IRC log for #devuan on 20171215

00:00.09fsmithredand you can only boot with acpi turned off?
00:00.48fsmithredor am I thinking of someone else?
00:01.44fsmithredyup. different thinkpad.
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01:20.49*** topic/#devuan is Recent (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release || This is the Devuan discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
01:22.19*** join/#devuan sokan (~Henry@unaffiliated/totaloblivion)
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01:41.56*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
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04:08.50fromportis running ceres with lxde. have a few issues: 1) my "suspend" options have dissapeared with the gui (made a cli equivalent) 2) my sound is no longer working for eg youtube, but when I take screenshot, i hear a shutter sound, even when i mute the sound on the control bar in lxde. anyone got any ideas ?
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06:18.31tudor2fsmithred: no, things are working fine, but the driver or the bios keeps this key. have not debugged this
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11:19.54JotaMGany reason why gvfs and netowrk-manager are not updated for ascii ??
11:20.21KatolaZnot a particular one
11:21.27JotaMGKatolaZ:  and ...?
11:26.17JotaMG... so??
11:26.18JotaMGno explanation why gvfs and netowrk-manager are not updated for ascii ??
11:31.09KatolaZJotaMG: didn't have time to work on that
11:31.15KatolaZthere is a sprint this weekend
11:31.21KatolaZlet's see what we can do :)
11:31.44KatolaZwhat other reason did you expect?
11:33.58JotaMGdo you need help?
11:34.00JotaMGbecause I have them compiled and working on my Devuan ascci, I just wonder if I may had missed something, because Devuan have not updated the repos...
11:35.28*** join/#devuan knidos (~knidos@
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11:46.22KatolaZJotaMG: just lack of time
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15:56.06*** join/#devuan tpcoder (525e2a31@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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15:57.06tpcoderI can't get my power settings to work under xfce. If I close the lid of my thinkpad nothing happens.
15:57.19KatolaZtpcoder: which thinkpad?
15:57.29tpcoderdespite the settings being set to "suspend" when lid is closed
15:57.32*** join/#devuan Kruppt (~Kruppt@
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15:58.08KatolaZwhat does acpi_listen say?
15:58.38tpcoderit does say lid is closed
15:58.46tpcoderand open when i open it again
15:58.54KatolaZwhich event?
15:59.19KatolaZand what do you have under /etc/acpi/events?
16:00.05tpcoderi only have a file called powerbtn-acpi-support
16:00.23KatolaZso you are missing...
16:00.25KatolaZhold on
16:00.31tpcoderthis is the content of that file:
16:00.57KatolaZdo you have that package installed?
16:01.05tpcoderlet me check
16:01.09KatolaZ(BTW, which release are we talking about?)
16:01.27KatolaZinstall acpi-support
16:01.43tpcoderyeah it's not installed
16:01.49KatolaZyou might have no-install-recommnds set
16:02.01KatolaZ(which is not a bad thing, tbh)
16:02.13tpcoderhow do i switch that on
16:02.14KatolaZthat package contains /etc/acpi/events/lidbtn
16:02.17KatolaZit's on
16:02.25KatolaZjust restart acpid
16:02.39KatolaZhave a look into  /etc/acpi/events/lidbtn
16:02.59KatolaZit should call /etc/acpi/
16:03.13tpcoderbut first i need to intall acpi-support right
16:04.23tpcoder# /etc/acpi/events/lidbtn # Called when the user closes or opens the lid  event=button[ /]lid action=/etc/acpi/
16:04.46tpcoderthis is the content of /etc/acpi/events/libbtn
16:05.18KatolaZjust restart acpid
16:05.24KatolaZand you are done
16:05.45tpcoderhow do i restart acpid?
16:05.58KatolaZ/etc/init.d/acpid restart
16:06.06tpcoderthank you :)
16:06.52tpcoderwas not familiar with init scripts
16:07.04tpcoderhave been using systemd you know
16:07.27KatolaZyou could also use
16:07.32KatolaZservice acpid restart
16:07.43KatolaZjust a matter of preference
16:08.40tpcoderI'll note that down. For some reason "/etc/init.d/acpid restart" seems more natural to me
16:08.48tpcoderbut that's just me
16:09.25KatolaZI think it's me as well :)
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16:23.03KatolaZzfs init scripts needed
16:23.05KatolaZsee DNG
16:23.35*** join/#devuan tpcoder_ (525e2a31@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:23.48tpcoder_KatolaZ: the lid stil doesn't trigger anything
16:23.58tpcoder_I've restarted acpid
16:24.05tpcoder_even restarted the system
16:24.19KatolaZtpcoder_: do you have a matching event in
16:24.30KatolaZrestarting is never the solution :)
16:24.37tpcoder_let me check
16:25.05KatolaZit should be the very same string returned by acpi_listen when you close the lid
16:25.26tpcoder_yes it returns the same string
16:26.21*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
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16:31.38tpcoder_xfce-power-manager doesn't seem to update /etc/acpi/
16:35.00tpcoder_lidbtn links to
16:41.48*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
16:47.58tpcoder_the power button doesn't seem to be doing anything as well
16:52.21g4570nHi, I have jessie installed on a desktop pc, I can put it in suspend mode but when I wake it up the XFCE Desktop is freezed, I can not use it, I have to restart. This can be a Nouveau problem or can it be a kernel problem? What do you think
16:52.53KatolaZtpcoder_: check the event and the corresponding script
16:53.00KatolaZit must work on the T460
16:55.48gnarfaceg4570n: they might be able to help in #nouveau, it's probably an issue with that but it's part of the kernel....
16:57.05gnarfaceg4570n: usually it's a problem with some driver's power management though
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16:57.32tudor2what is the simplest tool to manage one qemu vm on devuan ascii? the most important task is to stop the vm when shutting down the computor.
16:59.22g4570ngnarface: OK thanks. I was asking because in Wheezy I did not have this problem
16:59.49gnarfaceg4570n: oh, really?  were you using the official drivers though, or are you sure it was nouveau?
17:00.24gnarfaceg4570n: make sure you mention that to them
17:01.25gnarfacedoes the mouse cursor still move?
17:01.43gnarfaceor is it completely dead to keyboard/mouse input?
17:03.04tpcoder_what is all the policykit and logind stuff in xfpm
17:03.17tpcoder_I assume it will all be removed in the future?
17:03.34g4570ngnarface: ok, yes I was using Nouveau. The mouse cursor, at times, moves and freezes again. The keyboard does not respond directly.
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17:07.26gnarfaceg4570n: mention that too
17:07.42gnarfacesounds familiar ...
17:09.37gnarfaceg4570n: did you try to ctrl+alt+f2?
17:09.55gnarfaceg4570n: maybe if you get to a virtual terminal it will give you a chance to kill xorg
17:11.00g4570ngnarface:  The keyboard does not respond for try ctrl+alt+f2
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17:20.52tpcoder_KatolaZ: it simply just isn't the script I think
17:21.00tpcoder_it might have to do with this ->
17:21.08tpcoder_Seems familiar to me
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17:26.15tpcoder_my experience with xfce on devuan was a nightmare so far. No working battery functions, no working lid functions. Datetime widget disappears after opening its window and closing it afterwards. Dpi scaling was out of control
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17:27.07tpcoder_menubar options have no whitespace between them with the stock theme
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17:36.09tpcoder_it's FAR from stable
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17:57.35blinkdogwhat is far from stable?
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18:07.05arminxfce is actually quite stable.
18:07.40fugitivei am on xfce ever since i installed devuan (jessie) no prblems with it
18:08.24tpcoder_on jessie it's stable indeed
18:08.39tpcoder_i was talking about ascii
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18:09.21tpcoder_try to simply open the clock widget window and close it.
18:09.22armintpcoder_: the only thing that i also experienced was dpi scaling being weird, but i don't know of any other WM/DE that supports this in a sane way, anyways.
18:10.13tpcoder_armin: are your battery/lid functions working?
18:10.30tpcoder_if you're on a laptop of course
18:10.43armintpcoder_: they have been on my last xfce setups, on all distributions.
18:11.45armintpcoder_: quite frankly, i didn't use xfce for some months now, but still, i had no problems with that.
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18:20.21fugitive>are your battery/lid functions working? , this is is the only issue i have :) have to pm-suspend each time, and close lid, never bothered with troubleshooting it thou..
18:20.34golinuxg4570n: Are you using KDE?
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18:22.45tpcoder_fugitive: this has been pointed out many times. 1. 2. 3.
18:23.11tpcoder_I wonder if this is a bug
18:23.22golinuxtpcoder: GTK-3 has broken a LOT of themes in ascii.  C;leralooks-Phenoix renders correctly.  There will soon be a version - Clearlooks-Phenix-DarkPurpy - tyo match the new look for ascii.
18:23.48golinuxI'm just finishing it up atm.
18:23.49fugitivetpcoder_ thanks will look on it
18:25.14g4570ngolinux: xfce 4.10
18:26.07golinuxUse Clearlooks-Phenix-Purpy then
18:26.19golinuxIt's in the repos.
18:26.49tpcoder_golinux: Clearlooks-Phenix-Purpy is broken for me
18:27.08tpcoder_the menu bar items have no whitespaces between them
18:27.15golinuxDo you have gtk2 and 3 engines installed?
18:27.32tpcoder_i suppose so
18:28.16tpcoder_gtk2--engines is installed
18:28.23tpcoder_gtk3 isn't
18:28.47golinuxgtk2-engines-xfce too
18:29.06tpcoder_gtk2-engines-xfce is installed
18:29.34tpcoder_gtk3-engines-xfce isn't however
18:29.43golinuxThat's the problem then
18:29.56tpcoder_how it isn't installed
18:30.08golinuxThose should be dependencies
18:30.08tpcoder_i installed xfce myself
18:30.18golinuxfor that theme.
18:30.42golinuxThey aren't for xfce
18:30.58golinuxDoes that fix things?
18:31.14tpcoder_hmm.. so the Clearlooks-Phenix-Purpy I have right now was meant for jessie?
18:31.26tpcoder_because i upgraded from jessie to ascii
18:31.43golinuxYes.  It's broken in ascii because gtk3 is a moving target
18:32.01golinuxI have not yet finied the theming compatible with ascii
18:32.34tpcoder_so you recommend me to install gtk3-engines-xfce?
18:32.37tpcoder_by hand?
18:32.38golinuxWhen I get the default darkpurpy finished I will re-theme for purpy too.
18:33.22golinuxOf course.  Either synaptic or cli
18:34.31tpcoder_gtk3-engines-xfce is installed now. Still didn't fix the whitespace problem
18:34.38tpcoder_maybe i need to relogin?
18:36.35tpcoder_oh and BTW the stock xfce themes have this issue as well.
18:36.58tpcoder_Xfce-basic, Xfce-dusk etc.
18:36.59golinuxThey have for years
18:37.13golinuxDon't know why they are still included.
18:38.12tpcoder_I am going to relogin now
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18:38.43golinuxClearlook-Phenix is the one of the few themes that works with GTK3.
18:38.49tpcoder_I'll let you know if this resolves the issue
18:38.58tpcoder_Clearlook-Phenix works fine
18:39.09tpcoder_Clearlooks-Phenix-Purpy doesn't
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18:39.32tpcoder_BRB in 2min
18:39.32golinuxpurpy works on jessie.
18:39.36golinuxNot ascii.
18:40.34golinuxI just told you that I am in process of doing the themes for ascii
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18:42.19tpcodergolinux: as expected Clearlooks-Phenix-Purpy is broken
18:42.35golinuxYes, it is for jessie not ascii.
18:42.46golinuxI am in process of doing the themes for ascii
18:43.08golinuxI said that above several times
18:43.09tpcoderwhy doesn't it get autoremoved during the upgrade to ascii?
18:43.41golinuxBecause no one thought of it.  And I will redo purpy for ascii before long.
18:44.26golinuxHave to finish Clearlooks-Phenix-DarkPurpy first.
18:44.32golinuxHold on
18:45.49golinuxHere are some screenies but not the final yet:
18:47.27tpcoderlooks okay. Much better than Clearlooks-Phenix-Purpy at least
18:48.21golinuxBetter is an opinion.  Different is a more accurate description
18:49.13golinuxI like them both (but then I'm biased)  ;)
18:50.25golinuxYou'll get dakrpurpy soon when desktop-base gets upgraded.  It's a WIP
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19:02.55matlockfollowing these instructions here: doesn't work for Debian Jessie to Devuan Jessie
19:03.11matlock"systemd is the active init system, please switch to another before removing systemd."
19:05.59matlockI think the first steps should be to install sysvinit, specify it as kernel option in grub config, and reboot, then proceed with distupgrade
19:07.32ThurahTtoo bad those dutch coders can't code a site that actually displays images.
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19:11.01matlockis it possible to specify kernel boot options in an openvz linux guest, specifically init=?
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19:24.16msiismtwo days ago, i tried to install devuan jessie on an old laptop. apt could not be configured due to problems with the server addresses. now, i changed everything to but packages could not be checked at first, so i installed devuan-keyring. now that works. however, i had to install devuan-keyring without being checked. that doesn't feel right. so, where could i find a checksum of that package to verify
19:26.41fromportsorry for repeat of 15 hours ago. anyone has an idea about this ? I am is running ceres with lxde. have a few issues: 1) my "suspend" options have dissapeared with the gui (made a cli equivalent) 2) my sound is no longer working for eg youtube, but when I take screenshot, i hear a shutter sound, even when i mute the sound on the control bar in lxde. anyone got any ideas ?
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19:40.34msiismok, found what i was looking for in
19:44.34KatolaZmsiism: ?
19:45.41KatolaZit is actually sufficient to install devuan-keyring while still using
19:45.47KatolaZand then switch mirrors
19:48.13golinuxmatlock: I think you should have switched to sysvinit before the upgrade to Devuan
19:48.58KatolaZmatlock: actually, the upgrade should work anyway
19:49.18KatolaZI have tested it with several vesions of Debian Jessie 8.x
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19:55.57msiismKatolaZ: how is that?
19:56.13KatolaZlike I said
19:56.20msiismKatolaZ: don't i have to verify that package somehow?
19:56.30KatolaZinstall it using
19:56.38KatolaZit will be signed with the devuan-keyring that you already have
19:56.39msiismok, i see
19:56.56KatolaZthen you switch repo afterwards
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19:57.07msiismwell, i've checked the checksum now stuff
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20:03.21matlockKatolaZ yeah it doesn't work in openvz containers
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21:25.52msiismKatolaZ: i've got those wdm logos ready. where do you want me to put them. also: do you just need the pgn files or also the gimp files (xcf)?
21:26.21msiismpgn -> png
21:26.38KatolaZdone already msiism
21:26.43KatolaZI imported the png
21:26.48KatolaZand converted it to xpm
21:26.51KatolaZthe injection works
21:27.02KatolaZI have some problems with the build conf
21:27.07KatolaZbut it worked fine :)
21:27.25KatolaZmsiism: I will let you know as soon as the package is installable
21:27.27msiismwell, i've just created an ascii darkpurpy variant of the logo and updated the other ones
21:27.48KatolaZmsiism: this is just a proof-of-concept
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21:28.00KatolaZthe final word on logos is golinux'
21:28.08msiismok, so we can include the newer stuff later?
21:28.23msiismshe says it looks good.
21:29.19KatolaZmore important problems than logos atm msiism
21:29.27KatolaZbut yes, we can include them at any point in time :)
21:31.23golinuxKatolaZ:  The logo has been darkpurpified!
21:31.37golinuxSo inject away!!\
21:31.49msiismKatolaZ: ok, no problem.
21:31.50MinceRthat's what she said.
21:32.07golinuxtries to wake up and get back to theming . . .
21:32.30msiismMinceR: and that is inappropriate...
21:33.01msiismKatolaZ: so, just contact me whenever you have time and then we can take care of that.
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21:34.52KatolaZok msiism
21:35.07KatolaZyou can put the logo somewhere
21:35.23msiismi'll try git
21:38.22msiismMinceR: i was meaning to say it's not funny (just to clarify and no discussion intended)
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22:42.04g4570nfromport: Try installing this package: "qasmixer" as a replacement for the audio volume manager that comes by default. Open QasMixer, select: "mixer device - hw" and then mark all the dots below the bars and try to play something. That helped me recover the sound when I lost it a few weeks ago. On the option of Suspend the system I have heard that it does not appear either to those who install Mate, I do
22:42.10g4570nnot know what the problem is.
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23:20.22golinuxg4570n: Have you tried this? $ amixer set Master unmute
23:21.33golinuxActually that's intended for fromport.
23:23.55nepugiais unable to find the original message with the problem description :/
23:29.09nepugiaah i found it, are you playing your youtube videos in firefox? if you do not have pulseaudio installed that could be a problem, since they removed the alsa backend (or atleast made it non-default for compile)
23:31.24KatolaZnepugia: we are including apulse in ascii
23:33.28nepugiathey are running ceres, but how do you make sure that you include it? ;) is it in the critical system components section? (i think it was esential)
23:34.00KatolaZnepugia: ?
23:34.13nepugiajust did a dpkg -l on my ascii system and i dont seem to have an apulse installed
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23:35.22g4570ngolinux: When I ran out of audio that time I tried everything and nothing worked :D Until @AlexLikeRock recommended me to do the process I mentioned before
23:37.17nepugiathe firefox-esr in ascii still uses alsa backend (52-esr)
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23:38.50KatolaZnepugia: is "coming" there
23:38.54KatolaZit's already in experimental
23:39.05KatolaZI am building it now for ascii
23:39.50nepugiaah, misread your comment
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