IRC log for #devuan on 20171126

00:00.18*** join/#devuan matlock (~matlock@
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00:51.06*** part/#devuan ThurahT (
01:10.14XenguyVery slow connection to  ATM
01:10.35Xenguy11.7 kB/s
01:10.57XenguyHaven't seen this before
01:15.34fsmithredping times look ok from here (near Boston)
01:15.44XenguyJust running an apt update
01:15.56fsmithredI did, and it hung
01:16.20XenguyI tried interupting, then reinvoking, but same low speed
01:17.59XenguyKind of reminds me of the dialup days
01:18.02XenguyYeah, same here
01:18.16XenguyWhat patience we had back then : -)
01:19.00fsmithredthe internet weighed a lot less back then
01:20.27XenguyIt sure did
01:21.05specingnowadays I reserve half the battery cells for Firefox
01:21.17XenguyShame to see net neutrality slipping in the US
01:21.32XenguyThat can't bode well
01:21.55specingIt would be great for all the progress to move to EU
01:22.03fsmithredlol, yeah
01:22.15specingmuch easier now that the UK sawed themselves off
01:22.25specingthey were a major roadblock
01:26.08*** join/#devuan ThurahT (~ThurahT@2a01:7c8:aab8:6b9:5054:ff:fec9:fd84)
01:28.32n4dirit would be great to get a second Web, mainly html and css
01:29.36n4dirkinda was like that in i2p, iirc
01:32.54*** join/#devuan theLambda (
01:37.07fsmithredspeed seems back to normal
01:37.20fsmithredXenguy, ^^^ you getting the same?
01:38.55*** join/#devuan konsolebox (~konsolebo@
01:42.08XenguyLatest was:  Network is unreachable
01:42.14XenguyI'll try once more
01:43.01Xenguyfsmithred: Yeah, speed seems to have normalized again
01:43.42*** join/#devuan matlock (~matlock@
01:43.53Xenguytx, bbl
01:47.42*** join/#devuan phleagol (Elite20580@gateway/shell/elitebnc/x-utluhrnmkafdhzix)
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06:28.15*** join/#devuan Katnija (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
06:46.41*** join/#devuan pav5088 (
06:48.53pav5088Hi...  I'm having a library issue with Kdenlive. Is it expected that Ascii will have library issues?  ...and if not, should I report a bug somewhere?
06:49.20pav5088BTW, the error I get is : kdenlive: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `MLTPP_0.9.8' not found (required by kdenlive)
07:03.28*** join/#devuan pav5088 (
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07:09.55KatolaZpav5088: where do you see that error?
07:10.04KatolaZwhen you try to install?
07:10.41pav5088After I install...   so the package installed fine.
07:10.52KatolaZvery strange
07:10.54pav5088Perhaps it's a dependency issue?
07:11.02KatolaZdon't think so
07:11.06KatolaZthat package is in Debian stable
07:11.13KatolaZso it won't have dep issues
07:11.28*** join/#devuan pillepalle (~Thunderbi@
07:14.02KatolaZ(well, it shouldn't)
07:26.29pav5088Is Ascii the stable Devuan repo?
07:40.47KatolaZpav5088: ascii has not been released yet
07:41.26KatolaZascii merges Debian Stretch (which is the current Debian stable)
07:43.20*** join/#devuan debdog (~debdog@2a02:8070:4182:a200:7a24:afff:fe8a:d04d)
07:55.34pav5088I'm updating, purging and reinstalling to see if that makes a difference.
07:56.15pav5088Also, will check the library
07:56.42KatolaZok thanks
08:00.57pav5088Kdenlive seems to require a more recent library than what is available.
08:01.11pav5088I might check stable to see if Kdenlive is broken
08:04.12KatolaZpav5088: do you have backports enabled?
08:04.19KatolaZor other repos, like ceres?
08:04.53pav5088KatolaZ : The versions of libs I have installed seem to match Debian Stretch
08:05.42KatolaZpav5088: answer my question, pls :)
08:06.09KatolaZif you have other repos enabled, you might have clashing versions
08:07.28pav5088KatolaZ, the only other repo I have installed is VirtualBox
08:07.50KatolaZis there any bug report in debian about that?
08:08.48pav5088KatolaZ, only normal and minor bugs in debian
08:09.56KatolaZare they related?
08:11.25KatolaZthey don't seem to be related
08:12.53*** part/#devuan debdog (~debdog@2a02:8070:4182:a200:7a24:afff:fe8a:d04d)
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08:18.02pav5088KatolaZ, no...  not related.
08:19.13pav5088It SHOULD work, and noone else seems to have the problem...   I've probably just done something stupid.
08:23.12KatolaZpav5088: try to purge the package, apt-get clean, and then reinstall?
08:23.18KatolaZwhich mirror are you using?
08:25.11*** join/#devuan debdog (~debdog@2a02:8070:4182:a200:7a24:afff:fe8a:d04d)
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08:35.41golinuxpav5088: Try or ==
08:36.34KatolaZbut the problem should not be there pav5088
08:44.00*** join/#devuan konsolebox (~konsolebo@
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08:56.16golinuxKatolaz . . . I remember a mention of some differences between the three.
08:56.43golinuxAnd also reports of switching repos solving the problem.
09:33.40*** join/#devuan fugitive (
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09:43.58Vajbjust to let you know, minidlna solved my issues. Had some issues with it also, but fixed by swithing user=minidlna to user=user
09:44.08Vajbso thx for the hint
09:52.01*** join/#devuan ToffeeYogurtPots (~ToffeeYog@gateway/tor-sasl/toffeeyogurtpots)
09:52.49*** part/#devuan Vajb (
10:00.38*** join/#devuan ToffeeYogurtPots (~ToffeeYog@gateway/tor-sasl/toffeeyogurtpots)
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10:13.09fsmithredpav5088, what version of kdenlive do you have? The version of libmlt++ it's asking for is slightly newer than what's in jessie (0.9.2-2) and a lot behind what's in ascii (6.4.1-4)
10:13.27fsmithredand usually, if a .so file is missing, you need the -dev package.
10:16.23pav5088fsmithred KatolaZ something must have been very wrong with my install (which was upgraded from Debian...   so there's that).  Did a mass purge of packages and reinstalled...   this seemed to fix things.  Probably a confused dependency somewhere, though it's weird that aptitude didn't complain.
10:17.05*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
10:17.08fsmithredyou went from debian stretch?
10:17.11KatolaZpav5088: fine
10:17.27fsmithredor from jessie?
10:18.17pav5088I believe it was from stretch...   though it could have been jessie.  This was some time ago, so if it was stretch it would have been "testing".
10:18.52fsmithredoh, when versions were changing.
10:19.45pav5088nods... Can't say for sure, but if stretch in testing mode could have confused things, then perhaps it was that.
10:20.04*** join/#devuan Oldmoss (~Oldmoss@
10:20.21fsmithredis there an 'aptitude reinstall everything'?
10:22.04pav5088Would be a nice "Hail Mary" to try in an emergency.
10:22.57fsmithredthere is dpkg --get-selections and dpkg --set-selections, but you have to save the first one in a file in advance of needing it.
10:25.44KatolaZit can be achieved with a pin, I guess
10:26.24KatolaZand a successive "apt-get dist-upgrade"
10:26.25fsmithredwhat would you pin?
10:26.40KatolaZthe suite you would like
10:26.46KatolaZand the rest to -10
10:27.13KatolaZpin the suite to 1001
10:27.19fsmithredwhere can I find a debianized source for firefox57?
10:27.20KatolaZthe rest to -10
10:27.35pav5088I'm actually having crashes also ie. complete lockups, no keyboard (ie. numlock and capslock LEDs don't respond).  That kind of thing is usually caused by hardware issues usually though I suppose.
10:28.13KatolaZI guess that is the case pav5088
10:28.16pav5088But it's when I quit out of a particular game (Spring 1944), so it's not random.
10:28.23KatolaZor might be, at least
10:29.05pav5088Well, not ENTIRELY random...  three times out of four there is no crash.
10:31.56*** join/#devuan ephemer0l_ (~ephemer0l@pentoo/user/ephemer0l)
10:32.39pav5088Never tried to debug an issue that causes hard lockups, and seems somewhat related to software.  Would be nice if I had another machine I could completely substitute to see if the problem will travel with the software to a completely different machine.
10:32.59*** join/#devuan orion (
10:36.07dethapav5088: and unless you have an /exactly/ same machine (same CPU, same chipset, same NICs, same memory) it still doesn't prove anything; I have seen kernel lock-ups that happen only on machines with a particular chipset, when a particular brand USB device is active
10:37.18pav5088detha : True enough...  I guess I can't really troubleshoot any further.
10:39.25dethaserial console, or kernel debugger via serial port, is generally as far as one can get with software. (after that there are ICEs and logic analyzers, but that is waaaay above my budget)
10:39.44pav5088detha : If I had another box that was completely different that might help (if the problem travelled with the software, and therefore could be identified as a software issue).
10:40.42dethatrue, if the problem persisted it would definitely make it a software problem
10:41.26cyteenfsmithred:  57.0-1 in ceres
10:42.32fsmithredyeah, I found the source tarball on
10:42.33pav5088Never tried troubleshooting via serial port.  I guess these days you'd need an addon card (unless a USB/RJ45 dongle would serve).
10:42.42fsmithredapt-get source didn't do it.
10:50.42*** join/#devuan konsolebox (~konsolebo@
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11:20.41DocScrutinizer05I see "hw lockups" on other distros/kernels that really aren't. X11 seems notorious for its ability to hog the machine completely, if you can't switch to a reniced -15 root console with very first keypress. Once there are input events buffering up in X11 queue and not getting processed since X11 "child processes" hog the whole system, you're short on luck
11:22.57DocScrutinizer05when the input event queue fills up faster than it gets processed, and there's a backlog of unprocessed events then not even a ctrl+alt+F1 to switch to console will get processed anymore
11:28.45*** join/#devuan konsolebox (~konsolebo@
11:30.02DocScrutinizer05magic sysreq keys to the rescue ;-)
11:31.17DocScrutinizer05oh yeah, and USB, a real PITA
11:31.55*** join/#devuan cyteen (
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13:05.49*** join/#devuan DusXMT (
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13:52.00*** join/#devuan mozerelli (525e2a31@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:53.32mozerelliis there a way i can try ascii as live usb?
13:53.53mozerellimy wlan doesn
13:54.08mozerellimy wlan doesn't work under kernel version 3+
13:54.37mozerellithat's why i want to try ascii but there's no live image
13:58.20buZzthere isnt any atm, no
13:58.27buZzyou could make one
14:01.29mozerellione more question. What are the differences between a dist upgrade to ascii now and the upcoming official ascii image?
14:02.44mozerelliIIRC ascii is about to be released but are there unstable packages now in ascii?
14:03.01buZznot that i've found
14:03.21mozerellisay I do a dist upgrade to ascii now
14:03.39mozerelliwhat do I have to do when ascii officially gets released?
14:03.46fsmithredmozerelli, there are no-X refracta-ascii isos, and there are miyolinux and vuudo isos with ascii (and openbox)
14:03.48mozerelli"sudo apt-get upgrade"?
14:04.37fsmithredyes, if you upgrade now and do it periodically, you will be up-to-date when the isos are released.
14:05.08mozerelliOk thank you very much
14:05.45fsmithredascii is based on stretch, so most of the packages are stable. There's still some work to be done on packages that require systemd, and some other devuan-specific stuff (themes, eudev)
14:06.22mozerellihmm good to know
14:06.41mozerelliwhat is the expected release date?
14:06.50fsmithreddo you use a full desktop environment or just a window manager?
14:06.56mozerellifull DE
14:07.02fsmithredsomething will be out before end of year
14:07.32mozerellii'm using mate desktop
14:07.47fsmithredin devuan jessie?
14:08.36DusXMT(mate works well enough in jessie, running it now atm, the only problem is the power manager, doesn't detect the power charger being plugged and unplugged)
14:08.47mozerellion my desktop yes. But I would want to use it on my laptop too. Unfortunately, Intel 8260 Wifi is only supported under kenel 4+
14:08.58DusXMTmozerelli: You can use a backported kernel
14:09.02DusXMTdoes that
14:09.16fsmithredyes, I made a devuan-live iso with backports kernel
14:09.45mozerelliSo, that is basically jessie with a newer kernel right?
14:10.20fsmithredyes. live iso is here:
14:10.32mozerelliThank you. I'll give it a try
14:10.36fsmithredthere's also an ascii iso there with eudev and openrc, but I don't recommend it.
14:11.22fsmithredI should take it down - it has an older build of eudev which will mess you up on upgrade because of versioning.
14:12.20fsmithredmozerelli, does laptop use uefi or legacy bios?
14:13.00mozerelliI assume this is for legacy bios?
14:13.01fsmithredok, I'm pretty sure grub-efi-amd64 is installed.
14:13.08mozerelliOh ok
14:13.11fsmithredif not, the debs are in /
14:14.27mozerelliSorry for asking these simple questions but how does a dist upgrade work with a backported kernel?
14:14.43fsmithredit'll get replaced with the newer kernel
14:15.07fsmithredonly if you have linux-image-amd64 (or whatever arch) installed
14:15.20fsmithredthat's a metapackage that will always pull the newest kernel available
14:15.36fsmithredif no, you can install the newer kernel after upgrade
14:15.43mozerelliHmm i thought all of the packages got replaced except the kernel
14:15.54fsmithreddepends on if you have that metapackage or not
14:16.22fsmithredyou still have to reboot to run the new kernel.
14:19.00DusXMTmozerelli: Even with the metapackage, the dist-upgrade won't replace your old kernel per-se, it'll just be ready for `apt-get autoremove' to remove it, unless you marked the specific kernel version as manually installed
14:19.22DusXMT*it'll just install the new one besides the old one, and be ready for
14:19.38fsmithredkernel won't be autoremoved - you have to tell it to go away
14:19.55DusXMTOh, so they're marked as manually installed by default?
14:20.11fsmithredyeah, there's a list of packages apt won't autoremove.
14:20.46fsmithredSomebody probably autoremoved one and got left with a new, unworking kernel. Only takes one time.
14:21.22DusXMTYeah, I can fully imagine that
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15:06.05mozerellifsmithred: your live iso doesn't work for me
15:07.05mozerelliat startup it says mounting /dev/sdb1 on /live/medium failed
15:07.26fsmithredyou put it on usb?
15:08.04mozerelliusing rufus with UEFI and GPT
15:08.17mozerelliI am on a windows machine now
15:08.34fsmithredgpt on the usb?
15:09.04fsmithredsomeone else had trouble with rufus
15:09.14fsmithreduse the windows equivalent of dd
15:09.26fsmithredit's iso hybrid, so it will act like a CD
15:09.33fsmithredrawrite? Does that still exist?
15:10.57DusXMTThe BSD folk, to save the day again :)
15:17.08fsmithredwin32 disk imager looks like it will do it, too. Based on wikipedia description.
15:18.03mozerellialready flashed the usb with rawrite32
15:18.04*** join/#devuan targz (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
15:18.20mozerelliwill tell you if it worked
15:18.32fsmithredrawrite was my very first experience with linux - had to make boot floppies
15:18.48mozerellii'll be right back
15:23.24*** join/#devuan mozerelli_ (525e2a31@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:23.38mozerelli_fsmithred: it booted nicely into devuan
15:23.55mozerelli_checked with uname -r and it is indeed the newer kernel
15:24.05fsmithredoops - cool
15:24.55mozerelli_however it doesn't seem to have a DE by default
15:25.05mozerelli_but that won't be a problem
15:25.27fsmithredshould be xfce
15:25.34fsmithredyou didn't get there?
15:25.56mozerelli_it did boot into the shell
15:26.01fsmithredyou got the devuan-desktop-live iso, not the ascii-oblx, right?
15:26.39mozerelli_yes this one -> devuan_jessie_amd64_bpo_desktop-live-20170730_1501.iso
15:26.50fsmithredyes. should auto-login to xfce
15:27.02fsmithreddid it try that and fail?
15:27.13fsmithredlook at /var/log/Xorg.0.log
15:29.02mozerelli_ok. let me switch to the desktop for IRC as it isn't really convient switching back and forth on my laptop
15:29.13mozerelli_I'll check that out
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15:34.57mozerellifsmithred: I just checked the Xorg.0.log
15:35.14mozerelliIt says (EE) no screens found
15:35.25mozerelliFatal server error
15:35.28fsmithredwhat video hardware do you have?
15:35.33mozerelliIntel HD
15:35.43mozerelliJust the integrated graphics
15:36.30fsmithredmaybe try adding 'nomodeset' to the boot command
15:37.06mozerelliok let me try
15:38.26mozerelliit worked
15:38.48mozerellithere's one thing left and that
15:38.55mozerellis the wlan
15:39.08fsmithreddrivers are installed
15:39.15mozerelliit should work under 4.1+ but i can't see any wlan device
15:39.59fsmithredcheck if module is loaded (if you know what it's called)
15:40.17mozerellii checked using lspci -v
15:40.28fsmithredwhat's lspci say for wireless hardware?
15:40.29mozerellithere doesn't seem to be a kernel module in use
15:40.37*** part/#devuan fsmithred (
15:40.53mozerellinormally it would say "kernel in use:"
15:41.03mozerellibut there isn't any
15:43.35DusXMTmozerelli: check dmesg, perhaps it's a firmware issue
15:45.44mozerelliit seems it can't load the firmware properly
15:46.40*** join/#devuan astronavt (~astronavt@2604:2000:1343:4291:3c00:883a:8c9d:b358)
15:48.27mozerellitried modrpobe -r and then modprobe again but didn't work
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15:50.06DusXMTmozerelli: You need to get the appropriate firmware installed; download the appropriate deb (from non-free most likely), put it ionto a second USB drive, plop it in and install
15:50.20DusXMTOr pull an ethernet cable to the laptop, that's the simplest solution imho
15:51.11DusXMT(actually, pull works as well)
15:51.13*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
15:51.32fsmithredsorry, I didn't notice that I'd left the channel
15:51.32mozerellidoes devuan have a non free repo
15:51.42fsmithredyes, contrib and non-free
15:51.55mozerelliok will try that
15:52.03fsmithreddevuan merges the debian repos with our own, and filters out the packages we fixed
15:52.27fsmithred"replaces the debian packages with the ones we fixed"
15:52.38mozerellithat's nice
15:52.39fsmithredwhich are a few in comparison to the whole repo
16:02.39mozerelliok, the backports non-free repo contains the newer firmware
16:03.03mozerelliit installed and iwconfig sees the wlan device now
16:03.48fsmithredah, ok. I thought I installed the new wireless firmware, too.
16:04.10fsmithredwhich firmware package did you use? There was one from intel I didn't include.
16:04.30mozerellii just ran sudo apt-get upgrade and saw iwlwifi there
16:04.42mozerellimust be a newer version that has support for Intel 8260
16:04.44fsmithredoh, maybe it just needed a newer version.
16:04.51fsmithrediso was made in july
16:04.59mozerelliahh, that clarifies it
16:05.42mozerellinow the last step is making it visible in wicd
16:07.22fsmithredwlan0 is not default?
16:09.04mozerelliit doesn't see wlan0
16:09.18fsmithredoh, maybe new interface names?
16:09.28fsmithredip a
16:09.44mozerelliit's called wlan0 but wicd doesn't see it for some weird reason
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16:12.03fsmithredyou check preferences in wicd?
16:12.31fsmithredthe little triangle, top right. gives you a drop-down menu
16:14.08mozerelliaahh I think the network card is soft blocked
16:14.25mozerellii need it to set the state to UP I guess
16:14.36mozerellihave to rfkill it first
16:14.55mozerellias the kernel is trying to switch it off
16:16.25mozerelliyes, that was the problem
16:16.53mozerelliit works now. Pheww what a pain just to make wlan work under live-desktop :)
16:17.39fsmithredsorry. I'll make sure that wlan0 is default in future builds.
16:17.48*** part/#devuan penelopa (
16:18.15mozerelliNo need to be sorry. Actually I think it WAS the default but i am not sure.
16:18.47mozerelliThe wifi device was signaled  to switch off. I think that was the problem
16:18.49fsmithredwill check if/when the time comes
16:19.13fsmithredprobably won't need to update the backports iso - ascii will be available
16:19.51mozerellijust a matter of weeks I guess
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16:24.14mozerellianyway thank you for helping me
16:24.38mozerellireally appreciate it
16:24.59fsmithredyeah, weeks. I'm itching to make ascii live isos
16:25.12fsmithredactually have made a few, and they work
16:27.24mozerelliany reason for making your own isos except for the older kernel?
16:28.29fsmithredwell, I'm the maintainer for devuan-live, so I kinda have to make isos.
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16:30.29mozerellioh didn't know that :))
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16:45.53*** join/#devuan Nisse_ (54d8fab2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:47.45Nisse_Hi, I'm trying Refracta and get fsck exited with status 8 on a fresh install. I suspect it has to do with encrypted home and fstab... Anyone got some hints?
16:56.32fsmithredNisse_, what volume is it checking?
16:56.55fsmithredand what does status 8 mean? Maybe not a filesystem?
16:57.50Nisse_the home volume, i'm now trying changing /dev/sda4 to /dev/mapper/home_fs
16:59.12fsmithredchanging it where?
16:59.37Nisse_Now it works, was jumping the gun, sorry :p
17:00.56fsmithredif you plan on making a snapshot of your installation, check the readme regarding encryption
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17:03.39Nisse_no, will be fixed installation, but thanks
17:04.29fsmithreddid the installer create an incorrect fstab?
17:05.56Nisse_I think it created a "standard" /dev/sdax instead of /dev/mapper/home_fs
17:06.23fsmithredshit. Thanks. What options did you use?
17:06.35fsmithred(note: if it did something wrong, I'm the one who has to fix it.)
17:07.59Nisse_I used the gui so not sure if I can see all options used, but I just chose encrypted home and during format the yes no questions, just yes on everything
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17:08.53fsmithredok, thanks. That helps.
17:09.10Nisse_I was just happy to not have to use cryptsetup this and that which I failed on a gentoo installation in the past :)
17:09.13fsmithredI'll be updating the gui installer soon, so I will get to test it.
17:10.01fsmithredI learned shell scripting so I wouldn't have to memorize long commands.
17:10.10Nisse_I think I have another issue. I chose a new name for regular user but I can't login. It didn't create a new home directory but I can see a default "user" directory
17:10.24fsmithredoh, something definitely went wrong
17:10.25Nisse_It's listed in /etc/groups
17:12.29fsmithredyou could check the error log, but there's probably nothing of interest unless you ran it in debug mode.
17:12.42fsmithredwhich will be the default in the next version.
17:16.40fsmithredNisse_, please look in /var/log/refractainstaller_error.log. Maybe usermod failed.
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17:19.09Nisse_Nothing about useradd or usermod there. I created a home directory manually and now the user can login without problems so doesn't seem to be anything more than that at least
17:20.58Nisse_I got some Glib-critical about g_source_remove assertion tag > 0 though which is beyond me. Apart from that just localgeneration and mke2fs without errors
17:24.42gnarfaceNisse_: use adduser/addgroup
17:24.59gnarfaceafaik useradd/usermod are just there for legacy reasons.  they skip a lot of the expected initial setup
17:25.13gnarface(just fyi)
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17:29.50Nisse_I don't know what the original command was as I didn't run with debug. Still, quite smooth installation for a distro with a smaller userbase. I tried artix first and just gave up...
17:33.04fsmithredgnarface, usermod is used to change the user's name, group and home
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18:01.39Nisse_If a package that can be upgraded has a +deb8 or similar but same version otherwise. What does this generally mean?
18:03.05fsmithredeighth revision
18:03.46Nisse_"This change is not coming from a source that supports changelogs" made me curious
18:03.55fsmithredno, I'm wrong
18:04.02fsmithred+deb8 means jessie
18:04.30fsmithred+deb8.1 would be the next revision
18:04.45fsmithrednever saw that message
18:04.58fsmithredwhat package?
18:05.27Nisse_I just picked one on random, libxfont1 and then get changelog
18:05.31Nisse_in synaptics
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18:07.09mozerelliis it possible to save session on desktop-live
18:07.19Nisse_Not really an issue, just wondering how the versioning works with those distrospecific suffixes
18:07.26gnarfaceNisse_: strange, it has a changelog here on ceres...
18:07.28mozerelliand keeping all the packages that just have been installed
18:08.11gnarfaceNisse_: what do you see in /usr/share/doc/libxfont1/ if you install it?
18:09.27gnarfaceNisse_: i think for example with libxfont1, 1:1.5.2-4  < libxfont1, upstream version 1.5.2, - repackaged 4 times
18:10.26gnarfacemozerelli: there's something called persistence you can enable.  it's kinda an ugly hack but it's not hard to do
18:11.25gnarfacemozerelli: there's also something called refracta installer you can use to just install it to a storage device as-is
18:12.01mozerelliI just want to keep the image on the storage device
18:12.08mozerelliI'll look into persistence
18:12.17fsmithredmozerelli, I'm not sure what you're trying to do.
18:12.25fsmithredDid you install stuff in the live session?
18:12.41mozerellii want to keep that stuff on the usb
18:12.54fsmithredyou have to make the usb a different way for that to work
18:13.02fsmithreddo you have another usb stick you can use?
18:13.32fsmithredinstall refracta2usb in the live session, then you can make a new live-usb from that session
18:13.49mozerellialright. thank you
18:13.51fsmithredoh, I don't think that will preserve your changes, though
18:13.53gnarfacethat's probably easier than the old persistence hack
18:14.17gnarfacethe persistence hack involves adding partitions
18:14.30fsmithredit just runs the commands for you to make the persistent volume, and it creates the boot menu entry, so yeah, it's easier
18:14.31Nisse_gnarface well I upgraded and no change on local changelog
18:14.47fsmithredyou still have to make a partition
18:15.07mozerellias long as i will be able to write changes to the usb, i'll be ok
18:15.33mozerellithat's after I run refracta2usb if i'm right
18:15.40fsmithredyeah, anything extra you installed in this live session will need to be reinstalled when you boot the other stick with persistence
18:16.05mozerellibut it will be permanent right
18:16.21mozerellithat's what persistence means I think
18:16.22fsmithredyeah. There are a few separate procedures to do. And yes, the changes will be kept.
18:16.35gnarfaceNisse_: well, if they made a change to the package itself, not what was in it, that would be normal
18:16.36mozerelliok I'll try that out
18:16.39gnarfaceNisse_: (i think)
18:16.51fsmithredif you want to get fancy, you can make the second partition and then use a loopback file for persistence.
18:17.24fsmithredthen you can have multiple persistent volumes, either for multiple live isos or different ones for the same live system.
18:17.56gnarfaceNisse_: as indication, you'd notice the upstream version component (the part before the "-") would not change but the part after it would iterate
18:18.42fsmithredmozerelli, do you need a link for refracta2usb?
18:18.54gnarfacemozerelli: just a word of caution - i did kill a USB key doing this once.  the amount of wear caused during normal use will be massively increased
18:19.33gnarfacemozerelli: don't do it with your last USB key, or one that has sentimental value
18:20.10fsmithredI've killed enough of them that I no longer get sentimental
18:20.33fsmithredwell, except for the kingston - it's a really nice blue color.
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18:20.49fsmithredand boots with grub
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18:51.13mozerellifsmithred: yes, that would be great
18:51.25mozerellignarface: thanks, i'll keep that in mind
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19:13.17mozerellifsmithred: is refracta2usb the one that's on github?
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19:30.10mozerellinever mind I found it on sourceforge and installed it manually with dpkg
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19:52.17fsmithredsorry, I was afk.
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20:16.39gnarfaceupdated my jessie streaming box to ascii
20:16.44gnarfaceeverything went without a hitch
20:16.51gnarfacemy only complaint is that i hate the new mouse cursor
20:17.44gnarfacewould have preferred no change
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20:23.01fsmithredgnarface, is that in xfce?
20:24.00fsmithredis there a mouse them you can change, or just built in?
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20:45.34golinuxUse the Mate cursor theme.  I have the classic gnome posted here:
20:46.10golinuxgnarface: ^^^  I also have the classic gnome theme posted somewhere
20:55.01golinuxgnarface: Here you go:
20:55.55golinuxI don't like the adwaita cursor either
20:56.41golinuxMaking some progress with inkscape.  Thanks again for your help.
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21:33.00gnarfaceno problem golinux
21:33.43gnarfaceit's somewhat unpolished still, but they version it appropriately and it's a really nice concept for a vector drawing tool (the whole SVG native thing)
21:34.11gnarfacei like to see people using open standards for what they're for
21:34.53gnarfacei think the proprietary software industry as a whole, really undervalues the true potential of SVG
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22:48.49mozerelliwhich repo does have the regular firefox
22:51.10nepugiathe normal repo?
22:52.29gnarfacethere should be a firefox and firefox-esr package both... i think
22:52.35mozerellii am not talking about firefox
22:52.47mozerellijust the regular firefox
22:53.04mozerellii can't find the normal firefox package
22:54.20fsmithredonly plain firefox I see is 57 in sid/ceres
22:54.22nepugiafirefox esr is the "regular" firefox
22:54.31fsmithredyeah, that.
22:56.31fsmithred52.5.0esr-1~deb8u1 in jessie-security
22:57.45fsmithredif you want the latest, you can download from mozilla and unpack it in your home
22:58.02mozerelliI just added ceres repo
22:58.17mozerellifrom there I can install firefox 57
22:58.29fsmithredyeah, but be very careful
22:58.44fsmithredyou don't want to pull in anything else from ceres
22:59.39fsmithredholy shit! You don't want to do that.
22:59.53mozerelliit already started installing libc6
22:59.53KatolaZmozerelli: pin ceres down to 100
22:59.59fsmithredI just did a simulated install of it, and it wants to upgrade way too much
23:00.06Xenguymakes popcorn...
23:00.10KatolaZmozerelli: you are up for a big mess-up...
23:00.21mozerellipin down to 100. what does that mean
23:00.22fsmithredno, sorry, it wants to remove 102 packages
23:00.44fsmithredsafer if you just download the tarball from mozilla
23:01.07fsmithredand it should work. I had a beta of 58 running on jessie that way
23:02.15fsmithredif you have addons from an earlier version, it will trash them
23:02.59mozerellino I don't use addons besides ublock origin
23:03.31mozerellithere is a newer version anyway
23:04.15mozerelliBut what did KatolaZ mean with pinning the repo down to 100?
23:04.32fsmithredyou can pin package priorities
23:04.36KatolaZmozerelli: putting the ceres repo to a lower priority
23:04.40KatolaZthan the other ones
23:04.42fsmithredso that they don't get installed first
23:04.52fsmithredhigher priority gets preference
23:05.25mozerelliSay I want to install a package which is only in ceres. This is the recommended aproach?
23:05.41KatolaZthe recommended approach is to not mix releases
23:06.02KatolaZif you mix repos of different releases/distros you are normally on your own
23:06.18KatolaZand you are supposed to be able to get out of trouble when you run into them
23:06.29KatolaZ(and you will eventually run into problem by doing that)
23:06.52mozerellithe last time I wanted a package which was only available in debian testing
23:07.00mozerelliit messed my system up for sure
23:07.29KatolaZmozerelli: if you want always the latest package available in xxxx, then maybe De**an stable is not your cookie
23:07.51mozerelliI don't want always the latest package available
23:07.58mozerelliI want a stable system
23:08.07mozerellibut sometimes I want to try out something new
23:08.18KatolaZthen use a VM, maybe
23:08.30KatolaZ"trying something new" is not for free
23:08.40KatolaZsince compiled packages have dependencies
23:08.54KatolaZunless you are up for compiling the stuff you want to try out
23:09.18mozerelliAnd I am developing application in java. I don't think de***an stable always maintains the latest IDE, say IntelliJ.
23:09.34mozerellifor example
23:10.14mozerelliI don't even know if de***an stable maintains the latest Java RE and JDK
23:10.33KatolaZI guess intelliJ is not free software, right?
23:10.49mozerelliIt's not.
23:11.04mozerelliBut I can't just live off of free software
23:11.15nepugiamozerelli: what you want sounds more like bsd and less like linux to me
23:11.16mozerelliUnfortunately I have to use non-free software to make a living
23:11.43mozerellinepugia: how so?
23:11.54KatolaZmozerelli: I am just saying that you can't find intelliJ in any linux distro
23:11.58KatolaZby default, at least
23:12.30mozerelliWell, I have used Arch before. And in that distro everything was bleeding edge.
23:12.38mozerelliIncluding IntelliJ
23:12.55mozerelliBut for me the whole system was broken
23:13.18mozerelliI just want a stable linux system. With newer dev tools if possible
23:13.29mozerelliAm I demanding too much?
23:13.52KatolaZI am just saying that maybe de**an stable is not what you are looking for then :)
23:14.17mozerelliBut then I might have a not-so reliable system :)
23:14.21KatolaZunless you are willing to compile or otherwise install the newer tools
23:14.28KatolaZmozerelli: you can't have everything
23:14.36mozerelliI don't want to have the same experience with Arch
23:14.51mozerelliIt's so easy to mess everything up in that distro
23:14.54nepugia> I just want a stable linux system. With newer dev tools if possible
23:14.54nepugiathe stable system with newer tools i have never soon on linux, only on bsd
23:15.19KatolaZand neither in BSD, maybe
23:15.32KatolaZsince bleeding edge ports have their issues as well
23:15.39KatolaZand, BTW, you have to compile them
23:16.12nepugiayou meen ports? well no actually you do not have to :)
23:16.19mozerelliWhich OpenJDK version does jessie have right now. Let me check
23:16.38mozerelliHmm.. It's not so bad then
23:16.39nepugiapretty aure its 8
23:17.05nepugia(though might be only in backports not sure)
23:17.26mozerelliand openjdk 9 in ascii?
23:17.30mozerelliI hope so
23:17.35KatolaZ8 is in backports
23:17.43KatolaZ8 in in jessie-backports
23:18.06KatolaZand 9 is in ascii-backports
23:18.28mozerelliare those backports stable?
23:19.06nepugia(this beeing my experience with them anyway :D )
23:19.21mozerelliHow come ascii have backports when it isn't even released officially yet?
23:19.36mozerellior a backports repo
23:19.58fsmithredbecause ascii pulls packages from stretch
23:20.13mozerelliOo that's right. Forgot about that
23:20.34fsmithredascii is more stable than we say it is
23:21.37MinceRby saying that, you've triggered an infinite loop
23:21.51fsmithredruns away
23:21.56KatolaZMinceR: ?
23:23.29MinceRKatolaZ: let 'x' be the degree of stability ascii a set of people including fsmithred claims; he just said x=x+y, where y is positive
23:24.24gnarfacehere's the way i think of it
23:24.30gnarface*microsoft* would have called it done already
23:25.23nepugiathat bad huh?
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23:26.47KatolaZMinceR: I see :)
23:27.54MinceRthat's saying nothing, they sell everything as done
23:28.20gnarfacemicrosoft would have shipped it months ago and feigned surprise at every broken gnome package
23:29.04mozerelliand yet call it a feature
23:30.47nepugiais gnome not working a feature?
23:31.15mozerelliat M$ it probably is
23:32.01MinceRgnome is broken because that's what the typical user is accustomed to
23:36.00gnarfacewhat is the status of gnome right now in ascii?
23:36.11gnarfacenot that i'm gonna use it, but it keeps coming up
23:38.19KatolaZdunno gnarface
23:38.34KatolaZI stopped using gnome a while ago
23:39.35mozerelliwhat do you guys think of gtk3? Is it an utter mess like some people are claiming it to be?
23:40.17MinceRit is
23:40.35MinceRthey put half a window manager in it, and kicked some of gimp's widgets out
23:40.41MinceRat didn't fare much better
23:40.53MinceRthat has half a window manager in it as well, plus most of a web browser
23:41.36mozerelliYeah. I wanted to do some tweaking. And to my great surprise, I saw some HTML5 code.
23:41.58mozerelliHTML5 code in a desktop environment? What the hell they were thinking?
23:42.24MinceRthat they were making a "modern" widget toolkit
23:42.31KatolaZwell, if you think that Aqua is postscript...
23:42.38MinceRor that they had to boost hardware sales
23:42.43specingmozerelli: KDE now has their own web renderer
23:43.16specingMinceR: stahp, you are going to wreck our terminals
23:43.25mozerelliwhat happened to Vala? Why HTML5?
23:43.58mozerellispecing: isn't that the same renderer used in Konqueror?
23:44.48specingidk, but it is called webEngine  or something
23:45.07MinceRQtWebEngine is Blink built into Qt
23:45.23MinceRand i think they kicked KHTML out of Konqueror a while ago
23:46.17mozerellican't you just use good old c++ to create widgets?
23:46.26MinceRyou probably can
23:46.37mozerelli(of course that would cancel out a shitload of hipsters)
23:46.41MinceRbut if you want to build qt5, you'll still end up building half a windowing system and most of a web browser
23:46.43mozerellihence the choice for HTML5
23:47.50mozerelliHow does building qt5 result in 50 window system / 50 web browser. Isn't that just a framework?
23:48.02mozerelliDo you mean KDE or?
23:48.50mozerelliOr Qt apps?
23:48.57MinceRno, i meant the qt5 library itself
23:49.24MinceRsupporting CSD (for wayland) means drawing window decorations and handling them
23:49.33MinceRand QtWebEngine being included means having to build Blink
23:50.28mozerelliWhat's qtwebengine needed for. The first thing I can think of is having "web view" containers in applications
23:50.47MinceRand web browsers
23:53.22mozerelliSo it's not that strange then. Every major UI framework has it right? JavaFX, Cocoa, WPF and so on
23:53.54MinceRdunno, it didn't make a build last for hours and then fail to finish for me before
23:53.56mozerelliI can't see why is having a webengine in a UI framework bad
23:54.10MinceRbecause it's the single most bloated thing one can put in there
23:54.14MinceRit should be a separate library
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23:56.10mozerelliwell that's just the nature of every framework. Every one of them seems to be wanting to push a certain rendering engine.
23:56.26mozerelliBut I agree that it should be a separate library
23:57.01MinceRespecially if one considers that it's also the part of the framework that is going to receive security updates most often
23:59.21mozerelliThe big companies like MS, Apple and Google for example do that already IIRC.
23:59.51MinceRyeah, they do lots of things wrong

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