd
23:09.14VHls -al doesn't show it
23:09.50fsmithredyou see pool debian and some others I don't remember?
23:10.20fsmithredroot of the CD, not root of the installed system
23:10.38VHhold on
23:10.59fsmithredjust for the hell of it, try 'apt-get install firmware-atheros' and see if it tells you to put in the cdrom
23:11.42tsarompywouldnt they need to enable non-free in apt for that
23:12.13tsarompyVH i came in kinda late, what exactly is your problem
23:12.51VHAh, but it seems that the machine doesn't even recognize a usb drive
23:13.13fsmithredcan you install with a wired network connection?
23:13.22VHtsarompy no network no usb
23:13.27tsarompyno usb at all???
23:13.37VHI tried, but it wouldn't recognize
23:13.52tsarompydid you try # lsusb and it came up empty or something
23:13.59VHIs this because I have installed on Acer Chromebook peppy with seabios coreboot
23:14.16fsmithredI sure don't know the answer to that
23:14.26tsarompyewwww chromebooks
23:14.51VHonly because I can install my own bios that's why...
23:14.57fsmithredproblem as I understand it is that the install was made from CD without a network mirror. Correct me if I'm wrong.
23:14.59VHand it's cheap
23:15.33VHI had network error.  So I installed without it.
23:15.44fsmithredwhat kind of error?
23:15.58VHIt recognized the wired network but somehow it couldn't download anything through it
23:16.24fsmithredmaybe try again
23:16.26*** join/#devuan devil (
23:16.37fsmithredyou'll get a more complete system
23:16.50VHyup.  That's what I am gonna do.
23:17.14VHdvd burn in thumb drive - sounds ok?
23:17.24VHjust making sure
23:17.44VHBye!  Thanks!
23:17.49fsmithredgood luck
23:19.03tsarompydid you have them check their apt/sources.list
23:19.12tsarompyif they couldnt download any packages??
23:19.17fsmithredno, but he's going to reinstall
23:19.49fsmithredCD install without mirror leaves you without wicd, without synaptic, and I don't recall what else.
23:20.18fsmithredhis sources.list probably just has the cdrom in it
23:22.10*** join/#devuan nrx (~metax@gateway/tor-sasl/metax)
23:23.00tsarompywhy are the repos so slow
23:23.01tsarompyfor ascii
23:24.38tsarompyare there no other mirrors?
23:27.51fsmithredwhat repo you using?
23:29.36tsarompyhang on
23:30.06tsarompysometimes its quick sometimes its like 2kb/s
23:30.07fsmithredtry instead
23:30.10tsarompyits not my connection
23:30.12tsarompyfor all?
23:30.15fsmithredmake sure you update devuan-keyring first
23:30.20fsmithredyeah, for all ?
23:31.01tsarompylets see
23:31.04fugitivetry to use nearest mirror instead auto
23:31.18fsmithredshould be ascii ascii-updates and ascii-security
23:31.54Kabouturhmm ascii? is there an update required?
23:32.21tsarompyaye this is better
23:32.24tsarompythanks big homie
23:32.49fsmithredKaboutur, upgrade to ascii is not required, but it will work
23:33.02tsarompyi upgraded to ascii immediately after install
23:33.08tsarompyhavent had any problems
23:33.15fsmithredyeah, it's pretty solid
23:33.19Kabouturfsmithred: thx. haven't been paying attention. will get the iso. was planning to clean my dtp anyway before xmas
23:33.29fsmithredthere are no ascii isos yet
23:33.42tsarompyi dont really even care about systemd i just wanted to try a new debian fork
23:33.43Kabouturblah. i want dvd actually. not iso ;)
23:33.56tsarompyan ubuntu fork without systemd would be interesting
23:34.03Kabouturmy connection is the most terrible. packets drop and all that
23:34.06fsmithredwell, devuan supplies the iso, you have to supply the blank dvd
23:34.10tsarompyi miss PPAs :(
23:38.08tsarompydo you have a laptop or desktop Kaboutur
23:38.30Kabouturplain old desktop
23:39.08tsarompytake it to a friends house
23:39.13tsarompyuse their internets
23:39.29Kaboutursaving up to buy a proper thing
23:39.31tsarompydo you have wifi networks around you
23:39.47tsarompyive asked a neighbor if i could pay them per month to use their wifi
23:39.51tsarompymost people say yes
23:40.11tsarompyyoud be surprised how many people say yes and dont ask for money too
23:40.26tsarompyi opened my network for my neighbors
23:40.28tsarompyim like
23:40.32tsarompyhelp yourself just dont go crazy
23:40.48Kabouturnot much because a lot of Wifi Contamination here. I guess people with cheap hi-powered WiFi toys. It blocks everything
23:41.26tsarompytheres always social engineering
23:41.28KabouturI'm in a Wifi beam but it's not 802.11. Stupid toys.
23:41.33tsarompyfind a reason to be in their house
23:41.38tsarompyand when they leave the room
23:41.44tsarompyrun over to the modem and look for a sticker on it
23:41.51tsarompywith the WEP pass on it
23:41.59tsarompymost people dont bother to change the password the company puts on it
23:42.21KabouturWEP? did I join this channel in 1999? :)
23:42.32tsarompyfor some reason cox's modems here use wep
23:42.38tsarompyi dont get it either but whatever
23:42.41Kabouturmost models have a reaver key
23:43.01tsarompyi think aircrack is evil
23:43.08tsarompyi wont use it
23:43.20tsarompyi dont like snooping on peoples network traffic either
23:43.21Kabouturthis is terrible. I forgot what the actual name is for pixydust! this really is terrible
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23:44.05tsarompyi really think that when those companies install wireless routers they should ask the customer if they want the network locked or not
23:44.10tsarompyi think most people wouldnt care
23:44.13Kabouturtsarompy: that's right. besides it's illegal to do such a thing
23:44.44tsarompyi refuse to password protect my wifi
23:44.52tsarompythe internet should be available to everyone
23:44.57tsarompyexcept pedophiles maybe
23:45.17Kabouturfsmithred: WPS was the word I was looking for , it's easier than looking up WEP stickers don't you think?
23:45.35tsarompyanyone here use ceres?
23:45.39tsarompyis it worth it?
23:45.43tsarompycompared to ascii
23:45.56tsarompyi prefer debian sid but im a bit wary of this OS so far
23:46.31tsarompybecause ive been using it for one day
23:46.36fsmithredKaboutur, I don't understand
23:46.45tsarompyand i dont mind if ceres breaks a few apps i just dont want it to destroy the system i guess
23:47.29djphKaboutur: ugh, wps makes wep look like the best security on the planet.
23:48.06Kabouturfsmithred: you were talking about getting internet at your neighbors...Physically? just press the WPS key and connect
23:48.19fsmithredno, that wasn't me
23:48.48Kabouturfsmithred: I'm sorry. that was for tsarompy indeed
23:49.41Kabouturmine have 2 internet lines and 2-3 mobile subscriptions. they are not into sharing though
23:49.54tsarompyalright im doin it
23:49.58tsarompyupgrading to ceres
23:50.00tsarompycross fingers
23:50.09tsarompydoing it in tty just in case
23:50.14tsarompygetting decent speeds too
23:50.18tsarompy4MB/s down
23:50.31tsarompyi require a fresher plasma desktop
23:53.24Xenguymakes popcorn ...
23:53.27tsarompyim excited
23:53.38tsarompylots of updates for KDE
23:53.53tsarompyis a kde fanboy
23:53.56Xenguy.oO( wait for it )
23:54.19tsarompyanyone here ever use the liquorix kernel?
23:54.23tsarompyit looks like a dead project
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