IRC log for #devuan on 20171127

00:00.02MinceRat least others shouldn't copy them
00:00.39mozerelliNope I was actually saying that they separate their web engines from their UI frameworks
00:00.45mozerelliAlbeit their own engines
00:01.45mozerelliEdgeHTML is not part of the UWP framework for example
00:02.03mozerelliBut the rendering engine in UWP is EdgeHTML
00:02.45mozerelliThe same goes for Cocoa and the Android framework
00:03.14mozerelliWhile we safely can say those companies are 'shady'
00:03.24mozerelliWhat they do here is the right thing
00:03.35mozerelliWhy can't Qt do this as well
00:08.22mozerelliI think it's time for a real foss gui framework with the unix philosophy in mind
00:10.57KatolaZno gui framework can be based on the unix philosophy, IMHO
00:11.09KatolaZor at least, not a GUI framework to construct DEs
00:11.15KatolaZpeople want to do everything with DEs
00:11.30KatolaZand this automagically results in bloated GUI frameworks
00:11.36KatolaZit's unavoidable
00:13.36mozerelliwhat about plan9
00:14.56mozerelliit might not have a real gui framework but the closest thing i can image is its rio window system
00:15.15KatolaZwhich would not be regarded as a proper GUI framework by anybody interested in a DE
00:15.37KatolaZrio is not even comparable to KDE
00:15.49KatolaZrio is not what people wanting a DE have in mind
00:17.02KatolaZotherwise those prople would use xmonad
00:17.05KatolaZor dwm
00:17.10KatolaZand they don't
00:17.22mozerellitiling window managers?
00:18.21KatolaZtiling or not is irrelevant
00:18.31KatolaZpeople wand eyecandie on their desktops
00:18.37KatolaZswishing windows
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00:19.02KatolaZthis is not in the unix philosophy
00:20.40n4diryou can also use eyecandy on window-managers.
00:21.05sokanKatolaZ, wm like awesome, i3 etc are more close into unix philosophy?
00:21.35MinceRwell, the toolkit could still be small and flexible
00:21.41KatolaZyes they are sokan
00:21.46KatolaZbut they are not DEs
00:21.55MinceRi don't see why tiling would be more unixy
00:21.55KatolaZand they don't require any "framework"
00:22.01KatolaZnono MinceR
00:22.10KatolaZ00:18 < KatolaZ> tiling or not is irrelevant
00:22.27KatolaZn4dir: sure you can, but still people don't
00:22.49KatolaZand those who use KDE can't understand why anyone on earth would like to use i3 or WMaker
00:23.16KatolaZ00:08 < mozerelli> I think it's time for a real foss gui framework with the unix philosophy in mind
00:23.20KatolaZ00:08 < mozerelli> I think it's time for a real foss gui framework with the unix philosophy in mind
00:23.27KatolaZI was answering to that ^^^
00:23.51sokanI really want to check 'em out asap. i3 awesome and so on. But I think it requires familiarizing yourself with console and terminal emulator first. (and some time to customize commands iirc)
00:25.19n4dircan't say that you have to customize commands. Enabling
00:25.21n4dir# alternate mappings for "page up" and "page down" to search the history
00:25.28n4dirin /etc/inputrc helps a ton though
00:26.01KatolaZn4dir: which DE user would accepr to edit /etc/inputrc by hand?
00:27.26KatolaZthe unix philosophy is about tinkering, getting your hands dirty, customising, getting closer and closer to the machine
00:27.41KatolaZthis is the opposite of what DEs have in mind and try to deliver
00:27.47n4dirnot sure what gave me grief when i switched to window-managers. I tried to do as much as possible "manually" before. The only thing which comes to my mind is "automounting" (which i never liked anyway)
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00:29.41n4dirand i am not a fan of desktop-icons. They are possible on some WM's (? pretty sure), but enabling them might be a bit of trouble.
00:30.02KatolaZn4dir: some have something similar to icons
00:30.07KatolaZWMaker, for instance
00:30.13KatolaZeven if the concept is a bit different
00:30.24n4dirlol. Yeah, i used it for a while. I like it, but never really got into the details
00:31.20n4dirthe other day i already spoke of e17 (i think of it because it is another environment only few have in mind, like wmaker)
00:31.33n4dirloads of bling, of course ...
00:31.54KatolaZe17 was a futuristic concept back in the days
00:32.30KatolaZI haven't looked into it in the last 3-4 years though
00:32.40KatolaZI know they have made fantastic progress
00:36.03n4dirLooked at it the other day. Seems to do the job well now. But the default settings are weird, and it has so much settings, that changing them takes quite a bit of click-click.
00:36.38gnarfacei'm still using it but #e already considers it deprecated
00:36.48gnarfacethey're up to e21 or something like that now
00:37.02n4diryeah. installed it, but i didn't know how to start it. lol
00:37.04gnarfacethey started requiring pulseaudio so i stopped upgrading
00:37.16n4dirah, i see.
00:38.59n4dirall i want now is a command prompt and a few desktops. All the options in e would confuse me, so i will stick to awesome (and am giving openbox a try these days)
00:40.21KatolaZn4dir: maybe have a look at some of the suckless utils
00:40.30KatolaZI find "tabbed" particularly useful
00:41.07KatolaZit allows you to stack a lot of different X applications in the same window
00:41.23gnarfacei admit i've had to ask for help from #e to figure out some e17 settings.  raster was still pretty helpful with anything it could actually do, but more or less unsympathetic towards any bugs or feature requests
00:41.43KatolaZI started used it as a way to allow tabs in surf
00:41.53KatolaZbut I appreciated it also for terminals
00:42.02KatolaZit's very convenient
00:42.02sokane is a wm?
00:42.13KatolaZsokan: ^^^
00:43.06sokanI tried it once as a DE but somehow it just didn't feel right. Too erm "glossy" (for lack of a better word in my mind atm)
00:43.08n4dire17 is a thing between a DE and a WM, imho. It sure is small (both: install MB and usage of RAM), but does quite a bit. There also was e16, which sure was a window-manager (but also with a lot of bling)
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00:47.09fsmithredpretty sure I still have a refracta508 iso with e17
00:47.44fsmithred508 was lenny - one of Dean's builds
00:49.17fsmithredpretty impressive for such a small footprint
00:49.47gnarfacethe biggest problem IMO with e17 is just that they were on to e18, e19 and e20 so fast none of the themes really got finished
00:50.05gnarfaceand with no reverse compatibility whatsoever, it doesn't have the rich theme catalog of e15 and e16
00:50.23gnarfacethat's a fixable problem, in theory, but first a critical mass of people would have to care
00:50.39gnarface(personally my vote is for someone to finish night bling first)
00:51.43n4dirgnarface: my guess is that you are right. permanent changes have been a long time "problem" for them
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00:54.11n4dirnever heard of e15, btw.
01:01.45justinsmI loved enlightenment, back when it was just a WM + a few utils.
01:02.27justinsmRan it on Solaris instead of CDE.
01:02.58n4dirsome distros still have it, assuming you mean e16
01:05.13mozerellidon't hate on me but I think enlightenment looks like shit, my personal opinion
01:05.37mozerelliIt looks like an amiga
01:05.58justinsmyou could make it look however you wanted, that was the charm.
01:07.19n4dirwould be a great advertisement though: "enlightenment - it looks like shit "
01:08.16gnarfacenobody has made a shit theme for it yet, but i'm sure it could be done
01:10.40mozerelliwith the exception of arc-light theme for enlightenment
01:13.11justinsmapparently the main library, EFL, is dreadful.
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01:15.54gnarfacewell it's actually corporate funded
01:16.20gnarfaceso they have higher priorities than supporting enlightenment's use of it (somewhat ironically considering the history)
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13:09.13aitormozereli: "what do you guys think of gtk3? Is it an utter mess like some people are claiming it to be?", you said
13:09.54aitortechnically, gtk3 is better than gtk2 and it's more documented
13:10.53msiismaitor: interesting. what does gtk3 do better?
13:11.00aitorand you can customize the gtk themes using css files, it was not possible with gtk2
13:11.17djphIDK, gtk-3 stuff tends to choke on lpr printing for me :(
13:12.13aitorimho, the most important step is in gtkmm (gtk with classes)
13:12.26aitorgtkmm is very powerfull
13:12.27msiismdjph: how is this gtk3-related?
13:13.00djphmsiism: the gtk-3 programs don't honor the settings :(
13:14.02aitorgtkmm3 is gtk3 oriented to objects
13:14.23fsmithredthe main complaint I've seen is that they keep changing gtk3 and breaking backward compatibility, so developers can't keep up.
13:14.43msiismfsmithred: right, i was wondering, if that had now stopped.
13:15.03fsmithredI don't know
13:16.11msiismisn't gtk4 already underway?
13:16.19aitorfsmithred: more and more gtk3 themes compatible with gtk2 are appearing in the last months
13:16.55aitormsiism: murray cumming sometimes talks about gtkmm4 in the gtkmm mailing list
13:18.32msiismi mean, if the api breakage of gtk3 would really find an end and the product be superior to gtk2, then a transition would make sense, i guess.
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13:19.17msiismbut then again, if the developers continue the same procedure with gtk4, that may not be the best idea
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13:21.18aitori don't think so... the diference between qt3 and qt4 is much higher than the difference between qt4 and qt5
13:22.50msiismspeaking of qt, i recently learned that the trinity desktop devs did with qt3 (or 4) what a lot of people would have liked for gtk2. they forked it (as TQT).
13:22.58aitorfsmithred: my popup menu for openbox in gtk2 (you can also build it in gtk3) is working
13:23.26msiismaitor: but the original ob menu is not gtk, is it?
13:24.04fsmithredaitor, do you have packages somewhere?
13:24.11aitorbut you can change your rc.xml
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13:24.37fsmithredyeah, I make some edits to the xml files
13:24.38aitortonight i'll upload the sources and maybe the packaging
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13:25.32aitorthis weekend i've been working on the live-sdk blend for gnuinos incluing the backports and the 4.9 kernel
13:26.20aitori'll include the menu in gkt, the original menu of openbox is also available via W+Space
13:26.37msiismaitor: you mean, you can change your rc.xml to make it use another application for the menu?
13:26.53msiismok, right.
13:27.09aitorfor example, Alt+F2 runs gmrun in the most of the cases
13:27.34msiismaitor: right, but that's not a menu, is it?
13:27.42msiismi'm using that too
13:28.51msiismaitor: so, are you using an extra application for the menu in your openbox setup?
13:28.51aitorone of the advantages of the gtk menu is that it'll be multilingual
13:29.07msiismi get it
13:30.01msiismand that is called what?
13:30.04aitori used some code of two different projects for that: openbox-menu and myGtkMenu
13:30.12msiismi see
13:30.30aitorwe will not reinvent the wheel
13:30.48aitori will give credits to the autors
13:31.02msiismbut does it depend on openbox then?
13:31.20aitorit depends on lxmenu-data
13:31.50msiismi see. so i could also use it in i3.
13:32.17aitoryes, you can use it with other window managers
13:32.38aitorthe code is too sort, only one main.c
13:33.22aitormsiism, fsmithred: need to go, see you later :)
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20:01.15nepugiasay, is ascii good enough for generall use if i avoid gnome?
20:03.41golinuxThat probably depends on what general use means to you.  ;)
20:05.52fsmithrednepugia, yeah, I think so
20:06.27fsmithredyou may run into some issues, but there will likely be easy workarounds.
20:07.19nepugiai got an entire channel of irc users here to pester if i run into issues :p
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20:12.19fsmithredpeople have had some problems with policykit.
20:12.31fsmithredbut that happens in jessie, too.
20:13.38nepugiasearches policykit
20:13.41fsmithredand I just noticed that my newest ascii installation didn't get policykit or consolekit. Forgot to add them and didn't even notice. I use sudo to shutdown/reboot and pmount for external drives
20:13.47nepugia'PolicyKit allows fine-tuned capabilities in a desktop environment. ' eh, i kind of doubt that i have used that before
20:13.53fsmithredpolicykit-1 is the name of the package
20:14.04fsmithredyou use a wm?
20:14.29nepugiamostly yes
20:14.53fsmithredthe world won't end if your usb thumb drive doesn't pop up on your desktop when you plug it in?
20:15.30fsmithredyou should be fine
20:19.50nepugiais there some installer images for ascii too? checked 2 mirrors and they have some for jessie
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20:29.21nepugiaschould i install jessie and update that?
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20:35.48fsmithrednepugia, yeah, you can do that. Or you could do a debootstrap install of ascii.
20:36.20fsmithredor use one of the derivatives (miyo, vuudo or refracta have ascii isos)
20:37.18greenjeansno vuu-do ascii yet
20:37.26fsmithredwhy not?
20:37.45greenjeansno ascii official release
20:38.32greenjeansi'd like at least a stable beta before I start trying to build
20:38.32fsmithredok, there's a miyo ascii - I booted a friend's laptop with it to see if the wireless would finally work. (he still had a wheezy refracta on it and used a wireless dongle.) The built-in wireless worked with new miyo.
20:39.51nepugiadebootstrap only ends in broken installs for me :) and i really dont have any linux to do a debootstrap from, gues ill just use the jessie update method
20:39.55fsmithredI did an upgrade of a refracta jessie to ascii, and I'm getting different behavior with gparted-pkexec
20:40.10fsmithrednothing from menu, works correctly in terminal.
20:40.36fsmithredlast time I did that upgrade, gparted and synaptic would start from menu without password
20:40.52fsmithredI think it has to do with /etc/pam.d/login - I kept the old one this time.
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20:41.13fsmithredyou could use a refracta iso to do a devuan debootstrap
20:42.07fsmithredbroken? You do have to set a root password and install a bootloader before you try to boot into the system. Oh yeah, install a kernel, too.
20:42.58fsmithrednepugia, install base system jessie and upgrade to ascii is easy.
20:43.17nepugiabroken as in /bin was empty
20:43.25nepugiaand so was /sbin
20:43.27fsmithredoh, that won't work.
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20:48.06lruanyone here use the latest saltstack on devuan?
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21:04.51golinuxHi FTG!
21:06.06FlibberTGibbethey golinux!
21:06.18FlibberTGibbetI'm supposed to be looking at something, aren't I? :)
21:06.36golinuxYeah in a OM
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21:11.32matlockfyi my Amesome UNIX page has gotten a bunch of likes in it's first week, prominently features Devuan
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21:16.47greenjeanshey FSR, are you running an ascii install right now?
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21:26.48greenjeansanybody running ascii?
21:30.08fsmithredgreenjeans, I have a new ascii install that I'm starting to use for building isos
21:30.36greenjeanscool, any chance you could check version number of libdbus-1-3 for me?
21:32.00fsmithredhang on... rebooting
21:32.26greenjeanstrying to update Palemoon to latest but it needs a newer version of that package than what's in jessie, was wondering if ascii has a newer version
21:32.50FlibberTGibbetis there somewhere i can download a current ascii test iso from please?
21:34.07greenjeanshey cool, where can I get a copy of that?
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21:35.27greenjeanshopes he can get away with using newer software in jessie for the umpteenth time...
21:36.12fsmithredgreenjeans, it's in ascii repos
21:37.17fsmithredFlibberTGibbet, openbox (miyolinux): and also no-X (refracta)
21:37.40FlibberTGibbetthanks fsmithred
21:38.17FlibberTGibbetwill give it a go
21:38.19fsmithredNot sure about which miyo isos are ascii - possibly just the ones with ascii in the name
21:39.14fsmithredthe refracta isos have debootstrap installed in case you want to start fresh.
21:40.27fsmithredone big difference between upgrading from jessie and installing a fresh ascii is that ascii has /lib as a symlink to /usr/lib
21:40.41fsmithredand some others, too
21:41.06fsmithredlike /sbin
21:41.10fsmithredand /bin
21:43.03FlibberTGibbetah. just noticed there aren't virtualbox guest additions. reckon it'll be possible to install the old-fashioned way using the Virtualbox guest additions image and just compiling 'em?
21:55.21greenjeanswell crap, I guess I don't know how to get to the ascii repo
22:04.53nepugiaoh for fuck sake, why does ifupdown tell me that rfkill blocks wifi but then tries to call dhcpclient regardless
22:05.07fsmithredgreenjeans, try if you want to download the package from the web.
22:06.03fsmithredFlibberTGibbet, the only virtualbox for ascii is what you can get from It's not in stretch/ascii at all.
22:06.04greenjeansi pulled a .deb from them, it's almost the same version as yours but wondering if that package had to be "devuanized"
22:06.24fsmithredoh, sorry greenjeans. Don't do that. It's a devuan package.
22:06.41fsmithredyou should be able to get it at packages or pkgmaster
22:06.43greenjeansthought so, seems like it would be being dbus
22:07.02FlibberTGibbetfsmithred: yes, that's what i meant. if it's not in a package it's not a big deal to compile from VBox's own guest additions source
22:07.03greenjeansnothing there, just lists and explanantions
22:07.35fsmithredif it makes any difference, the refracta isos have linux-headers and build-essential
22:07.59FlibberTGibbetyup, that's usually sufficient fsmithred.
22:08.28nepugiahave an ascii now
22:08.29nepugiauname sais debian
22:08.31FlibberTGibbeti just install those and then use the default compilation script
22:09.16fsmithredyeah, that's what I usually do, too
22:10.01fsmithrednepugia, you have /etc/devuan_version?
22:10.04nepugiasay, do i need to do something special for backlight keys to work?
22:10.27nepugiai have devuan_version and debian_version
22:10.54fsmithredubuntu has /etc/debian_version, too
22:11.37fsmithredI've heard of backlight keys working, but I don't have any of those. Wish I did.
22:11.50greenjeansahh found it, thanks FSR
22:12.01nepugiawell, i think that on devuan jessie on that hardware with the backports 4.9 kernel they just worked
22:12.11nepugianow on ascii with 4.9 they dont work
22:12.26nepugiabut backlight control does woek (via /sys ... yay editing files)
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22:20.38FlibberTGibbetnepugia: clunky but could you map a keyboard shortcut to change those /sys values up and down?
22:21.10nepugiathat possibility exists i gues, but yeah clunky :P
22:21.52nepugiamaybe i can find me some early boot script and set it to lower early on
22:23.55greenjeansokay that worked, had to install newer version of dbus first, then the libdbus library. That fixed "broken" status for newest Palemoon
22:24.16*** join/#devuan ToffeeYogurtPots (~ToffeeYog@gateway/tor-sasl/toffeeyogurtpots)
22:24.21greenjeansso far the newer dbus seems to work fine in jessie
22:25.42fsmithredwhich version of palemoon you have?
22:27.22greenjeansjust installed it, I did have 27.4.2
22:27.30fsmithredoh, I have 27.3
22:27.51greenjeans27.5 was a major change, so it needed upgrading in vuu-do
22:28.14minnesotagsSo. What is the method for updating from jessie to ascii? apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade? Do I need to update my sources.list first? wget a keyring?
22:28.40nepugiaima try installing kde5 now :3
22:30.13minnesotagsI'm using i3wm on my old toughbook, so I'm guessing ascii is the best version?
22:31.29*** join/#devuan matlock (~matlock@
22:31.47fsmithredminnesotags, update and upgrade and you should get the new devuan-keyring. Then change sources and update, upgrade, dist-upgrade
22:35.03nepugia@fsmithred why upgrade and dist-upgrade, why not only dist-upgrade?
22:35.30fsmithredyou can do it that way. I have. just upgrade first might be safer in some situations
22:35.33*** join/#devuan TemporalBeing1 (
22:35.58fsmithredhehe, if you want some fun, try upgrading debian jessie with gnome to devuan ascii
22:41.51djphfsmithred: why does that sound like "fun" as defined by the Dwarf Fortress guys?
22:42.07fsmithredsorry, I don't know them
22:42.38fsmithredI think Rube Goldberg might call it fun.
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22:43.02fsmithredyou know the game, Jenga?
22:53.13fsmithredyeah, that looks about right.
22:53.41fsmithredon the other hand, upgrade from debian stretch with xfce to ascii was quick and easy
22:53.53fsmithredlike 10 minutes
22:54.07djphhappy dev1 jessie, xfce is actually pretty nice
22:55.05minnesotagsI have xfce and i3wm, so I imagine it should be relatively painless.
22:55.41nepugiawhat the fuck?? why does the x11 server put logfiles somewhere in my homedir?
22:56.00fsmithredyeah, I just did a refracta (xfce) jessie to ascii yesterday, and it was easy.
22:56.19fsmithredbecause you're the one who needs to read it when X doesn't work?
22:56.44fsmithredyou know if you ask for help, someone will want to know what's in it.
22:57.01fsmithredand maybe it's because X is no longer supposed to run as root.
22:57.11nepugiawhat happend to /var/log ?
22:57.30*** join/#devuan greenjeans (~greenjean@
22:57.33fsmithredit's still there
22:57.49gnarfacenepugia: xorg isn't suid root by default anymore but there's a xserver-xorg-legacy package to change it back if you want to
22:57.49fsmithredlooks like Xorg.0.log is in /var/log, too.
22:58.17gnarfaceupgraded installs will retain the old behavior
22:58.17nepugiawell, xorg cant start as my user but can start as root .-.
22:58.30fsmithredno display manager?
22:58.30gnarfaceyou user might have to be in the input and video groups
22:58.35nepugiatechnically upgraded, but installed x11 after that
22:59.47nepugia@fsmithred what is the point of running x11 as non root if you run the display manager as root?
23:00.04fsmithredyou're asking the wrong person
23:00.05nepugiaalso no, i do not use a dm, i find them to be useless pieces of software
23:00.24fsmithredinstall xserver-xorg-legacy
23:00.36fsmithredand that's probably not enough...
23:00.57nepugiafirst ill try the video group thing
23:01.00fsmithredecho "needs_root_rights=yes" >> /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config
23:01.07nepugiaif i can remember how to use groups :3
23:01.08fsmithredyeah, good
23:01.19fsmithredadduser nep video
23:02.45nepugiaadding my user to video and input and loging in again doesnt seem to let the x11 server start either
23:03.47nepugiai somehow doubt that the intention of this change is to get me to run kde as root user :3
23:04.13nepugiait sasis xserver-xorg-legacy is already installed
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23:05.53nepugiawith your line i can now start the X11 server
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23:16.25greenjeansarrgh Intel graphics on latest machine I have to convert
23:16.43fsmithredconvert what?
23:16.44greenjeansgrub screen is wonky and I get some weird artifacts
23:17.06greenjeansre-doing an HP for a friend
23:17.33greenjeanswindoze 10 had pretty much froze up completely, so I steamrolled it
23:18.45greenjeansFYI to windoze users everywhere, we know how they got there...and if you don't stop it you'll go blind ;)
23:22.53fsmithredgreenjeans, have you done uefi with HP before?
23:23.05greenjeanswe hates it
23:23.08fsmithredor did it let you use legacy bios?
23:23.29greenjeansamazingly it still has a legacy option
23:23.33greenjeans2016 machine
23:24.13fsmithredif you do uefi with HP, you have to rename the bootloader to Windows-something
23:24.23greenjeansi'm not sure how I can roll a uefi iso on non-uefi machine, don't you have to reboot after installing grub-efi?
23:24.27fsmithredor Microso...
23:24.41*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
23:25.01fsmithredinstall grub-efi, install grub-pc, do not autoremove.
23:25.09fsmithredset force_efi=yes
23:25.21greenjeansdoesn't it require GPT partioning?
23:25.41AlexLikeRockwhat ist  the package to change to spanish  devua ?
23:25.53fsmithredno, you don't need to use grub-efi on your host system, you just need to get it into the iso
23:26.31greenjeansoh okay, so re-installing grub-pc puts it into control, but leaves grub-efi available?
23:26.52fsmithredgrub-efi-amd64-bin does not get removed
23:27.08fsmithredalso efibootmgr which might be helpful if you boot the iso on uefi
23:27.49greenjeanscool, i'm gonna ask the guy if I can have the machine for a couple weeks then and try to do some efi installs
23:28.00fsmithredgood plan
23:28.09fsmithredyou will need gpt partitioning on that machine
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23:28.22greenjeansknow any Intel graphics tips?
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23:28.50fsmithredno, but in ascii, I know that xserver-xorg-video-intel is not included in xserver-xorg-video-all
23:29.01greenjeansOnly thing not working right now is the grub screen
23:29.05fsmithredmaybe add nomodeset to boot line
23:29.25greenjeansno intel graphic support in new xorg?
23:29.26nepugiaare you suuure? because i have that installed, and did not specifically select it
23:29.32fsmithredoh wait, no gpt if you use legacy boot
23:29.56fsmithredyeah, I'm sure. I checked.
23:30.16nepugiacan apt tell me why it has a package somehow?
23:30.19fsmithredmaybe because you upgraded?
23:30.26fsmithredaptitude why <package>
23:30.30nepugiai only installed all x11 stuff after apgrade
23:30.32fsmithredmaybe apt, too
23:31.37nepugiainstalled because it provides xorg-driver-video
23:32.10fsmithredoh, I just looked at the time. I'll be gone for an hour or two
23:32.12nepugiawow that scared me, i though i got a bluescreen, but its just kde's lockscreeen
23:34.00greenjeanskde bluescreen o' death
23:36.05nepugiaoh right debian has thing thing called build-essentials
23:36.20nepugiamake not beeing available is wierd somehow :3
23:42.15fsmithredyou'll also need to install linux-headers-`uname -r`
23:42.54fsmithredand it's build-essential (singular)
23:44.21nepugiai kind of doubt i need headers to compile qt applications ;)
23:44.24nepugiabut i do need make
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