IRC log for #devuan on 20171129

00:03.57*** join/#devuan obarun_ (~obarun@
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00:05.06obarun_hi guys, i'm looking after the source code of your graphic installer used in your devuan_jessie_1.0.0_amd64_CD.iso. Where i can find it please?
00:05.50fsmithredactually, I think you can get it with 'apt-get source debian-installer'
00:07.12Xenguy.oO( I'll bet apt doesn't do that yet )
00:08.55obarun_sorry i don't use apt-get. May be a git exist to browse the source code?
00:09.45fsmithredthis would be the un-devuanized version:
00:12.39fsmithredobarun_, did you look at
00:12.54fsmithredit should be there
00:13.26*** join/#devuan konsolebox (~konsolebo@
00:15.50obarun_fsmithre, thanks
00:16.04obarun_but i'm a little confuse about how it made
00:17.15fsmithredso am I
00:19.53*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~randyg@
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00:47.55blinkdogdebian-installer is 10K lines of XML and 1.6K lines of shell script ... hmmm
00:48.42*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
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01:20.43obarun_very complex to follow the flow of the soft :(
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02:24.44*** join/#devuan fsmithred (~fsmithred@devuan/developer/fsmithred)
02:27.49*** part/#devuan ThurahT (
02:31.44mcfaceanyone seen a good document on tuning Devuan for esxi 6?
02:33.18fsmithredno idea what that is, but you might look for debian docs on it.
02:33.49fsmithredunless they tell you to do something with systemd, they should work the same
02:34.12mcfaceyeah ;) okay thanks.
02:34.28mcfaceesxi is vmware's hypervisor.
02:34.39fsmithredand if you think it's something that others might want to know about it...
02:34.44fsmithredyou can write a doc for devuan
02:36.03fsmithreddoes vmware require the forbidden package?
02:36.57mcfaceer apt-get install open-vm-tools is fine
02:37.09mcfacebut no if you mean the 'd no it does not
02:37.48fsmithredI used to use the free(beer) vmware 1.x
02:38.09fsmithredon etch
02:40.29mcfaceim not sure if it's improved much since then...
02:41.02*** join/#devuan KittenNIX (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
02:43.18fsmithred2.x was browser-based and slow
02:43.32fsmithredso you install devuan on top of esxi?
02:43.43mcfaceinstalled as a server
02:43.48*** join/#devuan sokan (~Henry@unaffiliated/totaloblivion)
02:43.53mcfaceneed to migrate ubuntu 14.04 somewhere
02:44.53fsmithrednot sure I understand.
02:45.09fsmithredyou're not planning to upgrade ubuntu to devuan, are you?
02:45.40mcfaceno just get as much as i can moved over to devuan
02:45.48fsmithredok, whew.
02:46.03mcfaceit's running as a server and doing pretty well to be honest
02:46.16fsmithredjust be aware that our current stable is jessie.
02:46.41*** join/#devuan Infiltrator (~Infiltrat@unaffiliated/infiltrator)
02:46.46fsmithredascii is in the works, tracking stretch. very much usable for a server.
02:48.07*** join/#devuan konsolebox (~konsolebo@
02:48.19mcfacetesting for now on stretch -.- asking for trouble i know...
02:48.35fsmithredno, stretch is stable
02:50.15fsmithredgonna test on ascii next?
02:51.29mcfaceno reason why not - so far so good
02:56.53*** join/#devuan Humpelstilzchen (
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12:33.08*** part/#devuan Oldmoss (~Oldmoss@
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13:52.56XenguyThanks KatolaZ for the info.  What is a CDN?
13:53.16KatolaZContent Delivery Network
13:54.01XenguyThanks, that's the first time I've heard that term
13:54.35KatolaZit's just a hipster term to indicate something very simple
13:54.50KatolaZyou access a service through a single entry-point
13:54.54KatolaZ(normally a URL)
13:55.11KatolaZand then get transparently redirected to the server closest to you
13:55.56XenguyI see, makes sense in the context of mirrors
13:57.31*** join/#devuan tillo (znc@pentoo/developer/tillo)
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15:00.39bluemarlinhello people, i can't connect to amprolla - have i missed some scheduled downtime info?
15:01.47bluemarlinKatolaZ: thanks!
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17:27.11gnarfacei think i have recreated a memory leak issue
17:27.55gnarfaceit seems to be a problem with the nvidia drivers accidentally pulling in a i386 version of some library then using it by default when they should only be using the amd64 one
17:28.25gnarfacethe only side-effect being that some of the memory used by opengl applications never gets freed
17:28.45gnarfacethe problem is i can never seem to figure out which library is doing it
17:28.55gnarfacelast time i thought it was libx11 maybe
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17:29.46gnarfacei can't just remove ALL the i386 stuff, because steam and wine both need some of it
17:32.33gnarfacethe fundamental problem seems to do with how the nvidia drivers are packaged and how those dependencies behave when you do an "apt-get upgrade" on a multiarch system
17:33.06djphyeh, graphics drivers are a pain
17:33.29gnarfacebut short of just getting lucky and getting someone who actually knows to point out from their own knowledge which i386 packages i definitely should not have even for multi-arch gaming, i don't have any way out of this situation
17:34.47gnarfacei mean, i could periodically just run `echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches && sync && sync` but that still fails to free about 2MB every time and occasionally destabilizes the system if the game is still open at the time, so it's hardly a solution
17:38.14gnarfacelibx11-6:i386, libx11-xcb1:i386
17:38.21gnarfaceshould i have these?
17:38.39gnarfacethey seem to be tied to a lot of other i386 stuff, but i don't know if any of that is needed either
17:38.52gnarfacei thought last time it was libx11* something
17:39.06gnarfaceor at least libx* something
17:40.03gnarfaceit would be nice if it could be trusted to just default to loading amd64 versions of anything whenever both were available but it doesn't seem to work that way
17:41.29gnarfacethis is on ceres, but the base problem has existed for years, since it was a sid install
17:43.10gnarfacealways seems to be triggered by me getting lazy and running "apt-get upgrade" while contrib and non-free are
17:43.12gnarfaceare enabled
17:46.37*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
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18:26.33gnarfacealright, i guess i'm gonna see how much breaks if i remove these: libx11-6:i386  libx11-xcb1:i386 libx11-dev:i386
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18:58.03edbarxInstalled eudev on ASCII; thunar is now not listing thumb drives
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19:17.30gnarfacesucceeded only in making a mess
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Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.